What haplogroups do famous people belong to? Haplogroups: description of ancient genera and famous representatives of haplogroups

Russian blood - descendants of the Aryans.Haplogroup R1a1.

Although the scientific data obtained by American scientists is not classified and has already been published in scientific journals, for strange reasons, a Conspiracy of Silence remains around them... What kind of discovery is this? This mystery is connected with the origin of the Russian people and the thousand-year historical path of the Slavic ethnic group.
What is the essence of the discovery of American geneticists?

Genetic code- a method of encoding the amino acid sequence of proteins using a sequence of nucleotides, characteristic of all living organisms. There are 46 chromosomes in human DNA, each person inherits half of the chromosomes from the father, half from the mother. Of the 23 chromosomes received from the father, only one - the male Y chromosome - contains a set of nucleotides that is passed from generation to generation without changes for thousands of years.

Geneticists call this set of DNA haplogroup.

DNA research has united all people on Earth into genealogical groups and designated them with letters. People of the same haplogroup have one common ancestor in distant prehistory.
The haplogroup, due to its hereditary immutability, is the same for all men of one nation. Each biologically distinctive people has its own haplogroup, different from the haplogroups of other peoples. In fact, this is the genetic marker of the entire people.
The goal is to trace the path of one ethnic group, one people over thousands of years of its history.

DNA studies have shown that Asians and Europeans diverged about 40,000 years ago. Most scientists believe that approximately 10,000 or 8,000 years ago, the Indo-Europeans still spoke the same language! Over time, the Indo-European community begins to fragment and migrate to different parts of the world.
American scientists found that 4,500 years ago, the people of the Central Russian Plain experienced a mutation of their haplogroup R1a, as a result of which a person appeared with a new modification, R1a1, which turned out to be unusually resilient.

Approximately 5,000 years ago, there was an archaeological Yamnaya culture (more precisely - the Ancient Yamnaya cultural and historical community (3600-2300 BC) This archaeological culture dates from the late Copper Age - early Bronze Age. During archaeological excavations of mounds in this area, human remains were found subclade of Y-DNA R1a1, Copper and bronze tools were found, people believed in an afterlife.

A characteristic feature of the Yamnaya culture is the burial of the dead in pits under mounds, lying on their backs, with their knees bent. The bodies were sprinkled with ocher. Burials in the mounds were multiple, and often took place at different times. Fragments of animal bones (cows, pigs, sheep, goats and horses) were also discovered. Burials of the mound type characteristic of Proto-Indo-Europeans.

Andronovo archaeological culture(2300 – 1000 BC) comes from an older Yamnaya culture (3600 BC) and is the culture of the Proto-Indo-European community. American scientists analyzed ancient remains on the territory of the Andronovo archaeological culture (2300 - 1000 BC) and discovered the predominance of the Y-DNA subclade R1a1. Out of 10 men, 9 people have Y-DNA R1a1a - this is a type of fair-haired and light-skinned people with blue (or green) eyes. The Maykop culture (3700-2500 BC), in the North Caucasus, is also represented by haplogroups R1a1 and R1b1.

American geneticists have discovered that subclades of Y-DNA R1a are common throughout Europe and northern India. The Aryans, who first settled in the north of India, also influenced the construction of the statehood of ancient India, dividing society into castes.

It is known that haplogroup R1a1 appeared in northern India 3500 years ago. At that time in northern India there was Harappan civilization, it was replaced by the more developed Aryan civilization. The Harappan period of Indian history gave way to the Aryan, the Indo-Aryans appeared, and the civilization of the Saraswati River valley appeared. It is known that the Indo-Aryans spoke Vedic Sanskrit; the Rig-Veda, the oldest part of the Vedas, was written in this language. The Aryans considered themselves to be the highest caste of society - the Brahmans - they were the ones who possessed secret knowledge (Rig-Veda) and a secret language that the Indians did not know. Vedic Sanskrit and classical Saeskrit are two different languages.

In those days there was no concept of “Aryan race”. Word Arias translated from ancient Indian. Ā́rya, ari ̯ a meant “lord”, “master of the house”. With the prefix “a-” the word acquired a negative meaning: anārya - anarya - “non-Aryan”, “ignoble”, “barbarian” or “dasyu”, “robber, enemy, demon, stranger”. The word "Arya" was never used in a racial or ethnic sense. "Arya" meant "spiritual", "noble person". Aristoi - aristoi - “the most noble”, hence the word “aristocrat”. Etymology words arya - ari ̯ a comes Vedic Sanskrit root kars (ar) - “to plow, cultivate the land”, and the word “Aryan”, in the original meaning of the word, meant “farmer”, the word was preserved in the ancient Russian language “yell” - plow, “oratay” - plowman.

Vedic Sanskrit is the oldest language in which the Rig Veda was written (3900 BC). Vedic Sanskrit contains the origins of the Indo-European group of languages.

Founder of comparative historical linguistics. William Jones (1746 – 1794) the creator of the theory of the Indo-European family of languages ​​in 1786 said about Sanskrit: “No matter how ancient Sanskrit is, it has an amazing structure. Sanskrit, whatever its origin, reveals an amazing structure: being more flawless than Greek and richer than Latin, it is more refined than both of them.Moreover, it has such noticeable similarities with these languages ​​in verb roots and grammatical forms that it could not have arisen by chance.The similarity is so strong that not a single philologist who has studied all three languages ​​would doubt their origin from a common ancestor, which may no longer exist.”

People with haplogroup R1a1 then looked exactly the same as we do now; the ancient Rus did not have any Mongoloid or other non-Russian features. Scientists recreated from bone remains the appearance of a young woman with haplogroup R1a1, who lived several thousand years ago, and the result was a portrait of a typical Russian beauty , millions of the same live in our time in the Russian outback.

A connection between haplogroup R1a1 and speakers of Indo-European languages ​​was noticed in the late 1990s. Spencer Wells and his colleagues concluded that R1a1 was widespread in the Caspian steppes.

Currently, holders of the R1a1 haplogroup make up a high percentage among the male population of Russia (47), Ukraine (48 and Belarus (52), and in ancient Russian cities and villages - up to 80%. The greatest distribution of the R1a1 haplogroup is in Eastern Europe: among the Lusatian Germans (63 , Poles (57 .

R1a1 is a biological marker of the Russian ethnic group.

A set of DNA nucleotides called a haplo

Indeed, the haplogroup in the Y-chromosome DNA, unlike language, culture, religion and other creations of human hands, is not modified or mixed with the genetic codes of other peoples. The genetic hereditary biological sign is not washed away, therefore the genetic history is the main one, and everything else can only complement or clarify it, but not refute it in any way.

American geneticists began to take tests from people and look for biological “roots”, their own and others. What they accomplished is of great interest to us, since it sheds true light on the historical paths of the Russian people and destroys many established myths.

So, the ethnic center of the Russian people arose 4500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain - this is the place of maximum concentration of R1a1, from here it emerged and spread to the territories of Eastern Europe and Siberia. The question of that “area of ​​ancient Indo-European territory where the Slavs originated” also remains controversial. (Lubor Niederle).

The history of the development of haplogroups R1a and R1b are inextricably linked with each other.

Subclades R1a and R1b are closely related to the spread of Indo-European languages, as evidenced by its presence in all regions of the world where Indo-European languages ​​were spoken in ancient times, from the Atlantic coast of Europe to India. Almost all of Europe (except Finland and Bosnia-Herzegovina), Anatolia, Armenia, European Russia, southern Siberia, many areas around Central Asia (notably Xinjiang, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan), not forgetting Iran, Pakistan, India and Nepal.

The settlement of peoples speaking Proto-Indo-European languages, representing Subclades of haplogroups R1a and R1b settled to the west (from the Don to the Dniester, Danube) and to the east (to the Volga-Ural region).Men of both haplogroups R1a and R1b probably lived in the Pontic steppes.

In Poland, holders of the Russian haplogroup R1a1 make up 57% of the male population, in Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - 40%, in Germany, Norway and Sweden - 18%, in Bulgaria - 12%, and in England - the least (3.

It is known that the European clan aristocracy has Aryan roots. One of the royal houses of Europe, the House of German Hohenzollern, of which the English Windsors are a branch, has Aryan roots. Windsor dynasty- the current ruling royal dynasty of Great Britain, a junior branch of the ancient Saxon house of Wettin (until 1917 the dynasty was called Saxe-Coburg-Gotha).
The Wettins (German: Wettiner, English: House of Wettin) are a German princely family, now represented by the Windsor dynasty, ruling in Great Britain, as well as Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty of kings of Belgium. The Wettin dynasty dominated for more than 800 years in the Central German area of ​​the southeastern foothills of the Harz in Saxony in the 10th century. Witekind, leader of the Saxons, who converted to Christianity under Charlemagne, is considered the legendary founder and ancestor


63% of Lusatian Germans - Lusatians - a national minority in Germany, have a haplogroupR 1 a1. It is known that 60 thousand German citizens have Serbian Sorbian roots: 40 thousand live in Upper Lusatia (Saxony) and 20 thousand live in Lower Lusatia (Brandenburg).

the R1a1 group is “Russianness” from a genetic point of view.
Thus, the Russian people in a genetically modern form were born in the European part of present-day Russia about 4,500 years ago.

In various kinds of pseudo-historical reasoning concerning the historical origin of Russians exclusively from the Slavs, it is now fashionable to weave in “haplogroups”. With the light hand of a certain “scientist” (not a biologist at all) Klesov, who lives (like “academician” Levashov) in the USA (hence the ridiculously familiar trick - an appeal to the authority of “Western science” - “American scientists have proven that Russians are 4500 years old!” ) this completely scientific method of determining paternity and dynasticity began to be used for constructions for which it was not at all intended. As a result, many posts contain monstrously distorted results of its use. The purpose of this post was to clarify the obvious points, so that the numerous references to the fact that “haplogroups have been proven”, given by the authors in place and out of place, would not be perceived uncritically when reading some texts.

Let me clarify some commonplaces in the form of popularly given answers to questions.

Question 1 Can a specific haplogroup indicate a specific nationality? In other words, is there a Russian or German (without quotes) haplogroup?

Answer: No. Why? Because any currently existing ethnic group consists of people with at least two or three Y-chromosomal haplogroups. In other words, you can be Russian with haplogroup I1, R1a1, R1b, N3, I2, J2 and even E. The same applies to other peoples. for example, among Ashkenazi Jews - about 12% are carriers of the supposedly "marker" haplogroup R1a1 for Russians - and it is emphasized that not among "half-breeds" and "goyim", but among the most real, typical representatives of their ethnic group. And so on.

Thus, the correlation of a certain haplogroup with modern nationalities and individual representatives of ethnic groups can only be of a statistical, relative nature. “Measuring skulls” by haplogroups won’t work - it’s quite likely that you’ll classify a Jew as a Russian, and a Russian as a Jew. The presence of R1a among Poles - 56.4%, and... Kyrgyz - as much as 63.5% speaks about whether peoples can be defined as “Aryans” by only one criterion - the presence of a statistical marker haplogroup. And the Volga Tatars are no different from the Russians in terms of the set of haplogroups. I hope that conclusions have been drawn? In other words, no ethnic community will emerge that unites people from the conventionally “Aryan” haplogroup R1a1. At the same time, there is no objective difference between the classical Russians living in the same region, but with the conditionally “Finnish” haplogroup N, and the same classical Russians, carriers of the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a. The entire rest of the gene pool (and in many ways more significant than the haplomarker) of the descendants of the “ancestral Finnish men” and the “ancestral Aryan men” was mixed a long time ago.

Question 2. What do haplogroups actually talk about and what can’t they talk about?

Answer: As follows from answer 1 and as correctly noted by the author of another detailed post dedicated to haplogroups: “Those sections of the Y chromosome that serve as markers for identifying haplogroups themselves do not encode anything and have no biological meaning. These are markers in their pure form "They can be compared to the orange and green LEDs in the film "Kin-dza-dza", which were used to identify Chatlans and Patsaks, and there was no other difference between these "races" except the color of the light bulb."

By haplogroup one can judge - statistically(!!! this is important - precisely statistically, i.e. with inevitable errors, but still possible) about the difference, dissimilarity in the origin of certain large ethnolinguistic massifs and the degree of proximity of their contacts (sexual ones). For example, all Turkic peoples are carriers of specific haplogroups. Even if some of the Turks do not have or have very few of their “markers” and C, O and Q, which are absent among the Slavs, then D, R1b1b1 or N1b, which are less common among the Turks, are still statistically absent among Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. We can conclude, therefore, that contacts with the Turks throughout history among the Eastern Slavs are statistically insignificant, and the statement that “we are Asians” is incorrect. Such conclusions are quite scientific. It can also be argued that the typical “Mongoloid” haplogroups C and Q are not found among Russians at all, and if so, the contacts of the population of Rus' with the Mongols during the period of the yoke were minimal. This, however, is clearly evidenced by all historical sources - 20 years after 1240, all Mongol military formations were withdrawn from the territory of Rus' and the Russian princes carried the tribute collected in Rus' to the Horde themselves. Thus, most likely the average Russian peasant of the late 13th and 14th-15th centuries never saw a single living “Mongol” (Horde) in his life. And this is not a “discovery” at all - haplogroups only confirm what we already know (another thing is that in “popular” ahistorical literature, including in textbooks, the content of which is now practically not controlled by scientists, about little is written about this).

Further, from answer 1 it is clear that if representatives of a certain ethnic group belong to several haplogroups, then this DOES NOT MEAN that this ethnic group is a kind of mechanical combination of populations with different gene pools. The rest of their gene pool, except for the Y chromosomes, will be mixed without any practical possibility of differentiation. 16% of haplogroup N among Russians in the regions north of Moscow does not mean that 16% of them are supposedly “more Finns than Slavs” - both for the reason stated above (mixing the rest of the, much more important, gene pool to the point of unrecognizability) and for reasons statistical - because Among the population of Finland, only 60% of the population have this haplogroup, and among Estonians in general there are 40%.

I will quote again - “The peculiarity of the Y chromosome is that it is passed from father to son almost unchanged and does not experience “mixing” or “dilution” by maternal heredity. This allows it to be used as a mathematically accurate tool for determining paternal origin. If the term "dynasty" has any biological meaning, then it is precisely the inheritance of the Y chromosome. a specific mutation has occurred on the Y chromosome."

Modern science is inclined to believe that these mutations could have occurred between 50 and 10 thousand years ago, and the creationist version, which seems more truthful to me, speaks of the complete uncertainty of the results of using the “biological clock” methods (they give completely different values) and says about the probable practical simultaneity of the appearance of these mutations associated with the legend of the Tower of Babel and the dispersion of peoples. Whether one or the other is right is, in principle, not very important for us living today.

What matters is that Y - chromosome does not determine the gene pool. It is not a carrier of some “ethnically specific” information in the genome. From more than 20,000 genes human genome, the Y chromosome contains only about 100 pieces. They encode mainly the structure and functioning of the male genital organs. There is no other information there. Facial features, skin color, mental and thinking characteristics are spelled out on other chromosomes which, during inheritance, go through recombination (the paternal and maternal sections of the chromosomes are randomly mixed). The carrier of the “Aryan chromosome” after hundreds of generations can be a typical black man (if, say, his black mother got pregnant in the 16th century from a Portuguese father). And vice versa.

Thus. people who talk about “Aryan”, “Semitic”, “Russian”, “Finnish”, “Celtic” haplogroups not in their conventional marker meaning tied to MODERNITY, but in a literally understood one, and even transfer these definitions to the distant past - are mistaken and confuse others. The phrase “4500 years ago in the Voronezh region they found a skeleton identified by haplogroup as Russian, Russians began to exist 4500 years ago” does not make any sense. Russians have several haplogroups, - once. The skeleton does not represent a statistically significant sample - that's two(maybe this is the same Ashkenazi Jew from the 12% of carriers of the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a1? Or Kyrgyz?). Three: Why on earth was it concluded that the mutation arose (and continued) exactly 4500 years ago? Were the skeletons of his father and grandfather, as well as the skeletons of his offspring, examined? Why didn't it arise 10 thousand years ago? And so on.

Question 3: is R1a1, a Russian haplogroup, an “unconditional enic marker”? Is it true that Russians, in terms of their purity (i.e., the frequency of occurrence of this haplogroup), are the most stable and pure among Europeans?

Answer: No. And it's not true. The stability of Russians as a people, their ethnic uniqueness is not determined by haplogroups, and neither is haplogroup R1a1. Let's look at the data: if we take an average sample from several different studies with a 100% fit. then (remember that haplogroups are named according to MODERN distribution among peoples):

47% of Russians have the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a1, which they inherited from the Proto-Slavs and other autochthons of Eastern Europe.

16% of Russians- conditionally “Finnish” haplogroup N3.

7% of Russians- conditionally “Celtic” haplogroup R1b, which dominates among many peoples of Western Europe. This is a legacy of the presence of the Proto-Slavs in Central Europe.

5% of Russians– “Northern European” haplogroup I1 (I1a according to the old classification), common in Scandinavia and Northern Europe. Apparently, these are the descendants of the notorious “Varangians”.

15% of Russians– “Balkan” haplogroup I2 (formerly I1b), characteristic of the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. This is an indirect consequence of Slavic expansion in the Balkans in the 6th-9th centuries, when Slavic newcomers actively mixed with the local autochthonous population. Some of the Slavs subsequently left the Balkans to the north and northeast (see “The Tale of Bygone Years”).

4%- “Eastern Mediterranean” haplogroup J2, typical of the ancient Greeks and even more ancient representatives of the Minoan civilization. For the Russians, this is most likely an integral part of the “Balkan heritage”, and perhaps of the earlier Hellenic colonization of the Northern Black Sea region.

6% Russians are represented by the “Afrasian” haplogroup E, the frequency of which among Jews, Greeks, Balkan Slavs and southern Italians reaches 20% or more. This is the “Balkan trace” again. In total, the descendants of “Byzantine refugees” (settlers from the Balkans and the Black Sea region) make up more than 25% of Russians.

We see, therefore (as expected from the answer to the second question) that haplogroups DO NOT determine “Russianness”. The purely statistical “predominance” of R1a1 is 47 percent. 53 percent of Russians DO NOT HAVE this haplogroup and are still Russian. Consequently, if we do not fall into Russophobia and do not say that 53 percent of modern Russians are “unclean” (which we will not do), we will inevitably be forced to once again draw the same conclusion that was made above - the haplogroup does not have any specific characteristics ethnically defining features, and ethnicity is indefinable through haplogroups.

Question 4: is the reconstruction of ethnic migrations and processes based on the analysis of modern haplogroups justified?

Answer: No. There are several problems here.

One can perceive with great skepticism and rather negatively the reports about the “correspondence of the distribution of haplogroups to historical migrations,” and all “haplogroup” conclusions about the time of the emergence of a particular people are likely to be considered at least unverifiable and strained. Why? Because you need to not uncritically quote the “Klesovs” (“a scientist wrote!”) but THINK. First of all, with your own head, using logic and the education you have received.

Firstly, the historical migrations of certain peoples in preliterate times are not an axiom. but the subject of scientific debate and discussion - both in terms of whether the bearers of a particular archaeological culture were representatives of a certain ethno-linguistic unity (we will never be able to say this with accuracy - pots and axes do not speak), and in terms of accuracy of correspondence of archaeological culture to a specific ethnic group or ethnocultural unity. Archaeological cultures are a complex of objects of material culture, things, their remains, or rather. From the point of view of an archaeologist of the 30th century, throughout Russia and Europe. In the United States in the 21st century, there will be a single, with local variations, archaeological culture of “tires, plastic bags, bottles, cans and computers”, in which the differences between nations in their material culture will not be visible. Although there is little reason to imply such globalization in antiquity, it is worth remembering. that the older the archaeological culture, the more blurred its ethnicity. Thus, the thesis “such and such a skeleton is undoubtedly Indo-European... has such and such a haplogroup” is immediately called into question. The fact that he is “undoubtedly” Indo-European, and not a foreigner who slipped in here and adopted the way of life of this tribe, still needs to be proven. And with an extremely unrepresentative sample(agree, a dozen or a hundred burials over a huge area is not a sample, or at least a sample incomparable in terms of representativeness with a modern sample among living people) this is made almost equally probable, that is, uncertain.

Secondly, tracing such migrations by haplogroups is extremely problematic due to the fact that (in the case of the Indo-Europeans, for example) among the many archaeological cultures of the Bronze Age - “cuisines of ancestral ethnic groups”, the funeral rite of cremation of corpses in its various variations is common, the same in some territories and in the Iron Age. The DNA material of the carriers of these cultures is irretrievably lost and we can say absolutely nothing about their haplogroups. Thus, the “haplogroup” approach does not work here - vast territories and entire millennia fall out of its scope completely, depriving us of the opportunity to build any kind of succession chain of already extremely scarce and essentially unrepresentative material.

Third, mutations occur on the Y chromosome randomly and can both increase and “decrease” (or return to the original, source code). This indicates that you cannot determine the time and place of the emergence of this or that “group” due to constant migrations, which could be by land or sea, and mutations that occur throughout the life of a particular historical human community.

Fourthly, theoretically, the very accuracy of the study of the modern distribution of haplogroups can be questioned - i.e. that initial material extrapolated to the past (difficulty in determining the ethnicity of persons taking the test - who is stopping you from calling yourself Russian or Belarusian?). With relatively small samples and controversial issues like “Russian-Ukrainian” (in fact, a free question of self-designation), this is extremely important and can decide everything.

In other words, transferring the modern distribution of sets of haplogroups into the past is unjustified, and if so, then it is impossible to draw conclusions about the ethnicity of certain human remains, passing them off as someone’s ancestors only on this basis. It's forced and superficial.

To summarize everything described.

References to haplogroups as an “unconditional indicator of ethnicity” are untenable.
- Haplogroups are research tools, statistically significant markers. Real, objectively observed Y chromosomes do not carry significant ethnic information in the gene code.
- Russians (like Germans, Finns and Turks, etc.) exist and are unique not due to haplogroups.
- Any nation has not one, but two, three or more haplogroups in its set, and there is no reason to make some “less pure” and others “more pure”, for the reason described in the thesis above.
- We a priori cannot reconstruct reliable migrations based on haplogroups. and even more so - the date of origin (emergence) of this or that modern ethnic group.

Thus, you can safely throw Klesov’s works and fairy tales into the same trash bin where we have Fomenko, Levashov and Chudinov.

The modern Internet is a great thing. On the one hand, it contains a lot of interesting and useful information. Information available on the Internet that can be used to develop certain concepts, but if a) the author has some knowledge on the topic b) when comparing it with counterarguments c) when analyzing arguments and counterarguments from the standpoint of logic, context, verifiability, compliance with the general and related bodies of information in terms of consistency.

Unfortunately, this approach - essentially a source study, which requires, in fact, a serious humanitarian (exactly this kind of) education and, at a minimum, a flexible mind and refined logic - is not found among everyone. Unscrupulous journalists, bloggers and various types of online crazy people like to operate on data taken out of context. Sometimes the information of the latter contains references to “seemingly scientific” arguments and seems “evidence-based” to many inexperienced people. Usually their imaginary scientific nature is revealed by smart people quite quickly. As a rule, pseudoscience comes out immediately when the texts talk about “they are hiding the truth from us.” Any conspiracy theory always deals with delusional, unverifiable and unprovable things and outright fakes - such as the “Dulles Plan” invented by the commies (which never existed), the mythical phrase “Stalin took Russia with a plow and left with an atomic bomb” (which he never wrote and Churchill did not say), a classic forgery of a source - “Vlesova’s Book” (written, of course, by a self-taught White emigrant, and not by the ancient Slavs), and numerous exercises by Bushkov about “Russia that did not exist”, based on the nonsense works of Fomenko and Nosovsky - as an example, “The Great Wall of China, built by the ancient Rus, because the battlements are not on the same side” or “The Great Wall was built by Mao Zedong”, all kinds of chudinovism and leftism (everyone can buy the diplomas of these “academicians” for 300 dollars), etc.

In various kinds of pseudo-historical discussions concerning the historical origin of Russians and Slavs, it is now fashionable to interweave “haplogroups”. With the light hand of a certain “scientist” (not a biologist at all) Klesov, who lives (like “academician” Levashov) in the USA (hence the ridiculously familiar trick - an appeal to the authority of “Western science” - “American scientists have proven that Russians are 4500 years old!” ) this completely scientific method of determining paternity and dynasticity began to be used for constructions for which it was not at all intended. As a result, many posts contain monstrously distorted results of its use. The purpose of this post was to clarify the obvious points, so that the numerous references to the fact that “haplogroups have been proven”, given by the authors in place and out of place, would not be perceived uncritically when reading some texts.

Let me clarify some commonplaces in the form of popularly given answers to questions.

Question 1 Can a specific haplogroup indicate a specific nationality? In other words, is there a Russian or German (without quotes) haplogroup?

Answer: No. Why? Because any currently existing ethnic group consists of people with at least two or three Y-chromosomal haplogroups. In other words, you can be Russian with haplogroup I1, R1a1, R1b, N3, I2, J2 and even E. The same applies to other peoples. for example, among Ashkenazi Jews - about 12% are carriers of the supposedly "marker" haplogroup R1a1 for Russians - and it is emphasized that not among "half-breeds" and "goyim", but among the most real, typical representatives of their ethnic group. And so on.

Thus, the correlation of a certain haplogroup with modern nationalities and individual representatives of ethnic groups can only be of a statistical, relative nature. “Measuring skulls” by haplogroups won’t work - it’s quite likely that you’ll classify a Jew as a Russian, and a Russian as a Jew. The presence of R1a among Poles - 56.4%, and... Kyrgyz - as much as 63.5% speaks about whether peoples can be defined as “Aryans” by only one criterion - the presence of a statistical marker haplogroup. And the Volga Tatars are no different from the Russians in terms of the set of haplogroups. I hope that conclusions have been drawn? In other words, no ethnic community will emerge that unites people from the conventionally “Aryan” haplogroup R1a1. At the same time, there is no objective difference between the classical Russians living in the same region, but with the conditionally “Finnish” haplogroup N, and the same classical Russians, carriers of the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a. The entire rest of the gene pool (and in many ways more significant than the haplomarker) of the descendants of the “ancestral Finnish men” and the “ancestral Aryan men” was mixed a long time ago.

Question 2. What do haplogroups actually talk about and what can’t they talk about?

Answer: As follows from answer 1 and as correctly noted by the author of another detailed post dedicated to haplogroups: “Those sections of the Y chromosome that serve as markers for identifying haplogroups themselves do not encode anything and have no biological meaning. These are markers in their pure form "They can be compared to the orange and green LEDs in the film "Kin-dza-dza", which were used to identify Chatlans and Patsaks, and there was no other difference between these "races" except the color of the light bulb."

By haplogroup one can judge - statistically(!!! this is important - precisely statistically, i.e. with inevitable errors, but still possible) about the difference, dissimilarity in the origin of certain large ethnolinguistic massifs and the degree of proximity of their contacts (sexual ones). For example, all Turkic peoples are carriers of specific haplogroups. Even if some of the Turks do not have or have very few of their “markers” and C, O and Q, which are absent among the Slavs, then D, R1b1b1 or N1b, which are less common among the Turks, are still statistically absent among Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. We can conclude, therefore, that contacts with the Turks throughout history among the Eastern Slavs are statistically insignificant, and the statement that “we are Asians” is incorrect. Such conclusions are quite scientific. It can also be argued that the typical “Mongoloid” haplogroups C and Q are not found among Russians at all, and if so, the contacts of the population of Rus' with the Mongols during the period of the yoke were minimal. This, however, is clearly evidenced by all historical sources - 20 years after 1240, all Mongol military formations were withdrawn from the territory of Rus' and the Russian princes carried the tribute collected in Rus' to the Horde themselves. Thus, most likely the average Russian peasant of the late 13th and 14th-15th centuries never saw a single living “Mongol” (Horde) in his life. And this is not a “discovery” at all - haplogroups only confirm what we already know (another thing is that in “popular” ahistorical literature, including in textbooks, the content of which is now practically not controlled by scientists, about little is written about this).

Further, from answer 1 it is clear that if representatives of a certain ethnic group belong to several haplogroups, then this DOES NOT MEAN that this ethnic group is a kind of mechanical combination of populations with different gene pools. The rest of their gene pool, except for the Y chromosomes, will be mixed without any practical possibility of differentiation. 16% of haplogroup N among Russians in the regions north of Moscow does not mean that 16% of them are supposedly “more Finns than Slavs” - both for the reason stated above (mixing the rest of the, much more important, gene pool to the point of unrecognizability) and for reasons statistical - because Among the population of Finland, only 60% of the population have this haplogroup, and among Estonians in general there are 40%.

I will quote again - “The peculiarity of the Y chromosome is that it is passed from father to son almost unchanged and does not experience “mixing” or “dilution” by maternal heredity. This allows it to be used as a mathematically accurate tool for determining paternal origin. If the term "dynasty" has any biological meaning, then it is precisely the inheritance of the Y chromosome. a specific mutation has occurred on the Y chromosome."

Modern science is inclined to believe that these mutations could have occurred between 50 and 10 thousand years ago, and the creationist version, which seems more truthful to me, speaks of the complete uncertainty of the results of using the “biological clock” methods (they give completely different values) and says about the probable practical simultaneity of the appearance of these mutations associated with the legend of the Tower of Babel and the dispersion of peoples. Whether one or the other is right is, in principle, not very important for us living today.

What matters is that Y - chromosome does not determine the gene pool. It is not a carrier of some “ethnically specific” information in the genome. From more than 20,000 genes human genome, the Y chromosome contains only about 100 pieces. They encode mainly the structure and functioning of the male genital organs. There is no other information there. Facial features, skin color, mental and thinking characteristics are spelled out on other chromosomes which, during inheritance, go through recombination (the paternal and maternal sections of the chromosomes are randomly mixed). The carrier of the “Aryan chromosome” after hundreds of generations can be a typical black man (if, say, his black mother got pregnant in the 16th century from a Portuguese father). And vice versa.

Thus. people who talk about “Aryan”, “Semitic”, “Russian”, “Finnish”, “Celtic” haplogroups not in their conventional marker meaning tied to MODERNITY, but in a literally understood one, and even transfer these definitions to the distant past - are mistaken and confuse others. The phrase “4500 years ago in the Voronezh region they found a skeleton identified by haplogroup as Russian, Russians began to exist 4500 years ago” does not make any sense. Russians have several haplogroups, - once. The skeleton does not represent a statistically significant sample - that's two(maybe this is the same Ashkenazi Jew from the 12% of carriers of the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a1? Or Kyrgyz?). Three: Why on earth was it concluded that the mutation arose (and continued) exactly 4500 years ago? Were the skeletons of his father and grandfather, as well as the skeletons of his offspring, examined? Why didn't it arise 10 thousand years ago? And so on.

Question 3: is R1a1, a Russian haplogroup, an “unconditional enic marker”? Is it true that Russians, in terms of their purity (i.e., the frequency of occurrence of this haplogroup), are the most stable and pure among Europeans?

Answer: No. And it's not true. The stability of Russians as a people, their ethnic uniqueness is not determined by haplogroups, and neither is haplogroup R1a1. Let's look at the data: if we take an average sample from several different studies with a 100% fit. then (remember that haplogroups are named according to MODERN distribution among peoples):

47% of Russians have the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a1, which they inherited from the Proto-Slavs and other autochthons of Eastern Europe.

16% of Russians- conditionally “Finnish” haplogroup N3.

7% of Russians- conditionally “Celtic” haplogroup R1b, which dominates among many peoples of Western Europe. This is a legacy of the presence of the Proto-Slavs in Central Europe.

5% of Russians- “Northern European” haplogroup I1 (I1a according to the old classification), common in Scandinavia and Northern Europe. Apparently, these are the descendants of the notorious “Varangians”.

15% of Russians- “Balkan” haplogroup I2 (formerly I1b), characteristic of the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. This is an indirect consequence of Slavic expansion in the Balkans in the 6th-9th centuries, when Slavic newcomers actively mixed with the local autochthonous population. Some of the Slavs subsequently left the Balkans to the north and northeast (see “The Tale of Bygone Years”).

4%- “Eastern Mediterranean” haplogroup J2, typical of the ancient Greeks and even more ancient representatives of the Minoan civilization. For the Russians, this is most likely an integral part of the “Balkan heritage”, and perhaps of the earlier Hellenic colonization of the Northern Black Sea region.

6% Russians are represented by the “Afrasian” haplogroup E, the frequency of which among Jews, Greeks, Balkan Slavs and southern Italians reaches 20% or more. This is the “Balkan trace” again. In total, the descendants of “Byzantine refugees” (settlers from the Balkans and the Black Sea region) make up more than 25% of Russians.

We see, therefore (as expected from the answer to the second question) that haplogroups DO NOT determine “Russianness”. The purely statistical “predominance” of R1a1 is 47 percent. 53 percent of Russians DO NOT HAVE this haplogroup and are still Russian. Consequently, if we do not fall into Russophobia and do not say that 53 percent of modern Russians are “unclean” (which we will not do), we will inevitably be forced to once again draw the same conclusion that was made above - the haplogroup does not have any specific characteristics ethnically defining features, and ethnicity is indefinable through haplogroups.

Question 4: is the reconstruction of ethnic migrations and processes based on the analysis of modern haplogroups justified?

Answer: No. There are several problems here.

One can perceive with great skepticism and rather negatively the reports about the “correspondence of the distribution of haplogroups to historical migrations,” and all “haplogroup” conclusions about the time of the emergence of a particular people are likely to be considered at least unverifiable and strained. Why? Because you need to not uncritically quote the “Klesovs” (“a scientist wrote!”) but THINK. First of all, with your own head, using logic and the education you have received.

Firstly, the historical migrations of certain peoples in preliterate times are not an axiom. but the subject of scientific debate and discussion - both in terms of whether the bearers of a particular archaeological culture were representatives of a certain ethno-linguistic unity (we will never be able to say this with accuracy - pots and axes do not speak), and in terms of accuracy of correspondence of archaeological culture to a specific ethnic group or ethnocultural unity. Archaeological cultures are a complex of objects of material culture, things, their remains, or rather. From the point of view of an archaeologist of the 30th century, throughout Russia and Europe. In the United States in the 21st century, there will be a single, with local variations, archaeological culture of “tires, plastic bags, bottles, cans and computers”, in which the differences between nations in their material culture will not be visible. Although there is little reason to imply such globalization in antiquity, it is worth remembering. that the older the archaeological culture, the more blurred its ethnicity. Thus, the thesis “such and such a skeleton is undoubtedly Indo-European... has such and such a haplogroup” is immediately called into question. The fact that he is “undoubtedly” Indo-European, and not a foreigner who slipped in here and adopted the way of life of this tribe, still needs to be proven. And with an extremely unrepresentative sample(agree, a dozen or a hundred burials over a huge area is not a sample, or at least a sample incomparable in terms of representativeness with a modern sample among living people) this is made almost equally probable, that is, uncertain.

Secondly, tracing such migrations by haplogroups is extremely problematic due to the fact that (in the case of the Indo-Europeans, for example) among the many archaeological cultures of the Bronze Age - “cuisines of ancestral ethnic groups”, the funeral rite of cremation of corpses in its various variations is common, the same in some territories and in the Iron Age. The DNA material of the carriers of these cultures is irretrievably lost and we can say absolutely nothing about their haplogroups. Thus, the “haplogroup” approach does not work here - vast territories and entire millennia fall out of its scope completely, depriving us of the opportunity to build any kind of succession chain of already extremely scarce and essentially unrepresentative material.

Third, mutations occur on the Y chromosome randomly and can both increase and “decrease” (or return to the original, source code). This indicates that you cannot determine the time and place of the emergence of this or that “group” due to constant migrations, which could be by land or sea, and mutations that occur throughout the life of a particular historical human community.

Fourthly, theoretically, the very accuracy of the study of the modern distribution of haplogroups can be questioned - i.e. that initial material extrapolated to the past (difficulty in determining the ethnicity of persons taking the test - who is stopping you from calling yourself Russian or Belarusian?). With relatively small samples and controversial issues like “Russian-Ukrainian” (in fact, a free question of self-designation), this is extremely important and can decide everything.

In other words, transferring the modern distribution of sets of haplogroups into the past is unjustified, and if so, then it is impossible to draw conclusions about the ethnicity of certain human remains, passing them off as someone’s ancestors only on this basis. It's forced and superficial.

To summarize everything described.

References to haplogroups as an “unconditional indicator of ethnicity” are untenable.
- Haplogroups are research tools, statistically significant markers. Real, objectively observed Y chromosomes do not carry significant ethnic information in the gene code.
- Russians (like Germans, Finns and Turks, etc.) exist and are unique not due to haplogroups.
- Any nation has not one, but two, three or more haplogroups in its set, and there is no reason to make some “less pure” and others “more pure”, for the reason described in the thesis above.
- We a priori cannot reconstruct reliable migrations based on haplogroups. and even more so - the date of origin (emergence) of this or that modern ethnic group.

Thus, you can safely throw Klesov’s works and fairy tales into the same trash bin where we have Fomenko, Levashov and Chudinov.

I was prompted to write this article by the incessant conversations that Ukrainians are Slavs, and Russians are not Slavs at all, but have long been Mongols.

Naturally, the initiators of such disputes are the so-called Ukrainian patriots. In this case, conclusions are drawn on the basis of the theories of some newly-minted historians, hitherto unknown historical documents, etc. But besides history, and often pseudohistory, there is also such a science as genetics, and you can’t argue with genetics, my dears. So whether we like it or not, we have the same genotype.

What is a haplogroup?

Y-chromosomal haplogroups, which have become popular in biopolitical circles, are statistical markers for understanding the origins of human populations. But in most cases, such a marker does not say anything about the ethnicity or race of an individual (unlike other DNA analysis techniques). To see an ethnicity, subethnicity, race or other unity of a similar kind in the totality of carriers of a particular haplogroup, and to try to put together some kind of identity on this basis is nonsense. And, of course, the haplogroup is in no way “reflected in the spirit of a person.”

The peculiarity of the Y chromosome is that it is passed from father to son almost unchanged and is not “mixed” or “diluted” by maternal heredity. This allows it to be used as a mathematically accurate tool for determining paternal ancestry. If the term “dynasty” has any biological meaning, it is precisely the inheritance of the Y chromosome. (Follow the link for a detailed but easy-to-understand explanation of the phenomenon)

The Y chromosome is another matter: it consists of genes directly responsible for the male reproductive system, and the slightest defect, as a rule, makes a man sterile. The “marriage” is not passed on further, and the Y chromosome “purifies itself” in each generation.

But in addition to harmful mutations, neutral mutations occur in the male chromosome from time to time, ignored by natural selection. They are concentrated in “junk” regions of the chromosome that are not genes. Some of these mutations, which occurred 50 to 10 thousand years ago, turned out to be convenient markers for identifying ancient ancestral populations that subsequently spread throughout the Earth and formed modern humanity.

The Y-chromosomal haplogroup determines the set of men united by the presence of such a marker, i.e. descended from a common patriarchal ancestor, who many thousands of years ago had a specific mutation on the Y chromosome.



Any modern ethnic group consists of representatives of several, at least two or three Y-chromosomal haplogroups.


The geographic distribution of haplogroups is associated with the history of migrations of ancient populations that became ancestral for ethnic groups or groups of ethnic groups. For example, haplogroup N3 can be called “Finno-Ugric”: if it is found among representatives of a certain area, it means that in the past the population there mixed with Finno-Ugric peoples. Or maybe “mixed” tribes came here.

The study of haplogroup statistics has allowed anthropologists to reconstruct the picture of migrations of human populations over the past tens of thousands of years, starting with the African ancestral home. But the data can also be used to debunk a variety of racist and xenophobic myths.

Ethnogeographical distribution of haplogroup R1a

Currently, high frequencies of haplogroup R1a are found in Poland (56% of the population), Ukraine (50 to 65%), European Russia (45 to 65%), Belarus (45%), Slovakia (40%), Latvia (40%), Lithuania (38%), Czech Republic (34%), Hungary (32%), Croatia (29%), Norway (28%), Austria (26%), Sweden (24%), northeast Germany (23%) and Romania (22%).

It is most widespread in Eastern Europe: among Lusatians (63%), Poles (approx. 56%), Ukrainians (approx. 54%), Belarusians (52%), Russians (48%), Tatars 34%, Bashkirs (26%) ) (among the Bashkirs of Saratov and Samara regions up to 48%); and in Central Asia: among the Khujand Tajiks (64%), Kyrgyz (63%), Ishkashimi (68%).

Halogroup R1a is most characteristic of the Slavs. For example, the following haplogroups are common among Russians:

R1a - 51% (Slavs - Aryans, Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)
N3 - 22% (Finno-Ugrians, Finns, Balts)
I1b - 12% (Normans - Germans)
R1b - 7% (Celts and Italics)
11a - 5% (also Scandinavians)
E3b1 - 3% (Mediterraneans)

The most common haplogroup among Ukrainians:

R1a1 - about 54% (Slavs - Aryans, Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians)
I2a - 16.1% (Balkan peoples, Fracians, Illyrians, Romanians, Albanians, Greeks)
N3 - 7% (Finno-Ugrians)
E1b1b1 - 6% (African peoples, Egyptians, Berbers, Kushnirs)
N1c1 - 6% (Siberian peoples, Yakuts, Buryats, Chukchi)

As studies show, according to Y-chromosome markers, the tested Ukrainians are most genetically close to their neighboring southwestern Russians, Belarusians and eastern Poles. Three Slavic-speaking peoples (Ukrainians, Poles and Russians) form a separate cluster according to Y haplogroups, which indicates the common origin of the listed ethnic groups.


Everyone knows the myth that Russians are largely descendants of the Mongols who enslaved Rus' in ancient times. Haplogroup statistics leave no stone unturned for this myth, since typical “Mongoloid” haplogroups C and Q are not found among Russians at all. This means that if Mongol warriors once came to Rus' with raids, then all the women they caught were killed or taken away with them (like the Crimean Tatars in later times).

Another common myth is that Russians in Central and Northern Russia are for the most part not Slavs, but descendants of Finno-Ugric aborigines, in whose sea the few Slavs supposedly disappeared. From here they derive “Russian drunkenness”, “Russian laziness”, etc. Meanwhile, the share of the “Finnish” haplogroup N3 among Russians in Central Russia is approximately 16% (in sparsely populated regions north of Moscow in some places it reaches 35%, and in densely populated regions south and west of Ryazan it decreases to 10%). Those. out of every six fathers, only one was Finnish. It can be assumed that the ratio in the maternal gene pool is approximately the same, since the Slavs and Finno-Ugrians, as a rule, coexisted peacefully.

By the way, Among the Finns of Finland, haplogroup N3 is represented in approximately 60% of the population. This means that out of every five fathers, two were not “original Finns”, but “passing fellows”, perhaps tribute collectors from Novgorod. Among ethnic Estonians and Latvians, the “share of Finnish fathers” is even smaller – approximately 40%. The “passing fellows” of German and Slavic origin clearly dominated the hot Estonian guys. But Lithuanian girls fell in love with them: Lithuanians, despite the Indo-European language, are the same 40% descendants of Finno-Ugric peoples.

Among ethnic Ukrainians, the “share of Finnish fathers” is also present, although three times less than among Russians. However, Finno-Ugric tribes did not live in Ukraine, and this share was brought from Central Russia. But if the “share of Finnish blood” among ethnic Ukrainians is only three times less than among Russians, then at least a third of them are descendants of Russian fathers. Apparently, in the past, “irresponsible” southern Russian girls loved to fool around with the “Muscovite occupiers.” While the Ukrainian boys were having fun in the Zaporozhye Sich in an all-male company, their sisters and daughters found understanding with the friendly Suvorov miracle heroes with weighty Finnish Y-chromosomes.

Helping to understand the inconsistency of certain myths, haplogroups, in turn, can give rise to new myth-making. There are people who give them a racial meaning. It is important to understand that haplogroups themselves cannot serve as a criterion for racial, ethnic or subethnic identity. When applied to a specific person, they don’t say anything at all. For example, no adequate community uniting people from the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a1 can be formed. And vice versa, there is no objective difference between Russians living in the same region, carriers of the “Finnish” haplogroup N, and Russians, carriers of the “Aryan” haplogroup R1a. The entire rest of the gene pool of the descendants of the “ancestral Finnish men” and the “ancestral Aryan men” has long been mixed.

Of the more than 20,000 genes in the human genome, only about 100 are included in the Y chromosome. They encode mainly the structure and functioning of the male genital organs. There is no other information there. Facial features, skin color, mental and thinking characteristics are registered in other chromosomes, which during inheritance go through recombination (the paternal and maternal sections of the chromosomes are mixed randomly).

If representatives of a certain ethnic group belong to several haplogroups, this does not mean that this ethnic group is a mechanical combination of populations with different gene pools. The rest of their gene pool, except for the Y chromosomes, will be mixed. Subtle differences between representatives of different Russian haplogroups may be of interest only to people who professionally specialize in blowjobs.

Conversely, people from the same haplogroup may belong to different ethnic groups and even different races, and have fundamental differences in terms of genotype and phenotype.

For example, the record holders for the presence of the “Aryan” haplogroup are such dissimilar peoples as the Poles (56.4%) and the Kyrgyz (63.5%). The “Aryan” haplogroup is found in more than 12% of Ashkenazi Jews, and not in some “half-breeds,” but in the most real, typical representatives of their ethnic group.

If a Russian sailor, having visited Angola, “gives” a native woman a boy child, then he, and all his descendants in the male line, will have the father’s haplogroup. 1000 generations will change, the descendants in all respects will turn into the most typical Angolans, but will still carry the “Aryan” Y chromosome. And this fact cannot be revealed in any way other than DNA analysis.

In the distant past, carriers of haplogroup R1a1, the ancestors of modern Indo-Europeans, set off from Southern Russia and the Urals to explore Europe, the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, India and other neighboring countries, to whose population they imposed their customs and passed on their language. But if their historical success was somehow connected with advanced biology (let's say), then it was rooted not in the characteristics of the Y chromosome, but in other genes that were present in the ancestral population. This “advanced gene pool” was associated with a certain haplogroup only statistically. Modern representatives of haplogroup R1a1 may lack these “advanced” genes. Possession of an “Aryan” chromosome does not in any way reflect “in the spirit.”

Those sections of the Y chromosome that serve as markers for identifying haplogroups do not themselves code for anything and have no biological meaning. These are markers in their purest form. They can be compared to the orange and green LEDs in the movie “Kin-Dza-Dza”, which were used to identify Chatlans and Patsaks, and there was no other difference between these “races” except the color of the light bulb. So the presence of an “Aryan” haplogroup in itself does not guarantee a person not only Aryan brains, but even an Aryan penis (“racist blowjobs” may be disappointed). 

Original taken from servicefree in post Oleg Timofeevich Vinogradov, an outstanding Russian surgeon and writer, served in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union for more than 30 years, awarded 15 medals and one order. Since 1980, he began to study professionally the ancient history of the Slavs.
Monograph by Vinogradov "Ancient Vedic Rus' is the basis of existence" was published in 2008 and immediately sold out. In order to declare the book extremist, in 2011 the author was accused of standard “Russian typing” under Article 282

Drawing from a book
...in best quality:

Book "Ancient Vedic Rus' - the basis of existence"(download) :

Russian spirit.

The scientific data below is a terrible secret. Formally, this data is not classified, since it was obtained by American scientists outside the field of defense research, and was even published in some places, but the conspiracy of silence organized around it is unprecedented. The atomic project at its initial stage cannot even be compared: then some things still leaked into the press, and in this case, nothing at all.
What is this terrible secret, the mention of which is a worldwide taboo? This is the secret of the origin and historical path of the Russian people.


Why information is hidden - more on that later. First, briefly about the essence of the discovery of American geneticists.

There are 46 chromosomes in human DNA, half of which he inherits from his father, half from his mother. Of the 23 chromosomes received from the father, only one - the male Y chromosome - contains a set of nucleotides that is passed on from generation to generation without any changes for thousands of years. Geneticists call this set a haplogroup. Every man living now has in his DNA exactly the same haplogroup as his father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, etc. for many generations.

The haplogroup, due to its hereditary immutability, is the same for all people of the same biological origin, that is, for men of the same nation. Each biologically distinctive people has its own haplogroup, different from similar sets of nucleotides in other peoples, which is its genetic marker, a kind of ethnic mark. In the biblical system of concepts, one can imagine the matter in such a way that the Lord God, when He divided humanity into different nations, marked each of them with a unique set of nucleotides in the Y-chromosome of DNA. (Women also have such marks, only in a different coordinate system - in the mitochondrial DNA rings.) .

Of course, there is nothing absolutely unchangeable in nature, for movement is a form of existence of matter. Haplogroups also change (in biology such changes are called mutations), but very rarely, at intervals of millennia, and geneticists have learned to very accurately determine their time and place. Thus, American scientists found that one such mutation occurred 4,500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain. A boy was born with a slightly different haplogroup than his father, to which they assigned a genetic classification R1a1. Paternal R1a mutated and a new one arose R1a1.

The mutation turned out to be very viable. The R1a1 genus, which was started by this same boy, survived, unlike millions of other genera that disappeared when their genealogical lines were cut off, and multiplied over a vast space. Currently, holders of haplogroup R1a1 make up 70% of the total male population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and in ancient Russian cities and villages - up to 80%. R1a1 is a biological marker of the Russian ethnic group. This set of nucleotides is “Russianness” from a genetic point of view.
Thus, the Russian people in a genetically modern form were born in the European part of present-day Russia about 4,500 years ago. A boy with the R1a1 mutation became the direct ancestor of all men now living on earth whose DNA contains this haplogroup. All of them are his biological or, as they used to say, blood descendants and among themselves - blood relatives, together making up a single people - the Russians.

Biology is an exact science.

It does not allow for double interpretation, and genetic conclusions to establish kinship are accepted even by the court. Therefore, genetic and statistical analysis of population structure, based on the determination of haplogroups in DNA, allows us to trace the historical paths of peoples much more reliably than ethnography, archeology, linguistics and other scientific disciplines dealing with these issues.

Indeed, the haplogroup in the Y-chromosome DNA, unlike language, culture, religion and other creations of human hands, is not modified or assimilated. She's either one or the other. And if a statistically significant number of indigenous inhabitants of a territory have a certain haplogroup, we can say with one hundred percent certainty that these people descend from the original carriers of this haplogroup, who were once present in this territory.

Realizing this, American geneticists, with the enthusiasm inherent in all emigrants in questions of origin, began to wander around the world, take tests from people and look for biological “roots”, their own and others. What they accomplished is of great interest to us, since it sheds true light on the historical paths of our Russian people and destroys many established myths.

So, having emerged 4500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain (the place of maximum concentration of R1a1 - an ethnic focus), the Russian people quickly multiplied and began to expand their habitat. They looked then exactly the same as we do now; the ancient Rus did not have any Mongoloid or other non-Russian features. Scientists have recreated the appearance of a young woman from the “civilization of cities” from bone remains: the result is a typical Russian beauty, millions of the same live in our time in the Russian outback.

Haplogroup R1a1 in the ancient world.

3500 years ago, haplogroup R1a1 appeared in India. The history of the Russians’ arrival in India is known better than other vicissitudes of the territorial expansion of our ancestors thanks to the ancient Indian epic, in which its circumstances are described in sufficient detail. But there is other evidence of this epic, including archaeological and linguistic.

It is known that the ancient Rus were called Aryans at that time (as they are recorded in Indian texts). It is also known that it was not the local Hindus who gave them this name, but that it is a self-name. Convincing evidence of this has been preserved in hydronymy and toponymy - the Ariyka River, the villages of Upper Ariy and Lower Ariy in the Perm region, in the very heart of the Ural civilization of cities, etc.

It is also known that the appearance of the Russian haplogroup R1a1 on the territory of India 3500 years ago (the time of birth of the first Indo-Aryan calculated by geneticists) was accompanied by the death of a developed local civilization, which archaeologists called Harappan based on the site of the first excavations. Before their disappearance, this people, who had populous cities at that time in the Indus and Ganges valleys, began to build defensive fortifications, which they had never done before. However, the fortifications apparently did not help, and the Harappan period of Indian history gave way to the Aryan.

The first monument of the Indian epic, which talks about the appearance of the Aryans, was written down 400 years later, in the 11th century. BC e., and in the 3rd century. BC e. in its completed form, the ancient Indian literary language Sanskrit emerged, surprisingly similar to the modern Russian language.

Now men of the Russian genus R1a1 make up 16% of the total male population of India, and in the upper castes there are almost half of them - 47%, which indicates the active participation of the Aryans in the formation of the Indian aristocracy (the second half of the men of the upper castes are represented by local tribes, mainly Dravidian).

Unfortunately, information on the ethnogenetics of the Iranian population is not yet available, but the scientific community is unanimous in its opinion about the Aryan (i.e. Russian) roots of ancient Iranian civilization. The ancient name of Iran is Arian, and the Persian kings loved to emphasize their Aryan origin, as eloquently evidenced, in particular, by the popular name Darius. This means that there were Russians there in ancient times.

Our ancestors migrated not only to the east and south (to India and Iran), but also to the west - to where European countries are now located. In the western direction, geneticists have complete statistics: in Poland, holders of the Russian (Aryan) haplogroup R1a1 make up 57% of the male population, in Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - 40%, in Germany, Norway and Sweden - 18%, in Bulgaria - 12 %, and in England - the least (3%).

Unfortunately, there is no ethnogenetic information on the European patrimonial aristocracy yet, and therefore it is impossible to determine whether the share of ethnic Russians is evenly distributed across all social strata of the population or, as in India and, presumably, Iran, the Aryans made up the nobility in the lands where they came . The only reliable evidence in favor of the latter version was a by-product of a genetic examination to establish the authenticity of the remains of the family of Nicholas II. The Y chromosomes of the king and heir Alexei turned out to be identical to samples taken from their relatives from the English royal family. This means that at least one royal house of Europe, namely the house of the German Hohenzollerns, of which the English Windsors are a branch, has Aryan roots.

However, Western Europeans (haplogroup R1b) in any case are our closest relatives, oddly enough, much closer than the Northern Slavs (haplogroup N) and the Southern Slavs (haplogroup I1b). Our common ancestor with Western Europeans lived about 13,000 years ago.

The settlement of the Russian-Aryans to the east, south and west (there was simply nowhere to go further to the north; and so, according to the Indian Vedas, before coming to India they lived near the Arctic Circle) became a biological prerequisite for the formation of a special language group - the so-called. "Indo-European" (Correct: Slavic-Aryan). These are almost all European languages, some languages ​​of modern Iran and India and, of course, the Russian language and ancient Sanskrit, which are closest to each other for the obvious reason: in time (Sanskrit) and in space (Russian language) they stand next to the original source - Aryan the proto-language from which all other “Indo-European” languages ​​grew.
Note - more about European languages ​​as remakes - “How “national” remake languages ​​were created in the 18th-19th centuries”- http://ladstas.livejournal.com/71015.html

“It’s impossible to argue. You need to shut up.”

The above are irrefutable natural scientific facts, moreover, obtained by independent American scientists. Disputing them is the same as disagreeing with the results of a blood test in a clinic. They are not disputed. They are simply kept silent. They are hushed up unanimously and stubbornly, they are hushed up, one might say, completely. And there are reasons for this.

The first such reason is quite trivial and boils down to scientific false solidarity. Too many theories, concepts and scientific reputations will have to be refuted if they are revised in the light of the latest discoveries of ethnogenetics.

For example, we will have to rethink everything that is known about the Tatar-Mongol invasion of Rus'. The armed conquest of peoples and lands was always and everywhere accompanied at that time by the mass rape of local women. Traces in the form of Mongolian and Turkic haplogroups should have remained in the blood of the male part of the Russian population. But they are not there! Solid R1a1 - and nothing more, the purity of the blood is amazing. This means that the Horde that came to Rus' was not at all what is commonly thought of it: if the Mongols were present there, then in statistically insignificant numbers, and it is generally unclear who was called “Tatars”. Well, which scientist will refute scientific foundations, supported by mountains of literature and great authorities?!
see Myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke- http://ladstas.livejournal.com/16811.html
No one wants to spoil relationships with colleagues and be branded an extremist by destroying established myths. In an academic environment, this happens all the time: if the facts do not correspond to the theory, so much the worse for the facts.

The second reason, incomparably more significant, relates to the sphere of geopolitics. The history of human civilization appears in a new and completely unexpected light, and this cannot but have serious political consequences.

Throughout modern history, the pillars of European scientific and political thought proceeded from the idea of ​​Russians as barbarians who had recently climbed down from the trees, naturally backward and incapable of creative work. And suddenly it turns out that Russians are the ones arias, which had a decisive influence on the formation of great civilizations in India, Iran and Europe itself! That Europeans owe a lot to Russians for their prosperous lives, starting with the languages ​​they speak. It is no coincidence that in recent history, a third of the most important discoveries and inventions belong to ethnic Russians in Russia itself and abroad. It is no coincidence that the Russian people were able to repel the invasions of the united forces of continental Europe led by Napoleon and then Hitler. Etc.

Great historical tradition

It is no coincidence that behind all this there is a great historical tradition, thoroughly forgotten over many centuries, but remaining in the collective subconscious of the Russian people and manifesting itself whenever the nation faces new challenges. Manifesting itself with iron inevitability due to the fact that it grew on a material, biological basis in the form of Russian blood, which remains unchanged for four and a half millennia.

Western politicians and ideologists have a lot to think about in order to make their policy towards Russia more adequate in the light of the historical circumstances discovered by geneticists. But they don’t want to think or change anything, hence the conspiracy of silence around the Russian-Aryan topic.

The Russian situation itself

The main thing is the very statement of the existence of the Russian people as a biologically integral and genetically homogeneous entity. The main thesis of the Russophobic propaganda of the Bolsheviks and current liberals is precisely the denial of this fact. The scientific community is dominated by the idea formulated by Lev Gumilyov in his theory of ethnogenesis: “From a mixture of Alans, Ugrians, Slavs and Turks, the Great Russian people developed.” The “national leader” repeats the common saying “scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar.” Etc.

Why do the enemies of the Russian nation need this? The answer is obvious. If the Russian people as such do not exist, but some kind of amorphous “mixture” exists, then anyone can control this “mixture”: be it Germans, be it African pygmies, or even Martians. The denial of the biological existence of the Russian people is the ideological justification for the dominance of the non-Russian “elite” in Russia (formerly Soviet, now liberal).

But then the Americans with their genetics intervene, and it turns out that there is no “mixture”, that the Russian people have existed unchanged for 4500 years, that Alans and Turks and many others also live in Russia, but these are separate, distinctive peoples, etc. etc. And the question immediately arises: why then are Russia not ruled by Russians for almost a century? Illogical and wrong, Russians should be controlled by Russians.

Czech Jan Hus

Czech Jan Hus, a professor at the University of Prague, argued in a similar way 600 years ago:
“The Czechs in the Kingdom of Bohemia, by law and by the dictates of nature, must be first in positions, just like the French in France and the Germans in their lands.”
This statement of his was considered politically incorrect, intolerant, inciting ethnic hatred, and the professor was burned at the stake.

Now morals have softened, professors are not being burned, but so that people are not tempted to succumb to Hussite logic, in Russia the non-Russian government simply “cancelled” the Russian people: “a mixture,” they say. And everything would have been fine, but the Americans jumped out from somewhere with their analyzes - and ruined the whole thing. There is nothing to cover them up with, all that remains is to hush up the scientific results, which is done to the hoarse sounds of an old and hackneyed Russophobic propaganda record.

The collapse of the myth about the Russian people

The collapse of the myth of the Russian people as an ethnic mixture automatically destroys another myth - the myth of the multinationality of Russia.
Until now, they have tried to present the ethno-demographic structure of our country as a vinaigrette from the Russian “you won’t understand what the mixture is” and many indigenous peoples and newcomer diasporas. With such a structure, all its components are approximately equal in size, so Russia is supposedly “multinational.”

But genetic studies provide a completely different picture. If you believe the Americans (and there is no reason not to believe them: they are authoritative scientists, they value their reputation, and they have no reason to lie in such a pro-Russian way), then it turns out that 70% of the entire male population of Russia are purebred Russians. According to the data of the penultimate census, 80% of respondents consider themselves Russian, i.e. 10% more are Russified representatives of other nations (it is these 10%, if you “scrub”, that you will find non-Russian roots). And 20% falls on the remaining 170-odd peoples, nationalities and tribes living on the territory of the Russian Federation. Total: Russia is a mono-ethnic country, albeit multi-ethnic, with an overwhelming demographic majority of natural Russians. This is where Jan Hus' logic comes into play.

About backwardness

Next - about backwardness. Judeo-Christian churchmen thoroughly contributed to this myth: they say that before the baptism of Rus', people lived in complete savagery. Wow, "wildness"! They mastered half the world, built great civilizations, taught the aborigines their language, and all this long before the so-called. “The Nativity of Christ”... The real story does not fit, does not fit in any way with its Judeo-Christian church version. There is something primordial, natural in the Russian people that cannot be reduced to their religious life.

Of course, biology and the social sphere cannot be equated. There are undoubtedly points of contact between them, but how one passes into the other, how the material becomes ideal, is unknown to science. In any case, it is obvious that under the same conditions different peoples have different patterns of life activity. In the north-east of Europe, in addition to the Russians, many peoples lived and now live, but none of them created anything even remotely similar to the great Russian civilization. The same applies to other places of civilizational activity of the Russian-Aryans in ancient times. Natural conditions are different everywhere, and the ethnic environment is different, therefore the civilizations built by our ancestors are not the same, but there is something common to all of them: they are great on the historical scale of values ​​and far exceed the achievements of their neighbors.

“Everything flows, everything changes,” “...except the human soul.”

The father of dialectics, the ancient Greek Heraclitus, is known as the author of the saying “Everything flows, everything changes.” Less known is the continuation of this phrase of his: “...except for the human soul.” While a person is alive, his soul remains unchanged (what happens to it in the afterlife is not for us to judge). The same is true for a more complex form of organization of living matter than man - for the people. The people's soul is unchanged as long as the people's body is alive. The Russian folk body is marked by nature with a special sequence of nucleotides in the DNA that controls this body. This means that as long as there are people on earth with haplogroup R1a1 on the Y chromosome, their people retain their souls unchanged.

The language evolves, culture develops, religious beliefs change, but the Russian soul remains the same for all 4500 years of the existence of the people in its current genetic form. And together, the body and soul, constituting a single biosocial entity under the name “Russian people,” have a natural ability for great achievements on a civilizational scale. The Russian people have demonstrated this many times in the past; this potential remains in the present and will always exist as long as the people live.

It is very important to know this and, through the prism of knowledge, to evaluate current events, words and actions of people, to determine one’s own place in the history of the great biosocial phenomenon called the “Russian nation.” Knowledge of the history of a people obliges a person to try to be at the level of the great achievements of his ancestors, and this is the most terrible thing for the enemies of the Russian nation. That's why they try to hide this knowledge. And we are trying to make it publicly available.

Spirin Vladimir Georgievich