Russian winged expressions. Everything is fine, beautiful marquise

Winged expressions from works of Russian literature

from the work of A. S. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”

Happy Hours are not observed. (Words by Sophia)

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening. (Words by Chatsky)

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe. (Words by Chatsky)

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old. (Words by Chatsky)

Who are the judges? (Words by Chatsky)

Oh, gossips scarier than pistols. (Words by Molchalin)

Bah! All familiar faces! (Words by Famusov)

Where is better? (Conversation between Sophia and Chatsky)

Where we are not.

from the fables of I. A. Krylov

And Vaska listens and eats. ("The Cat and the Cook")

And the casket simply opened. ( "Larchik")

Trouble is, if the shoemaker starts baking pies,

And the boots are made by a pie-maker. ("Pike and Cat")

Take on what you are passionate about

If you want your business to have a successful ending. ("Starling")

Yes, but things are still there. ( "Swan, Pike and Cancer")

How many people find happiness

Only because they walk well on their hind legs. ("Two dogs")

When there is no agreement among comrades,

Things won't go well for them. ("Swan, Pike and Cancer")

Even though you're in new skin,

Yes, your heart is still the same. (“The Peasant and the Snake” (“The Snake crawled into the Peasant...”)

Don't spit in the well - it will come in handy

Drink some water. ("The Lion and the Mouse")

The powerful always have the powerless to blame. ("Wolf and Lamb")

Like a squirrel in a wheel. ("Squirrel")

Disservice. ("The Hermit and the Bear")

Stigma in fluff. ("The Fox and the Marmot")

A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. ("The Hermit and the Bear")

from poems by K. N. Batyushkov

O you who know how to love,

Be afraid of angering love through separation!

("Elegy from Tibullus")

There is an end to wanderings - never to sorrows!


O memory of the heart! you are stronger

The mind of the sad memory.

("My Genius")

Pray with hope and tears...

Everything earthly perishes... both glory and crown...

("Dying Tass")

from poems by N. M. Karamzin

There's nothing new under the sun. (“Experienced Solomon's wisdom, or Selected Thoughts from Ecclesiastes")

from the works of A. S. Pushkin

You cannot harness a horse and a trembling doe to one cart. ( poem "Poltava")

Love for all ages. ("Eugene Onegin")

We all learned a little,

Something and somehow. ("Eugene Onegin")

Broken trough. ("Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish")

From the ship to the ball. ("Eugene Onegin")

Reading is here best teaching. (quote from A. S. Pushkin’s letter to his brother)

from the works of I. S. Turgenev

The great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language. (prose poem “Russian language”)

from the works of A.P. Chekhov

Twenty-two misfortunes.( play " The Cherry Orchard»)

To grandfather's village. (story "Vanka")

Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. (play "Uncle Vanya")

from the works of L. N. Tolstoy

Living Dead. (drama "Living Corpse")

from the works of M. Yu. Lermontov

Forget yourself and fall asleep! (poem “I go out alone on the road”)

And it’s boring, and sad, and there’s no one to give a hand to. (poem “Both boring and sad”)

All this would be funny

If only it weren't so sad. (“A. O. Smirnova”)

from the works of N.V. Gogol

And the rope will come in handy on the road. ( comedy "The Inspector General")

from poems by A. A. Blok

And again the battle! Rest only in our dreams. (poem “On the Kulikovo Field”)

from poems by N. A. Nekrasov

How did you come to live like this? (“Wretched and smart”)

You may not be a poet

But you have to be a citizen. (poem “Poet and Citizen”)

from the works of M. Gorky

One born to crawl cannot fly. ("Songs about the Falcon")

from poems S. A. Yesenina

Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees. ("I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…")

from poems by F. I. Tyutchev

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts! ("Oh, how murderously we love")

Love is a dream, and a dream is one moment,

And whether it’s early or late to wake up,

And man must finally wake up... (“There is a high meaning in separation”)

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia. (“You can’t understand Russia with your mind”)



Everyone knows what a quotation is from school - an exact, literal, word-for-word excerpt from any text. Remember how a quote is formatted: open the quotes, write a phrase from the original source, close the quotes. If we intend to omit at least one word, be it a preposition or a conjunction, then we put an ellipsis in place of the omission. Verbatim transmission of a text passage, i.e. undistorted transmission, yes.

However, with the passage selected from the text, a certain metamorphosis inevitably occurs - the quote seems to turn into a grown-up child who had to leave his father’s house and begin to live an independent life of his own.

If we use a quotation in some literary work in order to confirm this or that reasoning regarding the author’s thoughts, ideas, then such a quotation continues to depend on the context and general text of the work; it is not completely released.

There are quotes that have completely “grown up,” completely independent, acquired complete independence, and become self-sustaining. They contain meaning not only that which is absorbed from the atmosphere of the “family nest” - source text, but a meaning made up of many sub-meanings found and gleaned by them in the process of their individual “private” life.

Such a quote grows stronger, saturated with the energies of various reader emotions, when readers read it or repeat it verbally several times. Such a quote philosophically grows in depth and breadth. Anyone who pays attention to it finds something of their own in it. We can say about such a quotation that it represents a separate structure, distinguished by the unity of a unique form and a certain content, that it has become, even if miniature, but still a separate work, with its inherent laws.

I can’t explain intelligibly why I record quotes with pen on paper. Why do fragmentary lines of huge text attract me?
One quote likes the elegance of word forms, ornately woven into beautiful syntactic structures. The other captivates with the originality of its judgment. The third reflects a thought or thoughts that are absolutely in tune with mine. The fourth is a sudden answer to a painful question that does not give for a long time peace. The fifth, on the contrary, invites you to argue and express disagreement. The sixth lifts the mood with its lightness, freshness, and pleasant fluidity of language. The seventh talks about love. The eighth excites different memories, which will make your heart skip a beat. The ninth calms, makes you rise again and move forward in life, despite any adversity and failures. And... an essentially endless series.

I can’t say whether what I’m doing is bad or good, right or wrong, but I collect quotes, just like an ordinary book lover. I call them “wisdom in portable form” (as one linguist puts it). I have hundreds and hundreds of different types of quotes in my collection. I published some of them on my page, having preliminary classified them by topic. However, I would like to put on display the entire collection available today, which is virtually impossible, so I refused such a publication.

IN this collection- quotes from the works of the authors of Quotes are not divided into thematic groups, go in a row. The order of placement is as follows: quotations, the author and work are indicated below in brackets.
It is planned to constantly update the collection with new quotes and new names of authors.

I do not deny that such work can be a kind of popularization of the authors’ creativity. Well, so be it. Frankly speaking, I will be happy for them if more interested readers come to their page.


I woke up absolutely happy. Later... I experienced many times... a feeling of euphoria, complete satisfaction.
...there were a lot of good things in life, but this feeling of happiness was already about...
And here... happiness for no reason, simply because you exist.

Probably the one who created us... worked a lot so that we were all constantly happy: he created a beautiful planet where even the smallest corner can make any of us happy, he gave us a reason for constant love, because everything around is beautiful and perfect , you just need to open your eyes. Finally, he gave us beautiful bodies...
Looking at all this splendor, we constantly grumble and criticize. We kill, we destroy and we hate.

After all, it has long been no secret that anger, mistrust and hatred come from fear.

(LION OF GOOD. "Guitar").

Not photogenic, but good-looking.

(YURNEST ALINA. From the resume.

And his whole body speaks about a man’s soul,
The more of it, the kinder the man is in everything...

(YURNEST ALINA. “Where does the soul rest?”.

Why is the divorce rate so high today? It has reached such heights that it would be more honest to talk about the percentage of non-divorces.

(DIMITRY SUKHAREV. “Women about men”).

Not every product can be mixed with another until completely dissolved. And if there is sugar and there is coffee, and they are endowed with the ability to mix, then it is a sin for the hand to bypass this cup.

(ELENA PANFEROVA. “Sugar has dissolved in coffee”).

We receive life in advance for a very short time.

Death is as natural as Life.

It is absurd to be afraid of what is inevitable.

(OLGA ANTSUPOVA. “About Death without fear”).

Everyone is given the freedom to choose to be a believer or an atheist, but no one should be allowed to blaspheme, trample, or insult.

Pushkin as a person is remarkable in that it is impossible to tarnish him, because he is characterized by self-exposure: “... I confess to this unfortunate stupidity at your feet.”
The ability to admit to one’s own stupidity, to admit to being reckless and frivolous, not to erase it from memory and at the same time to stand firmly in matters of principle and honor - this is what marks Pushkin and makes him invulnerable to exposure and falsification.

Pushkin is truly a “slave of honor”, ​​unable to renounce his works.

(EPATOVA NINEL. "Gavriliad").

I stood in the vestibule... looked out the window and suddenly felt causeless melancholy and excitement. This is how poems are born. At such moments you need to drop everything, go outside and wander in the crowd, wander without feeling your feet, until slow lines begin to be born.

(JOSEPH SHULGIN. "The brilliance and charm of Pushkin's poetry").

Is unity good or bad? If unity, then in the name of what? What is unity? Unity with whom? Unity based on what moral, historical values. Unity to achieve what goals?

And now we have no idea. And the country began to look like a huge ship of fools. This ship is rushing to an unknown destination. ... the ship's course has not been plotted. The promised land is somewhere far beyond horizons unknown to us.

Everyone has scattered to different sides of our ship and is pointing in different directions. And with foam at the mouth they prove that the true path is known only to them!
And at the same time they tell us something about unity?

I began to climb along the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge. I've reached the very top point smooth bend... and suddenly felt an incomprehensible wave of anxiety and concern... Something pinched inside. A premonition of an as yet invisible danger... In fear, I began to look around, trying to discover where the threat to my existence came from...
And then I understood everything. I saw the source of a terrible danger that made my soul tense. Yes, not just one source. As many as three. At this point in the middle of the bridge, I found myself right in the crosshairs of powerful power lines... Three symbols hung above me..., inexplicably forming a magic triangle in the center of a huge city, more abruptly than Bermuda's. Left - gilded orthodox crosses Cathedral of Christ the Savior. On right - ruby stars Kremlin. Behind me, a huge, well-known Mercedes-Benz squiggle loomed over me from the top of a house on the embankment. Moreover, the last sign towered above both the stars and gilded crosses.

(GENNADY MARTYNOV. " United Russia. And what's that?").

I will not forget the feeling of invasion (now I would say - aliens), such an impression was left by this... civilization (the author means German fascists- THEM.).
Then I realized that there are no other nationalities in the world than humans and non-humans.

Our mind is structured in such a way that almost nothing is lost in it; you just have to make an effort, and you see everything that you once experienced. If necessary (and this is such a pleasure), I retrieve pictures, sounds, colors and smells from my memory... While I’m alive.

(ALEXANDER BAGMET. "Autobiographical Notes").

"This is real poetry!" - Here best compliment, which can be made Prose.

In 1991, the CPSU suffered only one loss - it lost the first two letters in its name.

Political correctness: they hit me in the face, and I respond - did you hurt your hand?

The basic law of life is death.

(ALEXANDER BAGMET. "Thinking out loud").

Mediocrity, which can manifest itself in any form and genre of art. ...massive mediocrity is occupying literature. After all, here it is not so clear.

And the main attraction is that in literature, catching mediocrity in mediocrity is a very difficult, if not hopeless, task.

A graphomaniac is bad not because of his passion for writing, but because of the disastrous result of this writing.

To a man completely deprived musical ear, do not explain the advantages of harmony over cacophony.

The attributes of poetry are there, but poetry itself is not. But its absence is almost impossible to prove. The absence of poetry itself, as a rule, is not noticed even by regular readers of poetry, unless God has given them a poetic flair.

Skilled poets are actively publishing... And few people see that the king is naked!
Nowadays, such scribblers... show the world their creations in the rags of avant-garde clown outfits.

I don’t like... this pseudo-poetry because I love real poetry.

The makings of artistic flair are given or not given to a person by nature.

But the real catastrophe broke out with the beginning of the printing of books at the expense of the author and with the advent of the Internet...
All mediocrities, regardless of gender or age, began to enthusiastically publish their nonsense, and sometimes just nonsense.

In the end, the graphomaniac element threatens to completely and forever displace genuine poetry and (or) replace it with itself.

(YURI MIKHAILOVICH DENISOV. “About the danger of graphomania”).

There is no such thing as too much talent. And they don’t always make it through, unlike mediocrities.

(LORA MARKOVA. From the review.).

In one dream I learned that I would never have peace...

The Book has its own logic, and life has its own.

(VALENTIN IRKHIN. “I dreamed that I was a man”).

How our prayers are received up there is a mystery. The main thing is to believe that you are heard.

Dilemma - rejoice or climb the wall? I alternate these states...

(SOFIA PAVLOVA. "Repaid Debts").

What is destined to enter your life enters and remains with you forever...

(VLANA RICHART. “Pebble in the Palm”).

The forward movement of centuries was interrupted. And we no longer know when, in what century we live and whether we will have at least some kind of future.

It becomes obvious that the previous trajectory of human development has lost its stability. And we must consciously and wisely choose a new trajectory, or circumstances will choose it for us.

AND common sense suggests that, hoping for the best, one should count on the worst and, of course, seriously think about it.

Our civilization is now experiencing a turning point, a time of choice and uncertainty about the future.

(ALEXEY TURCHIN. "Structure of a global catastrophe").

All our most diverse aspirations are roads to one single goal, happiness.

In our world there is only one immensity - another person, and therefore the path to happiness begins with the path to another person.

At birth, when taking its first breath, the child experiences terrible pain and therefore screams. Our existence in the world begins with a cry of pain. Then the child stops screaming - the pain has gone. ...maybe that pain... hasn't gone away. I'm just used to it... and that's why I don't notice it. Maybe I don’t feel it because I’ve never lived without pain? And maybe at times everything seems wonderful because I did not know another world? It seems to me that the reason for the existence of literature in our world is the fact that man is unhappy.
Reading a book, we are immersed in a world of fiction and artistic images, but at the same time we leave reality and feel a little happier for it. At least for a while.

John in the "Apocalypse" describes the world of the future... But, reading about the city of the future, where a person will be happy, having found both God and immortality, I sometimes wonder - will there be literature there? Will she be needed there?

When we are happy, we don't read a book. When we are happy, we live.

Those books that we call favorites and to which we often return are not just good or interesting. Their main property is that we need them for some vital purpose. important reason. A person does nothing without a reason. He is thirsty and takes a glass of water. He is hungry and looking for food. But just as we reach out for a glass of water, we reach out for our favorite book. We need her. And don’t we have the feeling that it was written especially for us?!

(VITALY KOVALYOV. “What is art?”..).

Winged words are stable figurative combinations that came into speech use from various sources: folklore, scientific works, sayings of prominent figures, titles famous events. They constantly appear, but later they may be forgotten or remain forever.

Some have survived millennia idioms. Examples can be cited from antiquity, where only specialists know the authors. Few people can say that the phrase “there is no dispute about taste” is a quote from a speech by Cicero.

The emergence of popular words

Expression " winged words" first appeared in the poems of Homer. As a term it has passed into many languages. The first collection of catchphrases was published in the 19th century in Germany. It subsequently went through many editions.

Because of their stability and reproducibility, catchwords belong to phraseology, but their author’s origin allowed them to take their special place among other means of speech. When words are rearranged, the phraseological structure is destroyed and general meaning gets lost. There is also no meaning in every single word taken from the expression. It is the given combination that makes them special.

Catchphrases and expressions accumulate and remain thanks to the development of civilization. They remain in cultural memory only thanks to writing.

Wise phrases were always written down and preserved for posterity.

Catchphrases and aphorisms

A good aphorism briefly and figuratively conveys to us the reasons for many phenomena in life and at the same time gives moral advice. He is exquisite literary work, packed into one phrase. It is no coincidence that Chekhov said that brevity is the sister of talent.

The aphorisms of ancient philosophers, which survived thousands of years, explained much that had not yet been discovered by science. The meaning of these catchphrases has remained the same and civilization has managed to preserve them.

Moreover, science has confirmed the truth of most of them.

Not all aphorisms are catchphrases. Numerous examples can be given, and many of the aphorisms lead into the world of illusions and abstractions. A catchphrases are alive and in to a greater extent reflecting the realities of life. Therefore, they are especially important when they just appear, vividly and figuratively reflecting today's events and phenomena.

Catchphrases from works

The works of Pushkin, Krylov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov are a treasure trove of popular expressions. Repetition does not always produce them proper effect. But they need to be known and applied in accordance with the situation:

“It didn’t work out that way, to put it mildly,
When the decision moment is missed.
It's not in vain that we learn from mistakes,
And croaking with cheese in its beak is cool!”

The evolution of catchphrases transforms them and brings them closer to modern realities: “Now the impression cannot be erased,” “Your common sense is not suitable for this life.”

They can be created in the process of translations and adaptation to our society.

There are 61 catchphrases in Shakespeare's Hamlet. The writer deliberately created a pun and play on words: “Frailty, your name is woman.” The expression was obtained based on the violation of linearity. If it had been built in the usual way, no one would have paid attention to it. He uses puns, inversions and other techniques so skillfully that he creates special meaning and irony.

Ilf and Petrova are recognizable and frequently used catchphrases in the media. Examples are from the works “The Golden Calf” and “The Twelve Chairs,” which include the names of the characters and sayings.

Catchphrases in the works of Ilf and Petrov have long become speech cliches, ready-made standards. This is a wide field for the creativity of writers, journalists and just amateurs. It is important not just to deftly insert the desired phrase, but to present it from a new perspective, from a different angle. You must not only know popular expressions and words, but also be able to use them, creating something of your own.

Catchphrases enrich the text, strengthen the argument and attract the attention of readers.

Catchphrases in comedies

Comic effects create catchphrases from comedies. Griboyedov’s work is especially saturated with them, where the title “Woe from Wit” already sets the whole tone. It remains relevant to this day, when many minds cannot break through the mass of misunderstanding, and new ideas are considered completely unnecessary and dangerous for society. For some comedy heroes, an alternative to intelligence is iron discipline (“Learning won’t make me faint” - Skalozub), for others it simply brings harm (“Learning is a plague...” - Famusov). In this comedy it is not known whether to laugh or cry?

Cinema is the source of catchphrases

IN Soviet time cinema was one of the most common sources from which catchphrases and expressions poured out as if from They were immediately picked up by the people, for example, after the release of Gaidai’s films. They have become so popular that many people don’t even remember which character said them. Some of Gaidai’s comedies entered our lives and became popular:

  • “Everything has already been stolen before us”;
  • “Thank you, I’ll stand on foot...”;
  • “Better train on cats”;
  • “We are strangers at this celebration of life.”


There are sayings of classics of literature, philosophers, famous people. This for the most part idioms. Examples can be found in collections published continuously since the 19th century. Winged expressions remain in the memory of peoples and are multiplied thanks to writing and the development of culture.


Approximate topics that may be included in the final essay (in 11th grade) in the direction of “Man and Society”.

  • What is the conflict between man and society?
  • Do you agree with Plautus’ statement: “man is a wolf to man”?
  • What do you think the thought of A. De Saint-Exupery means: “All roads lead to people”?
  • Can a person exist outside of society?
  • Can a person change society?
  • How does society influence a person?
  • Is society responsible for every person?
  • How does society influence an individual's opinion?
  • Do you agree with the statement of G. K. Lichtenberg: “In every person there is something from all people.
  • Is it possible to live in society and be free from it?
  • What is tolerance?
  • Why is it important to maintain individuality?
  • Confirm or refute the statement of A. de Staël: “You cannot be confident either in your behavior or in your well-being when we make it dependent on human opinion.”
  • Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality humiliates people and creates disagreement and hatred among them”?
  • Do you think it is fair to say that strong people Are you often lonely?
  • Is Tyutchev’s opinion true that “any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails an increase in material inclinations and vile egoistic instincts”?
  • Are social norms of behavior necessary?
  • What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?
  • Do you agree with V. Rozanov’s statement: “Society and those around us diminish the soul, not add it. “Adds” only the closest and rare sympathy, “soul to soul” and “one mind”?
  • Can any person be called a person?
  • What happens to a person cut off from society?
  • Why should society help the disadvantaged?
  • How do you understand I. Becher’s statement: “A person becomes a person only among people”?
  • Do you agree with the statement of H. Keller: “The most wonderful Life“It’s a life lived for other people.”
  • In what situations does a person feel lonely in society?
  • What is the role of personality in history?
  • How does society influence a person's decisions?
  • Confirm or refute I. Goethe’s statement: “A person can know himself only in people.”
  • How do you understand F. Bacon’s statement: “Whoever loves solitude, either wild animal, or the Lord God"?
  • Is a person responsible to society for his actions?
  • Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?
  • How do you understand the words of S.E. Letsa: “Zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something”?
  • Is it necessary to express your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion?
  • There is safety in numbers?
  • What is more important: personal interests or the interests of society?
  • What does society's indifference to people lead to?
  • Do you agree with the opinion of A. Maurois: “You should not focus on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps"?
  • How do you understand the expression “little man”?
  • Why does a person strive to be original?
  • Does society need leaders?
  • Do you agree with the words of K. Marx: “If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward”?
  • Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?
  • Who is a misanthrope?
  • How do you understand the statement of A.S. Pushkin: “The frivolous world mercilessly persecutes in reality what it allows in theory”?
  • What does inequality in society lead to?
  • Are social norms changing?
  • Do you agree with the words of K. L. Berne: “A person can do without many things, but not without a person”?
  • Is a person responsible to society?
  • Can an individual win a fight against society?
  • How can a person change history?
  • Do you think it is important to have your own opinion?
  • Can a person become an individual in isolation from society?
  • How do you understand G. Freytag’s statement: “In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people”?
  • Is it possible to violate social norms?
  • What is the place of a person in a totalitarian state?
  • How do you understand the phrase: “one head is good, but two is better”?
  • Are there people whose work is invisible to society?
  • Is it difficult to maintain individuality in a team?
  • Do you agree with W. Blackstone’s statement: “Man is created for society. He is unable and does not have
    courage to live alone"?
  • Confirm or refute the statement of D. M. Cage: “We need communication more than anything else”
  • What is equality in society?
  • Why are public organizations needed?
  • Is it possible to say that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life?
  • Do you agree that society shapes a person?
  • How does society treat people who are very different from it?
  • How do you understand the statement of W. James: “Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals”?
  • How do you understand the phrase “social consciousness”?
  • What is missing in modern society?
  • Do you agree with I. Goethe’s statement: “Man cannot live in solitude, he needs society”?
  • How do you understand T. Dreiser’s statement: “People think about us what we want to inspire them with”?
  • Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character”?

Based on project materials

Approximate topics for the final essay 2017-2018 (list). Direction "Man and Society".

What is the conflict between man and society?

Do you agree with Plautus’ statement: “man is a wolf to man”?

What do you think the thought of A. De Saint-Exupery means: “All roads lead to people”?

Can a person exist outside of society?

Can a person change society?

How does society influence a person?

Is society responsible for every person?

How does society influence an individual's opinion?

Do you agree with the statement of G. K. Lichtenberg: “In every person there is something from all people.

Is it possible to live in society and be free from it?

What is tolerance?

Why is it important to maintain individuality?

Confirm or refute the statement of A. de Staël: “You cannot be confident either in your behavior or in your well-being when we make it dependent on human opinion.”

Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality humiliates people and creates disagreement and hatred among them”?

Does it seem fair to you that strong people are often lonely?

Is Tyutchev’s opinion true that “any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails an increase in material inclinations and vile egoistic instincts”?

Are social norms of behavior necessary?

What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?

Do you agree with V. Rozanov’s statement: “Society and those around us diminish the soul, not add it. “Adds” only the closest and rare sympathy, “soul to soul” and “one mind”?

Can any person be called a person?

What happens to a person cut off from society?

Why should society help the disadvantaged?

How do you understand I. Becher’s statement: “A person becomes a person only among people”?

Do you agree with the statement of H. Keller: “The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people”

In what situations does a person feel lonely in society?

What is the role of personality in history?

How does society influence a person's decisions?

Confirm or refute I. Goethe’s statement: “A person can know himself only in people.”

How do you understand F. Bacon’s statement: “Whoever loves solitude is either a wild beast or the Lord God”?

Is a person responsible to society for his actions?

Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?

How do you understand the words of S.E. Letsa: “Zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something”?

Is it necessary to express your opinion if it differs from the majority opinion?

There is safety in numbers?

What is more important: personal interests or the interests of society?

What does society's indifference to people lead to?

Do you agree with the opinion of A. Maurois: “You should not rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps"?

How do you understand the expression “little man”?

Why does a person strive to be original?

Does society need leaders?

Do you agree with the words of K. Marx: “If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward”?

Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?

Who is a misanthrope?

How do you understand the statement of A.S. Pushkin: “The frivolous world mercilessly persecutes in reality what it allows in theory”?

What does inequality in society lead to?

Are social norms changing?

Do you agree with the words of K. L. Berne: “A person can do without many things, but not without a person”?

Is a person responsible to society?

Can an individual win a fight against society?

How can a person change history?

Do you think it is important to have your own opinion?

Can a person become an individual in isolation from society?

How do you understand G. Freytag’s statement: “In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people”?

Is it possible to violate social norms?

What is the place of a person in a totalitarian state?

How do you understand the phrase: “one head is good, but two is better”?

Are there people whose work is invisible to society?

Is it difficult to maintain individuality in a team?

Do you agree with W. Blackstone’s statement: “Man is created for society. He is unable and does not have
courage to live alone"?

Confirm or refute the statement of D. M. Cage: “We need communication more than anything else”

What is equality in society?

Why are public organizations needed?

Is it possible to say that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life?

Do you agree that society shapes a person?

How does society treat people who are very different from it?

How do you understand the statement of W. James: “Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals”?

How do you understand the phrase “social consciousness”?

What is missing in modern society?

Do you agree with I. Goethe’s statement: “Man cannot live in solitude, he needs society”?

How do you understand T. Dreiser’s statement: “People think about us what we want to inspire them with”?

Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character”?

List of references for preparing for the final essay. "Human and society".

A.P. Chekhov "", "", "", "", "Death of an Official", "The Cherry Orchard"
J. Verne “The Mysterious Island”
S. Collins "The Hunger Games"
W. Thackeray "Vanity Fair"
F.M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot”, “Crime and Punishment”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Poor People”
M. Gorky “At the Depths”, “Former People”
A. Camus “The Outsider”
C.T. Aitmatov “I” longer than a century lasts a day"
D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"
W. Groom "Forrest Gump"
A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great"
E. Hemingway “To Have and Have Not”
V. V. Nabokov “Invitation to Execution”
E.I. Zamyatin "We"
A. Platonov “Pit”
B. Pasternak "Doctor"
J. Orwell "1984", "Animal Farm"
R. Bradbury “Fahrenheit 451”, “The Martian Chronicles” N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls", "Overcoat"
A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya"
W. Golding "Lord of the Flies"
G. Marquez “One Hundred Years of Solitude”
G. Hesse “Steppenwolf”
R. Gallego “White on black”
T. Dreiser “Sister Carrie”, "American tragedy"
J. Steinbeck "The Grapes of Wrath"
D. Mitchell "Cloud Atlas"
A. De Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”
O. Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray”
J. Sallinger "The Catcher in the Rye"
M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"
A. Rand "Atlas Shrugged"
E. Fromm “Escape from Freedom”
I.A. Goncharov “Ordinary History”
F. Kafka “The Process”
Ch. Palahniuk “Fight Club”