The author's attitude towards Odintsova. Odintsova and her spiritual vacuum

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The image of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” is very controversial. On the one hand, the reader feels pity and compassion for her, on the other hand, her inability and unwillingness to follow the call of her heart and dreams is discouraging.

Odintsova's appearance

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova has an unusual beautiful appearance. At the time of the story she is 28 years old. Odintsova herself considers this age to be no longer young and therefore classifies herself as an old woman. However, her appearance suggests otherwise. The woman looked young and fresh. Her body was very slender and attractive.” She struck him with the dignity of her bearing. Her naked arms lay beautifully along her slender figure.”

We invite you to read Ivan Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

She was tall, which gave her additional charm. Her facial features were lovely, although her nose was a little thick, which was typical for all Russians, but the rest of her features were perfect. The skin of her face was fair and clear. Her eyes were light color, something tender and at the same time smart was visible in them: “her Perfect eyes shone with attention, but serene attention.” Her hair, on the contrary, was dark. Long hair beautifully framed her face: “hair smoothly combed behind the ears gave a girlish expression to her pure and fresh face».
Her wardrobe is also distinguished by sophistication and sophistication. Odintsova knows how to wear clothes beautifully - even the simplest outfits look unusual and very beautiful on her.

Anna Sergeevna knows how to captivate a person from the first minutes of acquaintance, her appearance is attractive, according to Bazarov, she can be studied as an anatomical manual. Men are crazy about her, and women are jealous of her.

Biography of Odintsova

Little is known about the childhood of Odintsova, nee Lokteva, and her past. Her parents died long ago. Their mother passed away while they were living in St. Petersburg, and their family was prospering and rich and prosperous. She belonged to an impoverished family of noble aristocrats X... Her father was a good man, but had an addiction to card games, so he soon spent all the family’s savings at the card table, and also died, leaving his two daughters a tiny inheritance. At the time of his death, the eldest, Anna, was 20, and the youngest, Katerina, was 12 years old.

Dear readers! On our website you can read Ivan Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

After the death of her parents, Anna takes on the upbringing of her younger sister and copes with it quite successfully - Katya learns everything necessary in the life of an aristocrat, but her sister’s character traits have a detrimental effect on the girl, she was practically intimidated by her sister and suppressed by her authority.

Odintsova's life was full of difficulties. She had to overcome many difficulties. “She went through fire and water,” they said about her; and the famous provincial wit usually added: “And through copper pipes».

Odintsova's first marriage

After some time, Anna Sergeevna gets married. Her husband was a certain Odintsov - he was an elderly man, but very rich, and therefore Anna agreed to become his wife. Odintsov, a very rich man of about forty-six.”

Anna did not love her husband, to some extent, he even disgusted her: “She could hardly stand the late Odintsov.” Those around her considered her marriage very strange, but Anna herself did not see anything wrong with it and thought that it was quite normal phenomenon.

After the death of her husband, Anna becomes a rich woman. Although she did not love her husband, after his death she observed all the decency and requirements as a widow: “Anna Sergeevna did not leave the village for about a year after his death; Then I went abroad with my sister.”

Life in the village

After a trip abroad, Anna Sergeevna and her sister return to the village - Nikolskoye - “There she had a magnificent, well-furnished house, a beautiful garden with greenhouses” - and then live in the wilderness and solitude.

Anna does not waste her time spent in the village; she learns how to manage a household and masters the skills of managing an estate, which she had not been able to do before, although her education was exceptional. Also in the village, Anna reads books and studies the Russian language - as a result, she becomes an intelligent and insightful woman, and her knowledge of the Russian language surprises and amazes. Odintsova rarely leaves Nikolskoye - exclusively on business and spends almost all her time in the village.

Personality characteristics

Anna Sergeevna Odintsov has an unusual personality type. First of all, she is distinguished from most female representatives by indifference and even a certain dislike for secular societies. For Odintsova, such events cause fatigue and, if they are carried out by her, then with a sense of duty and necessity.

Her second distinctive feature is an exceptional mind - Odintsova reads books not because of fashionable trends, memorizing certain fragments of text in order to seem smarter, but really studies certain questions and material provided in the literature. She understands and is aware of the topic of discussion. “Her mind was inquisitive and indifferent at the same time: her doubts never subsided to the point of forgetfulness and never grew to anxiety.”

Its next distinctive and yet unusual feature is independence. Anna Sergeevna does not strive to please anyone; in some moments she acts like a man, thus defining her place in society.

By temperament she is a calm and balanced person. Anna Sergeevna values, above all, calmness in everything, so she does not strive to change anything in her life - she likes the routine and predictability of her life, but meanwhile, she is one and decisive person - if the situation requires it, she knows how to act clearly and sharply.

Despite her knowledge, Anna Sergeevna is not a talkative person; in society she prefers to remain silent and listen to other people's conversations. She is always kind and friendly towards other people. Those around her have the impression of her as a sweet and charming woman in every sense of the word.

Odintsova’s image lacks patience and poise - she is too impatient and cannot do work that requires perseverance.

Anna Sergeevna is a very demanding and persistent woman; she often holds her own opinion and is ready to defend it.

However, this ideal woman does not remain without flaw. In her case, this manifests itself in a special love for luxury and comfort. It is these two criteria that she values ​​above all else, and they are the key driving forces in her life.

Anna Sergeevna believes that everything should be kept in order - in her house everything happens according to a certain schedule, thanks to such a clear daily routine, her life in the village does not get boring for her.

Exceptional cleanliness reigns in Odintsova’s house; she doesn’t like it when something is in its place or the house is uncleaned: “everything was clean, there was some kind of decent smell everywhere, like in ministerial reception rooms.”

Anna Sergeevna never truly loved anyone; some people evoke in her a feeling of sympathy and even fleeting passion, as, for example, in the case of Yevgeny Bazarov. “Like all women who failed to fall in love, she wanted something without knowing what exactly.”
Deep down, the woman is very unhappy, but does not know how to improve her situation.

Odintsova and Arkady Kirsanov

It would be more correct to say that the relationship between Anna Sergeevna Odintsova and Arkady Kirsanov ended before it began. When Arkady first saw Odintsova, he could not hide his admiration for the young woman - her beauty and intelligence completely captivated the mind and heart of the young man. After their meeting, he dreamed about her all day long, so Arkady took her invitation to Nikolskoye as a holiday - it was a great opportunity to improve relations with Odintsova and, quite possibly, develop them. However, from Odintsova’s side, everything looked in a completely different light - she perfectly understood what feelings Kirsanov was experiencing, but, unfortunately, she did not feel anything other than slight sympathy for him - in her understanding, Arkady was a nice person, capable of maintaining a conversation with her, but in She did not perceive him as a lover.

In Nikolskoye, Arkady becomes more and more aware of this fact and gradually becomes closer to Anna’s sister, Katerina. Katerina turns out to be closer in character and worldview to Arkady - gradually the bitterness of disappointment and rejection is replaced by Arkady's true love for Katerina.

Anna Odintsova and Evgeny Bazarov

While Arkady Kirsanov's thoughts were occupied by Anna Sergeevna, Anna Sergeevna herself was captivated by Kirsanov's friend, Evgeny Bazarov. This pragmatic and somewhat rude man managed to interest a woman; his vision of certain moments in the life of society was so different from the generally accepted one that it was impossible not to pay attention to this man. In addition, Bazarov had a natural charm and charisma, which also appealed to his personality.

In Nikolskoye, Anna Sergeevna begins to get closer and closer to Bazarov, distancing herself from communication with Kirsanov.

Bazarov, accustomed to often being the center of attention, this time feels out of place - he fell in love for the first time, and this feeling forced him to commit actions and mentally belong to only one thing - his love. Bazarov always ridiculed attachment to romantic feelings and love in general, but now he himself found himself hostage to love and this discouraged him even more. Anna Sergeevna, who, in fact, never loved anyone, and like Bazarov, was always guided by her mind and not by feelings, was also in confusion - she felt a craving for this person and passion, but did not dare to succumb to this feeling.

As a result, when their relationship reached an emotional peak, Bazarov decided to take the first step, but Odintsova, who was always wary of changes in her personal life, was in no hurry to reciprocate her lover, as a result, a collapse occurred in their relationship - the relationship, which had reached a dead end, required an urgent solution, but No one was in a hurry to do anything in this direction. Odintsova actually dreamed that this situation would somehow be resolved by itself - Evgeny definitely aroused in her much greater feelings than sympathy, but his position in society did not suit her - a connection with Bazarov would be the cause of an imbalance in her stability and systematic life, and , even, perhaps, would have become the reason for parting with some elements of the comfort of luxury, to which Odintsova was so accustomed, this situation was strengthened by the fact that Bazarov was a simple person.

In the end, their relationship ended - despite the fact that the characters did not want their relationship to end in a conflictual way, they did not have a peaceful and friendly relationship as a result of the breakup.

Odintsova’s life after breaking up with Bazarov

After the relationship between Evgeniy and Anna Sergeevna ended, Odintsova remained in Nikolskoye and the details of how she survived the separation were not known to the reader.

It can be assumed that she was not very worried about the breakup, because, in fact, it was precisely because of her desires and actions that the development of relations with Bazarov became impossible.

Bazarov, having been badly burned, returns to parents' house- the situation with his love became the reason for the departure of two people from Bazarov’s life at once - Odintsova and Kirsanov. While Bazarov worried little about Kirsanov and the discord with him, Odintsova’s personality interested him significantly.

Neither Bazarov nor Odintsova sought a meeting with each other after parting - their meeting was determined by chance - Bazarov was sick and was one step away from death. His last desire was to see Anna Sergeeva and Odintsov, no matter how pragmatic and proud she was - she came to Bazarov. She could no longer help him, but she actually made it easier last minutes Bazarov with his presence.

Bazarov's death is not in the best possible way influenced Odintsova, but the woman, not spoiled by fate, was soon able to recover from this tragedy and got married. Once again, her husband was not the person she loved; apparently, Odintsova did not become happy in this marriage of convenience.

Thus, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova in Turgenev’s novel is a bearer of cold beauty and intelligence - she does not strive to make other people happy, even her closest ones - since the woman has never experienced happiness and love, she does not know how to give these feelings to other people. Her toughness and rudeness become the reason for the lack of sympathy with her own sister, whom she intimidated and suppressed with her integrity and authority.

Uncertainty in her feelings does not give her the opportunity to become happy in a relationship with Evgeny Bazarov, a man who had feelings for her sincere feelings. Anna Sergeevna was never able to find happiness - everyone admired her and wanted to be like her, but in fact they did not know how difficult and sad it was to be Anna Odintsova.

The image and characteristics of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova in the novel “Fathers and Sons”: appearance and character in quotes

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In the gallery of heroes of I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” important role play female images. They are catalysts for revealing the characters and feelings of the main characters. One of central characters The novel is Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, she was able to breathe love into the soul of Evgeny Bazarov. The image and characterization of Anna Odintsova with quotes in the novel Fathers and Sons given below will help you understand the character traits and motives of this woman’s actions.


Left orphaned younger sister, Anna Sergeevna invited an elderly and grumpy aunt to live with her. The joyless existence in the village depressed her; at times it seemed that all life will pass in the backwoods. One day, Odintsov, their rich neighbor, accidentally saw her. He became interested in Anna and offered to become his wife. Tender feelings Anna Sergeevna had no feelings for her husband, there was only gratitude. After the death of her husband, Odintsova inherited a large fortune, freedom and independence.

Odintsova and Bazarov

Anna Sergeevna’s appearance was remarkable; she stood out compared to the other women at the governor’s ball:

“She amazed him with the dignity of her bearing. Her naked arms lay beautifully along her slender figure; light fuchsia branches fell beautifully from shiny hair onto sloping shoulders; calmly and intelligently, precisely calmly, and not thoughtfully, the bright eyes looked from under a slightly overhanging white forehead, and the lips smiled with a barely noticeable smile. Some kind of gentle and soft power wafted from her face.”

When meeting her, Bazarov immediately noted that she was a very interesting “specimen.” Anna Sergeevna had an undoubted interest in the personality of Yevgeny Bazarov, she was interested in communicating with him, arguing and flirting. The insane pressure of Eugene’s passion frightened the woman; she realized that she risked losing the peace and stability to which she was accustomed. This was the decisive factor in the angry refusal young man. Odintsova could not experience serious and deep feelings for anyone or anything. Bazarov characterizes her inability to feel:

“You want to love,” interrupted Bazarov, “but you cannot love: that is your misfortune.”

Having learned that Evgeniy is on the verge of death and wants to see her, Anna came to him with the doctor. But she did not find feelings for Bazarov in herself. Nothing that could bring comfort to a dying person

“She was simply frightened with some kind of cold and languid fear; the thought that she would have felt differently if she really loved him instantly flashed in her head.”


At the end of the novel, Odintsova again becomes the wife of an unloved man; she approached the choice of a husband practically. The betrothed was a promising man who guaranteed the realization of her ambitious plans.

It was not by chance that I. S. Turgenev introduced the image of Anna Odintsova into his work. Bazarov had to pass the test of love. Love is the purest, highest and most beautiful feeling; the soul and personality of a person are revealed to it, showing their true qualities.

At the beginning of the novel, the author introduces us to his hero as a nihilist, a man “who does not bow to any authorities, who does not take a single principle on faith,” for whom romanticism is nonsense and a whim: “Bazarov recognizes only what can be felt hands, see with the eyes, put on the tongue, in a word, only what can be witnessed by one of the five senses.”

And this man, who denies everything and everyone, falls in love with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, a rich widow, an intelligent and mysterious woman. At first main character drives away this romantic feeling, hiding behind crude cynicism. In a conversation with Arkady, he asks about Odintsova: “What kind of figure is this? She’s not like other women.” From the statement it is clear that she interested Bazarov, but he is trying in every possible way to discredit her in his eyes, comparing her with Kukshina, a vulgar person.

Odintsova invites both friends to visit her, they agree. Bazarov is trying to be indifferent. He behaves very cheekily in her presence, then he becomes embarrassed, blushes, and Odintsova notices this. On his second visit to Odintsova’s estate, Bazarov is very worried, but tries to restrain himself. He increasingly understands that he has some kind of feeling for Anna Sergeevna, but this does not agree with his beliefs, because love for him is “nonsense, unforgivable nonsense,” a disease. Doubts and anger rage in Bazarov’s soul, his feelings for Odintsova torment and irritate him, but still he dreams of reciprocal love.

The hero indignantly recognizes the romance in himself. Anna Sergeevna tries to get him to talk about feelings, and he speaks about everything romantic with even greater contempt and indifference.

Before leaving, Odintsova invites Bazarov to her room, says that she has no purpose or meaning in life, and cunningly extracts a confession from him. The main character says that he loves her “stupidly, madly,” and from his appearance it is clear that he is ready to do anything for her and is not afraid of anything. But for Odintsova this is just a game, she is interested in Bazarov, but she does not love him. The main character in a hurry leaves Odintsova's estate and goes to his parents. There, while helping his father, Bazarov becomes infected with a serious illness. Realizing that he will soon die, he casts aside all doubts and beliefs and sends for Odintsova. Before his death, Bazarov forgives Anna Sergeevna and asks to take care of his parents.

Bazarov sacrifices everything for the sake of love - his beliefs and views. He is ready for this feeling and is not afraid of responsibility. But here nothing depends on him: he completely surrenders to the feeling that has gripped him, but receives nothing in return - Odintsova is not ready for love, so she pushes Bazarov away.

An important role for revealing the main ideological content The novel “Fathers and Sons” is played by female characters, which were introduced by Turgenev as the embodiment of some, especially significant, qualities of a person’s character. For example, the image of Fenechka personifies softness and femininity, Katya Lokteva - practicality and efficiency, Bazarov's mother - mother's love and care. The author describes Anna Sergeevna Odintsova especially carefully and voluminously, since he assigns her the main role.

Who is Anna Sergeevna Odintsova

Anna Odintsova is a beautiful aristocrat who became the subject tragic love nihilist Bazarov. She had a hard time life path. Difficulties hardened her, made her strong personality and a self-sufficient person.

The characterization of Anna Odintsova is complex and multifaceted. Her father, a gambler and reveler, left his daughters only debts and an estate that had fallen into disrepair. However, the heroine does not give up; she achieves a lot in life for herself and her young sister. She received an excellent education and was successfully married. By nature she is given a sharp mind and observation skills. Odintsova has a great understanding of people, she is characterized by a sober assessment and practicality.

Anna Sergeevna is shown to be a fairly harmonious person, despite her young age. It is difficult to deceive her: the heroine sees everything objectively. And at the same time, in the novel “Fathers and Sons” Anna Odintsova is shown as a person who is unable to show strong feelings, or rather, she does not give them freedom, considering them real values peace of mind and balance.

The relationship with Bazarov could have disturbed her calm way of life, and she calmly and confidently refuses Bazarov a reciprocal feeling, offering to remain friends. As a result, Odintsova finds a husband not out of love, but out of conviction, with an excellent prospect for a prosperous and moderate life.

Work test

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, the daughter of a famous reveler and card player, was left early without parental care with her younger sister in her arms and a small estate inherited from her father. Left alone, the girl did not give up. She wrote out her old aunt, her mother’s sister, Princess Avdotya Stepanovna. Having an excellent education, Anna Sergeevna began raising her sister Katya. The young woman completely resigned herself to her situation and did not think about marriage at all. However, she was soon noticed by Odintsov, a rich man who later left her a large inheritance. Already in the first minutes of communication, Arkady noticed Anna Sergeevna’s intelligence and prudence: “this young woman has already managed to change her mind and experience a lot...”.

Anna Sergeevna Odintsova is well educated and adheres to progressive views. She does not pay attention to the gossip of her neighbors and is above all kinds of gossip and speculation. She is not burdened by loneliness, although, according to Bazarov, she would like to fall in love, but cannot. Anna Sergeevna has a great understanding of people. She immediately figured out Bazarov, and even this convinced nihilist, who rejects everything and everyone, constantly experiences some timidity in her presence. This woman has developed sense self-esteem, inherent only in duchesses or queens. I think Odintsova is sort of opposed to Bazarov, although they have a lot in common. If the main character is in a constant internal struggle, then Anna Sergeevna is characterized by calmness and serenity. This young woman lives in complete harmony, both with yourself and with the people around you. She is quite calculating and has a sober mind, but is not selfish. Odintsova treats her loved ones with care, although she can be somewhat strict with her household. She, unlike Bazarov, has a keen sense of art and is well versed in literature and music. In life, according to Odintsova, there should be order in everything. The desire for regularity and sobriety of mind leads to the fact that Anna Sergeevna turns out to be incapable of strong, all-consuming feelings. Whereas Bazarov suddenly unexpectedly discovers the beginnings of romanticism in himself. However, if this confuses the young woman’s peace of mind, it will not last long. Her inner world pretty soon it regains its former balance. I think that Bazarov is involuntarily attracted by Anna Sergeevna’s harmony. She is free from prejudices, has her own opinion on any matter, but at the same time she is above all kinds of disputes. Odintsova does not seek to prove anything to anyone. We can say that she simply lives by her own rules, simultaneously rejecting and indifferently coexisting with the surrounding vulgarity of life. She is interested in Bazarov, but pretty soon Anna Sergeevna comes to the conclusion that peace of mind is more valuable, that this is not the person she needs. Although she does not deny herself the pleasure of getting a declaration of love from the main character.
At the beginning of the novel, Bazarov also achieves a certain balance. He feels great in the company of his adoring friend and admirer Arkady. He successfully fends off all attacks from Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and, by and large, remains the winner in many disputes with the “old guard”. However, Bazarov's worldview somewhat contradicts his passionate human nature, so the balance is quickly disturbed. This is most clearly manifested when the main character meets Odintsova. He falls in love with this smart girl strong woman, and “stupidly, insanely”, without the slightest hint of reciprocity...