What animal does David turn into? Pink Floyd - The Story of the Animals Album

“I never told anyone... but I always thought they were lighthouses.”

Chapter about the library

Wow, shaitan!!! - Neil’s cry could deafen all living creatures in nearest radius, if visibility with all components was turned on. And his cry was caused by their appearance on the roof of that very lighthouse. Still, time jumps were still far from ideal.
“Such phrases don’t suit you,” Eva threw at him.
- Who cares?! We're twenty billion nanometers above the ground, standing on that damn flagpole!! – Neil shouted back at her.
“Just jump down, you can’t get hurt here,” was the advice.
- Are you kidding? Here, damn it, you need a parachute. – Neil spread his hands. “You can’t stay here, you can’t get down, God, I hate it when it happens like this.” I swear if we...
His indignation was broken by a friendly kick from Eve.
-Eva, what...!! – was heard from somewhere below.
“Weakling,” Eve jumped after him.
Downstairs at the entrance stood River and Johnny, and Eve and Neil again found themselves unwitting witnesses to the conversation. No, rather forced witnesses.
- Why did they abandon it? – River looked at the boarded up windows of the lighthouse.
“I think she’s just not needed anymore.”
- No longer needed? – River asked
“Ships, I mean,” Johnny corrected himself. “Well, you know, now there’s GPS and much more everywhere.” Listen, River...This place means a lot to me too, and I was thinking...We're pretty stable now. If we save money, then in a few years we will be able to afford to build a house here. It will be hard, but I'm sure...
- We can look at her from the window! – River jumped with joy and admiration for the proposed idea. - Morning, night, we will always be there! And...and we can come here at any time! She'll never be alone again, John! River hugged Johnny with all tenderness, he felt a sea of ​​gratitude in this hug, he didn’t need anything else in this world, as long as they were happy.
“I can look after her every day,” River chirped.
“Yes, we can,” Johnny answered. The words ended, only a kiss remained, in which the happiness of two people seemed to them eternal.
“That’s great,” Eva stated.
-Are they serious? – Neil said with a confused face.
- You remember what happens next, right?
“It’s like watching a train wreck,” Neil answered.
“The ending is not as important as all these moments leading to it,” Eve continued to look at the two people in love. “The most important thing is that here, now they are happy.”
“Here and now is a rather loose concept,” Neil thought. – And also, did they call the lighthouse Anya??
“Apparently so,” it seemed that Eve had already understood this a long time ago.
— It turns out that River refused treatment for the sake of the lighthouse? – Neil’s eyes widened. “Isn’t this too much?”
“I’ve seen stranger things in my time on the job, Neal.”
“Me too... but I’ll still never be able to understand it.” Neil looked as if all the thoughts in his head had been stirred with a ladle, like soup in a pan.
“In any case, this does not concern us... She is not our client,” Eva noted coldly. Nick has always been interested in watching his colleague - where is this button on her, which turns on the automation of work and not a bit more, and which turns it off, leaving Eva full of romanticism and sincerity.
The words ended, everyone was left with their cockroaches in their heads, which helped them find memento and a bridge for the next jump.


This time everything worked out without the height and the lighthouse; they ended up in Johnny's house, next to the piano on the first floor. The house was normal in the sense that it seemed completed, apparently the jump did not throw them into more late time, but only sent it to one of the previous options.
“I wonder how they were able to drag him upstairs.” Eve looked at the piano, as if she saw something new in it.
- Who knows, but in any case for the TARDIS it’s like two fingers...
“I don’t think she’ll even fit through the door.”
“Mmm... it’s true... Well, we decided - moving pianos is just another hemorrhoid, it’s unknown how it was done,” Neil laughed. “We could film a whole episode about how they stuffed him.”
— I would like to watch this series.
“Me too, I have to be epic.” The scientists, who were already quite tired, moved towards Johnny's room, noticing several boxes of white paper along the way.
“Wow, I think I know what this is for,” Eva smiled.
Entering Johnny's office, they actually found him. He stood opposite River, who was sitting at the table and folding another rabbit. And the whole room was already strewn with them.
— Did you go to the hairdresser so early in the morning? – Johnny looked at Eve with some surprise. - What are you doing over there?
- Rabbits - River looked up at him. -Have you seen the rabbit I left for you?
- Yes…
- Tell me about him?
- A? – Johnny clearly didn’t understand what River wanted from him.
- Describe the rabbit.
- Um... it's yellow.
- What else?
- A bit fat.
- AND?
- Well... it's just a paper rabbit. I don’t know what else to describe here – Johnny spread his hands. -You're acting strange, River. Is there something wrong? All he received in response was the rustle of paper. - River...?
“I don’t know about you, but I have some kind of deja vu on the contrary,” Nick voiced his thought.
“I think I know what kind of syndrome she has,” Eve almost whispered, “but even taking it into account, it’s too strange...”
- Do you think she...?
- And you?
“Maybe, who knows,” Neil looked confused. – But as you already said, she is not our client. Let's do what we get paid to do.
Another memory challenge awaited them, and in this room there was one memento - many long strands red hair (yes, it sounds strange) and a bridge made of a familiar platypus, which was sitting on a stack of papers on the table. The owner of red hair, by the way, was River. It seems that I haven’t described a single character here at all, but let this minus turn into a plus further development plot.


The platypus looked at them from the seat of the car, where someone had carefully placed it. He was clearly visible through the glass. Eve and Neil found themselves in the middle of the highway, a few meters from the place where Nick crashed the car. They decided to follow the familiar road towards home. However, after walking the distance from the road to the place where the house should be, they did not find it.
- There should be a house here. Is not it? – asked Eva
“A house that shouldn’t have stood here,” Neil answered. “No, really, why do incredibly high and dangerous places attract people?”
- Do you suffer from acrophobia? – Eva grinned
- Not at all! – Neil blushed – And the incident on the roof of the lighthouse means nothing!
They did not develop the topic of this fear, but unanimously decided to go to the cliff from where River and Johnny loved to look at the lighthouse. There was no bench, they sat on a large log, holding hands and talking.
“Is that why you came to me that day?” - River asked
- Yes
- What now?
“I think it’s part of history now, River.” Look, it was a long time ago - I think Johnny hesitated. - It's... not too important right now. But Izzie said I had to tell the whole truth. I shouldn't have spoiled the memory of our first meeting.
River stood up from the log and took something out of her pocket, handing it to Johnny.
- What is this? Footbag?
- Can you get him to Anya? – River asked in turn.
- Don't know. Do you want me to try it? – Johnny picked up the ball.
- Can you?
John stood up to his full height and swung as hard as he could - the ball flew towards Anya, and behind him, with one jerk, River ran to the edge of the cliff to better see the flight of the footbag, which caused Johnny’s extreme dissatisfaction:
- River, are you crazy?! You'll fall! But she did not fall, but continued to calmly stand at the edge, peering into the distance.
“It seems to me that this memory is not far from the last,” said Eve.
- Do you think they are related?
- Maybe.
This memory ended here, it was time to activate the bridge - the backpack that lay next to the log, and which they had already met patched in Johnny's house.
“And yet, why did she cut her hair,” Neil sighed, “I liked her long hair...


Two round tables in a small room, two large lamps on the wall - there was nothing else. It was reading room library, although it was difficult to call it a hall. Johnny, Nick and Isabelle were sitting at the same table. After another, in fact, our friends appeared. River was not among them; at that time she was looking through the books in the main hall, wandering from shelf to shelf, as if she was looking for something specific.
“It manifests itself differently for everyone, John,” Isabelle said. – Just because we have the same syndrome does not mean that we have the same heads.
- But you can help with something... At first everything was fine, but now she has withdrawn into herself even more. Even when we're in the same room, she's still...out there. – Johnny’s voice trembled. “It’s starting to take its toll on me, I don’t know how to live anymore.”
“Well, I won’t speak for her, but many of us find it difficult to communicate,” Isabelle sighed, “... However, communicating with gestures is completely different.” The fact that it is difficult for her to express her feelings does not mean that she does not have them. – She’s still there, right? Isabelle turned over her shoulder, looking at the door. “Sometimes you just have to trust that she cares.”
“It’s very difficult every day...
- I know.
Nicholas, who had been silent all this time, asked:
- Wait, Izzy, but you’re normal, aren’t you? That is, I wanted to say, isn’t it the same with you?
“First of all, I was diagnosed in my youth,” Isabelle said judiciously. – If you want, then there is nothing impossible to outwardly comply with generally accepted norms. But you know...I feel sorry for River, but on the other hand I envy her. Isabelle sighed. “I...I’m an actress and I’ve been acting all my life.” Not only on stage, but also off it. Almost every second. And I succeeded in this because I had no other choice. For me, this is the only opportunity to be “normal.” And River...she's not like that. She remained an outcast and refused to learn not to be one. I don’t know whether she had a choice or not, whether it was out of courage or out of cowardice. There are days when I can't just pretend anymore. And then I realize that it's too late. The Isabelle that everyone knows is always in sight, but the real me has long been a stranger. Probably in the end...I just envy her - Isabel repeated.
Neil and Eve listened continuously to the entire conversation, as they always did.
“Hmm, I’ve never met a woman with such a diagnosis,” Neil said.
“Well, in fact, you didn’t meet me,” Eva answered. “It’s none of our business, let’s go.”
They got up and went out into the main hall in search of memento. Books flashed around, changing titles one after the other. “...The world would be a much better place if people remembered faces,” flashed across one shelf. At that moment, Johnny approached River, who was holding a book in her hands.
- Anything new today? – he asked.
- No.
-What are you rereading?
“The king’s new dress,” River answered and closed the book. – I loved this book as a child.
- And you still love me, right?
“Of course,” she smiled – only now for something else...
— And when I was little, I loved books about Animorphs.
— I know, your mother gave you a book about them for your wedding.
“Heh, yes, it was the strangest wedding gift,” Johnny confirmed. “It seems like I was really obsessed with them as a kid.”
-Why didn’t you read them then? – River looked at him questioningly.
- Hm…
“I saw them collecting dust in the garage.”
“Well, I just grew out of them, I guess,” Johnny suggested. – I mean, these are children's books.
— What's wrong with reading children's books? They calm you down.
“Probably,” Johnny hesitated.
“I think I’ll get my hands on them somehow,” River went with her book to the librarian, leaving Johnny alone, well, alone, with our inseparable friends. He automatically began to look at the inscriptions on the books. “You’re alone and I’m alone, let’s sleep or something,” he read on one. “Hey, River, that sounds interesting,” he called out to his wife and laughed. - River? She didn't seem to hear him. Johnny walked to the children's shelf with books and magazines, where there was a little girl, just with an old book about Animorphs, is it a coincidence? After talking with River about Animorphs, he decided to brush up on his favorite childhood book. Eva and Neil remained in the center of the hall, as if thinking about something, and then hurried after Johnny, turning on visibility.
- What about David? - they found Johnny and the child talking - He is my favorite character!
- Um... I don’t know - Johnny doubted whether this was his favorite book.
- What do you mean? Neil intervened.
“About Animorphs,” Johnny smiled confusedly. “Haven’t read it?”
- No, it was Eva.
- Yes - it was Neil.
- Is it true? – Eva looked at him in surprise.
- Something like that…
— Ha ha, then what animal does David turn into on the cover? – the girl looked at Neil slyly.
- To the cobra.
- Exactly! To the cobra! – the child admired. – It’s a pity that they didn’t leave the old covers instead of these sheets, they were cool.
That day, not only River left with the book, but also Johnny, taking with him stories about the Animorphs, albeit without the old cover. And Eve and Neil found a bridge in it for the next leap.

On January 23, 1977, it hit store shelves. another album PINK groups FLOYD called “Animals”. Despite fairly strong sales and chart performance (No. 2 in Britain, No. 3 in the US), this record is still in the shadow of other albums from PINK FLOYD's "golden era".

Yes, it was not as musically and technically sophisticated as “ The Dark Side of the Moon", and as theatrical as " The Wall" They love it even less than “Wish You Were Here” with its “slows”. Nevertheless, for me personally, the album “Animals” had a strong emotional impact, comparable only to the above-mentioned “Wall”.

I still remember the moment when one night I put a Sony cassette on a Soviet tape recorder “Vesna”, taken from a classmate, and stood frozen at the table, mesmerized by the music. Despite the fact that the album consisted of three long compositions, time flew by. I didn’t know what they were singing about then, but I felt the melancholy despair of the “Dogs”, and the mocking message of the “Pigs”, and the rage of the “Sheep”. Listening to “Animals” for the first time is probably one of the most exciting events in my music lover’s life.

Critics quite rightly noted that this album PINK FLOYD the music has become more traditional, and the lyrics have become more straightforward. The latter was confirmed by the author of the Animals concept, Roger Waters, who stated that he consciously sought to “push the group into a specific subject area, trying to be more direct; and visually I tried to get away from all the balls... so that there was nothing for you to interpret.”

The overt anger and mockery that the Animals songs exude was considered by many to be a kind of aesthetic group’s response to the punk revolution (Melody Maker columnist Karl Dallas even joked that the group should now be called PUNK FLOYD).

In fact, two of the album's key songs have a long history. Even at concerts in 1974, the group played songs - “You"ve Got to Be Crazy” and “Raving and Drooling”. They could even be included in “Wish You Were Here”, but it didn’t work out. The songs gradually changed (especially the lyrics), and Waters noted that both have in common common topic- depiction of social strata in an allegorical animal form.

A similar idea was already successfully tested by the English socialist writer George Orwell in his fairy tale-parable "Animal Farm" - a parody of the Russian revolution of 1917, designed to show how former revolutionaries themselves turn into masters . The revolution is led by pigs, dogs help them in this, and sheep, horses and others represent the “led” strata of the population. It was Orwell’s book that gave the world the famous aphorism “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

As it turned out, many of Orwell’s plots, “sharpened” against the USSR, are perfectly suitable and Western society. So Waters, with his “leftist” views, did not go to distant unknown lands and directed the edge of satire at his native, well-known.

As a result, “You"ve Got to Be Crazy” turned into the song “Dogs”, “Raving and Drooling” into the song “Sheep”, and Waters specially added one new composition to them "Pigs"

The 17-minute composition “Dogs” took up almost the entire 1st side of the record. At first the song was played faster, and there were so many lyrics that they had to be cut by as much as two-thirds.

In the image of Dogs, Waters portrayed careerists for whom their whole life is spent in a constant competitive war “Either you, or you” - until this burden becomes too heavy and drags the weakened dog to the bottom.


(Translation - Ilya Timofeev)

You must be crazy, you must be in dire need.
You have to sleep on your tiptoes, and when they throw you out on the street,
You should be able to grab easy prey with your eyes closed.
And then, moving in silence, in the wind and unnoticed,
You must strike on the spot at the right moment, without hesitation.

And soon, you'll be able to earn style points,
Like a club tie and a firm handshake.
A confident look in the eyes and a slight smile.
The people you lie to must trust you
And when they turn their backs on you,
You'll get the chance to stick the knife in.

You have to keep one eye on your shoulder.
You know it's going to get harder and harder
And harder, and you get older.
And finally, you'll pack your things and fly south,
You bury your head in the sand.
Just another sad old man
Lonely and dying of cancer.

And when you lose control, you will reap what you sow.
In the meantime, fear grows, hatred fades and petrifies.
And it's too late to unburden yourself
Which should have been reset earlier.
In general, drown to your health, go to the bottom, all alone,
Dragged down like a stone.

I admit that I am somewhat confused.
Sometimes it feels like I was simply being used.
Gotta be on my guard, gotta figure it out
And shake off the creeping lethargy.
And if I move,
How can I find a way out of this maze?

Deaf, dumb, blind, you keep pretending
That there are no irreplaceable people, just as there are no true friends.
It seems to you that the most important thing is to determine the winner,
And that everything has already been decided in this world.
And you believe with all your heart that there are murderers everywhere.

The one who was born in a house full of pain.
The one who was taught not to cross.
The one who was told what to do.
The one who was torn apart by the drilled staff.
The one on whom the collar and chain were attached.
The one who received a slap on the back.
The one who broke away from the pack.
The one who is a stranger at home.
The one who was eventually reduced to dust.
The one found dead by the telephone.

The one who is dragged to the bottom by a stone.

It should be noted that “Animals” became the first album of the group where Waters’ role became dominant - now he acted not only as the author of the concept and lyrics, but also as the main composer. For the first time, the album did not include a single song by keyboardist Rick Wright, and David Gilmour's name was listed only next to the composition "Dogs" - and then only as a co-author.

David Gilmour: “Roger's stuff was dominant, but I could stand up for myself, argue openly and interfere with the music. 90% of the song "Dogs" was mine. And since the song takes up almost the entire side of the record, it’s half of “Animals.”

On Dogs, Gilmour also sang the first four verses and recorded some of his best guitar work (although he recalls it being his most better version Waters accidentally erased). IN best traditions PINK FLOYD song accompanied by a dog barking, which towards the end is distorted by the vocoder and becomes almost melodic.

The next composition - "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" - is dedicated to the top of the social ladder - the hypocritical hypocrites - "moralists" who manipulate society. Beginning with lustful grunts and deceptively beautiful organ strums, the song explodes with sharp guitar passages and Waters' mockingly contemptuous voice, where he mocks and puns with all his might.

Only in the pig from the 3rd verse can you guess real prototype. The word "Whitehouse" implies not only The White house, but also Mary Whitehouse - an English public figure, an opponent of liberalism and a supporter of strict censorship on TV. They say that in the 1960s she also accused PINK FLOYD of promoting drugs and “corrupting” youth. Well, now it means Waters remembered her.

Pigs (three different ones)
Translation of the song (Ilya from Tchaikovsky)

Big man, pig man, ha ha, what a charade for you.
You tilted the big helm, ha ha, what a charade for you.
And when your palm is on my heart,
You're almost funny.
Almost a joker
With my head in a pork trough,
You say, “let’s keep digging.”
Pig slop on your fat chin.
What are you hoping to find?
When you descend into pig thinking,
You're almost funny
You're almost funny

A garbage bag for rats from a bus stop, ha ha, what a charade for you.
You fucking old hag, ha ha, what a charade for you.
You radiate a cold glow broken glass,
You're almost funny
Almost worthy of a fleeting grin.
You're a tough nut to crack
You a dangerous person with a pin in a hat,
And you play with weapons in your hands.
You're almost funny
You're almost funny
But in essence, you want to howl like a wolf.

Hey, you Whitehouse, ha ha, here's a charade for you.
You are a proud provincial house mouse, ha ha, what a charade for you.
You try to hide your feelings from people
You're almost politeness itself
With tense lips and cold feet,
Do you feel offended?
You must stop the evil flow of words
And keep everything inside yourself.
Mary, you're almost pleasant
Mary, you're almost pleasant
But in essence, you want to howl like a wolf.

The text is practically untranslatable poetically - due to wordplay and other things, but Evgen Solviev managed to preserve rhyme, rhythm and meaning as much as possible.

Pigs (Three different individuals)
(Translation - Evgen Soloviev)

Fatty*, boar boss, haha ​​you are a charade.
You are too big, haha ​​you are a charade.
When you are completely sincere,
You are a reason to laugh
Just funny.
The entire pig's snout is in the trough,
You tell everyone to dig deeper.
Dirt on a fat neck.
What do you want to open?
Digging in a pig trench?
You seem funny
You seem funny
But you are essentially a groan.

Mymra from the bench**, ha ha you are a charade.
You are a grumpy grandma, ha ha you are a charade.
Shining with the shine of cracked glasses,
You are a reason to laugh
Just for a laugh
You love steel
You're a whore with a hairpin
And you're funny with a pistol,
You seem funny
You seem funny
But you are essentially a cry.

Hey Whitehouse***, listen, ha-ha, you're a charade.
You are an arrogant mouse ****, ha ha you are a charade.
You keep our feelings locked away.
You seem like a joy
Pursing my lips and legs.
Who insulted you?
You must hold back the evil
And save it so it doesn’t go away.
Mary, moderate laughter,
Mary, moderate laughter,
But you are essentially a cry.


Translator's note:

*Big man - can mean as simple as big man(big guy, big guy), and important official(bonse, cone). The latter is meant here, but the former is implied.
**In the original - a grymza from a bus stop. Perhaps Waters is comparing scandalous journalists to such gossipy grandmothers (rat bag is also a style of such journalism). Some see a hint of Margaret Thatcher here.
***Mary Whitehouse is a political moralist, an activist in the movement for censorship in literature and art.
****In the original - “smug city house mouse” from the fable about the city and country mouse.

Well, I think it’s clear who Roger meant in the third composition - “Sheep” - by “sheep”. These are the rest of the people - ordinary people who meekly and thoughtlessly follow the pigs and are in eternal fear of the dogs.

The song sarcastically parodies the text of the 22nd (in the Western canon - 23rd) biblical psalm, which they like to read at funerals:

"The Lord is my Shepherd; I will lack for nothing:
He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters,
reinforces my soul, guides me on the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me...”

In Waters' version, the sheep follow the Valley of Steel, then a mechanical voice begins with the traditional: "The Lord is my shepherd..." reads the following:

"With a shining knife He releases my soul,

He turns me into a sheep chop."

Despite the "sheep" theme, this song became the most energetic and furious composition of the album. The fact is that in its plot, the sheep, driven to despair, lose patience and rebel against the dogs.

(translation by Popadius)

Spending time harmlessly on a distant lawn,
Only vaguely feeling an unclear threat in the air.
Better be on your guard
There may be dogs nearby.
I carefully examined the Jordan and I saw:
Nothing is as it seems.

What will it do for you to pretend that the threat is imaginary?
Meek and submissive, you follow the leader
Along well-trodden passages into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
There is mortal shock in your eyes.
Now everything is as it seems
No, this is not a bad dream.

The Lord is my shepherd, I will not need anything,
He rests me
In green pastures, and leads me beside still waters.
With a sparkling knife He releases my soul,
Hangs me on hooks height He,
He turns me into a sheep chop.
Behold, great is His power and great is His hunger.
The day will come, we are humble
By quiet reflection and great diligence
Let's master the art of karate (i.e. bare-handed fighting - S.K.).
Look, we will rise
And then we'll make the bastard cry.

Bleating and muttering, I threw myself on his neck, screaming.
Wave after wave of crazy avengers
Cheerfully marches from darkness to dream.

However, the depiction of a senseless and merciless riot ends on a pessimistic note.

Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
Better stay home
And do as you are told.
Get out of the way if you want to live to old age.

By the way, in this song Waters and Gilmour decided to switch roles: David played the bass guitar part, and Roger took on the functions of the guitarist. It’s also interesting that, having formed PINK FLOYD without Waters in 1987, he wanted to include “Sheep” in concert program, but abandoned the idea when he realized he couldn't put as much anger into his vocals as Roger did.

Waters and Gilmour

To keep the Animals album from sounding like, in Waters' words, "all furious screaming," he included another, more optimistic, composition, "Pigs on the Wing." Its name referred to the famous English proverb"when pigs fly" ("when pigs fly", something like our "After the rain on Thursday").

This simple acoustic song initially consisted of two verses joined by a guitar solo. By the way, the solo was played not by Gilmour, but by Snow White (auxiliary guitarist at PINK FLOYD concerts). But White was out of luck. They decided to cut the song into two parts, making the prologue of the album from the 1st verse, and the epilogue from the 2nd. From that point on, the solo version could only be heard on the specific Animals edition in 8-track cassette format. Ksseta had a continuous tape, so the solo became the link between the end of the album and its beginning.

The lyricism of “Pigs on the Wing” was explained simply: the song was a kind of dedication from Waters to his second wife, Caroline Christie. As for the first wife, she will be the source of inspiration for songs of a completely different kind, included in the album “The Wall”. Roger will perform “Pigs on the Wing” on solo concerts, until his divorce from Caroline in 2001.

Winged pigs - 2
(translation by Ilya Timofeev)

You know that I'm worried about what's happening to you,
And I know that you worry about me too.
And I don't feel lonely
Or the weight of a stone on the soul.
Now I have found a safe place where I can
Bury the bone.
And any fool knows: a dog needs a home,
Shelter from winged pigs.

“Winged Pigs” also gave Waters the idea for the album cover. To realize the idea, they made a huge rubber pig, inflated it with helium and decided to film it against the backdrop of the old London Battersea power station.

Roger Waters: "The band thought I was going the way of Syd ( former leader PINK FLOYD, who went crazy in the late 1960s) when I said we needed a herd of inflatable animals."

Waters called the flying pig a “symbol of hope” and said of the power plant: “I love its four phallic towers. I find the idea of ​​energy and power attractive in such a strange way.”

Not everything worked out the way we wanted. During preliminary photo sessions, the “symbol of hope” fell off the cable and flew towards Heathrow Airport. This created a rather risky situation, so an entire helicopter was sent to intercept. PINK FLOYD drummer Nick Mason wrote that, according to rumors, one of the civilian pilots before boarding, but did not report this, fearing that he would be immediately sent to a narcologist. One way or another, the pig did not fly for long and landed safely in the fields of Kent.

As for the cover, the image of a pig had to be artificially inserted into the photo of the power plant.

The story did not end there, and inflatable animals became part of the group’s usual stage environment. Foreign promoters of PINK FLOYD were also inspired by the “pig” theme, which greatly strained the group. So in San Francisco, the musicians discovered a whole pen of live pigs behind the stage, and in Germany they were given a real pig, which dirtied the entire hotel room and broke the mirrors.

From the outside, the 1977 "Pink Floyd: In The Flesh" tour was more than successful - huge stadiums and a record number of spectators (80 thousand at the stadium in Cleveland). WITH inside- everything looked depressing. Waters felt that the raging crowd in the stadium had not understood the meaning of the songs for a long time and was quite irritating him. On July 6 in Montreal, the author of a line from the song “Dogs” - “The one who was taught not to spit on the fan” (something like our “don’t pee against the wind”) - unexpectedly for himself, he did spit - and even in the face of a fan .

Clue: The game can be played in a window by pressing Alt+enter. This Option is useful for those who like to play at work and do not want to be noticed.

Control: We have to play for 2 characters. Dr. Watts and Dr. Eva Rosalyn. Moving around the map is done using the mouse. We simply click on the place where to go or on the objects that need to be picked up. Puzzles are also solved using the mouse.

Executive icons: Cursor: used to move characters around an area, Magnifying Glass: to inspect objects or characters, Hand: to interact with objects or characters, Door: to exit or enter rooms, buildings, Two Feet: used to climb or get off the object Hourglass: move to different time, Arrow: to move to another area on the same terrain.
The game has a lot of dialogue, a blinking cursor appears when the game becomes active.
During the passage you will find or receive notes; they can be viewed in the inventory by clicking on them with the Left mouse button.

Interface: During the game, 5 will be shown at the bottom of the screen colorful balloons- they show the number of memory elements collected in a given area, all of which should ultimately be active. Below is a progress bar for passing a given time period, with an hourglass on either side of it.
In the pause menu (by pressing Escape), the Save Game, Load and Exit items are available. We can save at any time and load it later. Autosave works the same way.

Walkthrough Note: There are several points in the game where you have to make a choice. They have little effect on the course of events, and can still change the game slightly. Our walkthrough describes the choice of some actions. Game characters on different stages games may differ, game mechanics and action sequences do not.

Background: A new technology has been created that allows specialists to change the memory of patients. It is used by people to satisfy unfulfilled desires. Two experts in the field, Dr. Neil Watts and Dr. Eva Rosalin, try to make a dying elderly man's dream come true. The dream is to fly to the moon.
You appear on the freeway after an accident. Neil Watts crashed into a tree while saving a squirrel. After an accident, the first thing to do is inspect the car and take the toolbox. Next, go up into the forest. There, use a branch to remove the “stone” on the stairs. We rise higher and go into the house

Act 1

We meet the governess of the house and her cute children. She takes us to the second floor, where we have to install equipment. After the conversation, we go to inspect the house, having previously taken the patient monitor we need. Downstairs we talk to the children, they will ask us to bring candy from the kitchen. The door leading to the kitchen is located to the right of the piano below, we go to the kitchen, where we will find a caramel stick. In order to get the sweets, we need to place a chair next to the cabinet, and then take a stick. The children offer to show us a room in the basement, but to get there we need to find a key. The key is on the bookcases in the office. There we have to read excerpts from books on the cabinets and find the key to the basement in one of them. Next we go down to the basement and open a mysterious room. In the room, take the plush platypus from the shelf. Afterwards we’ll talk to the children, they will offer us to see the lighthouse, we agree. The lighthouse is located behind home, so we go there. In the lighthouse we will find a paper rabbit, taking it, we return back to the house.

Memory 1
After triggering John's memories, we appear in an empty room. We should go downstairs and exit through the central door of the house. Next we go towards the lighthouse. Along the way we will meet John sitting on a bench. During the conversation, we will explain to John exactly what we have to do to achieve his dream. After all, you can’t just go to the moon; we need to open John’s earliest memories and there find a way to motivate him to become an astronaut. After the conversation, we launch Memento and put together a simple puzzle.
To complete the puzzle in 2 moves, first click on the second, then on the third ball horizontally.

Memory 2
Next we go to the recent past. We need to find 5 items: a rabbit on the first floor, a jar of olives, a book by G.H. Anderson, fresh wild flowers and a clock on the 2nd floor. After we have collected them, we go to the 1st floor and pay attention to the umbrella. This is memento. First we prepare the memento, then click on it again. Solving the puzzle and activating the early part of memory
To complete the puzzle in three moves, click on the ball diagonally, then on the second cash horizontally and on the second ball vertically.

Memory 3
We appear near the lighthouse. John sits in the rain with an umbrella. We receive the note “In Memory of River Wiles” and go into the lighthouse. We go up to the lighthouse, get the note “Anya” and talk to our partner. After this, we check the broken beacon, break the objects and prepare the memento. Putting the puzzle together.
To collect in three moves, press Vertically on green, yellow, then horizontally on green. After activating the memento, the next memory is unlocked.

Memory 4
We appear in John and River's bedroom. We listen to their dialogue, listen to John's song. Stay and look for links of memory. This time it is: A book, a rabbit, a note “for the river”, a pan of dough, a jar of pickled olives. Disassemble the memory links and prepare the memento, which is located near the piano. Complete the puzzle and activate memento.
In order to solve the puzzle in 4 moves, click on the ball diagonally, on the 1st ball vertically, on the 2nd ball horizontally and on the 4th ball horizontally.

Memory 5
Having moved to a new memory, we listen to the dialogue, inspect the construction of the house and listen to John’s dialogue with Isabel. Again we collect 5 items in the area near the house and in the unfinished house. Let's start the memento - a jar of pickled olives. As always, we put the puzzle together and get the note “pickled olives.”
To complete the puzzle in 3 moves, click on the diagonal ball, on the 2nd ball vertically and on the 4th ball vertically.

Memory 6
We move further through the memories, this time we are in some kind of bar. John, River, Isabel and Nicholas are sitting at the table. We listen to the dialogue at the table. We approach the bartender and talk to him. He gives us the first item. We speak with Dr. Watts, he gives us another item. After the dialogue we receive another item. We talk further, we get the last two items. We break the items for memento and put together a simple puzzle. We activate memento and again move through the memories.
To complete the puzzle in 4 moves, click on the balls vertically: 2nd and 3rd, horizontally: 1st and 4th.

Memory 7
Neil and Eve find themselves at the top of the lighthouse. After jumping from it, we watch the dialogue between John and River. We again have to collect 5 items, but first we will listen to the dialogue between Watts and Rosalyn. We receive a new note “Anya”. In the clearing under the lighthouse we collect items. Let's go further and find memento. This time it's a rabbit. We prepare the memento and solve the puzzle. After that, we activate memento.
To solve the puzzle in 5 moves, click on the diagonal ball, then vertically: 2nd and 4th, horizontally 1st and 4th.

Memory 8
We appear in John and River's bedroom. We go down to the hall on the first floor and find an old piano. We talk with Watts, we get the 1st memory element. We examine the boxes with white paper, take 1 more memory. Next, we go to the room on the left, listen to the dialogue between River and John, select 1 more element. We examine the room, collect the missing elements, and learn a little about River. This is exactly the day when River started making paper rabbits. We break the elements, activate memento, having first assembled the puzzle.
To complete the puzzle in 3 moves, click on the diagonal ball, then vertically on the 2nd and 3rd.

Memory 9
We appeared on the road. We go up and pass through the forest and a wooden bridge. We go to the site of a house that has not yet been built. We receive the note “Acrophobia”. We move further to the lighthouse and observe the dialogue between John and River. We collect the elements in this area, break them, free the memento. Once again we collect the puzzle and activate it.
To complete the puzzle in 4 moves, click on the 1st ball horizontally and on the 1st, 3rd, 5th vertically.

Flashback 10
We appear indoors. Apparently this is a library. We listen carefully to the dialogue between John, Nichols and Isabelle sitting at the table. They discuss Isabel and John's shared affliction. We collect memory elements in the room, listen to the dialogue between John and River. Near the bookshelf we are asked the question “What animal does David turn into on the cover?” You must answer in English. The answer is "Cobra". Memento is a book at the reception desk. We break down the elements, prepare the memento, and activate it. We get the note “Animorphs”.
To complete the puzzle in 5 moves, click on the diagonal ball, then on the balls horizontally: 2nd, 3rd, vertically: 2nd, 3rd.

Flashback 11
This time we found ourselves in the thicket of a forest. We find old book about Animorphs, cheese, and a jar of olives. We go upstairs and go into the lighthouse. We watch the dialogue between John and River after the wedding. We are witnessing the moment when the lighthouse was given the name “Anya”. Afterwards we watch the wedding ceremony of River and John. We go downstairs and listen to the dialogues of people at the tables. We receive the note "Joey". We go down to the road, we go up last element and prepare the memento. After the dialogue, activate it.
To complete the puzzle in 3 moves, click on the balls horizontally: 3rd, 5th, vertically: 4th.

Flashback 12
We appear in the same place, but a little earlier. We notice a dead rabbit on the road. We listen to the dialogue - we hear the smell of a farm. We rise up from the road and find a horse. Watts plays with her, we get the note "Dr. Neil Watts." Watts climbs onto his horse and gallops off somewhere. Eva heads further into the forest in search of the lovers. We must go to the right through the area. As a result, we find River and John sitting on horses. We get on the horse and follow them. Let's gallop after John from the River. As we move around the map on horseback, Eve collects memory elements. After all the elements have been collected, we go in search of memento. Memento is a bag that is located near the awning in the lower right corner of the map. We break down the elements and prepare it. Having solved the puzzle, we activate it.
To solve the puzzle in 4 moves, click on the diagonal ball, and on the 1st, 3rd, 5th ball vertically.

Memory 13.
We are transported back in time and find ourselves in a surgeon's office. At this point, the doctor diagnoses River. Let's listen to the dialogue. Apparently River has some form of autism. After the dialogue, we receive the note “Tony Atwood” and collect memory elements. We receive notes and observe people’s interactions. Having collected the elements, we prepare a memento - a clock. In order to climb onto the clock, we must climb onto the counter next to it. To do this, we need to move the cursor over the stand and when it changes to “footprints” press the left mouse button. We solve the puzzle, activate it.
To solve the puzzle in 4 moves, click on the diagonal ball, then on the 2nd, 5th ball horizontally and on the 2nd ball vertically.

Flashback 14
We move to the cinema hall. John leaves the hall and goes into the foyer, we follow him. Afterwards he heads to the cafeteria. We are looking for memento and memory elements in the cinema building. We watch the meeting between John and River, listen to their dialogue. We return to the hall for John and River and prepare the memento. Memento is a platypus. After the puzzle we activate it.
To complete the puzzle in the 5th move, click on the diagonal ball, then on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th ball horizontally and on the 5th ball vertically.

Flashback 15
After the transfer we appear at school. We see River sitting on the stairs reading a book. Nicholas persuades John to go and invite her to the cinema, John takes a long time to decide. Next, Johnny timidly talks to River and invites her to the movies. Afterwards we look for elements of memory and memento. We walk along the school corridors, entering all the classrooms. During the drawing lesson we listen to the dialogue between Nicholas and John. We go further through the school and collect the elements. We get the “Alt+tab” note and the “Alt+F4” note. Let's go to the gym and collect the elements. We find Memento in the cafeteria, after listening to the dialogues. We prepare it and solve the puzzle.
To solve the puzzle, click on the 1st and 5th balls horizontally, on the 1st, 2nd, 4th vertically and on the diagonal.

Flashback 16
We find ourselves in the past, in the kitchen of John's house. He talks with his mother and gets ready for school. Johnny goes to school and we can explore his house; we can't go outside. It is worth paying attention to many things in the house; later they will help us put together a complete picture of history. While exploring the house, we will find memory elements associated with this level. Memento this time is a soccer ball. It is in the lower left room. Let's go and activate it. We do everything according to the scheme, and open another earlier memory.
To solve the puzzle in 6 moves, click on the ball diagonally, on the 2nd and 4th balls horizontally, and on the 1st, 4th, 5th balls vertically.

Flashback 17
We appeared out of nowhere. There is white empty space and a soccer ball around us. Having walked a little to the right, we will see that the white area has ended and we have a video of John’s house, but we cannot get to it.

Act 2

Neil and Eve return now to the room with the patient. We see what happens in the room with the patient. Watts and Rosaleen return to John's later memory. We see John behind the house near the lighthouse. After an informative conversation with John, we move into a space where elements of John's memory from different times are collected. We have to translate desires from late memory to early memory; to do this, we should substitute identical elements on adjacent squares side by side. To solve this problem, compare the upper corners of the squares. From left to right: 1 and 2 in sets, 2 and 3: yellow rabbits, 3 and 4: books, 4 and 5: clocks. After activating John’s change of desires, we look through different parts of his memory, from late to early (starting with the penultimate).
After the operations, John's life story. Hasn't changed, everything remains the same. Rosaleen and Watts are confused. Looking through a later memory, Eve decides to broadcast her wishes again, but nothing works.
We go back to earlier memories and try to change Johnny's desires early childhood. Nothing changes, Neil is missing. Rosaleen tries again, changing the course of events at school in John's old memories. But attempts are in vain, the course of events at school is already going differently. Rosaleen discovers Watts holding a concert at the school. Dr. Watts teaches students about space, motivating little John to fly to the moon. He introduces himself as a NASA employee and for a long time tells amazing stories about the Moon and all the benefits of visiting it. It doesn't work out very well for Neil. After checking, they find that nothing has changed. Watts and Rosaleen are looking for new ways to change John's desires.
We are transported to John's later memories. We observe the unsuccessful attempts of doctors. Over time, they come to the conclusion that all their methods are useless and take a short break. Rosaleen sits near the lighthouse at night, wondering where they could have made a mistake. After dawn we take Eva back to the house. We have time to walk around the house and explore it a little. We don’t find Neil on the 2nd floor, but we’ll talk to the doctor. The doctor tells where to find John and advises to hurry. We communicate with Watts in the kitchen. We examine the paper rabbit on the table. Let's go to the bedroom near the basement, there we will see Lily, we will continue the conversation with her after leaving the basement. We carefully ask Lily about the children, John and her plans. From the conversation we learn a lot of new things about Lily’s fate. We go to the basement and take a look. By this time we can already talk to Watts, so we will return to the kitchen for an important conversation with Dr. Watts. Let's find out information about John's illness. After the dialogue we will receive a note “Beta blockers”. Eve and Neil come to the conclusion that the same smells can activate memory sites. They just remember the squirrel, whose corpse appeared at different times, at different stages of John’s life. We need to bring a dead squirrel from the road. Lily kindly gives us gloves and Rosaleen goes after the squirrel. Taking a sealed container from the car, we take the squirrel. Don't forget to pick up the painkillers near the car. We return back to the house. Along the way we meet Watts and talk with him. Eve suspects Neil is coming for the painkillers she found. She accuses Watts of being a drug addict. Neil tells her the story of the accident he had a couple of days ago. Eva says nothing to him in response and returns to the house. We pass through the forest and go up to the house. Having entered the house, we go up to the 2nd floor. Neil connects us to the computer, and Eve gives the sealed container to Lilly. After connecting to John's memories, Eve and Neal find themselves in his earlier memory, and Lilly waits for a signal to let John, who is lying unconscious, smell the squirrel's scent.
We returned to John's earlier childhood and activated memento. We find ourselves back in John's blocked memory. The doctor took the signal and let John smell the squirrel. John's condition worsens, Rosaleen and Watts decide to stay. The patient’s condition stabilizes and after that we select “Jump to Nowhere”.
Watts and Rosaleen find themselves in a blocked memory. We find ourselves in a previously blocked memory area. We study the territory, collect memory elements. We go behind the house, towards the lighthouse and listen to John's dialogue. Let's go to the house. We witnessed an event that turned John's life upside down, it turns out... early age his mother killed his twin brother Joey with a car. We approach Joey and receive the note “Joey”. We are transported to earlier memories and observe a dialogue between two brothers who discuss everyday problems. We learn that Joey actually loved books about Animorphs and dreamed of becoming a writer. Let's get the note "Animorphs". Moving to the next memory.
Appearing on folk festivals Let's take a look around the area. We witness the purchase of Joey's train. If desired, we play the entertaining mini-game “Damn a Mole.” Next we follow the brothers and mother. To cross the bridge we need to collect 3 memory links. We can easily find them on the ground. Now we can cross the bridge. We find John, Joey and their mother. We listen to another dialogue. We learn about John's love for olives. John goes to play in the playground, we will follow them. But you need to collect all 5 memory links. Let's start searching. After that, we follow John... John did not stay to play on the playground, but went to the edge of the cliff. We follow him through the playground into the forest. We watch John enjoying the view of the starry sky from a cliff. We listen to the dialogue between Watts and Rosalyn. River appears on the cliff and they meet. Eve and Watts listen to their conversation. This dialogue sheds light on many issues: unusual story. We learn about River's love for rabbits and stars. John gives the platypus, which John won at the fair, to River and runs away, having previously agreed to meet in the same place exactly one year later, and if they do not meet, then the only place to meet is the Moon. It is here that we understand the previously unfounded desire of the elderly John to fly to the moon.
We find ourselves at school, we receive a note “Moon”. Eve knows what to do to finish the job, and Watts goes after her. They decide to "remove" the river to motivate John to go to the moon. Watts tries to catch up with Eve, passing her traps. We learn that Eve is at the end of the corridor. Along the way we will have to avoid traps and shoot at the “Zombies”. Afterwards, John accidentally makes a hole in the wall. We go there in order to find Eve. Having met a boy in the corridor, we follow him. Next, we go to the next room and observe what is happening there. Afterwards, walking along the corridor, we go into different rooms. Apparently, Eve is collecting John's memories in groups in different rooms. All characters in these rooms have looped text and do not engage in dialogue. In one of the rooms we meet Johnny, his text is also looped. We continue our movements, bumping into different dialogues in different rooms. The phone is heard ringing. Neil picks up the phone and talks to Rosaleen. After talking with Eva on the phone, we go out the door. We are back at school, Eva leaves us to watch the developments. John goes to River to invite her to the cinema, but a couple of minutes before that, other boys take her with them and take her to another room. John arrives, but she is no longer there. Because of this incident, they did not go to the cinema and she disappeared from his subsequent life. His whole life is spent not with River, but with Nicholas and Joey. Finally, Watts and Rosalyn achieve their goal. John wants to become an astronaut, and Joey wants to become a writer. We are shown all the areas of memory where we have been, but they go differently. They don't have River on them. And John has only one dream left - to go to the moon. He connects his life with astronomy.
While showing another flashback, John receives a phone call. And he goes for an interview.
After the call, John arrives at NASA, Watts and Rosalyn also appear there. As we follow John around NASA, we look around and learn about John's new life. We also find new memory elements. Memory elements are on all floors, so we will have to go through them all. After finding 4 elements, a room on the 1st floor will become available to us. It contains the 5th element. In the room, John is introduced to his possible partner for the flight to the moon. This partner turns out to be River.
We are shown memories of River and John from another reality. We witness how their lives have changed. The great day is coming - the Day of the launch of the shuttle to the Moon. John and River fly to the moon. We are launching the shuttle. Preparations are underway at the mission control center. John, River is already on the shuttle. Launch occurs. The rocket takes off and heads towards our hero's main goal - a flight to the Moon. Moreover, he flies with the love of his life, in both realities.


You appear on the freeway after an accident. First of all, inspect the car and take the toolbox. Next, go up into the forest. There, use a branch to remove the “stone” on the stairs. We rise higher and go into the house

Act 1

In the house we have to go up to the 2nd floor and install the equipment. After the conversation, we go to inspect the house, but first we’ll take the patient’s monitor. Downstairs we'll talk to the children, they will ask us to bring candy from the kitchen. To the right of the piano, a door leads down to the kitchen, where we will find a caramel stick, having first placed the mortar. Next, the children will want to show us a room in the basement; we will have to find the key to it in the book that is in the office. In the office we have to read excerpts from books on the cabinets and find a key in one of them. Next we go down to the basement and open the room. Take the duckling from the shelf in the room. Afterwards we’ll talk to the children, they will offer us to see the lighthouse, we agree. The lighthouse is located behind home, that’s where we’ll go. In the lighthouse we take the paper rabbit and return to the house.

After starting John's memories, we go behind the house where we will find him. After the conversation, we launch Memento and put together a simple puzzle. Next we go to the recent past. We need to find 5 items: a rabbit on the first floor, a jar of olives, a book by G.H. Anderson, fresh wild flowers and a clock on the 2nd floor. Once we have collected them, go to the 1st floor and use the umbrella (memento). Next, we move to the lighthouse, take the note “In Memory of River Wiles” and go into the lighthouse. We go up to the lighthouse, get the note “Anya” and talk to our partner. After this, we check the broken beacon, break the objects and prepare the memento. Putting the puzzle together. To collect in three moves, press Vertically on green, yellow, then horizontally on green. After activating the memento, the next memory is unlocked. We listen to the dialogue between River and Johnny, we listen to John's song. Stay and look for links of memory. This time it is: A book, a rabbit, a note “for the river”, a pan of dough, a jar of pickled olives. Disassemble the memory links and prepare the memento near the piano. Complete the puzzle and activate memento. Let's listen to the dialogue.

Having moved to a new memory, we inspect the construction of the house and listen to John’s dialogue with Isabel. Again we collect 5 items in the area near the house and in the unfinished house. Let's start the memento - a jar of pickled olives. As always, we put the puzzle together and get the note “pickled olives.” We move further through the memories, listening to the dialogue at the table. We approach the bartender and talk to him. He gives us the first item. We speak with Dr. Watts, he gives us another item. After the dialogue we receive another item. We talk further, we get the last two items. We break the items for memento and put together a simple puzzle. We activate memento and again move through the memories.

We appear at the top of the lighthouse and listen to the dialogue. We watch the dialogue between John and River. We again have to collect 5 items, but first we will listen to the dialogue between Watts and Rosalyn. We get a new one. In the clearing under the lighthouse we collect items. Let's go further and find memento. This time it's a rabbit. We prepare the memento and solve the puzzle. After that, we activate memento.

We appeared in the room. We go down and find an old piano. We talk with Watts, we get the 1st memory element. We examine the boxes with white paper, take 1 more memory. Next, we go to the room on the left, listen to the dialogue between River and John, select 1 more element. We examine the room, collect the missing elements, and learn a little about River. We break the elements, activate memento, having first assembled the puzzle.

We appeared on the road. We climb up into the forest. We go to the site of a house that has not yet been built. We receive the note “Acrophobia”. We move further to the lighthouse and observe the dialogue between John and the river. We collect the elements in this area, break them, free the memento. Once again we collect the puzzle and activate it.

We appear in the room and read the dialogue between John, Nichols and Isabelle regarding Isabelle and John’s illness. We collect memory elements in the room, listen to the dialogue between John and River. Near the bookshelf we are asked the question “What animal does David turn into on the cover?” You must answer in English. The answer is "Cobra". We break down the elements, prepare the memento, and activate it. We get the note “Animorphs”.

This time we found ourselves in the thicket of a forest. We find an old book about Animorphs, cheese, and a jar of olives. We go upstairs and go into the lighthouse. We watch the dialogue between John and River after the wedding. We are witnessing the moment when the lighthouse was given the name “Anya”. Afterwards we watch the wedding ceremony of River and John. We go downstairs and listen to the dialogues of people at the tables. We receive the note "Joey". We go down to the road, pick up the last element and prepare the memento. After the dialogue, activate it.

We appear in the same place, but a little earlier. We rise up from the road and find a horse. Watts plays with her, we get the note "Dr. Neil Watts." We find River and John on horseback. We get on the horse and follow them. We gallop after John from River, collecting memory elements along the way. We find a memento - it’s on the lower right, near the canopy. We break down the elements and prepare it. Having solved the puzzle, we activate it.

We are transported back in time and find ourselves in a doctor's office. At this point, the doctor diagnoses River. Let's listen to the dialogue. After the dialogue, we collect memory elements. We receive notes and observe people’s interactions. Having collected the elements, we prepare a memento - a clock. We solve the puzzle, activate it.

We move to the cinema hall. John leaves the hall, we follow him. We are looking for memento and memory elements in the cinema building. We watch the meeting between John and River, listen to their dialogue. We return to the hall for John and River and prepare the memento. After the puzzle we activate it.

After the transfer we appear at school. We follow the dialogue between Nicholas and John. Johnny talks shyly to River and invites her to the movies. Afterwards we look for elements of memory and memento. We listen to the dialogue between Nicholas and John, watch the drawing lesson and other subjects. We go further through the school and collect the elements. We get the note “Alt +tab". Let's go to the gym and collect the elements. We find Memento in the cafeteria, after listening to the dialogues. We prepare it and solve the puzzle.

We find ourselves in the past, in John's house. He talks with his mother and gets ready for school. Johnny goes to school, and we can explore his house; we can’t go outside. While exploring the house, we will find memory elements associated with this level. Memento is in the lower left room this time. Let's go and activate it. We do everything according to the scheme, and open another earlier memory.

We appeared out of nowhere. There is white space and a ball around us. Looking around, we see a steep hill, a house, the memory does not fully open. During the dialogue, the scientists decide that they are unable to open any further areas of memory.

Act 2.

We see what happens in the room with the patient. Watts and Rosaleen return to the very first memory sites and talk with the elderly John again. After an informative conversation with John, we move into a space where elements of John's memory from different times are collected. We have to translate desires from late memory to early memory; to do this, we should substitute identical elements on adjacent squares side by side. After activating John’s change of desires, we look through different parts of his memory, from late to early (starting with the penultimate). History has not changed, everything remains the same. Rosaleen and Watts are confused. Looking through a later memory, Eve decides to broadcast her wishes again, but nothing works.

We go back to early memories and try to change Johnny's desires from early childhood. Nothing changes, Neil is missing. Rosaleen tries again, changing the course of events at school in John's old memories. But the course of events at school is already going differently. Rosaleen discovers Watts holding a concert at the school. Dr. Watts teaches students about space, motivating little John to fly to the moon. It doesn't work out very well for Neil. After checking, they find that nothing has changed. Watts and Rosaleen are looking for new ways to change John's desires.

We are transported to John's later memories. We observe the unsuccessful attempts of doctors. Over time, they come to the conclusion that all their methods are useless and take a short break. Rosaleen sits near the lighthouse at night, wondering where they could have made a mistake. After dawn we take Eva back to the house. We have time to walk around the house and explore it a little. We don’t find Neil on the 2nd floor, but we’ll talk to the doctor. The doctor says where to find John and advises to hurry up. We talk with Watts in the kitchen. We examine the paper rabbit on the table. Let's go to the bedroom near the basement, there we will see Lily, we will continue the conversation with her after leaving the basement. We carefully ask Lily about the children, John and her plans. From the conversation we learn a lot of new things about Lily’s fate. We go to the basement and take a look. Let's go back to the kitchen and talk to Watts. Let's find out information about John's illness. After the dialogue we will receive a note “Beta blockers”. We need to bring a dead squirrel from the road. Lily kindly gives us gloves and Rosaleen goes after the squirrel. Taking a sealed container from the car, we take the squirrel. Don't forget to pick up the painkillers near the car. We return back to the house. Along the way we meet Watts and talk with him. Returning to the house, we begin the experiment with the smell of a squirrel.

We returned to John's earlier childhood and activated memento. We find ourselves back in John's blocked memory. The doctor took the signal and let John smell the squirrel. John's condition worsens, Rosaleen and Watts decide to stay. The patient's condition has stabilized. Select "Jump to Nowhere".

Watts and Rosaleen find themselves in a blocked memory. We explore the territory, then listen to the dialogue behind the house. Let's go to the house. We witnessed an event that turned John's life upside down. We approach Joey and receive the note “Joey”. We are transported to earlier memories and observe a dialogue between two brothers. Let's get the note "Animorphs". Moving to the next memory.

Having appeared at the folk festivals, we will look around the area. We witness the purchase of Joey's train. If you wish, we can play entertaining mini-game “Damn a mole”. Next we follow the brothers and mother. To cross the bridge we need to collect 3 memory links. We can easily find them on the ground. Now we can cross the bridge. We find John, Joey and their mother. We listen to another dialogue. We learn about John's love for olives. John goes to play in the playground, we will follow them. But you need to collect all 5 memory links. Let's start searching. After that, we follow John... We follow him through the playground into the forest. We watch John enjoying the view of the starry sky from a cliff. We listen to the dialogue between Watts and Rosalyn. Next, we watch John and River meet. This dialogue sheds light on many issues in this unusual story. We learn about rabbits, stars, the love of lighthouses and the platypus. John gives the platypus to River and runs away, having previously agreed to meet in the same place exactly one year later.

We find ourselves at school, we receive a note “Moon”. Eve knows what to do to finish the job, and Watts goes after her. They want to "remove" the river to motivate John to go to the moon. Watts tries to catch up with Eve, passing her traps. We learn that Eve is at the end of the corridor. Along the way we will have to avoid traps and shoot at the “Zombies”. Having made a hole in the wall, we go into it in order to find Eve. Having met a boy in the corridor, we follow him. Next, we go to the next room and observe what is happening there. Afterwards, walking along the corridor, we go into different rooms. In one of Johnny's rooms, his text is also looped. We continue our movements, bumping into different dialogues in different rooms. After talking with Eva on the phone, we go out the door. We are back at school, Eva leaves us, we watch John’s attempt to invite River to the movies. John did not have time to invite her, and she disappeared from his subsequent life. His whole life is spent not with River, but with Nicholas and Joey. Finally, Watts and Rosalyn achieve their goal. John wants to become an astronaut, and Joey wants to become a writer.

After the call, John arrives at NASA, Watts and Rosalyn also appear there. Following John around NASA, we look around and learn about John's new life. We also find new memory elements. Memory elements are on all floors, so we will have to go through them all. After finding 4 elements, a room on the 1st floor will become available to us. It contains the 5th element. The meeting between River and John takes place in this room, but in a different reality.

We are shown memories of Eve and John from another reality. We witness how their lives have changed. The great day is coming - the Day of the launch of the shuttle to the Moon. John and River fly to the moon. We are launching the shuttle. Preparations are underway at the mission control center. John, River is already on the shuttle. Launch occurs. The rocket takes off and heads towards our hero's main goal - a flight to the Moon. Moreover, he flies with the love of his life, in both realities.

is a unique game of its kind, a rare guest in the interactive book genre. Today he will tell you how to beat this game. More about management in game To the Moon you will be able to read.

Walkthrough of To the Moon

Walkthrough of To the Moon. Memory 8

We're back in John and River's bedroom. There is a piano in the hall on the first floor. After talking with Neil, we will get the first piece of memory. We will find another one in the box with paper. In the left room we listen to the conversation between John and River - plus one piece. In this room we will find the remaining elements. By the way, this is the same day when River first made a paper rabbit. To activate memento, we will put together a puzzle - three moves, diagonal, vertically the second and third. Play To the Moon This is also possible on modern laptop computers, so you can buy a Samsung tablet for this.

Walkthrough of To the Moon. Memory 9

The heroes will find themselves on the road. We go up, through the forest and along wooden bridge. We find the place where the house should have been. It hasn't been built yet. Here we get the note “Acrophobia”. We'll find John and River at the lighthouse. Memory elements are also located here. The puzzle is assembled in four moves - the first horizontally, the first, third, fifth vertically.

Walkthrough of To the Moon. Flashback 10

Now we are in the library. Nicholas, John and Isabel discuss the problem of the last two. We find all the objects in the room, after which we listen to John and River. At the bookshelf the question will be asked - what animal does David turn into on the cover? The correct answer is “Cobra”. Memento this time is a book at the reception. We receive the note “Animorphs” by activating memento. For a puzzle with 5 moves - a diagonal ball, the second and third horizontally, the second and third vertically.

Walkthrough of To the Moon. Flashback 11

We are back in the forest. Let's find a book about Animorphs, a jar of pickled olives and a piece of cheese. Then we go up and climb into the lighthouse. Here John and River, after their wedding. At this moment, the lighthouse is given its glorious name - Anya. We watch the wedding ceremony. Let's go down and after the dialogue we will get the note "Joey". Even lower by the road we will find the last element for memento. A puzzle of three moves - the third and fifth horizontally, the fourth vertically.

Walkthrough of To the Moon. Flashback 12

Again in the forest, but a little earlier in time. There is a dead rabbit on the road. After the dialogue, we go higher, where we will find a horse. After Neil plays with her, we get the note “Dr. Neil Watts.” Neil will climb on the horse and ride off. Eve will go further into the forest in search of John. He will be on the right, along with River on horseback. Let's also mount a horse and follow them. Along the way, Eve will collect pieces of memory. Next you will need to find a memento - a bag under a canopy in the lower right part of the map. Four-move puzzle - diagonal ball, first, third and fifth vertically.

You can read the continuation of the game in the article.