Kylie lamprey. Biography of Kylie Minogue

Australian singer and actress Kylie Minogue is known in many parts of our planet. And like our beautiful Earth, Kylie is also diverse in her creativity. It would seem that she has left her mark on every style of pop music since she began her singing career in 1987. Kylie changed with every stage of her ascent to Olympus, she was not afraid of these changes, the singer lived by them. And so, she climbed Everest and, looking around her possessions, began the difficult descent.

Multifaceted with her talents. During her career, she not only sang songs and danced, but also starred in a TV series and even in a film. She also participated in joint projects with many famous people. And she is a frequent guest on television. In a word, an artist!

My attitude to the creativity of Kylie Minogue

My acquaintance with the work of Kylie Minogue began in the very early 90s, when I heard her first single Loco-motion. Later, I obediently followed the singer wherever her creative search led her. Simple songs from the SAW era, let them be! Her role in Outlaws introduced me to an entire era of Australian life that had previously been a dark spot for me.

A duet with compatriot Nick Cave and great albums with the Deconstruction label - I embraced the experiments with pleasure and still consider these albums to be the best in Kylie’s career. Returning to the fold of pop music and two action films Light years and Fever, again raised Kylie to the top of the world, and I once again welcome the change in image and sound. And even now, when she slowly but steadily descends to the platform from which she once began her musical life, as always, I'm keeping an eye on what's going on in Kylie's Universe.

I don’t like to scold singers or expect certain steps from them; I don’t demand from them inevitable victories and high places in the charts or recording songs in my favorite style. I see artists as sensitive receivers who sensitively capture the state of people and reflect what worries the minds of humanity. Therefore, the changes in Kylie's work have never disappointed me. If I don't like something, I simply don't include those songs in my playlist.

But what makes Kylie captivating? Everyone says: her sexy appearance and pleasant face, others repeat: beautiful voice, there is also an opinion: catchy dance rhythm. I don’t like the way she looks, I don’t think her voice is the most outstanding and the rhythms are much more catchy! The mystery of Kylie has always been beyond my reach. Until I realized: I am captivated by her sincerity.

After all, her genuine joy was captivating when she, with open arms, rushed around Melbourne like a small child. And the devilish grin in Better the devil you know also frankly stated: I understand what the point is, I play by your rules while I’m having fun. And when she got tired of it, she also sincerely left her first producers and began to take a creative approach to the songs that began to be released under her name. Then she believed in herself and even became the author of these songs. And we finally found out what worries this sincere girl. Still with the same burning gaze, she returned to pop music, having played enough with her alternative version. Kylie grabs hold of any project she believes in and brings it to the masses with holy naivety. So I know for sure: she is not deceiving me. As long as she herself believes in her transformations and chameleon games, she is the pop version David Bowie of our era.

Two sides of Kylie's creativity - official and unreleased songs

And now the question arises: to what extent does Kylie herself believe in herself? Fans of the singer are well aware of how many unreleased songs are stored in her archives. Some of them saw the light of day thanks to Kylie posting them on the Internet. We all know that the B-sides of her singles are sometimes brighter than the tracks that ended up on the albums. Aren't Extraordinary day, Paper dolls or Ocean blue amazing? But who has heard these songs? Isn’t Flower the most sincere song in the world? Published and unreleased duets are masterpieces Where the wild roses grow with Nick Cave, GBI with Tova Tey, Kids with Robbie Williams and Lhuna with Coldplay. And all this quality product, accurately reflecting the era.

Unreleased tracks and b-sides are the artist's choice, these are songs that Kylie believes in. An album, and especially singles, is the choice of the recording studio, that is, a bet on commercial success, and not on intrinsic value creative material. The pursuit of success has reduced Kylie's success to almost zero. But for some reason, Kylie does not leave the label, clearly realizing that her work is being ruined.

And this tendency can be traced in almost all aspects of her work. She bet on a major label in the hope of good promotion of the material and on a photographer friend in the hope of an outstanding visual image to accompany her music. And both components of the plan pull the singer to the bottom. But she once sang in the song “This girl” that she did not intend to give up.

Kylie came to us from the TV series Neighbors. The key to a successful series is to please the audience. Any actress will be removed from the screen if she does not increase the rating, if the viewer switches the channel because of her. And Kylie was taught to like people. Her image of Charlene, a funny and mischievous girl, tightly clung to Kylie herself. Isn't it Charlene who flirts with us during concerts? Kylie knows how to please, this is her main talent. Everyone likes her, her charm goes before her, her audience consists of tiny girls, teenage girls, young people and mature people, she is loved and idolized by gays and even pensioners. She is sweet, everyone likes her.

“Please fly with our airlines!” - Kylie sings in the song Light years, and in the concert version this phrase sounds so touching and it seems as if the singer is about to cry, she wants to hold on to her audience. The phrase fades away, and this lump in the throat quickly turns into a smile, because there is no need to show sadness and fear of losing those who have managed to like it.

Kylie is an actress. She changes characters so easily because it amuses her. She is bored of being the same, she is interested in trying on new masks. A new mask means potentially new faces in the audience. And undoubtedly, each new role is played with all the sincerity of which Kylie is capable. She believes in her masks. And that’s why we believe her too.

When she sings I should be so lucky, don't we believe her? This is a great song for a young girl falling in love for the first time in her life. This is not stupid pop, this is a good and honest song for an 18 year old girl. This is exactly how Kylie was at that time - naive and sweet. Everything was wonderful in its time, at the only time suitable for this. And when Nick Cave convinced her to recite lines from a song on poetry evening, this was to be the last public performance of I should be so lucky. By this time, Kylie was already ashamed of her girlish song, but in vain. And it was in vain that she did not take the opportunity to say goodbye to her in time. But the singer continues to perform her main hit of the 80s at all concerts, and now, although it sounds incendiary, it does not suit the performer at all. Now she has really grown out of this song. But she does this for fear of disappointing her fans.

So as long as Kylie Minogue allows her label to run her affairs, a friend to dictate her visual image, as long as she continues to over-please her fans, we will never see real personality this amazing woman. What is she (her work) like when she doesn’t want to please anyone? When does she write songs from the heart? When she promises an album with mature music and then still releases an album about sex on the dance floor?

We see fragments of this on the B-sides, she performs these songs on the anti-tour. But Kylie keeps her true self under constant control, not allowing it to escape. And, unfortunately, life once gave her a harsh warning, sending her the disease of people who completely forget about themselves. Kylie coped with cancer. But instead of starting to live her life, she finally strengthened her control even more and, in pursuit of lost positions, lost self-confidence.

Now this is a mature woman in lace panties and black fishnet, which she promised not to wear after 40. She is trying to look 25, because only such girls attract attention. She takes part in candid photo shoots to prove how beautiful she is, that she divine beauty has not disappeared anywhere, that it is still a product worth investing in. The industry does not allow her to be herself, and the singer does not dare to insist on this right.

And it is in such a whirlwind that she suddenly publishes the song Flower, dedicated to her unborn child, who may never come to her. And although she repeats in despair - “Suddenly one day you will surprise me” - it becomes clear how far her dreams are from reality this time. This is one of the most tragic and sincere pop songs. Kylie Minogue has come to terms with the fact that her flower will never bloom. Instead, she lived the life of a chameleon, got too involved in the whirlwind of show business and lost herself. She is what they want her to be. And the audience is happy. And even Kylie is deceptively happy when she absorbs the enormous energy of love that is given to her during concerts. But will she feel warm from the enthusiastic screams the night after the concert?

Popular Australian singer, composer and actress. In 2008 Kylie Minogue received the Order of the British Empire from the hands of Crown Prince Charles. Played a small role in the film " Moulin rouge!", starred in the films " Director's cut», « Exemplary people" And " Bio-house».

Biography of Kylie Minogue / Kylie Minogue

Kylie Anne Minogue born 28 May 1968 in Melbourne in actors Rona And Carol Minogue. Her little sister Danny became a popular Australian singer, and her brother Brendan works on TV.

Kylie Minogue has been involved in music and choreography since childhood, and in 1978 she accidentally fell into film set- Danny begged her mother to take her to a screen test, but the commission liked Kylie more.

Minogue's first roles took place in soap operas. Skyways" And " The Sullivans", which were shown on Australian television. This was followed by filming in other series - “ The Zoo Family», « Fame & Misfortune" And " The Henderson Kids", and then, in 1986, in the series " Neighbors", which was popular all over the world.

For the sake of this series, she left school and was right - her character Charlene still remains a favorite of the public.

Around the same time, the series also starred Natalie Imbruglia, who also achieved great success in the musical field. During filming, Kylie started an affair with the idol of all Australian teenagers, Jason Donovan. Also a huge plus was her acquaintance with such producers as Stoke, Aitken And Waterman which helped her release her first single - a re-cover of the song “ The Locomotion».

Popularity Kylie Minogue / Kylie Minogue

Fame overtook Kylie Minogue after her release debut album with the simple name " Kylie!", which sold two million copies and took second position in the British charts, and the songs " I Should Be So Lucky», « Got To Be Certain», « Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi».

The same fate awaited all her subsequent discs of those years, an album called “ Enjoy Yourself"sold millions of copies around the world, making Kylie Minogue the most popular British star of the late 80s - early 90s.

In 1990, she became a real sex bomb, receiving the title of the most sexy star in the world of music and starts an affair with the performer of the group INXS by Michael Hutchence. He changes not only her image, but also her worldview - Kylie breaks off relations with her producers and recruits musicians herself, writes scripts for videos and promotes herself. She eventually breaks up with Michael as well.

In 1991, Kylie Minogue's fifth disc was released - “ The Greatest Hits", after which she begins to work with the company Deconstruction, together with which he released in 1994 new album entitled " Kylie Minogue" In 1996 she recorded the song “ Where The Wild Roses Grow" together with Nick Cave and signs a contract with the studio Manic Street Preachers, which releases her new album in 1998 entitled “ Impossible Princess”, which goes platinum and sells thirty million copies.

In 1999 - another shift record company - now on Parlophone Records, which records her single " Spinning Around", and then the album " Light Years"in disco-pop style. Another year later, the super hit “ Can't Get You Out Of My Head" and the album " Fever", which brought Kylie Minogue two awards Brit Awards in February 2002. In 2003, the not very successful album “ Body Language", however, a composition from it called " Slow", brings Kylie a Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording in 2004. At the end of 2004 she released a collection of hits “ Ultimate Kylie", as well as the single " I Believe In You", which earns her her eighth Grammy nomination.

She goes on the world tour "The Showgirl - The Greatest Hits Tour", during which she is diagnosed with terrible disease- breast cancer.

In May 2005, Kylie Minogue decided to undergo surgery, and in July she began working again. In October 2006, she released a book called “The Showgirl Princess” and continued her interrupted tour with a slightly changed title “The Showgirl Homecoming”, and in September 2007, Kylie Minogue’s tenth anniversary disc entitled “X” was released.

On May 5, 2008, Kylie Minogue received the French Order of Letters and Arts from the hands of French Minister of Culture Christine Albanel. A little later, on July 3, 2008, at Buckingham Palace, she received the Order of the British Empire from the hands of the British Crown Prince Charles.

Kylie spent her next tour in North America, giving it the name " For you, For me", after which she released the album " Kylie Live in New York", which was released only in digital format.

In 2010, Kylie Minogue's eleventh studio album was released, and she later collaborated with Taio Cruz. In 2012, the singer decided to re-release some of her old hits and started with the song “ Finer Feelings».

The singer says about her personal life: “My current goal in life is to find more perfect harmony. I love work. I have 15 years of experience that I use all the time. But to some extent I forgot about my personal life. There’s nothing good about it, and I’m kicking myself for it.”

Discography of Kylie Minogue / Kylie Minogue

Kylie (1988)
Enjoy Yourself (1989)
Rhythm of Love (1990)
Let's Get To It (1991)
Kylie Minogue (1994)
Impossible Princess (1997)
Light Years (2000)
Fever (2001)
Body Language (2003)
X (2007)
Aphrodite (2010)
The Best of Kylie Minogue (2012)


Kylie's family is quite intelligent and not directly connected with the world of show business. Dad acted, but the most he did was tell some stories. And my mother worked as a ballerina.

As a child, Kylie was very shy. She did not participate in any school activities, only once she was seen in a school production in the role of Cinderella.

But since childhood, Minogue has been involved in choreography and music. At the age of nine she appeared for the first time on television, in the serial films “The Sullivans” and “Skyways”. Initially, the parents decided that their youngest daughter Danni could be an actress, but during the auditions they chose Kylie. Mom decided that there was no need to refuse the directors’ offers, so she signed the contract. This maternal choice allowed the eldest daughter to become an actress.

The first working days in the series, Minogue stood in front of the camera and minted the text, which her mother helped her learn. But, despite the praise of critics and directors, Kylie continued to remain a little girl with a familiar life. Parents even forbade the girl to use cosmetics, wear earrings and meet boys without permission. Mom and dad controlled their daughter’s every step.

Actor career

In 1986, Kylie graduated from school and immediately accepted offers to play in the TV series Neighbors with Jamon Donovan. Then the actress's fee was 2 thousand dollars per week. The film itself was shown only in the evenings, then the actors realized that literally the whole world was watching their fate. Then Kylie decided to get serious acting career. At the age of 20, Minogue already had five Logie awards in her treasury.

Further, the path of the lucky Australian lay immediately to the top of the star ladder. Kylie played brilliantly in the 1989 melodrama “Criminals,” in which she played the role of a young girl from Australia in the 50s. Critics laughed at the film, but it was a good commercial success.

In 1994, after a short break, Kylie Minogue became Jean-Claude Van Damme's colleague in the action film Street Fighter. This painting is based on computer game, popular at the time. However, the film did not bring popularity to the actress; moreover, it was even rejected by fans of the computer game. Critics gave her bad reviews, and journalists even dared to call the actress the worst in English-language cinema. The films “Bio-House”, “Director’s Cut”, “Diana and Me”, where the actress appeared, also did not attract the attention of the audience.

But in 2001, Australian director Baz Luhrmann was so impressed by the girl’s musical tour “Intimate and Live” that he offered her a role in “Moulin Rouge”. The episodic work in which Kylie performed a part from the musical “The Sound of Music” became significant. The film featured Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman. After the release of the film, all of Hollywood literally went crazy, but Minogue did not even have a goal in her mind to outshine Kidman. In 2001, the actress starred in the television show Friday Night with Jonathan Ross.

In 2005, the Christmas special Doctor Who gave Kylie a chance to approach superstar status. The girl played the role of Astrid Pett, and the doctor was played by Scotsman David Tennant. By the way, this is the world's longest running science fiction series. The film became a cult favorite in many countries; moreover, it influenced many television scriptwriters.

However, Kylie’s film career was not as successful as we would like. In 2005, she starred alongside Emmy Smithart and Seth Green in the melodrama “The Wedding Witness” by Stefan Schwartz. This is the story of the adventures of a young man, Ollie, who discovered his talent for writing, but lost his inspiration. In 2006, the celebrity was cast in documentary"Bombs and Blockbusters of Tinseltown."

It is worth noting that the popular artist seems small even in heels. There is a lot of controversy about her height, different sources they write different data about her growth. They all range from 150 to 158 centimeters.


In 1988, Minoig unexpectedly abandoned filming popular TV series"Neighbors" and decided to do my own musical career. That same year, she released her debut album, “I Should Be So Lucky.” Immediately the girl became a celebrity and even an idol of young people from Britain. And her disc “Enjoy Yourself” stayed at the top of the British charts for a long time. It sold a million copies around the world. As a result, Kylie became perhaps the most popular star of the late 80s and early 90s.

Kylie Minogue on video

And if initially Kylie acted as a street girl, then in 1991 she turned into a sexy beauty. This only contributed to the popularity. Minogue was constantly in the tabloids, mainly due to her affair with INXS singer Michael Hutchence.

In 1992, the singer released her fifth album, “The Greatest Hits,” and immediately reached number one in the British charts. Two years later, she released another album, “Kylie Minogue,” as well as the single “Confide In Me.”

In 1996, the artist recorded the song “Where The Wild Roses Grow” with Nick Cave. Two years later, Kylie Minogue presented listeners with her seventh album, Impossible Princess, which went platinum. In 1999, the girl appeared at the top of the charts with the song “Spinning Around”. Next came the disco-pop album “Light Years”.


In the fall of 2001, Kylie Minogue literally blew up the charts with her new hit “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head.” A month later, the album “Fever” was released, and critics responded kindly to it. The album brought the singer two Brit Awards in 2002. And in 2004, the artist collected her best songs on one disc, it was called “Ultimate Kylie.” However, there were also two new singles “I Believe In You” and “Giving You Up”. Then the girl went on a grand tour, but was unable to enjoy it due to a terrible diagnosis - breast cancer. A few months later, Kylie had surgery, which was successful. Then Minogue underwent chemotherapy and appeared in public only in 2005.

Personal life of Kylie Minogue

Kylie Minogue's life is in full view, but few people know about her personal experiences. The artist had many fans, they constantly proposed marriage to her. However, Kylie waited true love. At first she was tied up romantic relationship with Michael Hutens, then the actress began dating colleague Pauly Shore, and then rocker Lenny Kravitz. After Minogue was engaged to Oliver Martinez.

Kylie Minogue

Kylie Ann Minogue. Born May 28, 1968 in Melbourne (Australia). Australian singer, songwriter and actress.

Her parents are Ron Minogue, originally from Australia, and Carole Minogue, from the UK.

In 1955, while still a child, her mother emigrated from Maesteg, Wales, to Townsville, Queensland.

Kylie is the eldest of three children, her sister Dannii Minogue is also a fairly famous pop singer, and their brother Brandon did not pursue a career as a performer.

The Minogue sisters began their careers as children, and from 1976 Kylie appeared on the soap operas Skyways, The Sullivans and The Henderson Kids, but did not attract much attention. Dannii achieved success as a performer on the weekly music program Young Talent Time, on which Kylie first performed in 1983. The older sister was less popular than Danni, but in 1986 success came to her after her role in the soap opera Neighbors. While filming the series, she began an affair with actor Jason Donovan.

During a charity event in Melbourne with other Neighbors cast members, Minogue performed the song "The Loco-Motion" American singer Little Willow and signed a contract with Mushroom Records in 1986. Released as a single and retitled "Locomotion", the record spent seven weeks at number one on the Australian music charts and became the best-selling single of the year.

Kylie Minogue - Loco Motion

The performer is so popular song invited to London to work with Stock, Aitken and Waterman. Initially, they underestimated the singer and even forgot about her on the day of her arrival. Asking her to wait, they wrote the song “I Should Be So Lucky” on the fly.

Her first album "Kylie" reached number one on the UK album chart and became the best-selling album of the year. It sold over 7 million copies worldwide, with the highest sales in Europe and Asia, and contained six hit singles, including the most popular "I Should Be So Lucky". Only the US was an important market in which the album was not as successful, although the UK version of "The Loco-Motion" peaked at number three on the Billboard Hot 100.

At the end of 1988, Minogue stopped starring in Neighbors to concentrate entirely on her music career.

Duet with then-boyfriend, Jason Donovan, with the song "Especially For You"("Especially for You") was a major UK hit in early 1989.

In 1989, Kylie Minogue starred in the film Outlaws, which is about a young girl growing up in Australia in the late 1950s. Its release coincided with the rise of her popularity in Neighbors, and although both films were the subject of derisive comments from critics, they were commercial successes.

In 1991, Minogue changed her image from the girl next door to the role of a sexy beauty. She began to appear constantly in the pages of the tabloids due to her affair with INXS singer Mike Hutchins, which began in 1992. In the same year, the singer’s collection of hits “The Greatest Hits” was released, which immediately went to first place in the British charts.

In 1993, Minogue signed a contract with Deconstruction Records, and in 1994 her fifth solo album was released. "Kylie Minogue". Worldwide sales of the album reached 2.5 million copies, and the single "Confide in Me" spent five weeks at number one in the charts in Australia. A total of three singles were released from the album, four were originally planned. At the same time, Kylie met her stylist, and in the future, the director of her own concert shows- Willie Baker.

She starred as Cammy in the action film Street Fighter (1994), based on the video game of the same name. The film did nothing to develop her acting career, receiving unflattering reviews from critics, and The Washington Post journalist Richard Harrington even called her “the worst actress in the English-speaking world.”

In 1995, Minogue recorded the song with Nick Cave "Where The Wild Roses Grow". The performers hesitated for a long time to present the work to the public. The song premiered on August 4, 1995 at the T in festival the Park" in England. The single and video clip appeared in October of the same year.

1995 for Kylie was more cinematic than musical. First, the singer starred in the failed comedy Bio-Dome, then in the underground short film Hayride To Hell, shown in the fall of the same year at the British Short Film Festival.

At the end of 1995, Minogue starred in another short film - “Misfits” (Inconsistencies), where, being completely naked, she portrayed singing to the soundtrack of an aria by one of the last Italian opera singers-castrati. This short film appeared in the summer of 1996 and literally delighted critics, who were beginning to get used to Kylie as an actress in low-budget and independent films.

In 1996, Kylie Minogue worked with the Manic Street Preachers and Nick Cave, traveled the world, endlessly writing down words and rhymes in her notebook, and, on the advice of Nick Cave, took part in literary Olympiad, where she read the lyrics of the song “I Should Be So Lucky” to the sounds of an accordion, and also performed as a model at shows famous fashion designers. That same year, the singer had a short affair with famous photographer and music video director Stefan Sadnowy. The fruit of their relationship was the video for the song “G.B.I.”, as well as a photo shoot, which was included in the design of her next album.

Kylie Minogue - GBI

In 1997, the singer released her seventh album "Impossible Princess", which went platinum. The original name had to be changed due to tragic death. In addition, due to tragic death, the album was initially released only in Japan, then in October in Australia, and it was not until January 1998 that the album was released in the UK. The first single from it was the song "Some Kind Of Bliss", written in collaboration with Manic Street Preachers. A total of 3 singles were released from this album (4 in Australia - Cowboy Style was released only there), none of which managed to reach number one in the UK charts.

Despite the commercially weak and critically underrated Impossible Princess album, in 1998 Kylie Minogue went on a small tour called the Intimate And Live Tour in Australia, and also gave 3 concerts in London. The concerts, although without a large scale and complex decorations, but rather in a chamber performance, were a huge success.

In 1999, Minogue replaced record company, signing a contract with Parlophone Records. Her eighth album was released in 2000. Light Years. Many critics called this album the singer’s return to the “disco” style. The album also contains the song Kids - a duet with former member boy band Take That - Robbie Williams.

The album Fever, released in September 2001, brought Minogue two Brit Awards. The album also went multi-platinum in the United States. At the beginning of 2002, Kylie Minogue went on tour in support of her new album. New concert program was quite avant-garde in its general appearance, quite daring in its choreography and costumes. It was from this tour that the singer developed her characteristic “robot movements.” Two Minogue songs - "Come Into My World" and "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" - were heard in the TV series "Charmed".

Minogue's next work was the album Body Language, published in 2003. The first single from the album, “Slow,” brought the singer a Grammy nomination in 2004 in the “Best Dance Recording” category. The video for this song was filmed in Barcelona, ​​in a sports pool built for the 1992 Olympic Games. The album had a more synthesizer sound, and in her image the singer turned to the image of actress Gina Lolobrigida. To promote the album, a special concert was held in London, which was then recorded on video and released on DVD.

Kylie Minogue - Slow

In 2004, Minogue went on a world tour called “The Showgirl - The Greatest Hits Tour”. The tour went well, but in the spring of 2005 Minogue had to interrupt it due to health problems: Kylie was diagnosed with breast cancer. Later, after the singer's recovery, the tour continued in Australia, with a changed name and a slightly modified set list. The singer's fans who bought tickets for the Australian concerts decided to support the star and did not return the tickets after they heard the news about the cancellation of the concerts. As part of the new part of the tour, Kylie welcomed 2006 on stage in London.

In 2007, Kylie Minogue starred in the Christmas episode of the television series Doctor Who as Astrid Peth.

In the fall of 2007, an album called X was released. The album behaved uncertainly in the charts, as did the first single, “2 Hearts,” which started in the UK charts well below the 10th place. According to the singer herself, she did not like the way the album was advertised, what singles were chosen and what sessions were arranged in support of X. And then the singer decided to return to the stage.

A grandiose world tour was organized to support the record. "KylieX2008". In June 2008, Kylie Minogue gave concerts for the first time in Moscow (June 16) and St. Petersburg (June 18). The concerts took place as part of the same world tour “KylieX2008”, which started on May 6, 2008 in Paris.

Immediately after the completion of the “KylieX2008” tour, Kylie Minogue’s managers announced a planned tour in North America on the singer’s official website, saying that the track list and production of numbers would be replaced almost completely. The new tour, called “For You, for Me,” was Minogue’s first performance in the United States, which, according to the singer herself, she had been waiting for for many years. Concerts took place in Canada and the USA. On December 9, 2009, it was announced that the album "Kylie Live in New York" would be released.

In June 2010, Kylie released the single "All the Lovers" - her first studio recording since 2007. Released on July 4, 2010 in the UK and July 5 in continental Europe, Kylie Minogue's 11th studio album Aphrodite does not contain experiments like the two previous “long plays”, but returns to the times of disco-Kylie, with a claim to the sound of the 1980s.

The second single was "Get Outta My Way", which was released on September 27, 2010. In October of the same year, Minogue performed in front of the Sphinx and Pyramids in Giza (Egypt) in honor of the anniversary of Enigma magazine.

Minogue's singles "All the Lovers" and "Get Outta My Way" were popular in US clubs, each reaching number one on Billboard.

In 2011, the Australian singer collaborated with Taio Cruz and began a world tour in support of her eleventh album.

On January 25, 2012, it became known that Kylie Minogue intends to re-record several old hits from her repertoire. The singer has already recorded a new version of the song “Finer Feelings,” released in 1992. A new, acoustic version of the hit was recorded with the participation of symphony orchestra in a studio Abbey Road in London.

In October 2012, Kylie Minogue released her other re-recorded hits with the album The Abbey Road Sessions.

In 2012, in the film “Holy Motors Corporation” by Leos Karax, she played the role of Eva - ex-lover main character Oscar.

In February 2013, Kylie Minogue changed management: from that moment on, Jay-Z's Roc Nation label began promoting the pop singer. In the fall, Minogue recorded the duet “Limpido” with the Italian singer Laura Pausini, which started at number one on the Italian music chart.

Kylie Minogue and Laura Pausini - Limpido

In 2014, Kylie Minogue released the first single from her new album, “Into The Blue,” which is a collaboration with musician The album Kiss Me Once was recorded in the spring of 2012.

In November 2015, the single and video clip “Right Here, Right Now” was released, written in collaboration with electronic music pioneer Giorgio Moroder and included in his solo album Déjà Vu.

In 2015, she starred in the disaster film “San Andreas Fault” for a short cameo role, where she played Susan Riddick - a friend main character film.

Kylie Minogue's height: 152 centimeters.

Personal life of Kylie Minogue:

The artist had many novels, which became the topic of discussion in the media. However, she never married and has no children.

On the set of the film Neighbors, Kylie began an affair with her colleague Jason Donovan. The breakup occurred on the initiative of Donovan, who could not come to terms with the growing popularity of his partner.

Her new boyfriend was Michael Hutchence. He was constantly depressed and eventually committed suicide.

Then the singer began a relationship with British model James Gooding. The affair lasted three years; Kylie Minogue decided to leave him due to Gooding's frequent infidelities.

From 2002 to 2007, Minogue dated Olivier Martinez, who was with the singer during her battle with cancer.

In 2010, she began a relationship with Spanish fashion model Andres Valencoso. The relationship lasted three years.

Then the artist began an affair with British actor Joshua Sass, who is almost 20 years younger than her. In February 2016 it became known that. However, the wedding never came: at the beginning of 2017, Kylie broke off the engagement due to Sass’s infidelity.

In April 2017, rumors appeared about the Duke of York.

Discography of Kylie Minogue:

1988 - Kylie
1989 - Enjoy Yourself
1990 - Rhythm of Love
1991 - Let's Get To It
1994 - Kylie Minogue
1997 - Impossible Princess
2000 - Light Years
2001 - Fever
2003 - Body Language
2007 - X
2010 - Aphrodite
2014 - Kiss Me Once
2015 - Kylie Christmas

Singles by Kylie Minogue:

1986 - “The Locomotion”
1987 - “I Should Be So Lucky”
1988 - “Got to Be Certain”
1988 - “Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi”
1988 - “Especially for You” (Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan)
1989 - “Hand On Your Heart”
1989 - “Wouldn't Change a Thing”
1989 - “Never Too Late”
1990 - “Tears On My Pillow”
1990 - “Better the Devil You Know”
1990 - “Step Back in Time”
1991 - “What Do I Have To Do?”
1991 - "Shocked"
1991 - “Word Is Out”
1991 - “If You Were With Me Now” (featuring Keith Washington)
1992 - “Give Me Just a Little More Time”
1994 - “Confide in Me”
1995 - “Where the Wild Roses Grow” (Kylie Minogue & Nick Cave)
2000 - "Spinning Around" (2000)
2000 - “On a Night Like This”
2000 - “Kids” (Kylie Minogue & Robbie Williams)
2000 - “Please Stay”
2001 - “Can't Get You Out of My Head”
2002 - “In Your Eyes”
2002 - “Love At First Sight”
2002 - “Come Into My World”
2003 - "Slow"
2004 - “Red Blooded Woman”
2004 - “Chocolate”
2004 - “I Believe in You”
2005 - “Giving You Up”
2007 - “2 Hearts”
2008 - "Wow"
2008 - “In My Arms”
2008 - “All I See”
2008 - “The One”
2010 - “All the Lovers”
2010 - “Get Outta My Way”
2010 - “Better Than Today”
2011 - “Put Your Hands Up (If You Feel Love)”
2012 - “Timebomb”
2012 - "Flower"

Filmography of Kylie Minogue:

1976 - The Sullivans - Carla No. 1
1979 - Skyways - Robin
1985 - The Henderson Kids - Charlotte Curnow
1985 - The Zoo Family - Yvonne
1986 - Fame and Misfortune - Samantha Collins
1986-1988 - Neighbors - Charlene Mitchell / Charlene Robinson
1989 - The Delinquents - Lola Lowell
1994 - Street Fighter - Lieutenant Cammy
1995 - Hayride to Hell - girl
1995 - Street Fighter: The Movie Street Fighter: The Movie - Cammy
1996 - Misfit
1996 - Bio-Dome - Dr. Petra von Kant
2000 - Director's Cut (Cut) - Hilary Jacobs
2000 - Sample People - Jess
2001 - Moulin Rouge! ( Moulin Rouge!) - Green fairy
2004 - Kath & Kim - Eponnie Paradise
2005 - m/f Magical adventure(The Magic Roundabout) - Florence
2006 - m/f Doogal - Florence
2007 - Doctor Who - Astrid Peth in the episode "Voyage of the Damned"
2009 - Blue Abyss (Blue) - Kylie
2012 - Jack and Diane - Tara
2012 - Holy Motors Corporation - Eva Grace (Jean)
2015 - San Andreas Fault ( San Andreas) - Susan Riddick

Kylie Minogue is the eldest of three children in the family, her sister, Dani Minogue, is also quite famous singer in Australia. But Brandon, their brother did not choose thorny Star Trek. The sisters began building their careers at the age of 11. Kylie played in children's TV series - Skyways, The Sullivans and The Henderson Kids - but did not achieve much success; at an early age, her younger sister was more popular than Kylie Minogue.

Career and discography of Kylie Minogue

After execution The songs Loco-Motion of popular American singer Little Eva at a charity event in Melbourne, Kylie signed a contract with Mushroom Records in 1986.

Released as a single and renamed Locomotion, the recording spent more than a month at the top of the Australian charts and hit parades, and became the best-selling single of the year. Kylie's album became the most popular album of the year. It sold over 7 million copies worldwide, with the highest sales in Europe and Asia, and contained six hit singles, including the most popular, I Should Be So Lucky. Only in the United States the album did not become successful, despite the fact that the single “The Loco-Motion” took third position on the Billboard Hot 100.

In early 1989, the song Especially For You, recorded by Kylie Minogue with her boyfriend, Jason Donovan, was a major hit in the UK. And in 1991, Kylie Minogue changed her image from the boy next door to a sexy beauty, which further enhanced her popularity.

Thanks to her romance with INXS singer Mike Hutchins, Kylie constantly appears on the pages of the tabloids. In 1997, Kylie Minogue released her seventh album, which went platinum. The original name Impossible Princess had to be changed due to death.

Every day Minogue's popularity and fees grew. “I was literally bombarded with offers of cooperation from leading record companies, I was shocked, but quickly got used to it and became a respectable woman, well versed in life and music,” said the star herself.

Every third girl born in England was named after her.

However life popular singer is not without danger. “On the one hand, everything in my life is fine and wonderful, but on the other, I can’t leave the house without a retinue of security guards, I can’t get into the car until it’s checked for a bomb. My work colleagues are ready to strangle me,” Minogue herself complained. And her fears were justified hundreds of times. One day she received a letter, security workers suspected something and sent it for examination; later anthrax spores were found in it. Kylie Minogue's limousine was bombed three times. Threatening letters are constantly coming by mail. The situation escalated when she was recognized as the most sexy woman in America.

However, there is no need to worry about the “safety” of the star - while she is creating, security ensures her safety. In 2003, the album Body Language was released, in 2007 - a record called X, and in 2010, fans were able to listen to the album Aphrodite, which became the 11th in her discography. In 2014, her new album entitled Kiss Me Once was released, and Kylie again delighted fans with the album Kylie Christmas.

Personal life of Kylie Minogue

Kylie was romantically involved with INXS leader Michael Hutchence. In those days, Kylie loved noisy parties and dangerous adventures. However love story ended very, very sadly: Michael, experiencing depression and a creative crisis, committed suicide, which threw Kylie out of her life for a long time.

Kylie lived with fashion model James Gooding for three years; the separation was a great trauma for her. James couldn't come to terms with the fact that his woman was always busy. Kylie and James broke up but remained friends. Kylie dated Olivier Martinez, and in 2010 she began a relationship with Andres Valencoso, with whom the singer broke up in 2013.

In 2015, her affair with fashion model and actor Joshua Sasse began.

In 2005, the singer was diagnosed with breast cancer, which she successfully fought after three years of treatment. Since then, the singer has become an active supporter of charitable campaigns to combat cancer, and in 2014 she joined the One Note Against Cancer foundation.

In addition to music, the singer is interested in cinema. In 2012, she starred in Leos Carax's film Holy Motors Corporation, and in 2015 in the disaster film San Andreas Fault in a brief cameo role.