How did the relationship between the master and Margarita develop? The fatal love of the master and margarita

December 8, 2016

Russians folk tales from time immemorial, they have been considered the most useful for children; they teach them to distinguish good from evil, good from bad. They are the ones who instill a love for literature from the very beginning. early childhood. This work will examine the characteristics of Vasilisa the Wise, one of the most beloved representatives of this genre by children.

Why was the image of a frog chosen?

As it turned out, our heroine is in such an unattractive image as punishment for her pride. The characterization of Vasilisa the Wise from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” will be incomplete if we consider it from one side. It is important to note the bad sides of the heroine that she possessed before the transformation.

Vasilisa placed herself on a pedestal, finding herself above her evil but very wise father Koshchei the Immortal, who personifies the hierarchy. With her behavior and pride, she forced Koshchei to turn her into the lowest and ugliest creature.

Life in frog skin

The characteristics of Vasilisa the Wise change greatly after her transformation into a frog. Only having been at the very bottom does she begin to understand her true role as a wife, a devoted and caring keeper of the hearth.

She transforms not only externally, but also spiritually. Her pride went away as soon as she fell in love with Ivan Tsarevich. Now she gave herself completely to only one person.

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Main thought

What is the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” about? The characterization of Vasilisa the Wise and other heroes is actually very deep. Everyone can interpret it in their own way. But the main idea is this: do not judge a person by his appearance, pay attention to his deeds and actions. Despite the fact that the girl was in a frog's skin, thanks to her patience, miracles and beauty, she was able to overcome all the royal tests and passed them with honor, ahead of other brides.

The heroine nevertheless returned to her father’s kingdom for disobedience; she took off the frog’s skin during the last test, and Ivan Tsarevich burned it. Why did he do this? He was tired of being bullied by his older brothers.

Of course, our hero set off on a long and dangerous adventure to rescue his beloved from the hands of the treacherous Koshchei. Ivan has a hard time, many difficult trials await him.

Kind and cautionary tale"The Frog Princess" is different high level storytelling skills. Children appreciate her and ideal heroes, and an exciting plot of confrontation between two opposing forces, and a good ending. There is room to expand here. The fairy tale teaches you to appreciate people personal traits. While reading, personal self-development occurs. This story takes its rightful place among Russian folk tales.



“The Tsar had three sons...” begins the beloved “Frog Princess” - a Russian folk tale. It tells how the king wanted to marry his sons and the arrows they shot led to brides. The eldest son got a merchant's wife, the middle son got a priest, and the youngest prince had to marry a frog, because it was the arrow of the youngest king's son that flew into the swamp.

To test his daughters-in-law, the king came up with all sorts of tests: he had to sew a shirt, bake pies, and even weave a carpet. Each time, the praises of the father-tsar went only to the bride of the younger prince, the frog. But the frog turned out to be a difficult swamp inhabitant. It was the enchanted Vasilisa the Wise, who every night turned into who she really was - a beautiful girl.

At the end of all the tests, the enchanted frog also danced like a swan, so much so that she captivated everyone with her dance. The younger Ivan Tsarevich was not overjoyed at his bride, and in order to save the bride from the curse, he burned her frog skin.

But if the prince had waited a little, the frog would have turned forever into beautiful princess. And so he hurried and burned the enchanted skin without asking. For this he had to say goodbye to his betrothed. She turned into a dove and was captured by Koshchei the Immortal. In grief, the royal son rushed to look for his love, met many obstacles on his way, and fought with Koshchei. But, as in any good fairy tale, good defeated evil, and Ivan Tsarevich freed his bride and married her.

Moral of the story

This is briefly what the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is about. The purpose of this fairy tale is to teach little listeners that they should not rush and that in the end good always triumphs over evil. An analysis of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” shows that it not only describes the power that appears in a person when he loves. It was also revealed philosophical meaning fairy tales. It lies in the fact that if you fall in love with someone, even if he is ugly, ugly, or even looks like a frog, then he or she will subsequently become the most beautiful creature on Earth, you just need to wait a little.

And the most important thing in this fairy tale is that if a person strongly desires something and does everything to achieve what he wants, then no obstacles in his way will be able to stop him. The evil forces personified by Koshchei the Immortal could not prevent Ivan Tsarevich from freeing his beloved Frog Princess.

Functions of fairy tales by V.Ya. Propp drew attention to the actions fairy tale characters and designated
their term "function". Function is understood as the action of the actor
person, defined in terms of his significance for the course of action.
In his work “Morphology of a Fairy Tale” V.Ya. Propp identified the following elements:
I. The constant, stable elements of a fairy tale are the functions
actors, regardless of who and how they are performed. They
form the main components of a fairy tale.
II. Number of functions known fairy tale, - limited (31).
III. The sequence of functions is always the same.

Based on a generalization of various folklore sources, Propp identified the following fairy tale functions:

1) Absence of any family member;
2) a ban addressed to the hero;
3) violation of the ban;
4) scouting;
5) issuance;
6) catch;
7) involuntary complicity;
8) sabotage (or shortage);
9) mediation;
10) beginning counteraction;
11) the hero leaves home;
12) the donor tests the hero;
13) the hero reacts to actions
future donor;
14) receiving a magical remedy;
15) the hero is transferred, delivered or
is brought to the location of the object
16) the hero and antagonist enter into a fight;
17) the hero is marked;
18) the antagonist is defeated;
19) the problem or shortage is eliminated;
20) return of the hero;
21) the hero is persecuted;
22) the hero escapes from persecution;
23) the hero arrives home unrecognized or
to another country;
24) the false hero presents
unfounded claims;
25) the hero is offered a difficult task;
26) the problem is solved;
27) the hero is recognized;
28) false hero or antagonist
29) the hero is given a new look;
30) the enemy is punished;
31) the hero gets married.


According to a typical fairy tale plot, Ivan Tsarevich
forced to marry a frog because
finds her as a result of a ritual (princes
shot from bows at random where the arrow went
If you get there, look for the bride there). frog, in
unlike the wives of Ivan Tsarevich’s brothers,
copes well with all the tasks of the king,
his father-in-law, or through witchcraft (in
one version of the fairy tale), or with the help of “mommies” (in another). When the king invites
Ivana and his wife for a feast, she arrives in the guise of
beautiful girl. Ivan Tsarevich secretly
burns his wife's frog skin, forcing him to
her to leave him. Ivan goes on a search, and
with the help of Baba Yaga, he finds her and frees her.

Characters of the tale:

The princess or her father;
Magic Helper;
Antagonist (pest);
Giver of magical means to the hero of a fairy tale;
- Sender;
- False hero.

1) Initial situation - one king had three
son. Having received orders from his father to marry those
girls, to whom their arrow hits, sons and
are coming. The younger Ivan Tsarev as a wife
gets a frog.
2) violation of the ban - Ivan Tsarevich burns
frog skin;
3) mediation, reporting trouble - princess
says to Ivan: “Well, Ivan Tsarevich, you’re not a little
suffered; I would be yours, but now God knows.
Goodbye! Look for me far away, in
the thirtieth kingdom." And the princess was gone.
4) beginning opposition - Here is the year
passed, Ivan Tsarevich grieved for his wife.
5) the hero leaves home - he’s getting ready for another year,
I asked my father and mother for a blessing and went.
6) the donor tests the hero - Ivan in the forest
meets a hut, and in it Baba Yaga, she
sends him to his middle sister, and the second to
the eldest, where the princess lives.

Functions of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

Functions of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”
7) the hero reacts to the actions of the future donor - Ivan
obeys both the first and second Baba Yaga and follows
the specified path.
8) the hero is transported, delivered or brought to
the location of the subject of search - the path is correct
leads Ivan to the third hut, where he is
Princess Frog.
9) the hero is offered a difficult task - Lives now
princess with your big sister, go there and see how
if you start approaching, they’ll find out from her, Elena will turn around
with a spindle8, and her dress will be gold. My sister
the gold will begin to twist like a spindle and will be placed in
box, and the box is forbidden, you find the key, open the box,
break the spindle, throw the tip back, and the spine
in front of you: she will appear in front of you.”
10) the problem is solved - Ivan Tsarevich did everything as
was indicated.
11) the hero is recognized - the Princess recognizes Ivan.
12) the hero gets married - they flew home, that’s it
rejoiced, began to live and be and bellies (wealth)
making money is for the glory of all people.

Since ancient times, fairy tales have been an integral element of the culture and creativity of any people. Each country has its own stories for them, its own kind and evil characters. For us, one of our favorite heroines is Vasilisa the Wise from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”. For many generations of children, she has become a symbol of kindness and intelligence, caring and modesty. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is accompanied by many bright epithets and is a celebration of the beauty and greatness of the original Russian female character.

The fairy tale “The Frog Princess” and its main character

The plot of the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” is known to everyone from an early age. Vasilisa the Wise is a sorceress bewitched by her father because she surpassed him in the art of witchcraft. In the fairy tale, she becomes the bride, and then the wife of Ivan Tsarevich. As the plot develops, the girl shows her skills by carrying out the king's orders: she bakes bread, skillfully weaves a silk carpet (or in other versions, a shirt). The description of Vasilisa the Wise at the feast, where she turns into fairytale beauty and amazes guests with its magical art.

Ivan, wanting his wife to always remain in the guise of a princess, burns the frog's skin. After this, Vasilisa disappears. To find his love again, the prince has to go through many dangers and, most importantly, fight with his wife’s father, Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale has a happy ending - Ivan and Vasilisa overcome all difficulties and end up together forever.

What is so attractive about Vasilisa the Wise? Russian folk tale is not only a figment of fantasy, but also a reflection real life of people. Keeping this in mind, we can trace in the image of Vasilisa the most valuable feminine qualities for the Russian people.

Appearance of the main character Vasilisa the Wise

It is interesting that practically nothing is said about the appearance of the main character in the fairy tale. The description of Vasilisa the Wise is given to the reader by characterizing her actions and words. Only at the royal ball is the heroine portrayed as a written beauty. But this description is quite typical for most fairy tales.

This once again confirms that the image of Vasilisa the Wise is a collective, generalizing one. Moreover, for a fairy tale, it is much more important to depict not the external, but the internal merits of the heroine.

Character traits of Vasilisa the Wise

Vasilisa the Wise is loved not because of her beauty, but because of her character. The fairy tale emphasizes that it is not bright appearance (it would seem that there could be something uglier than a frog) and not wealth (“the girl’s competitors in the palace were the boyar’s and merchant’s daughters”) that leads the heroes to happiness. And understanding and desire to be together.

From the fairy tale is given through her actions. The way she consoles Ivan Tsarevich, with what skill she carries out the king’s tasks, and how she behaves during the feast, speaks about her better than any description. Her character combines both deep intelligence and the majestic simplicity of the Russian soul, pride in herself and modesty.

Many people ask why Vasilisa is called the Wise? In fact, this epithet suits her perfectly. The fact is that she perfectly mastered magical wisdom and even surpassed her father, a powerful sorcerer, in this. It is also characteristic that in the fairy tale she is called that in those moments when she works and shows her skills as a needlewoman, housewife or sorceress. In addition, the heroine has the ability to remain calm and make the right decision even in the most difficult trials.

Why was Vasilisa turned into a frog?

The question often arises about why Vasilisa the Wise was turned into a frog by Koshchei the Immortal. The fairy tale does not give a direct answer to it. However, different researchers offer their own options.

For example, we can recall that one of the leading artistic techniques in a fairy tale there is an antithesis, opposition (for example, good and evil, day and night, living and dead water, beauty and ugliness). Already the name of the heroine - Vasilisa - speaks for itself. WITH Greek language it can be translated as royal, sublime. On the other hand, what could be more unattractive and mundane than a frog living in a swamp.

The image of Vasilisa in other Russian fairy tales

The description of Vasilisa the Wise can be found not only in the fairy tale about the frog princess. She is also depicted in other works of the Russian people. For example, you can remember the fairy tale about Vasilisa and Baba Yaga. A similar image appears under the names of Marya Morevna, Elena the Beautiful and Marya the Princess. All these heroines have wisdom and magical knowledge, in particular the ability to transform. This allows them to be identified.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

Maxim Gorky called Vasilisa one of the most perfect female images created by the imagination of the Russian people. How many wonderful qualities it combines, educating and admonishing all new younger generations. But let us remember that initially fairy tales were written not for children, but for adults. Those in which Vasilisa the Wise is present are no exception. The Russian folk tale, with its inherent wisdom and poetry, reminds us of the true role of a woman in the family - to be an assistant and support to her husband.

We will also find out what qualities have long been valued in Rus'. Intelligence and modesty, caring and kindness, the skill of a needlewoman and homemaker, uniting, give rise to true wisdom and beauty. And the image of Vasilisa the Wise fully combines all these wonderful qualities.

Russian folk tales teach that the main thing in a person is not his appearance, but his inner world and actions. You need to be kind, help other people, hardworking. The Frog Princess has all these qualities, the characteristics of which are presented below.

Brief history of the character

The characterization of the Frog Princess should begin with the history of the heroine. The reader first becomes acquainted with it when Ivan Tsarevich’s arrow falls into the swamp. Of course, the prince is upset that a frog should become his bride. After all, he did not know then that she was an enchanted princess. But the frog persuaded him to take her with him. The king decided to test his daughters-in-law to see what kind of needlewomen they were. Ivan was upset because he thought that his frog would not cope with the tasks. But while he was sleeping, she, with the help of witchcraft, fulfilled everything that the king demanded.

One day, all the princes had to go to a feast with their brides. And then the frog princess shed her skin and turned into Vasilisa the Wise. Everyone was amazed by her beauty. Ivan burned the frog's skin, which is why the girl was forced to leave him. Then Ivan Tsarevich goes to look for Koshchei the Immortal and frees his bride. So the frog princess became Vasilisa the Wise.

The appearance of the heroine

In the description of the Frog Princess, you need to give a description of her appearance. Most In the story, the heroine is in the guise of a frog. This emphasizes the moral of the fairy tale: the main thing in a person is not beauty, but his inner world, hard work, and intelligence. If you remember, in fairy tales Vasilisa has two additions to her name: the Wise and the Beautiful. In the case of the frog princess, the first option was chosen. That is, in this tale the main emphasis is on the fact that a person should value the mind first of all.

When she turns into a girl, her appearance becomes the same as all Russian beauties had: stately, with a slender figure, a long braid. But still, more attention is paid to the princess’s actions.

The inner world of the heroine

In the description of the Frog Princess, you need to talk about the character’s character. main character kind, smart, and it is thanks to her wisdom and ingenuity that she copes with the royal tasks. At the same time, the princess has a penchant for artistry. She appears at the feast in a little box, accompanied by thunder and lightning. He also demonstrates magic tricks there.

But he does this, rather, not to attract attention, but as a mockery of the brothers’ lazy and stupid brides. Vasilisa the Wise is the ideal of a Russian beauty - beautiful and wise, ready to always help her husband in everything.

Vasilisa and Ivan Tsarevich

You can briefly write a description of the heroes of “The Frog Princess”. The king is shown as clever man who understands what beautiful appearance maybe a lazy and stupid person. And Ivan Tsarevich is shown as a person for whom the opinion of society is important. After all, that’s why he was upset that an ugly frog should become his bride. And when he saw Vasilisa, he hastened to burn the frog’s skin. And this shows that the appearance was more important to him than the inner world of the bride. But during the search for Koshchei, Ivan becomes braver and learns to value intelligence and ingenuity.

The characteristics of the Frog Princess from the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” show that a person should be able to appreciate the inner world of his neighbor, his willingness to help others, courage and intelligence. The example of Ivan Tsarevich shows how a person’s views can change, he learns to appreciate important things.

Vasilisa the Wise is the embodiment of ideas about a Russian girl. She combines beauty, intelligence and kindness. After all, thanks to her wisdom, she wins over the prince. And Ivan Tsarevich is an example of the fact that a person who knows how to appreciate not only external, but also internal beauty finds happiness.