South Park how old are the characters? Heroes of South Park: The Stick of Truth

This article contains information about the main characters of South Park. Below you can see photos of the South Park characters and recognize your favorites in them. So, the characters of “South Park” and their names.

Eric Theodore Cartman

Floor: male.
Hair color: chestnut.
Date of Birth: July 1.
Age: 10 years.
Profession: student and class president.
Religion: Catholic.
Peculiarities: A selfish, intolerant and very poorly behaved child. Not much later he became cunning, aggressive and cruel. All this can be seen from his role in the game, as he often uses abusive language, never listens to the opinions of others and always does things his own way. He immensely adores power, but often does not respect those who own it. He has the ability to manipulate people and developed intellect. An ardent and convinced racist. Almost always tries to humiliate Kyle, since he is a Jew.

Stan Marsh

Floor: male.
Hair color: black.
Date of Birth: October 19.
Age: 10 years.
Profession: student.
Religion: Catholic.
Peculiarities: The most sensitive young man of all. Not subjected mass influence, cults, and is also able to find a way out of difficult situations. The most friendly and open among his peers. A good-natured and sober-minded person, although sometimes he shows selfishness.

Kenny McCormick

Floor: male.
Hair color: blond.
Date of Birth: March 22.
Age: 12 years old.
Profession: student.
Religion: -
Peculiarities: Perhaps the most main feature Kenny is that he is killed in almost every episode of the animated series South Park. Next distinguishing feature- this is his orange body shirt with a hood, from which he practically never gets out. Due to the hood that completely covers his face, Kenny mutters all his phrases unintelligibly. Thanks to the fact that in one of the South Park episodes, Kenny took off his hood, and it became clear to the audience that Kenny was blond.

Kyle Broflovski

Floor: male.
Hair color: ginger.
Date of Birth: 26 of May.
Age: 9 years.
Profession: student.
Religion: Judaism.
Peculiarities: Kyle usually wears a green hat with ear flaps, a bright orange jacket, and dark green pants with green gloves. Under his hat he has a hairstyle that he is embarrassed about. Kyle is the only Jew in his class, which is why Cartman bullies him all the time.

Butters Stotch

Floor: male.
Hair color: blond.
Date of Birth: 11 September.
Age: 10 years.
Profession: student.
Religion: -
Peculiarities: A weak-willed and naive child. Characterized by excessive kindness and gentleness. The complete opposite of Eric Cartman. This character is never lucky, everyone humiliates and suppresses him.

We have selected the most current pictures of South Park characters so that you can get acquainted with all the characters visually. If you liked the heroes of the game, you can purchase the game by following the link to the official website and make a purchase by clicking the “Buy” button.

If you are often tormented by questions: do the mentally retarded go to hell? Have terrorists captured our imagination? What is the meaning of Easter? And what kind of bastards killed Kenny? Then South Park is definitely the cartoon for you. But more seriously, in this series you will find answers to deeper questions.

In general, “South Park” is the brightest and funniest parody of absolutely everything. The range of topics for ridicule is simply amazing - from stoned hippies to US presidents and beyond, from chickenpox to AIDS, from kindergarteners to old people. Sometimes you just wonder how creators Trey Parker and Mat Stone have managed to keep it this way for 12 seasons. high level humor.

South Park itself looks plain - flat images, without any hint of 3D multi-polygonal models - even this was satirized in the series, a small mountain town in America. It would seem, what could happen here? But no - the scale of events is amazing: “There is nothing interesting to say about South Park, except for a few cases of complete destruction of the city.” I will say that none of the modern animated series can keep up with “South Park” neither “The Simpsons”, nor “Futurama”, and especially “Family Guy” amuse us so much.

The main characters are young people 8 years old (at first) Kyle, Kenny, Stan and Cartman, their families and friends. Moreover, attention is paid to everyone a little, and this distinguishes “South Park” from other cartoons, where attention is paid to a limited group of characters. Here we often meet Satan and Jesus, sometimes God himself appears, surrounded in paradise by crowds of Mormons. In one of the episodes of the series, a very right idea: “You have to laugh at everything or at nothing.” And you also need to be able to laugh at yourself, because otherwise this creation may not be understood. Briefly about some of the main characters:

Kenny McCormick they say about this guy that he won't live to see twenty. And indeed, in every episode, Kenny dies. “Oh my God, they killed Kenny, you bastards!” you say.

Kenny is our favorite character! But we will continue to kill him,” series creators Trey Parker and Mat Stone answer in an interview.
- Why?
- Because he is poor, yes! A worthy answer.

It's a shame that Kenny always wears a hood, and therefore his speech is slurred, and sometimes he says interesting things. At least they would provide subtitles in our version. There was one attempt to remove Kenny from the series, in one of the episodes he dies forever, they try to replace him first with the naive Bathers, then with the paranoid Tweek but this is not the same. In the end, Kenny returns.

Kyle Brochlowski is a cute Jewish boy trying to show the good side of his nation, which is hindered by his parents and cousin walking stereotypes. And for this, he can do literally anything, for example, organize an act of mass suicide of “lovers of small children” in order to disrupt the show in which Cartman wanted to bring down Jews throughout the country. He is the one who hates fat trust the most.

Stan Marsh best friend Kayla, although not so good he repeatedly called their friendship into question but it doesn’t happen to anyone. He is hopelessly in love with a girl, Wendy, although the sight of her usually makes him sick.

Eric Cartman is the most noticeable character, not only because of his titanic size. On the one hand, he is very talented and can come up with a million ways to realize his dream of getting a million dollars. He constantly organizes various events. So, it was he who organized the “Super Chic Talent Agency” and the Christian rock band “Children of Faith”. On the other hand, he is a “racist and foul-mouthed” constantly humiliates Jews in the person of Kyle, and once organized an anti-Jewish movement. What he will become when he grows up is anyone's guess.

Mr. Garrison is the biggest pervert in town. Just imagine: at first he denied that he was gay, then he went to prison for molesting children, then he admitted that he was gay, then he changed his gender and became a lesbian - a very talented guy.

We can talk about the characters of “South Park” forever. They are all very interesting and funny. But it’s best not to talk, but to see. So “South Park” can be called the best animated series in the history of cinema. And, without any doubt, I bet

" - boring sad whiners who say reasonable things and never create chaos." WTF?!" - you will say, and you will be right. The likelihood is that somewhere in parallel realities there is a boring "South Park" that tends to zero.

Because his heroes are hit parade of freaks, each of which is beautiful in its own way. This is who and why we love especially reverently.

Duo of talented comedians, whose humor is as varied as the pieces white bread from a sliced ​​loaf. Lavatory and monotonous fart jokes are the most sincere love of Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny. What's surprising is in these very jokes there is something original every time, and we have no explanation for this.

14. Towel

Sami Trey Parker and Matt Stone recognized this as their worst hero , and the episode about “A Million Little Fibers” took first place in our personal list. But there is something in this fuzzy guy something cute and attractive. Perhaps the variety of his actions and the way he solves all problems.

Every self-respecting show needs uncompromisingly cool black guy. Smart, talented, funny, rich - in general, " can afford" in any situation. Especially when it comes to them battles with Cartman. It's all wine.

Angelic. Sincere. Innocent. A real darling. Ha ha ha. The endless references to Cartman's mom's past (and present) never get old. What's especially good is how Lian herself doesn’t care about all the comments addressed to her. And in general: if Lian weren’t in the series, to whom would Cartman say the eternal “But meeeeeem”?

Chief stinker and cynic "South Park", whose usual pose is with his third finger raised. Craig cherishes his dream in every possible way - to swear in the presence of the director - and gradually moves towards it. For loyalty to ideals and the immortal “I would be soooo happy!” Tucker receives a place in the ranking and 250 grams of respect from us.

We miss the Chief. According to him wise advice, delicious food and songs about how cool it is to make love near the fireplace. With a feeling of light African-American sadness, we remember the first 9 seasons, where common sense was an order of magnitude greater than now, precisely thanks to the Chief.

The most unexpected one, which, in fact, is just is a parody of all the traditional heroes of the holiday combined. Kind, resilient, persistent advises children to brush their teeth, gives compliments like “you smell like flowers”. It seems that just a little more - and he will begin to emit butterflies and rainbows from his body.

When you see a guy like Mr. Mackey - a skinny little guy with a huge head and a dirty voice, you don’t expect much. And you don't get it. He explains all vital things like the harm of drugs as clearly as possible: " Kids, drugs are bad"It's not surprising that 30-something Mackey can't boast of an abundance of sex.

There's never too much Jimmy. He doesn't appear in the series as often as many of the other characters on this list, but when Jimmy is in the frame it will be guaranteed to be cool. His integrity is manifested, for example, in take a prostitute on a date, and this one touching absurdity makes the series stand out from hundreds of others.

Confronting your conscience - voice of reason in an endless series of thrash, which is what South Park is. He thinks about his actions and consequences, takes care of his family (he always protects his mother from Cartman’s attacks, and Ike is not deprived of his brother’s attention). His wars with Eric get better every season, but somehow Kyle always comes out a loser. Don't drift, friend, we believe in you.

5. Kenny McCormick

*absolutely illegible text about a poor man with testosterone beating all standards, who at some point stopped dying in each episode, but retained the posthumous status of a legend*

This guy has survived everything. Offhand, we can’t even remember an episode in which he had a supporting role. He's the one made facepalming popular. He was the only one who saw the absurdity in the choice between an enema and a sandwich with feces as a school mascot. He was a professional medium and had an evil clone. Personal thanks from us for Stan's morals - otherwise we would have had to draw our own conclusions. And we're lazy.

The world of politically incorrect trash from shows like South Park is sooooo in need of an innocent teddy bear like Butters. His character took off in season 6, when Butters became a replacement for the long (but not forever) deceased Kenny. Then, after he was safely expelled from the party, he became the embodiment of evil - Professor Chaos, responsible for changing plates at a family dinner and global flood because of a hose left in the backyard.

Selfish sociopath who will do anything to make life happen according to his rules. This little pig in a blue and yellow hat with a wide bone from the very first episodes became the face of "South Park". He hates almost everyone, except for his only friend - Clyde the frog, and in his spare time practices hurting people's feelings. His ingenious scams do not always lend themselves to logic, but they often reach the state and international level, which, of course, is an unconditional delight. Never change. You are superstar.

Choosing between Randy and Cartman is like choosing your favorite child between two twins. But recent seasons work in favor of March. On the one hand, he is clearly smarter than everyone else, but Randy has this amazing quality of taking things beyond the ridiculous.(take his culinary skills and the epic with Crème Fraiche). Marsh knows how to be the life of the party and infect innocent men with the idea of ​​getting testicular cancer so that... well, you remember. It's amazing how from the third-rate character that Randy was in the first seasons, he grew to one of the top heroes of the show.

Cartoons for adults are increasingly taking over airtime from other programs. What is the reason for this popularity? Critics can argue as much as they want about the reasons for this phenomenon, but the average viewer understands well what is going on here. It’s just that all these “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “South Park” and other animated series of category “R” are hilariously funny. Besides, they so often hit the mark with their satirical jokes, which is far from any political observer.

About the series

South Park is an animated series for adults. It was based on the idea of ​​showing adult life uncensored through the eyes of schoolchildren. The main characters of South Park are children.

The cartoon writers did not recognize any restrictions or taboo topics. One gets the impression that they are not familiar with such concepts as “political correctness” and “moral standards.” And that is why the series “South Park”, the characters, the names of the main characters of this cartoon are known all over the world today. It is impossible to imagine a more topical and sharply satirical show, where Americans make fun of not only themselves and their way of life, but also other people around the planet.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the animation: it is deliberately primitive, and the characters of “South Park” seem to be cut out of colored paper. And if earlier this was due to the fact that the pilot episode was actually made from colored paper, today this style is a kind of highlight of the cartoon.

Stanley Marsh

The characters of "South Park" are grotesque, they are too noticeably skewed in one direction or the other. But Stanley Marsh is the most adequate of the four main characters, and most similar to the average person. Stanley is the alter ego of the series' creator, Trey Parker. His thoughts and words often close the series, sum up the conclusion or moral.

Stanley is wearing a brown jacket, blue pants and red gloves. On the head is a blue hat with a red pompom and stripe.

By nature he is good-natured and sympathetic, and from any non-standard situation seeks to find a way out using logical reasoning.

Stan's family consists of parents Randy and Sharon (sometimes called Carol) and older sister Shelley. Kyle's sister has a lot of typical teenage problems, she wears braces and worries about her appearance, and calls her brother a jerk.

Kyle Broflovski

Kyle Broflovski is one of the four main characters in South Park. His last name is pronounced differently, but it certainly hints at Slavic origin this character. As does the signature poisonous green hat with earflaps. He rarely takes it off, but when he does, it is clear that he has red hair and an afro-style hairstyle. Kyle wears an orange jacket with chest pockets, dirty green pants, and green mittens.

Kyle's signature line, which he said many times: “Oh, my God. They killed Kenny! Bastards!

Kyle Broflovski is a fourth grader who is Stanley Marsh's best friend. He is very smart and well-mannered, and also has a wide variety of skills: he is good with weapons, like a first-class hacker, he understands computers and plays the guitar. Kyle is also a good athlete and plays football and basketball very well.

The Brofloski family is Kyle himself, his father Gerald (lawyer), his mother Sheila ( public figure and caring parent) and adopted brother Ike (Canadian and child prodigy).

Eric Cartman

Eric Cartman - main character animated series "South Park". He can be called an anti-hero - he is aggressive, cunning, spoiled, cynical, egocentric, striving for power. At the same time, he is a racist who fiercely hates hippies - a whole series is dedicated to this trait of Cartman.

Eric Theodore Cartman is a chubby fourth grader with a double chin. Dressed in a red jacket, yellow mittens and brown pants. The hair is not visible due to the blue hat with a yellow pompom and a yellow stripe. When he takes it off, it is clear that his hair is brown, although in some episodes it is a different color.

This character accounts for the lion's share of screen time, as he is very fond of television viewers. Carman lives with his mother - Leanne Cartman. She is a porn actress and prostitute, and in one of the episodes she turns out to be a hermaphrodite. Over time, Eric finds out that Lien is his father, while the name of his biological mother is unknown.

Cartman has an incredible number of oddities - he is fixated on one song, loves to wander around other people's houses at night, mumbles in his sleep and plays with dolls, putting them in a well like a maniac. But one of his traits allowed the writers to create a lot of jokes - despite all Eric’s cunning, he often has no idea about basic things.

What's interesting is that Eric Cartman's personality has changed significantly over time. If in the first episodes he appeared spoiled and bad well-mannered child, then later they added so much aggressiveness and resourcefulness to him that this character could come up with multi-stage plans to implement his ideas.

Kenny McCormick

South Park characters often find themselves in difficult situations, but none of them had to die as often as Kenny. Sometimes he managed to do this twice in one episode. This is the main feature of this hero. Second distinctive feature Kenny is a slurred speaker, and the audience usually understands what he is saying only through the other characters' lines. However, English-speaking viewers understand this muttering well - it consists entirely of obscene words.

Kenny dressed in orange long jacket with a hood, from under which only the eyes are visible. However, one day he took it off, and everyone saw that Kenny was blond.

Kenny McCormick comes from a dysfunctional family, his parents are alcoholics. He has a brother, Kevin, and a sister, Karen. Friends, especially Eric, often joke about Kenny. However, he forgives them and often sacrifices himself so that they can get out of trouble.

Butters Stotch

The characters of "South Park" are not static images, but very living, changing personalities. Sometimes they disappear from the cartoon altogether, as happened with Kenny McCormick, who disappeared for an entire season after another death. And then Butters appeared to replace him - the chief minor character, who briefly took the lead.

Butters is wearing a blue jacket and green pants. On the head there is light, slick bangs. This hero is very nervous and easily influenced, often depending on the opinions of others. He is weak-willed and is often punished by his parents, sometimes undeservedly. At the same time, Butters is an optimist, he is ironic and sometimes shows rare insight.

Butters' family is mother Linda and father Stephen (a latent homosexual). Butters played in the lead role for part of the sixth season, and was later replaced by Tweek Tweek.

Other characters

What else do viewers remember about “South Park”? The characters (photo above) here are so non-standard that even minor characters are remembered for a long time. Here are some of them:

  • Tweek Tweek is a twitchy, hyperactive boy, a coffee addict.
  • Doctor Mephesto is a mad scientist.
  • Mr. Garrison is a teacher, homosexual and homophobic, and later a lesbian.
  • Chef Jerome is a good-natured cook in the school cafeteria, in one of the episodes he becomes a pedophile.
  • Towelie is a mysterious living towel with an addiction to marijuana.