Alisa Selezneva what is the name of the actress. The main films of actor Alisa Selezneva

An excellent pupil

Natasha was born into a family that had nothing to do with cinema. Her mother was a doctor and her father was a worker. And the girl herself never saw herself as an actress. Her interests lay in a completely different area. Since childhood, the girl adored all crawling, flying and simply moving insects. She knew their world before the world of people. Her parents dropped her off in the flowerbed in the morning, and Natasha could spend hours fiddling with her bugs until one of the elders thought of feeding the child. Difficult word“Entomologist” she was one of the first to learn to pronounce.

When Natasha was seven years old, the family moved from Zvenigorod near Moscow to the capital. According to parents' plans only daughter should have studied in a good school. And, of course, be an excellent student. Natasha dreamed of entering the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University. I always knew that it was very difficult, but I tried my best: I passed chemistry and biology with straight A’s, and took part in all school and regional competitions.

By nature, Natasha was an extremely shy, shy and quiet child. According to her, she felt very awkward when it came to asking stranger, what time is it now.

But one day the girl’s quiet, calm life ended...

"Guest from the Future"

One day in 1983, a director from the Film Studio came to the class where Natasha studied. M. Gorky. He asked the teacher to let girls who read poetry well into the studio. Since Natasha was one of the best students, it was quite natural that the choice fell on her. As a result, the girl starred in the 10-minute short film “Dangerous Trifles” commissioned by the traffic police.

During the dubbing of that tape, she was noticed by director Pavel Oganezovich Arsenov, who was looking for the heroine on main role Alisa Selezneva in the nursery fantastic picture"Guest from the future." Natasha loved science fiction since childhood, and read Kira Bulychev’s book “One Hundred Years Ahead” two years before, and, as she admits, “I was sick of this book, I told it to everyone.” Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl immediately agreed to this role. If she had known then that she

The role of Alisa Selezneva seemed to have been created specifically for Natasha. The girl fit into it so organically that today, reading Bulychev’s works, hardly anyone imagines this heroine in any other way. Natasha herself claims: “I didn’t pretend to be anything, I was myself, and I didn’t experience any acting difficulties on the set. I just lived my life."

One day Natasha was going to personally perform a stunt trick involving falling out of a window, which she thought was elementary. But Arsenov forbade: “Sit and don’t speak! If you get a bruise, 100 people won’t be able to work for a month until it heals!”

Most children when they get to film set, abandoned their studies. Remember Inga Ilm, Dima Barkov... With Natasha Guseva, everything happened completely the opposite. Girl afraid to fall behind school curriculum, constantly carried textbooks and notebooks with her. As soon as she had a free minute, she, without even changing clothes, laid them out right on her knees and began solving logarithms and calculating roots.

Vyacheslav Nevinny, who played the pirate Veselchak U in the film, once asked her: “Natasha, tell me honestly, do you understand anything about this?” “I’m very ashamed, but I understand everything,” the girl answered. After which Nevinny diagnosed her: “It’s clear, you’re not our kind of person, not a movie person.”

I must say that Natasha Guseva truly became friends with Innocent. Often, in a moment free from filming and science, they enjoyed playing “Balda” - a game in which Vyacheslav Mikhailovich is simply a virtuoso.

But Natasha did not develop any special friendships with the guys involved in the film: almost all the girls auditioned for the main role and, understandably, did not fall in love with their successful rival, and the boys were busy with themselves. The romantic Kolya Gerasimov was actually infatuated with another girl, episodic character Lena Dombazova...

Crazy popularity

And it was a success. Yes, one that was unlikely to overtake the Hollywood “superstars”. Natasha's heroine Alisa Selezneva became the idol of all teenagers. Ironically, a modest, thin girl of small stature suddenly developed

thousands of fans. Her life completely changed. Willy-nilly, fifteen-year-old Natasha had to respond to a new name, sign autographs on the way to school and act out the image of a completely different girl.

Natasha Guseva recalls: “Oh! Something terrible happened! In fact, I was completely unprepared for this. To this mass adoration that fell upon me. I had fans on the staircase. They hung on the trees under my windows. One just started living under my door with sandwiches. The parents were in terrible shock! They just imagined terrible stories, had terrible dreams about the kidnapping of their own daughter...”

For Natasha it was just a terrible life. Getting out of the apartment became a big problem for her. Alisomaniac fans were everywhere and at any time of the day! The girl developed a different gait. She walked all the time with her head down, hiding her eyes: few people recognized her by the top of her head.

And the letters! The number of letters that came after the film simply did not count. That is, they really came in bags. The addresses were the most fantastic, right down to “Moscow, Natasha Guseva.” At the post office, all the correspondence was folded and once every two weeks a whole cartload of thousands of three or four letters was delivered to the Gusevs.

Natasha says: “The letters were in such quantities that, with all my desire, with all due respect to my fans, I could not read them. That is, I honestly, after finishing the lessons, sat down to read them, but then I involved my parents and friends in this. It was simply impossible, not able to, not only answer, but simply even read all this quantity.”

To this day, Natasha has a collection of amusing and funny letters at home, and another collection was kept in Gorky’s studio for several years.

But about this one Funny case says Natasha’s mother: “School, tenth grade, preparations for exams are in full swing, and then Natasha is called by the school director and says that she needs to appear at the district Komsomol committee. Why, why - it’s not clear, but it needs to be done urgently. In the subway I give her a brief political briefing about the situation in the world, we quickly repeat

becoming a Komsomol. We arrive, and there, on the windowsill, stands a guy from Chelyabinsk and in the form of an ultimatum demands to show him Natasha, otherwise he will jump out of the window. By the way, I recently sent a letter: he now lives somewhere in Far East, got married, his wife looks like Natasha.”

At that time, Natasha received real support from her native class. She says: “My classmates became my best friends. The boys all immediately fell in love, although no one paid any attention to it before the film. They accompanied me everywhere for several years, protecting me from Alisomaniacs who did not give way.”

Other film works

The success of “Guest from the Future” did not turn Natasha’s head at all. The girl did not feel pleasure from national fame, but, on the contrary, inconvenience and terrible fear. She really wanted this to end soon. She still did not see herself as an actress in the future. At the same time, parents often frightened their daughter: “If you don’t study, you will become an artist!”, and Natasha tried with all her might.

However, she still starred in several films. And how could she refuse when the directors vied with each other to offer the girl one main role after another. For the sports drama “Race of the Century” (1986), where Guseva, however, played cameo role, followed by the same Pavel Arsenov’s painting “The Purple Ball”. Once again, viewers could watch the adventures of their beloved Alisa Selezneva, this time saving humanity from the virus of enmity.

Then Natasha starred in Dmitry Mikhleev’s melodrama “The Will of the Universe.” More than three thousand children applied for the main roles in this film, but Natasha Guseva and Slava Ilyushchenko, who played schoolchildren Lena and Dima, were approved.


After graduating from school, Natasha had no question about who to be. " Acting profession, despite the continuous filming, I was not carried away. I never dreamed of the stage and fame; I’m not interested in it at all. It’s not mine!” - Natasha admits. She was finally able to fulfill her childhood dream of studying biology.

Natasha entered the Institute of Fine Art chemical technology to the biotechnology department. While studying in her first year, she

rejected the main role in the film “Accident - the Cop’s Daughter”, explaining it this way: “... there is a rape scene there. And I don’t care much that what will be shown on the screen is not mine nudity, and understudies. I don’t want to spoil Alice’s bright image. It’s very important that the heroine I’m offered to play understands life the same way I do.” After that, she had to turn down a couple more, new Russian roles with naked scenes.

Personal life

On the set of the film “The Will of the Universe” in Minsk, Natasha met her future husband. Denis, in absentia in love with Alisa Selezneva, sought in every possible way to meet his ideal. First, he decided to stage a horse kidnapping. For a long time he tried to convince the circus that they would give him white horse, but nothing came of it.

Then the young man came up with an original move. A box from under the Horizon TV was delivered to Natasha’s hotel room, informing her that a parcel had been received in her name at the Main Post Office. The box was delivered by three guys in uniform, so Natasha did not suspect anything, although she was very surprised and, as she herself admits, somewhat frightened. The girl decided not to open it until her grandmother arrived. Imagine her surprise when a young man suddenly appeared from the box.

Denis Murashkevich recalls: “... when I got out, Natasha was very scared, of course. Here. Her eyes were even bigger. I didn’t know there could be more—more!”

And here’s how Natasha describes her condition: “At the first moment I was not so much scared as I had a feeling of such disappointment. It seemed to me that I was so careful, so experienced. I know how to treat fans... He got out of the box and said: “I am your gift! So, use it for its intended purpose...” I was truly in a state of shock. I didn’t know how to use such a big, huge guy for its intended purpose. (Laughs) Honestly, after five minutes, when I walked away, I wanted to carefully and carefully escort him out the door, so tactfully. When I hinted to him about this, he said: “What are you talking about! Look at me". And it was the month of November, it was raining outside, and he was in a shirt, jeans, and socks. Even without boots. ABOUT

He says, well, you’re not that bad, you’re an evil girl...”

Soon the grandmother came and assessed the current situation with due humor. Seeing that the guy was cheerful and everything was fine, she began to give him tea... Natasha and Denis dated for a while, and then they had a fight and broke up for several years.

Here is one of Natasha’s poems, composed by her in 1992:

“He’s not a match for you, not a match,” -

a sober mind tells me.

But a lonely guitar

It sounds like a tear in my soul.

I hate myself for my weakness:

"Shame! So let the snot go!"

I won't see him again -

Well, I need to forget him.

But still the rain follows me

Removes dampness from the window

And the violin cries behind the wall

(Or maybe the drill in the wall is whining).

Well, stop freaking out about fat.

Life itself will give the answer to everything.

It’s moving in the aquarium.”

Furry Murik is a tarantula.”

After serving in the army, Denis came home to Natasha and heard from her mother that his beloved girl had gotten married. Why did the future mother-in-law deceive him? It seemed to her that this was not at all the right person for her daughter. How wrong she was!

The upset young man left Moscow. “Why interfere with the happiness of your beloved woman, so to speak, or the girl of your dreams,” he later explained his action. And three years later, Denis accidentally saw an interview with Natasha in the newspaper, from which it was clear that his beloved girl was not married, and had never been married. He immediately called her, said that he would come, and the very next day he stood at her door.

Denis recalls: “It was a miraculous day, she couldn’t help but let me in. It was the fourteenth of February, Valentine's Day. And she let me in, and I, somehow... We were together on the fourteenth and fifteenth, and on the sixteenth we decided to get married.”

Over the years, Denis, in love with Alice, realized that Natasha was completely different, unlike her heroine, and fell in love with a real girl. It turned out that they also had common interests in life. Natalya Guseva says: “Denis is a paramedic and loves to hang out with snakes, and I adore spiders and cockroaches. When he was courting me, he gave me a gorgeous big mantis! I was absolutely delighted."


I am the life of Alisa Selezneva

After graduation, Natalya got a job at the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. Gamaleya. She says: “You know, I’m still not upset that I decided to become a biotechnologist and graduated from college in this specialty. At the company where I previously worked, I was highly valued. They even offered to go to France for an internship. I could be walking around Paris right now. But apparently it’s not fate. On the same day when it was necessary to sign the contract, I found out that I was pregnant. For a long time I couldn’t explain to my boss why I wanted to ruin my career. Then she burst into tears and revealed that I was expecting a child. And now, looking at Aleska, I can’t even imagine what I would do without her.”

Natalya named her daughter Alesya. “This name reminds me of the image of Alisa Selezneva,” she admits. When Natalya was in the maternity hospital after the birth of her daughter, a bush bloomed under the windows of the ward in the middle of winter. The neighbors looked out the window: “Well, Natasha, only your crazy person could do this!” No normal person would tie roses to a bush with strings.”

Natalya Guseva (now Murashkevich) admits that she is very happy in her marriage: “Living with Denis is fun and interesting. He and I tried to jump with a parachute and water ski big waves. True, my first jump was not entirely successful. I was blown away by the wind because I was too light weight. I had to dangle in the air for a long time, and my husband and his friend jumped, trying to catch me by the leg.”

Natalya Guseva no longer has that national popularity, but viewers still love and remember Alisa Selezneva. Until now, after the next screening of “Guest from the Future” in her apartment, calls are heard. The boys miraculously find out the phone number and ask for Alice. From time to time, Natalya is invited to various programs and meetings with viewers. On the Internet, sites made with great love to the actress. Natalya is surprised by this - how is she still remembered? Perhaps this is surprising only to her. Because anyone who has ever watched the film “Guest from the Future” will never forget Alisa Selezneva, a girl with huge clear eyes.

Floor: female Nationality: Russian Race: Caucasian Location: Moscow Age: from 3 to 13; in most stories - 10-12 years Date of Birth: or 2070 Family: father - prof. Igor Seleznyov, mother - architect Kira Seleznyov Nickname: Aliska, Alice-bisector Occupation: high school student Prototype: Alisa Igorevna Mozheiko Role played by: Natasha Guseva
Katya Prizhbilak
Clara Yandova
Yagoda Stakh
Daria Melnikova Wikiquote Quotes on Wikiquote

Alisa Igorevna Selezneva(genus. November 17 or , Moscow) - literary character; a girl living in Moscow at the end of the 21st century, main character a series of books by Kir Bulychev “The Adventures of Alice”, covering episodes of her life from 3 to 13 years.

Film character; the main character of three Soviet children's feature films.
The author of the character is Kir Bulychev.

The character became widely known among Russian-speaking reading and viewing audiences, mainly practically, thanks to both the books of Kir Bulychev and the cartoon by Roman Kachanov “The Secret of the Third Planet” () and the television film by Pavel Arsenov “Guest from the Future” (). The image of Alice from the TV movie is rather completely separate, independent from the image of Alice in the books.

Creation of the character, his popularity over the decades

As a literary character, Kira Bulycheva Alisa was born in 1965, when the first stories about her appeared in the annual almanac “World of Adventures”. common name(“The girl to whom nothing will happen”).

The girl was named after the writer’s daughter, Alisa Mozheiko (now Lyutomskaya), and the parents received, respectively, the names of Bulychev himself (Igor Mozheiko) and his wife Kira. Alisa's mother was also given Kira Mozheiko's profession as an architect. However, neither in appearance nor in character, according to the author, the character is based on his daughter.

The popularity of the character grew like an avalanche; books about Alisa Selezneva were translated into dozens of foreign languages. Along with books, filmstrips have also been released, three domestic cartoon, three domestic and a number of foreign feature films dedicated to the adventures of Alisa Selezneva. The peak of the character's popularity and fame came in the second half of the 1980s, after the release of the television movie Guest from the Future. In 1998, a star was named after Alisa Selezneva.
The image of Alice is still in demand in cinema - new films about her adventures are being prepared for release.

Biography, appearance, character of A. I. Selezneva Kira Bulycheva

Alice - only child in family. Father - famous cosmozoologist, professor of zoology Igor Seleznev, director of the Moscow zoo of the future - Cosmozoo. Author of many published works, in particular the book “Beasts of Distant Planets”; permanent author of the galactic magazine “Bulletin of Cosmozoology”. Mother - famous architect solar system Kira Selezneva. Known for the construction of the Nukus stadium and cultural center on the Pallas asteroid. Alice spends much more time with her father than with her mother.

Alice's appearance is known in general outline: this is a blonde girl tall and athletic build, usually dressed in “men’s” clothes (shorts and a T-shirt, or overalls).

Alice's character is impulsive, energetic and enterprising. She constantly surprises adults with her childlike spontaneity, resourcefulness and fearlessness. Often her outlandish guesses turn out to be truer than the scientific hypotheses of adult scientists. Paired with peers, especially Pashka Geraskin and similar characters, Alice, on the contrary, often plays the role of a skeptic and a balanced, calm member of the team. Alice is honest, she is sure that “if you can not lie, it is better not to lie,” however, she considers it acceptable to show cunning in relation to parents or other adults if there is reason to think that adults will interfere with the implementation of plans due to their excessive concern for well-being and safety children.

Despite Alice's persuasion, her mother did not allow her to undergo surgery to implant synthegills so that, like Ichthyander, she could breathe underwater as much as she wanted.

Date of birth of A. I. Selezneva Kira Bulycheva

The works in which Alisa Seleznyova acts were created over a period of forty years, and the author, by his own admission, did not follow any well-thought-out “chronology of the future” when describing the adventures of his heroine. It can be noted that in most cases, the time of action in books about Alice is approximately 100-110 years ahead from the time the book was written, respectively, and the date of birth of Alice, who in most books is from 9 to 12 years old, “floats”. So the question about Alice’s date of birth does not have a clear answer. If we try to take into account all of Alice’s numerous chronological journeys, the relationship between her real biological age and calendar dates becomes even more confusing.

Regarding the month and date, everything is more or less clear:

  • "Alice was born on November 17"- the story “Alice’s Birthday” begins with this phrase. More precisely - November 17, in the second half of the 21st century.
  • In the story “The Island of the Rusty Lieutenant” the action takes place at the beginning of the summer holidays (April-June) in 2089 (the 300th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille is celebrated). Alice is 9 years and 2 months old, that is, she should have been born in the second half of March - the first half of April. However, according to the story “The Second Years,” which takes place shortly before the events of “The Island of the Rusty Lieutenant,” Alice’s biological age has a difference of minus six months relative to the earth’s calendar due to the desynchronization of channels between chronostreams during Alice’s unauthorized movement into the past. So if we assume that in “The Island...” the biological age of the girl is named, then the date of birth of November 17 (taking into account the fact that she is directly named by the author) can be considered not inconsistent with other indications of age.

As for the year of birth, everything is much less certain. Alice's year of birth is unknown, since it is never directly mentioned in the works of Kir Bulychev. The dates mentioned in various books allow us to calculate several options. The main links to chronology directly indicated in the books boil down to the following:

  • The stories “Alice's Journey” and “Alice's Birthday” in combination give a very definite date of birth for Alice. In the first story, on March 3, 2074, Gromozeka gave an autograph to the “beautiful dugout” in the Lunar Restaurant, and in next year Alice turned 10 in the fall. Therefore, Alice's date of birth is November 17, 2065.
  • The part of the story “One Hundred Years Ahead”, taking place in the future, begins on April 11, 2082. Alice is 11 years old. If we assume that she was born in the fall, then it was the fall of 2070.
  • As mentioned above, the events of “The Island of the Rusty Lieutenant” take place in summer holidays 2089, and Alice is 9 years and 2 months old, that is, her date of birth is in 2080 (or, taking into account the “missed” six months, in 2079).

Alice's biography researcher Andrei Busygin, having analyzed all the novels and stories about her, proposed an approximate chronology of Alice's adventures (in some cases, shifting the years indicated in the books, since they contradict each other) and tied the events that took place in the books to the following future dates:

  1. The girl to whom nothing will happen: 2083-2086
  2. Fairy Tale Sanctuary: Spring 2087
  3. Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich: spring 2087
  4. Alice's Journey: Summer 2088
  5. Repeaters: fall 2088 - spring 2089
  6. Rusty Field Marshal: June 2089
  7. Alice's birthday: autumn 2089
  8. Lilac ball: winter 2089/90
  9. Asteroid Prisoners: July 2090
  10. One Hundred Years Ago: April 2091
  11. A Million Adventures: Spring-Summer 2091
  12. Prisoners of the Yamagiri Maru: spring 2092
  13. The End of Atlantis: Spring 2092
  14. Gai-Do: July 2092
  15. City Without Memory: August 2092
  16. Alice and the Crusaders: September 2092

Alice's year of birth according to this chronology is 2079-2080.

Visualization of the image in book illustrations and cartoons

The classic hand-drawn implementation of the image of Alisa Selezneva was the version of Evgeny Migunov, although it was somewhat different from the original author: a tall girl with blond hair Bulychev's turned into Migunov's short and fair-haired one. In Migunov’s version, childish characteristics are emphasized in every possible way, and the sportiness of the author’s image is compensated by the dynamism of the drawing. Bulychev said more than once that he himself now imagines Alice only as “Migunov’s”, and called the artist his co-author.

Migunov’s image has become a kind of model to which many other illustrators make their versions similar, and also to some extent influenced cartoon version Natalia Orlova in the cult cartoon by Roman Kachanov “The Secret of the Third Planet”, in which for the first time in domestic cinema the image of Alice appeared.

In addition, there is cartoon“Guest from the Future/2”, in which a somewhat older Alice appears in 1987 and informs Kolya and his friends that their future has been stolen from them. The cartoon was posted in free access on the Russian Portal.

The embodiment of the image in feature films

In feature films, the image created by film director Pavel Arsenov and embodied on the screen by Natasha Guseva has become just as classic. From the perspective external signs it is even further from the original, the author’s, than Migunov’s. The fact is that the film director, when selecting an actress, was guided primarily by photographs of Alice Liddell, who inspired Lewis Carroll. But this is by no means the main thing - Alisa Seleznyova from “Guest from the Future” (and “The Purple Ball”) is noticeably different from the author’s original both in appearance and, most importantly and curiously, in character. Alice in these films is an “unearthly” girl with big eyes and a special, warm look, small, lean, fragile, not at all impressive in terms of external athletic data, defenseless. By nature, she is trusting, sincere, open, with a crystal clear and pure, unsullied childish soul.

Katya Prizhbiljak as Alice



Dubbing in other countries

  • Japan - Ayaka Wilson (TTP), Hisako Kanemoto (UYa-M, LS), Yuko Sampei (GizB, ORG) and Ami Koshimisu (DRA).
  • Philippines - Kathryn Bernardo (LS, DRA, GizB) (also TTK from the Czech Republic), Mutia Orduia (TTP, ORG, UYA-M).
  • Italy - Letizia Ciampa.
  • France - Gabriel Djeroux.
  • Spain - Sara Polo.
  • Ukraine - Solomiya Lukyanets (TTP), Newton, Mika (GizB), Alina Grosu (DRA), Alina Belkevich (UYa-M), Victoria Petrik (LS, ORG).
  • India - Kareena Kapoor.
  • Russia - Alsou (Tatar dubbing)
  • Belarus - Ksenia Sitnik

Computer games

  • The Secret of the Third Planet (2003) - platformer
  • Alice's Journey (Step Creative Group, 2005) - quest
  • Alice and the Space Dragon (2006) - quest
  • The Mystery of the Third Planet: Alice and the Purple Ball (2009) - quest

see also



  • Sergey Lobov A fairy tale about the future. Alisa Selezneva // Fantasy world. - 2009. - No. 7. - P. 115-119.
  • Podolny R. In Wonderland: [Rec. on the book: Girl from the Earth] // Lit. review. - 1975. - No. 1 - P. 47-48.
  • Polikovskaya L. A Million Adventures: [Rec. on the book: A Million Adventures] // Det. lit. - 1983. - No. 7. - P. 56-57.
  • Revich V. Children are like children: [Afterword. to the book: Girl from the Future] // Bulychev K. Girl from the Future... and other stories. - Chisinau: Lumina, 1984. - P. 613-620.
  • Revich V. Today - from the heights of the future: [Rec. on the book: Girl from the Earth] // Lit. gas. - 1975. - June 4 (No.). - P. 4.
  • Revich V. The Third Alice and the Third Planet: [Foreword. to the book: The Secret of the Third Planet] // Bulychev K. The Secret of the Third Planet. - M.: All-Union. Bureau of Cinematography Propaganda, 1983. - P. 2.
  • Revich V. The Third Alice and the Third Planet: [Foreword. to the book: The Secret of the Third Planet] // Bulychev K. The Secret of the Third Planet. - M.: All-Union. Bureau of Cinematography Propaganda, 1984. - P. 2.
  • Semibratova I. Let's dream!: [Rec. on the book: Girl from the Earth] // Det. lit. - 1983. - No. 11. - P. 19-22.
  • [Unsigned] Die unwissenden Barbaren: [Rec. on the book: Lilac Ball] // Volksstimme (Magdeburg). - 1987. - July 25.


Fan sites

Igor Seleznyov, mother - architect Kira Seleznyov

Alisa Igorevna Selezneva- the main character of the children's series fantasy books Kira Bulychev's "The Adventures of Alice" and their film adaptations and derivative works, such as "The Secret of the Third Planet", "Guest from the Future" and "Alice Knows What to Do! " Alisa is a girl living in Moscow at the end of the 21st century.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Actors from the film "GUEST FROM THE FUTURE" 30 YEARS LATER

    ✪ Alisa Selezneva / Exclusive interview/ Star peppers / Russian peppers


Character Appearances

Alice first appeared on the pages of books in 1965, when the first stories about her under the general title (“The Girl to Whom Nothing Happens”) appeared in the annual almanac “World of Adventures.”

The girl was named after the writer’s daughter, Alisa Mozheiko (now Lyutomskaya), and the parents received, respectively, the names of Bulychev himself (Igor Mozheiko) and his wife Kira. Alisa's mother was also given Kira Mozheiko's profession as an architect. However, neither in appearance nor in character, according to the author, the character is based on his daughter.

Books about Alisa Selezneva have been translated into dozens of foreign languages. Along with books, filmstrips, two Soviet and two Russian cartoons, three Soviet and a number of foreign feature films dedicated to the adventures of Alisa Selezneva were also released. The peak of the character's popularity and fame came in the second half of the 1980s, after the release of the television movie Guest from the Future.
The image of Alice is still in demand in cinema - new films about her adventures are being prepared for release.

Character image

Alice is the only child in the family. Father - famous cosmozoologist, professor of zoology Igor Seleznev, director of the Moscow zoo of the future - Cosmozoo. Author of many published works (in particular, the book “Beasts of Distant Planets”), regular contributor to the galactic magazine “Bulletin of Cosmozoology”. Mother - famous architect of the solar system Kira Selezneva. Known for the construction of the Nukus stadium and cultural center on the asteroid Pallada. Alice spends much more time with her father than with her mother.

Alice's character is impulsive, energetic and enterprising. She constantly surprises adults with her childlike spontaneity, resourcefulness and fearlessness. Often her outlandish guesses turn out to be truer than the scientific hypotheses of adult scientists. Paired with her peers - especially Pashka Geraskin and similar characters - Alisa, on the contrary, often plays the role of a skeptic and a balanced, calm member of the team. Alice is honest, she is sure that “if you can not lie, it is better not to lie,” however, she considers it acceptable to show cunning in relation to parents or other adults if there is reason to think that adults will interfere with the implementation of plans due to their excessive concern for the well-being and safety of children .

Date of Birth

The works in which Alisa Seleznyova acts were created over a period of forty years, and the author, by his own admission, did not follow any well-thought-out “chronology of the future” when describing the adventures of his heroine. It can be noted that in most cases, the time of action in books about Alice is approximately 100-110 years ahead from the time the book was written, respectively, and the date of birth of Alice, who in most books is from 9 to 12 years old, “floats”. So the question about Alice’s date of birth does not have a clear answer. If we try to take into account all of Alice’s numerous chronological journeys, the relationship between her real biological age and calendar dates becomes even more confusing.

Regarding the month and date, everything is more or less clear:

  • “Alice was born on November 17th”- the story “Alice’s Birthday” begins with this phrase. More precisely - November 17, in the second half of the 21st century.
  • In the story “The Island of the Rusty Lieutenant” the action takes place at the beginning of the summer holidays (April-June) in 2089 (the 300th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille is celebrated). Alice is 9 years and 2 months old, that is, she should have been born in the second half of March - the first half of April. However, according to the story “The Second Years,” which takes place shortly before the events of “The Island of the Rusty Lieutenant,” Alice’s biological age has a difference of minus six months relative to the earth’s calendar due to the desynchronization of channels between chronostreams during Alice’s unauthorized movement into the past. So if we assume that in “The Island...” the biological age of the girl is named, then the date of birth of November 17 (taking into account the fact that she is directly named by the author) can be considered not inconsistent with other indications of age.

As for the year of birth, everything is much less certain. Alice's year of birth is unknown, since it is never directly mentioned in the works of Kir Bulychev. The dates mentioned in various books allow us to calculate several options. The main links to chronology directly indicated in the books boil down to the following:

  • The stories “Alice's Journey” and “Alice's Birthday” in combination give a very definite date of birth for Alice. In the first story, on March 3, 2074, Gromozeka gave an autograph to the “beautiful earthling” at the Lunar Restaurant, and the following year, in the fall, Alice turned 10 years old. Therefore, Alice's date of birth is November 17, 2065.
  • The part of the story “One Hundred Years Ahead”, taking place in the future, begins on April 11, 2082. Alice is 11 years old. If we assume that she was born in the fall, then it was the fall of 2070.
  • As mentioned above, the events of “The Island of the Rusty Lieutenant” take place during the summer holidays of 2089, and Alice is 9 years and 2 months old, that is, her date of birth is in 2080 (or, taking into account the “missed” six months, in 2079).

Alice's biography researcher Andrei Busygin, having analyzed all the novels and stories about her, proposed an approximate chronology of Alice's adventures (in some cases, shifting the years indicated in the books, since they contradict each other) and tied the events that took place in the books to the following future dates:

  1. The girl with whom nothing will happen: 2083-2086
  2. Fairy Tale Sanctuary: Spring 2087
  3. Kozlik Ivan Ivanovich: spring 2087
  4. Alice's Journey: Summer 2088
  5. Repeaters: fall 2088 - spring 2089
  6. Rusty Field Marshal: June 2089
  7. Alice's birthday: autumn 2089
  8. Lilac ball: winter 2089-2090
  9. Prisoners of an Asteroid: July 2090
  10. A Million Adventures: Spring - Summer 2091
  11. One Hundred Years Ago: April 2092
  12. Prisoners of the Yamagiri Maru: Spring 2092
  13. The End of Atlantis: Spring 2092
  14. Gai-Do: July 2092
  15. City without memory: August 2092
  16. Alice and the Crusaders: September 2092

Alice's year of birth according to this chronology is 2079-2080.

Alice as imagined by artists

The classic hand-drawn implementation of the image of Alisa Selezneva was Evgeniy Migunov’s version, although it was somewhat different from the original author’s: a tall girl with blond hair from Bulychev turned into a short and fair-haired girl from Migunov. In Migunov’s version, childish characteristics are emphasized in every possible way, and the sportiness of the author’s image is compensated by the dynamism of the drawing. Bulychev said more than once that he himself now imagines Alice only as “Migunov’s”, and called the artist his co-author.

Migunov’s image has become a kind of model to which many other illustrators make their versions similar, and also to some extent influenced the animated version of Natalya Orlova in Roman Kachanov’s cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet,” in which the image of Alice appeared for the first time in Russian cinema. The prototype of Alice for the production designer was her seven-year-old daughter Ekaterina Semyonova (and the prototype of Captain Zeleny was her husband Tengiz Semenov).

At the end of April 2011, a teaser for the animated series “Alice in Skolkovo”, created by the Bazelevs company, appeared in the media. The series premiered on November 16, 2013 on the STS channel.

In feature films

In the television films “Guest from the Future” and “The Purple Ball” by Pavel Arsenov, the role of Alice was played by Natasha Guseva. The image of the heroine in these film adaptations is much further from the book than Migunov’s and Kachanov’s, both in appearance and in character. Alice in these films is an “unearthly” girl with big eyes and a warm gaze, trusting, sincere and open.

In the film “The Island of the Rusty General” the role of Alice was played by Katya Prizhbilak. Her Alice is a thin, fragile girl with gray eyes and long dark brown hair, collected in a “tail”, is perhaps the farthest option from Migunov’s illustrations.

In June 2008, it became known that filming had begun on a new film about Alice Selezneva - “The Adventures of Alice Selezneva. Prisoners of Three Planets”, in which the role of Alice was supposed to be played by Daria Melnikova, but since then the project has been frozen. But Daria’s role as Alice continued - Alice spoke in her voice in the new animated series “

An excellent pupil

Natasha was born into a family that had nothing to do with cinema. Her mother was a doctor and her father was a worker. And the girl herself never saw herself as an actress. Her interests lay in a completely different area. Since childhood, the girl adored all crawling, flying and simply moving insects. She knew their world before the world of people. Her parents dropped her off in the flowerbed in the morning, and Natasha could spend hours fiddling with her bugs until one of the elders thought of feeding the child. She was one of the first to learn to pronounce the difficult word “entomologist.”

When Natasha was seven years old, the family moved from Zvenigorod near Moscow to the capital. According to the parents' plans, their only daughter should have studied in a good school. And, of course, be an excellent student. Natasha dreamed of entering the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University. I always knew that it was very difficult, but I tried my best: I passed chemistry and biology with straight A’s, and took part in all school and regional competitions.

By nature, Natasha was an extremely shy, shy and quiet child. According to her, she felt very awkward when it was necessary to ask a stranger what time it was.

But one day the girl’s quiet, calm life ended...

"Guest from the Future"

One day in 1983, a director from the Film Studio came to the class where Natasha studied. M. Gorky. He asked the teacher to let girls who read poetry well into the studio. Since Natasha was one of the best students, it was quite natural that the choice fell on her. As a result, the girl starred in the 10-minute short film “Dangerous Trifles” commissioned by the traffic police.

During the dubbing of that film, she was noticed by director Pavel Oganezovich Arsenov, who was looking for a heroine to play the main role of Alisa Selezneva in the children's science fiction film “Guest from the Future.” Natasha loved science fiction since childhood, and read Kira Bulychev’s book “One Hundred Years Ahead” two years before, and, as she admits, “I was sick of this book, I told it to everyone.” Therefore, it is not surprising that the girl immediately agreed to this role. If only she knew then what awaited her!

The role of Alisa Selezneva seemed to have been created specifically for Natasha. The girl fit into it so organically that today, reading Bulychev’s works, hardly anyone imagines this heroine in any other way. Natasha herself claims: “I didn’t pretend to be anything, I was myself, and I didn’t experience any acting difficulties on the set. I just lived my life."

One day Natasha was going to personally perform a stunt trick involving falling out of a window, which she thought was elementary. But Arsenov forbade: “Sit and don’t speak! If you get a bruise, 100 people won’t be able to work for a month until it heals!”

Most children, getting on the set, abandoned their studies. Remember Inga Ilm, Dima Barkov... With Natasha Guseva, everything happened completely the opposite. The girl, afraid of falling behind the school curriculum, constantly carried textbooks and notebooks with her. As soon as she had a free minute, she, without even changing clothes, laid them out right on her knees and began solving logarithms and calculating roots.

Vyacheslav Nevinny, who played the pirate Veselchak U in the film, once asked her: “Natasha, tell me honestly, do you understand anything about this?” “I’m very ashamed, but I understand everything,” the girl answered. After which Nevinny diagnosed her: “It’s clear, you’re not our kind of person, not a movie person.”

I must say that Natasha Guseva truly became friends with Innocent. Often, in a moment free from filming and science, they enjoyed playing “Balda” - a game in which Vyacheslav Mikhailovich is simply a virtuoso.

But Natasha did not develop any special friendships with the guys involved in the film: almost all the girls auditioned for the main role and, understandably, did not fall in love with their successful rival, and the boys were busy with themselves. The romantic Kolya Gerasimov was actually infatuated with another girl, the episodic character Lena Dombazova...

Crazy popularity

And it was a success. Yes, one that was unlikely to overtake the Hollywood “superstars”. Natasha's heroine Alisa Selezneva became the idol of all teenagers. Ironically, the modest, thin girl of small stature suddenly gained thousands of fans. Her life completely changed. Willy-nilly, fifteen-year-old Natasha had to respond to a new name, sign autographs on the way to school and act out the image of a completely different girl.

Natasha Guseva recalls: “Oh! Something terrible happened! In fact, I was completely unprepared for this. To this mass adoration that fell upon me. I had fans on the staircase. They hung on the trees under my windows. One just started living under my door with sandwiches. The parents were in terrible shock! They just imagined terrible stories, had terrible dreams about the kidnapping of their own daughter...”

For Natasha it was just a terrible life. Getting out of the apartment became a big problem for her. Alisomaniac fans were everywhere and at any time of the day! The girl developed a different gait. She walked all the time with her head down, hiding her eyes: few people recognized her by the top of her head.

And the letters! The number of letters that came after the film simply did not count. That is, they really came in bags. The addresses were the most fantastic, right down to “Moscow, Natasha Guseva.” At the post office, all the correspondence was folded and once every two weeks a whole cartload of thousands of three or four letters was delivered to the Gusevs.

Natasha says: “The letters were in such quantities that, with all my desire, with all due respect to my fans, I could not read them. That is, I honestly, after finishing the lessons, sat down to read them, but then I involved my parents and friends in this. It was simply impossible, not able to, not only answer, but simply even read all this quantity.”

To this day, Natasha has a collection of amusing and funny letters at home, and another collection was kept in Gorky’s studio for several years.

But Natasha’s mother tells about such a funny incident: “School, tenth grade, preparations for exams are in full swing, and then Natasha is called by the school director and says that she needs to appear at the district Komsomol committee. Why, why - it’s not clear, but it needs to be done urgently. In the subway, I give her a brief political briefing about the situation in the world, quickly repeating the Komsomol charter. We arrive, and there, on the windowsill, stands a guy from Chelyabinsk and in the form of an ultimatum demands to show him Natasha, otherwise he will jump out of the window. By the way, I recently sent a letter: he now lives somewhere in the Far East, he got married, his wife looks like Natasha.”

At that time, Natasha received real support from her native class. She says: “My classmates became my best friends. The boys all immediately fell in love, although no one paid any attention to it before the film. They accompanied me everywhere for several years, protecting me from Alisomaniacs who did not give way.”

Other film works

The success of “Guest from the Future” did not turn Natasha’s head at all. The girl did not feel pleasure from national fame, but, on the contrary, inconvenience and terrible fear. She really wanted this to end soon. She still did not see herself as an actress in the future. At the same time, parents often frightened their daughter: “If you don’t study, you will become an artist!”, and Natasha tried with all her might.

However, she still starred in several films. And how could she refuse when the directors vied with each other to offer the girl one main role after another. The sports drama “Race of the Century” (1986), where Guseva, however, played a cameo role, was followed by the same Pavel Arsenov’s film “The Purple Ball”. Once again, viewers could watch the adventures of their beloved Alisa Selezneva, this time saving humanity from the virus of enmity.

Then Natasha starred in Dmitry Mikhleev’s melodrama “The Will of the Universe.” More than three thousand children applied for the main roles in this film, but Natasha Guseva and Slava Ilyushchenko, who played schoolchildren Lena and Dima, were approved.


After graduating from school, Natasha had no question about who to be. “The acting profession, despite the continuous filming, did not captivate me. I never dreamed of the stage and fame; I’m not interested in it at all. It’s not mine!” - Natasha admits. She was finally able to fulfill her childhood dream of studying biology.

Natasha entered the Institute of Fine Chemical Technology in the biotechnology department. While studying in her first year, she rejected the main role in the film “Accident - the Cop’s Daughter,” explaining it this way: “... there is a rape scene there. And I don’t care much that it’s not my naked body that will be shown on the screen, but the body doubles. I don’t want to spoil Alice’s bright image. It’s very important that the heroine I’m offered to play understands life the same way I do.” After that, she had to turn down a couple more, new Russian roles with naked scenes.

Personal life

On the set of the film “The Will of the Universe” in Minsk, Natasha met her future husband. Denis, in absentia in love with Alisa Selezneva, sought in every possible way to meet his ideal. First, he decided to stage a horse kidnapping. For a long time he tried to persuade the circus to give him a white horse, but nothing came of it.

Then the young man came up with an original move. A box from under the Horizon TV was delivered to Natasha’s hotel room, informing her that a parcel had been received in her name at the Main Post Office. The box was delivered by three guys in uniform, so Natasha did not suspect anything, although she was very surprised and, as she herself admits, somewhat frightened. The girl decided not to open it until her grandmother arrived. Imagine her surprise when a young man suddenly appeared from the box.

Denis Murashkevich recalls: “... when I got out, Natasha was very scared, of course. Here. Her eyes were even bigger. I didn’t know there could be more—more!”

And here’s how Natasha describes her condition: “At the first moment I was not so much scared as I had a feeling of such disappointment. It seemed to me that I was so careful, so experienced. I know how to treat fans... He got out of the box and said: “I am your gift! So, use it for its intended purpose...” I was truly in a state of shock. I didn’t know how to use such a big, huge guy for its intended purpose. (Laughs) Honestly, after five minutes, when I walked away, I wanted to carefully and carefully escort him out the door, so tactfully. When I hinted to him about this, he said: “What are you talking about! Look at me". And it was the month of November, it was raining outside, and he was in a shirt, jeans, and socks. Even without boots. He says, well, you’re not that bad, you’re an evil girl...”

Soon the grandmother came and assessed the current situation with due humor. Seeing that the guy was cheerful and everything was fine, she began to give him tea... Natasha and Denis dated for a while, and then they had a fight and broke up for several years.

Here is one of Natasha’s poems, composed by her in 1992:

“He’s not a match for you, not a match,” -

a sober mind tells me.

But a lonely guitar

It sounds like a tear in my soul.

I hate myself for my weakness:

"Shame! So let the snot go!"

I won't see him again -

Well, I need to forget him.

But still the rain follows me

Removes dampness from the window

And the violin cries behind the wall

(Or maybe the drill in the wall is whining).

Well, stop freaking out about fat.

Life itself will give the answer to everything.

It’s moving in the aquarium.”

Furry Murik is a tarantula.”

After serving in the army, Denis came home to Natasha and heard from her mother that his beloved girl had gotten married. Why did the future mother-in-law deceive him? It seemed to her that this was not at all the right person for her daughter. How wrong she was!

The upset young man left Moscow. “Why interfere with the happiness of your beloved woman, so to speak, or the girl of your dreams,” he later explained his action. And three years later, Denis accidentally saw an interview with Natasha in the newspaper, from which it was clear that his beloved girl was not married, and had never been married. He immediately called her, said that he would come, and the very next day he stood at her door.

Denis recalls: “It was a miraculous day, she couldn’t help but let me in. It was the fourteenth of February, Valentine's Day. And she let me in, and I, somehow... We were together on the fourteenth and fifteenth, and on the sixteenth we decided to get married.”

Over the years, Denis, in love with Alice, realized that Natasha was completely different, unlike her heroine, and fell in love with a real girl. It turned out that they also had common interests in life. Natalya Guseva says: “Denis is a paramedic and loves to hang out with snakes, and I adore spiders and cockroaches. When he was courting me, he gave me a gorgeous big mantis! I was absolutely delighted."

Today's life of Alisa Selezneva

After graduation, Natalya got a job at the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. Gamaleya. She says: “You know, I’m still not upset that I decided to become a biotechnologist and graduated from college in this specialty. At the company where I previously worked, I was highly valued. They even offered to go to France for an internship. I could be walking around Paris right now. But apparently it’s not fate. On the same day when it was necessary to sign the contract, I found out that I was pregnant. For a long time I couldn’t explain to my boss why I wanted to ruin my career. Then she burst into tears and revealed that I was expecting a child. And now, looking at Aleska, I can’t even imagine what I would do without her.”

Natalya named her daughter Alesya. “This name reminds me of the image of Alisa Selezneva,” she admits. When Natalya was in the maternity hospital after the birth of her daughter, a bush bloomed under the windows of the ward in the middle of winter. The neighbors looked out the window: “Well, Natasha, only your crazy person could do this!” No normal person would tie roses to a bush with strings.”

Natalya Guseva (now Murashkevich) admits that she is very happy in her marriage: “Living with Denis is fun and interesting. He and I tried to jump with a parachute and water ski on big waves. True, my first jump was not entirely successful. I was blown away by the wind because I was too light. I had to dangle in the air for a long time, and my husband and his friend jumped, trying to catch me by the leg.”

Natalya Guseva no longer has that national popularity, but viewers still love and remember Alisa Selezneva. Until now, after the next screening of “Guest from the Future” in her apartment, calls are heard. The boys miraculously find out the phone number and ask for Alice. From time to time, Natalya is invited to various programs and meetings with viewers. On the Internet, sites are dedicated to her, made with great love for the actress. Natalya is surprised by this - how is she still remembered? Perhaps this is surprising only to her. Because anyone who has ever watched the film “Guest from the Future” will never forget Alisa Selezneva, a girl with huge clear eyes.

Alice, hello! Thank you for taking the time to busy schedule to meet us! We always start interviews with our heroines with a question: if you signed your own photo, what signature would you write?
I answered this question for myself when I was 9 years old. I am Miss smile of the ship Karl Liebknecht 89. It seems to me that nothing can even be added to this, I know that my smile opens doors and wins people over, and I take advantage of this with impunity.

As a rule, our heroines identify themselves from a professional point of view, but you touched specifically on the emotional side of your personality. Does this mean that such personal moments are more important to you than the professional sphere?
I think it's great not to get hung up on being a professional in some field. Just have it in your subconscious and tell everyone around you that you are an amateur. By and large, what is the demand for blondes? There will always be people who will challenge this, those who do the same thing better. But there is no other person who, for example, will demonstrate emotions in the same way as I do. I consciously choose the position that I am an amateur. Thanks to this, I don’t use any cliches, I can always ask something without hesitation. This image of the dim-witted blonde and the condescension that I receive thanks to it completely suit me.

Please tell me how old are you now?
I'm 35, and I talk about it calmly. I am absolutely comfortable now, although at 30 I was incredibly worried, it seemed to me that this was a death sentence: how is it possible, I’m 30, and I haven’t accomplished anything yet? And now I understand that 35 is really cool. I don’t see 35 in the mirror, all the people who find out my age are very surprised, and I like it.

Tell us how your journey began? Did you know from the very beginning that you wanted to work in television or radio?
I have very strict parents who always believed that a profession should be as applied as possible, without any creativity. I think mom still thinks that creative people eking out a miserable existence, and is afraid of it. Therefore, all my impulses did not find a response, and I had to act furtively. And so it happened, a local television company in Kazan announced a casting for the role of a correspondent, and when my brother and I were skipping university, I tried and passed. I was 19 and it all started very quickly. Based on my character, I would have stayed there, I was very comfortable, I really liked my projects and the team. But, like everything in my life, it didn’t turn out at all as I had planned.

What happened next?
At that moment, in Moscow, the MUZ-TV channel announced a casting for TV presenters, and my friend decided to take part in it, but she was scared to go alone, so at the same time she sent my samples. And the two of us went to MUZ-TV, and even going through the second round of casting, I was sure that I wouldn’t move anywhere. It seemed to me that they simply would not let me leave the house. But everything turned out differently: at the moment when I was returning from Moscow to Kazan, the producer of MUZ-TV called my mother, and when I came home, my mother told me that I didn’t have to unpack my suitcase because I was leaving in 3 days back.

How long did you work at MUZ-TV?
I was the “prodigal daughter” on this TV channel: I came and went many times. And I also got into radio by accident. I came with a friend to the casting, he was auditioning for the position of a radio presenter on the Pops radio, I was waiting for him in the corridor, and the producer, noticing me, asked: “Who is this girl in the corridor, why is she just sitting like that?” And he invited me to try it too. This is how my story on radio began. At first it was difficult for me to adjust after working on television: how is it that you sit alone in a room with a microphone and talk and laugh! What if the people listening to you don’t find it funny? What if they think you're a fool?

When did you realize that radio was “yours”?
I don’t know how positive this quality is, but I have never refused any work. Working on the radio was also of this category. I didn't know how good I was at it, it was just a moment of challenge. Of course, this is a difficult job, by 7 am you always have to be on the radio, you have to be in in a great mood and full of energy so that listeners feel it. And for the first time I realized that I was succeeding when, shortly after starting my career as a radio presenter, I came to the Radio Day holiday in Gorky Park. There were a lot of my colleagues there, and I was surprised when it turned out that they all knew me! We somehow immediately found a common language, I realized that these were “my” people, “my” company, and now I’m ready to say with confidence that there is no such atmosphere as on radio, there is no such atmosphere on television, this is really a family.

Now you're already for a long time you work on Russian Radio.
Yes, 8 years. The moment I received an offer from Russian Radio to go to work for them, I felt great anxiety. We had a wonderful atmosphere at Pops, I still communicate with many colleagues from there, although this radio station no longer exists. But at the same time, I understood that only fools could refuse such an offer, and I really didn’t want to be a fool, so, with a squeaking heart, I still accepted it, although it was very scary.

At 35 years old, have you achieved the professional level you wanted, or do you think you could have achieved more?
In the period from 25 to 28 years old, I was so often denied an interesting, prestigious job due to the fact that I looked too young and inexperienced, and, according to employers, could not talk about some things, that I waited until I was 35. And as an example many of my friends, I can say that women in modern conditions the opportunity to really realize yourself only appears after 35. And now I feel absolutely ready to come, take what I need and calm down. There was already plenty of extra work in my life; for three years I had 8 projects at the same time: I woke up at 5.45, left the house at 6.30, and returned after midnight. It was just hysteria: jumping out of bed at night because I forgot to send something, my conscience tormented me if I just sat for an hour doing nothing. At some point I realized that a little more and I would have to go to the hospital for treatment.

Have you worked so hard to achieve a specific goal?
First of all, these are material benefits, as well as an attempt to realize oneself to the maximum, to use all one’s capabilities.

Has anything changed now?
Certainly. Now I only work on radio and occasionally host some events. I think this is the merit of my husband: when a real man is nearby, the realization comes that you can relax, rest, stop taking everything on yourself and dragging it alone. And also, having once tried to live for myself, not to rush after working for 3-4 others, but to sleep during the day or relax, I realized that I didn’t want to force myself anymore and exhaust myself. It turned out that it’s so wonderful to plan a vacation and go on it, and not return tickets, because it’s impossible to combine 8 jobs.

Do you feel comfortable as a woman?
I’m married for the second time, and I’m very comfortable, because I found someone with whom it’s cool, who doesn’t bother me, who complements me. I never thought that I would have such a husband who could help me with the housework and be understanding about my busyness. When making any decision, from global ones related to work or family, to choosing the color of nail polish, I consult him. And it’s so great for me to be in this state, when I don’t have to decide anything, I absolutely trust my husband, and there has never been a time when he made a mistake. I'm incredibly happy married.

Now would you like to change something in your life? Perhaps achieve something?
No, absolutely. In general, I don’t want to change anything, I won’t set any more standards for myself. It took me so long to achieve this state of peace that I never want to lose it again.

Tell us what story connects you with Cosmo?
I'm with adolescence I buy it all the time. Cosmopolitan Shopping is generally desktop for me. Of course, I understand that now everything is downloaded, but I like the printed version of the magazine, I love rustling the pages.

Why Cosmo?
This is such a women's magazine, I am incredibly interested in fashion, trends, lessons and master classes, I really like it all.

Tell me, what advice could you give to those who are still looking for themselves and their path?
There is no universal recipe for happiness; it is different for everyone. I do not rule out that some may enjoy working without rest and constantly achieving new heights; for others, on the contrary, marriage is the ultimate dream, and they are happy to sit at home and lead everyday life. I can only say that once you catch that feeling of absolute serenity and calm, you will immediately understand it. The feeling when everything goes as it should attracts the most the right people and the most optimal events. And then everything works out by itself, easily and simply. And most importantly, start your day with a positive attitude and a smile! Then you will definitely succeed.

Photographer Sergey Shchedrov
Interview Ksenia Bausheva, Svetlana Komolova
Make up & hair style Anna Filina
Clothing @ksenia_bausheva_store