Bach passion according to matthew summary. I.S.

The Nativity of John the Baptist (Baptist) in 2017, the traditions and customs of which we will consider today, is celebrated on July 7.

John was born into the religious family of the righteous Elizabeth and Zechariah, and at the age of thirty the prophet already knew and told people about the coming of Christ, whom he later baptized in the waters of the Jordan. This holiday is significant in the Orthodox world, but few people know about the traditions and life of the prophet.

What is known about John?

He is considered a revered saint on a par with the Virgin Mary. Even Christ asserted that the man who would be more pious than John had not yet been born. This day is an incredible holiday for all Christians. After all, there are only three celebrations that mark not the death, but the birth of saints. This is precisely what shows how revered the prophet is in the life of the church.

John received two names - Baptist and Forerunner. After all, he began to preach long before the coming of Christ, and after all he baptized him. All the gospels mention John, and most historical accounts do. The Church celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Prophet six times throughout the year. Some sources claim that the prophet is one of the Savior’s relatives on his mother’s side.

One gospel says that the prophet lived most life in the desert. His clothes were made of camel skin, and he ate honey from wild bees and locusts. In Palestine and Arabia there were locusts called locusts. According to the laws of Moses, it was believed that locusts belonged to the category of pure insects. Also, locusts were considered plant foods, from which cakes and breads were prepared.

John turned out to be the last prophet who predicted the salvation of the people of Israel and the coming of the Savior. He often came to the Jordan, where the Jews performed washing ceremonies. The Prophet invited them to undergo baptism in order to get rid of sins and cleanse their souls.

The saint died a cruel death. He accused King Herod of a criminal marriage with another woman, for which the ruler imprisoned him. At one of the festivities, Herodias persuaded her daughter to ask her father to execute the prophet. At the end of the holiday, John was executed by cutting off his head. IN Christendom There is a holiday in honor of this tragic day.

Pagan roots

Previously, the Slavs had a pagan holiday of Ivan Kupala, which was closely mixed with the traditions of the Nativity of John the Baptist. The Church constantly condemned various pagan rituals with which the people diluted Christian holidays. Most of the rituals were never superseded, so the church had to accept them and give them Christian meaning.

Residents Ancient Rus' They believed that during the celebration of Ivan Kupala, amazing miracles happened in the world. One of these beliefs was that a fern could bloom only on this day and never show its color to people again. If a person manages to find a flower, then happy life will be followed for many years.

One of the well-known rituals that has survived to this day is lighting fires near bodies of water and jumping over them. Celebrations were held near the fires, songs were sung and round dances were performed, as well as fortune telling using wreaths made of birch branches. People believed that on this day, herbs, trees, water and even dew had healing and cleansing powers. Therefore, it is necessary to go to collect medicinal plants and dew, because they helped to expel evil spirits and cure most diseases.

Popular custom for the Nativity of John the Baptist

Throughout Ancient Rus', people on this day collected herbs that they used to eliminate various ailments. But the girls used the plants to weave wreaths, which they wore on their heads, and in the evening, with the help of such a product, they could perform a fortune-telling ritual. Ready product they floated him on the water and carefully monitored his behavior. If a girl’s wreath has drowned, then she should not expect a wedding in the coming year, or her beloved will stop loving her soon. Such rituals were considered pagan, and the church could not approve of them, because any superstition is considered not Christian. But the ritual turned out to be so popular that it has survived to this day.

Fortune telling

Of course, many methods were used on Ivan Kupala to predict the future. But since the church considers any fortune-telling a sin, such rituals could be punishable. The Christian faith prohibits guessing, because a person should know only the past and live exclusively in the present. A person must realize his mistakes and learn from them useful knowledge so that future life obstacles do not become so difficult. Only faith in the Lord will help you overcome difficulties, and not the pagan ritual of fortune telling.

If Orthodox man will tell fortunes at the Nativity of John the Baptist, then this is considered a sin. But most people perform such rituals, especially on Ivan Kupala, believing that the day has mystical energy that will help predict the future.


During the holiday, you can carry out health procedures. So, as the celebration intertwined with many pagan traditions, then on this day the ritual of dousing must be performed. You don’t have to go to a pond; you can douse yourself in the bathroom at home cold water and read a prayer to St. John. You should go to church in the morning, light candles for health in front of the image of the saint and ask him to get rid of headaches and clear your thoughts. It is this prophet who is able to eliminate migraines, which will help a person gain clarity of thought.

Since headaches have become the number one disease in the world, people often turn to John for help and consider his image an effective cure for this illness. In Moscow there is a monastery where a hoop and a piece of the prophet’s power are kept. It is believed that if you come there specifically for this holiday, wear a hoop and read a prayer, then John will help a person eliminate his headache.

One of the main Christian holidays— The Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated annually on July 7. This day marks the birth of a Christian martyr, who was destined to baptize the Savior Jesus Christ. After the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist is the most revered Christian saint. It is customary to honor his memory seven times a year.

Prophet John the Baptist is respected and revered throughout the world. Since ancient times, the righteous has been the intercessor of believers. Orthodox Christians believe that prayer to a saint helps to heal from mental illness and discover one’s own purpose. People turn to John the Baptist with a variety of everyday problems, believing in his help and protection.

The Gospel speaks of John as the harbinger of the birth of Jesus Christ, which is why they began to call him the Forerunner. The righteous man lived in holiness, enlightened people, and also performed the ritual of ablution, thereby helping believers to repent and get rid of sins. Now this sacrament is called Baptism.

History of the Nativity of John the Baptist

Every year on July 7, Orthodox Christians remember the birth of the prophet who foresaw the coming of Jesus Christ.

John's parents were the elderly Jewish priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth. The married couple lived for a long time without children, but one day the Lord had mercy on the believers and sent the Archangel Gabriel to them with good news.

While serving in the temple, Zechariah learned from an angel that their family would soon have a son who would become an important part of the Savior’s destiny. At first the clergyman did not believe it, since he was already an old man. To prove the truth of his news, the angel made Zechariah mute. After the birth of his son, the priest’s voice returned, and he named the heir John.

Traditions and signs of the Nativity of John the Baptist

The Nativity of John the Baptist is special holiday Therefore, on this day all churches perform a special service in honor of the saint. On July 7, you can turn to the prophet with any requests and prayers, they will be heard. You should light a candle in front of the icon of the preacher and read a prayer.

It is prohibited to work on this day. Nevertheless, believers can harvest the harvest while saying prayers so as not to anger God. Despite the fact that the Nativity of John the Baptist is church holiday, many signs and superstitions are associated with it.

If on this day a person is followed on the road white dog, you can’t drive her away. Moreover, the animal should be allowed into the home if it led the person all the way to the house. Tradition says that in the form of a dog, Saint John sends good luck and prosperity to the family.

Those who observe Peter's fast should exclude fatty and dairy dishes from their food. Of course, this fast is not as strict as the Great Fast, but fish dishes It is forbidden to eat if the holiday falls on Wednesday or Friday.

On St. John's Day, it is forbidden to use a knife, especially if you need to cut round food. It is not recommended to sew, knit or do housework.

IN Orthodox Church a custom has been established on the next day of the great feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God to remember those saints who most closely served this sacred event in history. So, on the next day of Epiphany, the Church honors the one who served the cause of the Baptism of Christ by laying his hand on the head of the Savior. The Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, the greatest of the prophets, completes the history of the Old Testament Church and opens the era of the New Testament. The Holy Prophet John testified to the coming to earth of the Only Begotten Son of God, who took on human flesh. He was honored to baptize Him in the waters of the Jordan and testified mysterious phenomenon Holy Trinity on the day of the Baptism of the Savior. A relative of the Lord on his mother's side, the son of the priest Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth, the Forerunner of the Lord was born six months before Jesus Christ. Archangel Gabriel was the messenger of his birth, revealing to his father in the temple that he would have a son. Requested by prayers, foretold from above, the baby was filled with the All-Holy Spirit. Saint John in the wild desert prepared himself for great service strict life, fasting, prayer and compassion for the destinies of the people of God. At the age of about 30, Saint John went out to preach repentance. He appeared on the banks of the Jordan to prepare the people with his preaching to accept the Savior of the world. According to the expression of church hymns, Saint John was “bright morning star", which in its brilliance surpassed the radiance of all other stars and foreshadowed the morning of a blessed day, illuminated by the spiritual Sun - Christ. Having baptized the sinless Lamb of God, Saint John soon died a martyr, beheaded by the sword by order of King Herod.

About Saint John the Baptist, see: Matt. 3, 1 - 16; Matt. 11, 1 - 19; Matthew 14, 1 - 12; Mk. 1, 2 - 8; Mk. 6, 14 - 29: Luke. 1, 5 - 25, Luke 1, 39 - 80; Luke 3, 1 - 20; OK. 7, 18 - 35; OK. 9, 7 - 9; In. 1, 19 - 34; In. 3, 22 - 26.

Troparion, tone 2

The memory of the righteous with praise, / the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner, is sufficient for you: / for you have shown that you are truly the most honorable of the prophets, / how in the streams of baptism you were worthy of the Preached One. / Moreover, having suffered for the truth, rejoicing, / you preached the good news to those in hell God, manifested in the flesh,/ who takes away the sin of the world// and gives us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 6

Fearing Your fleshly coming,/ Jordan returned with fear;/ Fulfilling the prophetic ministry,/ John hid in trepidation;/ The angels were terrified,/ Seeing Thee, baptized in the flesh in the streams;/ And all who were in darkness were illuminated,// praising Thee, appearing and enlightening everything.

John is the most revered saint after the Mother of God. And the day of his martyrdom (by beheading) is considered great Orthodox holiday and a day of strict fasting. Why the prophet’s head was cut off, as well as when and how this saint should be remembered in 2019, Komsomolskaya Pravda will tell you.

Daria Ivashkina The beheading of John the Baptist is not just a church holiday. In Orthodoxy, this is a great celebration, which, despite all this, is not one of the twelve holidays (that is, the twelve most important church celebrations after Easter). This is the day of the martyrdom of John the Baptist, also known as John the Baptist. It is celebrated at the beginning of autumn, namely on September 11 (according to the old style it is August 29).

It is worth noting here that the Beheading of the Head of the Forerunner is considered a holiday, since in Christianity the martyrdom is always celebrated solemnly, because in fact we're talking about about the transition to eternal life.

Usually on September 11, believers remember everyone who has ever suffered for the truth, because John was exactly like that: he died for the sake of the truth.
History This happened in 32 AD, namely during a feast in honor of the birthday of King Herod.

Let us note that shortly before this event, John was imprisoned for openly condemning the act of the ruler of Galilee, who abandoned his wife for Herodias, the wife of his then living brother Philip.

So, during the festive feast, Herodias’s daughter, Salome, performed a dance that the birthday boy liked so much that he promised his stepdaughter everything she wanted. Salome decided to consult her mother on this issue. As a result, it turned out that the girl wanted the death of John the Baptist more than anything else: she asked to bring her the head of the Baptist.

Herod did not want to kill John, since he was very loved by the common Jewish people, but the ruler did not dare to break his promise and sent the executioner to the prison where the fighter for truth was kept. And soon the severed head of the Forerunner was brought to the feast, where it was placed on a plate and handed to Salome.

This martyrdom of John was the reason for the establishment of the holiday, which began to spread throughout the world after St. Augustine preached a sermon about John and his life at the beginning of the 5th century.

But who was this John the Baptist? As stated in the Gospels, John is a prophet who predicted the coming of the Savior and baptized him in the waters of the Jordan River. It is known that he lived in the desert and led a rather ascetic existence there.
Traditions Apparently, due to the fact that the Baptist was a great faster, and his head was cut off during a feast, on the day of his memory it is customary to observe the strictest fast. Moreover, it does not matter what day of the week the holiday falls on, you should fast even on Sunday. Moreover, on this day not only meat and milk are prohibited, but also fish and seafood.

Meanwhile, such food restrictions did not prevent our ancestors from having feasts. As a rule, dishes such as mushroom soup, oatmeal jelly, and Lenten pies were placed on the table (but not round ones, since people associated everything round either with the severed head of John or with the dish on which it was brought to Salome). But everything red reminded the ancestors of the blood of the prophet, so it was forbidden to consume red fruits (tomatoes, red apples) and red drinks, including wine.

In general, housewives preferred to prepare for the celebration in advance. After all, on the holiday itself it was not allowed to pick up sharp objects, including knives. It has always been customary to break bread with your hands.

In addition, it was not allowed to cook anything: it was believed that this was fraught with “boiled”, that is, sluggish thoughts. Sewing and knitting were also not welcomed on the day of remembrance of the Baptist.

Moreover, you cannot sing and dance on September 11: otherwise, according to the assurances of our ancestors, you can take on the sin of Salome. Also on this day it is not recommended to cut your hair or start new things.

But boys born on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist have always been called Ivans or Johns. Our ancestors believed that in this way it was possible to protect the child from the negative energy of the day of the execution of the Baptist.

Biblical text, including arias, choruses and chorales. Intended, as a rule, to be performed on Good Friday during Holy Week.

The most famous works are:

  1. Work English composer R. Davy (c. 1465 - c. 1507) for four-voice choir, created around 1490.
  2. Choral work German composer G. Schutz (1585-1672), created in 1666.
  3. A work by J. S. Bach for soloists, two choirs and two orchestras, created in 1727-1729.
  4. Six works by G. F. Telemann (1681-1767).
  5. A work by the modern Russian composer Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) (b.) when he was a bishop, for soloists, choir and string orchestra. The libretto is based on liturgical texts of the Orthodox Church. Intended for concert performance. First performed in Great hall Moscow Conservatory on March 27, 2007 in choir Tretyakov Gallery and Big symphony orchestra them. Tchaikovsky conducted by V. Fedoseev. Re-performed in Rome on March 29, 2007. The total playing time is 2 hours. The composition contains 48 numbers, including arias and recitatives for soloists with orchestra and choir, music for a cappella choir, and fugues for orchestra.

There is also the ballet St. Matthew Passion (1981), written and choreographed by John Neumeier to music by J. S. Bach.

see also

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  • St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Bach Johann Sebastian. Reprint sheet music edition of Bach, Johann Sebastian`Matth?uspassion, BWV 244`. Genres: Passions; Religious works; For 9 voices, 2 mixed choruses, 2 orchestras; Scores featuring the voice; Scores…