The Da Vinci Code is the essence. "The Da Vinci Code" - an intellectual detective puzzle

Secret of success.“All the documents, rituals and organizations described in the work are completely real” - the novel begins with these words. Indeed, it is simply overflowing with documents, historical evidence, and expert comments. However, it is known that unverified evidence cannot serve as proof of a serious theory, and the situation in the novel is poorly verified.

Brown's version. If you trace the outline of the “documentary” foundations of the novel, it will look something like this. Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene, And they had a daughter Sarah, from which descended the line of the first Frankish kings - the Merovingians. The Church is trying to hide the marriage of Christ so that there is no doubt about his divinity. Documents confirming the fact of marriage are owned by the secret organization "Priority of Sion", whose Grand Masters are different time were Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Victor Hugo, Claude Debussy and others worthy people. The Church is ready to do anything to prevent people from gaining access to the secret. At the same time, Leonardo da Vinci, who was initiated into it, leaves encrypted messages in his works that reveal the truth. These messages are called the Da Vinci Code. Documents relating to the code, the Priory of Sion and the genealogy of the descendants of Jesus are collected in the Secret Dossier folder, discovered in 1975 in the archives of the Paris National Library.

Data. Such a folder really exists, and it contains five sheets with a diagram of the Merovingian family tree from the 7th to the 20th centuries, lists of masters of the Priory of Sion, encrypted parchment messages... But this is perhaps the only thing that is not the creative invention of the author.

Marriage of Jesus. Brown's version. In order to hide the fact of Christ's marriage, the churchmen erased from all the Gospels mentions of his wedding and the birth of a child. But in some places hints of marriage remained. In the Gospel of Luke, for example, a certain woman, whom many theologians believe to be Mary Magdalene, washes Christ's feet and wipes them with her own hair, which indicates that she is either his wife or a slave.

Data. At the end of the first century AD - and it was then that the four canonical Gospels were written - the Christian church was a mass of small religious sects. The gospels differed in the lists from one member of the sect to another. There was simply no one to somehow monitor this process and edit all the new copies. In addition, in Jewish society, celibacy was not at all considered a mandatory sign of holiness. Not a single prophecy about the messiah said that he should be a childless bachelor. Celibacy began to be seen as a feat only in the Middle Ages. Therefore, it is completely incomprehensible why the early Christians needed to hide this fact. Historians specializing in the history of the Jewish people know that in ancient Judea, a hot and deserted country, washing the feet of a guest was considered a completely normal sign of respect for a tired traveler. And using hair as a towel was also quite normal. Moreover, the ritual of washing feet was often performed even by the owner of the house himself.

Merovingian genealogy. Brown's version. According to the family tree of the first Frankish kings of the Merovingians, discovered in the “Secret Dossier,” who descended from the daughter of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, Sarah, who was taken from Israel to Gaul, this family still exists today. And the descendants of Jesus live among us.

Data. The authenticity of the Merovingian family tree typewritten and found in the Secret File is questionable. According to modern data, the line of the first Frankish kings ended in 751. The largest expert on the Merovingians, professor at the University of Manchester Paul Fouracre, says that he, a man who has been studying the history of the Merovingians for more than 30 years, does not know a single document according to which King Dagobert II, killed by the conspirators, would have descendants, while in an unknown person compiled It is from him that the longest branches stretch to our time. Although the authorship of this family tree is not difficult to establish.

Brown's version. The main clue is that Christ was associated with a woman - the great Leonardo left in his most famous work - the Mona Lisa. He pointed this out in the very title of the painting, for “Mona Lisa” is nothing more than an anagram of two names: Amon ( Egyptian god masculinity) and L'Isa (his wife the goddess Isis, whose name was written in a pictogram as L'Isa).

Data. « Mona Lisa" was originally called simply "Portrait of a Florentine Lady". After admirers of the master’s work found out that the painting depicts 24-year-old Lisa, the wife of the Florentine merchant Francesco del Giocondo, the painting was called “Portrait of Mona Lisa del Giocondo.” “Mona Lisa”, or “La Gioconda”, they began to call her many years after the death of Leonardo da Vinci.

Basic facts. According to the Merovingian genealogy, a direct descendant of the kings in the 20th century is a certain Pierre Plantard. He is also the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion... Since childhood, the real Plantard dreamed of finding royal roots in his past. Together with his friend, writer and journalist Philippe de Chérisy, in the mid-1950s he came up with an “ancient” secret society, created a code and a Merovingian genealogy.

On June 25, 1956, Plantard registered the Priory of Sion organization in the prefecture of Saint-Julien-en-Genevois. Then to Paris national library The “Secret Dossier” was transferred for storage. In 1975, he was “found” by journalist Michael Baigent and wrote the book “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail” in 1982, together with Richard Lee and Henry Lincoln. Based on it, The Da Vinci Code was created - a novel based on a hoax.

And it was published in a total circulation of more than 81 million copies. "The Da Vinci Code" tops the New York Times bestseller list, many consider it a novel best book decades. The novel, written in the genre of an intellectual detective thriller, was able to awaken widespread interest in the legend of the Holy Grail and the place of Mary Magdalene in the history of Christianity.

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    According to the plot of the book main character, Dr. Robert Langdon, professor of religious symbolism at Harvard University, must unravel the murder of Jacques Saunière, curator of the Louvre. Saunière's body was found inside the Louvre, naked and positioned in the same manner as in famous drawing Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man", with an encrypted inscription on his torso. This inscription indicates that the key to the murder mystery must be found within. famous works Leonardo da Vinci. Analysis of Leonardo's works such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper greatly helps in solving this riddle. At the same time, Robert meets the granddaughter of Jacques Saunière - Sophie Neveu. Her family (mother, father, brother) died in a car accident. Now Sophie and Robert have to unravel many secrets and mysteries. But TsUSP captain Bezu Fache believes that it was Langdon who killed Jacques Saunière. Robert and Sophie have to refute this.

    The main character of the novel has to solve two main mysteries:

    • What secret was Saunière protecting, and why was he killed?
    • Who killed Saunière and who planned this murder?

    Using the inscriptions Jacques Saunière left on his body and on the Mona Lisa, Sophie and Robert find the key that Sophie saw as a child in her grandfather's box. Sophie decides to take Langdon to the American embassy. But the police block their way. Sophie manages to break away from them on her smart phone. They abandon her car and hail a taxi. In the taxi they see the address on the key: 24 RYU AKSO . The pair travel there and discover the Zurich depository bank. Langdon and Sophie use the key and access code (it turned out to be the Fibonacci Series) to open the safe. In it they find a box. Meanwhile, the guard on duty recognized Langdon and Sophie as Interpol's wanted list. Bank President Andre Vernet, having learned that Sophie is the granddaughter of Jacques Saunière, takes them to the forest in a bank car. In the car, Langdon opens the box and sees a cryptex, by opening which he hopes to obtain the cornerstone - a map to the Holy Grail. But Vernet finds out that, besides Saunière, 3 more people were killed, and Sophie and Robert are also accused of the deaths of these people, and stops believing in their innocence; threatening with a pistol, he demands to give up the box. Langdon uses cunning to disarm his opponent. The professor and Sophie leave the forest in an armored car and go to Chateau-Villette, where Sir Lew Teabing lives, who is an expert on the Grail and the Priory of Sion. Teabing, along with Langdon, tells Sophie the story of the Grail. Meanwhile, Remy, Teabing's butler, sees photos of Sophie and Langdon marked "wanted" on TV. He tells Teabing about this. Lew wants to kick them out, but Sophie says they have a cornerstone. Teabing is interested. Suddenly, Langdon is attacked by Silas, a monk from Opus Dei who killed Jacques Saunière. The monk stuns Langdon and demands the keystone from Sophie and Teabing. Teabing pretends to give it, but hits Silas with his crutch in the leg, and he loses consciousness, because he wears metal garters that pacify the call of the flesh by digging into the body and causing severe pain. Teabing and Sophie revive Langdon. Meanwhile, Collet and his agents learn that Langdon and Sophie are at Teabing's. They arrive at Chateau Villette. Collet is ready to begin the assault, but then Fache calls him and orders him not to begin the assault on the mansion before his arrival. But Colle hears a shot fired by Silos. The lieutenant, at his own peril and risk, decides to launch an assault against Fache's orders. But Teabing, Sophie, Langdon, Remy escape with the tied Silas in the Range Rover. They are going to Le Bourget airport to fly to the UK. On the plane, Langdon opens the box and finds a secret hole, through which they determine that the rose design on the box is a locket. Teabing says that you need a mirror because... the entry is written upside down. The result was a riddle verse. It contained another encrypted poem, which said that you need to find the grave of a knight buried by the Pope. With this riddle you can open the cryptex. Meanwhile in France, Fache orders the Kent Police to be called to surround Biggin Hill Airport. Robert, Sophie and the monk manage to hide in the car by the time the police arrive. The police do not detect the presence of strangers on the plane and release Teabing. In the car, Teabing says he knows where the knight's grave is. She's at Temple. But it turns out that in the church there are only the tombstones of the knights, and not their graves. Suddenly Silas bursts in. He was untied by Remy, who turned out to be at the same time with him. The monk demanded the cryptex, but Langdon refused to give it to him. Then Remy gets involved. He takes Teabing hostage. Langdon gives the cryptex to Silas, but Remy and Silas do not let Teabing go. They take him away with them. After this, Remy introduces himself as a mysterious Teacher, for whom Silas and his bishop work. The teacher kills him as an unnecessary witness. At this time, Langdon and Sophie arrive at King's College. They are looking for information about the knight buried by the Pope. It turns out that this is Isaac Newton, but he was buried not by the Pope, but by Alexander Pop, just in English language Papa and Pop are spelled the same. Langdon and Sophie go to his tomb in Westminster Abbey, where they discover an inscription indicating that Teabing is with his kidnappers and is waiting for them in the garden. Langdon and Sophie go there, but Teabing stops them on the way. He is the Teacher. It was he who organized the murders of Saunière and other people. Teabing, threatening with a revolver, demands that Langdon open the cryptex. Langdon says he knows the answer, but wants Sophie to be released first. Teabing realizes that Langdon has not cracked the code. Then Langdon throws the cryptex. Teabing rushes after the cryptex, but does not have time to catch it. In fact, Langdon cracked the code. Keyword turned out to be the word Apple. Teabing is arrested by Bezu Fache.

    The novel has several parallel storylines involving various characters. At the end of the book everything storylines gather together in the Rosslyn Chapel and are resolved.

    Unraveling the mystery requires solving a series of puzzles. The secret lies in the location of the Holy Grail, in a secret society called the Priory of Sion, and in the Knights Templar. The Catholic organization Opus Dei also plays important role in the plot.

    Heroes of the book

    A senior researcher at the Hermitage, Mikhail Anikin, also expressed his protest, believing that some of the ideas were borrowed from his book “Leonardo da Vinci or Theology in Colors,” which was published in 2000.

    Fruits of success


    In 2006, Archbishop Angelo Amato, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, called for a boycott of the film The Da Vinci Code; Amato called Brown's book "piercingly anti-Christian, full of slander, crimes and historical and theological errors about Jesus, the gospel and hostile to the church", attributing its success to the "extreme cultural poverty of a large number of Christian believers", Amato called on Christians to be more diligent in "rejecting the lies and cheap slander." He also said that if “such lies and slander were directed at the Koran or the Holocaust, they would rightly cause a worldwide uprising”, while “lies and slander directed against the Church and Christians remain unpunished”. Amato suggested that Catholics around the world begin organized protests against the film "The Da Vinci Code" in the same way that there were protests against the film

    According to the plot of the book, its main character, Dr. Robert Langdon, a professor of religious symbolism Harvard University, must unravel the murder of Jacques Saunière, curator of the Louvre. Saunière's body was found inside the Louvre, naked and positioned in the same way as in Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting "The Vitruvian Man", with a coded inscription on his torso. This inscription indicates that the key to the murder mystery must be sought within the famous works of Leonardo da Vinci. Analysis of such works by Leonardo as “Mona Lisa” and “ last supper”, helps significantly in solving this riddle. At the same time, Robert meets the granddaughter of Jacques Saunière, Sophie Neveu. Her family (mother, father, brother, grandmother) died in a car accident. Now Sophie and Robert have to unravel many secrets and mysteries. But TsUSP captain Bezu Fache believes that it was Langdon who killed Jacques Saunière. Robert and Sophie have to refute this.

    The main character of the novel has to solve two main mysteries:

    What secret was Saunière protecting, and why was he killed?

    Who killed Saunière and who planned this murder?

    Using the inscriptions Jacques Saunière left on his body and on the Mona Lisa, Sophie and Robert find the key that Sophie saw as a child in her grandfather's box. Sophie decides to take Langdon to the American embassy. But the police block their way. Sophie manages to break away from them on her smart phone. They abandon her car and hail a taxi. In the taxi they see the address on the key: 24 RYU AKSO. The couple travels there and discovers the Zurich depository bank. Langdon and Sophie use the key and access code (it turned out to be the Fibonacci Series) to open the safe. In it they find a box. Meanwhile, the guard on duty recognized Langdon and Sophie among those wanted by Interpol. Bank President Andre Vernet, having learned that Sophie is the granddaughter of Jacques Saunière, takes them to the forest in a bank car. In the car, Langdon opens the box and sees a cryptex, opening which he hopes to obtain the cornerstone - a map to the Holy Grail. But Vernet finds out that, besides Saunière, 3 more people were killed, and Sophie and Robert are also accused of the deaths of these people, and stops believing in their innocence; threatening with a pistol, he demands to give up the box. Langdon uses cunning to disarm his opponent. The professor and Sophie leave the forest in an armored car and go to Chateau-Villette, where Sir Lew Teabing lives, who is an expert on the Grail and the Priory of Sion. Teabing, along with Langdon, tells Sophie the story of the Grail. Meanwhile, Remy, Teabing's butler, sees photos of Sophie and Langdon marked "wanted" on TV. He tells Teabing about this. The knight wants to kick them out, but Sophie says they have the cornerstone. Teabing is interested. Together they look at the cryptex and Langdon discovers a secret hole in the box. Suddenly, Langdon is attacked by Silas, a monk from Opus Dei who killed Jacques Saunière. The monk stuns Langdon and demands the keystone from Sophie and Teabing. Teabing pretends to give it, but the knight hits Silas in the leg with his crutch, and he loses consciousness, because he wears metal garters that pacify the call of the flesh by digging into the muscles and causing severe pain. Teabing and Sophie revive Langdon. Meanwhile, Collet and his agents learn that Langdon and Sophie are at Teabing's. They arrive at Chateau Villette. Collet is ready to begin the assault, but then Fache calls him and orders him not to begin the assault on the mansion before his arrival. But Colle hears a shot fired by Silos. The lieutenant, at his own peril and risk, decides to launch an assault against Fache’s orders. But Teabing, Sophie, Langdon, Remy escape with the tied Silas in the Range Rover. They are going to Le Bourget airport to fly to the UK. On the plane, Langdon opens the box again. There was an inscription in it. Sophie determined that the inscription was in English, but it was written in mirror image. The result is a riddle verse. Langdon and Liu were able to guess the key word. The name turned out to be Sofia. Inside the cryptex was a small black cryptex. On it was another encrypted poem, which said that you need to find the grave of the knight buried by the Pope. Meanwhile in France, Fache orders the Kent Police to be called to surround Biggin Hill Airport. The police inform the pilot of the plane that there has been a gas leak and he needs to land not in the hangar, but near the terminal. Under pressure from Teabing, the pilot nevertheless lands in the hangar. Robert, Sophie and the monk manage to hide in the car by the time the police arrive. The police do not detect the presence of strangers on the plane and release Teabing. In the car, Teabing says he knows where the knight's grave is. She's at Temple. The altar boy notices that the church only contains the tombstones of the knights, not their graves. Suddenly Silas bursts into the church. He was untied by Remy, who turned out to be at the same time with him. The monk demanded the cryptex, but Langdon refused to give it to him. Then Remy gets involved. He takes Teabing hostage. Langdon gives the cryptex to Silas, but Remy and Silas do not let Teabing go. They take him away with them. After this, Remy meets with the mysterious Teacher, for whom he works. The teacher kills him as an unnecessary witness. At this time, Langdon and Sophie arrive at King's College. They, along with Pamela Getem, are looking for information about the knight buried by the Pope. It turns out that this is Isaac Newton, but he was buried not by the Pope, but by Alexander Pop, it’s just that in English Pope and Pop are written the same way. Langdon and Sophie go to his tomb in Westminster Abbey, where they discover an inscription indicating that Teabing is with his kidnappers and is waiting for them in the garden. Langdon and Sophie go there, but Teabing stops them on the way. He is the Teacher. It was he who organized the murders of Saunière and other people. Teabing, threatening with a revolver, demands that Langdon open the cryptex. Langdon says he knows the answer, but wants Sophie to be released first. Teabing realizes that Langdon has not cracked the code. Then Langdon throws the cryptex. Teabing rushes after the cryptex, but does not have time to catch it. In fact, Langdon cracked the code. The key word turned out to be the word Apple. Teabing is arrested by Bezu Fache.

    The novel has several parallel storylines involving various characters. At the end of the book, all the storylines come together in Rosslyn Chapel and are resolved.

    Unraveling the mystery requires solving a series of puzzles. The secret lies in the location of the Holy Grail, in a secret society called the Priory of Sion, and in the Knights Templar. The Catholic organization Opus Dei also plays an important role in the plot.

    ". The book became an international bestseller: it has been translated into 44 languages ​​and has sold more than 60 million copies. The Da Vinci Code tops the New York Times bestseller list and is considered by many to be the best book of the decade. The novel, written in the genre of an intellectual detective thriller, was able to awaken widespread interest in the legend of the Holy Grail and the place of Mary Magdalene in the history of Christianity.


    According to the plot of the book, its main character, Dr. Robert Langdon, professor of religious symbology at Harvard University, must unravel the murder of Jacques Saunière, curator of the Louvre. Saunière's body was found inside the Louvre, naked and positioned in the same way as in Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing "The Vitruvian Man", with a coded inscription on his torso. This inscription indicates that the key to the murder mystery must be sought within the famous works of Leonardo da Vinci. Analysis of Leonardo's works such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper greatly helps in solving this riddle. Some time later, Robert meets the granddaughter of Jacques Saunière - Sophie Neveu. Her family (mother, father, brother) died in a car accident. Now Sophie and Robert have to unravel many secrets and mysteries.

    The main character of the novel has to solve two main mysteries:

    • What secret was Saunière protecting, and why was he killed?
    • Who killed Saunière and who planned this murder?

    The novel has several parallel storylines involving various characters. At the end of the book, all the storylines come together in Rosslyn Chapel and are resolved.

    Unraveling the mystery requires solving a series of puzzles. The secret lies in the location of the Holy Grail, in a secret society called the Priory of Sion, and in the Knights Templar. The Catholic organization Opus Dei also plays an important role in the plot.


    The idea for the novel is inspired by the book Sacred Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Lee and Henry Lincoln, published in 1982. It should be noted that the name of one of the book's main characters, Leigh Teabing, is a portmanteau of the names Leigh and Baigent (an anagram of Teabing). Lee and Baigent subsequently sued Brown, claiming that The Da Vinci Code was not an independent work, but a fictional version of their own book, but in 2006 the court rejected their claim. Brown himself, without denying his familiarity with “The Sacred Blood and the Holy Grail” (which is mentioned explicitly in Chapter 60), named among the main sources of information the books of Margaret Starbird and “Revelation of the Templars” by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince.

    In turn, the book “The Sacred Blood and the Holy Grail” is based on the research and hypotheses of the German historian and archaeologist Otto Rahn, set out in his book “ Crusade against the Grail” (“Kreuzzug gegen den Gral”, 1933)

    Fruits of success

    Religious criticism

    The novel might have gone unnoticed by various Christian religious leaders if it had not been so successful, and if the first page of the book had not stated the truth of the events described. The criticism draws attention to a large number of inaccuracies in the presentation of history, interpretation historical facts and the use of various kinds of unconfirmed legends.

    The most active of the critics in Russia was Fr. Andrey Kuraev, who collected many facts in a separate material on his missionary portal.

    Criticism of the Russian translation

    The Russian translation of the novel, published by AST publishing house in 2004, was subjected to critical analysis Russian linguist, translation theorist D.I. Ermolovich. In his article “At least screw it up”, he gave a significant number of examples of logical, lexical-phraseological and terminological inaccuracies, distortions and omissions made by the translator of the novel in such fields of knowledge as religion, history, art, geography, mathematics, computer science, etc.


    • Simon Cox, Cracking the Da Vinci Code. Dan Brown's Guide to the Mystery Labyrinths" (ACT Publishing, ISBN 5-17-028748-8)
    • Darrell Bock, Unlocking the Da Vinci Code (Phoenix Publishing, ISBN 5-222-06601-0)
    • Michael J. Gelb, The Da Vinci Code Deciphered. Discovering the spiritual secrets of Leonardo's Seven Principles" (Potpourri Publishing House, ISBN 985-483-375-5)


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what “The Da Vinci Code (novel)” is in other dictionaries:

      The Da Vinci Code The Da Vinci Code Genre thriller ... Wikipedia

      The Da Vinci Code is also the name of the 2006 film starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou. "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci. In the novel, the body of Jacques Saunière, the murdered curator of the Louvre, is found on the floor of the museum in exactly the same position as in this one... Wikipedia

      The Da Vinci Code is also the name of the 2006 film starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou. The Da Vinci Code The Da Vinci Code ... Wikipedia

      The Da Vinci Code The Da Vinci Code Genre Thriller Director Ron Howard Screenwriter Akiva Goldsman ... Wikipedia

      The Da Vinci Code is also the name of the 2006 film starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou. "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci. In the novel, the body of Jacques Saunière, the murdered curator of the Louvre, is found on the floor of the museum in exactly the same position as in this one... Wikipedia

      The Da Vinci Code is also the name of the 2006 film starring Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou. "Vitruvian Man" by Leonardo da Vinci. In the novel, the body of Jacques Saunière, the murdered curator of the Louvre, is found on the floor of the museum in exactly the same position as in this one... Wikipedia

    Very briefly The investigation into the murder of a Louvre employee reveals many secrets related to Mary Magdalene.

    In the Louvre, late at night, the murder of curator Jacques Saunière occurs, whose body is disfigured by strange signs. The police believe that the murdered man slashed himself. His killer, Silas, calls a certain Teacher and reports that four people who gave him the same information before his death have been removed. A certain brotherhood has created a cornerstone, on which it is encrypted with signs where the secret of this brotherhood is kept. All four of those killed testified that the map was in the Parisian church of Saint-Sulpice. The teacher demands to urgently get this card.

    The police turn to Harvard University professor of religious symbolism Robert Langdon for help. Having never known Langdon before, Saunière made an appointment with the professor who had arrived in Paris the day before.

    Bishop Aringarosa, the father-president of the Opus Dei brotherhood, flies from New York to Rome. Recently, a special group has been monitoring the brotherhood, since some of its members have been seen in unseemly acts, but the brotherhood is under the auspices of the Vatican. Recently, some members of the fraternity have been attacked. Aringarosa receives word that Silas has found the keystone.

    Langdon is brought to the Louvre to the crime scene. Police believe Saunière was in his office when he was attacked. He ran into the gallery and set off the alarm, ripping a painting off the wall. The entrance to the gallery was blocked by a lowered grate, and the killer shot the curator through it. Saunière crawled contentedly long distance and died. Police found him naked, lying on his back with his arms and legs outstretched. A five-pointed star - a pentacle - was drawn in the center of the belly. In the darkness, purple letters and numbers were visible next to the corpse. The killer disappeared without a trace.

    Sister of the Church of Saint-Sulpice Sandrine meets a representative of Opus Dei who has arrived in Paris.

    Trying to decipher what was written, Langdon comes to the conclusion that Saunière copied his pose famous painting Leonardo da Vinci "Vitruvian Man".

    Captain Bezu Fache, who is leading the investigation, transfers photographs with signs to the cryptography department, and cryptographer Sophie Neuve from the judicial police arrives at the crime scene. She tells Langdon that he is in danger.

    Aringarosa meets with Silas, whose life he once saved, and with the Teacher.

    Sophie tells Fache that the set of numbers is the Fibbonacci sequence. Taking advantage of the moment, she meets alone with Langdon and tells him that he is the first suspect in the murder, which is why they planted a special tracking beacon in his pocket. In addition to the secret signs written near the body, there was an inscription that Fache erased: Saunière asked to find Langdon. The inscription was not intended for the police, but for her, since she is Saunière's granddaughter.

    Sophie was left an orphan at the age of four. Her parents, grandmother and younger brother died in a car accident, and the girl was raised by her grandfather. Ten years ago, returning home without warning, she found her grandfather in company strange people who worship some object and perform strange rituals. Sophie broke off relations with him. Since then they have not seen each other, although the grandfather asked her to meet.

    With Sophie's help, Langdon manages to escape from the Louvre. After carefully re-reading the entry, Langdon comes to the conclusion that this is an anagram of the words “Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa”, and the Fibonacci sequence is a cipher.

    Sophie is left alone in the Louvre. She wants to find the Mona Lisa and find out what mysterious message her grandfather left her.

    Silas comes to the Church of Saint-Sulpice. He asks Sister Sandrine to leave him alone to pray. Hidden, Sister Sandrine watches him.

    Sophie arrives at the crime scene. Langdon doesn't run away, but returns to her. After thinking, he comes to the conclusion that the symbol was encrypted in the inscription near the deceased secret society, which Sophie once saw at her grandfather's. Having examined the glass in the Mona Lisa painting, they see an inscription in blood - one of the fundamental principles of brotherhood.

    Sophie examines another Leonardo da Vinci painting, Madonna of the Grotto. There she finds unusual shape a key that she once saw with her grandfather as a child, and which should open a box with many secrets. They see the address on the key.

    Langdon is arrested by a Louvre security agent, but Sophie saves him.

    Silas, thinking that he is alone in the church, takes out a Bible from its hiding place to find out where the cornerstone is. Sister Sandrine calls the brotherhood's contacts and finds out that they have all been killed.

    Sophie and Langdon escape from the police. Langdon talks about the Priory of Sion brotherhood, whose seal is marked on the key. The Templars handed over to the brotherhood important secret documents brought from Jerusalem to Europe, which deal with the Holy Grail.

    Finding nothing, Silas kills Sister Sandrine.

    Aringarosa receives from the Vatican a large sum.

    There is a Swiss bank at the address indicated on the key. Sophie and Langdon find the safe, but do not know the account number. The president of the bank branch, Andre, knows that they are suspected of murder, their photographs have already been distributed by Interpol. Sophie tells him what happened. The police who were following them arrive at the bank. Berne agrees to help escape, he doesn’t need problems on the bank’s territory, and Saunière was his friend. Langdon remembers the inscription near the body of the deceased - this is the account number.

    The safe contains a box with the symbol of the Priory of Sion on the lid. Taking the box with him, Berne takes the fugitives out of the bank undetected.

    Silas repents to the Teacher that he did not complete the task, but he reassures him: he knows to whom Saunière gave the information.

    Inside the box is a cryptex, a cylinder with disks. The cryptex was invented by Leonardo da Vinci, but Saunière loved to carve such things out of wood. After reflection and learning from Sophie about the ritual she saw as a child, Langdon comes to the conclusion that Saunière was one of the highest members of society entrusted with the secret, and the cryptex indicates where the Holy Grail is located. There must be three more people initiated into the secret; apparently Saunière felt some kind of danger if he wanted to entrust the secret to his granddaughter and him.

    Hearing on the radio that Sophie and Langdon are accused of murder three people, Berne demands that they give up what Saunière entrusted to him to guard. Sophie and Langdon escape, leaving Berne alone in the forest. Langdon realizes that a traitor has infiltrated the brotherhood. He decides to turn to the outstanding scientist Lew Teabing, who is studying the Holy Grail. Teabing will be interested in the critpex and will not hand them over to the police.

    After listening to Sophie and Langdon, Teabing shows them Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Last Supper. Each of the thirteen participants in the supper has his own cup, but the Bible and other legends believe that the Holy Grail originated here. Teabing believes that the Holy Grail is not an object, but a person, and a woman, since the symbol of the feminine principle is a vessel. This woman is depicted in the painting and she is Mary Magdalene.

    According to various documents and ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, there were romantic relationship, they were spouses. The blood in the Holy Grail is the child Jesus carried by Mary Magdalene. The Church hid this fact and declared Mary Magdalene a harlot, which was not true.

    To save the child, Maria fled to France and gave birth to a girl, Sarah, there. Documents about the lives of Jesus, Mary and Sarah were hidden and found by the Templars. The search for the Holy Grail is the search for the tomb of Mary Magdalene.

    The family of Jesus developed, united with the family of French kings and founded Paris.

    Teabing's servant Remy tells his master that Langdon and Sophie are wanted by the police. To prevent Teabing from turning them over to the authorities, Langdon shows him the cryptex. This is seen by Silas sneaking under his window. Meanwhile, the police arrive at Teabing's house.

    After reflection, Teabing, Sophie and Langdon come to the conclusion that Saunière passed on the secret of the brotherhood to Sophie, since the rest of those who knew her were killed. The killer must be sent by the Church.

    Teabing examines the cryptex while Langdon examines the box in the other room. In it he finds a piece of wood with an inscription in a language unknown to him, but then Silas hits him on the back of the head. Threatening Sophie and Teabing with a gun, Silas demands to give him the cryptex. Teabing knocks the gun away from him.

    The police break into Teabing's house, but Teabing, Remy, Sophie and Landox, taking Silas, manage to escape. Langdon doesn't understand how Silas could have found them.

    Teabing offers to fly everyone to England on his plane. After thinking about the cryptex, the fugitives decide that they need to find the Templar grave, and the encrypted word is Sophia. In the cryptex there is another cryptex along with a note saying that you need to find the grave of a knight buried by the Pope in London and take the ball there.

    Upon hearing the news, Aringarosa realizes what he has gotten Silas into and decides to fly to London.

    Having deceived the English police, Teabing, along with Langdon, Sophie, Remy and Silas, travel to the knight's grave in the church where the Templars are buried. While Teabing, Sophie and Langdon are in the church, Remy, who works for the Teacher and expects to receive a large sum, frees Silas. Silasa bursts into the church with a pistol, demanding the cornerstone. Langdon threatens to break the cryptex. Then Remy puts a gun to Teabing's head, and Langdon hands over the cryptex. Remy takes Teabing away and lets Sophie go with Langdon.

    The police search Teabing's house. It turns out that his servant Remy was once involved in petty thefts. The police also discover a system for listening to people.

    Sophie reports Teabing's kidnapping to the police. Captain Fache is talking to her from France. He apologizes for the charges and wants to meet the fugitives.

    The Teacher calls Silas and asks Remy to bring him a stone to the Opus Dei residence.

    At the research center Royal Library Sophie and Langdon meet librarian Pamela Getham.

    Leaving Remy with a tied up Teabing in the car, Silas arrives at the residence. A Teacher whom no one has seen before comes to the car. He kills Remy, taking the critpex.

    Pamela studies the documents and comes to the conclusion that the knight is Isaac Newton, Great master The Priory of Sion, which was cursed by the Church. Newton was buried in Westminster Abbey by the philosopher Alexander Pope, whose name and the word "Pope" are spelled the same.

    At the Opus Dei residence, Silas is arrested. During the arrest, he resists and accidentally wounds Bishop Arangaros.

    Sophie and Langdon come to Newton's grave, worried about Teabing. The hidden Teacher sees them. Sophie and Langdon see an inscription on a gravestone telling them where Teabing is.

    IN specified location They find Teabing aiming a gun at them. This is the Teacher who organized the murder of Saunière, Sophie’s family and other people so that no one would know the secret of the Grail. Teabing staged a conversation with Remy and Silas, deceiving them. Now he wants to take possession of the secret of the cryptex.

    Silas drags the wounded bishop to get help. A few months ago, Aringaros was asked to leave Opus Dei from the Vatican. When the bishop refused, a certain Teacher called him and offered to assist him in finding the sacred relic. The Bishop regrets that he ordered Silas to obey the Master.

    Trying to outwit each other, Teabing and Langdon figure out what the ball on the grave means - an apple. But then the police arrest Teabing.

    Silas dies from his wound.

    Langdon and Sophie arrive in Scotland, to the church pointed to by last record in the cryptex. There they meet a woman who has exactly the same box. The woman turns out to be Sophie's grandmother, who has been living under a different name for many years. Sophie's younger brother lives with his grandmother. My grandmother and brother did not go in the car then and after what happened they were forced to hide.

    Sophie has a family, and Langdon must leave. They agree to meet soon in Florence.