Nizami Abdulhamids flag flnka lunar cart lunar chariot asvagen gemma seal Caucasian Albania Sasanians.

On Wednesday, December 23, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Republic overturned the appeal ruling canceling the criminal case against the leader of the Patriots of Russia DRO Eduard Khidirov.

Let us remind you that Khidirov was charged with fraud, illegal formation of a legal entity, falsification of a decision of the general meeting of shareholders and illegal banking activities. According to investigators, he organized a criminal group, which in 2011 carried out a raider takeover of CB Naftabank, fraud through fictitious loans to legal and individuals, took them out and stole the bank’s assets, as well as depositors’ funds in the amount of more than 300 million rubles. After the bank’s license was revoked, according to this version, the group stole funds from the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” in the amount of more than 200 million rubles. On December 2, the Supreme Court declared the decision to initiate a criminal case against him illegal. Disagreeing with this court decision, the prosecutor's office appealed it in cassation. The Presidium of the Supreme Court satisfied the cassation submission of the prosecutor's office and sent the material for a new appeal consideration. Khidirov, in an interview with Cheka, called the criminal case against himself illegal, as it was politically motivated, and said that he had nothing to do with Naftabank ( “The situation with me is classic example", No. 49 dated December 11, 2015). According to him, the case was initiated on the basis of false statements to the IC by the ex-chairman of the board of directors of CB Naftabank. Nizami Abdulgamidova.

After the interview was published, Abdulgamidov sent a letter to the editors of Chernovik, in which he refutes all accusations against him. According to Abdulgamidov, he was removed from the post of chairman of the board of directors of the institution as a result of Khidirov’s “help” and on the basis fake documents. After this, the new legal owners of the bank turned out to be Khidirov’s closest relatives and activists of the Patriots of Russia party. “According to law enforcement agencies, after the bank was transferred to these “owners,” a certain criminal community “laundered” multibillion-dollar sums through this bank. Considering that this criminal community was created by Khidirov, the investigative authorities opened criminal cases against him,”– writes Abdulgamidov, refuting Khidirov’s statement that a case was brought against him on the basis of his statements. Khidirov, in his opinion, overly “exalts” the appeal ruling of the Supreme Court of December 2 declaring the decision to initiate a criminal case against himself illegal, while “any intelligent lawyer” familiar with the case materials was obvious that the presidium of the court was his will cancel.

“Say, Edward would come up to me and say: “You see, old man, the devil got me wrong: I stole the bank from you, hoping for a “roof,” but there is no bank, no money, no “roof” anymore. I'm sorry..." Then I would answer him: "I forgive..."– writes Abdulgamidov. ]§[

Big biographical encyclopedia

Abdulgamidov, Nizami Abdulgamidovich

(Lezgin). Leader of the Marxist Workers Party (MWP); born in 1961 in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1986, theoretical physicist; since 1983 he was a member of the CPSU; was a member of the Moscow United Front of Workers until 1989; participated in the initiative congresses of the RCP (later - the Movement of Communist Initiative), in the formation of the Marxist Workers' Party - the Party of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, since March 1990 - member of the Council of the MRP, since 1991 - leader of the party.

He became known as a supporter of the idea of ​​Soviet power as the power of the Soviets, elected on the basis of production. At first, at the congresses of the MRP, he defended the idea of ​​the dictatorship of the proletariat in the form of the Soviets, but later he became one of the initiators of the removal of the second part of the name of this party. He was the author of the permanently developed MCI Program. Lezgin is the party pseudonym of N. Abdulgamidov.

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"Abdulgamidov, Nizami Abdulgamidovich" in books

NIZAMI GANJEVI (1141-1209)

From the book of 100 great poets author Eremin Viktor Nikolaevich

NIZAMI GANJEVI (1141-1209) Nizami Ganjavi (real name Nizamaddin maul Abu-Muhammad ibn-Ilyas ibn-Yusuf ibn-Zeka), the greatest Azerbaijani romantic poet, was born, lived and died in the city of Ganja, which is why he received the nickname Ganjavi. In the 12th century, Ganja was an important hub


From the book Reader on the History of the USSR. Volume 1. author author unknown

43. BOTTOM. “TREASURY OF SECRETS” The great Azerbaijani poet Nizami lived in the 12th century (1141–1203). He wrote a large number of poetic works, of which the most famous was a collection of five poems (“Khamse”). Below is an excerpt from Nizami's poem

Eastern march illuminated by Nizami

From the book of the Macedonian the Russes were defeated [Eastern Campaign of the Great Commander] author Novgorodov Nikolay Sergeevich

The Eastern Campaign as covered by Nizami The Persian and Tajik poet Firdousi (about 940–1020 or 1030) wrote about Alexander’s Eastern Campaign in the poem “Shah-name”, the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi (about 1141 – about 1209) in the poem “Iskender-name” ", Dehlavi, Uzbek poet Alisher Navoi

Abu Muhammad Ilyas ibn Yusuf Nizami Ganjavi [c. 1141 - approx. 1209]

From the book All Masterpieces of World Literature in summary author Novikov V I

Abu Muhammad Ilyas ibn Yusuf Nizami Ganjavi [c. 1141 - approx. From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AD) by the author TSB

Nizami Aruzi Ahmed ibn Umar


Nizami Ganjavi

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (NI) by the author TSB

Nikita Bauer, Nizami Sofiev How not to break your neck correctly. Encyclopedia of Extreme Sports

From the book How to Avoid Breaking Your Neck author Sofiev Nizami

Nikita Bauer, Nizami Sofiev How not to break your neck correctly. Encyclopedia of Extreme Sports We warn you in advance that playing all the sports described here is potentially dangerous to your health (as, indeed, all of life). Keep in mind that the main danger

Artists from the southern Lezgin capital visited the Russian capital for the first time Last Sunday, October 30, Kusar State Lezgin Theatre of Drama On the stage of the House of Culture "Chaika" he showed two performances in the Lezgin language for the Moscow public: "Zi Sedef" and "Arshin Mal Alan". It should be noted that the event was organized with the financial support of fellow Moscow residents Shakhid Askerov, Seymur Kadyrov, Javid Rakhmanov, Kadyr Karakhanov, Tokay Kerimov, Shakhlar Isaev and Fazil Gadzhiev. Information and organizational support for the event was provided by the Federal Lezgin National-Cultural Autonomy. The theater workers made every effort to create the appropriate national ambiance - Lezgin objects of decorative and applied art were placed in the foyer of the hall and along the entire perimeter of the staircase: woolen socks (kulultar), jugs (kvarar) and other clay products (khenchIin qapar) , combs for wool (rekyer), a spinning wheel (chhra) and even a loom, and the floors of the House of Culture were generously covered with Lezgin carpets.

The immersion in the atmosphere began immediately from the entrance to the cultural center - the guests were greeted by artists in the costumes of their heroes, and the most memorable was the character of Mashedi Ibad (although that day the play “Not this one, so this one” was not shown). In addition, an exhibition of literature about Lezgin culture, writers and the Kusar region was organized, and a film about the work of the Kusar House of Culture and the city itself was shown using a projector. Before the start of the first performance, the musicians staged a mini-performance on stage, inviting the audience into the hall and, as it were, preparing for the upcoming action. Behind them, the director of the Kusar Drama Theater Faik Kardashov came onto the stage with a welcoming speech. On behalf of the entire troupe, he expressed joy about the capital’s tour and emphasized the significance of what was happening for their theater and Lezgin culture. Then the floor was given to Shahid Askerov, who, already in Russian, spoke about the importance of such events and that such events come to life, including thanks to the audience, who are always ready to support the initiators of the events. Musical performance“Zi Sedef” based on the play by Assef Mehman (Abdullayev) lasted just under one and a half hours and was received with a bang by the audience. I would especially like to note the performance of Kifaet Yusifova, Lale Kurbanova and Yalchin Karakhanov, who played the main roles. During the break, guests were invited to a separate “Golden Hall” on the same floor, where musicians with their instruments and a dance ensemble from Kusar organized a rich intermission. And again, the most active actor turned out to be Bagir Akhmedov in the image of Mashedi Ibad “in his prime.” He acted like a toastmaster at a wedding, inviting everyone to dance and enjoy the evening. Thus, a mini-dem was arranged during the break; It’s worth saying that the members of our ensemble “Leki,” like other Lezginka lovers in the hall, did not stand aside and performed an impromptu women’s “Lezgi kyul.” Those who wished had the opportunity to have a photo shoot with the actors in their characters, as well as take pictures near the tables with Lezgin paraphernalia. The break lasted half an hour, and was followed by a second comedy performance, “Arshin Mal Alan.” Many are familiar with this work thanks to the film filmed in the AzSSR in 1945. Therefore, even that part of the young people from the audience who do not speak the Lezgin language perfectly were able to understand the play and appreciate the jokes of the actors. Like the first part of the event, the second performance, lasting an hour, also contained a lot music scenes. Kamala Kasymova, Rakhilya Gadzhibekova and Gasret Nasrullaev distinguished themselves with talented performances, and Ismet Sadiev in the image of Veli was especially remembered by the guests due to his manner, which exactly repeated the performance of Lutfali Abdullayev. At the end of the performance, the artists performed everyone’s favorite Lezgin song “Perizada”, in which the whole crowd supported them with thunderous applause. auditorium. Nizami Abdulgamidov was invited to the stage for the final words. On behalf of the Lezgin community, he expressed gratitude to the theater for the visit and for the emotions given, and also remembered how, while still a teenager, while in Kusary, he visited the very House of Culture, which today houses the Kusar State Lezgin Drama Theater. The editors of FLNKA have a number of comments from the organizers and guests of the Lezgin holiday theatrical arts which took place the day before in Moscow. Sabir Mamedov, Advisor to the President of the FLNKA: “The Lezgins living in Moscow were very happy with the Kusars for bringing a piece of the art of their people from afar to the capital of our Motherland. This is a rare event in the life of the Lezgin community in Moscow. Thank you very much, aferin to all artists, musicians, dancers, as well as artistic director and to the director of the Kusar Lezgin Theater for a wonderful evening. Let the theater continue to prosper and develop. I wish the theater staff even greater creative success" Artist of the Kusar Lezgin Theater Samir: “I admit, we were pleasantly surprised when the director of our theater announced that they were all waiting for us in Moscow. It was important news for us. We were excited about the prospect of performing in front of a sophisticated audience in a huge city. It was also important that such events allow us to talk about our culture, people and our city. The evening in the capital of Russia was wonderful, I am grateful to everyone who came to support us and watch our performances, and also participated in the organization of this event, I hope this is not our last visit to Moscow.” “It is impossible not to note the excellent acting, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. You need to have great talent to be able to convey the character of each character so flawlessly,” event guest Angela shared her emotions from the performances. “We came to the theater with the whole family in order to Once again imbued with the Lezgin spirit, because our strength is in our unity. The arrival of the Kusar Theater became a great occasion in order for the Lezgin community of Moscow to unite again. We were amazed actor play artists, we all looked with fascination at the action unfolding on stage. Prolonged applause from the audience that did not subside for a long time, became evidence that the artists’ performances went off with a bang,” said representatives of the Gadzhiev family, who also took part in the evening of Lezgin culture in Moscow. In addition, a number of pleasant responses were left in the Guest Book, which was located on one of the tables in the foyer. We always welcome feedback! In conclusion, we note that events like theatrical performances Kusar Lezgin Theater, as well as creative evening Sedaget Kerimova in Moscow are evidence of the restoration of cultural bridges between Lezgins living on both sides of the state border. FLNKA, which has repeatedly emphasized the importance of cultural ties between representatives of the Lezgin and Dagestan peoples separated by the state border, welcomes any creative initiatives in this problematic area and calls on the Dagestan and Azerbaijani authorities to strengthen work in this direction, which will certainly have a positive impact on cultural life peoples of both republics. Many thanks to everyone who came!

Inaya Nurmetova, Moscow

In the age of the so-called information state modern civilization and culture, it is extremely important to develop the most expressive and harmonious symbols of organizations: logos, emblems, coats of arms, flags, etc. “Moscow Lezgins” are also puzzled by this problem and are trying to create their own adequate symbols, combining images of the sun, mountains, eagle, etc.

FLNKA has already done this work and approved a flag with certain symbols. The gemma seal of Aswagen, one of the kings of Caucasian Albania, was used as a symbolic form. However, the use of this gem as a Lezgin sign caused heated discussions in Lezgin circles. We are publishing an article by one of the participants in this discussion, Nizami Abdulgamidov, who argues his position by making extensive historical excursions and drawing on a variety of scientific sources.

All these discussions should be perceived positively as a constructive contribution to symbol creation.

Public Relations Center

ROO "NKA "Moscow Lezgins"

What is depicted on the FLNK flag: a “stand” for the moon or a “stand” for FLNK?

We often talk about rising national identity of our people, however, to this day the Lezgins have not yet developed any established, recognizable symbols that would play a noticeable role in maintaining and strengthening the sense of unity in Lezgin society, especially in youth circles. And this is even stranger, given the well-known tendency of Lezgins to creative activity and an abundance of various Lezgin public organizations.

The public organization “Federal Lezgin National-Cultural Autonomy” (FLNCA) tried to fill this gap, which on November 29, 2012 announced on its official website the approval of the organization’s flag. We will not dwell on the topic of the competition, which was previously announced and held by FLNKA. Let's move on immediately to the fact that, in the end, the flag of the public organization caused, to put it mildly, amazement, since the chosen option turned out to be a symbol that had never been previously discussed in Lezgin circles.

Here is how the FLNKA itself presented this symbol to the Lezgin public: “In the central part of the field there is a symbol from the gem seal of Asvagen, one of the kings of Caucasian Albania, emphasizing the connection of times and the continuity of generations, designating the Lezgin people as the heir to the statehood of Caucasian Albania. The symbol is made in yellow (golden) color, symbolizing wealth, maturity and nobility, and represents one of the most ancient signs - the “moon chariot”.

Of course, we will not question the right of any organization to choose its own symbols. But, given the fact that the name of the FLNKA includes the name of our people, we think that we have the right to speak out about its flag, which appeared so unexpectedly. Moreover, the topic of this flag has already caused a strong reaction in many Lezgin circles, in particular, it has been and is being discussed a lot on the website - the oldest functioning Lezgin website. Therefore, in this article we use both already well-known and some arguments given virtual participants discussions on the Sharvili website.

1. Where did this “moon stand” come from?

Anyone knowledgeable in the history of Islam knows that neither the Prophet Muhammad nor any of his direct followers used the crescent moon as a religious symbol. The crescent was a symbol of the Persian Sassanid empire and was depicted on the crowns of its rulers as central symbol. After the Arab conquest of Iran in 651, the crescent moon was adopted by Muslim rulers and gradually came to be perceived as a symbol of Islam, especially after centuries of domination Ottoman Empire V Muslim world. But initially the crescent (in various variations) was a Sasanian symbol. There is no dispute on this issue between specialists in the history of the East.

The symbol that appears on the FLNC flag and is called a “moon chariot” on its website is a variation of the crescent moon. It has long been known to those who are interested in the history of the East and, in addition to the indicated name, has other names in historical literature: “lunar cart”, “lunar cart”, “Hephthalite sign”, “Sasanian sign”, etc.

In particular, this symbol is reproduced on two gems (precious stones with carved images) of the 4th century. from the collection British Museum. One of them shows a standing female figure with a flower in right hand, to the left of which you can see the image of the symbol we are discussing. HELL. Bivar believed that this gem represented the goddess Anahita, who acted as the “mistress” of the Sassanid dynasty. On the other gem there is an image of a griffin, in front of it is an image of the symbol under discussion, and behind it is an image of a “crescent” and a circular Middle Persian inscription. This symbol is also found on coins state entities Hephthalites and other peoples, but only those who were in vassal-alliance with the Sassanids. The shape of the sign, its elements, which are central to Sasanian emblems, clearly indicate its Sasanian origin. The famous German specialist on Iran H. Janichen considers this sign (“moon cart”) in numerous variations as a religious symbol, a royal sign and National emblem Sassanids. “Probably, belonging to one or another branch of the Sasanian house determined the various options in the outline of the main tamga (family family sign - N.A.) ... ".

When discussing the topic of the FLNKA flag on the Sharvili website, some discussion participants drew the attention of other discussion participants to the fact that on objects directly related to the Sasanian rulers (Shakhinshahs), there is only an image of various versions of the “crescent”, but there is no image precisely this so-called “moon cart”. The “Moon Cart” is depicted exclusively on the attributes of state entities that occupied an important military-political position, but played the role of buffer, border political structures and were in vassal-allied relations with the Sassanids. This involuntarily makes one think that the lower part of the symbol under discussion is not a chariot or a carriage at all, but an ordinary stand for a crescent, a table for a crescent. This circumstance gives grounds to call this symbol as a whole a “lunar stand” and to believe that it symbolizes the location of the owner of this symbol (shah, king) at a lower level of the power hierarchy in relation to the owner of the “crescent” sign (to the shahinshah, to the “king of kings "). In any case, this is evidence in favor of the supremacy of the Sassanids. Participants in the discussion on the Sharvili website came to this conclusion on their own, having seen in the lower part of the symbol under discussion not a “cart”, but a “stand”. However, it turned out that B.Ya. Stavisky drew attention to this even earlier, who called the symbol under discussion “a crescent on a two-legged stand.”

2. Sassanids and rulers of Caucasian Albania.

First known historiography royal dynasty Caucasian Albania, called Arranshahi in Persian sources, was of local origin. According to the most authoritative specialist on Caucasian Albania, K.V. Trever, “the first kings of Albania, undoubtedly, were representatives of the local Albanian nobility from among the most advanced tribal leaders.” In her opinion, “this is evidenced by their non-Armenian and non-Iranian names (Orois, Kosis, Zober in the Greek translation; we do not yet know how they sounded in Albanian).”

The Arsacid dynasty that replaced the Arranshahs was a junior branch of the Parthian Arsacids and, together with the Arsacid dynasties of neighboring Armenia and Iberia, formed the pan-Arsacid family federation. The Arsacid dynasty originates from Arshak I, one of the leaders of the Parni, who captured as a result of an uprising in 247 BC. power in Parthia - in the region of the Seleucid kingdom, formed on the lands that went to the Hellenic military leader Seleucus during the collapse of the empire of Alexander the Great. (At the height of its power, the Seleucid kingdom included part of Asia Minor, Syria, Phenicia, Palestine, Mesopotamia, Iran, parts Central Asia and present-day Pakistan). Having captured Parthia, the Arsacids founded an independent state on its territory, which later extended its power to all of Iran, as well as Afghanistan, Central Asia, Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. After 224 AD e. As a result of the anti-Parthian uprising of the king of the Pars region Ardashir, son of Sasan, the Sassanid dynasty came to power in Iran, replacing the Arsacid dynasty.

However, a side branch of the Arsacid clan managed to gain a foothold in the Caucasus as a local aristocracy at the very time when the Sassanids were consolidating their power in Iran, fighting against the branch of the Arsacid clan that had previously reigned in Iran. This became possible due to the fact that the Caucasian Arsacids, unlike the representatives of the Arsacids who reigned in Iran, recognized the Sassanian Shah of Iran as supremacy in the region and, thanks to this, they formed an alliance with the Sassanids, sealed by interdynastic marriages. This is evidenced, for example, by the fact that in the battle between the Romans and Iranians, which took place near Amid (359), the Sasanian Shah Shapur II was accompanied by the Albanian king Urnair, who was married to the Shah’s sister. In the battle on the Dzirav field (371) against the united Roman-Armenian troops, Urnair again fought on the side of the Sasanian Shah, which, however, did not prevent the Sasanian rulers from collecting various taxes from the Albanian population in their favor, as well as using it for large construction work , during military campaigns, etc. - all this clearly speaks of the vassal-alliance relations of the Albanian rulers with the Sassanids.

Such vassal-alliance relations were also manifested in the symbolic attributes of power of some Albanian kings. King Aswagen of Albania, believed to have reigned 420-438 AD. and was an Arsacid by descent through the male line, chose for his seal not an image of any symbol of the Arsacid clan, but the Sassanid sign, called by B.Ya. Stavisky “a crescent on a two-legged stand” - for brevity, you can call it a “lunar stand”.

As we have already emphasized above, this sign (“lunar stand”) is nothing more than the ancestral symbol of the Sassanids, and there is no dispute among experts on this matter. Therefore, we can safely say that, being an Arsacid by origin, Aswagen considered it necessary to emphasize with the help of a seal not his origin, but his vassal-allied connection with the Sassanids. This is exactly how we have to understand this heraldic choice of Aswagen. In those days, the Albanian government, despite its formal independence, was in fact in a subordinate position in relation to the Persian rulers - and the Albanian kings were clearly aware of this. And this reasoning is confirmed by the following fact. Aswagen's son Vache II, who ruled after him in Albania, built a city, to which (apparently in an outburst of loyalty) he gave the name Perozapata in honor of the then Persian king Peroz. Later this city became known as Partav (Berdaa), and the headquarters of the king of Albania moved there.

Let's return to the “lunar stand”. As is known, the fact of depicting this symbol on the gem seal of the Albanian king Asvagen was established by the Dagestan specialist on the history of Caucasian Albania M.S. Gadzhiev. Those who recognize this fact as established by this specialist cannot have any reason not to recognize his conclusion, which naturally follows from a comparison of this fact with other facts of the use of the “lunar stand” image. And his conclusion is that the symbol we are discussing, recorded on the gem of the king of Albania Aswagen, on the Sasanian-Kushan coins of Hormizd (when Hormizd was a prince and ruled in Kushan) and on the coins of the Hephthalites (Chionites), “can be regarded as a symbol of a side branch Sassanid dynasty, belonging to this powerful royal family “descended from the gods.”

Thus, the choice of the Arsacid king of Albania, Asvagen, of the Sasanian family sign of the “lunar stand” for his seal speaks only of the vassal-allied connection of this king with the Sasanian family that then ruled in Iran. This fact does not symbolize anything from the history and culture of Caucasian Albania, except that during the reign of King Asvagen, the Albanian ruler was in the wake of the politics of the Iranian Sasanian family and in family relations with this Persian royal dynasty.

3. Where is the “Moon” on the “Lezgin” Olympus?

Above, we tried to figure out whether there is a historical justification for the advisability of placing the image of a “lunar stand” on the flags of organizations calling themselves Lezgin. And we didn't find him. Is there such a justification in Lezgin culture? To do this, we need to remember the place of the “Moon” in Lezgin mythology, so to speak, on the “Lezgin” Olympus.

According to ancient sources, in Caucasian Albania there was a cult of the main deities. Strabo listed them in the following order: Helios, Zeus, Selene. These Greek theonyms correspond to the Lezgin names of deities (“g’utsar”) “Rag” (“Sun”), “Alpan” and “Varz” (“Moon”).

There is already a lot of literature about the place and role of various deities in the religious beliefs of the Lezgin ancestors. This is written about, for example, in the dissertation of F.A. Badalov. Next, we will briefly repeat the general information and reasoning from this work about the deities “Rag” (“Sun”), “Alpan” and “Varz” (“Moon”) with the addition of our own necessary reasoning.

Let's start with reasoning and information about the deity "Varz". Experts know that the veneration of such a deity as “Varz” is reflected not only in folklore and lexical material, but also in material culture Albanian period (especially in ceramics). But “Varz”, according to Lezgin beliefs, is a “two-faced” deity. His face alone is a bright face, smiling, showing his loyalty supreme god, but here’s another face - dark face addressed to chthonic creatures (monsters with supernatural powers). Lezgins have a common dual attitude towards the lunar deity: on the one hand, they revere him, however, at the same time they treat him with distrust and caution. Obviously, such an ambiguous deity in Lezgin mythology cannot be taken as a symbol personifying everything Lezgin.

Another thing is the god “Alpan”. The worship of “Alpan” - the god of fire, the thunderer, has very ancient roots in the territory of Caucasian Albania. He was credited with magical cleansing powers. “Alpan” embodied not only this function, but also the ethical ideal of justice (he is obliged to restore it if it is violated in nature or in society). And fire, lightning and thunder are his weapons (“lightning” in the Lezgin language is called “Alpandin ts1ay” - fire “Alpana”). It would be possible to take any of the “Alpana” images as a Lezgin symbol, if not for two reasons: 1) the absence of any symbol depicting it and 2) the presence of the “Sun”, which occupies a more important, special place in Lezgin mythology.

Analysis of archaeological, linguistic, folklore and other materials confirms the special status of “Rag” (“Sun”) in the pre-monotheistic pantheon of Lezgin deities. Supporters of this point of view refer to the fact that the image of the sun in the form of a disk with diverging rays is one of the characteristic motifs rock paintings. These types of designs are often repeated on ceramic products. The sign of the six-rayed sun and its symbolic image - the swastika - are also found everywhere. Lezgin solar calendar, which older generation used to this day, again testifies to the special status of “Rag” in religious beliefs.

From here it is clear that the image of the “Sun” is the only thing that we can use from Lezgin mythology as a symbol of the Lezgins, but not the image of the “two-faced” moon.

4. What can the image of a “moon stand” symbolize on the FLNKA flag in the 21st century?

Flag of FLNKA.

Unfortunately, after this statement, “Lezgin historians and specialists in the Albanian period” did not say a word that would somehow justify the expediency of placing this “stand” on the FLNKA flag, which, moreover, is not at all a unique Albanian symbol. As shown above, this sign was used in the attributes of many entities that played the role of buffer, border political structures and were in vassal-union relations with the Sassanids.

That is why this sign cannot demonstrate the “historical connection” of the FLNKA “with the Albanian state”. Experts have long proven, and we have already written about this above, that it, this “stand”, is a symbol of “purely Sasanian origin” and symbolizes only a connection with the Sasanians and nothing more. In the case of Aswagen, this symbol on his seal says only one thing: the king of Albania is related to the Sassanids and dependent on this ruling family in Iran. As convincingly proven by the same experts in the history of Iran, the Albanian royal dynasty, to which Aswagen belonged, was Arsacid on the paternal side, its origin going back to its roots in Parthia - in the historical part of Iran, and Sasanian on its mother's side, its origin going back to its roots in Parse is in another historical part of Iran.

Historiography has not yet established whether any line whose origins go back to the aboriginal peoples of Caucasian Albania participated in the genesis of the Arsacid-Sassanian family, which ruled in Caucasian Albania until the Sassanids abolished the royal throne there in 461. Science does not know any blood connection between the “family” that ruled Albania in the 5th century and the ancestors of the Lezgins, but the connection with the Sassanids “through mother’s milk” of almost every member of this “family” is known...

In order to finally substantiate the absurdity of using the “moon stand” as a Lezgin symbol, let us give another, now modern example. Today, say, the head of the Republic of Dagestan, where the Lezgins live, uses the image of a “double-headed eagle” on his seal as a symbol of subordination to his power to the Russian state. Would it be appropriate for our descendant, who dug up on the territory of present-day Makhachkala, hundreds of years later, to print the seal of today’s head of Dagestan, which depicts “ double headed eagle", declare this sign a Lezgin symbol? Even if we all agree that the Lezgins have only good things associated with Russia, this does not and will not make the Byzantine “double-headed eagle” a Lezgin symbol. So it is with the “lunar stand”: this symbol of the vassal-allied connection of Caucasian Albania with the Sasanian empire cannot be considered a Lezgin symbol, if only because, using this symbol, their position subordinate to the Sasanians was indicated during the early Middle Ages, as has already been established, many political education, and not just Caucasian Albania.

In a word, the use today of the image of a “moon stand” by organizations calling themselves Lezghin can symbolize one of two things: either these organizations are essentially not interested in anything Lezghin and they need this symbolism for something else that is not related to Lezghin issues; or some of their representatives who advocate for this symbolism know Lezgin history very poorly and give inadequate advice to the leaders of such organizations.

All of the above convincingly shows that by making the image of the discussed notorious “lunar stand” its symbol, FLNKA, which publicly positions itself as a Lezgin organization, has put itself in an awkward position. To be honest, someone promoted, pushed, defended this symbolism as a sign of demonstration historical connection FLNKA with the Albanian state. Perhaps this sign was previously proposed by one of the specialists for placement on printed materials on Albanian studies, but an image that would be appropriate on the cover scientific work according to Caucasian Albania, is completely unsuitable for the symbolism of the modern Lezgin organization.

And those “experts” who, as a result, convinced, albeit with the best intentions, the FLNCA Council to place the same “lunar stand” on its flag, simply put, “framed” our glorious organization. And it is no longer possible not to notice this... After all, it is obvious that if we turn to the image of Caucasian Albania in order to defend the ethnocultural identity of the Lezgins, then it is completely illogical to borrow a sign from the seal of the very king of Caucasian Albania who leveled this identity for political and other reasons.

ON THE. Abdulgamidov, teacher, Moscow

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Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region

107053, GSP 6, Moscow, Academician Sakharov Avenue, 18

In the name Russian Federation


Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, composed of judge Garayeva A.Kh.,

When keeping the minutes of the court session by the secretary of the court session Shabaeva M.S.,

having considered in court the case on the application of the Public Joint Stock Company Bank of Cyprus Limited (Bank of Cyprus Public Company Limited) to declare Zhedochi-33 LLC insolvent (bankrupt) (TIN 5030059434, OGRN 1075030004433), report of the temporary manager Sovin A.A.,

when participating in a court hearing:

from the temporary manager Sergey Nikolaevich Sysoev - by power of attorney dated February 26, 2016,

from the debtor Abdulgamidov Nizami Abdulgamidovich - based on decision No. 3/5 of 08/08/2014,

from the bankruptcy creditor - PAK Bank of Cyprus Limited Dmitry Vladimirovich Tikhonov - by power of attorney dated June 16, 2016, series 77 AB No. 1181568,

from the bankruptcy creditor - JSC "Eurobank Ergazias S.A." Seliverstova Yulia Veniaminovna by power of attorney 77 AB 8369837 dated 10/12/2015,

from LLC "Michaniki Rusiya" Rogov Nikolay Ivanovich by power of attorney No. 1 dated June 21, 2016, issued by the bankruptcy trustee A.V. Gribanova,


On March 11, 2015, the public joint-stock company Bank of Cyprus Public Company Limited applied to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region to declare Zhedochi-33 LLC insolvent (bankrupt).

On March 23, 2015, the company’s application was accepted for court proceedings, case No. A41-15150/15 was initiated on the insolvency (bankruptcy) of Zhedochi-33 LLC.

By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region dated June 5, 2015, a bankruptcy procedure was introduced in relation to LLC Zhedochi-33 - supervision, and a member of the NP SRO AU RAZVITIIE, Alexander Arkadyevich Sovin, was approved as the temporary manager of the debtor.

By the decision of the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated August 11, 2015, the ruling of the Moscow Region Arbitration Court dated June 5, 2015 was cancelled.

By the Decree of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of October 13, 2015, the Decree of the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal of August 11, 2015 and the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region of June 5, 2015 were canceled, the case was sent to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region for a new trial.

By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region dated February 26, 2016, a bankruptcy procedure was introduced in relation to LLC Zhedochi-33 - supervision; Alexander Arkadyevich Sovin, a member of the NP SRO AU DEVELOPMENT, was approved as the temporary manager of the debtor.

The publication of the introduction of bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor was carried out in the Kommersant newspaper No. 38 dated March 5, 2016.

From the temporary manager of the debtor, the case file received a report on the results of observation, documents from the first meeting of creditors, according to which he concluded that it was advisable to declare Zhedochi-33 LLC insolvent (bankrupt) and to open bankruptcy proceedings against it.

On August 3, 2016, the court received a petition from Zhedochi-33 LLC to suspend proceedings in case No. A41-15150/15, as well as an application to invalidate the decision of the meeting of creditors of Zhedochi-33 LLC dated June 21, 2016.

At the court hearing, the debtor's representative refused the filed petition to suspend proceedings in case No. A41-15150/15, and also petitioned to merge into one proceeding for their joint consideration of the application to invalidate the decision of the meeting of creditors and the report of the temporary manager of Zhedochi-33 LLC » based on observation results.

Insolvency (bankruptcy) cases are considered by the arbitration court according to the rules of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation with the features established federal laws regulating issues of insolvency (bankruptcy) (article).

According to part 2 of the article, the plaintiff has the right, when considering a case in an arbitration court of any instance, before the adoption of a judicial act that ends the consideration of the case in the court of the appropriate instance, to abandon the claim in whole or in part.

The refusal of Zhedochi-33 LLC from the stated request to suspend proceedings in case No. A41-15150/15 was made within the powers of the person who filed it, does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant, debtor, other creditors, therefore the arbitration court accepts the refusal and terminates the proceedings on this petition.

Representatives of the bankruptcy creditors and the interim manager objected to the stated petition for consolidation into one proceeding and asked to declare the debtor bankrupt and to introduce bankruptcy proceedings against him.

In addition, the representative of the temporary manager brought to the attention of the court information about the progress of the monitoring procedure.

By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region dated August 10, 2016, the application of Zhedochi-33 LLC to recognize the decision of the meeting of creditors of Zhedochi-33 LLC dated June 21, 2016 as invalid, received by the court on August 3, 2016, was left without movement and on at the time of consideration of the petition for unification, the court has not accepted it for proceedings.

The article establishes that the arbitration court of first instance has the right to combine several similar cases in which the same persons are involved into one proceeding for joint consideration.

Considering the fact that the application for recognition of the decision of the meeting of creditors of Zhedochi-33 LLC was not accepted for court proceedings, and also that the consolidation of cases into one proceeding is a right and not an obligation of the court, the court considers the debtor’s petition for consolidation not subject to satisfaction in one production of an application for recognition of the decisions of the first meeting of creditors and the report of the interim manager.

Based on the results of the analysis, the temporary manager came to the conclusion that it was impossible to restore the solvency of Zhedochi-33 LLC.

During the analysis, the temporary manager came to the conclusion that it was impossible to verify the presence (absence) of signs of deliberate bankruptcy of the debtor due to his lack of necessary documentation.

According to the register of claims of the debtor's creditors, as of the date of convening the first meeting of creditors, the third priority of the register included the claims of two bankruptcy creditors and an authorized body in the total amount of RUB 1,692,455,936.91.

There are no first and second priority lenders.

The possibility of restoring the debtor's solvency has not been established; there are no legal grounds for introducing bankruptcy procedures other than bankruptcy proceedings. The temporary manager also concluded that the debtor’s funds were sufficient to cover the costs of the insolvency (bankruptcy) case. Based on the results of the observation, the temporary manager made a conclusion about the advisability of introducing bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor - bankruptcy proceedings.

On June 21, 2016, the first meeting of the debtor’s creditors was held with the participation of bankruptcy creditors with a total of votes of 99.56% of total number votes according to the register of creditors' claims.

At the meeting, a decision was made on the need to open bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor, and Ivan Nikolaevich Domino, a member of the NP SRO AU “Development”, was selected as a candidate for the bankruptcy trustee of Zhedochi-33 LLC.

The case materials from NP SRO AU "Razvitie" presented documents on the candidacy of the arbitration manager Domino Ivan Nikolaevich for approval as the bankruptcy trustee of the debtor.

No substantiated objections to the declared candidacy were presented in the case materials; this candidacy meets the requirements of Art. Bankruptcy Law, therefore Domino Ivan Nikolaevich is subject to approval by the bankruptcy trustee of the debtor.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. Law on Bankruptcy, from the date of the arbitration court’s decision to declare the debtor bankrupt and to open bankruptcy proceedings, the powers of the head of the debtor, other management bodies of the debtor and the owner of the property of the debtor - a unitary enterprise are terminated (with the exception of the powers of the general meeting of participants of the debtor, the owner of the debtor’s property to make decisions on concluding agreements on the conditions for the provision of funds by a third party or third parties to fulfill the obligations of the debtor).

Based on the above, guided by articles of the Arbitration Procedural Code of the Russian Federation, articles of the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” dated October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ,


Proceedings on a petition to suspend bankruptcy proceedings are terminated due to the debtor’s refusal of the stated petition.

The debtor's request to combine the application for recognition of the decisions of the first meeting of creditors and the report of the interim manager into one proceeding is refused.

Recognize LLC Zhedochi-33 (TIN 5030059434, OGRN 1075030004433) as insolvent (bankrupt).

Open bankruptcy proceedings against LLC Zhedochi-33 (TIN 5030059434, OGRN 1075030004433) for a period of 6 months, until February 15, 2017.

To approve as the bankruptcy manager of LLC “Zhedochi-33” (TIN 5030059434, OGRN 1075030004433) member of NP SRO AU “Razvitie” Domino Ivan Nikolaevich (TIN 501305891639, registration number in the register of NP SRO 43, address for sending correspondence: 129626, Moscow, and /ya 177 (Domino I.N.) with a monthly remuneration in the amount of 30,000 rubles at the expense of funds and other property of the debtor.

Terminate the powers of the debtor’s manager and oblige him to hand over to the bankruptcy trustee all seals and stamps, material and cash debtor, as well as all documentation.

To recover from “Zhedochi-33” in favor of the applicant Public Joint Stock Company Bank of Cyprus Limited (Bank of Cyprus Public Company Limited) legal costs for payment state duty in the amount of 6,000 rubles.

The manager must publish information about declaring the debtor bankrupt, and submit evidence of publication for the file. At the end of the bankruptcy proceedings, submit a report to the court.

The decision is subject to immediate execution and can be appealed within a month from the date of its adoption to the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal through the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.

Judge A.Kh. Garayeva