Rune Kano (Kenaz): detailed description and meaning of the rune in fortune telling. Rune - kenaz, keno (kenaz) interpretation, meaning of the rune

For many magicians who study ancient runes and their meanings, this symbol of the Elder Futhark is not of particular interest. Meanwhile, the Kano rune certainly deserves attention! This sign is associated with the positive aspect of the element of fire. That fire that lights the way in the dark and warms a person on a frosty winter night.

The meaning of the Kano rune (which is also called “Kenaz” or “Kennaz”) becomes clear from its name, which can be translated as “skill” or “knowledge”. Tamed fire is the ideal vehicle for self-transformation. Symbolically speaking, we can say that it helps transform the original raw material into hardened damask steel.

Runa Kenaz will be useful to a person who is learning something new for himself. This could be science, foreign languages, or the desire to master a new profession. Kano helps to unlock your inner potential, greatly enhances your ability to concentrate and learn. The rune teaches a person to express himself simply and concisely, they help to gain clarity of thought and skills of creative self-expression.

Magic Application

Rune Kano will be a good assistant for a leader or a person who often has to make important decisions. The runic symbol imparts to its owner self-confidence and the ability to make the right choice. Kano sharpens the senses and enhances the perception of intuitive information coming from the subconscious, especially in combination with.

Geologists, oil workers or hunters can use the Kennaz rune as a talisman to help them find what they are looking for. People of creative professions (writers, artists, designers, poets) can wear an amulet with the Kano rune to attract new ideas and bring bold plans to life. It should also be noted that Kenaz is part of the group of healing runes used for healing.

The Kano rune should be used as an object for meditation if you cannot understand your feelings or life circumstances. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Try to throw all extraneous thoughts out of your head. Then imagine the Kano symbol as a fiery figure burning in absolute darkness. Imagine how the Kano rune glows brighter and dispels the surrounding darkness.

Meaning in fortune telling

The appearance of the Kennaz symbol in a rune reading means that rapid changes are coming in the life of the questioner. For young people, the rune portends an imminent wedding, and for married couples - a replenishment of the family, especially if there is someone nearby. In a career and finance scenario, the direct Kano rune indicates achieving success through effort. In questions on love topics, this sign denotes the beginning of a relationship, a romantic acquaintance.

In an inverted position, the Kano rune changes its meaning to the opposite. It indicates a lack of prospects in any area of ​​a person’s life. In love terms, this is separation or cooling of relationships, in business and career - activities that do not bring results. For some time you will have to stay in the “darkness”, in a kind of energy vacuum.

Other runes of the Elder Futhark

First att of Frey and Freya

Heimdall's second att

Third att of Tyr

The Kano rune is the sixth in the Germanic and Scandinavian runic alphabets. She belongs to the elder futarch. This is a very powerful rune that has a strong healing effect.

Interesting! In some Scandinavian sources you can find a literal translation of Kano as “childhood ulcer,” which indicates the healing power of the rune. After all, after being cured of an illness, children become immune to dangerous diseases for life.

Main characteristics of “Kano”

General information about the rune
Name: Kanyo, Kano, Kenaz
Meaning: Torch, flame, energy
Action: Manifestation
Element: Fire
Number: 3, 28
Tree: Pine
Deity: Nert – patroness of hunting and fishing
Character: Energy
Essence: Reversible
  • a person pronounces words;
  • a potter creates pots;
  • a woman gives birth to a child;
  • the wound reveals tissue;
  • the factory produces products;
  • the birds are singing;
  • the beast leaves traces;
  • the torch gives birth to light;
  • a fire generates warmth;
  • a cloud gives birth to rain;
  • a volcano erupts lava;
  • the star emits light;
  • musical instruments make sounds;
  • the gallery displays paintings.


In order to draw the Kano rune, you need to draw a line from the top point at an angle of 45 degrees down to the left. Then continue the sloping line down to the right. In this way, two mutually perpendicular lines will be formed, reminiscent of a symbolic bracket or a mathematical “less than” sign. It was this rune that gave rise to the modern letter “C”.


I consider Kano a rune of renewed clarity. It symbolizes embodiment and revelation. The rune helps a person act in the right direction and gives strength to do so. However, no movement is possible without internal changes, without the revelation of human essence and its reflection in the surrounding world.

The rune is a symbol of things, objects and much more created by Higher powers, Gods. This is the manifestation of God's will in our material world. Through these objects we interact with Higher powers.

Rune meaning

The rune of fire symbolizes the will and energy that moves people. On the one hand, fire brings light and clarity to a person’s life. This happens when this power is controlled by consciousness and follows its goals. In this case, people will experience success in any activity.

On the other hand, fire is dangerous and can lead a person astray. This situation is possible when people lose control over their own will or become confused about the true goals of their actions. Uncontrolled power can destroy everything in its path.

Kenaz also has a mystical interpretation. It is considered the Scorpio rune, a symbol of sexual power. Kano personifies the power that guides worlds and souls. She is able to transform etheric energy into emotional energy.

The meaning of the rune in its normal position

Kenaz has powerful powers of transformation. She is able to bring long-term situations, conflicts and problems to an end. At the same time, you should trust this power and act together without being ahead or late. At the same time, human will, patience, faith and trust are manifested.

In the upright position, the rune promises success in business and supports in all endeavors. Often she uses a person as a guide to implement ideas from the egregor or Higher powers.

Kano is the patron saint of creative people. It helps free a person from the framework that constrains him. The rune of creation and creativity is especially useful for artists.

The symbol indicates that after darkness there will always come light. Kano portends the beginning of an active period in life and decisive movement. Your inner light gradually flares up and transforms into the outer world. Thus, your essence and inner reality is revealed in the world around you.

The meaning of the inverted rune

In the reverse position, Kano portends trouble and loss. Your current situation will become darker and you will have to lose something. This could be the end of a friendship or relationship, or the loss of a particular personality trait. In any case, you will have to give up something old, outdated. This process is always difficult, but necessary.

Advice! Don’t give in to fear, don’t be afraid of the resulting emptiness and learn to live with it. After some time it will be filled with a new element.

Sometimes the rune symbolizes a delay in development, in moving forward. For a certain period of time, your progress will stop, which can cause internal anxiety and worry.

The rune can mean a lack of vital energy, wandering in the dark, or loss of control over what is happening. It may also indicate lost chances. You misjudged the situation and missed the opportunity to get a good result. Now it's time to pay for the mistakes.

An inverted Kano foreshadows the testing phase. You will face difficulties. It is extremely important to maintain faith in yourself and in the Higher Powers. Exercise extreme caution in your actions, beware of rash spontaneous actions.

In the reverse Kenaz, internal resistance is hidden. You should discover your internal prohibitions, fears, secrets that are trying to break out.

Meaning in fortune telling

Straight position

The rune of fire and light calls, first of all, to get rid of everything old, unnecessary and darkening your life. A new stage awaits you, which will bring a lot of joy and happiness. Therefore, some things that are familiar to you will need to be left in the past. Don't be discouraged, as new ones will take their place.

Kenaz testifies that a person’s hidden talents and strengths will reveal themselves and bring success. The person will receive universal recognition, and his work will be appreciated.

Attention! Be careful in displaying your talents. Not all of them are destined to manifest themselves and receive approval. Try to relate what is said to actions.

Inverted position

It says that the ways to implement ideas are closed for the near future. You are going through a difficult stage of fighting internal demons. This situation will not end on its own, and you will have to make a decision and overcome fear.

Advice! Don't expect help from sources that have helped before. Now everything has changed. You will have to find a new solution yourself.

Meaning in magic

The rune symbolizes a torch that illuminates the road and is actively used to unlock human potential.

Kenaz has become a talisman for creative individuals, clergy, magicians and ordinary people. She helps women create a family and give birth to a child. Gives men strength, will and clarity of vision of what is happening.

Healers wear an amulet to understand the causes of diseases and successfully cure them. Mages and priests use Kenaz to comprehend the truth and communicate with Higher powers. Teachers use the power of the rune to combat ignorance.

Kenaz will help you establish relationships with your team and gain support from your superiors in an unstable economic situation. It will relieve tension, reduce competition and improve your mood.

The rune gives people physical and spiritual strength. Protects against negative energy. Improves your health and helps you accomplish the impossible.

Career divination meaning

Straight position

It is evidence of a person’s creative abilities and hidden talents.

The rune indicates an interesting and charismatic nature, who not only notices the shortcomings and dullness of life, but also actively tries to bring her fantasies to life.

A pair with the Hagallaz rune suggests that even a creative person is characterized by a loss of inspiration and muse. However, a person has enough strength and will to finish what he started. With all the complexity of the internal struggle, he presents his creation to the world.

Kenaz symbolizes the high professionalism characteristic of people who have mastered all the intricacies of their activities. A pair with Inguz indicates a persistent and strong-willed person who always finishes what he starts.

Inverted position

The opposite position indicates that the person is confused, has reached a dead end from which he does not see a way out. This situation may arise due to wrong decisions and actions at previous stages.

In such a situation, you should not take active actions, as this will only speed up the fall. You should deal with current affairs, analyze what is happening and try to understand the cause of these troubles. The situation will resolve itself.

Advice! Don't look for the guilty. Believe that after failure, a new stage will appear in which you can better realize yourself.

If a person does not follow the advice of the rune and interprets the signs incorrectly, then he will face significant losses. A pair with Odal indicates material or property losses. Isa indicates a difficult mental state and depression associated with a long period of stagnation.

Meaning for fortune telling for love

Straight position

The Kenaz rune in a love scenario is a very good sign, foreshadowing the strengthening of relationships and strengthening of feelings. Sometimes it warns of imminent pregnancy and conception.

For people who have not yet met their soulmate, the rune promises a quick acquaintance and the formation of a strong union.

Kenaz carries powerful masculine power and personifies strong and courageous actions. This means showing signs of attention, presenting gifts, proposing marriage.

A couple with Ansuz foreshadows a quick declaration of love. And Fehu and Odal indicate a pleasant gift. Vunyo talks about a partner’s ability to do unexpected things for the sake of love

Inverted position

Reverse Kenaz indicates that your partner is not serious and passive in the relationship. If you were planning to start a family with him, you should take a closer look at him. You probably won’t feel like behind a stone wall behind it.

The rune also symbolizes outdated relationships that can no longer be restored. Now each partner has to go their own way. This may be due to the couple being stubborn or unwilling to compromise. In any case, you should let your partner go and let him find his own happiness. This is precisely indicated by the couple Kenaz and Nautiz. Uruz warns against a situation where omissions can develop into hatred and subsequent revenge.

Combination with other runes

The interpretation of runes in pairs will help you understand the situation in more detail. The adjacent symbol will direct your attention in the right direction and tell you in which area you need to apply the acquired knowledge.

Weird- speaks of a person’s tendency to do crazy things, to have passionate desire and mania.
Fehu- indicates a connection with an influential person, a strong patron.
Uruz- predicts success in all matters and any endeavors.
Turisaz- indicates the time to collect the fruits of previous labors.
- predicts victory in competitions.
Raido- indicates marriage or union with a very powerful and enlightened person.
Gebo– symbolizes victory, universal recognition and receipt of the highest award.
Vunyo- means the favor of fate and victory in the situation.
Hagalaz- indicates the complete collapse and failure of your ideas and affairs.
Nautiz- portends the coming of the time for fulfillment of desires.
Isa- speaks of coercion, tyranny, voluntary submission to another person.
Yera- indicates indecent behavior, a place of debauchery.
Eyvaz- indicates a long-awaited pregnancy or financial gain.
Perth- symbolizes imminent liberation and complete freedom.
Algiz- suggests that you need protection from your own fears.
Soulu- portends the imminent adoption of important decisions.
Teyvaz– gives confidence that your hopes will come true.
Berkana- indicates an ill-wisher in the close environment. Figure it out and decide for yourself what to do with this person.
Evaz- symbolizes the revival of lost desires and forgotten dreams.
Mannaz- portends success in creative activity.
Laguz– speaks of peace, harmony, joy and happiness surrounding you.
Inguz– indicates successful transactions with foreign partners.
Dagaz– suggests a protracted stage of stability and balance. The time for change has not yet come.
Odal- is a sign of great material profit.

Give up what is darkening your life!
Never regret or cling to the old. You won't need it in your new life.
Open your soul and let the divine light into it.
Release hidden talents, desires and take action.
Having let in divine love, learn to interact with it and comprehend sacred knowledge.
Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

Correct interpretation of Kano will help you avoid troubles and pay attention to important aspects in a timely manner. After studying the message of the rune and putting the advice into practice, you will feel a surge of strength, joy and happiness.

In contact with

Rune Kano is the personification of enormous inner strength, rich spiritual life and strong attachments in relationships. The appearance of this rune in a reading indicates a person of enormous willpower and rich creative possibilities.

The meaning of the Kano rune

The meaning of the Kano rune is associated with the element of fire. But not the fire that brings destruction, but the fire that warms the hearth, or the fire that burns in the forge, or the fire of a torch that lights the way. That is, the fire of this rune is peaceful, useful and controllable. Keno is associated with close relationships: family or sexual relationships. Its appearance means that pleasant changes are coming soon. For young people, this may mean marriage, and for family people, it may portend a new addition to the family.

Features of the Kano Rune

Kano is a good sign for people with health problems. It means that your body is able to cope with the disease and soon all the troubles associated with health will be a thing of the past. Kano is a light that illuminates secrets that have long been hidden under the cover of darkness. Thanks to this light, a person gains new knowledge and gains new experiences that help him deal with difficulties and obstacles encountered along the path of life.

Reversed position of the Kano rune

The inverted position of the Kano rune has a completely opposite meaning. It can mean a break in relationships, the completion of important matters. The appearance of this rune warns that a rather difficult period may soon begin in a person’s life, and losses and failures are possible. Reversed Kano means that your strength is not enough to combat external negative influences, and you can easily become a victim of other people's selfish manipulations.

But even more scary is that you may become a hostage to your own bad habits, you may not have enough strength to fight your own selfish self. Kano, in an inverted position, warns that one should not be negligent about one’s health. Any, even minor, ailment will require attention on your part. You may be at risk of injuries, burns, and other minor health-related problems.

Rune Kano in love

If the Kano rune falls in a love relationship, then its meaning always symbolizes a man. That is, if the layout is made for a girl, then Kano will mean the man’s desire to give her a gift or proposal. And if fortune telling is done for a man, then you should definitely pay attention to the neighboring runes; they will show the girl’s reaction to a gift or response to his proposal.

But if, in fortune telling for love, an inverted Kano appears, this means that the relationship between the partners has completely exhausted itself. Their continuation does not bode well. Especially if the Nautiz rune is nearby in the scenario, then you should break off the relationship without any regrets.

Runa Kano in relationships

In relationships, the Kano rune shows that now a period has come in which both partners can open up. The main thing is that you are not afraid of the possibility of becoming the initiator of these changes in the relationship. As a result of this mutual discovery, the light of a sincere soulmate relationship will become available to both of you.

Rune Kano in fortune telling

Kano is a rune that lifts the veil of darkness over some period of your life, fills it with fire and light, and helps to achieve clarity and understanding in relationships. If you previously lived and acted in the dark, now the time has come to understand that you are the center emitting the bright light of the harmony of the Universe.

The meaning of the Kano rune comes down to the image of radiance, torch, fire. This does not mean physical fire, but its artistic aspects - the flame of passion, creative “burning”, the fire of faith and hope. Kano illuminates the path - life, spiritual, creative; it is a multifaceted image with extremely powerful potential.

  • Rune semantics: fire, torch, true path
  • Rune transliteration: K (K)
  • Old Norse variant: Kauna
  • Norwegian name (corresponding to Icelandic): Kaun
  • Anglo-Saxon variant: Ken (Cen)
  • Germanic name of the rune: Kenaz

The meaning of the Kano rune is to indicate which path is really (perhaps the only) correct one, but at the same time the rune gives the impulse necessary to follow this path to the end. Kano is the force that leads to success in any business. Often the meaning of the Kano rune is interpreted in the context of the “world of ideas”; this can be either the free creative imagination of an artist or writer, or wise strategic planning that allows you to choose the best option for the development of a project.

The meaning of the Kano rune in the upright position

The Kano rune (photo of the statutory outline - above), which has taken an upright position, indicates impulse, passion, energy, sexuality, active creation (creation), this is luck, choosing the right direction, success in any business. The Kano rune in a relationship may indicate the beginning of an important, fundamental new stage (in a purely positive context). For a couple, Kano can indicate conception or the birth of a child. One way or another, in love, the Kano rune is always positive for both partners; it says that you will get what you both want, and not each one separately.

The direct Kano rune may indicate that an important period in your life is approaching, you are revealing yourself in a new way and the world is reacting to you in a new way. This is a good time; it gives you many unique opportunities that you will definitely take advantage of. The poet will find his muse, and the runic shaman will move to the next stage of spiritual evolution. The meaning of the Kano rune in this position suggests that the business (or relationship) that has been started should not be abandoned under any circumstances, no matter what anyone says. It is now that your personality will truly reveal itself, you will surprise not only those around you, but also yourself.

Kano says that you need to free yourself from doubts, clear yourself of other people's opinions and look at yourself as you are. Decide what you want. Understand what you need and what is best for you. Take action, go forward, let love and luck into your life. Learn, realize, improve in everything that interests you. And leave what is not interesting to you overboard.

The Kano rune in a reversed position indicates failure caused by doubts and misunderstandings. You are wandering in the dark, you are not at a dead end, but simply wandering, not making out the road, which is much worse. In a relationship, the Kano rune in an inverted position indicates that you probably do not understand each other, you are confused and do not know what to do.

An inverted Kano rune (photo of the rune in both positions is above) may indicate the loss of a friend or loved one. It could also be the loss of some part of your personality or something equally important - motivation, support under your feet, work, funding for your project. In any case, you feel bad and/or hurt, the situation is out of control and there is no way to return everything to normal.

Reversed Kano requires you to be flexible. You need to understand and accept the fact that everything is transitory in this world. Relationships that have literally outlived their usefulness and are destructive to you should be left in the past. Projects that have lost profitability should also be abandoned, no matter how much you love them.

Yes, it will hurt for some time, and living with emptiness in your soul is simply unbearable. But the meaning of Kano in an inverted position does not simply state a negative fact, but says that you can, must, survive this time without bending under the weight of the burden that has befallen you. You will definitely become stronger, you will become more tempered and you will learn a lot. It’s not for nothing that they say that a negative result is also a result. At least now you know exactly what you DO NOT need.

Using the Kano rune in rituals

In practical terms, outside of the fortune-telling context, the meaning of the Kano rune can be applied in a whole range of situations. In particular, Kano helps to gain health and good luck, stimulates new relationships and profitable endeavors. This rune helps you focus your will to gain what you really need at the moment.

The Kano rune is unique in that it helps you look deep into yourself and return having gained and lost nothing. “Go there, I don’t know where, bring something, I don’t know what.” This ancient saying contains great wisdom, partly embodied by the Kano rune. We are talking about a deep understanding of any process, the ability to recognize it and use it to your advantage. So the Kano rune helps in the implementation of any creative ideas.

But in addition to the specifically creative context, this rune is widely used in the field of relationships and love. Kano in this context helps to find mutual passion, deep spiritual, emotional and physical connection. At the same time, Kano cannot be used in love spells, otherwise the fire of passionate love will easily turn into a flame of frantic hatred that will burn both.

The use of the Kano rune in runescripts

In runescripts, Kano is used as a motivator, a source of creative impulse, and also as an implementer - that is, the rune provokes a situation or event that contributes to the development of an idea. Kano enhancing passion, love, friendship, any relationship. In general, it can enhance any runic formula, regardless of its content. Often in runescripts Kano is used for healing (physical, spiritual, emotional). Here are some examples of using this rune in multi-segment recording:

The Kano rune, with all its potential and high energy intensity, has a fairly “soft” effect and it is almost impossible to create a situation where its influence will be negative. Often it helps to “disperse” particularly complex runescripts with four or more characters.

Philosophy of the Kano rune: genesis, interpretation options, contexts

In the shamanic tradition of the North, the Kano rune personifies creative energy (light), which transforms “raw” material into something meaningful and embodied (functional). In this sense, Kano is close to the image of a forge, where a furious flame heats the metal, making it soft and pliable, but only so that it takes on the shape intended for it by the blacksmith (more generally, by fate). The metal can become a blade or a horseshoe, the crown of a shield or a piece of jewelry.

The Kano rune is the energy of self-transformation; it unites disparate elements into something unified, aimed at achieving a conscious result. This is the same torch - assembled from several elements it serves one purpose - to illuminate the path. It embodies the seeker’s intention to find the right direction and follow it to the end. At the same time, a person does not always know exactly what awaits him ahead, but he still creates a torch and sets it on fire to dispel the darkness, despite the consequences. This is the great essence of the Kano rune.

Moreover, the Anglo-Saxon name of the Ken rune can be translated as “to know” or “to be able.” That is, the image of the rune is twofold - it is an opportunity to gain knowledge from the outside and at the same time demonstrate existing a priori knowledge (in contexts - talent, skill). The phraseology “shed light” on the situation is appropriate here, and this is how the Kano rune works - it helps to see everything as it really is. To a certain extent, this is the rune of intuition and recognition.

It may seem that the Kano rune is purely instinctive and has nothing to do with calculation, strategy, or planning. Actually this is not true. Kano is always the result of meaningful and targeted activity; it is not a coincidence, not a heavenly blessing. This is not luck, but success, which is natural if the right point of application is chosen and the necessary resources are clearly measured. That is why Kano is the rune of a clear mind, the rune of reason and wisdom; it is not just the ability to create, it is the ability to create consciously. This is not “creativity for the sake of creativity,” it is the desire for a specific result and its achievement.

The Kano rune helps to clearly convey your thoughts, formulate intentions and achieve results. It “ignites” an idea, motivates, sets a creative impulse and directs it.

  • The potential of the Kano rune: the fire that is born inside and gives insight
  • Basic esoteric qualities: self-expression, active creation, success as a result of the right strategy, creative catharsis
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: the rune helps to see things as they really are, disperses darkness, allows you to see the path
  • Calling the Kano rune: fire shows the way, but it can also get burned, be careful

Kano is a mandatory attribute on a shamanic journey; it helps the shaman not to get lost, reveals the true appearance of things, and protects against lies and deception. Kano turns “dead” knowledge into sarkala understanding.

Runes are used both in fortune telling and for magical effects. In order to choose the right stones and decipher their meaning, it is necessary to study their meaning, obvious and hidden influence on the situation. Let's figure out what the Kano rune is. Let's focus on the influence of its inverted aspect. Often people make irreparable mistakes by not paying attention to the position of the runes. This is unacceptable, especially when drawing up bets. The result turns out to be sad, if not catastrophic.

Rune "Kano": meaning

First, let's talk a little about stone in general. The name of the rune is translated as “knowledge” or “skill”. It means light, insight, direction, perspective. Its meaning in its direct position is positive. The stone promises a way out of a crisis situation, correctly placed accents, acquisition of new knowledge, and the like. If the “Kano” (straight) rune appears in fortune telling, you should calm down and perk up. The man is going in the right direction.

If you look deeper, the interpretation is as follows: fate guides this person, an angel leads him by the hand. Whatever tasks he sets for himself, they will be solved. It is important that he acts in harmony with the higher self. In addition, the rune is associated with clan. In fact, it means in magical circles the family of the ruler, who is the conscience and intellect of the nation. A good sign in an upright position. The Kano rune reversed has the opposite meaning. Let's take a closer look at what experts associate it with.

Reversed rune

The light went dark. This is what you should think when you see a stone in this position. This is a sign of immersion in darkness, both physically and in the astral sense. Something that is necessary to understand the situation is closed from the person. He is unable to receive updated information. This leads to erroneous conclusions and decisions. The Kano rune in the reverse position is a sign of loss in any situation. Clarity disappears from life, the angel turns away for a while. It should be taken as a lesson. This is just a segment of the path, full of obstacles and obstacles. You need to look for light not from the outside, but in your soul.

Every person has periods when he has to work on understanding his role in life. It is necessary to focus on development - this is the meaning of the Kano rune. Inverted, it closes perspectives and cuts off from the flow of life-giving energy. A person has to use accumulated strength to move on. How long will the darkness last? This is determined by neighboring runes. Although everything depends on the person’s personality and the level of tasks assigned to him. That is, one should proceed from the meaning of the question. If it was specific, it means that the source of only that information that is related to it is closed. If it is general, then a difficult period lies ahead.

and love

A few words about deciphering the layouts. When the “Kano” rune (there is a photo in the article) appears in the opposite position, empty optimism should be discarded, as well as false hopes. You shouldn't have your head in the clouds. From the height of seventh heaven it is painful to fall onto the rocky ground. The reversed Kano rune in love is a bad sign. She talks about the upcoming separation. The couple was unable to move towards harmony. On the contrary, people diverge spiritually, which will soon manifest itself in their actions. There is, with a high degree of probability, a scandal, a terrible quarrel or assault (rarely). This stone symbolizes the destruction of what was dear.

Married people are facing divorce. For single people there is hopelessness; they will not meet a couple soon. It is possible that some information may be revealed that the fortuneteller would like to hide from a loved one. It is this that will cause a catastrophic conflict. In addition, the rune predicts that a person will not be able to quickly understand the internal meaning of the situation. Important facts or details that could shed light are hidden from him. A bad and sad symbol. Its influence cannot be undone. It is necessary to work through internal problems, to figure out what is wrong with the attitudes that led to this point.

Fortune telling about the situation

Let's find out how to decipher a stone if you are asking a specific question regarding a specific matter. It is worth thinking very carefully if the inverted Kano rune appears. Its interpretation in this case is extremely negative. You should immediately understand that you are not in control of the situation. That is, you do not perceive it completely; some of the information is covered by a veil. And this is a very important piece. Decisions now will turn out to be wrong, actions will be destructive. For example, if you want to understand the prospects of a business, keeping in mind the development plan, then prepare for losses. The events that have been prepared will destroy what was built. This may happen due to the actions of ill-wishers, or the situation is unfavorable. But plans need to be cancelled, work curtailed, mothballed. Inverted “Kano” recommends waiting, gathering strength, until a person has additional truthful, impeccable and reliable information; development is impossible.

Health effects

The energy of the stone is also negative in this situation. If an inverted rune appears in a health scenario, it makes sense to undergo a serious examination. And it doesn’t matter what the state of the body is at the moment. The rune speaks of the development of an illness, probably chronic. It must be identified and stopped before it is too late. In addition, you should do hardening, exercise, and start regular jogging. Inverted Kano demonstrates stagnation in vital systems. Pay attention to the condition of your lungs. The light left the body. Darkness is approaching the body. It is already manifested in subtle fields. If you regularly have nightmares for a month, you need to cleanse your aura of damage. The absence of light is due to the magical influence of the enemy. In addition to scary dreams, there are other symptoms. The negative impact manifests itself in a bad mood, tearfulness, absent-mindedness, and the inability to concentrate on one problem.

It is necessary to save energy and listen to your inner voice. Light is not manifested only in consciousness. The Higher Self is always harmonious. It will lead you to a way out of a difficult situation. The dark period of the journey will be left behind if you manage not to succumb to fear and panic. You need to increase trust in your subconscious and train your intuition. On a physical level, you need constant communication with nature. Every day, take a moment to breathe fresh air and plunge into a natural spring. If it’s cold, then put your hands in a stream or river. Walk barefoot and admire the trees and flowers. Natural energy will help restore strength and let light into life. After going through this difficult period, you will become much stronger and more harmonious. How long will it take? Depends on how you take the advice of the rune.

Use in magic

If the straight rune “Kano” is present in many staves, then the inverted one is not often used. This is done in rare cases when it is necessary to hide something from people or a specific person. The light leaves the life of the one who is targeted. It's almost damage. Therefore, the inverted “Kano” is an attribute of a black magician. It is included in the camp when they want to eliminate a rival or enemy, block roads, take away talent, or extinguish feelings. This is not a very good thing. Therefore, it is not advisable for beginners to use the inverted “Kano”. She is complex and capricious. You can miscalculate the impact and turn the negativity on yourself. If this happens, immediately activate a new position with the straight “Kano” to neutralize the darkness that has broken free. She herself, summoned by your actions, will not leave the aura.


The rune being studied in the reverse position is complex and unpredictable. It indicates the presence of problems, the meaning of which still needs to be discovered. Information about them is not yet available to the fortuneteller. Again, do not use it when there are safer methods of influencing enemies. “Kano” inverted is a double-edged knife, which you need to learn to use masterfully so as not to harm yourself and dear people. Good luck!