Cleansing mantras - get rid of everything unnecessary. The most powerful mantras for cleansing space and biofield

What do we mean by negative? Of course, our emotions, our state of mind. External circumstances affect all people differently: some people become depressed because of one event, while others are not upset at all. However, regardless of how someone reacts to life circumstances, we all often experience irritation and anger, frustration and resentment. Negative emotions can poison more than one day of life, cause not only loss of spirit, but also physical illness, and this should not be tolerated.

Sources of negativity can be very diverse; several main ones can be identified:

  • information flow from the outside (media, Internet, communication in society and family, etc.);
  • inability to rest, psychological overload, lack of sleep;
  • annoying little things (sounds, lights, distractions, bad weather, etc.);
  • high expectations and disappointments;
  • internal dialogue, winding up;
  • lack of personal time and privacy.

Of course, you can fight negativity in different ways - develop equanimity, a positive outlook on events, practice various meditations and use auto-training. One of the wonderful ways to overcome unpleasant emotions and bring back the colors of life is the practice of mantras. to harmonize energy and get rid of negativity.

It has long been known that the world is filled with all kinds of vibrations: sound, field, energy and mental. “Woe from Wit” is a very accurate saying. In fact, we create all the negativity that gnaws at us with our own mind, with our thoughts. If a person is full of hope and optimism, then the vibrations of his thoughts will be high - they will not only give strength, health, confidence, but will also create a shield from the negative emotions of others. Such a person attracts people like himself - positive and smiling. The other, full of despondency and resentment, generates low vibrations, which makes him always upset, depressed, more often sick and does not believe in the positive outcome of his affairs. To such a person, everyone around him will seem envious, enemies and indifferent scoundrels. To reconfigure your mind to the positive, you can not only project positive emotions, learn not to be discouraged, see the positives in everything, never lose hope, endure failures stoically and wisely, avoid insults and outbursts of anger, but also use proven tools of the ancients to help you technician: yoga, meditation and chanting mantras. By practicing mantras, a person has the opportunity to directly influence the surrounding reality and his own state. Negative emotions are also vibrations, vibrations of our mind, therefore, in order to eliminate them, we need to return calm to the mind, and mantras do a great job with this.


If other forms of Tara provide support in something specific, then Green Tara helps to cope with any obstacles on the path of life, including negative emotions, sadness, grief and frustration. This mantra fills you with peace, gentleness, and helps you not to lose hope for success in business.

A strong protective mantra that gives stamina and strength is an appeal to Rama - the ancient prince, the incarnation of the god Vishnu. Rama was a national hero who defeated an evil demon that even the gods could not crush. The mantra has an active masculine character and sounds like this:


This mantra bestows goodness, perfection, cures despondency, calms the mind, and helps overcome difficulties. Also another mantra to Rama:

OM SRI RAMAYA NAMAH bestows spiritual strength.

One of the most powerful mantras for eliminating negativity and for protection is the mantra for the god Shiva - the great intercessor and teacher. His mantra against negativity is also the strongest. Shiva is highly revered by Hindus as a deity-standard of self-improvement and constant self-knowledge. He was able to overcome the three main obstacles to enlightenment: the desire for wealth, lust and possessiveness. The mantra is very good at eliminating negative influences, bringing harmony, fearlessness, confidence in strength, endurance, helping to keep the mind under control and getting rid of evil influences. Quite a common mantra. It sounds like this:


Mantra for the warrior goddess Durga - a protective mantra. It protects against dark forces, dispels negative influences, destroys apathy, and helps overcome obstacles. Gives you the opportunity to influence circumstances.


Mantra for negativity also the most powerful is the mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion Avaloketishvara (Chenrezi), which helps to develop spiritual strength, inner resilience, and compassion. It protects against inner anger, anger, and aggression. Also quite famous:


It is also called the six-syllable mantra.

Some mantras must be repeated 108 times, others thousands of times, but there are also those that require repetition a hundred thousand times to “revive” them, while taking any food or even water is prohibited.

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Mantras for cleansing and protecting the home

Negative energy in a room is the cause of many problems, from chronic diseases to unsettled personal life. Even a person deprived of any paranormal abilities can feel the presence of such “dirt”. In such a home, people are often tormented by insomnia or nightmares; conflicts and quarrels, as well as minor everyday disasters, become commonplace here. If something like this really occurs, it is time to recite mantras to cleanse and protect the home.

Cleaning the space - and our own soul

In any case, you need to start with yourself: permanent residents of housing with their thoughts and feelings are the main source of positive or negative energy. You can try saying the following text every day:

  • "Aum - Sri - Para - Maha - Kali - Namah - Jayam."

This mantra is addressed to Kali, one of the strongest goddesses of Hinduism, the conqueror of the Rakshasas. Regular reading of it “repairs” and cleanses the aura, strengthens protection (personal and home), and serves as a barrier to damage and other magical harm caused by it.

There are different mantras for cleansing the home, but one of the most effective is Vajrasattva. It represents a request for help addressed to the deity of strength, wisdom and crystal purity. How many times should I repeat the prayer? You need to focus on your own feelings, but ideally you should increase the number of daily repetitions to one hundred and eight times. In order not to lose count, it is advisable to stock up on rosary beads in advance.

The Gayatri mantra for home protection, addressed to the god Dhanvantari, increases people’s resistance to any external negativity:

"Om - Namo - Bhagavate - Dhanvantaraye - Svaha."

Regular repetition of this phrase fills the room with healthy vibrations that disperse clouds of pathogenic, hostile energy.

They say that house plants are the first to feel the effectiveness of this mantra. If a “green pet”, which had been wasting away in a pot on the windowsill for a long time, actively began to produce new shoots, the atmosphere in the house has clearly undergone changes for the better.

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Every person dreams of a calm life, therefore, he strives for harmony and balance. Nowadays, it is quite difficult to overestimate the benefits of calming mantras. When a person begins to read mantras aimed at cleansing his room, he passes through himself all positive emotions and sends certain vibrations to the universe. To achieve effective results, it is important to learn how to read mantras correctly. In this article we will look at what mantras exist for cleansing and protecting the home and when and how to read them? They will definitely help you cleanse your inner world and aura in your home.

The first mantra used to cleanse from negativity is Gayatri. This mantra is considered one of the strongest. With its help you can cleanse everything that surrounds us. Text: “Om bhum bhavad suvaho, tat savitar varenyam, bhargod devasyaim dhimahi, dhiyo nah prachodayat.” They read the mantra several times, passing the words through themselves.
The mantra for purifying the room is Vajrasattva. After reading it, negative stagnation and energy will disappear from your home forever. You need to read it clearly and without being distracted by other points. That is, if you decide to read it, free your thoughts from the problems that concern you.

Concentrate yourself on the melody of the spoken sound vibrations. Be sure that if you do everything correctly, your home will be filled with clean and bright energy. Text of the mantra: “Om vendaz saatva satto, manulyaya vendaz samaya, bembavaya sudaye bembavaya, titoo denda tinapa, supukaye bembavaya anuzakto, saarva tritsaa karta, bembavaya saarva sidime, khom tsitam suzumiye chiriyam kudu, bhagavad saarva tat hagata, vajrasattva khom samaye, vajrasattva denda samaye " This mantra encourages love, kindness, light and positive emotions.

These two mantras will drive out all the bad things from your home, calm your nervous system and give you joy. Experts in this field recommend reading these mantras regularly.

— You can read mantras at any time convenient for you, it is important that you prepare yourself for this process;
- if you feel that negative energy prevails in your home, then this moment is considered the most favorable;
- mantras can be read loudly or silently, it is better, of course, to pronounce them out loud and clearly so that you can listen to them yourself;
- the more times you say the mantra, the greater the chance that everything in your home will change for the better;
— you can read mantras once, or you can read them daily;
- if you wish, you can read mantras with like-minded people, in this case the results will be excellent.

To summarize, I would like to note that any mantra, despite its strength, cannot solve all your problems. It will only give you additional strength, faith and the opportunity to figure out where you made a mistake. However, with the help of special techniques, you will quickly understand your life and free it from negativity.

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Ancient Tibetan messages, encrypted in special sounds and texts, are capable of influencing human consciousness and the world around us. The mantra for purifying the biofield and space helps to normalize the spiritual component of things and karma, and set the right direction for the movement of energy.

Tibetan mantras can cleanse the human biofield

What is the power of Tibetan mantras

Each person perceives the sounds of sacred texts in their own way. If he is determined to self-purify and renew the space around him, then the power of ancient Tibetan mantras comes to the rescue. The power of sound emitted in a certain sequence tunes every cell of the body to a wave of purification and change.

The essence of Tibetan mantras is the repetition of sound formulas. They have a beneficial effect on the structure of each human chakra, restoring his biofield. Such spiritual practices help to work with space and consciousness, cleanse them of negativity and destructive emotions. They organize, guide and consolidate results with regular practice.

The subtle energies of the sounds of the space cleansing mantra work with several areas of life at once: health, success, home, love and well-being.

Universal mantra for cleansing

One of the most famous Tibetan mantras for purification goes like this:


Universal mantras allow you to:

  1. Harmonize the general state of mind.
  2. Calm the mind.
  3. Clear the space and biofield from negative external influences.

The text of the universal cleansing mantra contains the sound formula:


Tibetan texts for space

Gayatri is a famous powerful Tibetan text, the physical embodiment of the goddess Gayatri. Helps clear space, thoughts, consciousness, life. Regular practice provides multiple benefits: removes all negative programs; clears the mind of unnecessary dreams and illusions; enlightens and bestows wisdom; gives the ability to see the future.

Gayatri cleansing text from negativity:


The power of Gayatri does not end with the purification of space and energy. She is able to heal ailments and illnesses that appear due to damage or love spells. A person is purified from the consequences of even sinful actions.

The text of the cleansing mantra is dedicated to the goddess Gayatri

Sacred scriptures for cleansing the biofield

If you want to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated in your biofield, then Tibetan mantras must be read during fasting until the sun rises, at least 10 times. They will help you start new, leave behind all the negative moments of your life.

Mantra for ridding the body of negative energy and dangerous diseases. It harmonizes all processes in the body and fights chronic pathologies. It is read as protection against damage and the evil eye:


Women's mantra. Fills the biofield with femininity and sexuality, allows you to open up to subtle matters. You need to read at least 100 thousand times:


A strong text for removing all negative clots of energy at each level of the biofield. This mantra is used only in cases where complete renewal and flows of light energy are needed. It eliminates all negative emotions, harmonizes the biofield, and establishes protection from the evil eye. Suitable for cleaning ritual premises:


Mantra for home

Mula mantra cleanses the house. The power of action is comparable only with the texts of Gayati:


She helps:

  1. Bring love and harmony back to your home.
  2. Remove all negativity and fill the space with kindness and warmth.
  3. Protect your living space from the evil eye and damage.

The Vajrasattva mantra will return love and light to your home. It needs to be read several times daily without distraction:


When applying healing Tibetan texts in practice, one must remember their interaction with the cosmos. The position of the Earth's satellite directly affects the strength of the mantra. Some mantras are most powerful at certain times of the day. Using the lunar calendar and recommendations for reading Tibetan texts, you can achieve the greatest beneficial effect.

Purification mantras are very useful and even necessary tools if you want to get rid of any negative aspects and their consequences in your life, as well as start any new endeavor.

In the article:

Purification mantras and their effect

Purification mantras are designed to get rid of negativity in all its senses.
The psychological effect of such voice formulas allows you to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that have a destructive effect on a person. They calm your mind, organize your thoughts and help you let go of everything you don't need.
In addition, such sounds also affect the energy flows that surround each person. Thus, with the help of purification mantras, you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts and even diseases, because most often they are caused by negative energy that is present at various levels of human life.

Reading and listening to sacred texts allows you to cleanse not only thoughts, space and energy. With their help, you can even clear karma, which can completely change a person’s health and quality of life. You can listen to cleansing mantras or chant them, both methods are good and have a positive effect.

Mantras for cleansing karma

widely known as the mantra that conquers death. It can help get rid of almost any disease, but this is far from its only property. With the help of this sacred text, which contains an appeal to Shiva, you can get rid of many problems, gain longevity and good health. It also has powerful cleansing and protective properties, puts you in a positive mood, and brings joy. Many people believe that this is a mantra that cleanses karma, but it only works if it is read or listened to regularly.

There is a more complex way to clear karma - the Vajrassattva mantra. In order for it to work, it is advisable to learn to visualize the deity to whom its text is addressed. It must be imagined as a sparkling white silhouette with a bell in the left hand and a vajra in the right. While reading the mantra, a snow-white light will emanate from the chest of the deity, which will cleanse you and take the place of the negativity that will leave.

Mantras for clearing space

It is very important to monitor not only your own energy balance, but also the condition of your home. The well-being and mood of all the people living in it depend on how pure its energy is, which is why it is so important. With the help of ancient Sanskrit texts, you can cleanse any room and fill it with positive energy. This can also help attract customers to your store, because customers come into a room that is pleasant to be in much more often.

One of the most powerful cleansing formulas is this. Its age is about 3-4 thousand years. This sacred text has the power to cleanse everything from unnecessary and unnecessary things - your thoughts, your life, and your home. The text and translation of this powerful space purification mantra dedicated to Gayatri can be found in the corresponding article.

Another option that is well suited for cleansing the home is the mula mantra. It will not only cleanse your home of any negativity, but also fill it with love, joy and warmth. in this situation it is also suitable, and its text can be found at the link. Some believe that a house in which any Tibetan chants are regularly heard will always be filled with only positive energy. To do this, you can not only sing, but also cleanse the space.

Mantras for cleansing negativity

Mantras for cleansing negativity will help you get rid of bad thoughts and emotions, and forever erase from your life what you no longer need. In fact, almost any such vocalization has cleansing properties, but among them there are also those that are aimed specifically at cleansing.

One of these mantras that cleanses from negativity is this. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of this sacred text. It harmonizes energy and mind, calms and cleanses. With its help, you can get rid of the consequences of unpleasant communication or events, as well as other negative external influences on you. It is considered universal and suitable for any cleansing.

Also good for personal cleansing of negative energy. With its help you can get rid of negative programs, bad thoughts, negative attitudes and many psychological problems. Since problems of this kind also affect health, it is believed that this text also helps to get rid of some diseases.

In general, these work no worse than any conspiracies or rituals, and their energy is clean and bright, and cannot carry any negativity.