Public sauna in Finland. What not to do in a Finnish sauna

Spain is a kingdom in Southwestern Europe that occupies the bulk of the Iberian Peninsula. It is one of the richest countries in the Old World from a cultural point of view. Here's the architecture unprecedented beauty, palaces and temples, houses and squares, parks and fountains, museums and monuments, snow-white beaches and turquoise lagoons, citrus and olive gardens, etc. And, finally, Spain is the birthplace of the greatest figures of world culture: Goya, El Greco, Velazquez, Salvador Dali and others. All the advantages of the Kingdom of Spain cannot be listed. This explains the incredible popularity of the country in terms of tourism. Here everyone will find what they dreamed of, thinking about the delights of the land of flamenco and bullfights, about such a wonderful country as Spain. Andalusia, Granda, Malaga and other regions are places with a rich history. However, Andalusia is rightfully considered the most beautiful region of Spain, and in this article we will take a tour of its ancient cities and attractions.

Ancient Andalusia. Spain - a mixture of all cultures

The southernmost region of Spain is Andalusia. Its coastline is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. This is the hottest point in all of Europe and the most interesting area from a historical point of view, since Arab, Moorish, African and European cultures are intertwined here, which affects the life and customs of modern Andalusians. Tourists who visit this country are often amazed by this particular feature - the mixture of different cultures. Andalusia gives such a colorful assortment first of all. Spain is an international country. And here, under the same sky, representatives different nations and ethnic groups.

Seville - capital of Andalusia

According to ancient legend, this wonderful city was founded by the hero of Greek myths, Hercules. Here you can find sculptural compositions dedicated to this giant. The exact date The foundation of the city is very difficult to name, although it is assumed that it was a very, very long time ago. In a word, Seville can rightfully be considered the cradle of civilization. Every year, millions of tourists choose the most interesting route "Spain-Andalusia-Seville" and come to visit this truly legendary city. Without exaggeration, each of the buildings in Seville, be it a residential building or some kind of temple or palace, is an architectural monument. Tourists in Seville will not be bored. Everywhere they turn, there are noteworthy sights along the way.

Infrastructure of Andalusia

Andalusia includes eight provinces: Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Malaga and Seville. The center of each of them is the city of the same name. They contain architectural and cultural attractions, as well as objects of regional significance. Six major cities belonging to the region of Andalusia (Spain) - Malaga, Almeria, Seville, Granada, Cordoba and Jerez de la Frontera, of which only the last is not a provincial capital - have airports: two international in Seville and Malaga, and the rest are of local importance. High-speed AVE trains travel from Cordoba, Malaga and Seville to the capital, Madrid. Major ports in this region are the same Malaga, as well as Almeri, Algeciras and Cadiz. Despite the fact that city transport is inexpensive, the best way to get around here is by bicycle.

Hotels and beaches of Andalusia

There are others that are the best beaches in this region. What primarily attracts millions of tourists to Spain (Andalusia) is beach holidays. In fact, it is impossible to imagine a trip to this amazingly bright, sunny and warm country without visiting the sea coast. All the beaches in this region were awarded the honorary Blue Flag, which is evidence that this beach deserves all praise for its cleanliness, well-groomed and equipped facilities. The biggest feature of Spanish beaches is the fine sand of various shades - from ash-black to light beige.

Costa del Almeria is a relatively young resort with the most modern tourist infrastructure on the entire Spanish coast. Costa de la Luz is a favorite destination for water sports and entertainment lovers. The sunniest of the Andalusian beaches is the Costa del Sol, whose name translates from Spanish as “sunny coast”. The sun shines here 325 days a year, there is practically no precipitation in summer, and you can relax here all year round. Frequent guests of these places are residents of the northern regions of the European part of the continent. They almost always lack the warmth of the sun, which is why Andalusia attracts them so much. which cannot be called cheap (especially for residents of Russia), nevertheless annually welcomes millions of tourists. The popularity of resorts in Spain is explained by the fact that here, in addition to the lazy beach holiday, tourists can enjoy exploring unique Spanish attractions. Hotels in Andalusia are distinguished by an excellent level of service, but here on the coast there are also many budget one-star and two-star hotels where unpretentious tourists can stay.

Mysterious Andalusia. Spain: attractions - natural and man-made

Many architectural and cultural monuments that Andalusia is rich in are included in the list of sites under the protection of UNESCO, since they were recognized by this organization as cultural. These include:

  • The Alhambra is a Moorish palace in Granada.
  • Bell tower of the Giralda Cathedral, located in Seville.
  • Assumption Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Cordoba.

In addition to these architectural masterpieces, there are many other, no less majestic palaces and temples built in different styles and directions. But the unique natural attractions include the majestic view of the place where winds blowing from different ones meet and form a “wind rose,” as well as the Garganta del Choro gorge. The Guadalquivir, the largest river in Andalusia, is served by a water bus. It’s a pleasure to ride on it and admire the natural beauty spread along the banks of the river.

Bullfighting and flamenco

For tourists visiting Spain for the first time, there is perhaps nothing more remarkable than a real Spanish bullfight. By the way, this custom originated in Andalusia, in the city of Ronda, in the Costa del Sol region. By the way, in these parts, besides bullfighting, there is other entertainment associated with domestic trained animals. This is a fun Andalusian Horse Show in the city of Jerez. Their unforgettable dance also impresses many tourists. What else attracts tourists to Andalusia, Spain? Reviews and stories from tourists about trips to this magical country indicate that no one can be indifferent to the rhythms of Spanish temperamental dances, especially passionate flamenco. But the work of the great Spaniards (Velazquez, Goya, Picasso, Murillier, Dali) is of interest only to select connoisseurs high art. This is such a wonderful land of Andalusia! Spain, whose attractions annually attract millions of tourists from all over the world, can truly be proud of both its unique natural landscape and climate, and its talented sons.

Andalusian cuisine

The culinary features of these places are influenced by Moorish traditions. More than 6 centuries have passed since the rule of Al-Andalus, but still the serving and presentation of dishes, especially meat and vegetables, in this region is most often carried out in accordance with Arab traditions. Meat dishes predominate in the cuisine of mountainous regions, but on the coast, naturally, seafood delicacies: shrimp, fried octopus, tuna, salted fish, etc. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, cheeses and olive oil are practically present in the menu all taverns and restaurants. Rich culinary traditions are another of the attractions of the Andalusia region. Spain - passionate and melodic, hot and green, sea and mountain, tasty and intoxicating - has always been and will remain the most desirable country to visit for tourists from all over the world.

Ancient city of Malaga

To visit Spain and not visit the homeland of the great Picasso would simply be blasphemy. So, we choose the route "Spain-Andalusia-Malaga". This is a coastal town on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, the center of the Costa del Sol resort. Malaga captivates with its medieval winding streets, green boulevards, lush blooming gardens. For tourists from the northern regions, this is a real paradise. The city was founded in the 11th century BC and was part of Ancient Phenicia. In the Phoenician language, the name Melaka (as the city was called in those ancient times) means “salty.” Then the city was under the rule of the Roman Empire. Since the 8th century AD, its territory was captured by the Arabs and became part of the Cordoba Caliphate. In the Middle Ages, Arab rule fell, and Malaga began to develop according to Christian customs. Today, this province is a mixture of architecture of all styles and trends, which gives the area an unforgettable flavor. This is the busiest of all the areas of Andalusia, but at the same time the poorest.

Beach holiday in Malaga

The coastline of the province of Malaga has 16 beautiful beaches. In the western part, the coast is covered with dark, fine sand; in the east, sandy beaches alternate with rocks. The most popular recreation areas are La Malagueta, Pedregalejo La Misericordia and San Andrés. All of them are located in the central part and were awarded the Blue Flag for their livability and cleanliness. Some of the beaches belong to one or another hotel. They are equipped with everything necessary for adults and children. More remote beaches are Campo de Golf and Guadalmar and Campo de Golf. They are more suitable for lovers of a quiet family holiday. By the way, a small area in Guadalmar is a favorite place for nudists. For those who like to relax with the savages, Cabopino Beach, where the tent camp is located, is suitable.

Where to stay in Malaga

However, most tourists are attracted to Spain by the desire to relax in comfortable conditions. Hotels in Andalusia, in particular Malaga, offer high-quality service, rich entertainment programs and divinely delicious cuisine. Here you can find suitable housing for people with different requirements for both comfort and service. For unpretentious tourists there are guesthouses (in tourist offers they are designated as hotels with 1 and 2 stars). There are comfortable hostels for student and youth groups. Villas and apartments are especially popular for rent. As for hotel complexes, here you can see hotels belonging to global brands, for example, Marriott, etc.

Sights of Malaga

The hotel administration offers the organization of excursions around Malaga itself and in other destinations. For example, you can visit many palaces, which are called palacios here. Palacio de la Aduana, Palacio Episcopal and Palacio de los Conde, Plaza de Torros, Alcazaba Fortress, Gibralfaro Castle and Lighthouse, Roman Theater and Flavian Amphitheater, Encarnacion Cathedral. Since Malaga is the birthplace of Picasso, there are two wonderful museum, dedicated to the great Spaniard.


Another route, which is the most interesting for tourists who come to this country, is “Spain-Andalusia-Granada”. This province with the city of the same name, its center, is located on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It was founded in the 6th century BC. This is an extremely beautiful city in the east of Andalusia. The sights of Granada are the ancient Albacín quarter, the Granada Cathedral, built in the 16th century with the Capilla Real chapel, where Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, who liberated Granada from Arab rule, are buried, as well as the Dame and Torre de la Vela towers, multi-tiered gardens Portals, etc., etc. And yet, the hallmark of Granada is considered to be the world-famous fortress of the Alhambra ("Red Fortress") - the residence of the Moorish rulers (11th century). It is impossible to mention the names of all the sights of Granada in one article; it is also difficult to describe them. All this must be seen with your own eyes. Granada - a real museum under the open Andalusian sky.

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Why go and what to see in Andalusia

Andalusia is the southernmost region of Spain, washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. Andalusia's cities are filled with history and extraordinary architectural landmarks, while the coast is famous for its endless sandy beaches and amazing landscapes. For a traveler, Andalusia is a “two in one” region - suitable for both an excursion holiday and a beach holiday. And if the beach season lasts from May to September inclusive, then a variety of excursions are possible all year round, since the region has a mild climate and there is rarely bad weather.

The history of Andalusia is closely connected with the period of Moorish rule during the era early Middle Ages. It is not surprising that many cities in the region have preserved amazing monuments Islamic heritage, which are adjacent to typically Catholic churches and cathedrals (Spain is a traditionally Catholic country). Almost all major cities in Andalusia have their own alcazar (palace) and alcazaba (fortress). Andalusian cities that are definitely worth visiting include, in particular, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Cordoba, Cadiz and some other smaller towns.

Speaking about the beach component of the holiday, it is worth noting that almost unlimited possibilities open up for tourists here. The main beach holiday areas in Andalusia are the Costa de la Luz, the Costa del Sol and the Costa de Almeria. Each coastline has its own characteristics, and resort centers include towns such as Marbella, Cadiz, Almeria, Benalmadena, Torremolinos, Nerja and others.

There are many attractions in Andalusia that are not related to the sea. For example, there are dozens of natural parks here, including the famous mountain park Sierra Nevada, Doñana National Park, Cabo de Gata Coastal Park, Tarifa Dunes and much more. Andalusia owes its diverse nature to its climate, which varies from typically Mediterranean on the border with Portugal to semi-desert in the Almeria Desert (the only one in Europe, by the way). Read also what other regions are popular for .

Martin Haisch/Malaga

Visa and entry rules to Spain

To enter Spain, a Spanish national or Schengen visa type C (tourist) is required. You can also enter Spain with a guest visa (an invitation from the Spanish side is required). You can open a Spanish visa at the Spanish embassy or consulate (Moscow, St. Petersburg) or at numerous visa centers, which are located in almost every major city. In order to obtain a visa, you will need to collect a standard package of documents, take biometric fingerprints (directly when submitting documents), (sum insured not less than 30 thousand euros). The documents also include return tickets and hotel reservations where you are going to stay. As a rule, a visa is issued within a period of several days to two weeks, less often – longer.

The rules for entering Spain are standard relative to Europe, since Spain is part of the Schengen zone. During passport control, you may be asked to present a printout of your travel insurance, hotel reservation, or return tickets, so you need to have them on hand. The rest of the procedure is standard and does not take much time.

harvey barriso/Roman Bridge

Climate and weather in Andalusia

Most of the territory of Andalusia has a Mediterranean climate, while in the continental part the weather is hotter, in the coastal part the heat is moderated by the sea breeze, snow falls in the Sierra Nevada mountains in winter, but in the Almeria desert you can see “lunar” landscapes all year round . Despite the wide variety of climatic zones, the weather in Andalusia is quite mild and one of the warmest in Europe, due to the proximity of Africa (across the strait).

Summer time in Andalusia is ideal for a beach holiday; the water on the coast warms up to comfortable temperatures closer to June and lasts until the end of September. It is also worth noting that cold currents may arrive on the Costa del Sol several times during the summer, but this phenomenon does not last long. As for the Costa de la Luz, you can swim here starting in June, despite the fact that the coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The temperature reaches maximum comfort for swimming in July-August. The swimming season opens earliest in the Costa de Almeria, as it has a semi-desert climate.

lucia.lence/sunset in St. Petri

How to get to Andalusia

The most popular ways to get to Andalusia are by flying to Malaga or Madrid. Malaga is located in the eastern part of Andalusia, on the Costa del Sol, from here it is convenient to relax in such resorts as Marbella, Benalmadena, Nerja, Torremolinos, Mijas, etc., as well as explore Granada and Ronda. Madrid is not located in Andalusia, but in the neighboring region of Castile, with easy access to cities such as Seville and Cordoba, as well as to the resorts of the Costa de la Luz, including Cadiz, Huelva and Tarifa. There are convenient railway connections between the cities, so you can get from one part of Andalusia to another in just a couple of hours. It is also worth noting that train travel in Spain is one of the cheapest in Europe.

Flights to Malaga and Madrid are operated by both Russian and Spanish airlines. Flight time is approximately 5-5.5 hours from Moscow. There are also flights with transfers in European cities (such flights are usually cheaper than direct ones). In addition to Moscow, you can also fly directly to Madrid and Malaga from St. Petersburg, but from other Russian cities you will need a transfer in the capital. You can check the flight schedule for the desired route on ticket booking services:

In Malaga, planes land at Costa del Sol International Airport, which is located 8 km from the city center. The airport has 3 terminals, planes from Russia are served by terminal No. 3. You can get from the airport to Malaga and other resorts on the Costa del Sol by bus, commuter train or taxi. Bus stops and a train station are located right next to terminal No. 3, which is very convenient for those landing. A taxi can be found at the exit from the terminal, or you can order a transfer in advance.

On services And You can book transfer services to any desired resort on the Costa del Sol (Marbella, Benalmadena, Torremolinos, Fuengirola, Mijas, Nerja and others). You can travel to other cities in Andalusia from Malaga by train. So, the travel time from Malaga to Granada will be about 3 hours, to Ronda - 1 hour 50 minutes. Schedule – at the railway service .

Kamyar Adl/Marbella

Public transport in Andalusia

To travel between the cities of Andalusia, among public transport, it is most convenient to use trains, because This method is the fastest and most comfortable. By train you can reach almost any, even the smallest settlement (although there are exceptions, for example, you cannot get to Marbella by train). The train schedule to the desired city can always be checked at the railway service . You can also travel between cities by regular buses, but the number of such routes is limited, and the travel time is much longer. You can view the bus schedule on the website Alsa and on the websites of several other regional carriers.

In the cities themselves, within the historical centers, where the main attractions are concentrated, you can get around on foot. In addition, major cities in Andalusia, such as Seville and Malaga, have an extensive public transport network, including buses, metro and trams.

Min Zhou/Metropol Parasol

Andalusia by car; Rent a Car

Andalusia is a fairly large region by European standards; there are 8 provinces located here, and they are all connected by highways along which you can easily, quickly and comfortably travel by car. In general, traveling around Andalusia by car is one of the best ideas for independent tourism. Firstly, by car you can get to places in the region that are inaccessible by public transport, this concerns, first of all, . Secondly, when traveling by car, you can forget about the not always convenient public transport schedules and travel at your own pace and rhythm. Thirdly, having a car at hand solves many applied problems, such as the issue of transfers, tickets for public transport, etc. It is not surprising that car rental in Spain is becoming more and more popular every year.

In order to rent a car in the cities of Spain, you must present a standard set of documents - a passport, a driver's license (international or national new type with an entry in Latin) and a bank card to pay for services and block the deposit. The registration procedure itself does not take more than 20 minutes, and you may also be offered additional car insurance. A convenient option is the ability to book the desired class of car in advance. You can do this on car booking services; just select the city in which you plan to rent and the actual class of car you need:

Emilio/Motorways of Spain

Cities of Andalusia

In Andalusia, no matter the city, it is a real pearl of architectural thought. Even in small towns in the region you can sometimes find unique historical monuments, let alone large cities, which, in fact, are major tourist centers not only in Spain, but throughout Europe. The most visited cities in Andalusia are Seville, Granada, Cordoba, Malaga and Cadiz. Read more about the attractions of each of them below:

is the administrative center of Andalusia, its cultural and tourist capital with many historical monuments and architectural attractions, some of which are even included in the list world heritage UNESCO. Holidays in Seville are a mixture of varied excursions, excellent cuisine, bullfighting and flamenco. The main tourist sites are the Alcazar of Seville, the Cathedral and the Giralda Tower, Plaza de España and Maria Luisa Park, the Metropole Parasol, the House of Pilate, the Torre del Oro Tower, the Maestransa bullring, the Flamenco Museum and much more;

- a city where Moorish motifs and flaming Gothic were mixed, and the Mudejar style was born. Granada boasts a huge number of UNESCO monuments, the main of which are the Granada Alhambra and the ancient Albaciin quarter. In addition, the Granada Cathedral, the Generalife Palace and Gardens, as well as the Sacromonte Abbey in the vicinity of the city certainly deserve attention;

- a city that appeared during the times of Ancient Rome and has since experienced a rich history, and one of its most striking milestones was the kingdom of the Cordoba Caliphate in the Middle Ages. Among the attractions of Cordoba are the Alcazar Palace, the Mezquita (cathedral mosque), the Roman Bridge, the Jewish Quarter, the Calahorra Tower, and the Merced Palace. All objects are perfectly preserved and have survived to this day in their authentic form;

- a port city and a major tourist center on the Costa del Sol. Here you can stroll along the medieval streets and visit the fortresses and forts that defended the city, have fun on Malagueta beach and go on a further journey along the coast; it’s not for nothing that Malaga is called the “gateway” of the Costa del Sol. The top attractions of the city include the Cathedral, the Picasso Museum, the La Malagueta bullring, the Alcazaba and Gibralfaro fortresses, Botanical Garden La Concepción, the old port of the city, and, of course, the local beaches;

– is considered the most ancient city in Europe. Cadiz is located on the Atlantic coast, has stunning sandy beaches and a number of historical attractions that make the city unique and inimitable. Despite the fact that Cadiz can be considered a beach resort, there are no less opportunities for sightseeing trips. The main sites of the city, in particular, include the Cadiz Cathedral, the Candelaria Bastion, the Genoese Park, the Fortress of St. Sebastian, etc. The best beaches of Cadiz can be safely called Playa Santa Maria del Mar, Playa Victoria, Playa Cortadura and Playa Caleta;


- a picturesque town hidden on steep cliffs. The best views of Ronda are natural. Tourists eagerly travel to the city to see the famous Punta Nuevo Bridge, which hangs over a rocky abyss at the bottom of which flows the Guadalevin River. IN in this case It would be fair to say that the arched bridge of Punta Nuevo is better to see once than to hear about it a hundred times;

– this is the birthplace of the famous drink sherry; it is not for nothing that the city is often included in the route of gastronomic tours of Andalusia. In addition to wine tasting, it’s definitely worth visiting Jerez to see one of the largest Cathedrals in the region, stroll through the local alcazar, visit the Church of St. Michael and the Atalaya museum complex. Do not forget that in the vicinity of the city there are hundreds of wineries that invite guests to taste their products;

is a small but very colorful town located in the vicinity of the Doñana National Park and near the Portuguese border. Huelva is not typical Spain; there is a lot of English here, both in architecture and design. Among the things that are definitely worth seeing in Huelva are the Cathedral, the Roman aqueduct, the Church of St. Peter and, of course, the house of Columbus. In the vicinity of Huelva there are also many attractions, for example, the Monastery of Santa Clare, the Temple of the Virgin of La Cinta, and the Doñana National Park, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Huelva's spacious sandy beaches are also mesmerizing;

– the main attraction of Tarifa is considered to be the point of reference that separates the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This point is not symbolic; when you arrive in Tarifa, you will really see how the translucent emerald water of the sea and the black blue of the ocean mix near the coast. Tarifa is the southernmost point of Europe; Africa begins across the strait, so it is not surprising that this is where the local sandy beaches turn into real dunes and dunes. However, swimming here is not always comfortable, strong winds blow, but the place can be recommended to all lovers of windsurfing and kiting.

steven gerner/Ronda Bridge

Andalusia: beaches and resorts

Andalusia is one of the best places for a beach holiday in Spain. The beaches here are entirely sandy, golden, spacious, at the same time surprisingly clean, well-groomed and, most importantly, free. Cleanliness here is strictly monitored by local authorities, so many marked with the Blue Flag as the cleanest beaches in the world. Conventionally, the entire coast of Andalusia is divided into three large areas - Costa de la Luz (Coast of Light), washed by the Atlantic, Costa del Sol (Coast of the Sun), washed by the Mediterranean Sea and Costa de Almeria, which is also washed by the Mediterranean Sea. , but has differences in the landscape due to the proximity of the Almerian desert.

Of the above cities, beach resorts undoubtedly include And with their amazing golden sandy beaches. Both resorts are located in the Costa de la Luz area, i.e. washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The swimming season here lasts from late May to mid-September; the best months for swimming are July and August, when the water off the coast warms up to maximum temperatures. Read more about other beach resorts in Andalusia:

– the resort is located on the Costa de la Luz, where the Guadalquivir River merges with the Atlantic, and here is the Doñana National Park. The best beach area can be considered a series of beaches Bajo de Guía, Calzada, Piletas and La Jara, as well as the beaches of neighboring Chipiona;

- a secluded resort on the Costa de la Luz with crystal clear white beaches and calm waters of the bay. The best beaches can be found in the St. Petri area, which is considered a protected area;

- one of the most popular resorts on the Costa del Sol. The advantage of the resort is its developed infrastructure. The Marbella beach line is sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea, equipped to the maximum, from sun loungers, umbrellas and sun loungers to equipment for water sports, bars, cafes and open-air parties;

- the main resort on the Costa de Almeria. This resort is quite young by Spanish standards, but modern infrastructure makes it very competitive. The main advantage of Almeria, in addition to its developed infrastructure, is the sandy beaches blown up from the African desert. The Costa de Almeria coast is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and the holiday season lasts from June to September inclusive;

kevin pacheco/Almeria Beaches

- the second largest beach resort on the Costa del Sol after Marbella. The best beaches here are the beaches of Malapesquera Torrebermeya, Bil Bil, Arroyo de la Miel, La Viborilla, Las Yucas. Another advantage of resorts is all kinds of entertainment complexes, natural parks and other activities that only Benalmadena can offer among the resorts of the Costa del Sol;

– the closest beach resort to Malaga is the Costa del Sol. The development of infrastructure combined with long sandy beaches make Torremolinos a very popular place during the “high” swimming season. The resort's beach line is conventionally divided into two parts - El Bajondillo in the east and La Carihuela in the west, both are excellent for swimming and relaxing;

– the resort is famous for its clean 8-kilometer beaches, included in the Blue Flag list. The coast is washed by the waters of Middle-earth, there is a gentle entrance to the sea, the place is excellent for family holidays, incl. with small children. The best beaches in Fuengirola are Los Boliches, Las Gavitolas, San Francisco and Torreblanca;

- a small but very comfortable resort on the Costa del Sol. The place is famous for its coastline Mijas Costa and Aquamijas water park. To visit the local water park, tourists come to Mijas from all nearby resorts, including Marbella and Fuengirola;

is both a beach and an excursion city. The beaches of Nerja are located in secluded sandy bays, which are sheltered from the winds; in addition, they are surprisingly picturesque. The bays are surrounded by local mountains, climbing which you can see breathtaking landscapes. It is not surprising that it is in Nerja that the “Balcony of Europe” is located, from which in good weather you can even see the coast of Africa. The caves of Nerja are also worth a visit, as they are fraught with many surprises;

– the Costa del Sol resort, the most distant from Malaga, is suitable for those seeking solitude. The main attractions of Estepona are beautiful deserted beaches, snow-white houses of the old town, a botanical garden, and a zoo. Just think, the beaches of Estepona stretch along the coast for 22 kilometers, isn’t this a paradise for beach lovers!

rey perezoso/Caleta Beach

Hotels in Andalusia, Spain

Andalusia has a well-developed hotel infrastructure. In large cities you can find chain hotels, bed and breakfast hotels, and budget doubles and triples, while at the resorts along the coast there is a whole chain of beach hotels with a full range of relevant functions. The price category of hotels in Andalusia is considered quite affordable and is comparable, for example, with hotel prices in Catalonia. Also in Andalusia, such a type of accommodation as renting apartments has become widespread. Moreover, living in apartments is popular both in large cities such as Seville or Malaga, and in small towns on the coast.

You can find a suitable hotel/apartment in Andalusia, as well as check availability for specific dates, using specialized services for searching hotel offers:

Booking - hotel reservations in 120,000 destinations around the world;

Roomguru - the best deals from thousands of hotel booking sites.

When choosing a hotel, pay attention to such parameters as location, availability of a beach area (if it is a resort on the coast), type of food, availability of parking (if traveling by car). In anticipation of the high season, it is recommended to book accommodation in advance.

elliott brown/Mijas

Travel insurance

When going on a trip to Andalusia or any other part of Spain, do not forget to take out a travel insurance policy, which is mandatory already at the stage of obtaining a tourist visa (must be presented when applying for a visa). You can take out insurance yourself without leaving your home. There are special services for this:

- online insurance for people traveling abroad and traveling in Russia;

- Oonline service for selecting and purchasing travel insurance with the ability to compare offers from various insurance companies;

You can purchase a policy online and then print it on a regular printer. Insurance must be attached to your visa documents, and you must also have it with you when going through passport control upon arrival at the airport. note that minimum amount Insurance coverage for a trip to the Schengen countries (including Spain) is 30 thousand euros. Medicine in Spain is paid and in every special case can be quite expensive, so carrying insurance is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Jorge Franganillo/Sacromonte area

We will be happy to answer your questions in the comments!

Photo at the beginning of the article: Edmund Gall

Andalusia is the southernmost autonomous community of Spain with a unique ancient history associated mainly with the Moors in the territory of Al-Andalus. Andalusia is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, where it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. The proximity of big water influenced the history, cuisine, and development of coastal resorts in the community.

Andalusia has the warmest climate compared to all of Europe.

Andalusia consists of 8 provinces: Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Malaga and Seville. The cultural and architectural attractions of Andalusia are concentrated in its main cities:

  • Seville is the capital of Andalusia with the famous Alcazar fortress and year-round festivals
  • Granada is the dream of poets and musicians, as well as the birthplace of the Alhambra fortress
  • Malaga is the cosmopolitan stronghold of the Andalusian tourism industry
  • Cadiz is an ancient and diverse city
  • Cordoba - capital of Muslim Spain

How to get to Andalusia

There are 4 airports in Andalusia: in Almeria, Cordoba, Granada and Jerez de la Frontera, as well as two international ones: in Malaga and Seville. All of them also accept flights from Madrid and Barcelona (fly no more than 1-1.5 hours).

RENFE trains run regularly between small villages and the main cities of Andalusia and throughout Spain. High-speed AVE trains connect Cordoba, Seville, Malaga and Madrid.

You can also get to Andalusia and travel around it by sea through the ports of Malaga, Almeria, Algeciras and Cadiz.

The main highway to reach Andalusia is the A-4/E-05 through the Despeñaperros Nature Reserve. Alternative options: AR-4 to Cadiz - Seville and AR-7 to Malaga - Guadiaro.

Search for flights to Seville (the closest airport to Andalusia)


The city's historical centers can be easily navigated on foot. If necessary, it is better to use public transport or a bicycle than a personal car. As a rule, a ticket for a city bus costs about 2-3 EUR (there is a discount if you purchase a Bonobús card for 10 trips).

To travel between cities, choose train or bus service. For example, by train (RENFE) from Malaga you can get to Cordoba (1 hour), Seville (2 hours), Barcelona (80-200 EUR, 5.5 hours) or Madrid (3 hours). To get to Granada (3 hours) you will have to change trains in Bobadilla.

By bus from Prado de San Sebastian station from Seville it is easy to get to Cadiz (2 hours), Cordoba (2 hours), Granada (3 hours) or Malaga (3 hours). From Plaza de Armas station in Seville, buses go to Madrid, Caceres and smaller towns in the province of Huelva and northwestern Spain. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Weather in Andalusia

Andalusia has the warmest climate compared to all of Europe: warm Mediterranean with dry, hot summers and mild winters. They say that there is so much sunshine here that the people glow from within - the people are cheerful and hospitable.


Andalusian cuisine is the history of the region in color, aroma and taste. And with the Mediterranean diet all the rage these days, Andalusia's fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and olive oil have become local attractions. Much has been borrowed from Moorish cuisine since Al-Andalus, including the style of table setting and presentation of dishes. If you are somewhere in a coastal city, then most likely your dish will contain fresh fish; if you are far from the sea, then meat.


Popular hotels in Andalusia

Beaches of Andalusia

10 things to do in Andalusia

  1. Find the nearest monument to Columbus and take a picture of yourself against its background.
  2. Visit the Cathedral, which is in almost every city.
  3. See a bullfight, or at least an arena for it.
  4. Try gazpacho.
  5. Drink Cruzcampo - the famous Seville beer, or the equally famous sherry - your choice.
  6. Let flamenco take a place in your heart forever.
  7. See the majestic Gibraltar in all its glory.
  8. Be afraid in the Garganta del Chorro gorge.
  9. Find out “How Andalusian horses dance” at the show of the same name in Jerez.
  10. In Seville, take a boat ride along the Guadalquivir, the largest river in Andalusia.

The birthplace of Velazquez, Murillo and Picasso, Andalusia sheltered masterpieces of painting, sculpture and jewelry within the walls of its cathedrals, palaces and museums. In general, you should start getting acquainted with local attractions with flamenco - this bright passionate dance forms a huge part of the cultural and festival life of Andalusia.

For outdoor recreation, it is better to go to parks - botanical, water, thematic or simply entertaining - they are scattered throughout the autonomous community.

The main ski resort in southern Europe - Sierra Nevada - is also located in Andalusia. Local tracks are mainly for professionals - “red” and “black”. A special area, Parque de Nieve, was recently built for snowboarders and freestylers in the Loma de Dilar area, and Mirlo Blanco for children.

In addition to the unique sights of world significance important value Andalusia still has picturesque beaches. Here are the most prestigious and popular beach resorts in Spain, including the ultra-modern resort of Costa del Almeria (). This southern region of the Iberian Peninsula began to attract the attention of travelers relatively recently; today the local beaches have no equal in terms of equipment. The length of the Costa del Almeria coast is about 200 kilometers, it represents an almost continuous series of beautiful sandy beaches.

The holiday season on the Costa del Almeria begins at the end of May and lasts until November; at the height of the season the air temperature can warm up to +23 °C, and in the fall it is usually at least +18 °C. Particular attention should be paid to the quiet Mojacar beach, this section of the coast is covered with fine white sand. Along the quiet beach there is a picturesque promenade with numerous restaurants and bars. For vacationers with children, the beach resort of Roquetas de Mar is suitable. A distinctive feature of this section of the coast is the abundance of playgrounds and sports grounds. The beaches here are incredibly beautiful, they are covered with coarse white sand, in which you can find a lot of shells of various shapes and sizes.

The Costa de la Luz coast is famous for its magnificent beaches with golden sand; fans of water sports will definitely enjoy relaxing here. Here is the elite resort of Chiclana de la Frontera, which has long been a favorite of windsurfing fans. The El Puerto de Santa María beach, which is located on the territory of a vast natural reserve, is also suitable for athletes. For those who prefer to relax on “wild” beaches, the Huelva region is more suitable; this section of the coast has managed to preserve its pristine beauty. Copyright

The beaches of Costa del Sol are known far beyond the country; travelers from all over the world come here to relax. The only drawback of this picturesque and landscaped section of the coast is the presence of cold Atlantic currents, which do not allow the water on many beaches to warm above +21 °C. Fans of upscale holidays will enjoy the beaches of the fashionable resort of Marbella, their total length is about 30 kilometers. The beach resort of Torremolinos will appeal to fans of the most different types recreation.

It is noteworthy that all local beaches are free; there are busy sections of the coast with developed infrastructure and quieter recreation areas. Some of the warmest beaches on the Costa del Sol are the beaches of the resort of Benalmadena

I think Andalusia is the best place in the world and every time I visit I fall in love with the orange trees in the ancient streets, the stunning medieval cathedrals and the charming love of life of the local people. It really seems to me that it is impossible to be sad here, everything around is so bright, sunny and joyful.

I traveled to Andalusia alone many times and did not feel lonely at all. Still would! After all, the waiters here serve food while singing, and black-haired women with fans in fluffy dresses dance flamenco on the streets for absolutely no reason, simply because they feel good in their souls.

Andalusia has it all: sea, mountains, ocean, desert, olive fields and grape plantations. I can't stop marveling at how one region can contain such incredible natural resources. I want to travel around Andalusia endlessly. She constantly reveals herself from a new, always beautiful side!

How to get there

You can get to Andalusia from Russia only by plane. The cheapest, most logical and popular way is a direct flight from Moscow to Malaga. I wrote more about him.

The remaining airports in Andalusia do not accept planes from Russia. You can, of course, fly with a connection, but this is much more expensive and energy-consuming, and therefore makes no sense.

By plane


Andalusia - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 2

Kazan 2

Samara 3

Ekaterinburg 4

Novosibirsk 6

Vladivostok 9

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Andalusia is famous for its excellent climate throughout the year: no snow (except on the mountain slopes), no heavy rain, no cold. One downside is that it can be too hot in summer. However, the region is large and each province has its own influences.

Andalusia includes the vast coastal plains of the Guadalquivir River, the Sierra Nevada mountains, the arid Tabernas Desert, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. Some places are wetter, others are windy, but everywhere in Andalusia it is incredibly sunny! I have a hard time remembering bad weather here. And statistics say that the region has 300 sunny days a year. The concept of “off season” does not exist in Andalusia. It's always warm here and there are a lot of tourists.

Andalusia in summer

Summer is the best time to travel to the provinces of Andalusia, which are located on the sea (Almeria) and ocean (Cadiz, Huelva). After all, summer is the swimming season. The average daytime temperature during this period is +29 ºC, but at midday the sun can warm the air to +32-33 ºC. There is no sweltering heat, a light refreshing breeze blows. In the evening the air cools down to +23-25 ​​ºC. The water on the coast heats up to maximum temperatures of +24-26 ºC.

If you prefer an excursion holiday, then believe me, it is better to choose another time of year. In Seville, Granada, Cordoba it can be unbearably hot from June to August (temperatures in summer reach +45˚C). On the other hand, in the cities everything has been done to escape the heat: orange trees have been planted, there are many cool inner courtyards, parks, and gardens. After all, hot hours can be spent in Andalusia's many museums.

Even in the summer, there are a lot of holidays in Andalusia, especially in August: the Grape Festival in Jerez, the Feast of Our Lady of Mar in Almeria, the Fair in Malaga.

Andalusia in autumn

Autumn is the time when the nature of Andalusia wakes up after the summer “siesta” and reveals itself in all its glory. Lemons, pomegranates and oranges are ripening, and the harvest of olives and grapes begins. I really love this period!

In September, the entire region is as warm and sunny as summer, a real “velvet” season. The average daily temperature is about +28 ºC. Only cool nights remind us of the arrival of autumn. The temperature in the evening in different provinces is between +15-19 ºC. The water on the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is still warm and quite comfortable for swimming: +23 ºC and +25 ºC, respectively. I always perceive September in Andalusia as a continuation of summer.

In October it gets cold and no one swims. I like this time: empty beaches and bright, but not scorching sun blue sky. It’s incredibly pleasant to walk: warm, but not sultry. There are much fewer tourists than in summer or September. At the same time, the average daily temperature in October is +25˚С. If you want to combine picnics on the beach (it's already cool to swim) with comfortable walks around the cities, this is the perfect time!

November is the rainiest and windiest month in Andalusia. The average daytime temperature in the region is +17-20 ºC, nighttime +6-12 ºC. There are frequent short-term rains. There are more cloudy and cloudy days. But it is during this relatively stormy month that hotel prices are significantly reduced. So what is it great option for a budget holiday!

Andalusia in spring

Spring in Andalusia is wonderful: everything is in bloom, there are wonderful smells. I love this time and consider it the best time to visit!

In March, the air warms up to +18-20 ºC during the day, but the nights still retain winter coolness. At night, the temperature is within +9-10 ºC. I remember that I once arrived in Granada at the very beginning of March. It was nice to walk, the sun was shining, but in the hotel at night it was freezing cold. There is no heating here, but you can ask for extra blankets at the reception.

In April it gets warmer and there are many holidays. I once went to a fair in Seville (it takes place annually 14 days after Holy Week), and it was unforgettable: everyone was having fun, dancing flamenco and drinking Jerez.

In May it becomes completely warm (the average daytime air temperature in the region is +20-25 ºC, nighttime +12-14 ºC). You can already sunbathe, but the water is still cool +17-18 ºC. If you go to Andalusia in May, I definitely recommend checking out Cordoba. At this time, all patios, balconies and trellises are decorated with flower pots.

Andalusia in winter

Winter in Andalusia, in my opinion, is not such a fertile time to visit as spring or autumn. There is a great danger of freezing in local unheated hotels. On the other hand, compared with other European cities and regions, the weather here is simply fabulous.

January is the coldest of the winter months (average daytime temperature +15 ºC, night temperature +6 ºC). There is no rain or snow, it is almost always sunny and clear. This is the ideal time for a rich excursion program and active recreation on the snow-covered slopes of the Sierra Nevada. I was there once and was delighted: the resort has the most modern ski infrastructure and a variety of slopes international level. The average daily temperature here is +3 ºC. There are slight frosts at night.

Andalusia - weather by month


Andalusia - weather by month

Conditional areas. Descriptions and features

Andalusia is divided into 8 provinces, each of which is so magnificent, original and charismatic that it has become an independent tourist region. When I traveled around Andalusia, exploring one province after another with great curiosity, I was amazed by their incredible beauty and incredible diversity! I would like to clarify right away that Andalusia is not that big, so the province is always one large city + picturesque villages surrounding it.

  • (Sevilla) is the capital of Andalusia and, in my opinion, the most beautiful of its cities. There is no one unconditional “iconic” attraction here, as in neighboring provinces, but there is a gigantic set of beautiful streets with yellow-red houses and orange trees, huge, full of life squares, horse-drawn carriages, vibrant evening life, Sunday flea markets for several blocks, theaters, flamenco on every corner. When I first came to Seville, I swear, it seemed to me that there was no better place in the world! If you like lively, big cities in a good way, where you don’t need to go to the sights with a map, but you can just walk along the many streets and everywhere is beautiful, cozy and fun, then this is an excellent choice.

  • Almeria– the most unusual landscape region of Andalusia. On the one hand, there are magnificent beaches with many kilometers of white sand. Not far from them is the only Tabernas desert in Spain. Between the gentle sea and warm sands there are huge ravines overgrown with thorny bushes and dry rivers. I recommend a holiday in Almeria to lovers of natural contrasts, westerns (they are filmed here) and beach holidays. Almeria is considered the best coastline in Andalusia!

  • Cadiz– one of the oldest cities in Europe. Beyond Cadiz and Europe you can see Africa and... Cadiz is completely surrounded by water and this, of course, explains a lot: seagulls fly over the city, the smell of the sea is everywhere, the wind is blowing, the houses are snow-white, there are many noisy fish markets in amazingly beautiful medieval buildings. When I arrived in Cadiz, it seemed to me that there was no time there (in every sense): it was not clear what time it was and what century it was. Cadiz is serene, incredibly beautiful and, forgive the pathos, profound. The history of the city is so long, the geographical location is so unique (the junction of sea and ocean, Europe and Africa), that in Cadiz you don’t want simple entertainment. I want big thoughts and serious books. It is not for nothing that Cadiz has the most famous university in the south of Spain and a significant part of the city’s population are students. I advise you to come to this wonderful port city if you want fresh thoughts against the backdrop of the bright blue sea and magnificent antiquity!

  • Cordoba– the medieval heart of Andalusia. It is here that there are most watchtowers, bridges, thick walls, ancient temples of large brickwork, and chaotic narrow streets. It seems very “historical” and far from modernity to me. Of course, the city has the newest neighborhoods, but they are far from attractions and, accordingly, tourists. Basically, my days here went like this: very tasty food in the numerous cafes of the historical center on the pretty cobbled streets and endless wandering along these same streets with spontaneous visits to temples, galleries and museums. There are many intelligent pensioners and couples in Cordoba (the Middle Ages always attract young hearts). The city is also incredibly beautifully decorated with flower pots, simply “drowning” in them. I recommend a visit to Cordoba to all lovers of history and pleasant, measured European walks along the miraculously preserved ancient streets. In addition, it has preserved the most noticeable traces of Islamic heritage of all the Andalusian provinces. Anyone who loves Moorish culture will definitely appreciate this! The city has many oriental tea houses, shady courtyards and baths.

  • (Granada)– this is where the main attraction of the entire region, the Alhambra fortress and the Generalife gardens, is located. It makes no sense to describe them in words; this place is so stunning in its beauty and surrounding landscapes that I’m sure it’s worth coming all the way from home just for it! Yes, and she deserves attention. It is surrounded by the majestic snow-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada and appears to be all hills. My favorite quarter of the city, which is located on a hill, is Albasin. No matter how many times I came to Granada, I spent all my time there. This is an ancient Moorish district with chaotic streets, ancient snow-white houses, oriental tea houses and bazaars, concerts in quaint cafes in the evenings. This is where hippies, students and urban bohemians live. I highly recommend a visit to Granada for anyone who loves street art (it thrives here), artist districts and mountain landscapes!

  • Huelva– it seems to me that the most little-known province of Andalusia. I love her very much for her provincial charm. There are no world-famous attractions and, as a result, crowds of tourists. Everywhere is quiet, calm and incredibly nice. There are many parks, quiet squares, churches, and most importantly, peaceful, deserted and very clean beaches. I definitely recommend a trip to Huelva to all those who like to walk along unexplored paths, relax on the wild coastline and meet locals in cafes rather than other travelers.

  • Jaen- province of olive fields. Its capital of the same name is beautiful city at the foot of Santa Catalina Mountain. It has everything that travelers love: the magnificent Cathedral, ancient churches, mosques, museums, observation decks. But the surrounding area of ​​the capital made the greatest impression on me: the Sierra Mahina mountain range, the huge Sierras de Cazorla natural park, the mouth of the great Guadalquivir River. I wholeheartedly recommend Jaen to all lovers of hiking, mountaineering and other types of active recreation in the lap of amazing nature.

  • Malaga is a thriving, vibrant resort town, with picturesque beaches and at the same time a well-preserved historical center. Most likely, you will fly to Malaga at the beginning of your trip to Andalusia, because it has the largest airport in the region. Many people regard Malaga as an exceptionally convenient transport hub and nothing more, but I strongly advise you to stay there for at least a couple of days. Go to the Picasso Museum, stroll through the Roman ruins and the wonderful promenade, and finish with a glass of excellent local wine in the port.

What are the prices for holidays?

I always include the following items in the approximate cost of a trip: accommodation, food, transportation, cultural trips (museums, galleries, temples), souvenirs. In general, holidays in Andalusia are cheaper than, for example, Barcelona and Madrid. But more expensive than, say, neighboring Portugal.

  • The price of a double room in a 3-star hotel in the historical center of the city is 30 EUR/night.
  • Lunch/dinner in an inexpensive restaurant - 10 EUR.
  • The average price of a ticket to the museum is 3 EUR.
  • One trip on city public transport - 1 EUR.
  • Local wine or olive oil as a gift - 2 EUR.

Main attractions. What to see

During my travels through the Andalusian provinces, I developed an algorithm for viewing them - it never let me down!

Firstly, the most interesting thing for a traveler is hidden in the historical center, also called the Old Town; on Spanish signs it is most often indicated as El centro histórico. That's where I always went first. The historical center of all Andalusian cities is very chaotic and seems to have no structure. It is very easy to get lost in it. Therefore, I immediately found the Cathedral on the map and went to it! This is always the heart of the medieval part of the city. Andalusia has absolutely stunning Cathedrals in the main cities. I always advise you to climb the bell tower of the cathedral, it costs symbolic money, and the view is fabulous!

Then you can go explore the streets surrounding the cathedral. Personally, I allow myself to put my cards aside at this moment and get lost. You still won’t be able to get very lost, and the pleasure, in my opinion, is incomparable to schematically moving from point to point.

After wandering through the old streets, I certainly find on the map a place called Alcazar. This is a defensive fortress built during the reign of Muslims (VIII - XIV centuries). Often it includes a palace and a beautiful park area. Of course, the Alcazar is usually located a little on a hill. There is an Alcazar in every more or less large Andalusian city.

Well, after the obligatory Cathedral and the Alcazar, I act according to the circumstances and look at what exactly this place is famous for (the Picasso Museum in Malaga, the Alhambra in Granada, Plaza de España in Seville). Or I go to explore the surrounding area, in Andalusia they are wonderful: with grape plantations, olive fields and a picturesque coastline!

Top 5

Beaches. Which ones are better

There are hundreds of beaches in Andalusia! Only three provinces are landlocked: Seville and Jaen. On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea are Granada, Malaga and. Cadiz is at the intersection of the sea and the Atlantic Ocean (this is where the best beaches are!) and the calm, little-known Huelva is completely on the Atlantic coast.

My favorite beaches in Andalusia:

  • La Barrosa, province of Cadiz, Chiclana de la Frontera - my favorite beach not only in Andalusia, but throughout Spain! A luxurious, wide six-kilometer ocean beach with white sand and breathtaking sunsets. There are few people, the water is very warm in summer, the waves are moderate, the beauty of the scenery around is simply fantastic! Entrance to the beach is free, but the infrastructure is quite poor: it is almost impossible to find a sunbed for rent, there are no changing rooms, toilets are only in the cafe. Therefore, it is better to have a sun umbrella and a towel with you to lie down on. IN summer season I recommend La Barrosa for a family holiday with children. Entry into the water is very smooth, so even at a relatively large distance from the shore, the depth of the ocean is very small. And for extreme sports enthusiasts, I recommend coming to La Barrosa after the end of the tourist season - starting from October, the ocean is no longer so calm, so it is ideal for surfing. In addition, the beach traditionally offers the opportunity to go diving, take a boat ride or play volleyball.

  • Monsul Beach, province, San Jose - a quiet and simply incredibly beautiful wild beach with a sandy coastal strip. It is not equipped in any way, there is zero infrastructure, but this, in my opinion, is the beauty of it! The water here is clean and there are a lot of beautiful fish. When I came, I always snorkeled. There is parking a hundred meters from the beach (5 EUR), entrance to the beach itself is free.

  • Playa de Bolonia, province of Cadiz, city - the beach is located on the Atlantic Ocean. I adore it: azure water, clean fine white sand, the shore is surrounded by dunes, the smell of pine trees, pleasant cafes with Mediterranean cuisine, the breath of Africa. There are quite a lot of people during the season. And I also want to warn you that sometimes a very strong wind blows here and there are serious waves. So this may not be the best place for a holiday with children. Otherwise the beach is just perfect. Entrance is free, infrastructure and tourist activities (except for two small cafes) are absent.

  • Playa El Bajondillo, province of Malaga, the city is a beautiful and very cute beach, although it is located right in the city. And accordingly, it offers all the amenities: sun loungers, umbrellas (rent from 5 EUR per day), showers, toilets, “chiringuitos” (coastal cafes) with delicious sangria. The sand is gray but clean. Gentle, comfortable entry into the water. Lots of palm trees around. I recommend it to all lovers of civilization!

  • Playa de Zaara de los Atunez(Playa de Zahara de los Atunes), province of Cadiz - one of the calmest beaches on the Atlantic Ocean, with soft and clean sand, smooth entry into the water (the depth increases gradually), and beautiful forests around. I recommend it for relaxation to everyone who loves the ocean and silence. I think Playa de Zahara is great for holidays with children and romantic dates! Entrance to the beach is free, the infrastructure is poorly developed: there are toilets, showers, trash cans, but no umbrellas and sunbeds. Be sure to visit local restaurants with tuna specialties!

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

Fortunately, all major cities in Andalusia have preserved their historical centers. As you know, its heart is always the Cathedral. All Andalusian main cathedrals are still active to this day, but are nevertheless open to tourists every day, excluding service times. I strongly recommend visiting:

  • Mezquita in Cordoba– something completely unique! The mosque in which it is built Catholic cathedral. I was most impressed by the prayer hall, numbering 850 columns, sparkling with different colors (red, white, blue, purple) and made of marble, granite and jasper. After visiting the Mosque, I advise you to relax in the adjacent Orange Court among palms and olive trees! Opening hours from Monday to Saturday: 8.30 – 18.00 (winter), 10.00 – 19.00 (summer). On Sundays and holidays: 8.30 – 10.00 and 14.00 – 18.00. Ticket price: adults – 8 EUR, children (10-14 years old) – 4 EUR, children under 10 years old – free. Please note that from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 to 9.30 (except holidays) entry for individual tourists is completely free. Groups are not allowed into the cathedral at this time, so there are not very many visitors. In my opinion, this is the best option if you are traveling on your own!

  • Seville Cathedral (Catedral de Sevilla)- a Catholic church that amazed me with its grandeur. By the way, this is the third largest Gothic cathedral in the world. So, you shouldn’t even think about visiting it. I highly recommend going up to the Giralda Bell Tower, it offers a wonderful view of the city! The cathedral can be visited from Monday to Saturday from 11.00 to 17.00, and on Sunday from 14.30 to 18.00. Despite the fact that entrance to the cathedral itself is free, you will have to pay 6 EUR to climb to the top and walk in the courtyard (free on Sundays).

  • Jaen Cathedral– in my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful Renaissance buildings in Andalusia. In general, Jaen is not a very big city. Therefore it seems that the Cathedral dominates it. It is absolutely incomparable in size to the buildings surrounding it. I especially remember the carved choir benches, unusual sculptures on the facade and a terrace on the second floor from which you can see the whole city! Entrance to the cathedral is completely free. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 8.30 to 13.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00, Sunday and holidays from 09.00 to 13.30 and from 18.00 to 20.00.

  • Granada Cathedral and Royal Chapel (Catedral de Granada y Capilla Real)- another example of the magnificent combination of Moorish and European architecture! The cathedral is located in the midst of narrow ancient streets, but it is impossible to miss it: it stands out noticeably for its scale. No wonder this is the main cathedral of wonderful Granada, with magnificent mosaics, paintings and sculptures. Please note that it is adjacent to the Royal Chapel. It is here that the tombs of Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand and their relatives are located. As well as a museum with personal belongings and a collection of paintings of kings. Anyone who is at least a little interested in the history of Spain may find it very interesting! Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 10.30 to 18.45, Sunday and holidays from 14.30 to 17.30. Ticket price – 5 EUR (includes audio guide), children under 12 years old free.

  • Cathedral of Almeria- an impressive-looking temple, more like a fortress with towers. The cathedral is located in a very busy open square, where local boys play football, tourists in headphones listen to the guide's stories, there is laughter, voices and incredible animation all around. I highly recommend sitting down here on one of the many benches and slowly observing local life against the backdrop of one of the most monumental buildings in Spain. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 18.30, Sunday and holidays from 13.30 to 18.30. Ticket price – 5 EUR, children under 12 years old free.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

It is very difficult to single out a few of the most remarkable museums in Andalusia. There are so many of them, all interesting, with perfectly selected exhibitions. Basically, they are dedicated to local fine arts (Andalusia is the birthplace of Picasso), Moorish heritage, wine, flamenco, archaeological finds.

  • Branch of the Russian Museum in Malaga (Coleccion del Museo Ruso) is an outstanding gallery where you can see paintings by Russian artists who are almost never at home. Levitan, Savrasov, Grabar, Kuindzhi, Shishkin and many others are represented. In addition to the permanent exhibition, there are temporary exhibitions. For example, I was at the wonderful “Marc Chagall and his Contemporaries”. Address: Av de Sor Teresa Prat, 15. Opening hours: 9.30 – 20.00 (closed Monday). Ticket price – 8 EUR.

  • Museum of the Civil War in Almeria (Museo Refugio de la Guerra Civil) is a very unusual museum, essentially consisting of catacombs and air raid shelters from the Spanish Civil War, which extend for several kilometers at a depth of 10 meters underground. While in the museum, first of all, I felt a huge contrast with the peaceful, sunny city outside its doors. Here you seem to be physically transported 80 years ago, to a very difficult time for the country. The tunnels are so narrow in places that it is difficult to squeeze through them. I don’t recommend going to the Civil War Museum for romantic young ladies, but a must for persistent history buffs! Address: Plaza Manuel Pérez García, 1. Opening hours: 10.30 – 13.30 (closed Monday). On Fridays and Saturdays the museum is also open in the evening from 17.00 to 20.00. Ticket price – 3 EUR.

  • Museum of Arab Culture in Jaen (Centro Cultural Banos Arabes)- without exaggeration, best museum in the province of Jaen. The most important exhibit here is the preserved Arab baths of the 11th century. I also really remember the amazing view of the city and surrounding area from the museum’s terrace. Address: Plaza St. Luisa de Marillac. Opening hours: 9.00 – 22.00 (Tue-Sat), 09.00 – 15.00 (Sun), closed Mon. The entrance is free.

  • Museum of Fine Arts in Seville (Museo de Bellas Artes)- a luxurious museum with paintings and sculptures by Spanish artists in an ancient building of a former monastery (note its luxurious dome!). On Thursdays in the morning there is a mini-market near the museum, where local contemporary artists come to show and sell their creations. Address: Pl. del Museo, 9. Opening hours: 9.00 – 20.30 (Tue-Sat), 09.00 – 15.30 (Sun), closed Mon. Ticket price – 1.5 EUR.

  • Revello de Toro Museum in Malaga– it is also commonly called the “Women’s Portrait Museum”. For Revello de Toro is a modern Spanish artist who painted exclusively women. I really love galleries and visit them often. And I'll tell you: what you see in the museum is not at all like the usual portrait painting. All of de Toro’s images are incredibly deep, “lively” and expressive. It seems that in just a little while the heroines of the paintings will leave the walls and go for a walk with us around Malaga! Address: Calle Afligidos, 5. Opening hours: 10.00 – 20.00 (Tue-Sat), 10.00 – 14.00 (Sun), closed Mon. Ticket price – 2.5 EUR.


Andalusia has wonderful nature that you can’t help but admire! And, of course, many parks and gardens of amazing beauty. It’s impossible to list them all, so I’ll tell you about my favorites!

Neighboring regions

Andalusia borders three Spanish regions: in the north with Extremadura and Castile-La Mancha, in the east with Murcia. They have good connections both by bus (ticket prices and travel times can be found on the website of the official Spanish carrier) and by train (see the national railway website). You can also get there by rented car.

  • Extremadura– one of the most sparsely populated regions of the country, not very popular among travelers. Most of The region is made up of plains covered with forests and olive trees. I recommend a trip from cheerful Andalusia to sparsely populated, quiet Extremadura to all lovers of solitude in the lap of nature.

  • Castile-La Mancha- a magnificently beautiful and very tourist region with a beautiful capital known throughout the world. Personally, my favorite city in Castile-La Mancha is Cuenca, with medieval houses “growing” out of the rocks.

  • - a region that the Spaniards call the “greenhouse”. It's developed here Agriculture, many vegetable and fruit plantations. This is not very interesting for tourists, so seeing a traveler in Murcia is very rare! I recommend a trip to Murcia to everyone who likes to feel inside the local life, and not a crowd of foreigners with cameras.

Food. What to try

Andalusia has incredibly delicious food! Moreover, it is very original, like the region itself. What you can try here cannot be found in the rest of Spain. The cuisine of Andalusia, in my opinion, is “lighter” than in other regions. It's almost always hot here and you don't want heavy dishes. Therefore, almost all local culinary “specialties” are refreshing soups and snacks to go with wine and beer.

Don't forget that the coast of Andalusia is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, so there are a lot of local seafood dishes. Their selection is so huge that it always caused me some confusion in cafes and restaurants. Fried fish, shrimp tortilla, deep-fried squid, seafood paella, mussels, scallops, anchovies, sardines, crabs, flounder, tuna, stingray, octopus, swordfish and much, much more. All this wonderful variety is grilled using various sauces, and also baked with potatoes or vegetables.

Andalusian desserts, in my opinion, are very similar to oriental sweets. My favorites: honey-anise donuts Pestinos, macaroons Polvoron and double-layer Alfajor cookies filled with milk caramel or jam.

5 main dishes of Andalusia

Features of mentality

Andalusians, according to my observations, are incredibly cheerful, but a little lazy people. The Mediterranean climate has a huge influence on them. The heat is not conducive to work, but the coolness of the evening, on the contrary, invites you to go out into the fresh air to relax and socialize.

Sometimes I got the impression that Andalusians do not think about what will happen tomorrow, enjoying every moment of life. They are very hospitable and cheerful. Waiters often give little performances to themselves and those around them as they clear the dishes, humming and clapping their hands to demonstrate their enjoyment of the simple task. Women often walk around in local fluffy dresses, with flowers in their hair and suddenly start flamenco dancing in the street on the way to work. I sometimes went out “in public” just to admire the famous Andalusian cheerfulness.

I have always especially liked Andalusian old ladies, they are simply amazingly charming: neat, well-groomed, smart, elegantly made-up and very friendly, with a great sense of humor. Andalusians are also incredibly temperamental; I often saw young couples quarreling on the streets: shouting, throwing hats and fans. And after 5 minutes they make up just as violently.

I like everything about Andalusians, except for the blatant lack of punctuality and lack of obligation. They may be several hours late both for work and for a personal meeting. If you remind an Andalusian about something that has been planned for a long time, then most likely he will answer “mañana”, which means “tomorrow” or “somehow”.

In general, Andalusians are exceptionally wonderful people, energetic, emotional, good-natured, open and madly loving life in all its manifestations.


Andalusia is incredibly rich in holidays and colorful festivals, in which all residents, young and old, participate with great enthusiasm. The streets these days are decorated with garlands and colored flags. Everyone dresses up in the best traditional Andalusian dresses, women walk around with fans and roses in their hair. Everyone walks noisily until late at night.

There are a lot of religious holidays (the Spaniards are quite pious people), but all of them are devoid of the slightest shade of sadness. On the contrary, an atmosphere of mass fun reigns. I have attended dozens or more Andalusian festivities. I can’t list everything, but I’ll try to tell you about the main ones!

  • Andalusia Day(February 28) - It was on this day that Andalusia received the status of an autonomous community in 1980. Andalusians, according to my observations, are fierce patriots. On Andalusia Day, the streets and balconies of houses are decorated with the green and white flags of the region. Local residents, who passionately and sincerely love their land, dress up in national costumes, and some even paint their faces in the colors of the flag. National melodies and the anthem of Andalusia are heard everywhere, festive festivities take place in parks and central squares, and municipal authorities organize free refreshments (wine, cheese, jamon, olives). Please note that on this day shops, banks and offices are closed throughout Andalusia.

  • Holy Week (Semana Santa)– the week before Easter. These days people carry lavishly decorated pasos from one church to another ( sculptural images saints or compositions on religious subjects). Chairs and tables are placed on the streets adjacent to the procession route so that participants can rest and have a snack. It’s very difficult to describe in words how Holy Week goes in Andalusia! It covers the entire city, people are in a state of insane emotional upsurge. During the evening street processions, everyone sings songs, dances, and sometimes cries in a state of religious ecstasy. Please keep in mind that all government offices are closed on these days.

  • Horse Festival in Jerez (Feria del Caballo)- an event beloved by all Andalusians. During the week, the entire city is filled with decorated horse-drawn carriages. They proudly walk through the streets, participate in exhibitions and competitions. There are many stalls selling wine and snacks. The city has special bus routes to the fair site, and diagrams are posted at bus stops. In the evening everyone gathers in the González Hontoria park. I was at a horse festival once and was delighted. Everything is very unusual, colorful and fun! Celebrated in early May.

  • Festival of the Holy Cross (Cruces de Mayo)– marks the arrival of May in Granada and Cordoba. These days, squares, streets, and balconies are decorated with flower arrangements, and crosses entwined with flowers can be seen everywhere. At the same time, the popular Competition of Crosses (Concurso de Cruzes) is held for the most magnificent decoration of the cross. What locals don’t use for decoration: shawls, dresses, garlands, carnations, flower pots and other household utensils. I like the Festival of the Holy Cross for its spring spirit and the incredible floral smells that envelop all the streets!

  • Vintage Festival (Fiesta de la Vendimia)- is celebrated in all cities of Andalusia, but begins with a solemn procession in Jerez, where the queen of the holiday is chosen. Dressed in white and blue (the colors of fertility and life), the procession participants carry grapes, sweets and fruits on carts. The holiday program includes bullfights and parodies of bullfights, cavalcades, market sales, concerts and, of course, demonstrations of the winemaking process and endless wine tastings. These days, even on radio and television, there are continuous programs talking about wine and winemaking. Theaters stage spectacular performances dedicated to the Holiday harvest, grapes and wine, wine companies and private cellars (bodegas) organize “Open Days” for everyone. If you are a wine connoisseur, come to Andalusia in mid-August!

  • Feast of Our Lady of Mar in Almeria (Feria de la Virgen del Mar)– celebrated in August for 8 days. At this time, Almeria is filled with all sorts of “activities”: a petanque championship takes place, swimming across the bay near the port, bullfights in a specially built arena in 1889. I somehow came to this holiday by accident and it seemed to me that everyone was there! During the day, everyone walked around the numerous fairs, drank wine, and danced flamenco. In the evenings they played guitars and launched fireworks into the sky.

  • Christmas (La Navidad)– despite the fact that there is no snow in Andalusia, Christmas is celebrated here magnificently and with great joy! Moreover, last year the tallest Papa Noel (Father Frost) in Europe was installed in Puerta Real in Granada. It is the Andulusian Christmas tradition - many small theatrical biblical scenes that are staged on the central streets and squares. What I like: They feature local people, not professional actors. The distribution of roles begins long before Christmas. The greatest honor is to be given the roles of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. It is interesting that not only people, but also animals (donkeys, mules, goats and sheep) are chosen to participate in the production. On the day of the performance, the city center is decorated with palm branches and real torches, and the electric lighting is completely turned off. In a word, magic!

Safety. What to watch out for

Andalusia in general is a very safe region. I always walked even in cities at night completely without fear and never encountered any trouble. However, I advise you to be more careful in the area of ​​the Cathedral (this is the center of every major Andalusian city). This is where all tourists flock and, accordingly, pickpockets and beggars “operate” here. In Seville, near the cathedral, there are always many gypsies offering to “give” you a sprig of rosemary. Do not agree under any circumstances! Then they persistently, and sometimes rudely, demand money.

I was also told a case of how a man from Pakistan appeared in Granada, who approached tourists in busy places, talked about his travels and showed banknotes of his country, then asked to see Russian money, and as soon as a wallet appeared in the interlocutor’s hands, he snatched it and ran away .

So traditional safety rules should be followed even in friendly Andalusia: do not carry large amounts of cash (it is better to leave them in the hotel safe) and carefully monitor your personal belongings.

Things to do

In addition to traditional pleasant European entertainment (walking around historical center, museums, temples, parks), Andalusia offers one more thing, very much for everyone – bullfighting. Of course, disputes have revolved around it at all times, and in most of Spain bullfighting, in this moment, is prohibited. But not in Andalusia! After all, this is where bullfighting was born. Malaga, Seville and Cordoba are home to the country's largest arenas.

The bullfighting season lasts from May to October. I went to a bullfight only once in my life, in Seville, in July. The ticket cost 30 EUR, this is the average price. Moreover, the principle “the closer, the better and more expensive” does not apply here. Usually bullfighting in Andalusia starts at 17:00 and one side of the arena has sun and the other does not. Privileged places are in the shade, they are called “sombra” (shadow). Cheaper tickets are classified as “sol” (sun).

What struck me was not the bullfight (for the uninitiated it is a rather slow and boring spectacle), but the behavior of the Andalusians during it. They come to bullfights like to a theater: whole families, dressed up and perfumed. During the performance, they passionately support skilled bullfighters, and if they do not see skill in the artist, they whistle indignantly. In my opinion, it is worth visiting a bullfight at least once in your life. And the best place for this is definitely Andalusia!

Shopping and shops

Andalusia is a wonderful place for shopping! Every major city has an impressively sized El Corte Inglés. This is a chain Spanish department store that has everything: clothes, books, electronics, household appliances, etc. First of all, I always go there.

It is best to buy souvenirs in small shops in the Old Town. And for fresh fruit, jamon and cheeses, I recommend going to the market (mercado), preferably early. In addition, in every Andalusian city there are many chain stores of world brands with clothes, shoes, sweets, watches, etc. Summer sales begin in July, and winter sales begin during the Christmas period.


Bar crawling in Andalusia is a real fun science with its own rules! Firstly, it is not customary to sit in one bar all evening. The weather here is usually good and it's nice to take a walk between drinks. Most often, Andalusians meet in one of the squares (with a significant delay), then together and noisily decide where to go first.

The most important thing to remember is that if you want to drink and eat, you need to go to a tavern. These are decent establishments with menus and alcohol. If you just have a drink and a little snack, then go to bars. Moreover, if only one drink is served in a bar, then it is no longer called a bar, but accordingly: cidreria, champagneria, birreria.

Andalusians are cheerful and simple people. They do not like to sit sedately at tables and prefer to crowd around the bar counter. Be prepared that the entire floor there is littered with used toothpicks and dirty napkins. It's also always very sticky! Because it is customary not to drink the remaining drink in a glass, but to pour it on the floor. But I’m talking about this without a bit of hostility or disgust towards local beer traditions. On the contrary, nowhere else in the world have I come across such truly wildly cheerful drinking establishments, where you want to spend every evening, it’s so good!

It remains to talk about “tapas”. Without them, not a single Andalusian bar and, in principle, Adalusian life is unthinkable. Tapas is any appetizer that is served with wine or beer. These can be ordinary nuts, chips, olives. But more often - small sandwiches with a great variety of fillings. Sometimes tapas is a whole dish (paella, kebab, soup), which is served in a micro plate. In Andalusia, unlike in northern Spain, several tapas are usually included in the price of the drink.

Clubs and nightlife

There are relatively few nightclubs in Andalusia. This is explained simply: it is almost always warm in the region, and local residents see no point in locking themselves in to dance “within four walls.” They love to walk on the street, drink beer and wine on curbs and terraces, and if they feel like it, they can dance right away.

Basically, nightclubs are located in small tourist seaside towns (,). I also noticed that there are a lot of nightclubs in Granada. I attribute this to the fact that there are many language centers there where foreigners come to learn Spanish. Accordingly, clubs are designed for them.

My favorite nightclubs in Andalusia:

  • Granada 10– the club is located in the building of a former theater. This is where some of the most vibrant and noisy parties in the region take place. The internal space is divided into a spacious dance floor, several bars and a VIP room. The visitors are mainly local students and young tourists. Almost every week Granada hosts concerts and themed parties, and films are shown at the club during the day. Address: Carcel Baja, 10.
  • Kiu– one of the main discos in the province, the club is located in the very center of the resort town. There are so many bar counters here that it’s dizzying. There are four dance floors, usually crowded from midnight to seven in the morning. I recommend visiting Kiu to everyone who loves dances such as bachata, salsa and cha-cha. Address: Plaza Solymar, 19.
  • Pato Palo– a noisy club-bar in Granada with a small dance floor. On weekends it is so packed with people that getting to the exit or, on the contrary, to the stage is almost impossible. However, this is where, in my opinion, you need to come for what is considered real Spanish fun. At Pata Palo there is always live music, laughter and a crowd, people dance salsa here and dress up in whatever way they like. Address: Calle de los Naranjos, 2.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

I always bring gastronomic gifts from Andalusia, which can be bought in any store. First of all:

  • extra virgin olive oil (my favorite is “Dehesa de Generalife”), price from 2 EUR,
  • jamon (dried ham), price from 10 EUR per kg,
  • cheese, price from 10 EUR per kg,
  • wonderful local wine (for example, the famous Sherry), price from 3 EUR,
  • beautifully packaged local sweets: almond cakes, chocolate-covered nuts, turron (similar to nougat with nuts), price from 3 EUR.

Many people bring leather goods (bags, belts, belts, jackets) from Andalusia. They are of very good quality here, the price starts from 20 EUR.

If one of your friends loves decorative souvenirs, then you can bring a fan, a wooden box from Granada, castanets, a figurine dancing girl in Andalusian dress. There are also a lot of products in the Arabic style with characteristic oriental mosaics. Prices range from 1 EUR to fabulous sums depending on the quality of the product.

How to get around the region

You can get around Andalusia by public transport (trains and comfortable buses), taxis and rented cars. In any case, you get cheerful drivers and breathtaking views from the window as a great bonus to your trip!

Taxi. What features exist

There are no problems with taxis in Andalusia. You can easily catch a car in any part of the region. If the green indicator on the roof of the car is on and the “libre” sign hangs on the windshield on the passenger side, then the car is free and you can safely stop the taxi driver. When a taxi is busy, it says "ocupado". I never order a car in advance; you can easily find one at train stations and in all central areas. Pay by meter, be sure to check that it is turned on. On average, 1 km costs 1 EUR. On nights and holidays the rates are twice as high. You can pay either in cash or by credit card.

I traveled by taxi only within large cities (Granada). When traveling intercity, I always used public transport (buses, trains) or rented a car. Both are much more profitable. Also keep in mind that Andalusian taxi drivers are incredibly talkative. If you just want to admire the scenery in silence, it is better to choose another method of travel.

Public transport

Public transport between the cities and villages of Andalusia is provided by trains and buses. Trains are more expensive, but faster. I always choose them. Buses are inferior in speed and romance, but otherwise they are just as good, comfortable and punctual.


All major cities in Andalusia are connected by railway, which is served by Renfe trains (the national network railways Spain). I really like it: the trains are comfortable, clean, run on time and often. You can view the schedule and prices on the company's website. I want to warn you: it is impossible to buy tickets in advance on the website for residents of Russia; the Renfe online booking system does not accept Russian passport data and is designed exclusively for documents from EU countries.

I always buy tickets directly at the station. If there are no holidays or the beginning of the weekend, feel free to purchase a ticket right before departure. Remember one rule: trains marked AVE are high-speed, they are more expensive, but also faster. In general, be guided by the fact that on average one hour of travel costs from 20 EUR.

You can buy a ticket at the ticket office (Venta di biletas) or at the machine in the hall. At the ticket offices that sell tickets for local trains (cercanias), you can only pay in cash. When paying for high-speed trains and medium-distance trains (media distancia), an ID card is required. The cashiers usually speak good English and are very friendly, so I never had any problems buying tickets!


Buses are cheaper than trains. On average, one hour on the road costs 10-15 EUR. They run often, I always buy a ticket right before departure at the ticket office at the station.

Unlike trains, there is an option to purchase tickets in advance online, even if you are not an EU citizen. To do this, you need to go to the website of the official bus carrier of Spain and buy a ticket online. Please note that in this case an administration fee will be added to the originally quoted price: EUR 1.03 for tickets costing less than EUR 10 and EUR 2.06 for regional tickets over EUR 10. When purchasing, you must provide your passport details and show it later when boarding along with your ticket. A ticket purchased online can be printed or saved on your smartphone.

Bus prices in Andalusia may vary slightly even on the same route, depending on the occupancy of a particular route. Round-trip ticket prices are generally the same as two one-way tickets. The main thing is that sometimes there are discounts of up to 50% when purchasing tickets in advance (from 30 days).

Transport rental

Renting a car is an excellent solution for traveling around the cities and villages of Andalusia! The roads here are of excellent quality, the distances between settlements are small, and the beauty of the landscapes outside the window is difficult to convey in words.

In Andalusia there are rental offices of both international and local companies. I always use the services of the former so that I can rent a car in one city and return it in another. average cost car rental with insurance and navigator in Andalusia – 50 EUR per day. If you try, you can find cheaper options, especially if you plan to rent a car for a long period of time (from a week). You can compare prices from different rental companies.

You can rent a car only after reaching 21 years of age, with an international driving license and at least a year of driving experience. As a financial guarantee, you must leave a deposit or a credit card.

  • Speed ​​limit: in locality 50 km/h, outside – 90 km/h, on the highway – 100 km/h, highway – 120 km/h. The fine for speeding is from 100 to 600 EUR. I advise you to pay for it on the spot, in this case the amount may be less.
  • It is prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age in the front seat.
  • The permissible alcohol content in the driver’s blood is 0.5 ppm (if the driver’s experience is less than two years – 0.3 ppm). This is half a liter of beer or a glass of dry wine.
  • On pedestrian crossing Be sure to stop and let all pedestrians pass. Andalusians are accustomed to this rule and can cross the road without paying attention to cars.
  • There are many one-way streets in Andalusia. On even-numbered days, you can park your car on the side of the street where the even-numbered houses are located and vice versa.
  • The fine for illegal parking is 100–200 EUR, parking under a “no stopping” sign or running a red light is 200–300 EUR.
  • Agriculture is developed in Andalusia. If you are traveling between villages at night, be aware that livestock, rabbits or hedgehogs may cross the road. Road lighting may be poor and markings may be completely absent.

Andalusia - holidays with children

Andalusia is great for families with children! It is warm here, the sea is gentle, there are many sandy beaches, and delicious and healthy Mediterranean food. A large number of family hotels, water parks, zoos, high level security.

The cities have wonderful promenades that are convenient for walking with a stroller. When it's hot, you can take a break in the shade of trees or cool courtyards with fountains. So, I advise you not to think twice and boldly go to Andalusia with your children!

Ski holiday

Andalusia is primarily associated with the sea, warmth, oranges, Moors, and beautiful architecture. And yet, you can ski here! 40 km from Granada there is a beautiful resort in the Sierra Nevada mountains. You can read more about it

5 must-do things in this region

  1. Taste local Sherry from the city of the same name.
  2. Visit the desert and become a western hero.
  3. Swim in the Atlantic Ocean.
  4. Visit the Mosque, which became the Catholic Cathedral.
  5. Try flamenquin in a medieval tavern.

Anything to add?