Culture. Features of Old Russian culture

Culture of Ancient Rus'

a history teacher

MAOU secondary school in the village of Orekhovno

Features of culture:

1. The basis of Old Russian culture was the heritage of the Eastern Slavs:

Ancient myths and tales

Traditions of wood and stone carving

The art of blacksmiths and potters.

2.Influence of Byzantium

For culture.

  • Songs
  • Fairy tales
  • Bylinas (poetic tales of the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified)
  • Russian epics are imbued with the idea of ​​liberating one's land, protecting it from enemies.

  • The favorite epic heroes were the peasant son, the fearless and mighty warrior Ilya Muromets, the sensible and fair Dobrynya Nikitich, and the cheerful and quick-witted Alyosha Popovich.

  • Writing among the Eastern Slavs originated even before the adoption of Christianity. The Slavic alphabet was created by the Byzantine monks Cyril and Methodius. Slavic writing penetrated into Rus' in the second half of the 9th century.

  • Cyril (in the world Constantine, nicknamed the Philosopher, 827-869, Rome) and Methodius (in the world Michael; 815-885, Moravia) are brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), creators of the Slavic alphabet, creators of language and preachers of Christianity.
  • One day, the Slavic princes Rostislav, Svyatopolk and Kotsel sent ambassadors to the Byzantine Tsar Michael.
  • The king summoned two learned brothers, Constantine and Methodius, and sent them to the Slavic land.
  • This happened in 863. This is where Slavic writing originates.

  • "The Tale of Bygone Years":
  • ... Our land is baptized, but we do not have a teacher who would instruct and teach us and explain the holy books. After all, we do not know either Greek or Latin; Some teach us this way, and others teach us differently, so we don’t know either the shape of the letters or their meaning. And send us teachers who could tell us about book words and their meaning...

  • The Baptism of Rus' gave a powerful impetus to the development of writing and literacy. Church literati began to come to Rus'. Schools were opened at churches and monasteries. Education was conducted in the native language, they taught reading, writing, the basics of Christian doctrine and counting.

  • The books were handwritten and very expensive. The pages of the books were made from specially tanned calfskin. Each letter in them was carefully written out according to strict rules - regulations. The books were decorated with small elegant pictures illustrating the text - miniatures. Only very rich people could order books.

  • letters and records on birch bark, monuments of writing of Ancient Rus' of the 11th-15th centuries. Birch bark letters are of primary interest as sources on the history of society and the daily life of medieval people.
  • The place where birch bark letters from medieval Rus' were first discovered was Veliky Novgorod.

  • Hilarion is the first Metropolitan of Kiev, a native of Rus', a major writer. He created a number of works in the genre of words - solemn and instructive addresses.
  • "The Sermon on Law and Grace", first spoken in 1049 in honor of the completion of the fortifications of Kyiv. The idea of ​​the greatness of Rus' runs like a red thread through the entire work.

  • was created around 1113 by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor. Nestor recreated a broad picture of historical events. In the first lines of his chronicle, he posed the question: “Where did the Russian land come from, who was the first to reign in Kyiv?” Answering this question, the chronicler tells about the formation of the Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv, about the activities of its first princes, about relations with other peoples.

  • Literary descriptions of the lives of people canonized by the Orthodox Church. Lives necessarily told about various miracles performed by saints during life and after death.

  • Wooden architecture is the art of constructing various buildings. Peasant huts, princely and boyar towers, and city fortresses were built from wood. Russian wooden architecture had its own traditions. It was characterized by multi-tiered buildings, crowning them with turrets and towers, the presence of various kinds of outbuildings - cages, passages, vestibules. Intricate artistic wood carvings decorated wooden buildings.

  • Stone construction began in Rus' at the end of the 10th century after the adoption of Christianity. In 989, Prince Vladimir founded the Church of the Tithes in Kyiv, dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin Mary.
  • “In the summer of 6497...Volodimer thought of creating the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and sending masters from the Greeks.”
  • ("The Tale of Bygone Years")
  • It was a powerful structure with several domes, erected from thin brick interspersed with natural stone, richly decorated with carved marble.
  • Ruins of the Tithe Church

  • St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, St. Sophia (founded in 1037), an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture, the main religious and public building of Kievan Rus; the main temple of the Kyiv metropolitans. St. Sophia Cathedral combined Slavic and Byzantine traditions.
  • Interior decoration
  • Modern view of the temple

  • St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, St. Sofia (built in 1045-50), an outstanding monument of Russian architecture. It was a cathedral (now a museum). Built in "Detinets" (Kremlin; mainly made of stone, plinth was used mainly in the laying of vaults).
  • This is the only building of that time that has survived to this day almost unchanged.
  • Sofia has become a symbol of Veliky Novgorod.

  • Frescoes are paintings painted with water paints on wet plaster.
  • A mosaic picture made from glassy pebbles pressed into damp plaster.

  • Rus' was famous for its skilled artisans. Warriors from many countries highly valued weapons and armor made by Russian craftsmen - spears, swords, shields, chain mail.

art of Russian jewelers

It was of a high standard. Jewelers are masters of fine processing of precious metals and stones, making expensive jewelry, gold and silver dishes. Very complex techniques were used to make jewelry:

  • Grain - a pattern consisting of many tiny balls-grains was soldered onto the product.
  • The scanned pattern was applied with thin gold or silver wire, which was soldered onto a metal surface.

  • The Old Russian state was distinguished by a high level of cultural development for its time. At the same time, Rus' creatively reworked the cultural achievements of Byzantium and other neighboring states, forming its own distinctive cultural traditions.
  • Old Russian culture has become an integral part of world culture.

Bibliography: Danilov A.A. Kosulina L.G. “History of Russia. From ancient times to the end of the XYI century" M., 2013 information sources : ancient+russ+pictures & newwindow =1&biw=1280&bih=887&tbm= isch&imgil =zG-fZxfhAItFYM%253A%253B8mvf2f5azxkd8M%253Bhttp%25

Folklore Ritual folklore Life in Ancient Rus' was accompanied by various rituals: wedding, funeral, calendar, magical (spells), etc. Rituals and the folklore works that accompanied them reveal the following features of the thinking of ancient man: animism (belief in spirits and the existence of the soul), anthropomorphism (humanization animals, plants, natural phenomena, death, disease) and magic (the belief that special actions and words influence events in a person’s life).

Fairy tales Folklore Fairy tales contain amazing and mysterious events of an adventurous nature; they show ideal heroes, fantastic creatures, magical objects, and miraculous phenomena. Fairy tales reflect dreams of justice, the victory of good over evil, and the alleviation of difficult living conditions (flying carpet, walking boots, self-assembled tablecloth, invisible hat, etc.). Fairy tales Household MagicAbout animals

Epic songs with heroic plots - epics - are a special genre of ancient Russian folklore. The plot centers on the hero and his feat, the duel with the enemy and victory. The hero embodies the power and patriotism of the Russian people. The epics depict military-political and social situations typical of Ancient Rus'. The main idea that unites all epics is the need for the unity of Rus' and its protection from enemies. The enemies were personified by fantastic characters: the Serpent, Tugarin Zmeevich, Nightingale the Robber, and the filthy Idol. The epics were especially relevant during the times of endless raids by nomads and the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Epics Folklore

Folklore Other genres of Old Russian folklore: proverbs, sayings, riddles, traditions, legends, myths, tales, etc. One of the key features of Russian folklore is its oral nature. Collecting oral folk art, that is, recording it, began only in the 18th century. “Guslars” VASNETSOV

Old Russian Literature With the adoption of Christianity, Ancient Rus' was introduced to book culture. The development of Russian writing gradually became the basis for the emergence of literature and was closely connected with Christianity. And extensive translated literature became the basis for the formation of its own tradition. The original literature of Ancient Rus' is characterized by great ideological richness and high artistic perfection. "Teachings for Children"

An outstanding writer and historian was the monk of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery Nestor. His “Reading” about the princes Boris and Gleb and the “Life of Theodosius,” valuable for the history of everyday life, have been preserved. The outstanding monument of ancient Russian chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” dates back to approximately 1113, preserved as part of later chronicles of the 14th-15th centuries. This work is compiled on the basis of earlier chronicles of historical works dedicated to the past of the Russian land. The author of the Tale, monk Nestor, managed to vividly and imaginatively tell about the emergence of Rus' and connect its history with the history of other countries. Old Russian literature Nestor

An outstanding writer was Vladimir Monomakh. His “Instruction” painted an ideal image of a fair feudal ruler prince and touched on pressing issues of our time: the need for strong princely power, unity in repelling the raids of nomads, etc. “Instruction” is a work of a secular nature. A special place in the literature of Ancient Rus' is occupied by “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” dating back to the end of the 12th century. It tells about the unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy in 1185 by the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavovich. Old Russian literature Vladimir Monomakh

Old Russian Architecture Belfry of the Moscow Kremlin Bell tower of Ivan the Great in the Kremlin 14th century. It consists of 3 tiers and looks like an ancient wooden watchtower. On each tier there is a ringing gallery. Its height is 81 meters. Napoleon blew it up, but it survived. The belfry was installed in the year.

The Russian icon managed to create its own special way of reflecting reality, bringing to people a feeling of joy and fullness of earthly life. The icon was richly decorated with gold, silver and precious stones. She inspired Russian soldiers on the battlefields. In the upper room, a red corner was reserved for the icon - the most honorable place in the house. Icons adorned luxurious princely chambers and majestic arches of white-stone cathedrals, small chapels for prayer along roadways and wooden churches lost among endless forests. Iconography of the Annunciation “Ustyug” XII century.

The main directions and schools of ancient Russian icon painting Icons painted in Rostov the Great represent it as a center, a kind of academy for painters of North-Eastern Rus'. They confirm the significance and bright originality of Central Russian ancient painting and its important role in public art. The icons of the Rostov-Suzdal school amaze us with the brightness and purity of light, the expressiveness of their strict design. They are characterized by a special harmony of rhythmically constructed compositions and soft warm shades of color. Rostov-Suzdal school Angel golden hair. Late 12th century

Moscow school The Moscow school took shape and developed intensively during the era of the strengthening of the Moscow principality. Painting of the Moscow school in the 14th century. represented a synthesis of local traditions and advanced trends in Byzantine and South Slavic art. The heyday of the Moscow school in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. associated with the activities of outstanding artists Feofan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Daniil Cherny. The traditions of their art were developed in the icons and paintings of Dionysius, which attract attention with their sophistication of proportions, decorative festivity of color, and balance of compositions. Our Lady. Icon from the Deesis rite of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

The ancient monuments of Novgorod painting have been most fully preserved. In some works, the influence of Byzantine art can be traced, which speaks of the broad artistic ties of Novgorod. The usual type is a motionless saint with large facial features and wide open eyes. Novgorod school of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Novgorod school of icon painting, ca.

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Culture of Ancient Rus'

Fedorova I.A. MAOU "Lyceum No. 36"

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Culture is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created by human hands.

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Features of the culture of Ancient Rus'

1) The Eastern Slavs received pagan culture (epics, fairy tales) from the primitive era. 2) Formed during the era of the formation of a single ancient Russian nationality. The culture of individual tribes was reflected: Polyans, Vyatichi, Novgorodians. 3) Christianity had a huge influence. 4) Despite the influence of Byzantium, a distinctive Russian culture was formed.

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"Phenomenon of Russian culture"

1) Openness 2) Synthetic 3) Reliance on folk roots. 4) Interweaving of Christian and pagan influences. 5) Monumentality, scale

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Writing. Existed before the adoption of Christianity.

1) Clay Smolensk vessel of the 9th century. (was found in 1949. The inscription “gorushna” - spice 2) Treaty of Prince Oleg with Byzantium (911). 3) Cyril and Methodius created their alphabet based on the Slavic letter.

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Cyril and Methodius.

Brothers from the city of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki), reformers of the Slavic alphabet, creators of the Church Slavonic language and preachers of Christianity. Their father is named Leo, “of good birth and rich.”

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Cyril and Methodius at the Monument “1000th Anniversary of Russia”

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Glagolitic is the oldest Slavic alphabet, created by Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century. Cyrillic alphabet, named after Kirill, formed the basis of the Russian alphabet.

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"Kyiv Glagolitic sheets".

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The Cyrillic alphabet is based on the Glagolitic alphabet.

The Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Macedonian, and Serbian alphabets were created on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet.

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In Bulgaria, the holy king Boris converted to Christianity in 860. Bulgaria becomes the center of the spread of Slavic writing. The widespread use of Slavic writing, its “golden age,” dates back to the reign of Tsar Simeon the Great (893-927), son of Tsar Boris, in Bulgaria. Later, the Old Church Slavonic language penetrates Serbia, and at the end of the 10th century it becomes the language of the church in Kievan Rus.

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The composition of the original Cyrillic alphabet is unknown to us; “classical” Old Church Slavonic Cyrillic alphabet of 43 letters. The Cyrillic alphabet entirely includes the Greek alphabet (24 letters), but some purely Greek letters (xi, psi, fita, izhitsa) are not in their original place, but are moved to the end.

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Writing material.

Birch bark is a writing material made from the top layer of birch bark. Most birch bark letters are private letters of a business nature (debt collection, trade, household instructions). Birch stopped being used for writing only in the 15th century.

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Parchment is a writing material made from untanned rawhide of animals. In the 11th-12th centuries, parchment in Rus' was not able to be made and was imported from Byzantium or the West, and only in the 13th century did the writing of books on domestic parchment begin.

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Cera - a tablet covered with wax and used as a writing surface. Cera is convenient because the text written on wax can be easily erased and a new one written.

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Graffiti has a long and rich history among the Eastern Slavs. In Novgorod, 10 graffiti from the 11th century have been preserved. A large number of graffiti from the 11th to 15th centuries can be found in the Cathedral of St. Sofia in Kyiv, they contain both drawings and (usually) text. For the most part, ancient Russian graffiti is writing on the walls of churches, so their most common content is prayer requests to God or saints. For Kyiv, where, unlike Novgorod, there are no birch bark letters, graffiti is one of the main sources of information about everyday writing and colloquial speech.

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Yaroslav the Wise opened libraries, workshops for copying books, and schools for boys.

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Oral folk art: conspiracies, spells, proverbs, riddles, epics (poetic tales of the past, in which the exploits of Russian heroes were glorified) Bogatyrs - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets - people's defenders. Sadko- (Rich Guest) is the hero of the epics of the Novgorod cycle.

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Mikhail Vrubel. Bogatyr

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Victor Vasnetsov. “Bogatyrs” (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich). 1881-1898

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Mikula Selyaninovich is a representative of agricultural life.

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Ilya Repin "Sadko"

Andrey Ryabushkin. Sadko, a rich Novgorod guest. 1895.

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"The Tale of Bygone Years." Written by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nestor, a chronicler, in 1113. Hegumen Sylvester made a new vault of it in 1116-1118. The main question is “Where did the Russian land come from?”

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Hilarion - “The Sermon on Law and Grace” (40s of the 9th century.

"Readings about Boris and Gleb."

"Daniel Abbot's Walks to Holy Places."

Vladimir Monomakh "Teachings to children."

Daniil Zatochnik “Word and Prayers”.

Kirill Turovsky “The Parable of the Human Soul.”

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“... Do not forget the more wretched, but, as much as you can, feed the orphan, and justify the widow yourself, and do not let the strong destroy a person... .... When you go to war, do not be lazy, do not rely on the commander; do not indulge in drinking, eating, or sleeping; Dress up the guards yourself, and at night, placing guards on all sides, lie down near the soldiers, and get up early; and do not take off your weapons in a hurry, without looking around out of laziness, because suddenly a person dies. Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because the soul and body perish from this... But here is the basis for everything: have the fear of God above all.”

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(the full title is “The Tale of the Campaign of Igor, Igor, the son of Svyatoslav, the grandson of Olegov,” is a famous monument of ancient Russian literature. The plot is based on the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian princes against the Polovtsians, undertaken by the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185.

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Artistic craft. Jewelers

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Grain - Small gold or silver balls (diameter from 0.4 mm), which are soldered onto filigree ornaments in jewelry. The grain creates a spectacular texture and a play of light and shadow.

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Filigree is a type of jewelry technique: an openwork or soldered pattern on a metal background made of thin gold, silver or copper wire, smooth or twisted into ropes.

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Black - the use of various types of paints to give metal products a more attractive appearance.

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Cloisonne enamel.

To create it, on a thin metal base plate made of copper, gold, less often silver, cupronickel or high-quality steel, a sketch outline of the future image is scratched, engraved or cut through. Next, metal partition strips are soldered along this contour. The thickness of such strips depends on the author’s idea, but rarely exceeds 1 millimeter. The stripes create both closed and open cells of various shapes and sizes. Each cell is filled with enamel to the upper edge of the partitions and fired.

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Rus' is the country of Gardariki.

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The Church of the Tithes (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) in Kyiv is the first stone church of the Old Russian state, erected by Saint Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, on the site of the death of the first martyrs Theodore and his son John.

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Christ the Pantocrator" (Christ the Pantocrator. Mosaic image). Main dome:

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Church of Hagia Sophia in Novgorod, created in 1045-1050.

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Clothing: outerwear, raincoat.… Monument " 1000th anniversary of Russia" 5a/Kiev_Glagolitic_list_X.jpg http://s301407763.onlinehome.u…… 12)Ilya Repin Sadko /Sadko.jpg/422px-Sadko.jpg 13)Andrey Ryabushkin.……

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Andrey Ryabushkin.…… /in... 2b...…..Kiev. Ancient Kyiv in the 11th century. Ancient Kyiv in the 10th century. - Picture 11... http: //…… am/news/2009... http://everdream. ru/forum/inde……


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History of culture Culture of Rus' in the 9th - early 13th centuries. (pre-Mongol period) topic 1 Author: Arkhipova Irina Evgenievna teacher of history and social studies, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 13, Krasnooktyabrsky district, Volgograd

Writing According to medieval authors, writing existed among the Slavs before the adoption of Christianity. The adoption of Christianity contributed to the further development of writing and education. In the second half of the 9th century. Cyril and Methodius created the Glagolitic alphabet (Glagolic alphabet), which was soon reworked by them using Greek writing, and this is how the current alphabet, the Cyrillic alphabet, which we still use today (was simplified by Peter I, then in 1918). The earliest examples of the use of this letter that have survived to this day date back to the beginning of the 10th century. The agreement between Byzantium and Oleg was written in two languages ​​- Greek and Slavic. Monument to the holy brothers Methodius and Cyril in Moscow on Slavyanskaya Square

Where did you learn to read and write? The main centers for teaching literacy were schools at monasteries and churches, where they mastered not only reading and writing skills, but also the higher sciences of the time (theology, grammar, dialectics, rhetoric, etc.). The level of literacy spread in Rus' is evidenced by the schools opened under Yaroslav the Wise in Kyiv, where more than 300 children studied. The daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Anna, one of the first literate women who became the queen of France, was educated in the princely chambers of Kiev.

Materials for writing At that time they wrote on parchment (otherwise it was called haratya, leather, fur). Parchment was made, as a rule, from specially dressed calfskin. The text began to be written with a capital red letter - the header (the expression “write from the red line” is still preserved). Books were often decorated with drawings called miniatures. The sewn sheets of the book were bound, placed between two boards, which were covered with leather (hence the expression “read from board to board”).

Literature The earliest written monument is the Ostromir Gospel. It was written in 1056-1057. for the Novgorod mayor Ostromir, after whom it got its name. “Izborniki” of 1073 and 1076 is an ancient Russian handwritten book. The collections were compiled for Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavich by two copyists, one of whom was a clerk named John, the name of the second is unknown.

Genres of literature chronicle life (hagiography) word (teaching) solemn eloquence moralizing eloquence walking (walking)

Chronicle Chronicle (or chronicler) is a historical genre of ancient Russian literature, which is an annual, more or less detailed record of historical events. The recording of the events of each year in chronicles usually begins with the words: “in the summer ...” (that is, “in the year ...”), hence the name - chronicle. The largest chronicle collection is “The Tale of Bygone Years,” compiled by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor at the beginning of the 12th century. The main question posed at the beginning of the chronicle: “Where did the Russian land come from and who was the first to begin the reign in Kyiv?”

Lives of saints The lives of saints were important for ancient Russian people. Everyday literature began to be created. Among them are “The Tale of Boris and Gleb”, the life of Princess Olga, abbot of the Kiev-Pechora Monastery Theodosius. Pskov icon XIV century (Russian Museum) Monument to Boris and Gleb at the walls of the Boris and Gleb Monastery in Dmitrov

Word (teaching) Word (teaching) is a work belonging to the genre of eloquence. In Rus', there was solemn eloquence - “The Sermon on Law and Grace” by Metropolitan Hilarion (substantiating the significance of the adoption of Christianity and glorifying the Russian land and princes) and moralizing eloquence - “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” (the political and moral testament of the Grand Duke).

The Lay of Igor's Campaign "The Lay of Igor's Host" is dedicated to the campaign of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians in 1185. The author sees the most important reason for the severe defeat of Rus' in the infighting between the princes in their disobedience to the great prince of Kyiv. N.K. Roerich “Igor’s Campaign”. 1942 Viktor Vasnetsov. After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians. 1880

Walking (walking) Walking (walking) - talk about travel, Christian shrines, sights, nature, customs of other countries (“Walking of Hegumen Daniel to Palestine”). Abbot Daniel's pilgrimage to Palestine shaped medieval Russian man's understanding of the world and his soul.

Music 2 directions: folk (pagan) music - pagan ritual singing, accompanied by playing pipes, tambourines, and harps. At the princely courts, buffoons appeared - the first actors who combined a singer, musician, dancer, storyteller, and acrobat. The buffoons played the harp, trumpets, horns, pipes, bagpipes, tambourines; Christian liturgical singing spread after the adoption of Christianity and immediately became a professional activity. At first, Greek and South Slavic singers took part in church services. Singing took place without playing musical instruments; moreover, the tradition of Eastern Christianity strictly condemned instrumental music.

Architecture With the adoption of Christianity, temples began to be built. The first ones are wooden, they have not survived. In the 10th century the 1st stone temple was built - the Tithe Church (destroyed by the Mongols in 1240) Ruins of the Tithe Church in the drawing of 1826

The earliest surviving monument is the 13-domed brick Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, built under Yaroslav the Wise (30s of the 11th century). View of the St. Sophia Cathedral (modern view) Apse of the cathedral. Exposed ancient masonry Bell tower of St. Sophia Cathedral on St. Sophia Square

St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod is the main Orthodox church of Veliky Novgorod, created in 1045-1050. It is one of the oldest surviving temples in Russia, built by the Slavs. St. Sophia Cathedral (modern view) St. Sophia Cathedral (south side) before restoration 1893-1900.

Fine arts Inside the temple, the walls were decorated with frescoes and mosaics. Fresco is painting with water paints on wet plaster. Mosaic is an image or pattern made from pieces of stone, marble, ceramics, smalt. Our Lady of Oranta (Unbreakable Wall). Mosaic in the altar of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 11th century Fresco of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. 1040s - early 1050s

Craft Archaeological excavations have shown that in Rus', along with agriculture and forestry, crafts developed among the Eastern Slavs. The most complex metal processing techniques were mastered. Blacksmiths made shovels, axes, ploughshares, sickles, and knives. Weaponry developed: swords, battle axes, helmets, etc. Jewelry production appeared (rings, bracelets, crosses, rings). The products were decorated with filigree (a pattern made of gold or silver wire on a metal base) or with grain - a pattern made of gold or silver grains. They also learned how to make glass jewelry, mastered pottery, carpentry, leatherwork, shoemaking, tailoring, etc.

Daily life The daily life of the ancient Russian people was reflected in oral folk art - folklore. Its roots go back to the distant pagan past: the holiday of Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Christmas carols, wedding songs, fortune telling. Various rituals, riddles, spells, and conspiracies have reached us. It was then that fairy tales about the fox-wolf, Baba Yaga, and the Serpent Gorynych arose. Epic stories arose about Ilya Muromets, Mikul Selyaninovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, etc.

References Katsva, L.A. History of the Fatherland: a guide for high school students entering universities: a full course of preparation for final and entrance exams / L.A. Katsva, ed. V.R. Leshchinera. M., 2001. - pp. 35-44. Borisov, N. S. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century: textbook. 10th grade / N. S. Borisov. M., 2009. – P. 43-55. Electronic resources

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Historical conditions of formation

Heritage of the Eastern Slavs (ancient myths and tales, traditions of wood and stone carving, art of blacksmiths) Achievements of neighbors (Finno-Ugric, Baltic tribes, nomads, Khazars) Influence of Byzantium (adoption of Christianity, stone construction, icon painting, frescoes) Patriotic idea (unification of popular forces against external enemies)

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The epic is a poetic tale about the exploits of Russian heroes (the idea of ​​liberating the native land, its protection from enemies; the hard work of a plowman-farmer)

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“You stand for the faith, for the fatherland, you stand for the glorious capital city of Kyiv”

The heroes of ancient Russian epics are Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich.. Vasnetsov. Mikula Selyaninovich

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Writing and literacy

Byzantine monks Cyril the Philosopher and Methodius - the creators of the Slavic alphabet Glagolitic - one of the first Slavic alphabet for recording church texts in the Slavic language.

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Cyrillic alphabet 43 letters (19 vowels). Each letter has its own name, similar to ordinary words:

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Baptism of Rus' - development of literacy

Scriptorium - workshops for copying books and binding them Yaroslav the Wise - development of education in the Kiev Cathedral (circa 1037) Yaroslav the Wise founded a book depository. It presented the most complete collection of monuments of Ancient Rus'. Not only liturgical books were presented here, but also moralizing, educational, medical, and historical literature. Every book was a masterpiece. There could not be two identical books. Saint Sophia

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School in Ancient Rus'

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    The first Russian books are a work of art

    Material – parchment Font – calligraphy Writing rules – charter Illustrations – miniatures Ornament Red line Binding – leather, wood (read “from cover to cover”) Inlay – gold, precious stones

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    Old Russian literature

    Chronicles are a record of historical events by year. Life of Prince Vladimir Word - a solemn and instructive address Lives - literary descriptions of the lives of people canonized

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    Chronicles are historical works in which events are presented according to the so-called yearly principle.

    9th century – extracts from the chronicle of Prince Askold Chronicle of Olga and Svyatoslav 997 – chronicle collection of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich 1113 - “The Tale of Bygone Years”

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    “The Sermon on Law and Grace” 1049 Metropolitan Hilarion

    Part 1 – praising the idea of ​​Christianity Part 2 – “Praise to Prince Vladimir,” the baptizer of Rus' Part 3 – Yaroslav the Wise – a worthy successor to the cause of Christianization General idea: the greatness of Rus', the special role of Rus' in the Christian world

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    Rus' is a country of cities “Gardariki”

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    Torzhok, bargaining

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    Architecture is the art of constructing and decorating buildings.

    Wooden architecture

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    Residential premises - mansions

    Boyar mansions Princely mansions (stone) Chernigov.

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    Peasant huts

  • Slide 18

    Stone construction. 10th century

    Visiting Byzantine masters Byzantine architectural tradition 989 – Tithe Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Vladimir Svyatoslavovich) 1036 – St. Sophia Cathedral (Yaroslav the Wise)

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    St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Golden Gate in Kyiv Walls of ancient Izborsk

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    The art of temple decoration

    Mosaics - paintings made of multi-colored glass pebbles (smalt) pressed into damp plaster Frescoes - painting with water paints on damp plaster Iconography - images of God, the Virgin Mary, the holy apostles

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    artistic craft

    Scan - (from the Old Slavonic verb “skati” - to twist, twist several strands into one thread) an ornament applied with thin gold or silver wire soldered to metal. surface Jewelry - fine processing of precious metals and stones "Treatise on various crafts" historiographer, presbyter Theophilus, XI-XII centuries

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    Filigree, grain, filigree (from the Latin words filum - thread and granum - grain.)

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    Temporal rings

    Kolts – hollow temple rings of the hryvnia

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    Ryasny (chains of round or quadrifolium plaques) and kolta - headdress

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    Mob technique

    Typically, niello jewelry was made from a thin sheet of silver. To obtain a hollow product from a thin sheet, a very ancient method was used - hand punching, when a sheet of silver took the required shape under the blows of a wooden hammer. The second stage in the manufacture of jewelry with niello is engraving on metal

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    Cloisonne enamel

    The contours of the design were soldered onto the gold surface using the finest gold wire or a groove-shaped plate. Glass powder - enamel - was poured into the resulting cells. When heated, the enamel was firmly connected to the surface of the product. To obtain one color or another, a specific heating temperature was required. Enameling was the pinnacle of ancient applied art; mastery of it testified to the highest level of the master.
