Bulgarian male names and their meanings. Bulgarian names

Bulgaria is a generous country. There's a lot here. Lots of sun and sea, smiles and Have a good mood, greens, fruits and vegetables.

What else turned out to be a lot were the names involved in Bulgarian passports. There are probably no such numbers in any other country, certainly not in Europe. Full review I won’t even try to make Bulgarian names. To do this, it seems, you need to graduate from the philological department of the university.

First of all, in Bulgaria there are all the famous Slavic names and various diminutive derivatives formed from them, which are also used as independent names. Ivan - Ivanka, Dimitar - Dimitrinka, Todor - Todorka, Stoyan - Stoyanka, Milen - Milena, etc. and so on. In Russia, Lyubka is not the most respectful nickname, or even the nickname of a goat. And in Bulgaria it may be written in the passport of the owner of this name.

Bulgarian female names are full of variety: Shchilyanka, Zhivka, Siyana, Tsvetka, Khristinka, Ivanka, Petya (precisely Petya, in Bulgaria there is also a female name Vanya), Petka, Penka, Yordanka, Mariyka (the name Maria is present in itself and is one of the most common ). Belotsveta, Berislava, Desislava, Bozhana, Chrysanta, Gisela, Jasmine, Rusana, Svetlena, Svetla, Zornitsa - an incredible number of beautiful and, most importantly, rare names. The Bulgarian princess's name is Kalina.

In male names in Bulgaria there are all conceivable Slavas (Zlatoslav, Miroslav, Radoslav, Vladislav, Svetoslav) as well as Miras (Radomir, Lyubomir, Zlatomir, Stanimir, Krasimir, Vladimir). Popular are Mitko, Mirko, Tudko, Venko, Nedko, Zhivko, Radko, Zlatko, Batko. And then there are such names as Galin, Lyudmil, Dobrin, Ognyan and Svetlin.

Turkish times left the names Demir and Demir in Bulgarian passports, but they are not so popular today, although some Muslim names present - Mehmed, Mustafa, Emine. Names left over from nomadic Turkic tribes, such as Asparukh and Krum, are practically no longer found.

Bulgaria is the country of Angels. There are about 50,000 men bearing this name. Surely, in no other country in the world are there so many Angels, and even with passports where this is written. Well, exactly, Bulgaria is a paradise country.

There are many Apostles in Bulgaria. And the most unusual male name is perhaps Mister. When I first heard such a name, I thought that the man who introduced himself was joking.

In Bulgaria, as in neighboring Romania, there are many gypsies. Therefore, among the Bulgarians there are many people with gypsy names- Shukar, Evsenia, Gozho, Godyavir, Bakhtalo. Of the pan-European names, the first place in Bulgaria is firmly held by the names Alexander and Victoria. There are many names in Bulgaria “according to mood”: Veselin and Veselina, Radostin, Zdravka, Svetlina.

Even at the border, I noticed that the name in Bulgaria is much more important than the surname. Border guards identify people primarily by name and date of birth. Later, when buying a TV, only my name was also written down in the warranty card in the “buyer (purchaser)” column. Officially, Bulgarians also have a middle name, but in real life not used at all.

With so many names in Bulgaria, they have long been confused about who should celebrate their name day when, and they introduced a wonderful holiday - the Day of All Bulgarian Saints.

In January 2010, the Bulgarian National Institute of Statistics published the latest official data on the statistics of proper names in Bulgaria.

According to these data, the number of names is more than 67 thousand (29 thousand for men and 38 thousand for women). Most common male names in Bulgaria Georgiy and Ivan. Almost 1,372,000 men in Bulgaria (38%) are bearers of these names. The Ivans celebrate their holiday Ivanovden on January 7th.

The variety of names among women is much greater. The most common name is Mary - more than 125 thousand women have this name, and if we take into account its derivative Mariyka (35 thousand women), then the leadership is obvious.

According to the institute, significant changes are currently taking place in the structure of Bulgarian names. Newborn boys today are most often called Georgies, and girls Victoria. IN last years There is a noticeable trend in Bulgaria to name girls double names. Today, Anne-Marie, Mary-Magdalena, and Marie-Antoinette are growing up in the country. The trend of double names has not yet spread to boys.

Source of statistics:

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmastide calendars of holy people, without the consultation of a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Gabriel (the power of God), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and bearers of other names will be weak. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Bulgarian names for boys in 2015 are also a misconception. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child, the deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below are a hundred Bulgarian names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Bulgarian names in alphabetical order:


Jordan - flowing down
Alexander - defender of humanity
Andon - invaluable
Andrey - man, warrior
Apostle - apostle, messenger
Asen - healthy, safe
Atanas - immortal


Bogdan - a gift from God
Bogomil - God's mercy
Bojidar - divine gift
Bozhidar - a divine gift
Borislav - glory of battle
Branimir - protection and peace


Vazil - king


Gabriel, Gabriel - strong man God, my power is God
Gavrail - strong man of God


Damyan - taming, subjugating
Danail - God is my judge
Dezislav - glory
Georgie the farmer
Dimitar - lover of the earth


Zhivko - alive


Zachary - God Remembers


Ivan - good god
Iveylo - wolf
Elijah - God is my lord
Ilya - God is my master
John - good god
Joseph - adding, multiplying
Jordan - flowing down


Kaloyan - handsome
Karliman - man
Kiril - lord
Crastayo - cross


Lazarus - my god helped
Luben - love
Lyuben - love
Lyubomir - the world of love
Lyudmil - dear to people


Momchil - boy, youth


Nikifor - bringer of victory
Nikola - victory of the people


Ognian - fire
Ognyan - fire


Penko - rock, stone
Petar - rock, stone
Pleimn - fire, flame


Radko - happy


Sava - old man
Samuel - heard by God
Spas - saved
Stanimir - peaceful ruler
Stoyan - standing, persistent


Timothy - worshiper of God
Todor - a gift from God
Tom is a twin
Tsvetan - flower


Philip is a horse lover


Christo - cross bearer

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Bulgarian surnames

Bulgarian surnames

Bulgarian surnames They are very similar in spelling to Russians, but do not always coincide with them in pronunciation and origin. Bulgarian surnames can be divided by origin into three parts:

Surnames that were formed from given names are identical in spelling to Russian surnames (Ivanov, Petrov, Pavlov, Andreev, Nikolaev, Davidov, Bogdanov, Bogomilov, Borisov, Romanov, Georgiev, Gerasimov, Tikhonov, Efremov, etc.)

Surnames derived from Orthodox Bulgarian names and other concepts related to religion (Christianity)

Surnames formed from other words and concepts (professions, localities, etc.)

Bulgarian surnames











































































































































































From this list you can choose a surname for yourself and order us its energy-information diagnostics.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Bulgarian surnames


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters are using our name, our email addresses for your newsletters, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and engage in slander against decent people even simpler. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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The ancient slogan “Know thyself” can also be applied to a personal name. Our ancestors considered the name to be an important energetic factor in the fate of a person, who is able to control the fate of its owner. In ancient times, choosing a name was considered a ritual act that could provide a person with an additional source of strength. After all, almost every name has its own history, meaning and properties.

For example, in Bulgaria even now they take personal and family names. So, in Sofia at State Academy Sciences there is a division that studies Bulgarian names. In this institution, everyone has the opportunity to receive a certificate, which will indicate historical data about his name and surname.

A little history

Bulgarians have many unique names that reflect their rich cultural heritage various peoples. The Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Smolyans, Bulgars, Timochans and Strumians who lived on the Bulgarian lands left their mark on the history of the country. They shaped her ancient traditions and influenced ethnic characteristics states. Today, the concept of “original Bulgarian names” implies a mixture of traditional Bulgarian and Slavic names for people.

Proto-Bulgarian names

Unfortunately, most of Bulgarian names sank into oblivion because they were unpronounceable. In addition, mainly monarchs, princes, boyars and their descendants had the right to wear them. Their striking examples are the Bulgarian names that have survived to this day: Kotrag, Batbayan, Asen, Asparukh, Altsek, Valch, Vokil and Sandok. Some of the names that are still popular today, such as Jordan, Piyo and Shoal, probably originally hide a Bulgarian, Cumman or Pecan root. During the long Greek and Turkish protectorate, almost all ancient names disappeared from folk tradition of this state. And only in Lately some of them were literally restored. Another part of the Proto-Bulgarian names mixed with Slavic ones, and now it is quite difficult to determine their most likely origin.

Names of Slavic origin

System forming different names from one or more bases, is characteristic of all Slavic tribes. For example, in the names Darin, Darko, Darinka, Daria, a common root word is used - “gift”, which is actually the meaning for these names. And such Bulgarian male names of Slavic origin as Miroslav, Dobromir, Spasimir, Berislav, Berimir, Zhivoslav, Rodislav, have two bases. Their meaning is dedicated to protection and achieving the desired goal. Overall, the number of names in Bulgarian language containing the words “good”, “glory”, “peace” is quite large.

The meaning of Bulgarian names with a common Slavic element - Vladimir, Vladislav, Dragomir or their shortened forms Drago, Miro, Slavs - also shows the desire to achieve peace and glory. Names that are defensive in nature are no less common. It is believed that the names Strazhimir, Tihomir and Stanimir will protect their bearers from the evil forces.

Christian names

The adoption of Christianity in Bulgarian lands was reflected in the traditions and culture of the population. The Orthodox faith also brought new Bulgarian names. A striking example Prince Boris appears to him, who, having converted to Christianity, became Michael at baptism. The names we call Christian generally correspond to three linguistic systems - Hebrew, Greek and Latin.

The Jewish system is represented mainly biblical heroes from the Old Testament. These are names such as Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Abraham, David, Daniel and so on. The Greek system is represented by the names given in the calendar. For example: Anastasia, Ekaterina, Zoya, Mina, Peter, George, Nikolai, Alexander, Christo, Anastas, Gerasim. Thanks to the spread Greek culture In Bulgaria, the names of such mythological characters as Galatea, Cassandra, Hercules, Dionysius also began to appear. Latin names in this country they are no less popular. Quite often you can find the options Victor, Victoria, Valentin, Valentina, Vera, Ignat.

Turkish influence

Despite centuries of slavery, Turkish personal names did not particularly take root among Bulgarians, probably due to differences in religion. They are found mainly among the population of Pomaki. Of these names, however, a small number have been found containing a Turkish root. But they were formed on Bulgarian soil from well-known Turkish words. These are: Demir, Demira, Demirka, Kurti, Sevda, Sultana, Sirma, Fatme, Ayse.

Political influence

During times national revival More and more names are appearing in Bulgaria reflecting political, literary and other influences. For example, at the end of Turkish slavery, the personal name Venelin appeared, which is actually the surname of the Russian writer, historian Yuri Venelin. A little later, after liberation, the names Alexander and Vladimir became more popular because of the Russian Emperor Alexander II and his son Vladimir. And then October revolution such personal names as Lenin, Budyon, and later Stalin and Stalinka appeared.

Based on semantics, old names that are again becoming popular among young parents can be divided into two groups. They do not always have clear boundaries, but are divided into protective and those that include best wishes parents to their child.

Male names

  • Life and health: Zhivko, Zdravko.
  • Well-being in the family: Bro, Baino, Vezenko, Tatun, Novko, Zabarin.
  • Success in life: Parvan, Vidu, Velcho, Great, Sreten.
  • Strength and courage: Warrior, Boyko, Strakhil, Silyan, Grudy.
  • Positive characteristics: Veselin, Radi, Drago, Dobri, Iskren.
  • Physical beauty: Mleden, Kudra, Khuden.

Female names

Popular Bulgarian female names, in addition to wishes for physical beauty, in themselves mean good and pleasant things:

  • Beauty: Vida, Mila, Lepa.
  • Flowers: Iglika, Nevena, Ruya, Temenuika, Rose, Tsvetanka, Albena.
  • Herbs and trees: Billa, Detlina, Rositsa.
  • Trees and fruits: Elitsa, Viburnum.
  • Birds: Pauna, Slavia.
  • Heavenly lights: Star, Denitsa, Desislava, Zornitsa, Zorka, Zorina, Zorana, Zoritsa.

Despite the growing interest in ancient names, according to sociological research, in Bulgaria still remain the most popular: Ivan, Ivanka, Georgi, Georgana, Ayordan, Ayordanka, Bogdan, Bogdana, Anastas, Anastasia, Maria, Marin, Margarita, Alexandra, Elena, Daria, Todor, Dimitar, Vasil, Kaloyan, Yvelin, Stefan.

Bulgaria is a country with interesting story and culture. It amazes with its beauty, hospitality, delicious cuisine and wonderful nature. There is a lot of sun, sea, kindness and good mood. There are also a lot of names in Bulgaria. Perhaps no other country in the world has such a variety of them, and they are all amazingly beautiful in sound and rare. Belotsveta, Bazhana, Rusana, Desislava, Radoslav, Stanimir, Krasimir. Where else can you meet people with such interesting names? The Bulgarians managed to come up with a dozen names from the same root. For example, with the root -rad -: Radan, Radana, Radko, Radail, Radislav, Radostin, Radon, Radoy. And it should be noted that all of these are not variants of the same thing, that is, not an abbreviation. Each of them can be seen in the passport of a Bulgarian citizen. One can only guess how difficult it is for parents in Bulgaria to decide what to name their daughter or son. After all, they have to choose from more than 2,000 male nicknames, and the number of female nicknames exceeds the 3,000 mark.

A little history

The most ancient are Slavic. These include, for example, Boyan, Radislav, Dragomir, as well as the familiar for Russians - Vladimir. They have diminutive forms that are used not only in Everyday life, but also in the documentation. Even in the passport of a Bulgarian citizen you can find the names Boyko, Rado and Drago. But Vladimir in Bulgaria is not Vova or Volodya. Diminutive form this nickname here is Vlado.

As a result of the settlement of the Slavs in the Balkans, Thracian, Latin and Turkic names began to appear in Bulgarian culture. And after the baptism of Rus', children here began to be called Greek and Jewish names. Despite the fact that Bulgaria long time was under Turkish rule, Muslim names are practically not common here. IN last decades, however, as in other countries, names of foreign origin are increasingly found here. It is not uncommon to meet little Diana, Nicole or Gabriela on the streets of the country.

  • A person's first name in Bulgaria is more important than his last name. In some documents it is not even indicated;
  • Bulgarians practically do not use patronymic names in everyday life, although officially every resident of the country has one;
  • more than 50,000 men in Bulgaria are called Angel;
  • Petya, Vanya, Borya and Gena in Bulgaria are worn by women, and boys here are called Lyudmil and Marin;
  • Bulgarians have a lot of “flowery” nicknames. If for Russians these are Rose and Lily, then in Bulgaria you can find Tsvetana, Jasmine, Camellia, Ruzha, as well as men Tsvetana, Tsvetko and Rosen;
  • Zapryanka and the male counterpart Zapryan are symbolic nicknames among Bulgarians. They are called boys and girls if there are too many children in the family, and the parents want to, as it were, lock the door, stop;
  • the use of the forms Lenka, Verka, Lyubka does not carry a connotation of disdain in Bulgaria. With us it’s more like nicknames, but here they also call respected people;
  • Bulgarians love to abbreviate. Anastasia - Ani, Elena - Elya, Magdalena - Magi, Nicolo - Niki, Violeta - Vili, Maria - Mimi;
  • Newborns in Bulgaria are usually named after their grandparents. Few parents change this tradition. Some name their children by the first letter of their father's or mother's nickname;
  • Until the second half of the 20th century, Bulgarians did not have surnames. This function was performed by the patronymic. For example, the son of Peter and the grandson of Kolya were called Ivan Petrov Kolyov;
  • Among Bulgarians, patronymics are formed by adding the suffix - ov. If the Russians call Ivan’s son, for example, Pyotr Ivanovich, then in Bulgaria they will call him Pyotr Ivanov;
  • Maria and Mariyka are different names among the Bulgarians;
  • Among the original male nicknames we can distinguish Apostle, Warrior and Master.

Common names

Most often boys in Bulgaria are called Georgiy. More than 170 thousand men are called this way, and this is 5% of the total population. The data says so national institute statistics. More than 3% of residents are called Maria. This is the name most often given to newborn girls in Bulgaria. The second most popular male nickname is Ivan. It is quite a bit behind Georgiy. And just over 130 thousand of the male population are called Dimitar. This makes it the third most popular name. The top ten also includes Nikolay, Petyr, Hristo, Jordan and Aleksandir.

As for women's, the second most popular after Maria is Ivanka, followed by Elena, Yordanka, Penka, Mariyka, Rositsa. In the last five years, girls have been most often named Alexandra and Victoria, as well as Nicole, Gabriela and Simone, borrowed from the West. However, Bulgarians honor their culture, which is why the original Slavic names do not lose their popularity here.