All about the Sagittarius girl horoscope. Compatibility with other signs in love

The Sagittarius woman is the most straightforward among representatives of other signs. She is used to saying what she thinks head-on, without thinking at all about the impression she makes on others. She tends to get to the bottom of everything, even if it doesn’t bring happiness to anyone. She does not accept lies and does not like to lie herself. She is capable of various adventures and can easily start an affair at work.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is friendly, independent and always open to honest people. All her emotions are always sincere because she does not know how to cry on demand or laugh when she is not funny. She is smart, cheerful, optimistic, she has a light and cheerful disposition, and it is always interesting to communicate with her. Cases when a representative of this sign is sad or in a bad mood are so rare that it seems as if sorrow is unknown to her.

The Sagittarius woman is always sure exactly what she wants to get from life, and thanks to her inexhaustible optimism, any achievements are given to her easily and without much effort. All her actions are done from the heart and never cause harm to others. She has a more developed need for spiritual development than other signs, so some women of this sign begin to attend church.

The psychological portrait of a Sagittarius woman emphasizes her independence and pride. She leaves her family early to live separately; she has absolutely no connection with her family. At the same time, she does not strive to start a family; it is much easier for her to live alone than to put up with the restrictions that arise in her life with the advent of a partner.

In public, she has no equal in the art of public speaking. The Sagittarius girl can easily convince any person by imposing her point of view on him. She is an expert on many issues, although sometimes such know-it-allness leads to the fact that she does not perceive other points of view.

The Sagittarius woman’s horoscope states that she always acts first, and only then thinks, without listening to anyone’s advice or arguments. Outwardly, one gets the feeling that she is quite capable of solving any problems herself, but this is just an appearance.

She is energetic, constantly on the move, trying to help even people she barely knows. Because of this behavior, the representative of this sign has conflicts with household members who do not receive enough attention due to her desire to help everyone. Public life sometimes plays a more important role for her than personal life, so it is not surprising that she lives alone for a long time.

Her beliefs are so unshakable that it is impossible to convince her that she is wrong. Only time and circumstances can prove to her that her judgment is wrong. She does not like people who try to command or impose their point of view, but she will avoid weak-willed and passive men, because she is interested in a person with whom she will compete on equal terms in wit and endurance.

What Sagittarius women love

Due to their increased propensity for adventure, ladies born in the constellation Sagittarius simply adore adventures and long journeys. When traveling, they acutely feel their freedom, which they value and do not want to limit. In addition, they simply need a regular change of environment; monotony and monotony make them bored. At the same time, they are unlikely to go on their next voyage alone; they definitely need an environment so that they have someone to share their overwhelming emotions with.

Women whose zodiac sign is Sagittarius love exotic cuisine, so they often visit restaurants to satisfy their desires. At the same time, they do not know how to cook at all, and they do not like to do it.

If at work they have to perform routine and monotonous duties, then they can get bored very quickly and then their productivity will drop, but if this monotonous work is highly paid, then they will find an opportunity to make it interesting and fun.

Sagittarius women love to play sports, they like to ride horses. Among the representatives of this sign there are most professional athletes. They enjoy active sports such as running, swimming and athletics.

Sagittarius woman's love

Any man who wants to build a strong and long-term relationship with a lady born in the constellation Sagittarius should remember how freedom-loving she is and what a difficult character she has, so before taking any action to conquer her, you should really assess your capabilities and understand Is he ready to face difficulties in order to find happiness and harmony in relationships.

The Sagittarius woman is too independent and self-sufficient and does not want to limit her freedom even for the sake of a person for whom she will have sincere feelings. Moreover, if a man is a strong and worthy opponent, then she will treat him as an equal, but if a man is spineless and weak-willed, then she will completely subjugate him and force him to fulfill all her whims. The most suitable compatibility horoscope for her is a Scorpio man.

The Sagittarius woman loves to flirt openly and can easily captivate any man. After some time, conquered men understand that her external lightness hides a complex and multifaceted nature. If for some reason her partner ceases to interest her, she is able to refuse him in such a rude manner that he will move away from this relationship for a long time and lick his wounds.

Many men consider her to be overly cold and unapproachable, so they try to avoid her, but in fact, this is only a mask behind which a tender and sensual nature is hidden. Her true inner world can only be seen by those who can win her heart.

In relationships with representatives of the stronger sex, the Sagittarius woman is open and natural, does not recognize pretense and mannerisms. Sometimes she is too frank, which leads to others interpreting her behavior too ambiguously and drawing not very pleasant conclusions. If she fails in love, she does not despair and is not sad for a long time. Her inner strength and endless optimism allow her to survive without major losses.

In a relationship, she, first of all, values ​​her freedom, so her partner should not limit her in any way. He must trust her completely. If a man constantly controls her and is jealous of her for no reason, then she will quickly end the relationship because she will feel that her freedom is being encroached upon. She is willful and independent, but it is precisely for these qualities that men love her so much.

In order for a Sagittarius woman to agree to get married, she must be completely sure that after the wedding she will not have to stand at the stove for days and be completely bogged down in household chores. If her partner instills in her confidence that even after marriage her life will be easy and relaxed, then she will definitely agree. Although after marriage, she becomes an excellent housewife, skillfully coping with household chores. The main thing is to allow her to spend her free time the way she wants, to get involved in what she likes and see friends without restrictions.

When becoming a mother, a woman of this sign copes well with maternal responsibilities. She spends a lot of time in the nursery, keeping the children busy with active games, while getting real pleasure, because it is here that her thirst for adventure finds an outlet, she is able to organize a lot of harmless adventures, in which both the children and herself will receive a lot of positive emotions.

Sexual life of a Sagittarius woman

Since representatives of this sign love freedom, they will most likely even prefer to make love outdoors, in the open air. A sea beach at sunset or a tent in the forest will be her most desirable place for intimacy.

She likes sex, but she doesn’t like long foreplay, preferring to quickly move on to the main process. She is only interested in her own feelings and emotions. In sex, she thinks only about her own satisfaction. So, in one sexual act she is able to get several orgasms, although they will not be too deep.

The Sagittarius woman is too inattentive to her partner during intimacy, which really hurts men. She loves to tease him, bringing him to ecstasy and immediately changing the rules of the game. After intimacy, she likes to lie next to her partner, talking about her feelings and the pleasure received. She views sex as a friendly act, so men who consider intimacy to be something supernatural are perceived with a degree of irony.

Because of this attitude towards sex, a woman of this sign is quite capable of participating in group sex or making love with a woman. In any case, no matter how much she makes love, in bed she always thinks only about her own pleasure and about her emotions and impressions.

Stories from our readers

Sagittarius Woman She can be a mischief maker and a socialite at the same time, she is never boring or passive, optimism, a sense of humor and a spirit of quest accompany her throughout her life. This woman is very sensitive and feminine, she is open-minded and open-minded. It is quite difficult to carry it out; the Sagittarius woman does not like deception and secrecy. Her range of interests is very diverse and wide. The Sagittarius woman is very smart and can handle any technical problem. You have to be careful when talking to her, she can be very unpredictable and hot-tempered.

The most famous women those born under the sign are the following:

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, singers Patricia Kaas, Edith Piaf, actresses Clara Novikova, Zhanna Agalakova, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Natalya Krachkovskaya, Nona Mordyukova, Julianne Moore, Galina Polskikh, Nina Ruslanova.

The main feature Sagittarius woman character is prudence and practicality. She always knows what she wants and how to make her dream come true. At the first meeting, she may seem like an open and cheerful woman, in fact, this woman has a rather domineering character. She will not allow anyone to limit herself in anything. Thanks to her positive outlook on life and endless optimism, she often achieves success in life.

Sagittarius Woman does not like to do household chores and be the keeper of the hearth. Her goal in life is to be the master of her own destiny and remain independent. In men she values ​​high social status and material well-being; she is ready to live with such a partner for the rest of her life. However, if her chosen one has a weak character, then despite the best spiritual qualities, she will be disappointed in him and leave. The Sagittarius woman is generally not one of those for whom the main task in life is to get married. She does not feel any particular desire to start a family, and if she does become someone’s wife, then she will never please him with the coziness and comfort in the house.

Sagittarius Woman always tells the truth, so you shouldn’t be afraid that she will lie to you. Sometimes her statements seem too harsh, because no one likes straightforward reasoning. Because of this, she suffers greatly in life, but she cannot remain silent after hearing outright lies, flattery and injustice. Therefore, she does not develop close family ties with people dear to her. She compensates for this alienation by constant travel and sports.

Sagittarius Woman loves to have fun and entertain other people. In her company, no one will be sad or suffer from loneliness. Her wit, sense of humor and enthusiasm delight anyone. Next to this woman there should be a man who loves sports and adventure, in which case she will become a good interlocutor and friend for him.

Sagittarius Woman often has long and beautiful legs. She is slim and graceful. Walking after work is her favorite pastime. However, over the years, she begins to gain weight, with fat deposited in her stomach and thighs. The Sagittarius woman's weak points are the hips, sides and liver. Without sufficient physical activity, she begins to have problems in these areas. Among Sagittarius women there are many long-livers who tirelessly play sports until old age.

For mobile Sagittarius woman Proper nutrition is important. Fatty foods and alcohol combined with physical activity can have a detrimental effect on her liver. Dependence on sweets is especially harmful for a Sagittarius woman. She should not get carried away with eating delicious sweets, chocolate, pastries and cakes. For the liver to function properly, its diet must contain vitamins C and B.

Also for maintaining the health of a Sagittarius woman silica or silicon dioxide is required. A deficiency of this oxide contributes to weak and brittle nails, dull hair and bleeding gums. Sources of digestible silica include oats, brown rice, cherries, strawberries, lean fish and seaweed.

Sagittarius Woman predisposed to hip injuries. Therefore, at any age, she needs to be careful and avoid extreme sports. Smoking and overeating are also dangerous to her health. A Sagittarius woman should avoid the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and drink a lot of water and more fruits in the heat. Her skin is more sensitive and delicate than that of women of other signs.

Mostly all women are Sagittarius optimistic people. They rarely get sick and recover quickly, and they retain their youth, beauty and lively smile until old age.

Sagittarius women are diehard optimists and never experience depression. The Sagittarius woman cuts the truth, regardless of the feelings of others. These ladies are excellent wives and loving mothers who manage to keep their home in perfect order and at the same time pursue a career.

Appearance of a Sagittarius woman

These are very bright women, they like to dress pretentiously, wear bright makeup, and wear flashy things and jewelry. Sometimes such excesses border on complete bad taste, but Sagittarians compensate for this with grace and cat-like dexterity of movements.

The Sagittarius woman knows how to walk confidently and is tall. She is very vain. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance.

Behavior and inner world of a Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius ladies are honest and straightforward, they love to gossip or just gossip. They are great optimists and have a lot of energy. Sometimes others decide that their behavior is a game for the audience, but this is not so.

Sagittarius women know how to lend a shoulder in difficult times, so they have many friends and acquaintances, people love them. They become leaders of any community they enter. They don’t hold grudges for long; they look at things realistically and quickly assess their chances.

These ladies are very warm and friendly. They are not shy about showing their emotions, they can cry out loud or laugh at the top of their lungs. Moreover, they do all this completely sincerely.

Sagittarius Woman: Positive and Negative Traits

Sagittarians are prone to creativity, they are interesting conversationalists, have a rich imagination, are always in a good mood, this type of personality attracts people, they always have many friends.

Also, these ladies are very straightforward and spontaneous, but they do not want to offend anyone with their behavior. And they demand from loved ones to demonstrate the same qualities, and they are very offended without noticing their presence.

Sagittarius woman's career

The Sagittarius woman is excellent at combining work and family. In both places she has order and discipline.

Sagittarius Woman - Leadership Qualities

Sagittarius will be able to take custody of a person, seeing that he cannot cope. But this help is not a great success; under the tutelage of Sagittarius, it will no longer be possible to take your own steps. Sagittarians are very passionate and fight to the last, even if they feel that they are losing.

In work, a Sagittarius woman can outperform any man. These ladies use creativity and originality in their work, take initiative, and are good performers. In short, a Sagittarius woman is the dream of any company.

Sagittarius Woman: Career

The main thing for Sagittarius in work is interest, lack of monotony, the opportunity to express oneself and find a non-standard solution to a problem. They are prone to constant development, often radically changing their field of activity, deciding that they are bored with their previous work.

Sagittarius woman in sex, marriage, career, family

Sagittarians in love give themselves completely to their partner. They are emotional and very sensual. The personal life of these women is quite eventful; they rarely get by with just one marriage.

How do Sagittarius woman feelings manifest?

1. Sagittarius may be considered promiscuous, all because of their spontaneity and lack of conventions when communicating with men. In fact, Sagittarians are simple-minded, honest and open. They are confident in themselves and in the purity of their intentions, so they expect the same from their partner.

2. These ladies are comprehensively developed, quickly find the essence of the problem, the meaning in the world around them, they are very attractive to men.

3. The Sagittarius woman openly demonstrates her emotions, which captivates people and men in particular.

4. Sagittarians often idealize their partner and do not notice his shortcomings.

5. Sagittarius women strive for romance in relationships and love new sensations. They are kind, positive, fair.

6. A man should support Sagittarius in everything, share her interests, and not try to limit her freedom.

Sagittarius Woman - Sexual Life

The Sagittarius woman is a wonderful lover, sensual, open to experimentation. He has a stormy temperament and always openly expresses his emotions.

The Sagittarius woman is the carrier of a strong flow of energy; she is simply created for love. She experiences each of her novels with every fiber of her soul. She doesn't know how to live a boring life. Always tries to experiment or bring newness to relationships.

Sagittarius's stormy temperament is best demonstrated in bed, but falling in love can be temporary.

Sagittarians approach relationships in bed easily and with humor; former lovers often remain their friends for life.

The Sagittarius woman treats sexual relationships as a game and does not get very upset over a loss.

The Sagittarius woman moves through life easily and can easily have several love affairs at once.

Sagittarians never play; all their emotions and feelings are open. They can sometimes be considered rude due to their straightforwardness. The Sagittarius woman values ​​her freedom, but she cannot be alone for long.

Marriage and family of a Sagittarius woman

These women do not strive for marriage at all; they value freedom and feel quite comfortable in the “free” status. A man will need enormous endurance to persuade this woman to marry.

In relationships, Sagittarians value trust, honesty and openness most of all. It is important for them to feel freedom.

Sagittarius ladies are always good housewives; their home is always clean and cozy. Dull domestic responsibilities overwhelm Sagittarius, so here she tries to be creative, decorate the house, and design it. She spends a lot of money on creating practical furnishings and unique design in her home.

The Sagittarius woman does not at all strive to become a mother. Although if this does happen, they show themselves as good parents, but inside they protest against the current situation.

Children feel comfortable with their Sagittarius mother, but often she is too demanding of them and tries to realize her unfulfilled dreams through them. If the child starts to protest, Sagittarius will always find a compromise.

Gifts for a Sagittarius woman

Choosing a gift for a Sagittarius lady is a very difficult task. They will definitely appreciate the purchased ticket or paid trip to a new place. Any sports paraphernalia is also suitable. Sagittarius will like household appliances, dishes, and interior items as a gift. You can present a piece of jewelry, but it is better to give such a gift as a surprise, this will make the gift even more valuable in the eyes of the Sagittarius woman.

A lively and interesting interlocutor, capable of turning a head or “breaking off” all the best impulses of her suitor. The Sagittarius woman is not the easiest prey for gentlemen. And yet they are drawn to her, because her sincerity, cheerfulness and openness become an excellent alternative to intrigue and hidden motives, which can most often be found in the behavior of many representatives of the fair sex. And after a hard day, surrounded by constant problems and adversity, such a companion will help you take your mind off the drab everyday life and teach you how to truly enjoy life. Of course, in order for your compatibility to allow her to be around long enough, you need to try. But the result will be worth all the effort.

general characteristics

A noisy, cheerful and cheerful Sagittarius girl always attracts attention in any company. She knows how to rejoice and laugh from the heart. A friendly and sincere attitude towards everyone is devoid of falsehood and games. She is always the way she is, and portraying something that really isn’t there is beneath her dignity. She has a very active imagination, which allows her to come up with many interesting ideas and immediately bring them to life. With such a companion you will never get bored.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of our Zodiac, are not characterized by manifestations of melancholy and pessimism. And in order to become despondent or depressed, such a woman needs to endure many strong blows of fate.

The main trait that the Sagittarius woman possesses is her straightforwardness. She always says what she thinks and does not think at all about the reaction to her words from others. A woman can afford such behavior because she knows exactly her worth and is well aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

Truthfulness also manifests itself in relation to oneself. Self-confidence makes Sagittarius a very strong and unbending person who can stand up for himself and his opinion. Any rumors and gossip in her direction will in no way affect her self-esteem.

To enjoy work, those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of the Zodiac, must have the opportunity to create, search and realize themselves. She does not like control and pressure; they will interfere with her ability to cope with her tasks. At the same time, it is important for her to bear social responsibility and be needed by someone. In a male team, such an employee will feel confident and will be able to keep everyone on their toes.

In her personal life, it is quite difficult for her to choose a gentleman, since she immediately calculates possible compatibility and will not hesitate to voice a refusal if the man is not suitable for her.

Love and Sagittarius

With all the positive characteristics, it is quite difficult for ladies born under the sign of Sagittarius to find love and a life partner. Especially considering how easily they mislead their suitors.

The behavior of this seductress and coquette leads to the creation of an opinion about her availability and desire to go further (for example, to intimacy). This is exactly how her suitors perceive her, but they are mistaken. A flirting Sagittarius girl is able to point out to men their superficial judgments the moment they try to “cross the line.” Anyone, even the most experienced seducer, can be plunged into severe despondency by a harsh refusal received from the object of courtship. At the right moment, Sagittarius will calmly and coldly reject the claims of a gentleman who is unable to understand the true depth of such a woman.

For this sign, lying is unacceptable, and they do not hesitate to tell the truth. Therefore, a boyfriend who is focused on testing himself for compatibility with Sagittarius needs to be prepared for the truth about himself. Such a companion will not think about male pride and will not soften the blow. It's just that the moment you make a mistake, she will directly tell you everything she thinks.

In love, the Sagittarius woman values ​​sincerity. She strives for equality and sees nothing wrong with quarreling with her lover on business and then making peace with him. Cunning and guile are not for her. She expects the same attitude from her partner.

This woman can fall in love only for her spiritual qualities, which excessive tinsel will not prevent her from considering. The Zodiac gave her this opportunity. In response to sincere feelings, the partner will receive spiritual comfort and undemandingness from her. Such a woman knows how to forgive mistakes and support when a man needs it. She is able to show how easy it is to enjoy ordinary things and can charge you with a positive mood.

The Sagittarius woman attracts men with her versatile views on the world and philosophical mindset. She has excellent abilities to think, look deeper at the essence of everything that happens, search and find meaning in everything that surrounds her. Often the Sagittarius woman looks quite young for her age and attractive, which further increases her success and popularity among men.

The next distinguishing feature of a Sagittarius woman is her sincerity and openness. She has difficulty hiding things. Sometimes he may even say too much when it would be better to remain silent. But on the other hand, she knows how to be extremely frank and open.

The attitude towards love is often idealistic; it can idealize a man, see only the best in him, without noticing anything bad. She also has a craving for everything sublime, refined, and elegant.

She is attracted to romantic relationships, full of novelty and impressions, where there should be a lot of variety, interesting communication and rich emotions and feelings. Sometimes she wants more of everything. She does not stop there and is not inclined to limit her knowledge.

She constantly wants to expand the circle of her knowledge; curiosity pushes her to make new acquaintances and communicate. She is attracted to travel; if it is not possible to travel to other countries, then she will be happy to travel on the Internet or reading books, imagining the situations described. There is also a craving for adventure, including love.

Positive qualities of a Sagittarius woman in love

  • Good nature
  • Justice
  • Sincerity
  • Openness
  • Peacefulness
  • Friendliness
  • Positivity
  • Optimistic
  • Sociability
  • Versatility
  • Erudition
  • Naturalness
  • Romance
  • Inspiration
  • Wit
  • Generosity
  • Deep views

Negative qualities of a Sagittarius woman in love

  • Irresponsibility
  • Impermanence
  • Gullibility
  • Naivety
  • Haste
  • Rashness
  • Impulsiveness
  • Hot temper

See also Character of Sagittarius Characteristics of people of the element of Fire

Sagittarius woman in bed

The Sagittarius woman behaves relaxed and passionately in bed. Conventions and complexes are alien to her. She knows how to look at situations multifacetedly, understand the essence and meaning of things. In bed, she wants to experience the whole gamut of caresses, tenderness and pleasures.

She is not a supporter of everything traditional, she does not accept everything that can restrain her free expression of feelings and passion. And sometimes they flare up like fire. And if you ignore her fire, don’t give her what she wants, then the fire can quickly go out.

In bed, as in life, she is drawn to follow and learn a lot, and when she gets carried away by something, she likes to prolong the pleasures. Sometimes she likes to stretch out the pleasure to get as much of it as possible. This also includes long foreplay, communication in a romantic setting, and gentle touches.

Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman?

The Sagittarius woman is suited to men with diverse views on life. With whom you have a lot in common and who can become like-minded people. Do not limit her freedom, do not suppress her will. Don't hold back your emotions and feelings. Do not violate her sense of justice.

A Sagittarius woman will find it easy with a man

  • Sociable
  • Sincere
  • Interesting
  • For the curious
  • Erudite
  • Optimistic
  • Generous
  • Condescending

It will be difficult for a Sagittarius woman to be with a Man

  • Authoritarian
  • Imperious
  • Strict
  • Emotionless
  • Impassive
  • Laconic
  • Cold
  • callous
  • Discreet
  • Ascetic
  • Pedantic
  • Conservative

Sagittarius woman in a relationship with a man


To win a Sagittarius woman, you need to be imbued with her interests, thoughts, and desires. If a man has a lot in common with her, in his views, worldview, then she will quickly become close to him.

At the same time, you must also be sociable and interesting, have diverse interests. The Sagittarius woman is always open to communication, it is easy to get to know her and develop relationships. But these relationships must be sincere and real.

She is fascinated by thoughts on various topics, travel, walks, she likes to admire open landscapes where the horizons are clearly visible. She loves romance and sensuality. He prefers that relationships develop dynamically, actively, not only in words and not limited exclusively to expensive gifts.

See also How to conquer a Sagittarius woman How to conquer a Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius woman in marriage

A Sagittarius woman in marriage will not limit herself to household chores. In any case, she will find herself a lot of hobbies, hobbies, where she will completely devote all her energy. She enjoys active recreation, and playing sports will allow her to quickly regain her lost shape.

Since the Sagittarius woman has a tendency to indulge in laziness and excesses, which may result in obesity. In addition, she does not like to stay in one place for a long time. Her element fire means action, and she constantly finds some kind of activity for herself.

She prefers spacious houses with a lot of free space, and it is desirable that open horizons are visible from the window. The sign of Sagittarius itself symbolizes expansion, increase. And most likely the Sagittarius woman will increase what has been acquired in the family, expand what she has.

She often relies on chance and will not be content with the small and essential things. Sometimes there is a lack of practicality in household chores. She prefers to choose clothes for her outfit so that they emphasize status or are as comfortable as possible. There is sometimes a lack of sense of proportion in food and relaxation. Most of all I like vacations where there is food for thought and intellectual research.

There are often problems with uneven energy distribution. When a Sagittarius woman has a lot of it, she completely lays it out, which can cause devastation to be felt the next day.

How to get a Sagittarius woman back

Sometimes it is difficult to return a Sagittarius woman, since her feelings and sympathy can flare up like fire and disappear just as quickly. Especially if there was nothing serious connected with the man, and the relationship turned out to be erroneous and kind of like another love adventure.

And it can be very difficult to return what has been burned, burned away. A Sagittarius woman can clearly make it clear to a man that she is no longer interested in him. But on the other hand, if there are a lot of things left in common, then it will be difficult for her to leave. Many Sagittarius women have a strong sense of justice and want to act fairly.

Also, do not forget that she herself is peaceful and friendly. She does not tend to hold evil, create an image of an enemy and be at enmity. Despite her impulsiveness, she quickly calms down and you can now calmly communicate with her. It is also important for her to see the meaning of continuing the relationship. Otherwise, everything that doesn’t make sense is not interesting to her.

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