Secret code or encrypted message, fill in the missing ones. Six of the most mysterious encrypted messages

From time to time, historians come across finds that are so unusual that they baffle scientists. It is necessary to either recognize the existing academic science as erroneous, or the find as a fake. It is clear that usually a sad fate awaits the discovery, not the science. Yes, sometimes a “unique artifact” or “previously unknown text” turns out to be a fake. But questions arise in relation to those texts, the falsification of which has been shouted for a long time and unsuccessfully. You can’t help but think: if the deception is really so obvious, then why take so long to convince?

Achinsk rod. The oldest calendar on earth

On the territory of modern Russia, in Siberia, during the excavation of the Achinsk Paleolithic settlement, the most ancient calendar in the world. Its age is 18,000 years.

It turns out that even 18,000 years ago people not only lived in the territory modern Siberia, but long before the formation of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu, Chinese civilizations they had a perfect lunar-solar calendar. Which is another indisputable confirmation of the existence of a highly developed culture on the territory of modern Russia. While official historiography claims that at that time the Russian Plain and Siberia were covered with a multi-kilometer glacier.

In the second half of the twentieth century on the territory of the Achinsk region Krasnoyarsk Territory, archaeologist Georgy Aleksandrovich Avramenko discovered an ancient human site dating back to 28-20 thousand years BC, now known as the Achinsk settlement.

This ancient settlement became widely known thanks to amazing find. In 1972, during the excavation of the Achinsk settlement, Dr. historical sciences, archaeologist Vitaly Epifanovich Larichev discovered a mysterious object that no longer puzzled the scientific world, but changed the generally accepted ideas about the era Upper Paleolithic and ancient inhabitants of Siberia.

This find is a miniature staff carved from mammoth ivory. On its surface, a master of the Upper Paleolithic era, with jeweler's precision and grace, applied a spiral pattern made up of 1065 holes of different shapes. Further analysis showed that the number of holes in the spirals, their shape and depth are subject to a certain pattern. This find was called the Achinsk Rod.

At first glance, the found object may seem like an ordinary example of Stone Age culture, but this is only at first glance.

Scientists, having carefully studied it, made sensational conclusions: the age of the Achinsk rod, according to the most conservative estimates, is more than 17,000 years.

And multiple independent examinations have established that the Achinsk Rod is one of the oldest calendars discovered to date, in which the basis of calculation is the position of the Sun and Moon.

Also, based on a deep analysis of the find, scientists concluded that our ancestors, who lived 18,000 years ago in the territory of modern Siberia, long before the formation of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu and Chinese civilizations, had a perfect lunar-solar calendar!

Thus, all this indicates that the ancient inhabitants of Siberia, already in the Stone Age, not only possessed knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and other related sciences, but also possessed unique tools for this.

And if we take into account the position of official historiography, then you will agree that it is quite strange activity for semi-wild people of the Upper Paleolithic era, moreover, living in an area that was covered by a glacier at that time.

The Phaistos Disc: an ancient mystery or a skillful fake?

The most important encrypted message ancient culture island of Crete became the Phaistos Disc, a clay product found in the city of Phaistos in 1903. Both sides are covered with signs written in a spiral. The disk did not have a perfectly regular shape; its diameter was 15.8–16.5 centimeters, and its thickness ranged from 1.6 to 2.1 centimeters. It was formed without the help of a potter's wheel and covered on both sides with design marks, following each other in a spiral and united in groups of closed cells, and dates back to approximately the Middle Minoan period III, that is, between 1700 and 1550 BC. e. The signs (at least most of them) were stamped with special stamps, forty-five in total. They represent distinct figures of humans and animals, their heads. fish and birds, plants, buildings, ships and tools. Nothing similar has ever been found in Crete (this is why the version that it is a fake appeared). No sooner had the disk been cleaned of dirt than scientists around the world began to argue about its origin, decipherment and purpose.

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the Phaistos Disc is not an artifact of Cretan origin. As evidence, they cite facts that cannot be ignored. Scientists claim that the type of clay from which the Phaistos disc is made is not found in Crete. Another argument in favor of this theory was appearance signs that, according to researchers, are not similar to any writing system that was widespread in Crete at that time. The images on the disk also seemed to scientists to be atypical for the Cretan tradition.

There have also been many attempts to decipher the meaning of the text, but, unfortunately, none of them is officially accepted in the scientific world.

Be that as it may, today the mysterious monument of the letter is kept in the museum of the city of Heraklion and is still waiting for someone who can solve its mystery.

Chronicle of Ur Linda. Ancient history of Europe

"Ura-Linda" was discovered in early XIX century and supposedly represented ancient history Germans (Friesians), going back centuries for many millennia. It was written in a special runic font and contained plots of pre-Christian mythology and sacred history Germans.

Many scientists immediately regarded “Ura-Linda” as an outright fake, dating back to the era of the Dutch Renaissance, when some encyclopedist transferred the mythological and geographical knowledge of his era to distant times and recreated a pseudo-mythological picture. Supporters of the authenticity of “Ura-Linda” were recognized as marginal, charlatans and subjected to ridicule. However, supporters of the authenticity of the book tended to believe that we are dealing with a very ancient version of a mythological pre-Christian legend, processed and stylized much later. Herman Wirth, expert on hundreds of ancient and modern languages, an archaeologist, linguist and historian, did a tremendous amount of work analyzing this monument and separated different layers in it - the most ancient, the later and the very latest. The result of his reconstruction was the publication of “Ura-Linda” with detailed comments. It was this that made Wirth an outcast among official historians, who believed that the very doubt about the complete falsity of “Ura-Linda” would automatically discredit the author. For this reason, Herman Wirth’s other and most basic works, “The Origin of Humanity” and “The Sacred Proto-Language of Humanity,” which contain his runological theory and do not mention “Ura-Linda” at all, remained unnoticed by the general scientific community.

At one time, Hitler devoted a lot of attention to the riddle of “Hurray Linda”. Although, however, the authenticity of the manuscript for the Fuhrer was beyond doubt. The text itself, translations and commentaries to it were published in huge editions in the Reich. But of course! Evidence of the great antiquity of the Germanic race!.. But it was precisely this interest of the Nazis in the controversial manuscript that played with it later cruel joke so that now few people take it seriously.

The riddle of the "Book of Veles"

“The Book of Forests” refers to texts written on 35 birch tablets and reflecting the history of Rus' over a millennium and a half, starting from approximately 650 BC. It was found in 1919 by Colonel Isenbek on the estate of the Kurakin princes near Orel. destroyed by time and worms, they lay in disarray on the floor of the library. Many were crushed by soldiers' boots. Isenbek, who was interested in archeology, collected the tablets and never parted with them. After finishing civil war the tablets ended up in Brussels. The writer Yu. Mirolubiv, who learned about them, discovered that the text of the chronicle was written in a completely unknown ancient Slavic language. It took 15 years to rewrite and transcribe. After Isenbek's death in 1943, the tablets disappeared. Only photographic copies of them remain.

Some scientists consider the “Vlesov Book” to be a fake, while such well-known experts ancient Russian history, like A. Artsikhovsky, consider it quite likely that the “Vlesova Book” reflects the true past of the Slavs.

Information from the "Vlesovaya Book" about the ancient wanderings of our ancestors across the expanses of Eurasia allows us to understand many references to the mysterious Rus from Middle Eastern and ancient sources. If we consider our ancestors to be the original steppe people, then we must recognize the centuries-old participation of the Rus in all the decisive events of those times. When we read in ancient sources about the great campaigns of the mysterious Cimmerians, and then the Scythians to the Middle East, Africa, South, Central and Western Europe, and Scandinavia, then we can hope to find among these “Cimmerians” and “Scythians” our direct ancestors.

The previously unknown system of mythology revealed in the “Vlesovaya Book” is original. The Universe, according to the ancient Rus, was divided into three parts: Reality is the visible, real world. Nav is the otherworldly, unreal, posthumous world, and Prav is the world of laws that govern everything in the world...

What was the purpose of the “Vlesovaya Book”? This is not a chronicle, not a chronicle in our understanding, but a collection of pagan sermons that were read to the people, obviously during services. They were listened to and memorized by heart, for the veneration of ancestors was part of the religious cult. The deeds of the ancestors, that is, history, thus became a universal, national property, a tradition passed on from generation to generation.

The language of the “Vlesovaya Book” is not fully understood; there are also some words and phrases that are completely unknown, which, of course, complicates the work of researchers. It also hinders the fact that in some places the text of the tablets was fairly damaged. But on the whole, “Vlesova’s Book” gives a rather unexpected picture of Russian paganism. Studying the material it contains will give us a clearer understanding of history Ancient Rus' pre-Rurik period.

So what is the “Book of Veles” - the ancient Russian pagan Bible, a masterpiece of thousand-year-old pre-Christian culture or a skillfully made fake?
The dispute continues...

There are also a number of texts that remain a mystery even to scientists. Some - due to deliberate confusion by the authors, and some - due to the fact that they were written in “dead” languages ​​that are no longer incomprehensible to contemporaries. They will be discussed below.

Easter Island Letters

Rongo-rongo is the name given to wooden tablets with hieroglyphic writings of the inhabitants of Easter Island. On the shiny surface of the toromiro tree there are carved hieroglyphs with figures of frogs, stars, spirals, turtles, lizards, winged man. In total, 14 thousand hieroglyphs were found on the tablets. The number of images on them varies everywhere, from 2 to 2300. A calendar is supposedly carved on one tablet.
Most of the tablets mysteriously disappeared after 1864.

Interested in Easter Island letters famous traveler Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay. He managed to find two tables, which are now in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Today, only 25 tablets have survived in museums around the world. Almost 140 years have passed since 1868, when the Tahitian Bishop Tepano Jaussen, who was the first to become interested in reading the tables, received a fragment of one of them. A world scientists they still cannot read what is written on the “mysterious pieces of wood.”

In Santiago at the Museum natural history lies the Santiago Rod, which used to be in the possession of the leader of Easter Island until 1870. The staff also has hieroglyphs and icons. The wand resembles a wooden scepter with 2,300 hieroglyphs carved into it, and is 6.5 cm thick and 126 cm long.

All text on the staff is divided into unequal sections by vertical lines. On the right side there is a phallus-shaped sign carved out, which is called a suffix. There is an assumption that on the scepter it is written about the creation of the world with male and female principles.

Quipu - mysterious knotted writing of the Incas

Quipu is still one of the most mysterious and unsolved ancient writings, which scientists from many countries around the world are still arguing about. The quipu consisted of more than one and a half thousand characters. It was a complex rope weave and knots made from camel hair or cotton. Each knot of a specific color represented a word, a number, or perhaps a note.

But we still don’t fully know their real purpose, wandering in conjecture. The saying of one of the Great Incas, Pachacutec, has survived to this day - “He who, unable to count knots, thinks that he can count the stars, is worthy of ridicule.”

This knowledge has always been secret - about the times of the Inca Empire, quipus were read and written special people, masters who were called kipukamajoki. They translated the knots into their counting system, thereby providing the basis for the famous Inca statistics, vital for the centralized distribution of food and clothing throughout the vast territory of the empire. Quipumayoc masters, according to the Spaniards, could read these “notes” almost instantly, their fingers, like machine guns, silently slid over the knots, giving birth to numbers and messages.
But the quipus were probably multifunctional - in addition to statistics, the quipus could also store some historical information about the Incas.

Was the kippah universal? What could be written down using a quipu? So already in our time, a kippah weighing six (!!!) kilograms was found in one of the temples. If we roughly translate this into a conventional paper information storage system, then these will be huge multi-volume encyclopedias.

But the question arises - why this convenient system had no analogues in the world. Europeans found something similar only on some islands of Polynesia, but it was also brought there from overseas, quite possibly from the same Peru, centuries ago.
It is unclear and mysterious disappearance masters - after all, many relatives of the Great Incas and their descendants, who were part of the court of the Spanish Viceroy of Peru, left detailed descriptions about many household items and mythology of the empire, but not detailed information about kipu. Like it was taboo.

What is a pile - statistics, an encyclopedia, encrypted secrets, or all together? What else could these mysterious nodules hide?
Did quipus exist before the Incas and who invented them?

Voynich manuscript

There is another interesting group of undeciphered alphabets that have no relation to ancient times, but are more recent hoaxes. The most famous is the manuscript, acquired in 1912 by the Lithuanian antiquities collector Wilfried Voynich from the Jesuits. The 240-page parchment manuscript contains numerous illustrations and text written in an alphabet that has never been used anywhere else. Assuming that he was dealing with an ordinary medieval cipher, Voynich sent copies to the best cryptologists. A century has passed, but only one thing has been established with certainty: the text of the manuscript is not encrypted at all. It is simply written in an unknown language.

Modern graphology, statistical analysis and radioisotope dating methods have made it possible to learn a lot. It was proven that the manuscript is not a fake, that it appeared in the 15th century in Northern Italy, that the book from beginning to end came from the pen of one person who was fluent in the language in which it was written. It was even determined that this language is not European in its structure - in many ways it is similar to East Asian languages ​​(Chinese, Tibetan, Manchu), but at the same time it has features inherent in the Semitic family. The alphabet is also amazing, showing no relationship with any other. There are no numbers or anything similar to numbers in the text, there are no punctuation marks. In total, over a hundred letters are used, of which 30 appear constantly and, obviously, convey sounds, and several dozen more appear two or three times throughout the entire manuscript, but are used as part of words in the same way as others. There is no language that has thirty common sounds and three times as many very rare ones.

Illustrations do not add clarity. At first impression, the manuscript is a typical 15th-century “desk reference” for a herbalist, physician, astrologer and alchemist. Its pages are covered with images of plants and constellations, drawings, diagrams, and graphs. But only some of the plants were difficult to identify, while most of the drawings baffled botanists.

These plants are either fictitious or "composite" (for example, a flower is taken from one plant, a stem from another, and leaves from a third). And many of the constellations depicted in the manuscript cannot be seen in our sky. The only recognizable symbols in the manuscript (not counting drawings of naked women) are the signs of the Zodiac, exactly as they were depicted in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. Only the year, according to the author, lasts 360, not 365 days. What kind of astrology can we talk about if a different calendar is used?

The Voynich manuscript has no rational explanation. It can be assumed that a certain native of Asia, who belonged to a tribe that had no written language and has not survived to this day (therefore, his language is not listed either among the living or among the dead), came to Europe and many years later wrote a reference book with the help of an alphabet invented specifically for this purpose. But why didn't he use the Latin alphabet? Why did you draw non-existent plants and constellations? Why did he write at all, knowing that no one could read his carefully prepared work? No answer.

"Code Serafini" - the most strange book in the world

In addition to the Voynich manuscript, there are a number of other modern hoaxes, such as the Codex Rohontzi (a Hungarian manuscript in an unknown language that surfaced in 1838). But the most famous book a similar plan is the volume of the Codex Seraphinianus. Its history is simple: in 1979 Italian designer Luigi Serafini sent the publisher Franco Ricci a very beautiful book - an encyclopedia of the whole world with colorful illustrations, explanations, chapters, diagrams, tables. Only Ricci didn’t understand a single word in the book.

In 1981, the book was published - mainly as a beautiful art album. The problem is that the language in which the codex is written (and there are signatures on each of its 360 pages, plus many have no illustrations at all, only encyclopedic articles) is unknown to anyone except, apparently, Serafini. Cryptologists have identified many patterns in the cipher, disassembled the alphabet piece by piece, but the text still remains incomprehensible, and the author is silent (however, he promised to explain everything in his will). True, a few years ago cryptologists dealt with page numbers and the Serafini number system - it is inhumanly complex, logarithmic, but still with its own logic. And therefore there is hope for deciphering the entire text.

Code" consists of 11 chapters, divided in turn into 2 sections: the first - about the natural world, flora, fauna, physics and mechanics; the second is dedicated to people, architecture, writing, food, clothing, games and entertainment.

The word “SERAPHINIANUS” itself stands for “Strange and Extraordinary Representations of Animals and Plants and Hellish Incarnations of Normal Items from the Annals of Naturalist/Unnaturalist Luigi Serafini", that is, "Strange and unusual representations of animals, plants and hellish incarnations from the depths of the consciousness of naturalist/anti-naturalist Luigi Serafini.

Luigi created an encyclopedia of an imaginary world following the example of medieval scientific codes: each page depicts in detail a specific object, action or phenomenon. Almost all the drawings are brightly colored and rich in detail. The book is rightfully considered the strangest literary anomaly in the history of the twentieth century. "Code Serafini" is a crazy exploration of an alien world, a collection of hallucinations, dreams, visions and surreal images in synthesis with incomprehensible text and incredible illustrations.

This article gives you the opportunity, without leaving your home, to decipher coded messages that have been haunting you for many years. the best experts in the field of cryptography. Some of the ten encrypted messages below hold the key to solving murders and big mysteries. And at least one of them will show you the way to hidden treasures, if, of course, you manage to solve it, becoming the first person to do so.

1. Treasures of Forest Fenn

When wealthy art dealer Forest Fenn fell ill with cancer, he decided to leave in his memory huge treasures (worth more than one million dollars) that were hidden in the mountains north of Santa Fe (a city in New Mexico, USA). In 2011, Fenn published a book of memoirs that contains nine riddles that point to the exact location of the treasure. The treasure chest is filled with gold coins, nuggets, figurines and jewelry.

People are literally risking their lives trying to find Fenn's hidden treasures. A man named Randy Bilyeu died in 2016 while hunting for gold. After his death, Forest Fenn stated: "The treasure is hidden in safe place. I have repeatedly repeated that there is no need to look for them in places where an eighty-year-old man could not climb.”

2. Code appearing in the Taman Shud case

In 1948, the body of an unknown man was discovered on Somerton Beach (Australia). It was never possible to establish his identity. In the man's trouser pocket, investigators found a small piece of paper with the words "Tamam Shud" written in Persian. The police established that it was torn from Omar Khayyam's book "Rubai". On the back of it was written an encrypted message:


Former detective Gordon Kramer believes there's a 1,100-character micro-message hidden between those capital letters. He is also convinced that the code between the letters can reveal the secrets of the British military. Cramer's theory was not widely accepted. The code involved in the Taman Shud case still remains an unsolved mystery.

3. Pigeons and Operation Neptune

When the Allied forces stormed the shores of France as part of Operation Neptune, the British army was faced with the problem of a complete lack of radio communications. Officers had to send coded messages to England using carrier pigeons. One of them was unable to reach their destination. He got stuck in the chimney and died. Seventy years later, his skeleton was discovered by David Martin during renovation work. A small red capsule tied to the pigeon's leg contained an encrypted message:


In 2012, cryptographers gave up their desperate attempts to decipher the code and posted the following explanation on their website: “Without access to the original cipher books and lack of additional clues or context, decoding the message is not possible.”

4. Haiku by Tatiana Van Wark

Tatiana Van Wark is a woman who is both an engineer and an artist. It develops complex machines that often imitate or even copy long-standing technologies days gone by. They look more like works of art than fully functional creations, but that doesn't stop them from displaying incredible performances. technical capabilities.

Tatiana Van Wark has a reputation as a talented engineer. When she was only fourteen years old, she created such a complex device as an oscilloscope from scratch. She also developed a cryptographic device, which she said was an improved version of the Enigma encryption machine. She promised to reveal the secret of how it works if anyone manages to decipher this coded text (haiku):


All attempts to decipher this code were unsuccessful. To this day, Van Wark's cryptographic device remains as much of a mystery as her encrypted poem.

5. The Devil's Handwriting

This encrypted message was first printed in 1539, but it remains an unsolved mystery to this day. According to legend, it was created by a man named Ludovico Spoletano. He summoned the Devil, who took over his hand and forced him to write the intricate text in the image above. This story is filled with supernatural magic that captured the imagination of people living in the 16th century. The alphabet that Spoletano used is similar to Amharic. At that time, it was believed that Amharic was the language spoken in the Garden of Eden. Of course, most people do not believe that Spoletano's message was written by Satan. They believe that this is an ordinary cipher, which, however, no one has yet been able to solve.

6. Oxyrhynchus Papyrus No. 90

An ancient Egyptian papyrus dating back to 180 BC contains an encrypted message that no one has yet been able to decipher. It is written on a scroll, which is a receipt for the purchase of corn from a public granary. At the very bottom there are two incomprehensible inscriptions, consisting greek letters(see image above). They are a coded message.

Oxyrhynchus Papyrus No. 90 was first released to the public in 1898. Nine years later Frederick Kenyon, associate British Museum, decided to start deciphering the mysterious code, but the results of his work led nowhere.

7. Zodiac Serial Killer Code

In 1968 and 1969, the city of San Francisco was terrorized by a serial killer known as the Zodiac, who killed innocent victims and sent a series of coded messages to local newspapers for publication.

His first message was deciphered within a few days, but each time they became more and more complex. One message (340 characters long) remains unsolved to this day. People from all over the world are desperately trying to figure out what it means.

In 2012, Corey Starliper claimed to have cracked the Zodiac code and deciphered the text of a creepy message that ended with these words: “Please help me stop killing people. Please. My name is Leigh Allen."

Experts say Starliper's theory is "invalid." In their opinion, he simply created what he wanted to see.

8. The "YOGTZE" case

Before his death in 1984, Günter Stoll told his wife that he was being pursued by “they” and was therefore in mortal danger. The woman did not take his words seriously, thinking that he was losing his mind. On the day of his death, Stohl unexpectedly exclaimed, “I got it!” He wrote the letters "YOG'TZE" on a piece of paper and ran out of the house.

In the evening he was found dead in a car that had fallen into a ditch. He was naked. On it was a piece of paper with the inscription "YOG'TZE". At first, the police thought that Stohl got behind the wheel while intoxicated. However, an autopsy showed that he was not driving the car. Someone knocked him down, stripped him naked and put him in the driver's seat.

Nobody knows what "YOG'TZE" means. Perhaps these letters were associated with the personalities of those who pursued Shtol.

9. Kryptos

In 1990 American artist Jim Sanborn created the sculpture “Kryptos”, which is located in front of the CIA headquarters in Langley (Virginia, USA). It consists of four ciphertexts of 865 characters. The first three were successfully decrypted: in 1993 by a US National Security Agency employee, in 1998 by a CIA analyst, and in 1999 by a man named Jim Gillogly.

The fourth part remains undeciphered to this day.


In 2010, Sanborn gave a clue that part of the code "NYPVTT" should be deciphered as "Berlin". Four years later he said that "MZFPK" meant "clock". “Berlin has some amazing clocks. You should pay attention to this,” Sanborn hinted.

10. Blitz cipher

During the Second World War, a document containing unknown characters, which were handwritten in beautiful, neat handwriting. On its first page there was a sign with encrypted text located directly below it. The second page was covered with diagrams, and the third contained an unknown code.

It is still unknown who created this document and what is written in it. Some experts believe that it was born more than 100 years ago and belonged to members secret society. Others say that this is complete nonsense, designed to mislead people.

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10 April 2015, 09:10

From time to time, historians come across finds that are so unusual that they baffle scientists. It is necessary to either recognize the existing academic science as erroneous, or the find as a fake. It is clear that usually a sad fate awaits the discovery, not the science. Yes, sometimes a “unique artifact” or “previously unknown text” turns out to be a fake. But questions arise in relation to those texts, the falsification of which has been shouted for a long time and unsuccessfully. You can’t help but think: if the deception is really so obvious, then why take so long to convince?

Achinsk rod. The oldest calendar on earth.

On the territory of modern Russia, in Siberia, during the excavation of the Achinsk Paleolithic settlement, the most ancient calendar in the world was found. Its age is 18,000 years.

It turns out that 18,000 years ago people not only lived on the territory of modern Siberia, but long before the formation of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu, and Chinese civilizations they had a perfect lunar-solar calendar. Which is another indisputable confirmation of the existence of a highly developed culture on the territory of modern Russia. While official historiography claims that at that time the Russian Plain and Siberia were covered with a multi-kilometer glacier.

In the second half of the twentieth century, on the territory of the Achinsk region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, archaeologist Georgy Aleksandrovich Avramenko discovered an ancient human site dating back to the period 28-20 thousand years BC, now known as the Achinsk settlement.

This ancient settlement became widely known thanks to an amazing discovery. In 1972, during an excavation of the Achinsk settlement, Doctor of Historical Sciences, archaeologist Vitaly Epifanovich Larichev discovered a mysterious object that no longer puzzled the scientific world, but changed the generally accepted ideas about the Upper Paleolithic era and the ancient inhabitants of Siberia.

This find is a miniature staff carved from mammoth ivory. On its surface, a master of the Upper Paleolithic era, with jeweler's precision and grace, applied a spiral pattern made up of 1065 holes of different shapes. Further analysis showed that the number of holes in the spirals, their shape and depth are subject to a certain pattern. This find was called the Achinsk Rod.

At first glance, the found object may seem like an ordinary example of Stone Age culture, but this is only at first glance.

Scientists, having carefully studied it, made sensational conclusions: the age of the Achinsk rod, according to the most conservative estimates, is more than 17,000 years.

And multiple independent examinations have established that the Achinsk Rod is one of the oldest calendars discovered to date, in which the basis of calculation is the position of the Sun and Moon.

Also, based on a deep analysis of the find, scientists concluded that our ancestors, who lived 18,000 years ago in the territory of modern Siberia, long before the formation of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Hindu and Chinese civilizations, had a perfect lunar-solar calendar!

Thus, all this indicates that the ancient inhabitants of Siberia, already in the Stone Age, not only possessed knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and other related sciences, but also possessed unique tools for this.

And if we take into account the position of official historiography, then you will agree that this is a rather strange occupation for the semi-wild people of the Upper Paleolithic era, moreover, living in the territory that was covered by a glacier at that time.

The Phaistos Disc: an ancient mystery or a skillful fake?

The most important encrypted message of the ancient culture of the island of Crete was the Phaistos Disc, a clay product found in the city of Phaistos in 1903. Both sides are covered with signs written in a spiral. The disk did not have a perfectly regular shape, its diameter was 15.8-16.5 centimeters, its thickness ranged from 1.6 to 2.1 centimeters. It was shaped without the help of a potter's wheel and covered on both sides with design marks, following each other in a spiral and united in groups of closed cells, and dates back to approximately the Middle Minoan III period, that is, between 1700 and 1550 BC. e. The signs (at least most of them) were stamped with special stamps, forty-five in total. They represent distinct figures of humans and animals, their heads. fish and birds, plants, buildings, ships and tools. Nothing similar has ever been found in Crete (which is why the version that it was a fake appeared). No sooner had the disk been cleaned of dirt than scientists around the world began to argue about its origin, decipherment and purpose.

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the Phaistos Disc is not an artifact of Cretan origin. As evidence, they cite facts that cannot be ignored. Scientists claim that the type of clay from which the Phaistos disc is made is not found in Crete. Another argument in favor of this theory was the appearance of the signs, which, according to researchers, are not similar to any writing system that was widespread in Crete at that time. The images on the disk also seemed to scientists to be atypical for the Cretan tradition.

There have also been many attempts to decipher the meaning of the text, but, unfortunately, none of them is officially accepted in the scientific world.

Be that as it may, today the mysterious monument of the letter is kept in the museum of the city of Heraklion and is still waiting for someone who can solve its mystery.

Chronicle of Ur Linda. Ancient history of Europe.

“Ura-Linda” was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century and represented the supposedly ancient history of the Germans (Friesians), going back many millennia. It was written in a special runic font and contained plots from pre-Christian mythology and the sacred history of the Germans.

Many scientists immediately regarded “Ura-Linda” as an outright fake, dating back to the era of the Dutch Renaissance, when some encyclopedist transferred the mythological and geographical knowledge of his era to distant times and recreated a pseudo-mythological picture. Supporters of the authenticity of “Ura-Linda” were recognized as marginal, charlatans and subjected to ridicule. However, supporters of the authenticity of the book tended to believe that we are dealing with a very ancient version of a mythological pre-Christian legend, processed and stylized much later. Herman Wirth, an expert in hundreds of ancient and modern languages, archaeologist, linguist and historian, did a tremendous amount of work analyzing this monument and separated layers of different times in it - the most ancient, the more recent and the very latest. The result of his reconstruction was the publication of “Ura-Linda” with detailed comments. It was this that made Wirth an outcast among official historians, who believed that the very doubt about the complete falsity of “Ura-Linda” would automatically discredit the author. For this reason, the other and most basic works of Hermann Wirth, “The Origin of Humanity” and “The Sacred Proto-Language of Humanity,” which contain his runological theory and are not mentioned at all about “Ura-Linda,” remained unnoticed by the general scientific community.

At one time, Hitler devoted a lot of attention to the riddle of “Hurray Linda”. Although, however, the authenticity of the manuscript for the Fuhrer was beyond doubt. The text itself, translations and commentaries to it were published in huge editions in the Reich. But of course! Evidence of the great antiquity of the Germanic race!.. But it was precisely this interest of the Nazis in the controversial manuscript that subsequently played a cruel joke on it so that now few people take it seriously.

The riddle of the "Book of Veles"

“The Book of Forests” refers to texts written on 35 birch tablets and reflecting the history of Rus' over a millennium and a half, starting from approximately 650 BC. It was found in 1919 by Colonel Isenbek on the estate of the Kurakin princes near Orel. destroyed by time and worms, they lay in disarray on the floor of the library. Many were crushed by soldiers' boots. Isenbek, who was interested in archeology, collected the tablets and never parted with them. After the end of the civil war, the tablets ended up in Brussels. The writer Yu. Mirolubiv, who learned about them, discovered, that the text of the chronicle was written in a completely unknown ancient Slavic language. It took 15 years to rewrite and decipher. After Isenbek’s death in 1943, the tablets disappeared. Only their photographic copies remained.

Some scientists consider the “Vlesova Book” to be a fake, while such well-known experts on ancient Russian history as A. Artsikhovsky consider it quite likely that the “Vlesova Book” reflects the true past of the Slavs.

Information from the "Vlesovaya Book" about the ancient wanderings of our ancestors across the expanses of Eurasia allows us to understand many references to the mysterious Rus from Middle Eastern and ancient sources. If we consider our ancestors to be the original steppe people, then we must recognize the centuries-old participation of the Rus in all the decisive events of those times. When we read in ancient sources about the great campaigns of the mysterious Cimmerians, and then the Scythians, to the Middle East, Africa, Southern, Central and Western Europe, and Scandinavia, we can hope to find among these “Cimmerians” and “Scythians” our direct ancestors.

The previously unknown system of mythology revealed in the “Vlesovaya Book” is original. The Universe, according to the ancient Rus, was divided into three parts: Reality is the visible, real world. Nav is the otherworldly, unreal, posthumous world, and Prav is the world of laws that govern everything in the world...

What was the purpose of the “Vlesovaya Book”? This is not a chronicle, not a chronicle in our understanding, but a collection of pagan sermons that were read to the people, obviously during services. They were listened to and memorized by heart, for the veneration of ancestors was part of the religious cult. The deeds of the ancestors, that is, history, thus became a universal, national property, a tradition passed on from generation to generation.

The language of the “Vlesovaya Book” is not fully understood; there are also some words and phrases that are completely unknown, which, of course, complicates the work of researchers. It also hinders the fact that in some places the text of the tablets was fairly damaged. But on the whole, “Vlesova’s Book” gives a rather unexpected picture of Russian paganism. Studying the material it contains will give us a clearer idea of ​​the history of Ancient Rus' in the pre-Rurik period.

So what is the “Book of Veles” - the ancient Russian pagan Bible, a masterpiece of thousand-year-old pre-Christian culture or a skillfully made fake?
The dispute continues...

There are also a number of texts that remain a mystery even to scientists. Some - due to deliberate confusion by the authors, and some - due to the fact that they were written in “dead” languages ​​that are no longer incomprehensible to contemporaries. They will be discussed below.

Easter Island Letters

Rongo-rongo is the name given to wooden tablets with hieroglyphic writings of the inhabitants of Easter Island. Hieroglyphs with figures of frogs, stars, spirals, turtles, lizards, and a winged man are carved on the shiny surface of the toromiro tree. In total, 14 thousand hieroglyphs were found on the tablets. The number of images on them varies everywhere, from 2 to 2300. A calendar is supposedly carved on one tablet.
Most of the tablets mysteriously disappeared after 1864.

The famous traveler Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay was interested in the letters of Easter Island. He managed to find two tables, which are now in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Today, only 25 tablets have survived in museums around the world. Almost 140 years have passed since 1868, when the Tahitian Bishop Tepano Jaussen, who was the first to become interested in reading the tables, received a fragment of one of them. But the world's scientists still cannot read what is written on the “mysterious pieces of wood.”

In Santiago, in the Museum of Natural History, lies the Santiago Rod, which used to be in the possession of the leader of Easter Island until 1870. The staff also has hieroglyphs and icons. The wand resembles a wooden scepter with 2,300 hieroglyphs carved into it, and is 6.5 cm thick and 126 cm long.

All text on the staff is divided into unequal sections by vertical lines. On the right side there is a phallus-shaped sign carved out, which is called a suffix. There is an assumption that on the scepter it is written about the creation of the world with male and female principles.

Quipu - the mysterious knotted writing of the Incas

Quipu is still one of the most mysterious and unsolved ancient writings, which scientists from many countries around the world are still arguing about. The quipu consisted of more than one and a half thousand characters. It was a complex rope weave and knots made from camel hair or cotton. Each knot of a specific color represented a word, a number, or perhaps a note.

But we still don’t fully know their real purpose, wandering in conjecture. The saying of one of the Great Incas, Pachacutec, has survived to this day - “He who, unable to count knots, thinks that he can count the stars, is worthy of ridicule.”

This knowledge has always been secret - about the times of the Inca Empire, quipus were read and written by special people, masters, who were called quipucamayocs. They translated the knots into their counting system, thereby providing the basis for the famous Inca statistics, vital for the centralized distribution of food and clothing throughout the vast territory of the empire. Quipumayoc masters, according to the Spaniards, could read these “notes” almost instantly, their fingers, like machine guns, silently slid over the knots, giving birth to numbers and messages.
But the quipus were probably multifunctional - in addition to statistics, the quipus could also store some historical information about the Incas.

Was the kippah universal? What could be written down using a quipu? So already in our time, a kippah weighing six (!!!) kilograms was found in one of the temples. If we roughly translate this into a conventional paper information storage system, then these will be huge multi-volume encyclopedias.

But the question arises - why this convenient system had no analogues in the world. Europeans found something similar only on some islands of Polynesia, but it was also brought there from overseas, quite possibly from the same Peru, centuries ago.
The mysterious disappearance of the masters is also incomprehensible - after all, many relatives of the Great Incas and their descendants, who were part of the court of the Spanish Viceroy of Peru, left detailed descriptions of many household items and the mythology of the empire, but not detailed information about the quipus. Like it was taboo.

What is a quipu - statistics, an encyclopedia, encrypted secrets, or everything combined? What else could these mysterious nodules hide?
Did quipus exist before the Incas and who invented them?

Voynich manuscript

There is another interesting group of undeciphered alphabets that have no relation to ancient times, but are more recent hoaxes. The most famous is the manuscript, acquired in 1912 by the Lithuanian antiquities collector Wilfried Voynich from the Jesuits. The 240-page parchment manuscript contains numerous illustrations and text written in an alphabet that has never been used anywhere else. Assuming that he was dealing with an ordinary medieval cipher, Voynich sent copies to the best cryptologists. A century has passed, but only one thing has been established with certainty: the text of the manuscript is not encrypted at all. It is simply written in an unknown language.

Modern graphology, statistical analysis and radioisotope dating methods have made it possible to learn a lot. It was proven that the manuscript is not a fake, that it appeared in the 15th century in Northern Italy, that the book from beginning to end came from the pen of one person who was fluent in the language in which it was written. It was even determined that this language is not European in its structure - in many ways it is similar to East Asian languages ​​(Chinese, Tibetan, Manchu), but at the same time it has features inherent in the Semitic family. The alphabet is also amazing, showing no relationship with any other. There are no numbers or anything similar to numbers in the text, there are no punctuation marks. In total, over a hundred letters are used, of which 30 appear constantly and, obviously, convey sounds, and several dozen more appear two or three times throughout the entire manuscript, but are used as part of words in the same way as others. There is no language that has thirty common sounds and three times as many very rare ones.

Illustrations do not add clarity. At first impression, the manuscript is a typical 15th-century “desk reference” for a herbalist, physician, astrologer and alchemist. Its pages are covered with images of plants and constellations, drawings, diagrams, and graphs. But only some of the plants were difficult to identify, while most of the drawings baffled botanists.

These plants are either fictitious or "composite" (for example, a flower is taken from one plant, a stem from another, and leaves from a third). And many of the constellations depicted in the manuscript cannot be seen in our sky. The only recognizable symbols in the manuscript (not counting drawings of naked women) are the signs of the Zodiac, exactly as they were depicted in Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. Only the year, according to the author, lasts 360, not 365 days. What kind of astrology can we talk about if a different calendar is used?

The Voynich manuscript has no rational explanation. It can be assumed that a certain native of Asia, who belonged to a tribe that had no written language and has not survived to this day (therefore, his language is not listed either among the living or among the dead), came to Europe and many years later wrote a reference book with the help of an alphabet invented specifically for this purpose. But why didn't he use the Latin alphabet? Why did you draw non-existent plants and constellations? Why did he write at all, knowing that no one could read his carefully prepared work? No answer.

"Code Serafini" - the strangest book in the world

In addition to the Voynich manuscript, there are a number of other modern hoaxes - for example, the Codex Rohontsi (a Hungarian manuscript in an unknown language that surfaced in 1838). But the most famous book of this kind is the volume of Codex Seraphinianus. Its story is simple: in 1979, the Italian designer Luigi Serafini sent the publisher Franco Ricci a very beautiful book - an encyclopedia of the whole world with colorful illustrations, explanations, chapters, diagrams, tables. Only Ricci didn’t understand a single word in the book.

In 1981, the book was published - mainly as a beautiful art album. The problem is that the language in which the codex is written (and there are signatures on each of its 360 pages, plus many have no illustrations at all, only encyclopedic articles) is unknown to anyone except, apparently, Serafini. Cryptologists have identified many patterns in the cipher, disassembled the alphabet piece by piece, but the text still remains incomprehensible, and the author is silent (however, he promised to explain everything in his will). True, a few years ago cryptologists dealt with page numbers and the Serafini number system - it is inhumanly complex, logarithmic, but still with its own logic. And therefore there is hope for deciphering the entire text.

Code" consists of 11 chapters, divided in turn into 2 sections: the first - about the natural world, flora, fauna, physics and mechanics; the second is dedicated to people, architecture, writing, food, clothing, games and entertainment.

The word “SERAPHINIANUS” itself stands for “Strange and Extraordinary Representations of Animals and Plants and Hellish Incarnations of Normal Items from the Annals of Naturalist/Unnaturalist Luigi Serafini”, that is, “Strange and unusual representations of animals, plants and hellish incarnations from the depths of consciousness naturalist/anti-naturalist Luigi Serafini.

Luigi created an encyclopedia of an imaginary world following the example of medieval scientific codes: each page depicts in detail a specific object, action or phenomenon. Almost all the drawings are brightly colored and rich in detail. The book is rightfully considered the strangest literary anomaly in the history of the twentieth century. "Code Serafini" is an insane exploration of an alien world, a collection of hallucinations, dreams, visions and surreal images combined with incomprehensible text and transcendental illustrations.

The most encrypted message waiting to be solved

The famous French pirate nicknamed the Vulture, aka Olivier Levasseur, was executed in 1730. According to legend, while standing on the scaffold, Levasseur threw a piece of paper into the crowd and shouted, “Whoever can, will find my treasures!” It was clear to everyone present that we're talking about about valuables stolen by a corsair from a Portuguese ship that was carrying trophies captured in Goa. The treasure was supposed to contain not only gold, silver and gems, but also the famous golden “Flaming Cross”, inlaid with selected diamonds, rubies and emeralds. It is unknown how true the legend is, however, Levasseur’s cryptogram really exists and has not been decipherable for many years.

Rongorongo is the hieroglyphic writing of the people of Easter Island. Only 25 wooden tablets inscribed with rongo-rongo have survived in the world, as well as several breast ornaments, a staff and a snuff box with inscriptions. When in mid-19th centuries, the islanders became the object of the Peruvian slave trade, the entire working population was kidnapped. Soon many of them died from hunger, hard work and disease. Only 15 people returned home to the island. None of them knew how to read rongo-rongo. When scientists became interested in this writing, it turned out that they were unable to decipher it.

The Zodiac serial killer, who terrorized the population of northern California from the late 60s to the early 70s of the last century, sent a series of letters to local newspapers. Four of them contained cryptograms that, once deciphered, would indicate the identity of the killer. The first cryptogram was deciphered by a mathematics teacher and his wife, but it contained only incoherent text with terrible spelling errors. Three cryptograms that came later still remain unsolved.

Bale's cryptograms are three documents that allegedly encrypt the location of the treasure, a list of valuables hidden in it and the names of the owners to whom the treasure belongs. They were left to the owner of one hotel, Robert Morris, by a certain adventurer T.J. Bale. He was going to hunt buffalo and assumed that he might not return after this adventure. In this case, Morris had to decipher the cryptograms, dig up the treasure, keep a third for himself, and give the rest to the heirs listed in the papers. It took Morris twenty years to decipher the messages. During this time, he managed to decipher only document No. 2. Being a very old man, he, desperate to find a solution and get rich, decided to publish the entire history and cryptograms, so as not to take Bale’s secret with him to the grave. Many consider this story to be a talented hoax, but even if this is so, the cryptograms still remain a genuine mystery.

Successful art dealer Forest Fenn in 2010, upon learning that he had cancer, sold most his collection and used the proceeds to buy jewelry, gold coins and nuggets. He packed it all into a chest, put a vessel with a handwritten autobiography there and buried the treasure, total cost$1 to $3 million, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains, near Santa Fe. Fenn described this whole story in a brochure also containing a poem, deciphering which you can discover hidden values. The treasure has not yet been found and Fenn is threatening to go and dig it up himself.

A mysterious manuscript on 448 pages was found in the library of the Magyar princes Battyany, donated to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1838. The manuscript is named after the city of Rohontsi (Rechnice) because the manuscript was kept in the Rechnice residence of the nobles. The pages of the codex contain 87 illustrations representing military, secular and religious scenes. The text is written in symbols reminiscent of syllabic or hieroglyphic writing. Some scholars suggest that the Rokhontsi Codex is just a talented hoax of a certain antiquarian, however, analysis of the paper and ink showed that the manuscript was created at the beginning of the 16th century, long before such “crafts” became fashionable.

Found during excavations on the island of Crete, in the city of Festus, the terracotta disc was made without the help of a potter's wheel. On both sides of it, symbols are depicted in a spiral of 4-5 turns. These hieroglyphic drawings are made using special seals, presumably stone or wooden, pressed into the clay that has not yet hardened. It is believed that this is the oldest printed text, but scholars have also considered the possibility of a non-linguistic nature of the Phaistos images. It is believed that it will be possible to decipher the inscription on the disk only if artifacts with fragments of the same writing are found.

“The Linen Book” or “The Book of the Zagreb Mummy” are funeral cloths covered with inscriptions in the Etruscan language. The mummy of a young woman, purchased in Alexandria by a young Hungarian officer, was wrapped in this fabric. The officer brought the curiosity home and kept it for a long time in complete neglect. When, in 1867, the mummy and the “dressing material” were donated by his heirs State Museum Croatia, experts have found that 14 meters of flax are covered with text that cannot be deciphered. Later, scientists established the language of the text and were able to decipher some of its pieces. The content remains a mystery for the most part.

Named after the antiquarian Wilfrid Voynich who discovered it in 1912, the manuscript consists of 240 thin parchment pages dotted with illustrations and inscriptions. The pictures depict plants, some of which are recognized as non-existent in nature, astronomical and astrological symbols, human organs and figurines of naked women, as well as apothecary vessels. The text is written in an unknown language, in an alphabet of 20-30 characters. According to radiocarbon dating, the manuscript was created at the beginning of the 15th century.

In November 1990, at the entrance to Langley (CIA headquarters), a sculpture by American artist James Sanborn, “Kryptos,” which means “Secret” in Greek, was installed. One of the fragments of the sculpture is a scroll-like copper plate covered with encrypted text. The text is divided into four sections and three of them have already been transcribed. True, this took about eight years for cryptography enthusiasts, many of whom serve in the CIA and FBI. The last section has not yet been deciphered, although the creator of Kryptos assures that the solution to this riddle is “equal parts obvious and philosophical.”

This article gives you the opportunity, without leaving your home, to decipher encrypted messages that have been haunting the best experts in the field of cryptography for many years. Some of the ten encrypted messages below hold the key to solving murders and big mysteries. And at least one of them will show you the way to hidden treasures, if, of course, you manage to solve it, becoming the first person to do so.

1. Treasures of Forest Fenn

When wealthy art dealer Forest Fenn fell ill with cancer, he decided to leave in his memory huge treasures (worth more than one million dollars) that were hidden in the mountains north of Santa Fe (a city in New Mexico, USA). In 2011, Fenn published a book of memoirs that contains nine riddles that point to the exact location of the treasure. The treasure chest is filled with gold coins, nuggets, figurines and jewelry.

People are literally risking their lives trying to find Fenn's hidden treasures. A man named Randy Bilyeu died in 2016 while hunting for gold. After his death, Forest Fenn stated: “The treasure is hidden in a safe place. I have repeatedly repeated that there is no need to look for them in places where an eighty-year-old man could not climb.”

2. Code appearing in the Taman Shud case

In 1948, the body of an unknown man was discovered on Somerton Beach (Australia). It was never possible to establish his identity. In the man's trouser pocket, investigators found a small piece of paper with the words "Tamam Shud" written in Persian. The police established that it was torn from Omar Khayyam's book "Rubai". On the back of it was written an encrypted message:

Former detective Gordon Kramer believes there's a 1,100-character micro-message hidden between those capital letters. He is also convinced that the code between the letters can reveal the secrets of the British military. Cramer's theory was not widely accepted. The code involved in the Taman Shud case still remains an unsolved mystery.

3. Pigeons and Operation Neptune

When the Allied forces stormed the shores of France as part of Operation Neptune, the British army was faced with the problem of a complete lack of radio communications. Officers had to send coded messages to England using carrier pigeons. One of them was unable to reach their destination. He got stuck in the chimney and died. Seventy years later, his skeleton was discovered by David Martin during renovation work. A small red capsule tied to the pigeon's leg contained an encrypted message:








In 2012, cryptographers gave up their desperate attempts to decipher the code and posted the following explanation on their website: “Without access to the original cipher books and lack of additional clues or context, decoding the message is not possible.”

4. Haiku by Tatiana Van Wark

Tatiana Van Wark is a woman who is both an engineer and an artist. It develops complex machines that often imitate or even copy technology from days gone by. They look more like works of art than fully functional creations, but that doesn't stop them from displaying incredible technical capabilities.

Tatiana Van Wark has a reputation as a talented engineer. When she was only fourteen years old, she created such a complex device as an oscilloscope from scratch. She also developed a cryptographic device, which she said was an improved version of the Enigma encryption machine. She promised to reveal the secret of how it works if anyone manages to decipher this coded text (haiku):




All attempts to decipher this code were unsuccessful. To this day, Van Wark's cryptographic device remains as much of a mystery as her encrypted poem.

5. The Devil's Handwriting

This encrypted message was first printed in 1539, but it remains an unsolved mystery to this day. According to legend, it was created by a man named Ludovico Spoletano. He summoned the Devil, who took over his hand and forced him to write the intricate text in the image above. This story is filled with supernatural magic that captured the imagination of people living in the 16th century. The alphabet that Spoletano used is similar to Amharic. At that time, it was believed that Amharic was the language spoken in the Garden of Eden. Of course, most people do not believe that Spoletano's message was written by Satan. They believe that this is an ordinary cipher, which, however, no one has yet been able to solve.

6. Oxyrhynchus Papyrus No. 90

An ancient Egyptian papyrus dating back to 180 BC contains an encrypted message that no one has yet been able to decipher. It is written on a scroll, which is a receipt for the purchase of corn from a public granary. At the very bottom there are two incomprehensible inscriptions consisting of Greek letters (see image above). They are a coded message.

Oxyrhynchus Papyrus No. 90 was first released to the public in 1898. Nine years later, Frederick Kenyon, an employee of the British Museum, decided to decipher the mysterious code, but the results of his work led nowhere.

7. Zodiac Serial Killer Code

In 1968 and 1969, the city of San Francisco was terrorized by a serial killer known as the Zodiac, who killed innocent victims and sent a series of coded messages to local newspapers for publication.

His first message was deciphered within a few days, but each time they became more and more complex. One message (340 characters long) remains unsolved to this day. People from all over the world are desperately trying to figure out what it means.

In 2012, Corey Starliper claimed to have cracked the Zodiac code and deciphered the text of a creepy message that ended with these words: “Please help me stop killing people. Please. My name is Leigh Allen."

Experts say Starliper's theory is "invalid." In their opinion, he simply created what he wanted to see.

8. The "YOGTZE" case

Before his death in 1984, Günter Stoll told his wife that he was being pursued by “they” and was therefore in mortal danger. The woman did not take his words seriously, thinking that he was losing his mind. On the day of his death, Stohl unexpectedly exclaimed, “I got it!” He wrote the letters "YOG'TZE" on a piece of paper and ran out of the house.

In the evening he was found dead in a car that had fallen into a ditch. He was naked. On it was a piece of paper with the inscription "YOG'TZE". At first, the police thought that Stohl got behind the wheel while intoxicated. However, an autopsy showed that he was not driving the car. Someone knocked him down, stripped him naked and put him in the driver's seat.

Nobody knows what "YOG'TZE" means. Perhaps these letters were associated with the personalities of those who pursued Shtol.

9. Kryptos

In 1990, an American artist named Jim Sanborn created the sculpture "Kryptos", which is located in front of the central office of the CIA in Langley (Virginia, USA). It consists of four ciphertexts of 865 characters. The first three were successfully decrypted: in 1993 by a US National Security Agency employee, in 1998 by a CIA analyst, and in 1999 by a man named Jim Gillogly.

The fourth part remains undeciphered to this day.




In 2010, Sanborn gave a clue that part of the code "NYPVTT" should be deciphered as "Berlin". Four years later he said that "MZFPK" meant "clock". “Berlin has some amazing clocks. You should pay attention to this,” Sanborn hinted.

10. Blitz cipher

During the Second World War, a document was discovered in a basement in east London containing unknown characters handwritten in beautiful, neat handwriting. On its first page there was a sign with encrypted text located directly below it. The second page was covered with diagrams, and the third contained an unknown code.

It is still unknown who created this document and what is written in it. Some experts believe that he was born more than 100 years ago and belonged to members of a secret society. Others say that this is complete nonsense, designed to mislead people.