What can you write to your brother? The most famous brothers

Statuses about your brother with meaning - You can lie when you talk about love to your husband or friend, but you will never lie if you talk about love for your brother.

There are friends whom we call brothers, there are brothers whom we can never call friends...

You may not believe in God, but know that as long as you have a brother, you have a guardian angel!

A brotherly handshake is more valuable than platinum and stronger than steel.

Without a brother it’s like being in a war without a machine gun.

My brother and I were enemies when we were kids, but now we are best friends!

Parents give us life, educate us and instill love in us. But the most best gift, which they can do is a brother or sister.

Brother - four letters, kilometers of understanding, and just lifelong friendship...

I don’t have a life, but just some kind of fairy tale: there are three brothers in my family! It remains to find out who is the fool.

What is the most beautiful and the most terrible thing in the world? Brother in joy and brother in sorrow.

Don’t you think, brother, that you and I have one life between us?

Sometimes you think that the most important thing in life is to help your brother grow up kind and sympathetic.

If only my brother were the same as in the photographs: handsome, smiling and most importantly - silent!

My happiness spends the night at home, sleeps not far from me, pampers me, indulges my whims, scolds me for my skirts, gives me chocolates and flowers. He saw me in any clothes, and it doesn’t matter to him whether I’m wearing makeup or not, he continues to love, love like no one else! I do everything for him! he is the most important thing to me! he is perfect! brother, I love you more than life itself!

I miss my brother so much, everything at home reminds me of him, but the saddest thing is that even my reflection reminds me of him...

I can easily give my own for my brother’s happiness.

I want to receive as much love and care from my beloved as from my own brother!

Son, congratulations! You will have a sister! - Well, I didn’t understand! What did you do to my brother?!

One person you never expect to stab in the back from is your own brother.

When our brothers are around, they bore us; as soon as they leave for a couple of months, we miss them!

You can talk forever about love and unity, you can prove it for an incredibly long time, but I know that it is impossible to convey what I feel for you, Brother!

Mom, I want a brother. - Okay, you will have a brother. - Hello, dad, I agreed. Will you have sex tonight? You've got the drum and pencils...

You hear the forbidden fruit, brother, don’t take it in your hands. Think about your family, think about your health... No need, brother, do you hear, don’t ruin your life. Don't leave salt on your relatives' cheeks...

We are not cool, but the cool are afraid of us, we are unarmed but always dangerous, we are few, but we are united. We are what are called brothers.

Alena Solntseva, “Free Shooter” / :“According to rumors, the film “Brother” is the leader in Russian video distribution. They say that either five hundred thousand cassettes have been sold, or four hundred. Nobody knows for sure, not even Pochinok. We only know that this low-budget film, the production of which cost something like 200 thousand dollars, paid for itself in the first weeks of sales.<…>Bodrov played a role that, for the first time in a decade, made critics talk about an accurately guessed type modern hero. They’ve even forgotten all these words, but here you go. The film itself is made very simply. But definitely."

Alla Bossart, “Dream to Lose” / :“Brother” is like a movie, and remarkably like it. This is an objective phenomenon, owing its fact not so much to Balabanov as to the liberated elements of Russian complexes.”

1996 Alexey Balabanov, Sergey Selyanov and Sergey Bodrov, during the filming of “Brother” in St. Petersburg, tell for the TV show “Vzglyad” what kind of movie they are preparing there. Balabanov reveals the original meaning of the name, and Bodrov recalls how he did not want to utter that very phrase about the Chechens.

Stanislav F. Rostotsky, “Brother” / Premiere:"Among Russian films lately "from modern life“It stands out for its stylishness and completely modern (that is, sometimes incorrect and even less humane) humor. And most importantly, now, when almost every one of our films is at least a little “about bandits,” Balabanov, like no one else, managed to show the world of crime, accurately and tastefully combining almost folklore stylization and the harsh truth of life in the images of his law-abiding heroes. Maybe it's not best compliment director " Happy days" and "The Castle" are completely aesthetic films. But, on the other hand, who knows - if the director had not once started with Beckett and Kafka, his domestic “boys” would not have turned out so expressive and lively?”

Evgeniy Margolit, “Lament for a Pioneer, or the German word “Apple China” /:“Brother” by Alexey Balabanov for me<…>not “new” cinema, not “old” cinema, but artistic cinema. And therefore - fearless. It's clear that this is the work of a man with genuine cinematic flair (which is a rarity in the video era). But where does the instinct come from? And here I will answer: this is the cinema of the ideal viewer. And let me clarify: the ideal viewer of the children’s pioneer cinema (and there were such in all the cities of our then vast Motherland), who, unlike many, grew up.”

Daniil Dondurei, “I’m not your brother, you nit...” / :“The film, devoid of great ambitions at its core, suddenly became almost a manifesto of our newest cinema (the current ideological and aesthetic desert situation does not justify the obviously inflated ratings). A manifesto that was greeted with enthusiasm by many publications. December “Kinopark”: the character of Sergei Bodrov Jr. “was recognized as new” national hero... What happened was what was expected from cinema: the name of the main character became a household name. A whole army of young people have appeared, trying to find themselves in big city" And this, frankly speaking, makes me sick.<…>What a nice guy - a hero. With a clear gaze and an art-historical squint, he surveys the amazing buildings of Voronikhin and Rastrelli. Well, if he kills some people (and not “black-assed”), it’s only because they are bad. In addition, Russians, especially relatives, are oppressed, and therefore he takes revenge almost like... a Chechen.”

May 1997. Video report in the “Vzglyad” program about the trip of “Brother” to the Cannes Film Festival.

Yuri Gladilshchikov, “Plot for a small murder” / “Results”:“The killer is a hero of our time. Murder has become commonplace. If before a murderer was known as a vile person, he knew within himself that he was a sinner and an evil person, but now you can be both a murderer and a charming good-natured person.<…>

The moral, as you might guess, is that murderers are infantile. That in the hero’s soul “Nautilus” with his moral nonconformism and the ability to serenely kill coexist harmoniously. A generation has grown up, on the one hand, seemingly adult (but in reality having mastered only one science - to defend oneself and exterminate), and on the other hand, incapable of either repentance or reflection about death and crime.”

Elena Plakhova, “Critics about the film” /:“All the cries about the cruelty of “Brother”, about the defiant impunity of evil, sound hypocritical against the documentary background of the domestic criminal epic. idea educational role art has to be left to Hollywood for now. Where, by the way, there is no place for films of triumphant evil, with certain exceptions. Just like in the American box office: those who are trying to sell Balabanov’s film abroad have already had to deal with this.”

Video chronicle from the Kinotavr festival in 1997. Balabanov tells how he fell in love with Russia and suddenly became a patriot; producer Selyanov was stretched out on the lawn nearby. No one yet knows what “Brother” will become for a whole generation of viewers in the future.

Sergei Dobrotvorsky, “My older brother” / :“In a certain sense, the author shares his fate in half with the hero. Both crossed a certain line. In the sense in which the great André Bazin spoke of the “ethics of the gaze.” The point is very simple: you should not look for moral motives inside or outside those around you. You must have the ethics of your own vision, and it will put everything in its place. Alexey Balabanov saw something unseen in his current life, primarily because he did not take any of the points of view that were somehow appropriate to the topic. Traditionally condemning (killing is bad!). Obediently acquitting (I’m killing, but what should I do?). And even fashionably courageous (to kill, so competently). The hero left for the capital with what he came with - loving his brother and a fan of the song “Wings”. And so what if his brother turned out to be Judas, and Slava Butusov will never know that in the apartment on the floor above which he was drinking, people were being slaughtered at that moment?.. This is how life is today. This is how Alexey Balabanov saw her. Then the audience."

Victor Matizen, “Critics about the film” /:“Bodrov is not an actor, he exists on the screen as an organic type. He does not transform, but only uses natural psychomotor skills, the same both in the role of the host of “Vzglyad” and in “ Caucasian prisoner", where his hero is the son of a teacher, and in "Brother", where he is the son of a repeat offender thief killed in the zone. Despite the fact that he himself is a boy with good upbringing written all over his face.”

Alexander Troshin, “Critics about the film” /:“The amazing emotionlessness of the film is disturbing. Moreover, calculating, as I can see. Otherwise why is there instead professional actor a tense sitter - with one expression in his eyes for the entire ninety-six minutes and one, wooden, amateurish intonation?

Sergei Lavrentiev, “Why is Zbigniew Cybulski not new?” / "Culture":“A man came to our cinema who was destined to become the personification of Time and Generation. And it’s very good that Bodrov Jr. is not an artist. The game is contraindicated for him. It should just be. And if in “Prisoner of the Caucasus” the organic nature of this cinematic existence turned out to be more convincing than the brilliant talent of Oleg Menshikov, then in “Brother” there is no one to compare with Bodrov. To talk about a film is to talk about it.<…>One must be very concerned about the problems of modern interethnic relations, so as not to discern, in my opinion, the main thing in the character revealed by Balabanov and Bodrov. Danila Bagrov from “Brother” is Maciek Chelmicki from Andrzej Wajda’s masterpiece, the film “Ashes and Diamonds”. They have a common feeling unrequited love to the Motherland."

Publications in the Literature section

Writer Brothers

The Dostoevsky brothers published magazines together, the Kataevs wrote under different surnames The Chekhovs heatedly discussed each other's work, and the Strugatskys worked as co-authors. “Kultura.RF” talks about the work of famous literary brothers.

Dostoevsky: Fyodor and Mikhail

Fedor Dostoevsky. Photo: livelib.ru

Mikhail Dostoevsky. Photo: fedordostoevsky.ru

There were seven children in the Dostoevsky family. The elders, Mikhail and Fedor, turned out to be especially close to each other. Their younger brother Andrei wrote in his memoirs: “Both older brothers were the same age, grew up together and were extremely friendly with each other.”.

The older Dostoevsky children read a lot since childhood and both wanted to become writers. Fyodor recalled that Mikhail in his youth took great pleasure in composing poetry: “three poems every day”.

From the mid-1840s, Mikhail began to publish in literary magazines: his stories “Daughter”, “Mr. Svetelkin”, “Sparrow”, the comedy “The Elder and the Younger”, translations of Goethe and Schiller were published. And Fedor published his early works: "Poor People" and "Double".

Mikhail supported his brother during his hard labor for participation in the anti-government Petrashevsky circle. He was publishing in Domestic notes” of the story “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants”, personally met with the editor Nikolai Nekrasov and the publisher Andrei Kraevsky, checked the proofs, made changes that he received in letters. “I like your story more and more. I don't find the chapter long. It is well written and a pleasure to read.", - Mikhail shared his opinion about what he read.

Later, the Dostoevskys jointly published the magazines “Time” and “Epoch” in St. Petersburg. In them Fedor published “The Humiliated and Insulted” and “Notes from dead house“Mikhail took on the main editorial work: he looked for authors, edited texts, and established relationships with censorship authorities.

Big brother is always with great sympathy related to the work of Fedor: “I am sure that you will write something that goes far beyond the range of ordinary literary phenomena”, wrote Mikhail in 1849.

Fedor respected his brother’s editorial talent and after his death said: “He was a man who respected his work, always did it himself, trusted no one even during his editorial duties and worked continuously. He was an educated, developed man who respected literature and was a writer himself, who passionately loved poetry, and a poet himself.”.

Bunins: Ivan and Yuliy

Ivan Bunin. Photo: pskovlib.ru

Yuliy Bunin. Photo: az.lib.ru

Yuliy Bunin was 13 years old older than brother Ivana. He became known as the editor of the magazines “Nachalo” and “Bulletin of Education”, the author of journalistic essays in the magazines “Russian Thought”, “Bulletin of Europe”, “Russian Vedomosti”. In his works, he developed the ideas of socialism and populism, criticizing the government and the monarchical system.

In Moscow, Julius distributed prohibited literature, called on peasants to revolt, participated in student riots, for which he was expelled from the city to the family estate of Ozerki. He was struck by Ivan’s lack of education, and he began raising his brother. Vera Muromtseva-Bunina, wife of Bunin Jr., recalled: “Juliy Alekseevich told me: “I found Vanya still a completely undeveloped boy, but I immediately saw his talent. Less than a year had passed before he had grown so mentally that I could already have conversations with him almost as an equal on many topics.”.

Thanks to his studies with his brother, Ivan acquired a broad outlook. Julius himself said: “Vanya independently evaluated this or that article, this or that work of literature. I tried not to suppress him with authority, forcing him to develop thoughts to prove the correctness of his judgments and taste.”.

Julius was the first from Ivan’s circle to recognize his poetic gift. He encouraged his brother’s passion for creativity and convinced him to send the poem “The Village Beggar” to the Rodina magazine. This is how Ivan Bunin’s first publication took place.

Julius introduced the future classic into literary world capital Cities. The brothers worked together in magazines, where the elder published journalistic essays, and the younger - stories and poems. Before the revolution, they were both members of the literary circle “Sreda”, which also included Maxim Gorky, Alexander Kuprin, Vikenty Veresaev, Leonid Andreev. Until the end of his life, Julius remained a comrade-in-arms and authority for his brother. Bunin Jr. wrote bitterly in his diary about the death of Julius: “Every day, a hundred times, I have a thought like this: I wrote three new stories, but now Julius will never recognize them - he, who always knew my new line, starting from the very first Ozero ones.”.

Chekhovs: Alexander, Anton and Mikhail

Mikhail Chekhov. Photo: livelib.ru

Anton Chekhov. Photo: wikimedia.org

Alexander Chekhov. Photo: chekhov-yalta.org

Anton Chekhov's brothers Alexander and Mikhail wrote prose and often published their works. Alexandra literary work I was interested in it as an opportunity to make good money. While still a student at Moscow University, he began working part-time in the capital’s magazines “Spectator”, “Moscow”, “Alarm Clock”, “Oskolki”, “Dragonfly”. In his letters, Alexander shared his impressions of the early texts of Anton, whom he also attracted to journalism: “Your jokes will do well. Today I will mail two of your witticisms to Alarm Clock: “Which gender wears makeup preferentially” and “God gave (children).” Alexander advises Anton to focus on literature of small forms: “Send more short and sharp ones. Long ones are colorless".

Alexander and Anton were very friendly. Their correspondence was always full of jokes and mutual jabs. Alexander addressed his brother “Father Anthony!” and “My brother Anton, who is making a furor!”

In their letters, the Chekhovs constantly discussed how to make money and in which magazines it was more profitable to publish. The "spectator" comes out. There's a lot of money. You will receive... Write 100-120-150 lines. Price 8 kopecks. from the line. I don’t recommend writing to Alarm Clock.”, - Anton reported to his brother.

Later, Anton became an authority for Alexander and criticized his work: "God bless common places, it is best to avoid describing state of mind heroes; no need to chase abundance characters» . Once, as a joke, he wrote to his brother about his enthusiastic impressions of his new story: “Who would have imagined that such a genius would come out of the outhouse? Is yours last story“At the Lighthouse” is beautiful and wonderful. You probably stole it from some great writer.".

Mikhail Chekhov was also famous in literary circles. He created humorous stories, articles, essays, translated Jack London and Lewis Carroll, worked as editor of the European Library magazine.

Mikhail and Anton were not close, but Anton had a significant influence on younger brother. “He encouraged me to read, pointed out what books I should read.”, he recalled.

Mikhail was not destined to become a great writer: like Alexander, he remained in the shadow of Anton Chekhov, but it was he who became his first biographer. “Fate destined to make it so that it was I, and I alone, who could (and should) write monographs and notes about Anton.”, Mikhail recalled at the end of his life.

Kataevs: Valentin and Evgeniy (Petrov)

Valentin Kataev. Photo: chtobi-pomnili.net

Evgeny Petrov. Photo: peoples.ru

Kataevs - popular Soviet writers- went down in history under different names. The eldest of the brothers, Valentin Kataev, became known as a novelist, the author of the novel “The Lonely Sail Whitens.” The younger took a pseudonym and became famous as Evgeny Petrov, co-author of Ilya Ilf’s novels “12 Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”. Evgeniy specifically worked under a fictitious name so that he would not be confused with his popular brother.

Valentin Kataev always wanted to be a writer. Living in Odessa, he attended a literary circle and creative poetry evenings. Arriving in Moscow, he began to collaborate with magazines, publishing essays about Civil War and humorous articles.

Evgeniy also wrote stories since childhood, but did not think about becoming a writer. He became a junior investigator in the criminal investigation department in Odessa, which shocked Valentin. “I understood that at any moment he could die from a bullet from a bandit’s sawed-off shotgun.”- recalled the elder Kataev. He persuaded Evgeny to move to Moscow, but he found an equally dangerous job in the capital, getting a job as a warden at the Butyrka prison. “I was horrified... my brother, a boy from an intelligent family, the son of a teacher... this young man, almost still a boy, will have to serve in Butyrki for twenty rubles a month!- Valentin lamented. He decided to make a journalist out of Evgeniy, promising a decent salary, several times higher than the overseer’s salary. Despite the refusals of his brother, who claimed that he “couldn’t write,” Kataev Sr. still convinced him to compose his first story. It made for "an excellent essay, full of humor and observation." From that moment on, the career of Evgeny Petrov, a journalist and writer, began.

Kataev made sure that his younger brother was not lazy and continued working. His wife recalled: “Every morning he started by calling him - Zhenya got up late, started swearing that they woke him up... “Okay, keep swearing,” Valya said and hung up.”.

In the magazine “Gudok”, where the brothers worked, Petrov met his future co-author, Ilya Ilf. It was Valentin Kataev who suggested that two young journalists work together. “I imagined them both - so different and so bright - and realized that they were created to complement each other”, - Kataev wrote in his memoirs. The idea of ​​Ilf and Petrov’s first book, “12 Chairs,” also belonged to Valentin Kataev, who proposed to them the idea of ​​a satirical novel about treasures hidden in a chair.

Strugatskys: Arkady and Boris

Boris Strugatsky. Photo: ruspekh.ru

Arkady Strugatsky. Photo: litfund.ru

Soviet writers the Strugatsky brothers worked as co-authors and became famous for their science fiction novels. As a child, Arkady loved to study space, made homemade telescopes and published a handwritten magazine. He also attracted his younger brother Boris to his hobbies.

Arkady joked: “We started writing science fiction together very early. I was 9 years old, and Boris was three years old. Or rather, not write, but draw. We made whole stories together in pictures.”.

After the war, Arkady published several works under the name S. Yaroslavtsev, and Boris also worked on creating his own story. But the most popular works- “It’s Hard to Be a God”, “Roadside Picnic”, “Monday Begins on Saturday”, “Noon, XXII Century” - created by the Strugatskys in collaboration.

First general book, “The Land of Crimson Clouds,” the brothers wrote after betting with Arkady’s wife on a bottle of cognac. Throughout their lives, the Strugatskys lived in different cities: Arkady is in Moscow, and Boris is in Leningrad, and the ideas for the novels were discussed in letters and during meetings on neutral territory. In one of the newspaper interviews, they joked that they were meeting at Bologoye station, where they opened the cafe “U Bori and Arkasha.” “Afterwards, a complaint came from Bologoye that the city committee had no access to letters: readers are trying to find out the address of the cafe “U Bori and Arkasha”, - recalled Arkady Strugatsky.

He said that at first the brothers tried to write separately. At first we planned future romance, idea, plot, composition, then they dispersed and each worked on their part separately or in parallel on the same piece, and then combined it, removing the unnecessary. “But later we became convinced that this was not the most rational method. Now we work at the same desk, trying out every word, every turn of the topic on each other...”- said Arkady.

Arkady also wrote separately from Boris: he penned the stories “The Devil Among Men” and “Details of the Life of Nikita Vorontsov.” After the death of his brother, Boris also published two novels of his own authorship: “The Search for Destiny, or the Twenty-Seventh Theorem of Ethics” and “The Powerless of This World.”


How we miss our loved ones when we are forced to part with them for a long time. And how I want to write about my feelings, thoughts, what’s happening at home, talk about the news. How to write letter in order to cheer him up, not to offend him in any way, not to upset him, because it’s so difficult for him there?

Any letter start with a greeting. When addressing a loved one, they use the words “dear”, “beloved”. Then you can write about how you miss you and want to see you soon. If you know about the upcoming meeting (perhaps you want to come with your parents in the near future), be sure to report it, because the good news will cheer up the young fighter.

Next, it’s worth remembering what questions I asked you in last letter brother, and answer them. You can ask about what you. For example, about how relationships develop with other soldiers, how commanders treat them, how they feed them, whether they cope with physical activity, about the daily routine.

If you received a photo from your brother, write about how proud you are that he is his homeland, note that he has matured, matured, and become more serious. You can also send him your photo, this will allow you to be closer.

Report brother O latest news in your . Perhaps there is a pet in the house that he loves very much. Write to him about how your pet plays and eats. Your brother will be glad that the animal is healthy and happy. Write that you are interested in his service and pass it on. Don't give bad news, don't upset your brother. Perhaps everything will work out and his worries will be in vain.

At the end of the letter it is worth wishing brother successful service, good health, good and loyal friends, good mood. Write that you are waiting for his letter or that you will see him soon.


  • brother in the army

The army is an integral part of every person’s life: some served, others saw off, others wrote letters. For everyone, the period of service becomes a significant test that must be passed with the least losses. Men who give back to their fatherland are in harsh conditions deprivation of communication and restrictions on freedom, which leaves an imprint on their emotional condition. That is why the main task of those who are waiting for a person from the army is to help and morally support the soldier. Since the lion's share of communication comes from letters, it is very important to compose them correctly.

You will need

  • So, to write a letter to the army, you must follow several mandatory rules:


WE WRITE ONLY POSITIVE. You should not receive any bad news, regardless of whether something happened or not. Even if he is walking to the right, or a friend was killed in a car accident, let him find out everything in civilian life. While he is away from home, while there are relatives and no one nearby, such news poses a great danger to him and can lead to the most dire consequences (escape, suicide, crime).

WE EMPHASIZE ITS IMPORTANCE FOR US. Half of them must be words about how much they miss him, how they are waiting for him to return home healthy and strong, that it is hard without him, but everyone is holding on. It is advisable to remind that everyone is proud of him, because he serves his homeland, fulfills his military duty.

WE ARE INTERESTED. Don’t forget to take an interest in everything that happens to your soldier: how is his health, is it cold in the barracks, how are his relationships with colleagues, etc.

Finding himself in a new environment, with new people, it may seem to him that he is no one’s friend, so it is very important, by following the given rules, to show how much he is loved and expected, so that he does not even have doubts about this! In this case, in a year you can wait for your matured and matured soldier!

Video on the topic

When a loved one is in the army, it seems that the heart is ready to jump out of melancholy and fly away after him. Unfortunately, you can only go to your sweetheart letter. It will tell you how you feel if you know how to express them. Follow certain rules, and your loved one will appreciate it.


To write letter, you need to create a romantic atmosphere around yourself: sit by the window, light a candle, turn on beautiful music. Remember the most pleasant moments associated with it and start. The letter should be permeated with tenderness and warmth. Nothing will work out if everything around you irritates you, and every now and then your little sister comes running in with stupid questions. In this case, it is better to wait for a favorable moment.

You should write about your love. You shouldn’t tell how your neighbor suddenly started giving you flowers and walking you home, or that you’re with your friend. You will post this when we meet, but now time is limited. You need to enjoy communication to the fullest. The meaning of the letter in army- show that you are still thinking about your loved one.

Be natural. There is a great temptation to rewrite a beautiful poem from the Internet. Try not to do this. Imagine that most of your colleagues are sent the same lines, their value will immediately disappear. Compose yourself, even if there is love-carrot, such letter will become much dearer to the heart than a note with template phrases dedicated to someone else.

Yours letter will be kept under your loved one’s pillow and shown and re-read to colleagues more than once. Try to write beautifully. Choose a nice paste color. Remove carefully. Spray lightly with perfume. Caress his eyes, ears and sense of smell.

Start with the fact that you miss him and are waiting for his return. Talk about something light and insignificant. For example, how did you go to the zoo? Avoid information that compromises you. Make connections like “honey, what a pity that you didn’t see this.” End with declarations of love and fidelity. You can seal it with a kiss or a funny teddy bear.

Helpful advice

It is not necessary to write a ten-page essay. One sheet is enough, but decorated the best way.

The army is the armed forces of the country. Its task is to conduct attacks, defense, cover, invasions, as well as expeditionary reconnaissance activities. Service in army is being built in accordance with the Charter of the Armed Forces. The rules for addressing and responding to military personnel are prescribed in the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces.


If a senior person comes towards you, then you are obliged to greet him first. If you have a headdress, bring your hand to your head with a straightened hand and closed fingers. If there is no headdress, the greeting is carried out by taking a military position.

According to the Charter, to an unambiguous question, the answer to which could be either “yes” or “no”, you must: if the answer is “yes” - “That’s right, comrade (rank)”, if the answer is “no” - “ No way, comrade (title).”

If you are given a task, answer “Yes/I obey, comrade (title).”

Provided that you are standing in the ranks and the boss addressed you by military rank and last name, give a short: “I”, if the boss addressed you only by military rank, in the answer state your position, military rank and last name. In this case, do not change the position of the weapon and do not put your hand on the headgear.

When a serviceman is taken out of action, a command is given. For example, “Private Petrov. Break down so many steps" or "Private Petrov. To me (run to me).” In this case, answer: “Yes.” In formation steps, step out of line for the specified number of steps, counting from the first rank, stop and turn to face the formation. On the second command, having taken one or two steps straight from the first rank, turn as you go, approach (run up) to him in the shortest possible way and, in two or three steps, report your arrival.
For example: “Comrade captain. Private Petrov has arrived on your orders" or "Comrade Colonel. Captain Sidorov has arrived on your orders."

When returning to the line, a command is given. For example, “Private Petrov. Get in line" or just "Get in line." On the command “Private Petrov”, answer: “I”, and on the command “Get in formation” (in the absence of weapons or with weapons, but in the position “behind your back”), put your hand to the headdress and answer: “Yes” turn in the direction of movement, with the first step lower your hand, moving in a formation step, the shortest path