Parent meeting plan. Preparing and holding a parent meeting

Target :

Introduce parents to each other.

Introducing parents to the regime, rules and work of the kindergarten.

Adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution.

Creating partnerships between parents.

Association of parents to outline the prospects for the work of the parent committee.


Introduce parents to the kindergarten’s goals for the new school year and the group’s plans for the near future;

Update the personal data of the families of the pupils;

Teach parents to observe their child, study him, see successes and failures, and try to help him develop.

Mutual communication between teachers and parents,

Exchange of necessary information for the child’s successful stay in kindergarten;

Preliminary work:

Arrange chairs in a semicircle, prepare seats for parents;

Make a reminder for parents “First time in kindergarten”;

Meeting agenda:

Communicating the topic and purpose of the meeting

Meeting the parents

Questions and answers

Elections of the parent committee.

About different things.

Summary of the meeting


Prepare visual and handout materials:

cards with proverbs:

“You can’t raise a child with caresses alone”

“Rotten the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys”

“What you raise in childhood is what you will rely on in old age”

“Not the mother who gives birth, but the one who rewards with her heart”

“Educate with affection, not dragging”

"Example is a good teacher"

“A kind word is half happiness”

“Don’t do to others what you don’t want to do to yourself”


Dear Parents! We are very glad to see you at the first parent meeting, because we understand: without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising them and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is an impossible task. We must be partners.

In the coming year, kindergarten will become a part of your life; the development, health, and mental well-being of the child will largely depend on it. Therefore, it is very important whether your child can successfully adapt to kindergarten, and helping him with this is not only the task of teachers. First of all, this is the concern of parents.

If you have a negative attitude towards the kindergarten, feel guilty for bringing your child there, and don’t expect anything good from the kindergarten, your child will definitely feel the same. Then the process of getting used to and adapting to new conditions will drag on for him and become more painful.

It often happens that children do not want to go to kindergarten, just like adults do not want to go to work. But if in an adult “I must” overpowers “I don’t want,” then the child does not have a developed sense of duty. However, there may be a lot of other reasons for reluctance to go to the garden, besides laziness.

The main problem of “home” children is the inability to live by the rules of a large group. After all, you have to eat and sleep at a certain time, wait your turn to go to the toilet or wash your hands, and in class do what the teacher requires, and not what you want.

Help your child get used to it, teach him self-care skills at home. Let him change his clothes, put away his toys, wash his face and hands. Stick to the daily routine, it is better if it repeats the routine in kindergarten. Expand your social circle - invite friends with children more often, go to visit yourself. Play out situations from kindergarten life at home. Let the doll become a teacher, and the bear become a child.

Find out what they do with children in kindergarten. Work with your child at home. Regularly ask how the day went, what you liked and what you didn’t. The attention of adults is important for your child, and he will always be very happy to tell you about his impressions. Show genuine interest! Then the child may go to kindergarten, if only to have something to tell you about.

If your child is quiet and calm, the constant noise, din and importunity of peers will quickly tire him. These are characteristics of the child’s character and nervous system. In such a situation, ask the teacher so that the child has the opportunity to do something he loves, for example, play with a construction set away from the children. Warn the teacher not to force him to eat unloved foods and not to stuff him with food in the morning, when at this time his appetite is reduced. These little things will to some extent compensate for the discomfort of visiting kindergarten.

If early in the morning your child throws an unreasonable tantrum at you just to avoid going to kindergarten, most likely he is just trying to manipulate you. For him, morning hysteria is an opportunity to achieve benefits for himself. For example, promises that they will buy him a new toy if he calms down. Always remain calm, equanimous and consistent. If tantrums occur at the slightest provocation, consult a psychologist. “Mom, will you take me home? “All kids, even older ones, ask their parents this question. Without realizing it, parents give cause for concern. “If you behave badly, I’ll leave you in kindergarten,” my mother often says. Or, “I’ll pick you up first,” and they themselves come for him last, citing business reasons. And the child sacredly believes in what he was promised. Children lack communication with their parents, so the little one clings to any opportunity to be with them, and kindergarten is the main obstacle to this.

Work with your child to develop a routine for getting up in the morning. For example, you go up to your child, gently wake him up, kiss him and allow him to lie in bed for another 10 minutes. Then you help him get dressed, wondering along the way what he was dreaming about. On the way, talk to your child about something pleasant and interesting. If already in kindergarten the child does not let you go, do not run away, waiting for the moment when the child turns away. Hug your child, kiss him, tell him that you love him very much and will definitely come back for them in the evening. You brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.

Now, we will tell you what we have already learned. And we learned a lot. Our group hosts various classes. These are: drawing, modeling, speech development, music, physical education. All classes are held in a playful way. Children have become more sociable and are beginning to learn to play together and share toys. All children know where their locker, towel, and crib are. We learned some rules of behavior in the group. They know that after washing their hands they need to squeeze out the water and only then go to their towel. Almost all children eat on their own. They undress and dress, but not everyone. Many learned to carry out basic tasks and put away toys. As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we have even more to learn and, most importantly, teach children self-care. And in this process you must take an active part. It often happens that a child in kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some time at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc.

And when communicating with you, it turns out that at home you did everything for him, because it’s faster, more convenient, neater, etc.

Children are different. There are children who are fidgety, there are children who are mischievous, there are children who wonder why they want to know about a lot of things.

Kindergarten is not only about children, but also about teachers. I would really like to know what you mean by the concept of “modern educator.”

(parents' statements)

During the child’s stay in kindergarten (children, teachers and parents) we make a triangle.

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. By learning new things, he discovers himself (what I can do, what I can do, what I am capable of).

The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about society, which plays a big role in the development of a child.

What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (will fall) Remember I. Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Cancer and the Pike”: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and what will come out of it is nothing but torment.” From this it follows that we should combine our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.

In order for your child to more easily adapt to our kindergarten, to get used to the teachers, new living conditions, and daily routine, we need your support and cooperation. To get started, try to follow a few simple rules:

Bring your child to kindergarten at the same time, do not be late, because you are violating the kindergarten regime. You can meet him at the stand for parents. According to the regime, charging should end at 8.15 am. In addition, we need to mark the children before charging. People who are late distract us from routine activities and from working with children. Therefore, dear parents, please be more organized.

Address teachers and assistant teachers by their first and patronymic names.

A calm, attentive attitude towards the child at home during the adaptation period is the key to success!

Put your child to bed on time in the evening.

Child's clothing: Make sure that the child's clothing is not too large or does not restrict his movements.

Children should be dressed according to the season and the weather. Over-bundling or insufficiently warm clothing can make your child sick. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely and gets tired less.

Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself.

We kindly ask you to have mittens instead of gloves; be sure to sew them on with an elastic band.

Shoes should be light, warm, exactly match the size of the child’s feet, and easy to take off and put on. Learn to put on and take off your shoes yourself.

A child needs a handkerchief, both indoors and on walks. Have spare clothes.

Order in the locker: We put things in a certain order. When dressing and undressing, the child must do this himself.

Spare items should be in a bag on a hanger so that the child has somewhere to put things.

For sportswear there is also a bag, strong, small, with handles. (For sports uniforms we need pure white T-shirts, without patterns, black shorts, Czech shoes.)

Education of cultural and hygienic skills:

Also at home, watch how your child washes his hands (without splashing water, using soap correctly, not getting clothes wet, wiping dry with a towel);

Watch how he dresses and undresses (let him do it himself, in a certain sequence, determine where the front of the clothes is, turn it inside out; fold the clothes, hang them on a chair, unbutton them - fasten the buttons, before putting on shoes, put sandals or boots in such a way, so that they look at each other and not “quarrel”);

Drink from a cup, eat, chew food well with your mouth closed, use a spoon or napkin correctly; in the second half of the year we will teach you to eat with a fork;

Teach self-care in the toilet.

Do not discuss your concerns, complaints and worries about kindergarten in front of your child at home, but be sure to share them, first of all, with the teachers.

The main thing for successful adaptation is your positive attitude, adherence to the daily routine and recommendations of teachers. Before expecting independence from a child, he must be taught the actions necessary in the process of dressing, washing, and eating. We hope for fruitful cooperation!

1. When leaving your child in kindergarten, do not forget to say that you will definitely come back for him.

2. Keep at home the fakes and drawings that your child brings from kindergarten.

3. You can play kindergarten at home. You can use existing toys for this.

4. Show your child that his visit to kindergarten is an important matter. You go to work, and he goes to kindergarten.

5. If children are very attached to their mother, they are a little less attached to their father. In this case, it is better to take the child to kindergarten for the first time. Then the separation will take place a little more calmly.

6. Tell your child about the positive aspects of visiting kindergarten.

7. Before you start visiting kindergarten, you can begin to introduce elements of the regime that is used in kindergarten.

8. Walk with your child on playgrounds more often. Play in the sandbox. Give your child the opportunity to interact with other children.

9. Help your child learn self-care skills. Encourage your child's independence.

10. Meet the teacher. Tell the teacher about your child.

11. Pick up your child from kindergarten at the time you promised. Don't be late.

12. Give your child his favorite toy with you to kindergarten. This will alleviate the feeling of loneliness.

13. When leaving your child in kindergarten, do not show him your anxiety.

14. In the presence of your child, proudly tell your friends that your child is already so old that he goes to kindergarten. Children pick up on such conversations very quickly.

15. Encourage your child's friendships with other children.

17. Make sure your child sleeps long enough at night. A well-slept child feels good in kindergarten.

18. When communicating with your child, emphasize that he is still dear to you and you love him.

19. It is better to come to kindergarten only if you are healthy. A healthy child feels more confident.

20. Do gymnastics with your child. Teach your child to play.

21. Together with your child, you can buy two beautiful pajamas. He will use one set while sleeping at home, and the second in kindergarten. Having the same pajamas in kindergarten as at home will help your child cope better with naps.

22. Do not promise your child a reward for visiting kindergarten. This approach may give temporary results, but ultimately will have a negative impact on the child’s motivation.

23. Dress your child comfortably. Not cold and not hot.

24. There is no need to punish and frighten a child in kindergarten.

25. Your trust in the teacher, your positive attitude is your peace of mind for your child’s condition.

Questionnaire No. 1

1. What forms of collaboration do you consider the most effective:

Parent meeting,

Visual and textual information,

Open classes,

Pedagogical conferences at preschool educational institutions,

Joint events (eg holidays, entertainment) between children and parents,

2. What forms of joint work with parents would you like to see in kindergarten, in your group?

3. List the most commonly used teaching methods in your family.

4. By what criteria do you define success:

· your child’s education –

· raising your child –

5. Do you think that if a child has done something wrong, can he be punished?

6. Do you encounter difficulties in raising and developing a child?

If yes, which ones?

7. Are you ready to work together to overcome these difficulties?

The next question is our choice of parent committee.

At first glance, it may seem that the responsibilities of the parent committee are limited to financial matters, but this is far from the case. The regulations on the parent committee in the preschool educational institution contain many clauses regulating the rights, responsibilities and functions of this self-government body. Let's try to make a basic list of what the parent committee does:

1. Finds out what children need

2. Initiates and carries out the purchase of necessary items - office supplies, materials for repairs, interior items, toys.

3. Defines a list of events for which it will be necessary to purchase gifts for children, teachers, nannies (teacher’s day, children’s birthdays, New Year)

4. Helps organize events and assist teachers in the process of working with children.

5. And, naturally, the parent committee in the kindergarten is engaged in calculating and collecting the necessary funds to implement the above.

The parent committee usually consists of 3 to 6 people; this issue is decided individually. Since it is necessary to select a parent committee at the very beginning of the school year, and this issue is decided by voting, the composition usually includes the most active mothers and fathers who have enough free time. This is a free activity, and you can become a member of the parent committee only on a voluntary basis. Also, so that the work of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution is clearly organized and competently established, a chairman is elected.

Parent committee work plan

After determining the composition, a work plan for the parent committee in the preschool educational institution and the distribution of responsibilities are drawn up. For example, a person is appointed who will maintain contact with other parents, call if necessary and inform, another representative of the committee may be responsible for the selection of gifts, a third for repair work, etc. Obviously, meetings of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution are held more often than general parent meetings. Their minimum frequency is agreed upon with the kindergarten administration. During the meeting, the minutes of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution must be kept, which records the date, the number of those present, the main issues of discussion, proposals of committee members and decisions made.

Advice for new PTA members

First of all, it is worth noting that a representative of the parent committee is not only a responsible, but also a rather nervous job, so learn to take the situation calmly. Some practical recommendations include the following:

Write down the phone numbers of teachers and all parents;

And don’t forget that the parent committee in the garden is also a creative group, feel free to offer interesting ideas!

Well, I want to end the meeting with a humorous poem, “They took the butuz to the garden.”

They took Butuz to the garden -

Mom is happy, dad is happy:

Nobody bothers them

Do this, do that!

You can sleep until ten

Don't go for a walk

Forget the knife in a visible place

Drink two hundred grams of coffee,

It’s possible, without sacrificing the tail,

Get the cat off the mezzanine!

You can chat with your girlfriend for an hour,

You can bake cheesecakes for half a day,

You can lie in the bath

Or with a book on the sofa,

It’s possible - I wish I could die! -

Watch TV!

Go to the market for cheese

And clean the entire apartment!

(This is also possible with a butuz,

Only very, very difficult).

An hour passed, and two, and three

Something is heavy inside.

Without a bottle the house is empty,

It's sad without a bottle in the house.

Come on, dad, quickly go to the garden -

Bring the child back!

... And again the whole house trembles.

We'll go again tomorrow!

6. Summing up the meeting.

This concludes our meeting. Thank you for your attention! Until next time.

As a farewell, each of you will take a red paper heart and write on it any good wish that you can give to us. On the heart, you can also write a few words about your attitude towards the meeting or wishes for the teachers.



Parent meeting in the senior group on the topic: “Let's get to know each other!”

Target :

Introduce parents to each other.

Introducing parents to the regime, rules and work of the kindergarten.

Adaptation of a child to a preschool educational institution.

Creating partnerships between parents.

Association of parents to outline the prospects for the work of the parent committee.


Introduce parents to the kindergarten’s goals for the new school year and the group’s plans for the near future;

Update the personal data of the families of the pupils;

Teach parents to observe their child, study him, see successes and failures, and try to help him develop.

Mutual communication between teachers and parents,

Exchange of necessary information for the child’s successful stay in kindergarten;

Preliminary work:

Arrange chairs in a semicircle, prepare seats for parents;

Make a reminder for parents “First time in kindergarten”;

Meeting agenda:

Communicating the topic and purpose of the meeting

Meeting the parents

A game

Questions and answers

Elections of the parent committee.

About different things.

Summary of the meeting


Prepare visual and handout materials:

cards with proverbs:

“You can’t raise a child with caresses alone”

“Rotten the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys”

“What you raise in childhood is what you will rely on in old age”

“Not the mother who gives birth, but the one who rewards with her heart”

“Educate with affection, not dragging”

"Example is a good teacher"

“A kind word is half happiness”

“Don’t do to others what you don’t want to do to yourself”


Dear Parents! We are very glad to see you at the first parent meeting, because we understand: without an alliance with children, without your support and help, raising them and creating a cozy and joyful environment for them in kindergarten is an impossible task. We must be partners.

In the coming year, kindergarten will become a part of your life; the development, health, and mental well-being of the child will largely depend on it. Therefore, it is very important whether your child can successfully adapt to kindergarten, and helping him with this is not only the task of teachers. First of all, this is the concern of parents.

If you have a negative attitude towards the kindergarten, feel guilty for bringing your child there, and don’t expect anything good from the kindergarten, your child will definitely feel the same. Then the process of getting used to and adapting to new conditions will drag on for him and become more painful.

It often happens that children do not want to go to kindergarten, just like adults do not want to go to work. But if in an adult “I must” overpowers “I don’t want,” then the child does not have a developed sense of duty. However, there may be a lot of other reasons for reluctance to go to the garden, besides laziness.

The main problem of “home” children is the inability to live by the rules of a large group. After all, you have to eat and sleep at a certain time, wait your turn to go to the toilet or wash your hands, and in class do what the teacher requires, and not what you want.

Help your child get used to it, teach him self-care skills at home. Let him change his clothes, put away his toys, wash his face and hands. Stick to the daily routine, it is better if it repeats the routine in kindergarten. Expand your social circle - invite friends with children more often, go to visit yourself. Play out situations from kindergarten life at home. Let the doll become a teacher, and the bear become a child.

Find out what they do with children in kindergarten. Work with your child at home. Regularly ask how the day went, what you liked and what you didn’t. The attention of adults is important for your child, and he will always be very happy to tell you about his impressions. Show genuine interest! Then the child may go to kindergarten, if only to have something to tell you about.

If your child is quiet and calm, the constant noise, din and importunity of peers will quickly tire him. These are characteristics of the child’s character and nervous system. In such a situation, ask the teacher so that the child has the opportunity to do something he loves, for example, play with a construction set away from the children. Warn the teacher not to force him to eat unloved foods and not to stuff him with food in the morning, when at this time his appetite is reduced. These little things will to some extent compensate for the discomfort of visiting kindergarten.

If early in the morning your child throws an unreasonable tantrum at you just to avoid going to kindergarten, most likely he is just trying to manipulate you. For him, morning hysteria is an opportunity to achieve benefits for himself. For example, promises that they will buy him a new toy if he calms down. Always remain calm, equanimous and consistent. If tantrums occur at the slightest provocation, consult a psychologist. “Mom, will you take me home? “All kids, even older ones, ask their parents this question. Without realizing it, parents give cause for concern. “If you behave badly, I’ll leave you in kindergarten,” my mother often says. Or, “I’ll pick you up first,” and they themselves come for him last, citing business reasons. And the child sacredly believes in what he was promised. Children lack communication with their parents, so the little one clings to any opportunity to be with them, and kindergarten is the main obstacle to this.

Work with your child to develop a routine for getting up in the morning. For example, you go up to your child, gently wake him up, kiss him and allow him to lie in bed for another 10 minutes. Then you help him get dressed, wondering along the way what he was dreaming about. On the way, talk to your child about something pleasant and interesting. If already in kindergarten the child does not let you go, do not run away, waiting for the moment when the child turns away. Hug your child, kiss him, tell him that you love him very much and will definitely come back for them in the evening. You brought your children to kindergarten and we have one common goal, to make their stay here comfortable, safe, interesting, exciting, educational, etc.

Now, we will tell you what we have already learned. And we learned a lot. Our group hosts various classes. These are: drawing, modeling, speech development, music, physical education. All classes are held in a playful way. Children have become more sociable and are beginning to learn to play together and share toys. All children know where their locker, towel, and crib are. We learned some rules of behavior in the group. They know that after washing their hands they need to squeeze out the water and only then go to their towel. Almost all children eat on their own. They undress and dress, but not everyone. Many learned to carry out basic tasks and put away toys. As you can see, we have learned a lot, but we have even more to learn and, most importantly, teach children self-care. And in this process you must take an active part. It often happens that a child in kindergarten eats, undresses and partially dresses on his own, but after some time at home he comes to kindergarten and we again teach him to eat, dress, etc.

And when communicating with you, it turns out that at home you did everything for him, because it’s faster, more convenient, neater, etc.

Children are different. There are children who are fidgety, there are children who are mischievous, there are children who wonder why they want to know about a lot of things.

The children are calm, quiet and modest; they love to play with their mothers all day long.

Friends are not offended and adults are respected. One can only dream about such children.

Kindergarten is not only about children, but also about teachers. I would really like to know what you mean by the concept of “modern educator.”

(parents' statements)

During the child’s stay in kindergarten (children, teachers and parents) we make a triangle.

At the head of the triangle, of course, is the child. By learning new things, he discovers himself (what I can do, what I can do, what I am capable of).

The task of adults is to help him in this difficult matter. We should not forget about society, which plays a big role in the development of a child.

What do you think will happen to a tripod stool if one leg breaks? (will fall) Remember I. Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Cancer and the Pike”: “When there is no agreement among the comrades, their business will not go well, and what will come out of it is nothing but torment.” From this it follows that we should combine our efforts to make children comfortable and interesting in kindergarten.


In order for your child to more easily adapt to our kindergarten, to get used to the teachers, new living conditions, and daily routine, we need your support and cooperation. To get started, try to follow a few simple rules:

Bring your child to kindergarten at the same time, do not be late, because you are violating the kindergarten regime. You can meet him at the stand for parents. According to the regime, charging should end at 8.15 am. In addition, we need to mark the children before charging. People who are late distract us from routine activities and from working with children. Therefore, dear parents, please be more organized.

Address teachers and assistant teachers by their first and patronymic names.

A calm, attentive attitude towards the child at home during the adaptation period is the key to success!

Put your child to bed on time in the evening.

Child's clothing: Make sure that the child's clothing is not too large or does not restrict his movements.

Children should be dressed according to the season and the weather. Over-bundling or insufficiently warm clothing can make your child sick. In properly selected clothes, the child moves freely and gets tired less.

Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself.

We kindly ask you to have mittens instead of gloves; be sure to sew them on with an elastic band.

Shoes should be light, warm, exactly match the size of the child’s feet, and easy to take off and put on. Learn to put on and take off your shoes yourself.

A child needs a handkerchief, both indoors and on walks. Have spare clothes.

Order in the locker: We put things in a certain order. When dressing and undressing, the child must do this himself.

Spare items should be in a bag on a hanger so that the child has somewhere to put things.

For sportswear there is also a bag, strong, small, with handles. (For sports uniforms we need pure white T-shirts, without patterns, black shorts, Czech shoes.)

Education of cultural and hygienic skills:

Also at home, watch how your child washes his hands (without splashing water, using soap correctly, not getting clothes wet, wiping dry with a towel);

Watch how he dresses and undresses (let him do it himself, in a certain sequence, determine where the front of the clothes is, turn it inside out; fold the clothes, hang them on a chair, unbutton them - fasten the buttons, before putting on shoes, put sandals or boots in such a way, so that they look at each other and not “quarrel”);

Drink from a cup, eat, chew food well with your mouth closed, use a spoon or napkin correctly; in the second half of the year we will teach you to eat with a fork;

Teach self-care in the toilet.

Do not discuss your concerns, complaints and worries about kindergarten in front of your child at home, but be sure to share them, first of all, with the teachers.

The main thing for successful adaptation is your positive attitude, adherence to the daily routine and recommendations of teachers. Before expecting independence from a child, he must be taught the actions necessary in the process of dressing, washing, and eating. We hope for fruitful cooperation!

1. When leaving your child in kindergarten, do not forget to say that you will definitely come back for him.

2. Keep at home the fakes and drawings that your child brings from kindergarten.

3. You can play kindergarten at home. You can use existing toys for this.

4. Show your child that his visit to kindergarten is an important matter. You go to work, and he goes to kindergarten.

5. If children are very attached to their mother, they are a little less attached to their father. In this case, it is better to take the child to kindergarten for the first time. Then the separation will take place a little more calmly.

6. Tell your child about the positive aspects of visiting kindergarten.

7. Before you start visiting kindergarten, you can begin to introduce elements of the regime that is used in kindergarten.

8. Walk with your child on playgrounds more often. Play in the sandbox. Give your child the opportunity to interact with other children.

9. Help your child learn self-care skills. Encourage your child's independence.

10. Meet the teacher. Tell the teacher about your child.

11. Pick up your child from kindergarten at the time you promised. Don't be late.

12. Give your child his favorite toy with you to kindergarten. This will alleviate the feeling of loneliness.

13. When leaving your child in kindergarten, do not show him your anxiety.

14. In the presence of your child, proudly tell your friends that your child is already so old that he goes to kindergarten. Children pick up on such conversations very quickly.

15. Encourage your child's friendships with other children.

17. Make sure your child sleeps long enough at night. A well-slept child feels good in kindergarten.

18. When communicating with your child, emphasize that he is still dear to you and you love him.

19. It is better to come to kindergarten only if you are healthy. A healthy child feels more confident.

20. Do gymnastics with your child. Teach your child to play.

21. Together with your child, you can buy two beautiful pajamas. He will use one set while sleeping at home, and the second in kindergarten. Having the same pajamas in kindergarten as at home will help your child cope better with naps.

22. Do not promise your child a reward for visiting kindergarten. This approach may give temporary results, but ultimately will have a negative impact on the child’s motivation.

23. Dress your child comfortably. Not cold and not hot.

24. There is no need to punish and frighten a child in kindergarten.

25. Your trust in the teacher, your positive attitude is your peace of mind for your child’s condition.

Questionnaire No. 1

1. What forms of collaboration do you consider the most effective:

Parent meeting,

Visual and textual information,

Open classes,

Pedagogical conferences at preschool educational institutions,

Joint events (eg holidays, entertainment) between children and parents,


2. What forms of joint work with parents would you like to see in kindergarten, in your group?

3. List the most commonly used teaching methods in your family.

4. By what criteria do you define success:

  • your child's education -
  • raising your child -

5. Do you think that if a child has done something wrong, can he be punished?

6. Do you encounter difficulties in raising and developing a child?

If yes, which ones?

7. Are you ready to work together to overcome these difficulties?

The next question is our choice of parent committee.

At first glance, it may seem that the responsibilities of the parent committee are limited to financial matters, but this is far from the case. The regulations on the parent committee in the preschool educational institution contain many clauses regulating the rights, responsibilities and functions of this self-government body. Let's try to make a basic list of what the parent committee does:

1. Finds out what children need

2. Initiates and carries out the purchase of necessary items - office supplies, materials for repairs, interior items, toys.

3. Defines a list of events for which it will be necessary to purchase gifts for children, teachers, nannies (teacher’s day, children’s birthdays, New Year)

4. Helps organize events and assist teachers in the process of working with children.

5. And, naturally, the parent committee in the kindergarten is engaged in calculating and collecting the necessary funds to implement the above.

The parent committee usually consists of 3 to 6 people; this issue is decided individually. Since it is necessary to select a parent committee at the very beginning of the school year, and this issue is decided by voting, the composition usually includes the most active mothers and fathers who have enough free time. This is a free activity, and you can become a member of the parent committee only on a voluntary basis. Also, so that the work of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution is clearly organized and competently established, a chairman is elected.

Parent committee work plan

After determining the composition, a work plan for the parent committee in the preschool educational institution and the distribution of responsibilities are drawn up. For example, a person is appointed who will maintain contact with other parents, call if necessary and inform, another representative of the committee may be responsible for the selection of gifts, a third for repair work, etc. Obviously, meetings of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution are held more often than general parent meetings. Their minimum frequency is agreed upon with the kindergarten administration. During the meeting, the minutes of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution must be kept, which records the date, the number of those present, the main issues of discussion, proposals of committee members and decisions made.

Advice for new PTA members

First of all, it is worth noting that a representative of the parent committee is not only a responsible, but also a rather nervous job, so learn to take the situation calmly. Some practical recommendations include the following:

Write down the phone numbers of teachers and all parents;

And don’t forget that the parent committee in the garden is also a creative group, feel free to offer interesting ideas!

Well, I want to end the meeting with a humorous poem, “They took the butuz to the garden.”

They took Butuz to the garden -

Mom is happy, dad is happy:

Nobody bothers them

Do this, do that!

You can sleep until ten

Don't go for a walk

Forget the knife in a visible place

Drink two hundred grams of coffee,

It’s possible, without sacrificing the tail,

Get the cat off the mezzanine!

You can chat with your girlfriend for an hour,

You can bake cheesecakes for half a day,

You can lie in the bath

Or with a book on the sofa,

It’s possible - I wish I could die! -

Watch TV!

Go to the market for cheese

And clean the entire apartment!

(This is also possible with a butuz,

Only very, very difficult).

An hour passed, and two, and three

Something is heavy inside.

Without a bottle the house is empty,

It's sad without a bottle in the house.

Come on, dad, quickly go to the garden -

Bring the child back!

... And again the whole house trembles.

We'll go again tomorrow!

6. Summing up the meeting.

This concludes our meeting. Thank you for your attention! Until next time.

As a farewell, each of you will take a red paper heart and write on it any good wish that you can give to us. On the heart, you can also write a few words about your attitude towards the meeting or wishes for the teachers.


Prepared by:

Head of ShMO

primary school teachers

Sigareva I. V.

August 2016


TYPES OF PARENTAL MEETINGS………………………………………………………………………………..4







TOPICS OF CONVERSATIONS AND PARENT MEETINGS:……………………………………………………….9 - 1-4 grades……………………………………………………… ………………….........................9 - 5 – 6 grades…………………………… …………………………………………………………..................9 - 7 – 9 grades … ………………………………………………………………......................... .10 -10 – 11 grades…………………………………………………………………………………10

ADVICE FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS……………………………………………………………......10

TEN TIPS FOR GOOD PARENTS………………………...........................11


COMMANDMENTS OF A TEACHER…………………………………………………………………………………...14

PARENTING COMMANDMENTS from David Lewis...............................................14

Approximate topics for THEMATIC CONSULTATIONS…………………........................15






IN At present, the interest of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the problems of education has noticeably increased. In turn, strengthening the educational function of an educational institution necessitates improving the forms and methods of interaction between school and family, teachers and parents.

A parent meeting is the main form of joint work between parents, at which decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the class community and the education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of the school and family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality. Parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, intensify their role in the life of the class, and increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

The teacher's classroom management is not only to organize the children's team, but also, having understood, to accept their parents. And the teacher’s task is not to teach parents, but to share with them the experience of raising children accumulated over the years, since by the nature of his activity the teacher reads more literature on education than parents, and his circle of communication with children is much wider and more multifaceted. We must do everything so that fathers and mothers trust the teacher and listen to his advice. Therefore, at parent meetings it is always necessary to create an atmosphere of trust. Parents should be introduced to the main directions of educational work so that they understand the importance of cooperation between family and school. This is a constant process that depends both on the demands of today's society and on the current situation in the classroom. Of course, you shouldn’t understand parent-teacher meetings as an educational program for parents; you shouldn’t lecture parents in a mentoring tone, who usually come to parent-teacher meetings after work tired and sometimes irritated.

All information material should be completed in 15–20 minutes. If parents want to learn more about something, break the material into several blocks, into several meetings, where you can not only tell them the material they are interested in, but also hold a discussion where everyone can express their point of view on this issue. Parents (sometimes they are our former students) remain children at heart. In essence, they are not against advice in the difficult matter of education. But their adult shell protests against the teaching. That's why we sometimes notice their sarcastic looks.

I do not recommend scolding children at a parent-teacher meeting. Try to talk about the successes and activities of the whole class, focusing on the best aspects of each child’s character. After all, for mom and dad, their child is the best. Information about student progress should be read out without preaching, but with empathy and understanding. Be sure to emphasize that tomorrow everything will be fine if we all try. After all, every parent, deep down, expects the best results from their child. And it’s very good when parents believe in this and love their child consciously. Nowadays, it is not easy to stop and think about the fact that children are our only wealth. But you have to try to look into the child’s soul, speak the same language as him, and he will definitely respond.

Parent meetings are needed:

  • to quickly obtain a variety of information about children;
  • as orientation, instructive meetings in case of changes in the life and activities of the class team, its mode of operation, etc.;
  • to familiarize parents with an analysis of academic performance, attendance, the results of medical examinations, etc. But this must be analytical material (without naming the specific names of parents and children);
  • as advisory services on the vacation program, employment in the additional education system, etc.;
  • as an emergency, emergency in an acute conflict situation, in an extremely difficult case with one of the children. This is a collective council of adults deciding how to help a child in trouble or a mother in need of help;
  • creative meetings, when children show their parents their creative abilities, sporting achievements, applied skills, etc.;
  • meetings-lectures, psychological trainings, role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training. Such meetings can be held quite often (once a month), like a school for parents.


1.Organizational: -drawing up and approving work plans; -election of the parent committee; -distribution of public assignments; -development of events with the participation of parents

2. Meetings according to the plan for classroom comprehensive education of parents.

3. Thematic.

4. Discussion meetings (at least two points of view on the problem).

5.Workshop meetings.

1. The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies.

2.The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

3. The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

4. The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of students.


1.Selecting a topic for the meeting.

2. Determining the goals of the parent meeting.

3. Study by the class teacher and other organizers of a collection of scientific and methodological literature on the problem under consideration.

4. Conducting a micro-study in the community of children and parents (questionnaires, conversations, testing).

5. Determination of the type, form and stages of parent meetings. Methods and techniques for the collaboration of its participants.

6. Invitation of parents and other meeting participants.

8.Equipment and design of the venue for the parent meeting.


The start of the meeting must be at a strictly established time. Parents get used to this requirement and try not to linger. Maximum duration 1–1.5 hours.

1. Opening speech by the class teacher (5 min).

2. Analysis of parents' questionnaires; is carried out to more clearly expose the problem of the meeting (5–7 min).

3. Speech on the topic: specialist or class teacher. The presentation should be bright, concise and accessible (10–20 minutes).

4. Discussion of the problem (20 min).

5. Analysis of class performance. Never call the names of lagging, undisciplined children, do not “brand them with shame.” The analysis should express confidence that working together will improve the situation.

In conclusion, the teacher thanks the parents for their joint work. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning and behavior to stay for a moment to find out the reasons and jointly decide to overcome them.


1. Starting school is an important stage in a child’s life. 2. Fostering respect and love for parents, native land and the history of one’s people (according to national education). 3. Junior school age and its features. 4. I want and must (on crime prevention). 5.How to identify and develop children’s abilities. 6.Creating an atmosphere of emotional security, warmth and love in the family. 7. Play and work in the life of children of primary school age. 8. Education of the child’s character in the family. 9.Regime for primary schoolchildren as a way to protect health. 10. Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family). 11.Fathers and sons (the role of parents’ personal example in the legal education of junior schoolchildren). 12.New in the system of national education. 13.The use of various types of arts in the aesthetic education of children at school. 14.Family walks in nature as an important factor in the environmental and physical education of children. 15. Preservation of family traditions, family heirlooms.


1. New in the system of national education. 2. The role of the family in the formation of adolescents’ conscious need for the labor system. 3. Content of moral and aesthetic education of adolescents in the family. 4.Organization of summer work and recreation for children in the family. 5. Raising a healthy child in the family. Preservation of the genotype. 6. The possibilities of the family in the development of cognitive independence of students 7. The use of family traditions and holidays in patriotic education. 8. Harm of alcohol and smoking.


1. An example of parents in raising children. 2. Features of raising teenagers in the family. 3. Sexual development and methods of sex education. 4. A book in the family. Formation of reading interests in children. 5. Active forms of recreation in your family. 6.Methods of vocational guidance for schoolchildren in the family. 7.Features of adolescence and taking them into account in family education. 8. Educational activity of a senior school student and its management in the family. 9. The role of the family in the readiness of the younger generation to work. 10. Instilling a love for the beauty of native nature, works of art, painting, literature and music in the family. 11. Studying the roots of the family line. 12.Approval of the principles of universal morality in the family.


1. The main directions of education in the family.

2.Psychological and pedagogical self-education of parents, as an important factor in increasing their pedagogical competence.

3. The role of family relationships and traditions in preparing high school students for family life.

Questionnaire “My child”

1.When he was born, then ________________________________________________

2.The most interesting thing about him in the first years of his life was ____________________


3.The following can be said about health: _________________________________


4. When the question arose about preparing for school, we _______________________


5.His attitude towards school was ________________________________________


6.Difficulties in parenting are associated with _____________________________________


7. I would like teachers to pay attention to ____________________


Visiting a student at home is possible after obtaining parental permission. The teacher must warn about the proposed visit, indicating the day and purpose of the visit.


Accept everything that is in the child (except for what threatens his life and health).

Seek the truth with your child

Try not to teach your child anything directly - learn it yourself.

Sincerely admire everything beautiful that is around.

Consider conscious observation of the child as your main pedagogical method.

Remember, the serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by the serious.

Remember that you exist for the sake of the child, and not for the sake of you.


by David Lewis - Take your child's questions and statements seriously. -Show your child that he is loved and accepted unconditionally, i.e. for who he is, and not for successes and achievements. -Help him make his own plans and make decisions. -Do not humiliate your child, do not let him feel that he is somehow worse than you. -Teach your child to think independently. -Praise your child only for specific successes and actions and do it sincerely. -Give your child the opportunity to make their own decisions and take responsibility for them. -Teach your child to communicate with adults of any age. -Develop in your child a positive perception of his abilities. -Encourage your child to be as independent as possible from adults. Have faith in your child's common sense and trust him.

Sample Topics


1. The child does not want to study.

2.How to develop a child’s poor memory.

3.The only child in the family.

4.What can anxiety in children lead to?

5. A talented child in the family.

Parental readings give parents the opportunity not only to listen to teachers’ lectures, but also to study literature on the issue and participate in its discussion.


Date Topic of the meeting, questions for discussion Responsible
Preparation period
May 1.Introduction to the school. 2. Rules for admitting children to first grade. 3. Getting ready for school. School administration, psychologist, speech therapist
August Familiarization of parents with the educational route of the class. Teacher
First grade
September 1. Features of the adaptation period. 2. On the tasks for the academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 3. Elections of the class parent committee. Teacher, psychologist
October 1. Junior schoolchild: developmental features. 2.Assessment of the learning outcomes and development of the child’s personality in the first grade. Familiarization with the student's achievement sheet. Teacher, psychologist
november 1. Results of the adaptation period. 2. Children and television (debate).
January Results of the first half of the year
March We sit down for lessons (organizational activity game). Parents committee, teacher
May 1. About the results of the academic year. 2. Organization of summer holidays for children. Parents committee, teacher
Second class
September 1.About the tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of a 2nd grade student. Norms for assessing student learning and development outcomes. Teacher
november How to foster a love of reading in a child. Parents' Committee, teacher, librarian
December The role of family traditions in the upbringing of schoolchildren. Teacher, psychologist
January 1. Results of the first half of the year. 2. About children's friendship (together with students). Parent committee, teacher, psychologist
March What does it mean to love your child (debate). Teacher, scientific consultant
April Cultivating conscious discipline. Parent committee, teacher, psychologist
May Results of the second year of study (ceremonial meeting with children). Parents committee, teacher
Third class
September 1. Tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 2. Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities in the third grade. Teacher
October Speech of younger schoolchildren and ways of its development. Teacher speech therapist
november How to overcome school difficulties. Parent committee, teacher, psychologist
January Family traditions (organizational and activity game). Parents committee, teacher
March On the role of the family in the labor education of younger schoolchildren. Parents committee, teacher
April Children and computers (communication workshop). Teacher, psychologist
May Results of the third year of study (ceremonial meeting together with students). Parents committee, teacher
Fourth grade
September 1. Tasks for the new academic year (approval of the work plan for the year). 2. Basic requirements for the knowledge, skills and abilities of fourth-graders. Teacher
October Emotional well-being of children in the family. Parents' committee, teacher, psychologist, social educator
January 1. Results of the first half of the year. 2. Dispute and quarrel (workshop together with students). Parents committee, teacher
March Taking into account the gender and age characteristics of children in their upbringing. Teacher, medical worker, psychologist
April Problems of continuity of education in primary and secondary schools: ways and means of solution. Parents committee, teacher, future 5th grade class teacher
May Farewell to elementary school (ceremonial meeting - celebration together with children). Parents committee, teacher



The main activities of the class teacher:

Ensuring normal physical health of schoolchildren;

Solving communication problems;

Expanding the child’s cognitive sphere;

Increasing the educational potential of the family.

Professional abilities of a class teacher:

1. Reflective and analytical abilities:

Ability to analyze your activities;

The ability to foresee the results and consequences of one’s activities;

Ability to master methods of diagnosing the state of the individual and the team;

The ability to observe and evaluate the level of individual development of a student.

2.Organizational skills:

Set only tasks for children that will give the expected result;

Plan work with those who will carry it out;

Divide the goal into smaller tasks and turn them into differentiated tasks for group and individual class work;

Create a positive attitude towards upcoming activities;

Use various methods to stimulate individual self-realization of children;

Coordinate the efforts of families and teachers in educating schoolchildren.

3.Communication skills.

(grades 1–4)
First meeting
Topic: Meeting parents of first-graders

Teachers meet with parents of first-graders before the start of the school year; it is most appropriate to hold such a meeting at the end of August. The teacher uses the first meeting to get to know the parents, prepare the family for the need to communicate with the school and teachers, create an optimistic mood for educational activities, and remove the family’s fear of school.

Meeting objectives: 1.Introduce parents to teachers, school, administration, school services and each other. 2.Help the family prepare for their child’s first grade education.

Issues for discussion*: 1.Where can parents get advice on raising a child? 2.What laws should upbringing in the family follow? 3.What is interesting about an individual family: traditions and customs (exchange of experience)?

Meeting plan(approximate) 1.Acquaintance with the school principal and school administration. 2.Introduction of the teacher who will work with the class. 3. Tour of the school building. 4. Mini-lecture “The laws of education in the family. What should they be like? 5. Questioning parents on the topic of the meeting. 6.Self-introduction is the calling card of the family. 7.Parent training “The child in the mirror of the parents.”

Progress of the meeting

The meeting is held in the classroom where the children's classes will take place. The classroom is festively decorated (wishes and creative works of students who have graduated from primary school can be placed on the stand). On the board are photographs of graduates who studied with the teacher recruiting the class.

I. Opening speech by the school director(option).
– Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, all adults who came to the first meeting with the school, the threshold of which your kids will cross in September! Today we announce you and ourselves as members of one large ship team called “School”. Our voyage begins today and ends in 12 years. We will be together for so long, and while our ship will sail on the ocean of Knowledge, we will experience storms and storms, sorrows and joys. I want this voyage to be interesting, joyful and significant in the life of every child and every family.
How to learn to overcome difficulties, how to learn to fall, hitting as few bumps as possible, where to get advice, a comprehensive answer to an insoluble question - all this can be found in the office of the deputy director of an elementary school.

II. Speech by the deputy director of primary school.
The speech should contain information about the traditions and customs of the primary school, and the requirements for students. It is necessary to introduce parents to the school's charter, give each family a school business card, indicate the days of consultations of the deputy director of the primary school, and introduce the primary school teacher who will work with a particular class.

III. Teacher's self-presentation. The teacher conducts self-introduction:

1. A story about yourself, about your choice of teaching profession.

2. A story about your graduating students, about plans for the future in working with the new class.

IV. Self-representation of families.
The self-representation of families at the parent meeting is very interesting. This is a kind of calling card of the family. It is advisable to tape-record speeches of parents talking about themselves at the meeting. Such work will make it possible to immediately determine the characteristics of families, the degree of their openness, the system of family values ​​and relationships. It will be important for the class teacher to analyze mini-stories about the family.
Family Self-Representation Plan

1.Last name, first name, patronymic of parents.

2. Age of parents, family birthday.

3.Interests and hobbies of the family.

4.Traditions and customs of the family.

5.Family motto.

V. Tour of the school building.
After the self-introduction of parents and teachers and the establishment of a warm atmosphere, a tour of the school is held. It is very important to show parents the psychological service office, introduce it to its work schedule, and offer to write down the psychological service hotline.

VI.Advice for parents.
At the end of the meeting, each family receives a mandate in the form of a scroll, which contains the laws for raising a child in the family. Parents are given the opportunity to read the laws and ask questions to the teacher.

VII. Parent survey.
Held at the end of a meeting on a designated topic.
You can take a group photo as a souvenir of your parents’ first “school” day.

Second meeting
Topic: The problem of adaptation of first-graders at school
Form: round table.

Meeting objectives: 1. Introduce the parent team to possible problems of adaptation of children in the first year of education. 2.Develop recommendations for creating a system of comfortable relationships with a first-grader.

Issues for discussion: 1.Physiological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 2Psychological difficulties of adaptation of first-graders at school. 3. The system of relationships between children in the classroom.

Progress of the meeting

I. Discussion of the child's first day of school.
Parents share their impressions with each other and teachers: in what mood the child came home, how family members congratulated him, what gifts he received.

Parental workshop-game “Basket of Feelings”. It might look something like this.
Teacher's word. Dear moms and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of it there are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, and filled your entire existence. Place your hand in the basket and take the “feeling” that has overwhelmed you most for a long period of time, name it.
Parents name the feelings that overwhelm them, which they experience painfully.
Such an assignment allows you to focus on the importance of the event, identify problems and difficulties that arise in families, and discuss these problems while considering the topic of the meeting. Physiological conditions for a child’s adaptation to school. Discussion of the issue. Familiarization of the teacher and doctor with child health problems. Changing the child's daily routine compared to kindergarten. The need to alternate games with the child’s educational activities. Monitoring parents for the correct posture while doing homework (prevention of myopia, curvature of the spine). Organizing proper nutrition for the child. Parents care about hardening the child, maximum development of physical activity (creating a sports corner in the house). Fostering in children independence and responsibility as the main qualities of maintaining their own health.

Psychological difficulties of a child’s adaptation to school. When discussing this problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the following important conditions for psychological comfort in the life of a first-grader:
– creation of a favorable psychological climate towards the child on the part of all family members;
– the role of the child’s self-esteem in adaptation to school (the lower the self-esteem, the more difficulties the child has at school);
– developing interest in school and the school day;
– mandatory acquaintance with the children in the class and the opportunity to communicate with them after school;
– inadmissibility of physical measures of influence, intimidation, criticism of the child, especially in the presence of third parties (grandparents, peers);
– exclusion of such penalties as deprivation of pleasure, physical and mental punishment;
– taking into account temperament during the period of adaptation to school education;
– providing the child with independence in educational work and organizing control over his educational activities;
– encouraging the child not only for academic success, but also moral stimulation of his achievements;
– development of self-control and self-esteem, self-sufficiency of the child. Relationships between classmates. The famous teacher and psychologist Simon Soloveitchik, whose name is significant for a whole generation of students, parents and teachers, published rules that can help parents prepare their child to communicate with classmates at school. Parents need to explain these rules to their child and, with their help, prepare the child for adult life.

1. Don’t take away someone else’s, but don’t give away yours either.

2. They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself.

3.Don't fight without a reason.

4. If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask permission to play together, it’s not shameful.

5.Play honestly, don’t let your comrades down.

6. Don’t tease anyone, don’t whine, don’t beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

7. Don’t cry because of your grades, be proud. Don’t argue with the teacher because of grades and don’t be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.

8. Don’t snitch or slander anyone.

9. Try to be careful.

10.Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.

11. Remember: you are not better than everyone else, you are not worse than everyone else! You are unique to yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

It is very good if parents place a set of these rules in a visible place in their child’s room or work area. It is advisable at the end of the week to draw the child’s attention to which rules he manages to follow, which ones he cannot, and why. You can try to come up with your own rules together with your child.

Third meeting
Topic: TV in the life of a family and a first-grader

Meeting objectives: 1. Together with parents, determine the advantages and disadvantages of having a TV in a child’s life. 2. Determine the names and number of programs for children to watch.

Issues for discussion: 1. The role of television in a child’s life. 2. The influence of television programs on the formation of the character and cognitive sphere of the child.

Questions for discussion: 1. Do you think that TV should be among the main household items? 2.What TV shows, in your opinion, shape a child’s personality? 3. How, in your opinion, should a child watch TV? Consider possible options.

Progress of the meeting

I. Teacher's opening speech(option).
– Is TV in a child’s life good or bad? How much time and what programs should children watch? Should we turn off the TV if we think that the program will be uninteresting to the child? These and other questions today require answers.
some statistics:
· Two thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch television daily.
· A child's daily TV viewing time averages more than two hours.
· 50% of children watch TV shows in a row, without any choice or exception.
· 25% of children aged 6 to 10 years watch the same TV shows from 5 to 40 times in a row.
· 38% of children aged 6 to 12 years old, when rating the use of free time, put TV in first place, excluding sports, outdoor walks and communication with family.
But you might think that these statistics do not apply to our children? In vain. Here are the results of a class survey conducted around the following questions:

1.How many times a week do you watch TV?

2.Do you watch TV alone or with your family?

3. Do you like to watch everything or do you prefer certain programs?

4.If you found yourself on a desert island, what items would you order from a good wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?

II. Discussion of the results of the analysis of children’s answers to the proposed questions.

1. What should I do and do I need to do something? Perhaps you should simply ban watching TV or limit your child to certain programs?

2.What does TV give a child? Is there anything positive about watching TV, especially for first graders?

The problem is discussed and opinions are exchanged.
Opinions of 10-year-old students about watching television.
Watching TV allows you to:
– relax, forget daily problems, get away from fears and worries;
– find answers to questions that adults do not answer because they are busy;
– understand with the help of TV what is “good” and what is “bad”;
– learn about various phenomena in different fields of knowledge;
– develop imagination, fantasy, and emotional sphere.
Teacher's comment, discussion.
For this parent meeting, you can prepare an exhibition of children’s drawings “I’m watching TV.”

IV. Recommendations for parents:
1) Together with the children, determine TV programs for viewing by adults and children for the next week.
2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching.
3) Listen to children’s opinions about adult programs and express their opinions about children’s programs.
4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child.
5) It is necessary to understand that a child who watches scenes of violence and murder every day gets used to them and may even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by children.

V. Homework for parents: determine for yourself the answers to the questions:

1.How much time does your child spend watching TV?

2. Does he ask questions after watching the programs, does he want to discuss the program with you?

3.What gears does he prefer?

4.Which program would you like to take part in?

5. How to prevent children from hearing from their parents: “Are you doing your homework again in the evening?”, “What were you doing, sitting in front of the TV again?” etc.

Note to parents: It must be remembered that the influence of television on the psyche of children is very different from its similar influence on adults. for example, according to research results, first-graders cannot clearly determine where the truth is and where the lie is. They blindly trust everything that happens on the screen. They are easy to control, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only from the age of 11 do children begin to consciously perceive what television offers.

Fourth meeting
Topic: Positive and negative emotions
Form: family council.

Meeting objectives: 1. Get acquainted with the self-esteem of the students in the class. 2. Determine the reasons for the predominance of negative or positive emotions in students.

Progress of the meeting

Topics of parent meetings and their brief descriptions

To help the teacher, we offer several topics for parent meetings, with teaching materials and recommendations.

Topic: "Interaction and mutual understanding between school and family"

Meeting plan.
1. My childhood school (parents’ memories of their school). Sharing memories.
2. Brainstorming. School through the eyes of parents.
3. My dream school. Analysis of schoolchildren's essays and science fiction projects.
4. Determining the requirements of the family for the school and the school for the family in the upbringing and education of children.
5. Organization of children's leisure time. On holding joint holidays, competitions, competitions and other events for children and their families.

    students write an essay “What does school mean to me”;

    fantastic projects are being developed by groups of schoolchildren “My Dream School”;

    an exhibition of projects is organized and the most striking fragments of schoolchildren’s essays are highlighted;

    a special exhibition of children’s crafts, their works, and photographs from the life of the class is being prepared;

    brainstorming questions and preparing small strips of paper for answers;

    A draft of family requirements for the school and school for the family is developed, which is discussed in advance with individual parents or the class parent committee.

Questions for brainstorming:
1. What was your child’s most memorable school event?
2. What needs to be changed at school in relation to your child?
3. What generally needs to be changed in a modern school?
4. What are you most dissatisfied with about the school?
5. What needs to be done to make the school meet your requirements?
6. What kind of school would you like for your child?
7. How can you personally positively influence the situation at school?
8. Your suggestions to the teachers who teach your child.
9. Your suggestions to the school management.
10. Your suggestions to the local administration.

Project "Main directions of interaction between school and family"

1. We look for and find positive things in the family and at school and support them in every possible way.
2. We take part in class activities.
3. We come to school on our own initiative, and not at the invitation of the teacher.
4. We take an interest in the affairs of our child and his friends at school and in class.
5. We communicate with the parents of our class not only at parent-teacher meetings, but also during various events with the children of the class.
6. We show initiative and make proposals for interesting activities with children and for children.
7. The teacher is a friend of our child and family.

Methodology, techniques, technique

Parents sharing memories


1. Read the first question. Parents answer it in writing on a strip of paper.
2. The answer to each question is written down on a separate strip, and all answers are numbered.
3. After completing answers to all questions, parents are divided into groups according to the number of questions. The first group collects all the answers to the first question and systematizes them. All other groups do the same.
4. After completing the systematization, the first group reads out the question and opinion obtained during the generalization. All other groups do the same.
5. Thus, all the brainstorming issues are discussed.

School of my dream. The authors of the project (class students) talk about what they would like the school of the future to look like. The teacher or parents of these children can talk about the school of the future on their behalf. In any case, children's projects should be discussed and not ignored.

Topic: "A child learns from what he sees in his home"

The form of the meeting is “round table”

Meeting plan.
1. Introductory speech by the teacher.
2. Analysis of parents' questionnaires.
3. Analysis of schoolchildren's questionnaires.
4. Free discussion on the questions: “What does home mean to a person? What do people especially value in their home? We, our children and our home. Communication and leisure with children. Family traditions and holidays.”
5. Exchange of experience in holding family holidays.

Preparing for the parent meeting:

    questionnaires are being developed for students and parents on the topic of parent-teacher meetings;

    the form of inviting parents to a parent-teacher meeting is being thought through (a competition among schoolchildren for the best invitation);

    an exhibition of family albums and photographs on the theme “Our Family Holidays” is being prepared;

    proverbs and sayings about a close-knit family and its influence on education are selected for classroom decoration;

    musical accompaniment when viewing the exhibition is being thought through.

Materials for the meeting

Questionnaire for parents
1. Are you happy with your children?
2. Is there mutual understanding between you and the children?
3. Do your child’s friends visit you at home?
4. Do your children help you with household and household chores?
5. Do you discuss books you have read with your children?
6. Do you and your children discuss the TV shows and movies you have watched?
7. Do you take part in walks and hikes with your children?
8. Do you spend holidays with your children?
9. How much time do you spend with your child every day?
10. What was your child's most memorable family event?

Questionnaire for schoolchildren
1. Are you satisfied with your parents?
2. Do you have mutual understanding with your parents?
3. Do your friends visit you at home?
4. Do you help your parents with household and household chores?
5. Do you discuss the books you read with your parents?
6. Do you discuss TV shows and movies you have watched with your parents?
7. How often do you go for walks with your parents?
8. Were you and your parents together during their vacation?
9. How much time do you communicate with your parents every day?
10. What family event (holiday) do you especially remember?

Commandments for parents

    Treat your child as an individual.

    Don't humiliate your child.

    Don't moralize.

    Don't extort promises.

    Don't indulge.

    Know how to listen and hear.

    Be strict with children.

    Be fair to your children.

The most common mistakes parents make in raising children:

    parents’ inability to take into account age-related changes in the child’s psyche;

    restriction of activity and independence of a teenager in an authoritarian form;

    avoidance of contact with children to avoid conflict;

    coercion when presenting demands instead of explaining the need to fulfill them;

    the belief that punishment brings benefit and not harm;

    lack of understanding of children's needs;

    ignoring the child’s personal interests;

    prohibiting the child from doing what he loves;

    intolerance of parents towards differences in the temperaments of their children;

    the conviction that everything is laid down by nature and that the home environment does not affect the upbringing of the child;

    thoughtless satisfaction of children's needs with a complete lack of understanding of the price of labor;

    absorption only in the world of “earthly” needs.

Need to remember:

    Questioning of schoolchildren is carried out in class, and anonymously. No surnames are named so as not to create conflict situations in the family;

    parents fill out questionnaires at home, and the teacher collects them a week before the meeting to make analysis and synthesis;

    based on data from questionnaires of parents and schoolchildren, the common and distinctive features in each age group are identified;

    the placement of emphasis must be correct, which will allow parents to be called to a frank conversation during the round table, otherwise the discussion will not work.

Topic: "Cultivating hard work in the family. How to raise an assistant?"

Meeting plan.

1. A tour of the exhibition of children's (family) crafts and familiarization with fragments of schoolchildren's essays.
2. Teacher's conversation about the importance of work in the family.
3. Analysis of questionnaires of parents and schoolchildren.
4. Free discussion on the topic “Labor traditions and labor education in the family.”
5. Acceptance of recommendations.

Preparing for the parent meeting:

    schoolchildren prepare crafts for the exhibition;

    A survey of parents and schoolchildren is carried out, the materials from the questionnaires are summarized;

    the form of invitation to the parent meeting is determined;

    questions for discussion are thought through;

    Students write an essay on the topic “The World of Family Hobbies”; individual fragments from the essays or full texts are selected.

Materials for the meeting

Questionnaire for parents
1. Does the child have work responsibilities in the family?
2. How does he feel about fulfilling his duties?
3. Do you reward your child for doing their responsibilities?
4. Do you punish your child if he does not fulfill his duties?
5. Do you involve your child in joint work?
6. Are there any disagreements in the family regarding labor education?
7. What kind of work do you consider preferable for your child?

Questionnaire for schoolchildren
1. Do you have a permanent responsibility in the family? Which?
2. Are you willing to do it?
3. Do your parents punish you if you don’t fulfill your responsibilities?
4. Do you often do any work with your parents?
5. Do you like working with your parents? Why?
6. Which of your parents’ professions would you like to learn in the future?

How to make comments - recommendations for parents
Before reprimanding your child, try to answer the following questions:
1. What condition am I in?
2. What will my remark give to the child and me?
3. Is there enough time to not only scold, but also explain why you can’t do or act this way?
4. Will it sound like “Yeah, gotcha!”?
5. Will you have enough patience and endurance to complete the task?
If you cannot answer all the questions, then do not make a comment.

Rules of family pedagogy

    Never allow yourself to let yourself go, grumble, swear, or scold each other and your child.

    Forget the bad things right away. Always remember the good.

    Emphasize the good behavior of children and loved ones, their successes, actively support the child’s desire to become better. Try not to put bad things at the center of your education.

    Nurture on the positive, involve children in useful activities.

    Don’t let your child show bad behavior, say more often: “This is not how adults behave!”, “I couldn’t expect this from you!”

    Do not scold, but show the child what harm he causes to himself and others with his negative behavior and bad deeds.

    Talk to your child like an adult: seriously, respectfully, deeply motivated.

Methodology, communication techniques

Free discussion takes place more productively at a round table. Questions for discussion are thought out in advance; they should not require clear answers. Questions like “Do you think labor education is important?” are called closed. Such a question will not cause discussion. For a discussion, the question can be formulated something like this: “What kind of family work do you consider feasible (necessary) for your child?” Questions that can have multiple answers are called open questions. Open questions are important for discussion so that different points of view on the issue under discussion can be heard. For example: “Is work a necessity or an obligation?”

Topic: "Reward and Punishment"

Meeting plan.

1. Pedagogical situations from the life of the class.
2. The teacher’s message about the importance of reward and punishment methods in raising children.
3. Discussion and analysis of pedagogical situations.
4. Conversation on the questionnaire.
5. Talk about incentives.
6. Summing up.

Preparing for the meeting:

    think over the form of inviting parents to the meeting;

    arrange tables in the classroom in a circle;

    write an epigraph on the board: “When we punish a child, we do not complicate his life, but make it easier, we take the choice upon ourselves. We free his conscience from the need to choose and bear responsibility...” (S. Soloveichik);

    prepare an exhibition of books about education with punishment and reward;

    develop a questionnaire for parents and conduct a survey about a week before the meeting;

    think through the course of the conversation about rewards and punishments in the family, based on data from parents’ questionnaires.

Materials for the meeting

Questionnaire for parents
1. What educational methods do you use most often? (Demand, persuasion, punishment, encouragement)
2. Is the unity of requirements for the child observed in your family? (Yes, no, sometimes)
3. What types of encouragement do you use in parenting? (Praise, approval, gifts)
4. Do you physically punish your child? (Yes, no, sometimes)
5. Does the chosen punishment have a positive effect on the child? (Yes, no, sometimes)
6. Does your child trust you and share his secrets with you? (Yes, no, sometimes)
7. Do you try to control your own behavior for the sake of raising your child? (Yes, no, sometimes)

Questions for conversation
1. What is the role of encouragement in raising children?
2. What types of incentives do you use?
3. What place does encouragement occupy in the moral development of a child?
4. Is it necessary to encourage and praise children?
5. How do you feel about punishing children?
6. Does punishment prevent unwanted behavior?
7. How do you feel about physical punishment?
8. Is there a connection between punishment and the formation of undesirable character traits in a child?
9. How does your child react to physical punishment?
10. What is the significance of the unity of parents’ demands in rewarding and punishing children?
11. What can you say about reward and punishment in the words of folk wisdom? Is this always true?

Topic: "School grade: pros and cons"

Meeting plan.

1. Let's remember our first mark. What did it cause: joy, grief? Why did this memory persist?
2. Law “On Education” (articles on school education and the rights and responsibilities of parents).
3. State educational standard in teaching schoolchildren and school grades.
4. Regulatory requirements for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren in various academic subjects.
5. School mark: reward and punishment.
6. Summing up the meeting.

Preparing for the parent meeting:

    articles are written out from the Law “On Education” on school education and on the rights and responsibilities of parents;

    materials of the State educational standard for parents are printed;

    requirements for assessments in individual subjects are printed, which raise frequent questions from parents;

    the form of inviting parents to this meeting is being thought out;

    Instructions for parents are compiled and distributed.

Materials for holding a parent meeting

How to treat your child's mark.

    Remember that this is your child, and the mark he receives is your mark. How would you treat yourself in this case?

    A bad mark is always a punishment. Don’t scold or punish your child, he’s already feeling bad. Think together about what needs to be done, how to change the situation, how to help the little man solve his problem. You have already gone through this, everything is clear to you, but these are his first steps. Don't complicate his path.

    Children often get distracted when completing tasks. It is the fault of the adults that they have not taught the child to focus on the task and are constantly tugging and distracting. Try to patiently teach your child not to be distracted while completing a task. Work with the clock: first 5 minutes, and then each time 1-2 minutes more.

    Clearly define the time when to study lessons, when to play, when to do homework. This will help the child get tired less and be able to do everything.

    Teach your child to learn. This means not only completing the task, but also monitoring yourself and the correctness of execution. Let the child learn on his own, without reminders or prodding. This will be your main learning achievement.

    Teach your child to love books. This will help him learn further on his own and successfully master knowledge.

    Teach your child to critically evaluate himself and his actions (look at himself from the outside), and not just criticize his classmates and teachers.

    Help and encourage.

Memo for parents of first-graders.
1. Only together with the school can you achieve the desired results in the upbringing and education of children. The teacher is the first ally and friend of your family.
2. Be sure to attend all parent classes and meetings.
3. Take an interest in your child’s academic progress every day, asking what he learned new, what he learned, and not just what he received.
4. Regularly monitor your child’s homework, help sometimes if the child has difficulty, but do not do the work for him.
5. Expand the child’s knowledge and skills, awaken interest in learning with additional entertaining information on the problem being studied.
6. Encourage your child to participate in all curricular and extracurricular activities.
7. Try to listen to the child’s stories about himself, about school, about his friends, live in the interests of your child.
8. Try to provide all possible assistance to the school and teacher. This will have a beneficial effect on your child and will help you master the art of parenting.

Plan for conversation with parents
1. What incentives can there be for a good grade?
2. What incentives are most effective for students in our class.
3. Punishment for bad grades. Positive and negative aspects of punishment.
4. The influence of punishment on the attitude of schoolchildren to learning.

Methodology for conducting conversations and discussions

When discussing State Educational Standards, it is necessary to invite subject teachers or the head teacher of the school to clarify difficult points, since this concept is new to many parents.

A similar approach can be taken when considering regulatory requirements.

Try to shift the conversation from the personality of the individual teacher to the specific requirements for the educational process. Do not discuss the actions of individual teachers with parents; this will not be helpful. Consider only the requirements for students as the teacher implements them.

Do not allow discussion at this meeting of the actions of individual students, their attitude to learning. This is the topic of another parent meeting. At this meeting, you should acquaint parents with the requirements that the state imposes on the student, and nothing more.

(Early age)

Parent meeting form- conversation, discussion.


1. Compile as complete a picture as possible of the individual characteristics of each child.

2. Parents get to know each other and with preschool teachers.

3. Creating an emotionally positive attitude towards working together, removing barriers to communication and moving to open, trusting relationships.



“Education is a job that certainly

should be fun."

A.S. Makarenko

Dear parents!

We want the time your child spends in our preschool to be joyful and happy!

We invite you.../.../... to a meeting with teachers and each other, where we will talk about each child and the characteristics of early childhood.

In a programme:

1. Opening speech by the manager.

2. A tour of the group with an accompanying speech by the teacher.

3. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the uniqueness of your children.

4. Get answers to all your questions.

Let's get acquainted! We will be very glad to see you!

Preparatory stage:

1. Questioning in the form of a letter about your child, using prompt questions to identify the characteristics of each child.

2. Questionnaire in the form of wishes, to obtain parents’ ideas about plans in the sense of cooperation with teachers of the group, kindergarten.

3. Preparation of an invitation announcement.

5. Print out instructions for parents on the topic: “Do we understand each other?”

6. Development of a plan for holding parent meetings.

7. Development of a draft decision of the parent meeting.

4. Homework for parents: making leaves for the tree with a photo of the parents and child for the corner in the “me and family” group.

Means and methods: questionnaires, conversations, word games, bear toy, reminders, basket, paper, pens.

Meeting structure:

1. Opening speech by the manager. She says:

About the preschool institution,

Innovations at work,

Represents teachers

Thanks parents for their active assistance in preparing the group for the start of the school year,

Introduces the meeting program.

2. The teacher invites parents to familiarize themselves with the group.

The group is conditionally divided into three zones: the zone of cognitive development, quiet games, and physical activity. Explains the meaning of each zone. Shows parents the “Me and My Family” corner and suggests placing leaves with photographs of the child and their parents on the tree.

3. The teacher offers parents the game: “Let’s go for a visit.”

Parents stand in a circle. Each participant in the game (the child’s mother or father), in turn, receiving a teddy bear toy, stands in the center of the circle, says his name (the rest of the parents clap it), says the name of his child and three definitions of the qualities that characterize his baby. The acquaintance continues in this way until all parents take part in the game.

The teacher thanks the parents for the pleasant acquaintance, for the “invitation to visit.”

4. Message from the teacher on the topic: “Features of early childhood.”


  • introduce parents to the features of early childhood and the adaptation period.
  • with the tasks of educational work,
  • with the individual characteristics of pupils,
  • teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace.

5. Discussion of the individuality of children in the “Question and Answer” style. Answers to questions from parents in order to identify the nature of interaction between parents and the child.

6. Presentation of the plan for working with the parents of the group.

  • parent meetings,
  • consultations,
  • holding open days to get acquainted with the activities of the teacher and the lives of children,
  • workshops for parents to master methods and techniques for child development,
  • Round table meetings
  • joint holidays,
  • surveys and surveys.

7. The teacher offers parents the game: “Wish.”

The teacher suggests writing on paper in 2-3 words your wish to the teacher to clarify their requests and expectations from the preschool employees, and to work together with them. Offers indicative prompt questions that parents have been introduced to in advance. Offers to voice some and add to cart.

8. The teacher invites parents to stand in a circle again to hand out reminders on the topic: “Do we understand each other?” and reward each other for participation with applause.

The game is played: “Applause.” The teacher says: “Today is a significant event, the first parent meeting in your life. Will this year for your child, and therefore for you, be happy, interesting, memorable - this largely depends on you, on your participation in the life of the group and kindergarten, on your interaction not only with teachers, but also with others parents of the group. During our first meeting, I want an acquaintance to take place, which later, I hope, will develop into warm friendly relations.”

9. The teacher sums up the parent meeting: “Together we will lay the foundation of friendly relations in the children’s and parent teams, as well as in the relationship between parents and teachers of the preschool institution. We need to make sure that the child in kindergarten has fun, good, interesting, so that he goes to kindergarten with joy, makes friends with the children and returns home happy, because loving adults are waiting for him at home.”

Prompt questions for a survey in the form of a letter about your child.

  1. What is your child like? (confident, indecisive, mischievous, obedient).
  2. Is he sociable or not? How does this manifest itself?
  3. What is his favorite activity?
  4. What is the child’s usual state and mood?
  5. Does your child cry often?
  6. How does he fall asleep? How does he sleep?
  7. Does he get tired quickly? If yes, why do you think?
  8. How does he react to failure?
  9. How does he react to comments and punishments?
  10. How does a child demonstrate independence (likes to do everything on his own, even if he doesn’t know how, does not really strive for independence, prefers that others do everything)?
  11. What are your relationships with peers (does he know how to play nearby, does he share toys)?
  12. What else would you like to talk about?

Questions and hints for the game “Wish”

  1. How would you like to see teachers treat you as a parent?
  2. What can a teacher learn from parents?
  3. What would you like to learn from teachers?
  4. In what form could you and would you like to participate in the work of the institution?
  5. What did you like as a parent involved in the kindergarten?
  6. What is needed to work effectively?
  7. What do you think about the quality of work of preschool educational institutions today?

Subject : Adaptation of schoolchildren upon transition to secondary education

Target :

Identify parents’ expectations and fears regarding their children’s transition to secondary education

Familiarize parents with the characteristics of early adolescence

Solving Class Issues

Meeting plan:

    Checking those present

    Meeting the parents

    Discussion of the following topics:

- organizing children's meals

- textbooks


- parental committee

- birthday day

Progress of the meeting

    Checking those present

Mark those present in your notebook.

    Meeting the parents

A story about yourself: choice of profession, education, goals of working with 5th grade.

    Filling out questionnaires (Appendix 1)

Parents are asked to fill out questionnaires in order to study the family of each child in more detail.

    Discussion of the main topic of the meeting

Expectation of success Fears and upcoming difficulties

-Gaps in knowledge for the primary school course.

-Lack of desire to learn.

-Weak organization of independent activities. Control is constantly needed.

-Inattentiveness and absent-mindedness.

-Difficulties in completing written assignments in the Russian language.

-Difficulties in solving mathematical problems.

-Difficulties in preparing oral answers.

- Lack of confidence in your abilities. And others

A Minute of Psychological Facts

The age of fifth grade children can be called transitional from primary school to early adolescence. Psychologically, this age is associated with the gradual acquisition of a sense of adulthood - the main personal development of a younger teenager. The development of adulthood is understood as the formation of a child’s readiness to live in the society of adults as a full-fledged and equal participant. Adulthood can manifest itself in learning, work, relationships with friends or adults, in appearance and behavior. Socio-moral adulthood is expressed in relationships with adults and friends in the presence of a teenager’s own views, assessments, in their protection and upholding, in the certainty of moral and ethical ideas, judgments and the conformity of their actions. Many children are independent in acquiring knowledge not only within the school curriculum, but also beyond it. Children's independence can be manifested in their studies, relationships with friends, performing household chores, using free time, and in any activity. Independence in carrying out instructions from parents can be formal, when individual tasks are carried out under constant guardianship and control, and genuine, when there is some division of labor in the family, without the details of guardianship and control, which expresses trust in the child. The path to self-awareness is complex; the desire to find oneself as an individual gives rise to the need for alienation from everyone who previously habitually influenced the child, and first of all, from the family, from the parents. Hence the number of conflicts with adults. Priorities are gradually changing within the walls of the school. Grades play an important role in this: a high score provides an opportunity to confirm your abilities. The congruence of assessment and self-esteem is important for the emotional well-being of a teenager. Otherwise, internal discomfort and even conflict are inevitable.

How easily and quickly a younger teenager will adapt to the conditions of high school depends not only and not so much on his intellectual readiness for learning.

It is important that the skills and abilities that determine the success of adaptation are developed:

    the ability to recognize the teacher’s requirements and meet them;

    ability to establish interpersonal relationships with teachers;

    the ability to accept and comply with the rules of class and school life;

    communication skills and decent behavior with classmates;

    skills of confident behavior;

    skills of joint (collective) activities;

    skills to independently resolve conflicts peacefully;

    self-training skills;

    skills to adequately assess one’s own capabilities and abilities.

So, with all these skills and abilities, it is possible to solve the main problems of development of fifth-graders:

    mastery of basic school knowledge and skills;

    developing the ability to study in secondary school;

    development of educational motivation, formation of interests;

    developing skills of cooperation with peers, the ability to compete with others, correctly and comprehensively compare your results with the success of others;

    developing the ability to achieve success and correctly relate to successes and failures, developing self-confidence;

    formation of an image of oneself as a skillful person with great development opportunities.

    Discussion of the following topics:

Organization of children's meals



Parental committee

Birthday boy's day

6. Summing up the meeting

Annex 1

Questionnaire for parents

1. Last name, first name and patronymicmothers ____________________________________________________________

2. Year of birth, education ___________________________________________________________________

3. Place of work, position, contact phone number ________________________________________________

4. Last name, first name and patronymicfather ________________________________________________________________

5. Year of birth, education ___________________________________________________________________

6. Place of work, position, contact phone number ________________________________________________


7. Home address, phone number ___________________________________________________________________

8. Number of children in the family (name, age, attendance) __________________________________________



9. Living conditions of the family (separate comfortable apartment, dormitory, own house, do not have their own housing (rented) __________________________________________________________

10. Conditions for the child’s studies (separate room, desk in the common room,

table shared with other children) ______________________________________________________________

11. Personal characteristics of the child (withdrawal, leadership, anxiety, lack of independence, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________

12. Additional information (single mother status, widow/widower, large family, Chernobyl victims, disabled people, refugees, student parents, retired parents, etc.) ______________________________


13. What class activities could you help with:

Conducting conversations with students on special topics.

Organization of an excursion.

Assistance in the production of manuals, in the repair of classrooms and furniture.

Assistance in organizing leisure activities.

Other _____________________________________________________________________________________