Combination of colors in a wooden interior. A combination of brown with blue and orange. Brown combined with cool colors: blue and green

No one would underestimate the popularity of brown in modern design interior of an apartment or house.

Brown color in the interior in combination with others

This color and also its various shades, are very actively used in the design of any room - from the hallway to the bathroom, as well as in all styles, be it classic or modern high-tech. It also allows you to experiment with various combinations, which help determine the horizons of the designer’s capabilities.

A very familiar and traditional combination is white and brown, however, this solution looks very stylish and calm if combined with modern items furniture. In general, brown color is a symbol of confidence and stability; it looks best in a classic interior. Visual perception The room will depend on the shade of brown (for example, beige or chocolate). In any case, remember that in order for the room not to look boring and monotonous, you need to add several accent spots to the interior.

If you build an interior based on the union of brown and pink, then it may seem banal to some. Most often it is used in the design of children's rooms for girls. Brown color actually balances out the “sweetness” of pink, which, in turn, softens brown and makes it more delicate. In general, this combination will always be associated with roses and chocolate. If desired, you can complement this ensemble with white, blue, green or beige colors.

Seems really versatile union of green and brown colors. These two shades are the most natural in the palette, and they are also found in nature most often. Both of these colors have a huge amount shades, so you can choose exactly the ones that reflect your character and the mood of the room.

The combination will look very unusual purple and cocoa color. At first it may seem to you that such a solution is rather gloomy and depressing, but in fact, both colors fill the room with a special sensuality and are fraught with something frankly mystical. It is best to use this duo in a bedroom with a fairly large area.

Combination of blue and brown can only be called chocolate blues. In general, this combination directly depends on the room for which it will be used. For classic interiors it is better to use light shades, but for young people bright and at the same time rich colors. You can also try this combination in the bedroom or living room - you will see that the result will definitely exceed all your expectations.

The combination looks quite unusual orange and brown. Most often, this range is inherent in minimalist styles, for example, Japanese. This duo looks best in a bathroom or hallway. However, some consider such an interior to be gloomy, even though orange is a warm color by nature.

Try combining brown interiorthree colors at once for example, add blue or orange to it. In general, the room will look warm and cozy, but blue will slightly dilute this range and bring a feeling of freshness and some coolness.

Try this combination too brown with other colors. For example, in a duet with yellow brown will simply fill all visitors to the room with energy and positivity, but gold will bring a truly noble, royal atmosphere to the interior.

Brown color in the interior - photo

In general, as you know, brown has a whole range of shades that differ in intensity, so a pair must be selected based on contrast. In any case, the combination of brown with pastel colors requires several bright spots, but an ensemble of brown and bright colors the restraint of the pastel palette is simply necessary.

The combination of brown color in the interior is one of the most natural, because brown is the color of wood, which long time remained the main material for both construction and interior decoration. New technologies, materials and stylistic solutions have significantly displaced the brown color; in some styles it is practically not used. It's all about psychological characteristics Brown color.

It calms and pacifies, creating a feeling of comfort and security, promotes thinking, helping to make balanced, calm and thoughtful decisions - this is why interiors in brown tones are often used for decoration work rooms. Brown is a symbol of stability, brown furniture and floors will add confidence and stability. For those who have to spend a lot of time in colorful, noisy and bright places, move around a lot and have contact with people, a brown living room is suitable - it will relieve accumulated psychological and emotional stress, help you relax, get away from the hustle and bustle and worries.

Brown “sounds great” in a stylish modern interior

Brown is a very “tasty” and stylish color

Designers classify brown as “respectable” and “elegant,” which is why it is preferred by accomplished, self-confident and self-sufficient people. But for those who are trying to express themselves, looking for their own style, it is better to avoid brown - it relaxes and even blocks imagination.

Brown color in the interior: features of choosing shades

The color brown has many, sometimes completely dissimilar and very different, shades. By choosing the right combination of brown in the interior, you can not only visually correct the shortcomings of the room, but also create the desired atmosphere and mood. To add cheerfulness and energy, reddish-brown tones are good, and for a cold room (windows are located to the north, there is little sun) light, yellow-brown shades are suitable. By introducing brown into the bedroom interior, you can create an atmosphere of relaxation, while darker tones help you relax more and feel protected, while light colors help you feel lightness and freedom.

If we talk about stylistic decisions, then in the Victorian style you cannot do without shades of hot chocolate, cappuccino or black tea. Provence And country gravitate towards the colors of baked milk or caramel. But in Japanese style Very often you can find rich dark brown tones.

A beige-brown interior is a very good solution for small spaces: a toilet, a bathroom or a hallway. On the one hand, brown is a very practical color for rooms with high traffic, but if there is a lot of it in a small room, then it becomes gloomy and the walls become oppressive. But a little “caramel” will add warmth and comfort; a combination of brown and beige will look especially good kitchen floor tiles.

Brown kitchen is classic version with wooden furniture that will look impressive against the background of light walls. Inserts made of frosted or translucent glass (milky or more dark shades) will add elegance to the design. Even a budget optionfurniture made of chipboard or MDF, covered with veneer, will look presentable, elegant and solid.

A dark brown interior is appropriate only for well-lit spacious rooms, primarily for a large library or office, and less often for a living room.

Advice! Using a chocolate brown shade will add luxury to the room, making it look expensive, while adding a little flair of mystery.

“Snake” bathroom decoration, wooden floors and chocolate walls - this bathroom is imbued with luxury and gloss

Brown wallpaper will add nobility and sophistication to the interior; they imitate natural wood trim very well. But you shouldn’t overuse them in small rooms; here it’s better to play with contrast by covering just one wall with them.

Brown in the living room curtains, combined with plain light walls, will help to visually expand the space a little, creating a feeling of spaciousness. Beige-golden ones are more suitable for the bedroom. However, if you like to soak up your bed a little longer in the morning, dark brown draperies will effectively protect you from sunlight.

Brown color: choosing harmonious combinations

Brown is a “team” player; interiors based on its combination with other colors look very advantageous. Although it cannot be combined favorably with all colors and shades.

White and brown interior is an almost classic color combination that is suitable for decorating almost any room. Like green, brown has a calming effect, and against its background white can fully reveal itself, adding spaciousness and freshness to the room. However, in small rooms, to avoid the “rabbit hole” effect, White color should dominate, and brown should be light in color. For the kitchen, we can recommend an excellent combination of white furniture and dark, rich brown laminate.

A light brown interior will protect you from stress and anxiety, but overall it is an example of conservatism and stability (that’s why it dominates classic interiors), to liven it up, you will need a few bright accents.

An interior in beige-brown tones is usually classified as monochrome, because beige and brown (dark brown) belong to the same color scheme, although they are located in it almost at opposite ends. It's balanced beautiful combination it looks harmonious and calm, compared to white and brown, this combination is warmer, it is well suited for a bedroom or a small cozy living room. And to add energy to the room, it’s worth adding a few bright accessories using decorative items or textiles.

In terms of its mood, the gray-brown interior is close to the brown-white combination; thanks to the balanced and calm mood it creates, it is perfect for decorating a study. But in other rooms this combination needs to be diluted with more energetic colors - lilac, green or pink.

Combinations of brown and other colors are much less common in the interior:

  • for office in english style required red-brown "union" , the resulting combination, strict and at the same time bright, puts you in a focused working mood. But this unusual combination would also look interesting in the living room

  • yellow-brown – this combination charges with energy and positivity, depending on the brightness of yellow, it can be used in almost any style, but it is best suited for retro and country. And here brown and orange - a traditional combination for Arabic and Indian styles, it is most often used to decorate boudoirs and bedrooms. From there it migrated to European traditions design

  • brown, yellow and green - a natural, natural, natural combination, reminiscent of foliage on trees, illuminated by the rays of the sun. This combination will fill the room with optimism and harmony and will look fresh. To decorate the living room, you can use bright green shades - light green or pistachio; brown will balance their excessive energy. But dominance yellow color good for kitchen interior

  • brown and pink - perhaps the only justified way to use brown to decorate a children's room. Pink walls will look too cloying and intrusive; introducing brown into the interior will add elegance and touching to the room. This combination is also good for a living room or bedroom.

  • brown-blue – an unusual, rather rare combination. If you use dark shades, the atmosphere will turn out not so much serious as gloomy, so it is preferable to use light shades. Brown looks much more interesting turquoise option - warm and light, it will evoke pleasant associations with summer and the sea, these tones will be especially relevant for a retro interior

Brown warms!

Brown is a very natural color for building interiors. After all, this is the color of wood - a material that has always been actively used both in the construction of houses and for the manufacture of furniture. The emergence of new technologies and materials has allowed people, if desired, to completely displace brown color from interiors. Nowadays in some houses (for example, in the Scandinavian style) you may not find anything brown. However, the craving for this color and texture of wood is inescapable. Brown makes a home cozy and warm, while always remaining neutral, without overpowering or stealing attention.

Psychology of brown: meaning and perception

The word “brown” in our language comes from the words “bark”, “cinnamon”. That is literally the color of the bark of a tree. However, it is also the color of the earth, soil, autumn grass and leaves, very dark skin and the fur of many animals. This is the most natural color that surrounds us everywhere.

This is also due to its psychological impact. Brown color calms, gives a feeling of security, promotes dominance common sense. A large amount of brown in the interior helps to make calm, informed decisions.

Brown floors and furniture give a feeling of stability and stability. “Comfort” is the main word that can be used to describe interiors in brown colors.

Brown is good for the interiors of those people who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to spend a lot of time in bright, colorful places or constantly move, change “places of deployment”, and meet a lot of people. This color in the interior is also suitable for those who work or have fun in places with loud music, multi-colored decoration, and illumination. Brown will allow you to fully relax psychologically and be filled with new strength.

Psychologists note that brown color is often chosen by people who need mental rest and detachment from bustle and worries. Those who are in search of ways to express themselves, their own style and something they like, reject brown. Thus, the predominance of brown in the interior can be recommended to accomplished, self-sufficient, self-confident people.

For a long time, brown color was part of the group of so-called “elegant” and “respectable” colors, which were preferred by rich people and representatives of the highest circles of society.

Brown color in the interior: where and how?

Brown color can be actively used in any room: kitchen, bathroom, hallway, living room, bedroom, etc. However, there are certain nuances. Still brown - dark color. If the room is small, a large number of dark surfaces will make it gloomy and even more compact in feel.

This does not mean at all that brown tones are contraindicated in a small bathroom or small bedroom. It’s just that the smaller the room, the more light shades you need to include in combination with brown. If it gets boring, add some bright accents of one of the “juicy” colors.

Since brown has many completely different and not similar friends Using different shades, by choosing the right tones, you can slightly correct the shortcomings of the room and create the desired mood. So, for example, if the room is cold and gloomy (windows face north), you should give preference yellowish light brown. If you want the room to be cheerful, you should choose reddish brown and tan tones.

Dark chocolate brown will make the room luxurious, expensive in appearance, with a flair of mystery.

Dark shade of coffee with milk is able to endow the interior with such features as coldness and “impassion.” Good for relaxation.

If a lot of brown color is used in the interior, it is necessary to introduce different textures, textures, and patterns. If everything is glossy and smooth or matte and velvety, the eye will have nothing to grab onto. The room will appear blurry, faceless, and uninteresting. It’s easy to play with brown textures: this is a tree different shades, and silk fabrics, and brown stone or, and leather. And also upholstery, skins, as well as wallpaper and panels imitating natural wood, mats, and wicker.

As you can see, brown favors the predominance of natural (or pseudo-natural) materials in the interior. Brown itself is calming, and natural textures bring harmony. That's why the interiors are in brown tones, unlike many others. color solutions, are attractive to most people.

What to combine brown with in the interior?

The best partners for brown in the interior are “caramel” shades, orange tones, and green. And, of course, having white next to brown will always come in handy.

Brown color in the interior combined with caramel tones. Light shades - beige, cream, cappuccino, ivory, champagne, etc.- perfectly shades brown. This contrasting tandem is truly flawless.

If against a white background brown seems too dark and rough, then “caramel,” on the contrary, softens it, emphasizing warmth.

Beige-brown bedroom

Brown and beige living room

This combination often turns out “delicious”, reminiscent of chocolate cake with cream or other masterpieces of a confectioner. That’s why accents of fruit and berry tones fit perfectly here: red, lingonberry, raspberry, plum, apricot, pink.

However, include bright accents not at all necessary, because caramel-brown interiors, with a variety of textures and patterns, are absolutely self-sufficient.

A brown-cream or brown-beige combination is an excellent choice for the bathroom and toilet, as well as for the hallway, that is, for small rooms. As already mentioned, the absolute predominance of brown will make a small room gloomy and oppressive. But the interweaving with “caramel” will allow you to create a warm, cozy and quite cheerful interior. The combination of brown and beige (cream, cappuccino, ivory) tiles on the floor and walls looks especially good.

A combination of brown and orange. Brown and orange make the interior bright and hot. It may remind summer garden with trees strewn with apricots, peaches and other orange berries. However, it may also be similar to autumn Park with “burning” leaves. Brown-orange interiors are fresh and rich. They seem to have a garden-park aroma.

The darker the brown surfaces, the more effective the combination with. Orange and brown can be combined in wall decoration, furniture, curtains, and accessories. That is, both of these colors can be almost equivalent masters of the interior.

However, other solutions are possible. Only one of these colors can predominate, but the second will be a wonderful addition. Have you bought an orange kitchen and don’t know what pieces of furniture, decoration and accessories to complement it? Look towards brown.

When bringing these two colors together, it is worth using a “bridge”, which is best suited to white. It will become an excellent background that will most fully emphasize the depth of each color. White will not extinguish them, but on the contrary, it will allow you to express yourself in all its glory.

You can choose the same “caramel” as the background, but it will mute both leading colors. If this is exactly what you want, then the choice is obvious.

Brown color in the interior combined with green. This tandem is less bright and impressive. Brown-green interiors, as a rule, do not amaze or delight. They have a different role. Brown and green, whether the designer wants or not, create an environmentally friendly interior. This is understandable: green and brown are the colors of forests, fields, meadows.

The interior in these colors turns out fresh, a little cool. It’s even easier to breathe in it, since it’s quite difficult to avoid association with nature. If you want to achieve just such an effect, that is, create an interior in eco-style, you should pay attention to the selection of materials, textures, textures. More wood, natural finishes, living plants and natural motifs in ornaments, designs, and decor.

Interiors in brown and green tones are also called interiors for the soul and meditation. Meditative interior? Why not?

Above we looked at the most advantageous and common combinations of brown in the interior. However, there are still some interesting opportunities to use this color effectively and beautifully.

Combination of brown and white in the interior. It has already been noted that against a white background, brown can look rough and, in some cases, even dirty. But this can be avoided if you combine several different shades of brown in one room - from dark beige and walnut to chocolate brown and wenge. It’s worth playing with textures and textures of surfaces. With this approach, combining only white and brown, you can get a rather contrasting and graphic, but at the same time quite soft and cozy interior. If desired, it can, of course, be diluted with bright accessories - for example, orange, red, green.

Brown and white interiors

Brown and red in the interior. Brown and red get along well together, but not in a duet, but in a trio. The third color is either white or one of the caramel ones. With such a trio, the interior can turn out to be catchy, impressive and very appetizing, like strawberries and cream, drizzled with chocolate glaze.

Brown for a luxurious interior: combination with gold, silk, mirrors, glass, fur. It has already been mentioned that brown in former times was considered the color of the rich and people from high society. Therefore, brown is often found in magnificent interiors, characterized by an ostentatious desire for excess and deliberate visual high cost. Firstly, brown is calm and restrained, and therefore does not allow the interior to become too pretentious. Secondly, brown is the color of wealth.

It is in perfect harmony with furniture and decor with gilding, expensive silk and velvet, crystal chandeliers and many mirrors in exquisite frames.

Interiors where brown is complemented with gold can be decorated with animal skins or fur pouffes and pillows. Genuine Leather, even in excess, looks very harmonious here.

Brown with blue and pink. The combination with pink brings a retro spirit to the interior. This combination is often chosen for women's bedrooms and for. There is also something confectionery in the combination of brown and pink (a la cake with berry cream).

When paired with blue, brown can look quite bulky and dirty, so you need to be especially careful when choosing shades. Brown-blue interiors look “winter”, cold - they evoke an association with frosty freshness and cleanliness.

Interior from the Ikea 2013 catalog

What color is brown least often combined with in the interior?

Brown color in the interior is one of the most universal. This tone goes well with almost all shades and is perfect for all rooms, from the hallway to the bedroom. Like green and brown, the color in the interior has a calming effect and puts you in a working mood. It is also rich in shades of varying degrees of brightness and saturation, which allows you to choose the option that suits you.

Cozy living room in brown tones, sofa brand “Bontempi Casa”

Brown in the hallway

Dark colors are best for the hallway deep shades- chocolate, cognac, cinnamon color. The most universal and most common is the combination of white and brown, as well as the combination of brown and gray. However, one of modern trends is to use a combination of red and dark brown for the hallway: these warm shades create a welcoming, positive atmosphere.

Brown in the bathroom

Contrasting combination of light beige and brown in the guest bathroom

Brown for the bathroom is a very non-standard solution. A combination with white would be appropriate here too, but for a small bathroom it risks being too contrasting and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is best to combine a warm brown or beige tone with light pink, blue or soft lilac - this combination will look warmer.

Brown in the kitchen

Modern kitchen in brown tones

In a modern kitchen, brown is a good replacement for the usual black. It goes well with both white and gray and metallic shades. For a kitchen decorated in country or retro style, brown is an irreplaceable color: in the first case it is combined with beige and gold, in the second - with warm yellow, pink, blue and orange.

Brown in the living room

Design of a classic living room in brown tones, note how well this color sets off the gilding, sofa Modenese Gastone Group

Brown is a godsend for the living room. This color is truly universal: in classic style, as in minimalism, deep brown tones are combined with white, in modernism the shade of wood is widely used, and in retro styles preference is given to chocolate or light brown tones. Brown is also characteristic of the loft style, as well as Scandinavian and contemporary. This tone can be combined with almost all colors. We just need to remember that an excess of brown and its combination with dark tones make the room visually smaller and darker.

Brown in the office

For an office, brown is a practical solution. This tone activates mental work and helps you concentrate. Brown in the office is traditionally combined with white, gray and beige. Also an interesting and unusual solution is the combination of dark red, chocolate and white - this combination looks both strict and juicy.

Brown in the bedroom

For a bedroom, brown should be chosen with caution, as this color is quite dark. However, judicious use of brown will calm and help you relax. Combined with lilac, pink, turquoise and green, this tone is not overpowering, but warms. These combinations should be diluted with gray or white - then general impression will be even more soft and relaxing.

Brown in the nursery

For a child's room, brown risks being too dark and overwhelming. However, if you replace it with light beige shades, which, in combination with bright colors- green, blue, orange - will create a light, cheerful atmosphere.

Combinations with brown

Brown and black

Black and brown in the interior, Univi Salotti sofa

This combination is not particularly successful, especially for dark, saturated tones. This combination is only possible with the use of a neutral third color - white or gray.

Brown and white

The combination of white and brown is considered calm and classic. Depending on the tone of brown, it will suit any room, from the bathroom to the bedroom. If you get bored with this two-tone combination, you can easily dilute it with bright tones - purple, pink, blue.

Brown and gray

Combination of brown and gray in the living room interior, Bonaldo sofa

The combination with gray is close in mood to brown and white. Calm and balanced, it is perfect for a study. In other rooms it is worth diluting this combination bright colors- pink, purple, blue or green.

Brown and pink

Brown with pink is classic combination for popular English style shabby If you wish to make this combination more refreshing, it is recommended to add white or gray color.

Brown and green

The combination with green is a pure natural combination of colors. It is perfect for both a country-style kitchen and a modern living room - it's all about the brightness of the tones. However, it is worth remembering that the combination of green and brown is very cool, and it is better to use it in warm and well-lit rooms.

Brown and purple

Brown and purple are a deeply sensual combination. This combination puts you in a thoughtful, dreamy mood, so it is best used in the bedroom. Also, do not forget that the combination of brown and purple is quite dark, and is not very suitable for a small room.

Brown and blue

Subtle blue and brown in the nursery interior, Caroti

Brown and blue is a rather unusual combination. When combining dark shades, a serious and somewhat gloomy atmosphere is created, while bright colors, on the contrary, look very youthful and stylish. A kind of classic for this color combination is the combination of brown and turquoise: light and warm, it will remind you of the sea and summer. These tones will look especially relevant in a retro interior.

Brown and red

The combination with red is bright and at the same time strict, putting you in a focused working mood. Ideal for decorating offices and living rooms, especially those in the English style.

Brown and orange

Brown and orange are warm combination is traditional for some ethnic styles: for example, for Indian and Arabic. Typically, these colors are used to decorate bedrooms and boudoirs, but it will also be relevant in the living room and kitchen.

Brown and yellow

The combination with yellow looks very positive and energetic. Depending on the brightness, it suits almost any style. In a warm “version” it is especially relevant for country and retro styles.

Shades of brown in a country style interior

Brown goes well with almost all colors, but remember that too much dark brown can make your apartment look too gloomy. To avoid this, do not forget to dilute this color with light and contrasting shades.

Oct 29, 2016 Sergey