Popular Bulgarian names. Bulgarian names

A child’s fever and cough are symptoms of various diseases, most often a consequence of a respiratory viral infection, influenza, or acute respiratory viral infection. First, children experience a temperature of 37 to 38.5 degrees, then they may develop a runny nose and a slight sore throat. Afterwards, the child begins to recover, begins to move actively and develops a cough. In this situation, you need to urgently contact a pediatrician; such symptoms may indicate an inflammatory process in the larynx, bronchi, trachea, and lungs.

Causes of temperature 37-38 and cough in a child

Most often, the symptoms indicate a cold, a viral infection, and can also accompany diseases such as rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Depending on the disease and its complexity, the doctor decides whether antibiotics can be taken or not.

Methods for treating cough in a child with fever

If children have a respiratory viral infection, do not use a large number of medications, the immune system itself must overcome it; if you start feeding your child antibiotics, the disease will only get worse. A runny nose and cough are symptoms that help a child fight the virus.

When a child’s temperature rises to 38.5 degrees no higher, it cannot be brought down, this indicates that the body is producing special substances to fight the disease. Give your child as much warm drink as possible; if the fever is very high, then you need to use antipyretics and drink something sour. This will not only reduce your fever, but also relieve your cough.

If a child blows his snot out without any problems, force him to do this as often as possible; it is forbidden to use tissues, as this will only worsen the runny nose; for these purposes, you need to purchase wipes that are thrown away immediately.

Cough is treated depending on its type and the cause that caused it. If the child clears his throat normally, there is no need to specifically take various medications; this way the body is cleansed. When a child is bothered by a dry, persistent cough, he needs to drink as much warm water as possible; therapists prescribe Sinekod, which helps eliminate dryness and thins sputum; additional mucolytics are not recommended.

Please note that mothers often like to use expectorants; they can further aggravate the disease. Mucoltin and Alteyka often cause vomiting.

An important role in case of fever and cough is played by the child’s diet; it should be easily digestible; if the child refuses food, there is no need to scold him, it is better that he drinks more. Some doctors say that food puts even more strain on the child’s body; he does not have enough energy to fight the disease.

A small child who has not yet turned one year old with a fever and cough must be carried in his arms, constantly massage his back and chest, this way you can help him remove phlegm. If you have a runny nose, you need to rinse your child’s nose, then apply Nazivin, Vibrocil, etc. to the nose. It is not recommended to get carried away with drops; these are vasoconstrictor drugs, which can lead to the child being taken to intensive care; often because of the drops, children’s body temperature drops sharply.

Psychological support for parents also plays an important role; you shouldn’t panic, sit and cry over your child, you should have good mood, charge your child with it too. The psychological atmosphere in the family plays an important role in the treatment of the child. Within a week, the child can return to his usual lifestyle.

It is important to consult a doctor in time if the child is less than six months old, the child does not drink well, or is bothered by constant vomiting

It is important to help your child cope with cough and fever at home:

1. If you need to bring down a high temperature.

2. Forcing the child to drink to protect him from loss of body fluids.

3. Monitor how the child behaves and feels.

Video: A child has a fever. What to do

Are coughs and fever symptoms of a cold or flu?

You need to be able to distinguish between the two diseases. A cold refers to an infection that can develop within two days. With it, the voice becomes very inflamed and sore, then the nose is stuffy, a runny nose appears, the child coughs, has a severe headache, and in some it is accompanied by a sore throat. A child can easily catch a cold in kindergarten, school, public place, suffers from it often. It is dangerous for small children; they develop complications in their ears and develop otitis media. Adults get sick less often, no more than 4 times a year, most often in late autumn and winter.

The flu in a child is difficult, although the symptoms are a bit like a cold. The flu is constantly accompanied by a high temperature of up to 40 degrees, muscle pain, and trembling. The disease lasts for a long time.

Danger of fever and cough in a child

It is important to contact your doctor in time if the temperature is very high, more than 38 degrees, the child is bothered by pain in the chest area, and the disease does not go away within a week.

A cold is always accompanied by the following diseases:

Video: Elena Malysheva. How to reduce a child's temperature

1. Sinusitis, when the nasal cavity becomes inflamed.

2. Laryngitis, due to an infectious disease in the laryngeal area, makes it difficult for a child to talk.

3. Tonsillitis, when the tonsils become inflamed.

4. Due to pneumonia, bronchitis, when the infection affects the pulmonary system.

Video: Fighting fever - Doctor Komarovsky - Inter

So, a cough and a temperature of 37-38 degrees can be a symptom of a cold, a virus, which is not dangerous to health, but also a serious inflammatory process in the body. Often a strong cough with such a temperature accompanies a disease - pneumonia, which should never be started, as the child may die. Such symptoms are especially dangerous for small children; you need to constantly monitor their body temperature, help them cough, they have not yet developed the cough reflex.

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Children more often than adults suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. Symptoms that are usually quite common in a child are caused by a bacterial or viral infection and can be the cause of a variety of illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that it is unsafe to treat a child’s cough on your own, since in this way they can develop serious complications, to exclude which you should contact a specialist.

The nature of the cough and its causes

A child may cough for various reasons, which are manifested by individual symptoms. The most common reasons include the following situations:

Below are characteristics of the most common diseases accompanied by cough and fever.

Cough with flu

Most often, young children are susceptible to this disease; their symptoms are more pronounced. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to do laboratory tests, since influenza viruses regularly change.

Main symptoms of influenza:

  • dry cough;
  • a sharp rise in temperature, up to 40 degrees;
  • feverish condition;
  • headache and muscle pain;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry mucous membranes.

The flu is dangerous due to its complications; at the first signs of illness, the child should be left at home and called a doctor. He usually recommends bed rest for 3 days, drinking plenty of fluids, which moisturizes a dry cough, eliminates dehydration associated with high fever, and removes viral waste products from the body and toxins.

Proper treatment of influenza will help avoid the development of complications, usually these are:

Whooping cough cough

Often a paroxysmal cough combined with fever are signs of whooping cough. This pathology is especially dangerous for children under 2 years of age, as it is fatal. Main symptoms of the disease:

Treatment for whooping cough usually does not require hospitalization. It may be required if the child is under 3 years of age or has stopped breathing. At home, the doctor recommends taking the following medications:

If a child has been diagnosed with whooping cough, then it is necessary to ventilate the room more often, walk outside, and provide moist and cool air in the room.

Psychological support of parents and distraction of the child during attacks also play an important role.

Cough with bronchitis

Cough and fever can be signs of bronchitis, during which the patient suffers from:

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor to confirm bronchitis and rule out pneumonia. Treatment of bronchitis does not mean taking antibiotics immediately; they are indicated in case of a bacterial infection. If the nature of the disease is viral, then taking antiviral drugs is necessary. Typically, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

  1. Antibiotics – Azithromycin, Amoxicillin.
  2. Antiviral agents- Viferon, Genferon.
  3. Antihistamines- for example, Loratadine, Suprastin.
  4. Mucolytics – ACC, Lazolvan, Ambroxol.

Cough with pneumonia

Often the cause of cough and high fever in children is pneumonia, which most often develops as a complication after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Typical symptoms of pneumonia are:

  • heat;
  • rapid breathing, severe wheezing;
  • severe wet cough, accompanied by purulent sputum.

Drug therapy for pneumonia includes the use of the following drugs:

Rules for reducing temperature

When a child’s temperature rises during illness, this is a sign that the body is beginning to fight the virus. However, it is necessary to reduce it in order to alleviate the baby’s condition. Below we will consider cases when a reduction is necessary, but a slight increase that does not aggravate the general well-being cannot be reduced. It is necessary to reduce the temperature in the following cases:

To bring down the temperature and alleviate the baby’s condition, it is recommended to take the following medications:

  1. Paracetamol.
  2. Efferalgan.
  3. Ibuprofen.
  4. Ibufen.
  5. Nurofen.

If the baby has a high temperature, accompanied by a feverish state, severe cooling of the extremities, then the antipyretic can be combined with No-shpa, Papaverine. Taking an antipyretic and an antihistamine at the same time will help reduce the temperature for a long time.

Physiotherapeutic methods will also help bring down the temperature if it remains high. However, it must be remembered that these methods can be used if the child does not have a fever and the skin is pink.

First of all, you need to remove the baby from warm clothes, infants should not wear diapers. The child should be given something to drink, and he should drink as much as possible. For older children, it is good to take alkaline mineral water.

You can do the following:

  • wipe the baby with water. Alcohol should not be added to water, as it dries out the skin and irritates the respiratory tract;
  • You can dilute vinegar in water and apply a soft towel soaked in this solution to your forehead.

A dry cough combined with fever is a sign serious illnesses, which the doctor will help determine, and he will prescribe adequate treatment.

It’s autumn again, which means it’s very easy to catch a virus that will “give” fever, cough, and headache. High fever and cough in a child during this period of time are quite common.

What to do if your child gets sick? Who should I contact first and should I self-medicate? We will answer all these questions in our article.

High fever, cough, runny nose in a child can have different origins.

The appearance of such symptoms in children is most often observed with the following diseases:

  • Tracheitis.
  • Diphtheria.
  • Acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI).
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Flu.
  • Whooping cough.

Each disease is characterized by certain specific features. For example, with whooping cough the cough is paroxysmal and prolonged, while with the flu it is dry and intense.

Please note: If a child develops fever and cough, you should consult a doctor. There is no need to self-medicate - this can only worsen the disease.

Influenza and acute respiratory viral infection

Often, a high fever and dry cough in a child occurs with influenza and acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Young children are especially susceptible to these diseases.

Influenza and ARVI are seasonal diseases because the peak of these diseases occurs in autumn and winter. Today, several strains of influenza are known, which have varying degrees of complexity.

The main symptoms of influenza are:

  • A sharp increase in body temperature up to 38, and sometimes up to 40 degrees (see).
  • Muscle weakness, chills.
  • Severe pain in the back of the head.
  • Dry mouth.

An increase in temperature during influenza is often observed in the evening. It usually lasts for several days from the onset of the disease. The flu itself is not dangerous; complications that can arise due to late diagnosis and improper treatment are dangerous.

The main complications of influenza are:

  • Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).
  • Otitis, sinusitis.
  • Lung abscess.
  • Inflammation of the brain.

The main symptoms of ARVI are approximately the same as those of the flu.

Additional symptoms include:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Runny nose, nasal congestion.
  • Muscle pain.
  • , occurring in the form of attacks.
  • Chills.
  • A sore throat.

Whooping cough

A high fever and cough in a child is a sign of whooping cough. Whooping cough is a childhood infectious disease, the main symptom of which is a paroxysmal cough. This disease is very dangerous, especially for children under 2 years of age. At this age, whooping cough can cause the death of a baby.

The main symptoms of this disease are:

  • Spasmodic cough.
  • Low-grade body temperature (37.0 – 37.2 degrees).
  • Signs of suffocation and lack of air.
  • Minor cramps and minor hemorrhages.

A particular symptom of whooping cough is cough. It has a paroxysmal and increasing character. At the beginning of the disease, coughing attacks are short and rare.

After a few days they become longer and more frequent. During a coughing attack, the baby emits a special whistle and begins to choke. Due to lack of air on the face, blue lips can be observed.

To relieve a coughing attack you must:

  • Calm the child.
  • Provide access to fresh air.
  • Give inhalation or injection with antispasmodic medications (see).
  • Call an ambulance.

Please note: Whooping cough is a very dangerous infectious disease and only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis, so when the first symptoms appear, you must go to the hospital.


Cough and fever are one of the main symptoms of bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi). It can be either acute or chronic.

The acute period of this disease lasts up to two weeks and is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • High body temperature.
  • Dry cough.
  • Weakness, appetite disturbances.

If treated poorly or untimely, acute bronchitis can become chronic or be complicated by pneumonia (pneumonia).

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)

One of dangerous diseases For children, pneumonia is considered to be inflammation of the lung tissue.

There are several types of pneumonia:

  • Focal.
  • Segmental.
  • Share.
  • Drain.
  • Total.
  • Croupous.
  • Out-of-hospital.
  • In-hospital.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in children are:

  • High body temperature (38 degrees and above), which is very difficult to reduce.
  • Constant wet cough.
  • Wheezing.
  • Weakness and loss of appetite.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a child has a high fever and cough that has not gone away for several days, it is necessary to consult a doctor and establish the correct diagnosis.

To establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, you need to make a diagnosis, which consists of:

  • Careful history taking.
  • External inspection.
  • Blood pressure and heart rate measurements.
  • Bronchoscopy.
  • X-ray of the lungs.
  • Changes general analysis blood and urine.
  • Sputum collection (used in some cases to determine the cause of the infection).

IN in some cases, For correct setting Diagnosis requires additional research.

First aid and treatment for fever and cough

If symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to provide the child with first aid, which includes:

  • Decreased body temperature. An increase in temperature indicates the body’s fight against infection, so it is not worth reducing it too much. Doctors recommend starting to lower the temperature from 38 degrees.
  • Provide the child with plenty of fluids. A sick child should be given as much fluid as possible. After all, at elevated temperatures, the body loses a lot of moisture and it is necessary to stabilize the water balance. In addition, drinking eases coughing and helps thin mucus.
  • Reduce cough. First aid for a cough directly depends on its nature. If it is wet, then it is enough to provide the child with plenty of fluids. For a dry cough, it is recommended to use drugs that thin the mucus.

Drug treatment should be started only after a diagnosis has been established and the necessary medications have been prescribed. Before using medications, you must carefully read the instructions for use. After all, the instructions clearly describe the dosages, indications and contraindications of the drug.

Advice: When purchasing antipyretic drugs and cough medicine, you need to pay attention to the price and manufacturer. After all, the price of imported drugs is often several times higher, while domestic drugs can be several times better than foreign ones.

Thus, cough and fever can be very dangerous, so you should not self-medicate. It is better to turn to specialists who will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Bulgarian names

Bulgarian male names and their meaning

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Bulgarian names. Bulgarian male names and their meanings


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The centuries-old traditions of any country are largely reflected in the names that parents give to their children at birth. For example, many Bulgarian names have special meaning and show certain features of the child. In addition, they may contain a wish for success, health or wealth for a person. Some of them have Slavic roots, others - Muslim. As in other countries, children nowadays are called by international names.

Origin and traditions

The most common names in Bulgaria are Slavic origin. They became most popular when the Orthodox faith strengthened in these territories. Except them, Names of other origins have also become widespread:

  • Turkish;
  • Greek;
  • Latin;
  • Jewish.

Around the middle of the 20th century, Western European and American names, often children began to be named after famous performers, actors or heroes of films and books.

However, compared to many other countries, many, especially Bulgarian male names, have remained unchanged. This is because in Bulgaria there is still a tradition of naming children in honor of their ancestors, and often a child could be named after his grandmother or grandfather, regardless of his gender. Names in the country are unique in that many of them have both male forms, and women's. Among them:

  • Zhivka-Zhivko;
  • Kalin-Kalina;
  • Todor-Todorka;
  • Spas-Spaska.

Often names are chosen according to church calendar. Then the child is named after the saint on whose day he was born. A name can also mean one or another property. This is explained by the Bulgarians' belief in the power of words. The influence of other cultures, in particular Turkish, is felt in the names. These names are of Turkish origin, How:

  • Demir and Demir;
  • Emine;
  • Mustafa and other Muslim names.

In addition, there are a lot of gypsies in the country. For this reason, there are people here whose names are Gozho, Evsenia, Bakhtalo and others. Some of them are truly of gypsy origin, in other cases the parents named their children that way due to influence.

Features of female and male names

The country is unique in that people are named following centuries-old traditions, and there are also a large number of original traditional names. The variety of Bulgarian names for girls is amazing. Many of them have special meaning, for example:

There are women's traditional names of this country, which in Russia are considered masculine, and in short form. For example, Petya or Vanya. In Bulgaria you can often meet girls whose names are Tsvetans, Ivankas, Tsvetskas, Jordankas, Zornitsas and more.

Men's names also have their own characteristics. In particular, there are a large number of them that end in “slav” or “peace”:

  • Zlatoslav;
  • Radimir;
  • Lubomir;
  • Zlatoslav.

No less popular are the names more familiar to Russians - Vladimir or Yaroslav. Original Bulgarian names can be called short forms, which are often considered official. For example, Tosho (from the full Todor), Gogo (George), as well as Zhivko, Zlatko and more.

Like women's names, Bulgarian boys' names have their own meaning. In addition, it was often possible to determine by the boy’s name what his family was doing.

For example, Dimitars or Georgies most often called the children of peasant farmers. But Philippas most often appeared in the families of riders or horse breeders. This name translates to “horse lover.” It is quite possible that the ancestors of the singer Kirkorov were involved in horses.

Other meanings of male names include:

In addition, in Bulgaria there are Angel or Apostle. It is worth noting that there are more men in Bulgaria who have “Angel” written in their passport than in the world. For this reason, many call Bulgaria “the country of Angels”.

Modern tendencies

According to the statistics of the Bulgarian national institute, then the number of names in the country is more than 67 thousand names. Moreover, if there are 29 thousand male names, there are much more female ones - 38 thousand, respectively.

Boys are most often called Ivan and Georgiy. 38 percent of the male population is called this way. And the most common female name in the country - Maria, if you count its form as Mariyka.

Other common names in the country include:

Today, one of the most popular names for newborn girls is Victoria, which can be called a trend towards globalization. But boys are still mostly called Georgies. And also in last years girls were often called double names in a foreign way, such as Anna-Maria, Maria-Margarita and others.

Last names and patronymics

The concept of a surname as a family hereditary sign in Bulgaria appeared relatively recently compared to other European countries. Their history of formation began only end of the 19th century century.

In spelling, they do not differ from traditional Russian surnames, but, unlike them, they have a “floating” accent that can change. Like Russians, many Bulgarian surnames for women or men end in -ev (Botev or Tashev) or -ov (Todorov, Vazov). A smaller number were formed using the suffixes -shki, -ski or -chki, reminiscent of Polish. Their origins are ancient, associated with the cities or villages of human origin. For example, Lesicherski (a native of the village of Lesicharska) or Ohridski (from the city of Ohrid).

Many surnames of people in Bulgaria are derived from given names - both directly Bulgarian and Christian in general. For example, Pavlov, Isaev, Ivanov and others, some are in no way different from Russians.

There are also special surnames that are also considered traditional Bulgarian, however, they may seem to be of Muslim origin. These include the surnames Hadzhipopov, Hadzhigeorgiev and others with a similar prefix. The word "Hajj" in Muslim world interpreted as a pilgrimage to Mecca. In Bulgaria, the owners of such surnames may not be hereditary Muslims, but their ancestors during the time of Turkish oppression were called this way when they traveled to Jerusalem or visited other holy places, and not necessarily Muslim ones.

There are surnames that indicate nicknames or activities. For example, the surname Kovachev comes from the word “blacksmith” and is an analogue of the Russian surname Kuznetsov or the Ukrainian surname Kovalev (or Koval).

Currently, newborns in Bulgaria are given a choice of the surname of their father or mother, either assigned a new one after the name of their grandfather, or the surnames of their parents are combined. Previously, in most cases, women after marriage took their husbands' surnames, but now they mostly switch to a double one.

There are also Bulgarian middle names. They differ from Russians by the absence of the characteristic ending “vich” or “vna” and are more reminiscent of surnames. For example, if a woman's name is Ivanka Stoyanova, and her father's name is Todor, then her full name will sound like Ivanka Todorova Stoyanova. If a person’s surname is Ivanov, and his father’s name is Ivan, then the surname and patronymic will look the same in writing, but will differ in emphasis. In the patronymic it will be on the first syllable, and in the surname it will be on the second, respectively.

Unlike others Slavic countries, in Bulgaria a large number of Old Church Slavonic names forgotten in Russia have been preserved, which are distinguished by their euphony and have their own meaning. The traditions that continue to be honored in the country contributed greatly. Although, despite this, the fashion for international names still growing. It’s too early to say whether they will be able to displace traditional ones.

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