How to learn to express your thoughts correctly? Correct presentation of thoughts is the key to success.

Correctly expressing your thoughts is a real art, which is not given to everyone. You need to learn this throughout your life and apply the necessary strategy and methodology in each situation. Our career, relationships with family and friends, family well-being and our own success depend on how we can collect our thoughts and how we can express our position.

Why is it important to express yourself correctly?

How to collect your thoughts and put everything on the shelves? Unfortunately, different people perceive differently all the information that enters their brain; this depends on the personal perception of the world by this person, firstly, and secondly, on the correctly stated point of view of the interlocutor. Imagine that you and your opponent have completely different points of view, while you still cannot express your thoughts correctly. Will he understand you even for a second? Will he be able to continue the dialogue? A striking example would be communication between two foreigners, one of whom does not speak the language. Also with each person: we have different languages, even when we hear the same phrase, we perceive it differently. That is why you need to learn to express your views as accurately, clearly and specifically as possible. There are special techniques, methods and techniques for this.

What will help you express your thoughts correctly?

The first thing that will help you express your thoughts competently and correctly is reading. Since childhood, our reading technique was tested at school, we were forced to read books in the summer and insisted on studying them in detail. You need to start with classical literature. It will help you formulate your speech correctly and diversify your vocabulary for daily communication. This could be Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Pasternak and other Russian classics. If you need to learn how to competently express your thoughts in the professional sphere, then, naturally, you need to continue reading specialized literature: economic, technical, etc. This will allow you not only to speak competently, but also to grow up the career ladder. Literature that will always be relevant not only for reading, but also for looking at communication techniques is the books of Dale Carnegie, Robin Sharma, John Maxwell and other world speakers.

The second effective method is to deliberately increase your vocabulary. An explanatory dictionary, learning synonyms of words, and solving crossword puzzles will help you here.

You should not pay the most attention to the last point, otherwise you will speak not in sentences but in words from a crossword puzzle.

Presentation: "Cognitive processes and personality abilities"

The third is the development of memory. You can read how to develop memory here (link to article). It is very important to understand that you will not be able to learn new words, read a lot and remember if you have memory problems. Get rid of them.

Fourth - public speaking. Yes, for many it is scary. But in the process of preparing for a public speech, you will not only learn a lot of new things, but also write yourself a plan for the speech, talking points that will help you create a logical chain and arrange them correctly in your head. The more practice there is, the better the presentation of thoughts will be.

It is very important to have clarity of thought when communicating with people, because when you yourself cannot sort out your thoughts, then who can? We’ll look at how to practice clarity of thought next.

How to gain and maintain mental clarity?

  1. Regular physical activity. Constant training revives not only the muscles, but also the mind, constantly supplying it with blood and oxygen, which has a very positive effect on maintaining a sober memory. And it will help you correctly express your point of view.
  2. Large amount of water. Drink water in the morning. This will make you feel invigorated all day long; water activates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, brain and microsystems.
  3. Use smells to activate your brain. Clarity of thought depends not only on the amount of vocabulary. It largely depends on mood, inspiration and other factors. So, using smells you can greatly improve your thoughts and their quality. Use aromas of thyme, basil, rosemary, rose. This will help you concentrate your attention.
  4. Focus on the positive aspects. Don't overload your brain with negative information, and everything will be much easier.
  5. Play puzzles: chess, Sudoku and other board games that will train your brain.
  6. Use quality information from the Internet. By raking through piles of cluttered materials on the Internet, you can greatly improve your clarity of thought and learn to “throw out unnecessary things” from your head.
  7. Eat right and sleep well. Sound sleep is the key to a successful day. Everyone knows that there is no clarity of thought when there is a constant lack of sleep. In such a stressful state, it is impossible to express your thoughts correctly.

  • keep a personal diary or blog on the Internet. Describe everything vividly and eloquently, then you will be able to speak beautifully and correctly, expressing your thoughts and emotions.
  • enter into discussions. Don't quarrel! Visit interest clubs, forums, and circles where you can talk and discuss issues of concern.
  • learning logic allows you to consistently and accurately express your requirements, conclusions, etc.
  • develop communication skills, don’t lock yourself at home, communicate with people.

If thought is an electric current and our language is a transmitter, then we need strong connecting wires. Without them, thoughts from the brain reach the tongue with interference, and even prepared speech can turn into an incoherent set of words.

There is nothing wrong with this, it just can be harmful in some cases. Any person evaluates your essence, and one of the criteria is the ability to communicate. Why do we need to scare off the “big shot” once again?

Therefore, in order to always be at your best and learn to express your thoughts competently, we will immediately consider 3 areas of development of your speech. We will act comprehensively, because these directions are strongly interconnected.

3 criteria for quality speech:

Quick formulation

#1 Practice (the fastest and 100% way)

Just as a muscle increases with loads, so does the speed of formulation increase with practice. And if a muscle can still be pumped up with a magic powder or an injection, then this is no longer possible. This means you will have to make an effort.

But there is a secret - boring practice will only harm us. Studying dictionaries, saving newspaper clippings and standing idle in front of a mirror will only discourage the desire to develop yourself. Therefore, you need to take on only what will be interesting. And you can try the following:

  • Take any word and give it a definition

    For example, when you are standing and washing the dishes, there is nothing special to do, both hands are busy and all you can do is think. This is the time to practice.

    Oh, spoon! A spoon is a voluminous, one-sided convex object endowed with the ability to send food into the mouth. Plate. A plate is a flat material body of a round shape that serves as a reservoir of food for a person. And so on in the same way.

    With this kind of foolishness the brain forms clichés(pattern phrases) and then uses them for conversation. He doesn’t have to formulate it - you’ve already done it in advance - he just has to remember and put it into words.

  • If you read at least a few pages a day, then you can read one page out loud. In this case, the brain will not only see, but also hear beautiful speech. Here again the memory works, forming templates.

  • Start keeping a diary or blog

    You make the same attempt when speaking, so this exercise is as close to reality as possible.

  • Talk through your actions

    Imagine yourself as a cooking show host when you're making a sandwich, or as a driving instructor when you're driving a car. The more you talk and develop speech patterns, the easier it will be for you to express your thoughts later.

  • Don't be afraid of discussions

    In a dispute, not only truth is born, but also the ability to express one’s point of view. It's like chess: you analyze your opponent, attack his arguments, make your own - in general, it's a good workout.

    Agree that training with a living person is much better than training with a punching bag (in our case, with entries in a diary). Try to take advantage of any situation, so do not miss the opportunity to participate in an argument.

#2 Wisdom of all wise men

2 ears – 1 mouth. Listen more - talk less. Speak without thinking - shoot without aiming.

All these aphorisms boil down to one thing: before you say anything, you need to listen carefully and think through your speech. It's simple math: the less you say, the less likely you are to say something stupid. The more you listen, the more You will be better able to think through your thoughts.

After thinking and taking time, you will be fully armed:

  • Are you prepared for your interlocutor’s questions?

  • You don’t engage in chatter, but convey information briefly and to the point

  • You express your thoughts consistently and it is easier for you to convince a person

In order to do all this, you need to formulate a talking point in your head - determine what you want to say. Then, gradually coat them with sugar - arguments, justifications and answers to possible questions. And in the end, express your thoughts without further ado, explaining and illustrating if necessary.

#3 Cheat sheet

In some situations, thoughts don't fit on their own, so you need to have a plan B. That is, when you feel that you have lost the thread or lost the topic, you need to smoothly jump off the conversation or switch to an abstract subject.

For this you will need prepared phrases. You can come up with them yourself, or you can take them from the list below:

  • “Phew, I’ve worked so hard that my head is a mess. Let me tell you later..."(To be honest, you are talking nonsense)

  • “Well, here’s the story, I don’t remember everything. You’d better tell me how Vovka is doing.”(Switch to the interlocutor, and then ask questions)

  • “Oh, look what a car drove by, I heard it.....”(Quickly switch to surrounding objects to return and summarize)

  • “Okay, it’s all empty. Let's talk about business..."(Take it all down to stupidity and focus on another topic)

These are the simplest and most versatile options. To evade the conversation less noticeably, you can come up with versions for your environment.

Vocabulary and variety

To build a house you need bricks. To formulate and correctly express your thoughts, you need words. Below we will look at methods for replenishing vocabulary.

#1 Food is obtained by hunting

The simplest and most obvious option is. And it’s true: if you want to speak beautifully, you need to love literature.

But! Us beautiful literary words are rarely useful. Much more important are connectives, transitions and figures of speech. Therefore, you can read completely different books, the main thing is that you like them.

If you love the classics, letters from great people will help a lot. In them they communicate with their contemporaries and you can borrow some expressions for yourself.

Another option is to watch lectures. They are good for their conversational style and the presence of a narrator. Imperceptibly, you will adopt his manners: correctly place accents, pause and use bright comparative phrases.

Choose a field of activity that interests you and a worthy speaker. In this case, you will chase two birds with one stone at the same time: you will improve your knowledge and learn to express your thoughts.

#2 Exercise Game

Write down the word and choose synonyms for it. You can do this in your mind, or you can arrange a competition between your family. In any case, no one will lose and will only improve erudition.

#3 Environment

To learn to express your thoughts and expand your vocabulary, you need to immerse yourself in the appropriate society. You can do this in real life, or you can do it on the Internet. For example, try watching speeches by speakers (like TED), video lectures, webinars. The main thing is to do it consistently so that the “wave of vernacular” does not swallow the beginnings of intellectuality

#4 Memory development

Vocabulary requires a good memory. The catch is that it is quite difficult to train it specifically and it will take a lot of time. So we consider memory as coming phenomenon.

What's the point? Not a memory need to be improved for memorization, and remember, to improve memory. Don’t try to “inflate your brain” on purpose, but try to fill it with useful information so that it inflates itself.

That is, if you want to remember a word, you need to use it in speech as often as possible and the result will be improved memory. The more words you learn and practice, the easier it will be to remember the others.

Expressiveness and Confidence

You cannot express your thoughts beautifully by wagging your tongue sluggishly. Just remember: at least once have you admired an insecure person muttering under his breath?

#1. During a conversation, do not concentrate on yourself, do not think about your appearance. Focus on what you want to say.

Visualize the object, savor your knowledge. At first you will have to make an effort to hold onto your thoughts, but then it will be automatic.

With this method, you will reduce your anxiety level and become fully invested in the conversation. The brain can only hold one thought at a time, and when you forget about the possibility of making a slip or being blunt, the words will flow. This happens because the brain fully concentrates on the conversation, which means it selects offers faster.

#2 Voice recorder / camera

Record your speech on electronic media so you can listen to it from the outside. First, the voice will seem unfamiliar, second, you will immediately hear your shortcomings.

It can be:

  • Long pauses

  • A large amount of “water” in conversation

  • Once you recognize the problem, it will be easier to deal with it. You will learn what to focus on in order to Don't try to improve everything at once.

    #3 Feel the mood

    • Say goodbye if the person wants to leave

    • Change the subject if the person is bored

    • Show your knowledge if there is an important person in front of you

    Be on the same wavelength with the person so that he remembers you as a pleasant interlocutor. Among the annoying and boring storytellers, you will stand out.

    #4 Don't try to please

    The best confidence is not being afraid to be real. You will only harm communication if you bend and flatter.

    Naturalness inspires trust. The simpler and more relaxed you are with yourself, the faster you will join the conversation. And the easier it will be for you to express the desired thought.

    #5 Magnetism

    Your speech should attract attention in every way. Somewhere you need to stop, somewhere you need to increase the volume, somewhere you need to insert a digression. Don't let the person fall asleep, let him feel your story.

    Here are some quick ways to brighten up your conversation:

    • Gesture actively

    • Include facial expressions

    • Insert jokes or stories

    • Make accents

    • Break your speech into small paragraphs

    The most important thing is don’t be shy! If emotionality comes from within, then you will only win. This will show your honesty and openness, which will play into your hands in the future.

    #6 And finally

    You won't learn to ride a bike without falling. Don't be afraid of mistakes and don't focus on failures. The interlocutor has his own problems, and he doesn’t care about your flights.

    The person will either understand you or smile. But in any case, he will forget about it in 5 minutes.


    Learning to express your thoughts is actually easier than it seems. Everything comes with a strong desire and performance. The main thing to remember: a chain cannot be stronger than its weakest link


    Look for any opportunities to practice your speech. To do this, you can turn to your professional activity: students can join the scientific community and speak in public with research papers. And if you work in an office, you can always ask your boss to entrust you with preparing a report or report, which you will also present to your colleagues.

    Practice spontaneity. Speaking without preparation seems very difficult at first, but in the future it will help you improve your speech and make it fluent. To do this, meet and communicate with new people more often. Learn to quickly select a topic for conversation depending on the situation, and also quickly respond to your interlocutor’s remarks.

    Learn the grammatical and syntactic rules of the Russian language if you have problems with the correct or individual phrases. If you have difficulty finding the right words, you can read various dictionaries and lexical collections. Be sure to pay attention to the emphasis in words.

    Read more books. It's better to do it out loud. In addition to the fact that this will significantly improve your vocabulary, you will learn to emphasize the right words when talking with other people, speak and express yourself more clearly.

    Use standard speech training exercises used by announcers, politicians and other people who are important to learn and fluent. Say various tongue twisters quickly and out loud (you can make the exercise more difficult by putting a small object in your mouth or saying tongue twisters while running). Speak while looking at your reflection in the mirror, imagining that you are talking to another person or an audience. Read reports and give speeches in front of your friends or relatives.

    Try not to stammer, don't swallow your words, keep it smooth. At the same time, add emotionality to your speech: use more interrogative and exclamatory sentences, refer more often to quotes from famous people. You can even add a little humor. All this will make your speech truly beautiful and free.

    Video on the topic

    The ability to speak beautifully is not given to everyone. Very often a person cannot convey his thoughts to his interlocutor. Nobody wants their speech to be uncertain and uninteresting. How to learn to speak correctly and achieve success in eloquence?

    You will need

    • Tape recorder or voice recorder


    Expand your vocabulary. Try to learn at least one new thing every day. This is especially true for people who are forced to use a large number of special terms in their speech. Talk only about what you really understand.

    Pay special attention to the emotional coloring of speech. Change your intonation, highlight the main thoughts in your voice and help yourself with beautiful gestures. This will definitely attract the attention of your interlocutors and will be remembered by them.

    Be a speaker. Don't be afraid to speak in front of a lot of people. To relieve fear, write short speeches on paper and practice them in front of the mirror. Ask people close to you to listen to you and evaluate your speech. Rehearse during friendly gatherings and holidays - say toasts, lead the evening. Boost your self-confidence.

    Practice constantly. Achieve flawless coordination and . Don't jump from topic to topic, be consistent and logical. When speaking, be calm and convey your thoughts without monotony. However, you should not speak too emotionally - this may scare away listeners. Pay attention like announcers and radio. Analyze their speech and try to remember what attracted you.

    Video on the topic

    Many people dream of learning to speak beautifully - very often the ability to clearly express their thoughts is considered one of the main factors of success and fulfillment in life, primarily, of course, in professional activities.

    Conversation is an important component of interaction between people. Often, his professional career depends on how correctly, freely and beautifully a person speaks. This is also important in everyday communication. But speech also affects the well-being and confidence of the person himself.


    Learn to formulate your thoughts correctly and clearly. This is often easier to do in writing, so practice writing down your thoughts on paper. Try keeping a diary.

    When you talk, don't rush. Try to speak clearly and understandably. Breathe through your belly to make your voice louder.

    Find the middle ground between overly emotional and monotonous speech. Use intonation, then people won’t get bored listening to you. At the same time, do not express your emotions too violently if there is no reason for this.

    Try to speak concisely. If the interlocutor constantly jumps from one topic to another without finishing his previous thought, people get tired and find it difficult to follow his train of thought.

    If you have any speech impediments, try to correct them. If, for example, you cannot pronounce the letter “r,” take a few lessons from a speech therapist. Attend training on. The more correctly you speak, the more willingly you will do it and the more pleasant it will be for you to listen to yourself.

    Work on improving your self-confidence. A confident person feels free and does not worry about the impression he makes. He is focused not on his experiences, but on the interlocutor and on the topic of conversation, so it is easier for him to find words and be resourceful. Interesting ideas come to his mind more easily.

    When you are alone at home, imagine that you are a famous person and a TV show host is interviewing you. He asks a question, and you begin to answer it out loud. You can stand in front of the mirror. Then evaluate yourself - whether you answered the question quickly, how you formulated the sentences, whether there were pauses in your speech. Pay attention to your intonations, whether you liked them. Next time, you can record a monologue on a voice recorder to hear yourself from the outside.

    Tell your loved ones more often about things or events that interest you. Try to convey your idea to your interlocutor. The wider your horizons, the more topics you will find

    Get rid of fear and phobia

    Psychologists say that the low level of training of people in the field of public speaking indicates the presence of complexes and modesty in a person. The main thing is that you recognize your fear and understand where it comes from. You need to understand that courage and confidence, as well as the ability to speak clearly when speaking in public, need to be developed in yourself. This is not at all difficult and not a talent with which individual outstanding individuals are gifted. Famous speakers say that the audience is a stimulus that helps them get inspired and makes them work with more intensity. Don't be afraid to voice your new thoughts and ideas, it's important to start practicing hard.

    Learn to speak beautifully and competently

    Nowadays, it is not difficult to find trainings or courses in rhetoric and public speaking, but they all cost money and often do not coincide with your work schedule. There is a less expensive, but quite effective way - to learn from other people's examples. It is necessary to watch the performances of people of a wide variety of professions all over the world in order to understand what unites them and why they attract the public. Pay attention not only to the dialogue from the audience, but also to the prepared phrases and clothing of the speaker.

    Practice your speech in front of a mirror. Think over the text that you would like to voice in front of the public. Imagine that the mirror is the people for whom you need to broadcast. Your speech must be convincing. Try to pronounce each word as clearly as possible so that the audience can hear you. Hold a small meeting in front of two or three real people. There is no need to worry, it is important to be confident. A useful technique is interaction with the public. You can tell some stories from your life, but most importantly, don’t overdo it. Take small pauses in your speech, this will make your speech seem more natural and emotional.

    Look at the public

    There is no need to constantly look at your prepared notes. It is necessary to raise your eyes and address the audience. You can choose the friendliest ones from the entire audience - those who approve and support your words.

    Don't criticize your speech

    Even if your performance is not perfect, praise yourself. You managed to overcome your uncertainty, went out to the public and communicated with them. Don’t give up speaking, because this is the only way to become a good speaker. By addressing your audience again and again, your fear and uncertainty will disappear, and your performances will be freer, livelier and more exciting.

    Video on the topic

    If you think that the ability to clearly, competently and clearly express your thoughts is only necessary for work and success in business, then you are very mistaken! Clearly instructing your husband what needs to be bought, instructing your son to take out the trash, borrowing money from a neighbor, answering clearly in a lesson at school - these are all examples of the fact that a person knows how to convey his thoughts to others. You need to learn this from a young age.

    Reasons why a person is unable to clearly formulate his thoughts

    1. Insufficient command of the topic of conversation.

      In order not to “swim around the topic”, study the subject in detail, ask additional questions, consult with specialists or colleagues. Don't be afraid to appear ignorant. Especially if you delve into something new for yourself. After all, if you are embarrassed to clarify important details in advance, then the work will not be done efficiently from start to finish.

      Start studying logic. This will help your thoughts gain some “harmony”. You will acquire the skill of presenting theses consistently and coherently, and conclusions - briefly and deeply. You will convey thoughts clearly and briefly, without an abundance of small details that can “drown” the meaning of your messages.

    2. Fear is stopping you.

      Thousands of students and schoolchildren prepare seriously for exams, but at the last moment they become tongue-tied and cannot put two words together. Develop the skill of public speaking in front of family and friends. After all, next to them you are always less lost than with an unfamiliar audience.

      Gradually expand your circle of people by practicing speaking with strangers, including store clerks or random fellow travelers. Smoothly transition to colleagues and superiors. It's good for your career and good for your wallet.

    3. Control of one's speech is not sufficiently developed.

      Poor diction can disorient your interlocutor, even if you are deep in your topic and are incapable of being embarrassed and lost. YouTube is full of exercises to develop diction. Use materials that are freely available if paid training is beyond your means.

      Here's an example of one of them:

    What exercises will help develop eloquence:

    Read fiction, preferably classics. Russian, foreign - it doesn’t matter. From the masterpieces of world literature, you will learn to appreciate the beauty of the author’s language and thoughts. Your vocabulary will be enriched and your speech will become more beautiful

    Practice quotes from books with your friends, try speaking to them in the language of a character from your favorite book. Highly intelligent phrases of musketeers and kings in the novels of Dumas the Father will help you gain a reputation as a cultured person. It is clear that in modern life these are not the most common expressions. But they will give you a level of general culture and the gloss of an intellectual.

    Now it has become fashionable to have a personal blog or diary online. Replenish it every day with apt quotes and your own thoughts. An online diary is even more useful - those around you can read and discuss your thoughts. Therefore, this will motivate you to hone your presentation style.

    Communicate! As much as possible. Anywhere. With neighbors, sellers, teachers, colleagues. Don't be afraid to say what you think. Overcome your shyness, learn to defend yourself in an argument. It is very useful.

    All these simple techniques will help you become eloquent and captivate your interlocutor in your conversation.

    It is useful for every person to know how to correctly express their thoughts. Words have extraordinary power. They become the cause of war, thanks to them civilizations collapse, and the most fateful events occur. If you correctly convey the necessary information to your interlocutor, you can achieve any goal in life. The art of public speaking is within the power of any interested beginner. A huge amount of literature has been created in the world on the topic of communication between people.

    Miscommunication is a problem of the 21st century

    An unsuccessfully spoken phrase often becomes a reason to incite conflict in the family, at work, or between peoples. When communicating, it is important to know how to correctly express your thoughts. Families are destroyed because of a lack of understanding of the interlocutor, and wrong decisions are made. It happens that the situation cannot be corrected.

    Failures in new interviews or in business are associated with the inability to speak. By voicing thoughts out loud at the right moment, a person can occupy a high position or please loved ones. It is not an easy task to organize a public debate on any topic. But in any business you need diligence.

    Not a single speaker was born with a clear head and clearly defined diction. All of them learned at one time through fear and embarrassment, overcoming the surrounding indifference. It’s easy to watch how a speaker at the microphone quickly and coherently pronounces entire poems, stories, and conveys a pressing problem to those around him.

    To become a master at anything, you need to start making mistakes. Only through your own cones comes an understanding of how to correctly express your thoughts. You need to go straight to practice, then you will be guaranteed to gain real experience. In addition, they study methods for developing clear thinking.

    Preparing for a speech

    At the beginning of learning public speaking, experienced leaders recommend writing down your thoughts at any convenient moment. Future speech must be constantly thought through, looking for flaws and ugly phrases. It may take you a month of daily research to get just one sheet of perfectly linked text.

    Expressing your thoughts in writing is useful; the next day you can evaluate your creativity from the outside. Sometimes it will seem that the sheet reflects complete nonsense. But you shouldn’t do it, but it’s better to take it and modify the text later. It’s not for nothing that famous poets wait for months for the muse to write just two lines. The brain of any person works similarly.

    Perhaps an idea will appear on the road, but saying your thoughts out loud will be somehow inconvenient. A smartphone or a classic piece of paper will come to the rescue. Poets still use ink, it is developing, and from such a medium it is easier to perceive what is written in one’s own hand.

    Voice recorder and gestures

    It is better to exclude unnecessary repetitions of words. You need to express your thoughts briefly without using templates. You will have to memorize the text. You can read from a piece of paper, but such a speaker is not taken seriously. Literacy is the basis for attracting attention.

    In the video you can often see hands trying to find pockets. You will have to hold the pose until the end of the discussion, and this moment should not be overlooked. The interlocutor should grasp the meaning of the conversation, and not observe shyness and awkward movements.

    Facial expressions are important in any conversation so that the interlocutor does not fall asleep. It is advisable to express goodwill and seriousness. An ever-smiling face will be comparable to simplicity and disinterest in affairs.


    A delivered speech is the key to half the success. A loud and clear voice always attracts the attention of the crowd. And if the interlocutor is alone, then he definitely won’t get bored. This can be learned if a person does not have physical defects of the larynx. But the sonority of the tone will not affect the semantic content in any way.

    It is better to practice not in crowded places first. It is recommended to shout loudly while reading the speech. It is better if this happens in a field or an empty hall. This is how they quickly learn foreign pronunciation. There are practical examples where a person from a lonely settlement has no accent at all, having studied an alien language.

    The tone of the voice is also important; the interlocutor should not perceive speech by straining the hearing aid. Monotony is unacceptable; thoughts must be expressed in bursts and changes in words. It is better if sometimes there are minor pauses, at this moment the listener tries to collect himself and continue the conversation. You can get your attention back with a diluent in the form of a prepared joke.


    In order to correctly express thoughts on your chosen topic, you must first delve into the basics of the subject. Without understanding the question, the words will be confused, and the prepared text will look like the work of an amateur. Reading books helps improve the situation.

    A competent person is more trustworthy. A week you need to read one work in your chosen field of at least 100 pages. It is recommended to select literature under the guidance of a qualified specialist. Russian classics will help you improve your vocabulary.

    Memory and speaking technique training

    It is not enough to speak on the chosen topic and understand it; you also need to know how to learn to express your thoughts correctly. To do this, they work on thinking. After all, it’s one thing to express the words you’ve memorized in advance, and another thing to competently conduct the conversation in the right direction.

    In the process of discussing a problem, laconicism is encouraged. However, no one needs long silence either. During the period of talkativeness of the interlocutor, you can remember the material and collect your thoughts.

    The conversation is supported by standard phrases that indicate that you are listening.

    It is not recommended to be distracted and look away. It's better to smile and shake your head in agreement. When order is restored in your thoughts, it would be useful to gently interrupt your opponent and start talking about more pressing things. Casual acquaintances and discussing any issue with the first person you meet will help you increase your experience in such things.

    Overcome the fear of public speaking

    The ability to express one’s thoughts strengthens during mass discussions. Everyone has had the opportunity to give a presentation in class in front of their peers. Some students felt very uncomfortable during their speech. Only practice will help you overcome shyness. The random audience on the bus will only say thank you if you read any passage of prose to them.

    It’s hard to decide on this, and it can result in embarrassment. But experience grows in proportion to the accumulated failures. During your first attempts, it is recommended to remember that human memory is short. Even if the speech causes laughter, the next day each listener will plunge into his own worries and forget not only the words, but also the failed speaker himself.

    But on the tenth attempt, the right thoughts will arise in your head, and they can be easily conveyed to the crowd. The cause of confusion is often self-doubt. There are a huge number of techniques that increase self-esteem.

    How to find strength in yourself?

    Many beginners lose the desire after their first attempts. However, if you fail, you need to start describing the events that happened earlier. You shouldn’t concentrate on ridiculous moments; you should understand the reason for the embarrassment. Often during public speaking you come across one negative listener. It just ruins the whole mood.

    The speaker’s task is to find a sympathetic person in the crowd and begin to express his thoughts as if to him. Then the tongue will not get confused, and positive energy will be reflected through the speaker into the audience. However, it is better to start training in a familiar company, so as not to get into trouble.

    Help from professionals

    There is absolutely no shame in using outside help. The best speakers who have already spoken publicly have accumulated experience. Psychologists correct constrained character in a short time.

    Choose better known and proven self-esteem growth courses. But you shouldn’t forget about daily practice. Only real communication can bring a person out of the snail state. Not a single smart book you read will increase the level of your thinking process as much as trying to talk to a stranger about a topic that interests you.