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Nesterova I.A. Student portfolio structure [ Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

The student’s portfolio has a certain structure, the foundations of which are enshrined in methodological recommendations university However, the peculiarity of a portfolio is that the structure can be changed at your discretion. This doesn't concern title page and an explanatory note.

Why do you need a student portfolio?

Student portfolio is becoming very popular in Russian universities and institutions of secondary vocational education. The need to create a portfolio during the study process undoubtedly encourages the student to take a more responsible approach to the learning process. In addition, it is the need for a portfolio that can force a number of talented, but “difficult to climb” students to participate in public life educational institution, do not skip physical education and develop your creative potential.

Why do you need a portfolio? First of all, student portfolio needed by the student himself as a motivating element. A portfolio increases self-esteem and increases responsibility towards yourself and your future. During the learning process, the student must carefully document everything he has achieved. This is very motivating. The awareness that every step shapes your future leaves a serious imprint on making certain decisions in the learning process. Once again you will have to think about the consequences of skipping seminars and missing lectures.

Student portfolio created throughout the entire training period. It can serve as the basis for compiling a graduate’s resume for employment.

Student portfolio necessary in order to clearly demonstrate the level of development of the student’s professional competencies in different stages studying at a university or secondary vocational education institution.

How to structure a student's portfolio

Nowadays, any portfolio has a structure. Universities have developed different approaches to methods of collecting information for a portfolio. depends on the goals that the student sets for himself. Study of the portfolio structure presented today in theory and practice higher education, shows that a holistic approach to it has not yet been found.

Currently, in universities and institutions of secondary vocational education it is common to create a career advancement portfolio, which is a package of documents in paper and/or electronic version and reflects certain achievements of the student.

The basic structure of a student's portfolio is as follows:

  1. Title page
  2. Explanatory note
  3. List of student works included in the portfolio
  4. Portfolio of works
  5. List of student achievements included in the “portfolio of achievements” section
  6. Student portfolio self-assessment

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the student's portfolio. You should start with the title page. The portfolio title page includes the following elements:

  1. Full name of the university
  2. Name of specialty
  3. Group number
  4. Full name of the student
  5. Student photo
  6. Year of portfolio defense

Below is a picture that shows a sample title page for a student's portfolio.

Sample title page of a student's portfolio

Explanatory note of the student's portfolio contains information for students about what a portfolio is, what it is for, what its structure is, how to maintain it, how it will be assessed, etc. This is the motivating section of the portfolio. In addition to the above, the portfolio may include conceptual apparatus within the student's specialty.

After the explanatory note has been drawn up, you should begin to create a list of works that will be in the portfolio. The list of works is best presented in the form of a table.

Then you should make portfolio of student's work.

Student's portfolio of works represents a portfolio of individual results educational tasks completed by the student and assessed by teachers or other entities educational process. Information about each work must be presented fully and concisely.

After everything term papers, abstracts and reports on practice have been added to the portfolio, we proceed to creating portfolio of achievements. In this section, the student places all received documents on achievements in studies, research, sports, creative work, social life, etc. After the list of achievements is entered into the table, all documents (certificates, commendations, reviews, etc.) are placed in a folder.

List of student achievements included in the portfolio

After all achievements are documented, the student reviews his portfolio and writes independently about how he evaluates it.

Now a little more about portfolio self-assessment. After all the collected documents have been carefully analyzed, the student must evaluate his activities, his development as a student and a person, giving himself a grade. The assessment can be motivated by certain facts that occur in the portfolio. At the same time, we must not forget that the process of creating a portfolio is a reflection of real opportunities and results, but a deliberate work on self-development as a specialist and an individual.

Of course, it won't be useful to everyone. This document will a good helper only active, promising and enterprising students.

Many large companies are ready to hire young specialists, and to get a promising job, well-documented achievements - indispensable tool. More suitable for these purposes electronic portfolio student in the form of a presentation. It should first of all highlight exactly those points that, in your opinion, would be of interest to the employer.

The presence of a portfolio can affect the size of the scholarship; some universities pay additional academic scholarships to the most successful students and select such students by analyzing their academic performance, achievements and social activity. Except academic scholarship There is also a presidential scholarship, which not everyone receives either; here, too, a portfolio can be useful.

Those who like to participate in competitions and olympiads sometimes need a portfolio. This applies, first of all, to prestigious competitions such as “Student of the Year”. The purpose of this competition is to identify and support talented youth; the winners are awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.

Portfolio is the secret of a successful student!

Every student wants to succeed, get recognition and a good, decently paid job. Having created their own portfolio, few people will be interested in leaving its pages half empty. To make a presentation that can impress, you will have to pay more attention to your studies - write scientific works, publish articles, participate in scientific conferences, Olympics.

If difficulties arise with science, you should not give up registering your merits; you can pay attention to creative competitions or sports competitions. This will also help self-determination; in the process of participating in competitions, it may turn out that the specialty was chosen incorrectly and that your calling is, for example, a designer, not a mechanic. It's not too late to change your profession or take additional courses.

Achieving success in the chosen field of education, continuing to replenish the student’s portfolio with certificates, awards, diplomas, confirming professional competence, you can significantly increase your chances of arranging your future the best way and get Good work. And experience in participating in contests and competitions will help you quickly move up the career ladder.