School skirts.

Start school year presents young students with a choice: how to choose a school uniform? Therefore, in this article we want to help understand the issue of selection fashionable skirts for school, because the blouse and shoes are matched to the skirt.

Today, the concept of “school uniform” is quite relative; more often it is of the nature of “white top, dark bottom.” A strict identical uniform for everyone is mainly used only in private educational institutions, and even then, in some such colleges they believe that a school checkered skirt is perfect for this institution. But for those girls who have bypassed these strict limits, choosing a forum before the start of the year is a pleasure. Modern fashion designers they sew skirts for high school girls in a huge variety of styles and fabrics.

A variety of school skirts

Today you can find skirts, from short to long, with or without a wrap, in any store; they come in the following popular options:

  • fluffy school skirts;
  • pencil skirts, which can be high-waisted;
  • school flared skirts;
  • pleated skirt, and many other options.

Lovers of short skirts have a more difficult time, since not everyone is allowed to wear miniskirts to school, and many parents are skeptical about this. And if you really want to, then you can choose a rather beautiful and decent option. For example, if you choose a skirt with frills or ruffles made of tulle, this style will abstractly give the appearance of an elongated version, but the actual length of this skirt will remain “mini”.

Teenagers do not feel any shortage in the assortment of school skirts, so main part Even the most fastidious fashionistas will be able to choose shapes to suit their taste.

At all school time- the most carefree time, youth, “ardor” of actions and characters, a lot of communication and most importantly, during this period, children seek and fight for a place in society, strengthen their personality and determine their social circle. At such moments, teenagers especially pay attention to school accessories, and primarily to the clothes of classmates and peers, so girls want to wear the most fashionable school skirts.

It happens that you choose something special from the available local stores If it doesn’t work out, then you can use specialized online stores, where you can sometimes find absolutely exclusive styles of school skirts, which are sewn in clothing factories for individual orders. Such clothes can be ordered through intermediaries or from official dealers representing the brand that exhibited the style you liked.

You can also play up the image very beautifully with the color of the skirt. In addition to the classic black color, you can choose a variety of dark tones: gray, brown, blue, or combine colors. In this option, black and red or black and white skirts for school.

Stereotypes of modernity

As everyone knows, there is an old wise proverb: “they are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds.” Therefore, I would like to recommend that parents listen to the taste of their young beauties and help them, choose styles of skirts for school so that they can combine not only those imposed by the rules, standard forms, but also modern style, And fashion trends season. And then your daughters will always be in a great mood, which will encourage them to improve, to want to go to school, and, therefore, their academic performance will be excellent. And academic achievement is the main task that the school and parents set for their children.

The new resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has caused indignation among young people. Of course, after all, officials want to decide for our schoolchildren what they can wear to school and what they cannot wear. School uniforms will be introduced throughout Russia from September 1, these are the new rules. Karelian officials immediately complied with this requirement. Apparently, they wanted to be among the first. However, the draft resolution recently published by the Ministry of Education of Karelia has caused noisy discussions. What does the government offer to Karelian schoolchildren?

Cleavage is prohibited

So, school uniforms are mandatory from grades 1 to 4. Students in grades 5-9 must comply with the clothing requirements described in the resolution, and students in grades 10-11 are subject to the requirements for student appearance. As for the uniform itself, judging by the document, two types of uniforms should appear in schools - everyday and dress. Casual: classic-cut trousers and jackets or vests in neutral colors for boys and jackets, vests and sundresses in the same neutral colors for girls.

Officials favor colors such as gray, black, soft shades of blue, as well as dark green and brown colors, and classic striped fabric. The recommended length of the skirt is no higher than 10 centimeters from the top of the knee and no lower than the middle of the shin. In winter, schoolchildren will be allowed to wear sweaters and pullovers in colors that match their uniform.

To the formal school uniform, which should be worn on holidays and ceremonial lines, for boys added white shirt, and for girls - a white opaque blouse below the waist or a white apron.

General form school uniform, its color and style are determined by parent meetings, and samples of school uniforms are approved at the school itself by a special board. Moreover, the form can be introduced the same for the entire school as a whole, and for each class separately.

And here are some clothes modern schoolchildren the creators of the bill did not like it. So, they propose to prohibit children and teenagers from wearing sportswear(exception - physical education lessons), shorts, sweatshirts and T-shirts, beachwear and clothes linen style, as well as “clothing and footwear that have a very bright colors, shiny threads and provocative extravagant details, including decorative details in the form of patches, with tears in the fabric, with uneven color of the fabric.”

Clothing made of leather (imitation leather), raincoat fabric, transparent dresses, skirts and blouses, including clothes with transparent inserts; dresses and blouses with a neckline, evening dresses, miniskirts longer than 10 centimeters from the knee, sweaters that expose the stomach or back, skirts and trousers with a low waist, clothes that are very tight-fitting, shoes in the “country” style - Cossack boots, shoes on a high platform and heels higher than 5-7 centimeters, as well as evening shoes with bows, rhinestones and embroidery made of shiny fabrics and even sneakers. It is also not allowed to wear clothes with symbols of any informal organizations, and massive jewelry: earrings, brooches, rings and bracelets.

Is it too strict? Then here are the requirements for the appearance of students as a “snack”. Karelian schoolchildren must be clean and well-groomed, have hair of natural shades and smell of a light, neutral scent of perfume or deodorant. Long hair Girls' hair should be neatly laid out. Boys must have classic or model haircuts. The girls' manicure and makeup are hygienic, not bright.

Insult or benefit?

For now, this is just a draft resolution adopted as a basis. But he has already found many opponents who believe that there is no need for us to return to the Soviet past and treat everyone with the same brush. On the other hand, the law also has enough supporters who believe that streamlining school life and clothes won't hurt us.

The other day, a meeting was held in the Legislative Assembly of Karelia, which was attended not only by deputies, but also by schoolchildren themselves, teachers and school principals, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education of Karelia. The topic of school uniforms caused a heated debate among parliamentarians. The meeting participants were unable to reach a consensus. Some of the deputies were critical and sharply stated that this resolution was a huge step back into the past, from which we had been moving away for so long.

“It contains common truths that everyone must observe anyway,” the deputies explained. – Young people already know that they need to be beautiful and clean. And if we issue a resolution in which these rules are enshrined at the legislative level, it turns out that we are thereby admitting that our younger generation does not comply with basic hygiene standards and is generally uncultured. So this ruling is an insult to all of us!

Another point that all participants in the meeting drew attention to is that school uniforms are being introduced in order to supposedly erase the boundaries between the poor and the rich. They say that when everyone wears the same clothes, children from low-income families will feel more comfortable. Here the deputies were unanimous: a school uniform will definitely not help to equalize all students, because status can be emphasized not only by clothing. It is enough to look at a student’s briefcase, phone or shoes to understand how much his parents earn. In addition, sewing a school uniform can cost parents a pretty penny, so there is no talk of any savings for low-income families. Especially when we're talking about about young students - they will probably have to buy more than one or even two sets of school uniforms. Children can simply fall while playing and get dirty. So what should we wear to school then? And children grow up so quickly. A skirt of the “right” length can turn into an extreme mini in a year.

List of deodorants

The deputies also did not like those paragraphs of the resolution that are related to the requirements for haircuts, hairstyles and perfume for schoolchildren.

“I am for the introduction of school uniforms,” explained deputy Andrei Rogalevich. – Still, if we look at the experience of other countries, then in England, for example, the form has existed for several centuries, and in each educational institution She is her own person and is a kind of face of the school and college. But if we are talking about introducing uniforms in our schools, then why do we read requirements for deodorants and perfumes in the resolution? And most of all I am interested in who and how will determine whether a schoolgirl can wear this perfume at school or whether it is not suitable? Everyone's sense of smell is different. For some, the smell will seem pungent, while for others, on the contrary, it will be almost imperceptible. Maybe then we should immediately include in the resolution a list of all deodorants approved for use in school?

As for the requirements for haircuts, length and cleanliness of schoolchildren’s hair, all meeting participants were almost unanimous: it would be stupid to write about this in an official document. At this rate, we can turn schoolchildren into identical dummies gray suits and with the same haircuts.

True, the deputies also noted some positive aspects of this resolution.

– Personally, I am for the introduction of school uniforms in primary school, but against its introduction in middle and high schools,” explained the director of Lyceum No. 1 and deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia Emilia Slabunova. –

But I fully support the requirements for the appearance of students. Indeed, a school uniform cannot erase any social boundaries between students. And it’s not even about the price of a pencil case, phone and backpack. It happens that a personal driver brings a child to school by car. And let this student be dressed in the best gray uniform, will not help. You just need to raise your children so that they don’t boast about their status. The requirements for the appearance of participants are what will help schoolchildren come closer to understanding: appearance- a person's business card. As they say, you are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind. But if a person is dressed incorrectly, then the wires may not come to pass. If a person is dressed modestly and appropriately, then he immediately makes a pleasant impression, and you want to do business with him. This is what we should teach our schoolchildren - the ability to dress appropriately, as required by a specific occasion or situation. And the sooner they learn this, the better - it will be useful to them in adulthood.

Speak up!

The schoolchildren themselves were taciturn. The school uniform as such does not bother them. But the inconveniences that may arise with its introduction make the guys think. For example, what about the second shoes - there are no places at school where you can leave them? And what should you do if the heat at school is bad in winter, but the rules don’t allow you to wear a sweatshirt? And where can you change clothes if you suddenly need to go to the sports section for a lesson right after school? You can't come to school in sneakers.

There were also those who wondered whether it was considered pectoral cross prohibited decoration. As representatives of the Ministry of Education of Karelia assured, all these issues can be resolved and are now in the process of discussion.

“Understand, we did not post the draft resolution in order to make it clear that this is the resolution that will come into force,” said Deputy Minister Tatyana Vasilyeva. “It’s just that in some schools, at parent-teacher meetings, parents are almost forced to hand over money for school uniforms. But the project has not even been approved yet! That’s why we brought it up for public discussion and are now ready to listen and take into account all wishes. Let me remind you that what color and style the school uniform will be is decided separately in each school. And if they come to the conclusion that it should be red, then we will not object.

Vasilyeva explained that they understand that the topic of school uniforms is very controversial and society is not ready to fully accept it. Therefore, ministry employees will take into account all suggestions and objections. Suggestions and comments on the draft resolution can be sent by email: [email protected] until June 15, 2013. So if you don’t like the point about deodorants or hairstyles, write before it’s too late!


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From today in all fabric stores big choice fabrics with sequins. However, finding a reason to wear a dress, suit or skirt made of such fabrics is quite difficult. The whole secret is that a product made of fabric with sequins looks especially festive and attracts attention to its owner with its bright shine. But when it comes to a holiday, our choice, in most cases, falls on fabrics with sequins. You can’t think of anything better - choose the simplest style of skirt, jacket or dress, and the fabric itself will do everything for you. Despite the apparent complexity of tailoring, such a product can be sewn quite quickly.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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We invite you to sew this youth costume - a short straight jacket and a miniskirt. You can choose fabric with sequins in any tone, the main thing is that it matches your image.

The pattern of a miniskirt is modeled according to, and the pattern of a short straight jacket is modeled according to. You can also use and, however, the allowance for freedom of fit should be given a little more (about 3 cm to the LOG) so that the jacket is not tight. , the sleeve can be narrowed downwards to fit the circumference of the forearm.

Rice. 1. Miniskirt pattern - front and back views

Miniskirt pattern - modeling

Rice. 2. Miniskirt pattern - modeling

Shorten the skirt base pattern to the desired length (about 40 cm from the waist line). Make a 4 cm flare on the side of the front and back halves of the skirt (see Fig. 1. Mini skirt pattern). Round the bottom according to the pattern. Additionally, cut out a belt 8 cm wide (4 cm in finished form) and a length equal to the waist circumference + 1 cm.

Jacket pattern - modeling

Rice. 3. Jacket modeling

Rice. 4. Details of the jacket cut

On the pattern of the front and back of the jacket, set aside 7 cm from the waist line. Draw horizontal lines bottom of the jacket. Cut along the lines. Close the front chest dart by moving it to the armhole. I'll draw the front armhole according to the pattern. Straighten the sides of the front and back. Remove the waist darts along the front and back of the jacket.

Place the modeled front of the jacket on the back, and copy the front armhole onto the back. Additionally, re-edit the front edge (one-piece) and the back facing 4 cm wide.

How to cut a skirt and jacket

Before you start cutting, read our tips:

From fabric with sequins, cut out:

  1. Miniskirt belt – 1 piece
  2. Jacket front, one-piece with edging – 2 parts
  3. Back – 1 piece with fold
  4. Sleeve – 2 parts
  5. Back neck facing – 1 piece with fold

From lining fabric cut out:

  1. Front half of the skirt – 1 piece with fold
  2. Back half of the skirt – 2 parts
  3. The front of the jacket minus the trim - 2 parts
  4. Back of jacket minus facing – 1 piece with fold
  5. Sleeve – 2 parts

How to sew a suit

How to sew a miniskirt

Sew darts on the miniskirt and lining. Baste and stitch the skirt parts from the main and lining fabric along the side seams. Baste and stitch the back seam of the miniskirt and lining to the zipper opening.

Fold the skirt with the lining right sides together and stitch along the bottom. Turn the skirt right side out. Fold the seam allowance along the bottom of the miniskirt and stitch it (do not catch the lining(!)).

Fold the cut allowances for the zipper of the skirt and lining in pairs and stitch from the inside (the cut for the zipper is processed, but remains open). Baste the lining along the waistline of the skirt. Next, sew the miniskirt as a single-layer one.

At the waist, make a cut-off belt, but do not go over the fastener(!) Place the zipper in the center of the back half of the skirt from the front side (on the cut under the zipper), baste and stitch. Fold the upper ends of the zipper tape over the waistband and baste it with a few stitches by hand.

How to sew a jacket

IMPORTANT! To give rigidity to the shelves, duplicate them with organza. Cut out the organza with seam allowances and baste to the shelves from the wrong side

Sew side seams, shoulder seams and sleeve seams. Do the same on the lining. Sew the back facings to the one-piece edges of the shelves. Sew the lining to the hems and back neck facings. Turn the product inside out and place the sleeves from the lining into the sleeves from the main fabric. Fold the bottom of the sleeves of the jacket and stitch. Fold the sleeve allowance on the lining and hand baste it to the sleeve allowance using blind stitches.

Tuck the allowance at the bottom of the product and baste it by hand. Fold the lining along the bottom of the jacket and baste it by hand with blind stitches. Your miniskirt and jacket are ready!

Our advice: Pair a miniskirt with a black turtleneck (or blouse) and matching shoes for a look that's perfect for any party.