Armenian surnames - list in alphabetical order. How do Armenian male surnames decline and end?

The emergence of Armenian surnames.

History of Armenian surnames– a relatively new phenomenon. We can say that Armenians' surnames were formed in XIX-XX centuries, when the surname became an indispensable attribute of naming a person. However, even before, the concept of “azganun” existed among Armenians, which means the name of the clan, which to some extent replaced the surname. Such names belonged to representatives of power, indicating their place in society or closeness to the royal family.

Etymology of Armenian surnames.

The meaning of Armenian surnames the most varied. Basically, Armenian surnames are formed from the name of an authoritative ancestor using various suffixes. If you look list of Armenian surnames in alphabetical order, you can notice the advantage of surnames ending in -yan (Petrosyan, Hovsepyan, Chakhalyan, Margaryan). The suffixes -ents, -uni, -unts, -onts (Bagratuni, Adonts, Mamunts, Kalvarents) spoke about belonging to a noble family.

Armenians are a people of artisans; their profession often became hallmark family and formed the basis of the surname (Kartashyan the mason, Ekimyan the doctor, Zhamagortsyan the watchmaker). There are especially many such surnames among Western Armenians, who for centuries were under the rule of Turkey and firmly occupied the niche of artisans there. Interpretation these Armenian surnames rests on the Turkish words - Demirchyan (demirchi-blacksmith), Bardakchyan (bardakchi-potter), Mumjyan (mumji-candlestick).

Dictionary of Armenian surnames includes surnames that were formed on the basis of any characteristics of a person. For example, Barseghyan means "fertile", Gamburyan is related to the Turkish word "kambur" - hunchbacked, and Shishmanyan means "fat".

Some surnames indicated the area where the person came from - Arzumanyan (from the city of Erzurum), Karnetsyan (from the city of Kartsi), Meletyan (resident of the city of Melet). Special group form surnames with the prefixes “melik”- and “ter”-. The first belonged noble class, and the second was used by clergy and had the meaning “father”, “father”. IN Soviet time many Armenians have abandoned these “titles”, but are now returning the ancient additions to their surnames - Ter-Petrosyan, Melik-Papashyan.

Transformation of Armenian surnames in Russian.

The close proximity to Russian culture and the residence of many Armenians on the territory of Russia led to the fact that some Armenian surnames changed their endings following the example of the Russians - Sarkisyan-Sarkisov, Ayvazyan-Ayvazov. Such Armenian surnames have gender differences (Sarkisov-Sarkisova). Declension such Armenian surnames the same as the Russians. The remaining surnames are the same for men and women and change according to cases only in the masculine gender.

Top Armenian surnames shows which of them are most widespread and popular.

Even in the Middle Ages, surnames were borne by noble people, princes and royalty. Now, at birth, every child receives a family name.

Each country has its own traditions and history of origin. Read about the most beautiful Armenian names and surnames.

Origin of Armenian surnames

In ancient times, people did not have surnames. The population density was low, so names were rarely repeated.

With the increase in the number of people, the need arose to call a person differently. Several men named Aram or Garnik could live in one settlement. A way out of the situation was found.

When mentioning a person, his family affiliation was indicated - son of Anahit, grandson of Aram. But difficulties arose again.

Therefore, people in Armenia began to add the ending “yang” to their proper name. This is how traditional army surnames were born.

There were several ways to form a surname:

  1. On behalf of the father with the addition of an ending.
  2. By type of human activity.
  3. Depending on place of birth or residence.

Shirakatsi, Tatevatsi - versions indicating where a person was born. Magistros, Kertoh - surnames formed from professional affiliation.

Subsequently, the family name given at birth began to be inherited.

Important! In ancient times, only representatives of a noble family had surnames.

Until the 19th century, only first names were used. However, from the pages of the Bible it is known that during the reign of the Gaykids, representatives of Armenian nationality were found in religious history.

The tribes of Janaris, Aghuvans, Karmanians, and Dzotians inhabited the territory of modern Armenia at that time.

Important! Historical background indicate the first noble army surname - “azganun”, which translates as “family name”.

List of popular female names

Each name has special meaning. When naming, a person's character depends in part on the name he receives. Armenian versions sound very beautiful and melodic. Female versions of names have been formed for centuries.

They can be divided by origin into 5 groups, which indicate distinctive features:

  1. Title affiliation.
  2. Nobility of origin.
  3. Professional employment.
  4. Place of Birth.

In addition to melody and euphony, Armenian names differ deep meaning. The girl grows up in the image of her naming. The newborn was often named after the queen, the goddess.

With semantic meaning Armenian versions can be found in the table:

Name Meaning
Anush Sweet
Anahit Goddess mother
Alvan Alaya
Amest Modest
Almast Diamond
Azatuhi Free
Ani From the name of the medieval capital of Armenia
Armine Fate
Astrik Star
Hasmik Jasmine
Araika Granted supreme god Arai
Araksi Along the Araks River
Arevik Sun
Arus Solar
Ashkhen Heavenly
Batil Snowflake
Vargina Chaste
Varsenik Long-haired
Vartiter pink rosette
Voskinar Golden
Garunik Spring
Gayane Earthly
Egina Aiming towards the sun
Eranui Blessed
Zara Gold
Zarui Fire Temple Priestess
Karine Generous
Leila Night
Liana Thin
Lilith Night
Manet Goddess of the morning
Marina Marine
Margaret Pearl
Mariam Maria
Metaxia Silk
Milena Darling
Naira Free
Nazan Graceful
Nana Mother
Narine Woman
Well no Hearth Keeper
Ruzanna Rose
Sate Divine
Siranush Love
Sirun Beautiful
Sophie Wise
Tsiatsane Rainbow
Shagane Pious
Shushan Lily
Helen Light
Ermina Courageous
Eteri Ether

Many Armenian female names based on male versions. At birth, a girl can be named in honor of the great commander, grandfather, adding to male version suffix "uht" and "ui".

This ending of the word literally means “daughter”. And now such complaints convey the character of the owner and his external data. Even Russian children are called with especially euphonious Armenian names.

Beautiful Armenian surnames

The Armenians lived in small groups, so they developed surnames later than other tribes. Some people could be identified by a distinctive character trait, others by their paternal lineage.

Surnames spoke of the nobility of the family, the dignity of the person who bears it. To this day, Armenians bear the names of their fathers with honor.

Check out the list of the most popular surnames:

  • Abazyan.
  • Abeghyan.
  • Abgaryan.
  • Agasyan.
  • Ayvazyan.
  • Aloyan.
  • Alemyan.
  • Amaryan.
  • Asikyan.
  • Ayanyan.
  • Babalyan.
  • Bagarian.
  • Bagumyan.
  • Balavian.
  • Barinyan.
  • Busoyan.
  • Gagatyan.
  • Galanyan.
  • Giriyan.
  • Gurshunyan.
  • Davoyan.
  • Devoyan.
  • Dzhigarkhanyan.
  • Divarian.
  • Dushukyan.
  • Yekmalyan.
  • Yenkolopyan.
  • Yesayan.
  • Zavaryan.
  • Zakarian.
  • Zurabyan.
  • Kazaryan.
  • Karapetyan.
  • Kumaryan.
  • Kusheryan.
  • Lavazanyan.
  • Latoyan.
  • Lokmanyan.
  • Longuryan.
  • Luloyan.
  • Makaryan.
  • Mersisyan.
  • Mudiryan.
  • Muradyan.
  • Nagaryan.
  • Namazyan.
  • Narzakyan.
  • Narkizyan.
  • Nursisyan.
  • Hovokyan.
  • Oganesyan.
  • Ohikyan.
  • Pamusyan.
  • Panosyan.
  • Petrosyan.
  • Pogasyan.
  • Prutonyan.
  • Ramazyan.
  • Rashoyan.
  • Rabumyan.
  • Sagaryan.
  • Sargsyan.
  • Sadagyan.
  • Saloyan.
  • Tarunyan.
  • Tutumyan.
  • Tatosyan.
  • Urutyan.
  • Ushanyan.
  • Udumyan.
  • Farjian.
  • Farmanyan.
  • Haleyan.
  • Khotaryan.
  • Kholutyan.
  • Khutikyan.
  • Yumiyan.
  • Yamilyan.
  • Yamiyan.
  • Yamiryan.

There are many Armenians in Russia. Children go to school, parents take jobs. According to the rules of the Russian language female surnames retain their shape when declined.

Masculine variants that end in the suffix "yang" are declined according to the standard rules.

Important! Over time, the ending “ts” disappeared from the generic dialect.

Most Popular aristocratic surnames appeared in the Middle Ages, but became widespread at the beginning of the 19th century. These are Mamikonyan, Artsruni, Amatuni, Rshtuni.

When mentioning noble families, the words “azg” and “tun” were added to the surnames. Over time, family nicknames appeared among peasants and artisans: Khatstukhyan (baker), Voskerchyan (jeweler), Kartashyan (mason), etc.

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The surname, in Armenian “azganun”, means the name of the clan. In the Middle Ages, generic names practically did not exist. If there was a need for a name, then it happened like this: if several Arams or several Anaits lived in one settlement, then the residents identified them in different ways: for example, Aram, the grandson of Garnik, or Aram, the grandson of Hayk. Sometimes, for nicknames, worldly nicknames were used, characterizing a recognizable feature of a person, for example, the lame Amayak or Anahit, who has twelve children.

The need to form surnames arose due to the development of society and increased migration of the population. People began to move more often from one area to another, so it became necessary to give people “stable” nicknames, which over time evolved into Armenian surnames. In those days, a tradition arose to indicate along with the name the place where he came from. originally a person, for example: Grigor Tatevatsi, Anania Shirakatsi, etc. Or, to name a person, they used his profession - Mkrtich Nakhash, Nikohayos Tsakhkarar, David Kertoh, Grigor Magistros, etc.

Over time, already in the Middle Ages, surnames began to appear in aristocratic Armenian families - Mamikonyan, Artsruni, Amatuni, Rshtuni. When mentioning noble families, the words “azg” (“clan”) or “tun” (“house”, “smoke”) were added to the surnames. For example, “Clan of Mamikonyans”, “Clan of Rshtuni”, or “House of Artsruni”, etc. Over time, family nicknames appeared among peasants and artisans. For example, Khatstukhyan (baker), Voskerchyan (jeweler), Kartashyan (mason), etc.

Armenian surnames also reflect a person’s nickname, characterizing his appearance or character traits (Chakhatyan - fox, Karchikyan - dwarf) and others. In most cases, Armenian surnames are derived from the name of the founder of the clan, to which a prefix or suffix was added to express kinship or affiliation - “yan”, “yantz”, “ents”, “unz”, “onts”, “uni”. The most common surnames ending in “yan” (Chakhalyan, Aramyan, Zhamkochyan), etc. “Yan” was formed from the form “yants” and also means “ents” (Margaryan - Margaryants - Margarents, that is, belonging to the Margara family). Armenian surnames with the suffix “uni” were inherent in the Naharar families (Bagratuni, Amatuni, Rshtuni) as a feature of belonging to a noble Armenian family. Armenian surnames with the suffixes “ents”, “unz”, “onts” are common in Zangezur, for example, Adonts, Bakunts, Mamunts, Kalvarents and also mean belonging to a noble family.

During the census and certification of the population, the surnames of some Armenians living in Russia “Russified”, the ending “ts” was sometimes discarded. This happened for two reasons: either as a result of a copyist's error, or as a result of a conscious choice. The history of each Armenian surname is interesting and original. Surnames did not just appear. Every surname is based on interesting story its formation with its principles, stages of evolution, lies in every Armenian surname certain meaning, which modern science is trying to solve philological science- onomastics.

Origin of Armenian surnames

The surname, in Armenian “azganun”, means the name of the clan. In the Middle Ages, generic names practically did not exist. If there was a need for a name, it happened like this: if several Arams or several Anaits lived in one settlement, then the residents defined them in different ways: for example, Aram, the grandson of Garnik, or Aram, the grandson of Hayk. Sometimes, for nicknames, worldly nicknames were used that characterize a recognizable feature of a person, for example, the lame Amayak or Anahit, who has twelve children.

The need to form surnames arose due to the development of society and increased migration of the population. People began to move more often from one area to another, so it became necessary to give people “stable” nicknames, which over time evolved into Armenian surnames. In those days, it became common to indicate along with the name the place where the person came from, for example: Grigor Tatevatsi, Anania Shirakatsi, etc. Or, to name a person, they used his profession - Mkrtich Nakhash, Nikohayos Tsakhkarar, David Kertoh, Grigor Magistros and etc.

Similar processes occurred during the formation of surnames for almost everyone peoples of the world. For example, from the names of the area where a person was from, such Russian surnames as Kazantsev (from the city of Kazan), Novgorodtsev (from the city of Novgorod) originated. Such Russian surnames as Kuznetsov, Goncharov, or Ukrainian surname Kovalenko (Koval means blacksmith in Ukrainian).

Types of Armenian surnames. Endings in Armenian surnames

Over time, already in the Middle Ages, surnames began to appear in aristocratic Armenian families - Mamikonyan, Artsruni, Amatuni, Rshtuni. When mentioning noble families, the words “azg” (“clan”) or “tun” (“house”, “smoke”) were added to the surnames. For example, “Clan of Mamikonyans”, “Clan of Rshtuni”, or “House of Artsruni”, etc.

Over time, family nicknames appeared among peasants and artisans. For example, Khatstukhyan (baker), Voskerchyan (jeweler), Kartashyan (mason), etc.

Armenian surnames also reflect a person’s nickname, characterizing his appearance or character traits (Chakhatyan - fox, Karchikyan - dwarf) and others.

In most cases, Armenian surnames are derived from the name of the founder of the clan, to which a prefix or suffix was added, expressing kinship, or affiliation, or - “yan”, “yantz”, “ents”, “unz”, “onts”, “uni”.

The most common surnames ending in “yan” (Chakhalyan, Aramyan, Zhamkochyan), etc. “Yan” was formed from the form “yants”, and also means “ents” (Margaryan - Margaryants - Margarents, that is, belonging to the Margara family).

Armenian surnames with the suffix “uni” were characteristic of Naharar families (Bagratuni, Amatuni, Rshtuni), as a feature of belonging to a noble Armenian family.

Armenian surnames with the suffixes “ents”, “unz”, “onts” are common in Zangezur, for example, Adonts, Bakunts, Mamunts, Kalvarents and also mean belonging to a noble family.

Evolution of Armenian surnames

During the census and certification of the population, the surnames of some Armenians living in Russia “Russified”, the ending “ts” was sometimes discarded. This happened for dubious reasons, either as a result of a copyist's error, or as a result of a conscious choice. The history of each Armenian surname is interesting and original. Surnames did not just appear. Each surname is based on an interesting history of its formation with its own principles, stages of evolution, each Armenian surname has a certain meaning, the solution of which is being solved by modern philological science - onomastics.

History of Armenian surnames, using the example of the surname Chakhalyan

Research Institute "Center for the Study of Surnames" long years is engaged in scientific research of surnames of the peoples of the world, including Armenian surnames. Our Center has carried out work to study several hundred Armenian surnames. We invite you to familiarize yourself with an example of the Armenian surname Chakhalyan that we researched.

At the Research Institute "Center for the Study of Surnames" you can order a scientific study of the Armenian surname, as well as the surnames of other peoples of the world as a gift to yourself, your family, friends and loved ones!!!

The surname Chakhalyan is one of the very rare Armenian surnames, the origin of which is associated with the borrowing of words from the languages ​​of the peoples neighboring Armenia.

Armenians (self-name - hai) - one of ancient peoples world, the formation of which as a nation began in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. The ancient core of Armenia was the population of the northeastern part of Asia Minor. This country was called Armatana in Hittite inscriptions (XVI-XV centuries BC), and later (XIV-XIII centuries BC) Hayasa. Since ancient times, Armenia had to fight with numerous conquerors. They were the Cimmerians, Scythians, Persians, Romans, Parthians, Byzantines, Arabs, Turks. In the fight against them, the Armenian nation strengthened and developed. The era of Turkish rule left the most difficult mark on the history of the Armenian people. But despite everything, the Armenian people created a high and unique culture that entered the treasury of world culture.

According to the time of their origin, Armenian surnames are among the most ancient in the world. The surname (“azganun”) in Armenian means the name of the clan. Armenian surnames, as a rule, are formed from the name of the revered ancestor, to which is added an ending expressing belonging to the clan - “yan”, “yantz”, “ents”, “unz”, “onts”, “uni”. The most common surnames are those ending in “Yang”. "Yang" was formed from the form "Yantz", going back to oldest form“ents”, which means “from such and such a family.” The surname Chakhalyan therefore means “from the Chahal family.”

However, neither the word nor the name Chahal is in the Armenian language. The nickname Chahal, apparently, was formed on the basis of other languages. There are two versions of the origin of the Chakhalyan surname: Crimean Tatar and Persian.

It is known that even in ancient times on the banks of the Crimea, Kuban and the Caucasus were formed Greek colonies. They existed until the Middle Ages, and some, for example, in Crimea, much longer. They were multinational in composition. Communities of Armenian merchants and artisans were also prominent ethnic group. From the Greek word “chukalas” the Crimean Tatar word “chakala” was formed, which in the Crimean cities was used to describe skilled pottery masters who made clay vessels of the finest workmanship, very popular among the Crimean Tatar nobility. It is possible that the nickname Chahal may go back precisely to the word “chakala”, and means “skilled potter”. What is surprising is that in this case the surname Chakhalyan is close in origin and even consonant with such a well-known Russian surname too Tatar origin, which was worn by the great Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov. His surname is also derived from the Crimean Tatar word “chakala”.

Another, more romantic and, perhaps, even heroic version of the origin of the Chakhalyan surname is quite probable. Translated from Persian, the word Chahal, which, by the way, was included in Turkish language, means "jackal". We must assume that this is exactly what the Persian and Turkish conquerors called the Armenian rebels who tried to fight with arms in their hands for the independence of their homeland. Among them was the founder of the Chakhalyan family, who took the nickname Chahal. After all, it is well known that an insult from the lips of an angry enemy is the best praise for a warrior.

Over the long centuries of our bright and eventful much of history has been forgotten and has become a thing of the past ancient traditions and customs, crafts disappeared, the language changed. It is all the more important and interesting for descendants to preserve the memory of the reasons for the appearance of a name or nickname that became the basis of their surname - a precious monument of national culture.

Bibliographical sources:
Garibyan A.S. Short course Armenian language. Yerevan, 1960

Bryusov V.Ya. Chronicle historical destinies Armenian people. M., 1918

Baskakov N.A. Introduction to Study Turkic languages. M., 1969

© Research Institute “Center for the Study of Surnames”

How to find out a person’s nationality if there is no way to ask him himself? There are several ways: you can listen to the speech and take a closer look at the appearance, trying to identify characteristics. Still simple, but effective method- analyze the surname. If it ends in “yang”, “an”, “ents”, it is likely that the person you are interested in is Armenian.

Armenian names and surnames

Initially, the inhabitants of this land did not have full names, since there was no need for them. The Armenians lived in small groups and knew each other very well. If there were several people in the village who had the same name, those around them found distinctive characteristics and added them to the family names: according to a similar principle, surnames appeared among many peoples, including Russians.

The origin of Armenian surnames can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when active trade began and craftsmanship was separated from agriculture. In this era, people no longer needed only a nickname. To understand who we're talking about, people, talking about each other, added to the name the place where the person was from, or his type of activity, or a special trait.

If a craft in a family was passed down from generation to generation, then the young man would certainly inherit the name of his predecessors. Often the name of the authoritative founder of the clan was taken as a basis, and an affiliation suffix was added to it, for example, “uni”, “yang”, “ents”, “onts”, “unz” and others. Thus, the family names of the Armenians constantly developed and gradually turned into modern ones, familiar to the ear, but each has its own meaning.

Why do Armenians have a surname ending in yang?

U ordinary people full names (in the format we are used to today) began to appear in the early 19th century. In the same era one can find the answer to the question, why do Armenians have a surname ending in Yang? This ending is very common for this nationality, although it is borrowed from the Iranian language. This suffix was used to indicate belonging to a particular genus, to express family ties. Ending with “yang”: Aramyan, Margaryan, Kartyashan, Mirzoyan, Baghdasyaran, Arshadyan, Ormanyan and other derivatives of proper names.

The prefix ter in Armenian surnames

This ancient prefix was used until the early 19th century. It was added to full name noble Armenians, clergy or nobles (and the first a priori belonged to a separate class and were chosen from noble princely families). The prefix ter in Armenian surnames modern representatives does not occur, however among historical characters you can meet it: for example, Ter-Yasayants, Ter-Asaturovs, Ter-Hovakimyans, Ter-Guksayans.

Do Armenian surnames decline

As linguists note, a flurry of questions about whether declination of Armenian surnames is possible comes to them in the summer or early autumn, when children begin to enroll in schools and students begin to enroll in educational establishments. The exact answer to the question can be found on the portal or in the proven, reliable Rosenthal reference book.

The rule states that any word is subject to the laws of grammar and must be declined if the final element can be inflected. That is, you can understand whether an Armenian male surname is inclined by the letter of the ending. If it ends with a consonant, it is declined, if it ends with a vowel, it does not. Women's Armenian surnames (like any indeclinable ones) do not change under any circumstances. That is, it should be written like this: “To Armen Muradyan,” but “to Anna Muradyan.”

Armenian Jews - surnames

Jews have lived in Armenia for more than 2,000 years: they once made up a significant part of the urban population and were engaged in trade and crafts. If we talk about Armenian Jews, their surnames are very unique, often derived from the names of biblical characters. For example, Petrosyan, Matevosyan, Tadevosyan, Ghukasyan, Ananyan... The list of Armenian surnames of this variety can be continued indefinitely; in addition, you need to take into account that names could have sounded different earlier, but changed over time.

Armenian male surnames

For those who are not familiar with the language, alphabet and culture of the country, the names of Armenians mean nothing. However, almost each of them has a specific meaning. If you turn to onomastics, you can learn a lot of interesting things. As an example, here are some Armenian male surnames that mean something specific.