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Profession car mechanic

Today, a huge number of cars literally fill the streets of our country. To ensure that this huge fleet of vehicles is always in good condition, a special service for diagnosing faults and repairing vehicles is needed. The employees of this service are car mechanics, usually only men. The tasks of a car mechanic include, first of all, identifying faults in the car, overall rating condition of the car, as well as subsequent repairs, adjustment and debugging of car mechanisms.

As motor transport developed, there was an increasing need for specialists who could monitor the good condition of the car, as well as be able to troubleshoot problems. In the second half of the 20th century constant growth The number of cars and the increasing complexity of mechanisms inevitably led to the need to create such a profession as a car mechanic. This is a general specialist who must have a perfect understanding of the technical structure of any vehicle mechanism.…

The profession of a car mechanic is one of the most in demand in moving services. Vehicle to date. Every day we constantly have to deal with some type of vehicle. Whether it's a personal car or public transport, they all need professional and timely care. This is why a qualified specialist in car repair and diagnostics is so in demand in our country today.

The constant increase in the number of cars on the roads, as well as the improvement and complexity of their design and mechanisms requires large quantity service personnel at service stations. Thus, the profession of a car mechanic is still in demand and has not lost its popularity.

The work of a car mechanic requires good technical and logical thinking, excellent visual and auditory perception, as well as good coordination and physical fitness. In addition, the work of a car mechanic requires having good health, maximum responsibility and concentration.

Specialists are trained in plumbing by various technical educational institutions in the country. Very often, specialist car mechanics gain their knowledge and experience directly while working at a service station.

It is almost impossible to imagine the modern world without a car. This machine, invented by man more than a hundred years ago, has firmly entered our lives and makes it easier for us in every possible way, solving many problems and issues related not only to the transportation of various goods, but also to the transportation of people. The range of cars today is very extensive, and the number of modifications is difficult to count. This is why the profession of an auto mechanic is becoming more and more popular every day. youth environment. This specialty will be discussed in detail in this article.


An auto mechanic is a profession owned by highly qualified specialists in the field of repair and maintenance of vehicles. These masters closely monitor the good condition of the “iron horses”, using special equipment and devices, but their most important weapon is, of course, their knowledge.

Historical reference

The profession of an auto mechanic, which is taught today by many specialized educational institutions, appeared already in the distant 18th century, when the first cars were built in the world. The real boom in the development of car mechanics came in the 1930s, since it was at this time that the rapid production of cars began, which, of course, led to an increase in the need for appropriate workers to service and repair them. Quite a lot important role The legendary American named Henry Ford also played a role in this, who contributed to the creation of the assembly line and thereby gave impetus to the mass production of cars. Every year, the work of an auto mechanic became more complicated, and in the 1950s it began to be divided into narrow specializations.


Due to the fact that a car is, in fact, a collection of highly complex mechanisms and electronics from a technical point of view, the division among auto mechanics into the following areas of activity is quite understandable:

  • Motor mechanic. This person works exclusively with engines. This master has all the necessary knowledge on the design and repair of any type of motor, has the skills to eliminate their breakdowns and malfunctions.
  • Auto electrician. The electrical elements of a machine are highly complex components that guarantee a huge number of functions. An automobile electrician, in turn, understands all the electrical circuits of his “ward”: he diagnoses deviations in the operation of electrical systems and brings them to normal operation. At the same time, the master very often has to work in extremely uncomfortable conditions.
  • Painter. Carrying out paint and varnish work in the automotive environment is a special, one might even say elite, activity, which literally obliges the performer to possess all the special skills in applying paint to the body of a car. It is important to know that each car can have various problems with a coating, and this already makes adjustments to the technology for eliminating violations of the paint layer.
  • Vulcanizer. This master carries out all the necessary vulcanization work. His skills can solve many issues in car repair.
  • Tinsmith. A specialist in this area deals exclusively with body repairs. He is responsible for stretching and straightening the body after accidents. As practice shows, these professionals are always in demand in the auto service industry.
  • Diagnostician. Another name is diagnostic equipment master. His task is to absolutely accurately identify the cause of a car breakdown and redirect it to a highly specialized specialist to fix the problem.

General Responsibilities

Despite the division into separate specializations, an auto mechanic is a profession that requires a person to be able to:

  • Communicate tactfully and courteously with people who contact him, get to the bottom of the problem with their car.
  • Select a wide variety of spare parts and components. At the same time, a real professional will be able to clearly and easily decide which option is better to choose: used or new.
  • Determine a clear and understandable schedule for conducting routine inspections of the client’s vehicle.
  • Check specifications cars.
  • Develop and implement in practice measures aimed at improving the performance properties of a car and extending its service life.
  • Fill out requests for the purchase of spare parts.
  • Prepare and support all necessary technical documentation.


Auto mechanic is a profession that is endowed with a fairly large number of positive qualities. Among them:

  • There is a very high demand for these specialists. Firstly, this is explained by the steady growth of car production, and secondly, today many young people are inclined to choose humanitarian professions (managers, lawyers, etc.) and therefore in some regions there is an acute shortage of auto mechanics. Also, people in this profession can work in almost any enterprise that has automotive equipment that requires maintenance. That is, simply put, these craftsmen are not in danger of unemployment.
  • Sufficient high level income, which, again, is explained by the demand for the specialty.
  • Opportunity to make new interesting acquaintances. Everything is simple here: the fame of a good auto mechanic spreads very quickly, and a real master of his business in a short period of time can become famous not only within his place of work, but also, for example, in the whole city or even region.
  • Potential independence from the employer. There are quite a lot of examples from life when a smart auto mechanic, thanks to his skills, earned decent money and opened his own business.
  • The curriculum of the auto mechanic profession promotes the development of logical thinking and the ability to communicate with people, since in addition to repairing cars, the mechanic also has to communicate with their owners.


However, like other types human life, an auto mechanic is a profession that also has some negative aspects. Among them are the following points:

  • Working in this specialty requires the master to have good physical training and be prepared to perform grueling, monotonous tasks.
  • The respiratory system will be negatively affected by a variety of vapors and mixtures: gasoline, oil, diesel fuel, solvents, welding smoke and others. In addition, noise and vibration will also have a negative impact on health.
  • In some cases, perform job responsibilities will be necessary for outdoors in uncomfortable or even bad weather conditions.

And finally, the most important thing is that the auto mechanic bears a large share of responsibility for preserving the life and health of the car owner who entrusted him with his car, because the safety of the client himself will largely depend on how well its maintenance is performed.

Occupational hazards

The profession of an auto mechanic (a description of the profession is given in the article), like any job, carries dangers. In order to preserve his health and even life, a specialist must strictly observe safety measures while performing his duties. For example, before lifting a car on a hydraulic lift, you should make sure that the lifting arms of this device are well secured under the car. Repair work must be carried out exclusively with working tools. Always perform any welding work with the engine turned off and the battery terminals removed.


Of course, car repair is a task that, in practice, not everyone can do. Many people not only do not have the desire to master the skills of servicing machines, but they are simply not naturally endowed with the appropriate inclinations for this. However, it is hoped that after reading this article, young people will say: “My future profession- Auto Mechanic".

A car mechanic is a specialist who specializes in the repair and maintenance of automobile vehicles.

The main purpose of a car mechanic’s work is to diagnose and repair a car.

Types of profession

In auto repair shops there is always a lot of work that cannot be done by one person. That is why auto centers employ several specialists, each of whom is engaged in a specific activity.

  • Auto electrician– troubleshoots problems with electronics responsible for basic commands car operation: starting, turning on and off the headlights and air conditioning.
  • Tinsmith– works to straighten the body when dents, irregularities and other flaws occur in cars by squeezing and pulling the surface using special tools. He is putting putty on the car and preparing it for painting.
  • Painter– Performs paint and varnish work. He treats the vehicle with anti-corrosion agents and sands the vehicle for paint application.
  • Diagnostic mechanic– identifies the cause of vehicle damage through a complete diagnosis.
  • Engine repairman– thoroughly understands the design of the motor. Able to determine a breakdown, guided by the sounds and main symptoms when the unit is operating.
  • Gearbox repairman– knows how to adjust engine speed when changing gearbox speeds.

The profession of a car mechanic is closely intertwined with the responsibilities of a car mechanic.

A car mechanic can do the work of any of the above specialists, but not so professionally. Such a specialist will be able to perform simple engine repair work, smooth out minor chips or install a radio. However, to eliminate large-scale damage, qualified assistance from a highly specialized specialist will be required.

History of the profession of car mechanic

In the 18th centuries, the first vehicles began to appear. They broke down very often, so people were needed who could fix them. The need for the work of such specialists became even more acute by the second half of the 20th century, when automobile production became widespread.

People who could understand a complex automotive device began to be valuable. These were auto mechanics and auto mechanics. Today, these professions have been fragmented into highly specialized specialists.

Professional holiday

On the last Sunday of October, all road transport workers celebrate their professional holiday- Motorist Day.

Their number includes not only drivers, but also repair and engineering workers and managers of motor transport organizations.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the profession: a person who understands the workings of a car will never be left without work and will always be able to have a living penny.

The disadvantages include:

  • occupational injury hazard (the possibility of burns, fractures, bruises and dislocations as a result of falling heavy objects or during welding work);
  • the harmful effects of harmful fumes on vision and the respiratory system;
  • sometimes work in cold rooms.

Requirements for the profession

If you want to work as a car mechanic, you must:

  • it is mandatory to have a secondary specialized education;
  • thoroughly understand the structure of the car and the characteristics of parts and materials;
  • be able to handle instruments and tools, as well as other equipment necessary for car repairs and diagnostics.

Job responsibilities

A car mechanic has a lot of work to do.

  • He must accept the received vehicle after asking the owner the reason for contacting the service center.
  • Using precision instruments, a car mechanic is required to diagnose the vehicle.
  • Find a breakdown and repair the necessary devices, be it a gearbox, fuel system, chassis or other components and assemblies
  • A car mechanic also prepares the car for painting work and performs painting.
  • The specialist's responsibilities include receiving Money for the services he has performed.
  • The employee is obliged to keep his workplace clean.
  • The car mechanic must carry out the instructions and instructions of the car mechanic.

The duties of a car mechanic may also include welding work.

What responsibility does

The car mechanic is responsible for:

  • the veracity of information regarding the work performed by him;
  • performance of their official duties;
  • failure to follow management instructions;
  • violation of safety regulations and fire safety regulations;
  • violation of labor regulations.


A car mechanic has the right:

  • demand from the manager tools and spare parts for car repairs, as well as the documentation necessary for the work;
  • interact with other departments that are engaged in the same type of activity to increase their competence.

Features of the profession of a car mechanic

The complexity of automotive mechanisms has endowed the profession of a car mechanic with an extensive classification and various areas of activity.

The profession of a car mechanic requires the presence of physical activity, therefore, only men are accepted for the position of car mechanic.

Professional skills and abilities of a car mechanic

It is impossible to work as a car mechanic without deep knowledge of the structure of the car and possible malfunctions.

Must be able to use diagnostic equipment.

We can say that the lives of car owners and passengers are in the hands of a car mechanic. Any mistake can lead to irreversible consequences on the road.

Therefore, a car mechanic must first of all be a professional in his field:

  • be able to quickly and reliably identify vehicle malfunctions;
  • understand and know the scope of application of fuels and lubricants and types of fuel;
  • know the operating principle of devices of all car models;
  • be proficient in using hand tools and other repair equipment;
  • A car mechanic must be able to drive a car.

Personal qualities

The position of auto mechanic requires people with:

  • good memory and attentiveness;
  • precise eye and analytical warehouse mind;
  • good eyesight and observation skills;
  • accuracy and discipline;
  • resourcefulness and scrupulousness;
  • communication skills and honesty.

The main qualities of a car mechanic are physical endurance and responsibility.


In the profession of a car mechanic, work skill plays an important role.

  • After graduating from university, graduates can go to work as an intern under an experienced car mechanic. You can become a master after a few months of internship.
  • Prospects await people with a technical mind and great ambitions career growth. The next stage is the position of a car mechanic.
  • Over time, you can become the head of a workshop or service station.

A specialist who does not strive for anything and does not want to improve his skills can work as a car mechanic all his life.

Today, all motorists turn to a car service center for help, which employs people such as car mechanics and car mechanics. But how do they differ: a car mechanic from a car mechanic?

Auto Mechanic is a worker who performs repairs and maintenance of motor vehicles, as well as monitors the technical condition of cars using diagnostic equipment and instruments, such as a dynamometer, auto scanner. The range of his professional functions is very wide: this includes disassembling and reassembling vehicle components and assemblies, vehicle diagnostics, complete and timely vehicle maintenance, repair of vehicle components and assemblies, adjustment of mechanisms and parts.

Requirements for a car mechanic

: strength and endurance, good eyesight and eye, developed large and fine motor skills, muscle sensitivity.

Mental: high volume and distribution of attention, good memory, observation, quick reaction.

Personal: painstakingness, thoughtfulness, patience, discipline, responsibility.

Car mechanic
is a worker who must be able to read drawings, diagrams, and also use various instructions. His job is to inspect car parts and also fix any breakdowns in the car. It must very accurately identify and correct technical problems cars.
Car mechanics work in garages, factories, work environment which is almost always noisy, so his work schedule does not exceed 40 hours a week. Although many private traders work on weekends and in the evening.

Requirements for a car mechanic:

  • He must have knowledge of the structure of vehicles and the causes of breakdowns, be able to read technical drawings and diagrams;
  • understand how different parts and components of a vehicle influence each other;
  • know operating techniques and technologies used for diagnostics, repair and maintenance;
  • know different kinds fuels, oils, lubricants, special fluids and other materials used for maintenance and repair, their properties and possibilities of use.

When performing work tasks, you must comply with labor safety rules and quality requirements. Must be able to manage vehicle. From time to time, welding work is required, so welding skills will also come in handy. Suitable people to work as a car mechanic are those who are in good physical health, mentally balanced, with a good ability to bear stress and with good coordination, accurate, responsible, capable of analysis and ready to cooperate.

In theory, these two professions are similar in many ways, but the main difference is the same - the mechanic manages the car mechanic in most cases, that is, he is the immediate boss. At its core, an auto mechanic knows where to turn and how to turn, but a car mechanic only knows how to turn. A car mechanic is the brain, and a car mechanic is his hands. Very often, car mechanics are engaged in repair work, and car mechanics give orders for repairs and monitor the work.

Andrey Vetoshkin

Having a car now won’t surprise anyone, especially since some families may even have several of them. But, like any mechanism, the machine needs constant care, and sometimes even repairs. Not everyone is able to solve such a problem on their own, so modern society and such a specialty as an auto mechanic appeared. This profession is complex, which means that people who have mastered it are worth their weight in gold.

But the path to mastering this specialty is very thorny. Not everyone is able to remember all the design features of a car, much less learn how to repair it. And only true love this job allows you to get the title of auto mechanic. A specialty, or better said, a vocation that turns one into a “god of machines.”

What is a car mechanic?

An auto mechanic, or, as they also say, a car mechanic, is a person who repairs cars. At the same time, his responsibilities include diagnosing the problem, searching suitable method its solutions and, accordingly, the work itself to eliminate it. These specialists also carry out scheduled technical inspections, which are established by the vehicle manufacturer.

And, it would seem, everything is clear with this. But working as a car mechanic is fraught with many pitfalls. In particular, the wide variety of technology that one has to deal with. Because now the market is overcrowded a huge amount both domestic and foreign models are very different, and this complicates the work.

What qualities should a car mechanic have?

No matter how trivial it may sound, but first of all, a future auto mechanic must love his job. It is very important. Working in this profession, every day a person does nothing but repair a car. Without love and some kind of fanaticism, such an activity will quickly become boring. And without passion, growth in skill is impossible.

An auto mechanic is a profession in which you need to skillfully operate with existing knowledge. Why do you need analytical and excellent memory? Beginning with early stages training, the future specialist is obliged to grasp all the intricacies of this matter on the go, remember the subtlest features of the car’s design, its possible breakdowns and the methods by which they can be determined.

Due to the specific nature of the profession, a car mechanic often has to work with heavy parts. They need to be carried from place to place, lifted and held in a certain position. Therefore, strength and endurance are very important for a person who aspires to a position such as an auto mechanic. This profession is also associated with frequent injuries and burns, which means that the future specialist must be prepared for them.

Choosing a narrow specialty

Any apprentice auto mechanic will tell you that there is no universal direction in this matter. So, some specialists do the painting work, others repair the wiring, and still others do the engine itself. This is important to remember when choosing an educational institution or courses for auto mechanics to determine what specialty will be in the future.

Here are examples of the most popular areas in this matter:

  • A mechanic is a person responsible for the mechanisms inside a car (engine, gearbox, clutch, etc.).
  • A painter is a paint specialist who can repaint a car in any color or apply the necessary designs to it.
  • Auto straightener is a master at leveling dents, sealing cracks, and so on.
  • An electrician is a person who can repair all electrical appliances inside a car.
  • A car welder is a worker whose main task is welding work related to repairing a car.
  • A diagnostician is an experienced specialist who is well versed in car breakdowns.

There are other areas in this profession, but they are not so widespread and are needed only in specialized factories and in some workshops. It should also be noted that small service stations still have generalist auto mechanics who perform all of the above tasks independently. But this approach does not allow taking on orders that require in-depth knowledge in one of the areas. For example, repairing a complex or rare engine model of a foreign car.

Profession auto mechanic. Education

It is possible to master the basics of this profession at a vocational school or technical school. You can enroll there either after 9th or 11th grade. There should not be any particular difficulties in passing the exams, since the recruitment for this specialty is quite large. After the end of this educational institution a person can count on a place in a service station or in a small auto repair shop.

For those who want to achieve something more, it is better to think about entering a university. Upon completion, positions in large car repair shops will be available, as well as positions in factories that manufacture cars or parts for them.

Why do you need an internship?

After graduating from a university or technical school, although there is a chance to get a prestigious place, it is quite small. The reason is simple - lack of experience. It's not enough to have good diploma, you also need to have practical knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an internship with an experienced mechanic.

In fact, an apprentice auto mechanic is the first step on the path to career ladder. Even if they don't pay that much here. But the burden of responsibility for the car will always lie on the shoulders of the senior mechanic. If you are not lazy and make every effort to master the necessary skills, the effect will not take long to arrive. And then, having knowledge and experience, you can safely move on to the position of a full-fledged auto mechanic.

How are things going at the labor exchange?

Auto mechanic is a profession in high demand. After all, even in the very small town there is a service station, or even more than one, to say nothing of megacities. In addition, there are also auto repair shops that specialize in both complex repairs and certain types: painting, tuning, power supply repair and so on.

So a person who has the necessary knowledge and experience can always find a job as a car mechanic. And besides, this specialty is considered highly paid, which is also very nice.

Auto Mechanic. Future prospects

Over the years, car sales have been steadily increasing, which means that the profession is definitely not going to decline in the near future. But the requirements for specialists of this profile are becoming higher and higher every year, because progress does not stand still, and, consequently, car designs are becoming more complicated all the time.

Another nuance is that modern cars are equipped with all kinds of computer devices and sensors. And in the future their number will only increase. Therefore, a good mechanic must not only understand the design of the car itself, but also be familiar with the principles of operation of electrical appliances.