Move your butt. Modern dance styles

Incendiary music, a special atmosphere and incredible body movements - what is the name of the booty dance and why did it become popular? What is the name of the dance style when you shake your butt, when and where did it appear? What is the secret of rhythmic body movements with the butt and why such a show makes men open their mouths. What outfit is chosen for such a performance - look at the photo!

A new show direction in dance, when only the butt dances, is called - twerking. And the dance itself or part of the show is twerk or booty dance. The dance is based on rhythmic, well-regulated movements of the buttocks. IN in rare cases– the waist and leg area are connected. The goal of twerking is to “get the crowd going,” to make them move to the rhythms of the music, to pleasantly surprise and impress.

The dance belongs to the “18+” category - all attention is focused on the voluminous buttocks, rhythmically shaking to the beats of the music. For twerking, immodest costumes are chosen that emphasize the volume of the butt. As a rule, these are Brazilian panties.

What is the name of the booty dance, they dance with their buttocks - where did it originate?

The spectacular dance “twerk” has recently appeared on the Russian stage. He gained such widespread popularity thanks to various dance show, which are broadcast on top-rated TV channels.

The history of the origin of twerk is assigned to African women, who used such dances to attract attention from the men of their tribe.

Were invented basic elements and typical movements. After some time, twerking firmly took its place on the professional stage, along with pop dance and hip-hop.

Twerking secrets - movements that make men open their mouths

At first glance, it may seem that booty dancing is nothing more than improvisation. In fact, in booty dancing, every movement of the buttocks is a fine-tuned maneuver that creates a unique shaking and vibration effect.

For greater entertainment, twerk dancers try to increase the volume of their buttocks by playing sports and pumping up their muscles. Inserting an implant or artificial extension is completely excluded. Any surgical intervention will only reduce the sensitivity and natural inertia of the gluteal muscles.

The most spectacular booty dance techniques include:

  • hip vibration - light and fast movements, from right to left, creating a subtle vibration effect;
  • butt thrusts - rhythmic, “pushing” movements back and forth;
  • booty point - movement from above, down;
  • figure eight is an interruption movement that creates the effect of softness and completeness of the dance.

Of course, in professional terminology these elements are called completely differently.
Clothes for twerking, booty shaking dance - do they even exist?

It is mistakenly believed that for booty dancing it is not at all necessary to wear any special clothes - just modest panties or a swimsuit.

In fact, for professional performance, the shape of the clothing and the quality of the materials from which it is made are very important.

So, before putting on a swimsuit, flesh-colored tights are required. They allow you to “fix” the surface inner thighs and muscles colloquially called “thighs.” Twerking without tights will vibrate your legs, which will draw attention away from the main object, your butt.

To highlight the sexy shape of the butt, wear swimsuits or Brazilian panties separately. They don't look too slutty, but they expose that part that is necessary for an exciting booty dance.

How to learn to shake your butt?

Many have seen clips and videos of dancing, where girls actively shake their butts. This passionate and erotic dance is called booty dance, its essence lies in the rhythmic movements of the butt and hips. And more and more girls dream of learning how to dance with their butts; there are special exercises for this.


Before you start shaking your buttocks, you need to get them in order. Pump up your butt, tone your muscles with exercises that must be performed systematically and regularly.

  1. Squats. Goal: to make the butt more prominent and elastic. The gluteal muscles will become stronger.
    • Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms at your sides.
    • Squat low, bend your knees smoothly, and put your butt slightly back.
    • Perform 10 times in 2 approaches, best in the morning and evening.
  2. Crocodile. Goal: learn to move your buttocks one at a time. The butt will become more mobile.
    • Sit on the floor, legs straight in front of you.
    • Walk moving your buttocks.
    • 30 steps forward and the same number back.
    • Perform daily at any time.
  3. Swing your leg. Goal: toned and firm buttocks.
    • The pose is on all fours, arms straight.
    • Swing your legs upward, knees bent.
    • Right 8 times
    • Left 8 times.
    • Do 3 approaches.
    • Perform daily.

Booty dance moves

After the butt is brought into the required form, you can start dancing. It is advisable to perform the movements in front of a mirror and to rhythmic music. First you need to master the simplest movement.

  1. Stand facing the mirror.
  2. Legs are slightly bent at the knees.
  3. Place your hands on your knees.
  4. Start moving your buttocks as if there is an unnecessary object in your panties, try to remove it with your hips. To make it more realistic, you can even put a coin in your panties.
  5. The arms and legs do not move, the back is straight.

It may not work out the first time, no need to be upset. If the training was carried out correctly, then over time you will achieve desired result. Once a simple movement has been mastered, you can move on to more complex ones.

Booty shake movement

  1. Get into a side position, legs apart, keep your hands on your hips or straight.
  2. Pull your butt back a little.
  3. Tilt your pelvis down, bend your legs slightly at the knees,
  4. Gradually increase speed while moving.

Hip rotation

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.
  2. Rotate your pelvis in a circle, keeping your back straight.
  3. Increase rotation speed.
  4. Lower yourself down, bending your knees and continuing to move your pelvis.
  5. To go up.

Shaking buttocks

  1. The starting position is the same as in the booty shake movement.
  2. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks.
  3. Move your butt up and down.
  4. You can try making movements with each buttock in turn.

Once you have achieved the “butt shake”, you can try another movement for this:

  1. Take a “cat” pose, to do this, kneel down, legs in different directions, arms slightly forward.
  2. We contract the muscles of the buttocks up and down and alternately, as in the previous movement.

Unfortunately, in Russia the style of dance where they shake their butts is not yet very popular and many do not even know what it is called correctly. But after just a few demonstrations of their skills by dancers, the popularity of booty dancing is growing every day, and soon this action will be able to surpass the likes of. In fact, booty dancing is an exotic and unknown direction only for us; today it is at the peak of popularity in other countries. This dance is called booty dance. It consists of Jamaican and African dance moves. Booty dance is sexy, alluring and relaxed.

In addition to entertainment, booty dancing also gives a woman care for her health. The main movements of this dance are a variety of butt movements, especially hip rotations, abdominal muscle tension, hip thrusts and peculiar knee movements - we recommend watching the video lesson for beginners below. Thanks to such basic elements, during the performance of buti dance, the abdominal and thigh muscles are strengthened, blood flows into this area of ​​the body, which has a positive effect on the condition of the female organs and reproductive function.

Incendiary booty dance - basic movements

The main advantage of booty dance is that you can learn it in as little time as possible. short term. You won't need years to demonstrate your skills. In addition, one can list whole line reasons why girls should pay attention to the new kind booty dance - bootydance.

If you learn to dance with your butt:

  1. You're guaranteed to have hundreds of people watching you on the dance floor. admiring glances, and men do not deprive you of attention.
  2. Bootydance movements will help you keep your body in good shape thanks to the rhythmic tension of the abdominal and thigh muscles.
  3. IN Everyday life your behavior will also change - your gait will become graceful, and your movements will be feminine and flexible.
  4. Increased blood circulation in the hip area improves women Health.
  5. Feeling sexy gives you confidence in yourself and your appearance.

In bootydance there are two types of basic movements: hiprolling and bootyshake. Hirolling is a movement that is carried out by the hips and abdomen. They remind East Dance and are an indispensable element of bootydance. But bootyshake is squeezing the muscles of the buttocks, which is performed to the beat of music.

Booty dancing video - lessons for beginners

Let's try to learn the choreography of booty dancing.

It’s worth saying right away that before training you definitely need to do a warm-up: spread your legs wide and bend them at the knees, then begin to move your pelvis forward and backward, left and right as much as possible. fast pace. Then, with the same position of your legs, do several wide rotations of your pelvis in a circle.

Now let's start studying the butidance movements themselves.

  1. First exercise: place your feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your body at an angle of forty-five degrees, squat slightly, place your hands on your knees. Now imagine that your pelvis is like a plank that will be tilted up and down in each direction. In other words, you will alternately raise and lower one or the other buttock. Movements should be sharp and energetic. This element of the dance can be performed either at a calmer pace or at an accelerated pace. When the lowering and raising of the buttocks occurs at the fastest possible pace, it looks very impressive.
  2. The second move is called a Brookdown. During its execution, you need to transfer the entire load from the lower back to the sacrum. To do this, sit down slightly on your legs spread wide, pull in upper press and move only your pelvis. Since bootydance is a booty dance, you should not supplement the brookdown with active arm movements.
  3. Now we begin to study the third movement called the shake. When performing the neck, the upper abs and back muscles are very important. Spread your legs wide again and squat down a little. Now make a high thrust of the pelvis upward, while leaving the legs and the rest of the body motionless, and a smaller thrust. This is how, alternating a high upward throw and a smaller throw, you carry out the shake movement. By the way, you can dance the shake while sitting: sit down, put your heels together, toes apart, spread your legs so that your knees point in different directions, keep your back straight, and seem to throw your pelvis up.

    Remember! During the neck and brookdown, the buttocks should be as relaxed as possible.

  4. The next movement of the buti dance is the figure eight. The exercise looks like this: stand straight, make your knees springy and draw a figure eight using the weight transfer, making semicircles with one thigh on one side and the other. The body must be motionless, but it can be raised evenly or lowered by 45°. Moreover, based on the rhythm of the song, the figure eight can be performed faster or slower. Dancing girl You can even sit down completely, but don’t forget to draw the infinity sign with your hips.

All these movements require a good girl physical training. If you do not exercise at all, then after performing these movements the muscles that were involved may ache.

Brazilian booty dancing – video

Everyone knows that the people of Brazil are quite temperamental and energetic people. Booty dancing by Brazilian women looks very sexy and acts as a magnet for men. And all because the stronger sex primarily pays attention to women’s hips. In Brazilian girls, they are always round and the butt seems to be slightly raised up. This shape of hips is considered the sexiest, so watching it also in bootydance is a pleasure.

To dance Brazilian booty dances, you must have toned buttocks and thighs. We recommend that you go to the gym 2-3 times a week or train at home. Just 20 minutes daily - and your buttocks will acquire a rounded, toned shape that you just want to demonstrate in bootydance. Most effective exercises to shape the buttocks - these are squats and lunges. The following exercise gives a good result: when you stand on your legs wide apart and keep your body straight, bend your knees and squat slightly by 2-3 cm, hold your body in this position for 2-3 minutes. Then go down even lower by 3 cm and wait 2 minutes again. And so lower yourself until you feel that you no longer have the strength to further perform the exercise.

Be sure to learn how to dance bootydance - this dance is guaranteed to give you self-confidence and immerse you in the world of the Brazilian temperament.

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The frank sexual energy of movements, endowed with primitive magic with a touch of modernity, will attract all attention to you. There are several reasons that make this dance so popular:

  1. All male attention will be yours, as will the title of Queen of the Dance Floor.
  2. All these rhythmic movements, tightening the gluteal muscles and moving the pelvis are an excellent anti-calorie exercise that makes your butt and thighs toned and athletic.
  3. Movements will simply become incomparably more flexible and graceful.
  4. Movements while dancing with your butt improve blood circulation in the pelvis.
  5. This dance helps to gain self-confidence.

In order to learn this useful dance You only need to study for a short time.

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A little theory

Booty dance movements are divided into several types:

  • Hirolling– these movements of the hips and abdomen, reminiscent of belly dancing, are mandatory elements of this dance.
  • Bootyshake– as the name suggests, this is a rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the buttocks and movements of the pelvis, simulating a ligament. This is the main movement of the booty dance and now we will tell you how to learn it.

Learn to dance Booty dance at home

As the advertisements say, in just two or three lessons you can dance school master the booty dance. Of course, choreography schools have a lot of advantages, starting from an individual program and ending with the supervision of teachers, but the biggest disadvantage of the school is its price. And in some cities there is also the absence of a school itself. Therefore, we will tell you what you need to do to learn booty dancing without leaving your home.

  1. The most important thing is self-motivation. Watch videos of Shakira or Beyonce, take a closer look at their smooth, mesmerizing movements and create the right atmosphere with the help of hip-hop music, Brazilian funk or other styles.
  2. To prevent clothing from restricting movement, it is better to wear shorts.
  3. It’s best to start learning armed with a video tutorial on booty dancing. Of course, you can learn this dance simply by imitating your favorite singers, but only professionals can give valuable advice. You can watch several such video lessons at the end of this article.
  4. It is necessary that the room resembles a home dance hall, is free and well lit. You also need a large mirror so that you can see yourself from the outside.
  5. Never forget to warm up before dancing and stretch during breaks. This will help warm up your muscles and prepare them for dancing.

If classes are less than three times a week, they will not bring the desired result. Each lesson should be no shorter than forty minutes. At first glance, this may seem like an excessive requirement, but the results are worth it.

Remember, booty dancing will make you sexy and relaxed.

Video lessons

Are you a brave and confident woman? Are you constantly striving for self-improvement in terms of femininity? Then you should definitely not only find out what booty dancing is called, but also understand why it’s worth doing it.

Stop guessing what the booty dance style is called. This is booty dance. This is the new exotic dance direction, which involves active work with the buttocks, thighs and abdomen. The remaining parts of the body are isolated. In Russia they simply call it “butt shaking,” which is what it basically is.

It is believed that bootie dance belongs to the Dancehall style, but in fact it takes its origins from African tribes. The dances of women living on the hottest continent in the world have always been rich in movements associated with belly work, hip rotation and sexy shaking of the buttocks. It is these elements that booty dance borrowed.

Once the answer to the question of what booty dancing is called is found, it’s time to move on to its advantages.

The first and perhaps the most important thing: women who know how to dance booty dance will not be left without the attention of men on any of the dance floors. The stronger half of humanity recognizes this dance trend as a little funny, but does not deny its attractiveness and sexuality.

Secondly, what is also important for women: buti dance classes help you lose weight. During intense shaking of the buttocks and alternate relaxation and contraction of muscles, calories are quickly burned, and a beautiful body is formed.

Third: booty dance classes teach you to control your body. After just a few lessons, you will notice that your gait has become more graceful and your movements more flexible.

Fourth: ladies who are interested in butt dancing become much more confident in themselves.

And lastly: buti dance improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, which is an excellent prevention of diseases of the female genital organs.

You already know what the booty dance is called, so it’s time to get acquainted with its basic dance elements:

  • movements of the buttocks;
  • hip strikes;
  • vibrations of the buttocks;
  • "eight" hips;
  • hip and lumbar rotation;
  • isolation of the buttocks from each other.

As you can see, the dance elements of booty dance are slightly similar to beli dance. Indeed, these trends are on the same parallel and have one more similarity - these are purely feminine styles.

There are several stereotypes formed in society that are associated with this dance style.

Some skeptics believe that anyone can dance the butt dance without preparation. What is it called, many people have no idea, let alone the complexity? A true bootie dancer is a person with strong legs, incredible flexibility, a “living” belly, excellent stretching and inexhaustible energy. Are there many of your friends like this? We can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that no.

Another stereotype: booty dancing is vulgar. Yes, the dance is frank, bright, sexy, but why is it worse than go-go, strip dans or erotic? Probably nothing. Buti dance is a stunningly beautiful, unusual and charismatic dance, there cannot be even the slightest doubt about it.

So, now you know what booty dancing is called, you know what advantages it has and what benefits it brings. Isn't it time to start learning? Many dance schools offer booty dance classes. Classes are held in a wonderful atmosphere and with excellent music, so they give exceptional positive emotions. The best release after a hard day at work is booty dancing! He's filming nervous tension and raises your spirits to the highest level!

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Today at different shows, music videos you can see dances of various styles and genres. The latter quickly emerge, captivating the attention of audiences of all ages, especially young people. One of the most famous of them is the dance where they shake their butts, and many girls are interested in what this genre is, what it is called, and how to learn to move the same way.

Sometimes this is not done as primitively as we would like, despite the apparent ease of the dance elements. Before you can conquer the dance floor, you will have to devote more than one hour to training.

When performing a dance, you need to perform movements with your hips, buttocks, and stomach. The dance is called “Buti dance” (in the original “ Booty dance"), which literally translates to "butt dance".

His movements are sexy, they fascinate, and therefore the girls performing them cannot help but attract the attention of men. “Booty dance” has African roots, which explains its passion, temperament and unbridled energy. The name “Booty dance” can also be found as “Booty shake”, which literally translates as “shaking the booty”, which certainly corresponds to the doctrine of dance. The most suitable music for him is reggaeton, R&B, hip-hop, Brazilian funk.

“Booty dance” is also called “twerking”, and in fact this trend is one of the varieties of this genre. When performing “Twerking,” extraordinary movements are made with the butt, while when performing “Booty Dance,” one must positively shake not only the butt, but also the stomach.

There are two main types of elements used in this genre:

  • Bootyshake. These are the main body movements of this genre. They are rhythmic, represent rotation of the pelvis, compression of the muscles of the buttocks;
  • Hirolling. The hips and stomach move, and together hiprolling is similar to belly dancing.

The virtues of dance

They lie not only in the fact that it looks very beautiful.

“Booty Dance” has other advantages:

  • The title “Star of the Party”, which will be given by the male half present at it, is guaranteed to you, as well as their admiring glances riveted on you;
  • This dance is rhythmic, and therefore helps to get rid of excess calories and lose weight. In addition, as a result of it, the butt will become toned, get rid of cellulite, and overall the figure will become slender and athletic;
  • Your posture and gait will noticeably change, you will look much more graceful and stately, and not only when dancing;
  • When performing dance movements, blood flow in the pelvic organs improves, which is very beneficial for the health of female organs;
  • “Buti dance” allows a woman to become more self-confident, gives energy, including sexual energy, and vitality.

How to “arm yourself” for training?

Many people dream of mastering this technique. Some people sign up for a dance class for this, while others choose to conduct classes at home.

In any case, if you decide to master this dance style, you will need:

  • Positive attitude and motivation. You can get them by watching the performances of stars who have succeeded in this dance, highlighting for yourself the most fascinating elements in your opinion. This should encourage you to eventually repeat these elements no worse than Beyoncé or Shakira;
  • Pay attention to the clothes you will be wearing. It should not hinder movements or cause discomfort. Best option– shorts or leggings, a loose T-shirt or T-shirt, comfortable sneakers. If you want to approach the issue of choosing clothes correctly, stop at things made from natural fabrics;
  • Even if you train in the gym, it would be a good idea to take advantage of video lessons and additionally practice them at home. If you master this technique on your own, without a trainer, you certainly won’t be able to do without them;
  • When practicing at home, try to make the room in which your training takes place as similar as possible to a dance class. The room should be clear and equipped with a huge mirror in which you can see what triumphs your activities bring.

You need to train at least three times a week, and it is important that each session lasts at least 40 minutes.

Each lesson should consist of 2 parts. The muscles need to be warmed up so as not to feel discomfort in them when you begin the main part of the workout. To avoid this, do not neglect warming up.

Preparation for class

This is a warm-up, which involves performing several exercises.

They are needed to prepare the gluteal muscles for exercise.

  • Straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and lower your arms to your sides.
  • We perform large squats, moving our buttocks back a little.
  • You need to perform 2 sets of squats, each of which consists of 10 exercises.

    Before you start performing the “Boot Dance” - the one where you shake your butt, you need to prepare your butt for the fact that it will have to move progressively.

  • We sit on the floor, straightening our legs in front of us.
  • We move forward, alternately moving the right and left buttocks.
  • It is necessary to complete at least 30 such “steps”, and after that we move in the opposite direction in order to return to the point from which we started.

    They also help to make the butt more elastic, toned, and after such a warm-up it will be easier to dance, and this applies exclusively to beginner performers.

  • We get on all fours, arms must be straight.
  • We perform swings with legs bent at the knees - with the whole leg 8 times.
  • You need to do the exercise in 3 approaches.

    Main part of the workout

    Here are a few moves that will be a good basis for later understanding of dance if you are new to this matter.

    The lightest but most beautiful element

    It will also take time to master it.

  • We turn to face the mirror, bend our knees a little, and rest our hands on the knees.
  • Move your buttocks as if you have some object in your panties that is bothering you and you want to remove it. If you are a beginner and have just begun to comprehend the art of how to shake your butt, in order to make it easier for you to imagine such a situation, you can actually put some small object in your panties.
  • Legs and arms do not participate in the movement, make sure that your back is straight.

    Rotate your hips

  • We place our hands on our sides and place our feet shoulder-width apart.
  • We make circular movements with our pelvis, keeping our back straight, and gradually increasing the speed of movements.
  • We continue to perform the exercise, slowly bending our knees and lowering ourselves down.
  • We rise up without stopping the movement of the pelvis.

    This move will take some training, but it's worth it.

    Those who are interested in learning how to shake their butt should do this.

  • We spread our legs, slightly bending them at the knees, while our arms can be either straight or resting on our hips.
  • We move our buttocks back a little and move them up and down.

    Over time, you can try to perform this element alternately with each buttock.

    Having mastered the basic elements, you can begin more difficult movements, and it will be easier to learn them with training.

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