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Behind last month I have already written a whole series of articles on the blog about buying home (stationary) computers, so that any beginner in the field of computer literacy can either independently select and buy all the components necessary for the subsequent assembly of a computer, or buy a ready-made system unit, if not self-confident or simply does not want to waste time. I have also dedicated a separate article to talk about purchasing basic peripherals, without which a desktop computer would turn into a simple box :)

However, I have not yet started talking about laptops. Today, many people buy laptops instead of bulky system units and separate monitors for them, because they are convenient, take up little space, and are not particularly inferior in performance to stationary ones. And in this article I would like to talk about what is better to buy: a regular desktop home computer or a laptop? After all, there will still be some difference between them? Now I will highlight the positive and negative sides of both so that any user can make the right decision to buy exactly what he needs, because in the next article we will talk about buying laptops!

What advantages can you highlight if you purchase a laptop?

    The first thing worth saying in favor of laptops is choosing and purchasing them is actually not such a difficult matter. It’s just that beginners who understand little about computers are always unsure of this process and often order a laptop with the help of some knowledgeable friend or relative. Yes, and this is normal, because when the time came to buy my very first computer (and at the same time I still didn’t know how to use it at all), it was an acquaintance from the IT department of one company who helped us with the choice :) Now I myself have 4- x years of work experience in the IT field and therefore such assistance is accordingly not required.

    The process of choosing a laptop is similar to the process of choosing a ready-made (already assembled) computer (i.e., system unit), which I talked about in the article:

    That is, you, of course, do not need to select individual components for the laptop (as we did when independently selecting the “stuffing” for the system unit), which greatly simplifies the task!

    I would say that it’s even simpler :) When buying a ready-made system unit, you will one way or another have to buy a monitor for it (if you don’t already have one), perhaps a keyboard and mouse, as well as a speaker system (at least two simple sound speakers) . This is what I consider mandatory. You may also need a Wi-Fi adapter if it is not built into the board and you need to connect to a wireless network. For those who communicate on Skype, you will need a webcam, otherwise Skype will turn into regular phone conversation:) In general, when buying a desktop computer, we somehow add a number of additional equipment to it.

    When buying a laptop, you need the most important thing - buy it directly and a mouse for it :) Although some “monsters” can very skillfully handle the touchpad and work with it faster than with a mouse :) Everything else is optional. For example, you can buy another speaker system so that you can hear not dull and very low-quality sound from the laptop’s built-in speakers, but decent sound from external speakers. And so, 99% of laptops will have a built-in webcam, 100% will have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, and, of course, there is always a keyboard and built-in speakers.

    However, despite the fact that choosing a laptop is easier than a desktop computer, their price will be more expensive. For example, a laptop with exactly the same configuration as the system unit will still cost more. And this is already considered a disadvantage...

    Mobility. Even the bulkiest laptops (with screen diagonals of 19 inches or more) are still easy to carry with you anywhere. I put it in my laptop bag and carried it with me. You obviously can’t do this with a desktop computer :)) To hell with carrying such a box over a hump!

    For example, I take my 19-inch laptop with me always and everywhere. Previously, when I worked offline, I went to work with it. Because at the technical school all the computers were already quite old, and at the same time they were stationary! And I’m used to sitting where it’s comfortable for me :) So that if anything happens, I can very quickly move to another table or to another room!

    Less noise from laptop. Fans in desktop computers often make annoying noise because they are bulky and the only option to reduce the noise is to replace the fan with a better one. But at the same time, there is a fan not only on the processor cooling system, but also on the video card and power supply :) In any case, there is a place for noise. This problem practically never occurs in laptops. Only in case of overheating for some reason, for example, in powerful games.

    Takes up less work space. For a bulky system unit, you need to look for a place so that it does not get in the way somewhere in your legs, and at the same time you need to place it in such a way as to ensure normal air circulation. For example, you cannot press the system unit of a desktop computer close to the walls! The air will circulate very poorly or not at all (if you squeeze it almost completely), which will lead to overheating! These problems are not observed with a laptop. With it you can sit almost anywhere, even put it on your stomach and watch a movie lying on the sofa :) For example, when I work from home, I can periodically change my workplace. In the summer, I am often outside the city and my room, where I work most of the time, heats up throughout the whole day because the sun shines directly through the window :) And because of this, I often move to other rooms. What if I only had a desktop computer? Moving it from room to room is quite a story!

    Connectors for connecting any devices are right at hand. Those. you don’t have to bend over (and sometimes crawl on your knees) to connect something to your desktop computer. After all, most of the connectors are on the rear panel, and if you want to move some of them to a more convenient location, you will again have to buy optional equipment: adapters, splitters, extension cords, etc. You don't need anything like that on laptops. All the connectors, one might say, are at hand and you don’t need to go anywhere :) The main thing is that there is the right number of them, and this is especially true for USB ports, which we use most often and connect a mouse, printers, scanners, flash drives, hard drives and a bunch more there other equipment.

    Absence large quantity wires that come from the system unit. There will be a power cable coming from the laptop, as well as a mouse. This is the main and most necessary thing. Well, perhaps you will also connect speakers and an MFP (printer, scanner, copier).
    But from the system unit there will be a power cable to the surge protector, a cable to the monitor, a wire from the mouse, a wire from the keyboard. And that's the minimum! Whatever one may say, there are always more wires from the system unit and they very often get confused and you end up with a whole web :)

    Battery operation possible. Every laptop, even the cheapest one, has a removable battery. After all, it is considered a portable device. The battery allows us to work for several hours without power in any convenient location with no sockets. High-performance powerful laptops, in energy saving mode, run on battery power for about 2-3 hours without recharging. Less powerful laptops can work longer without recharging. But it all depends on how you use the computer. If you just stand there without doing anything, the battery will not be discharged to zero in half a day :) Also, laptops can come with batteries of different capacities.

    And what’s also important is that if you don’t use the battery at all, you can remove it and work on the laptop only from the mains. This will prevent the battery from wearing out. For example, that’s what I do. Most I spend time at home at my workplace, and what is the point of running on battery power in this case? If only in order to protect against a sudden power outage, which will allow you to save data on the computer with which this moment work was underway. But this happens so rarely... But if there is a battery installed in the laptop and it is still connected to the mains, the battery will begin to wear out quickly. In one of my old laptops, the battery failed in this way within a year. It began to hold a charge for about 10 minutes :) And to be honest, constantly discharging and charging the battery gets boring, considering that power plans can also be configured in the system itself, which will constantly reduce the performance of the laptop (if it is running on battery power), then increase (if the work is carried out from the mains). Therefore, when you work in 99% of cases in one place near sockets, it is better to remove the battery, and about once a month install it again and do a couple of charge-discharge cycles. Then you take it out again.

    On laptops, with all the above advantages, you can perform all the same tasks that you perform on standard desktop computers: work, play games, watch movies and whatever. After all, this is the same computer in a smaller version :) The main thing is to buy a laptop with the appropriate characteristics! For example, if you are doing simple office and learning objectives, then that's one thing. But if you want to play modern toys, as well as work with complex professional graphic editors or other powerful programs, then this is completely different, and the price of such a laptop will jump somewhere over 50,000 rubles. In general, in terms of what tasks will be performed, laptops, just like desktop PCs, are divided into gaming and budget - for office tasks. This is the simplest classification.

What disadvantages can be identified in laptops compared to desktop computers?

    Always higher price than similar desktop computers with the same characteristics.

    Desktop computers are always more productive. Even the most high-performance laptops will always be inferior in performance to similar desktop computers. For example, having bought a gaming laptop, it will always “pull” less modern innovations at maximum graphics settings than a similar desktop computer. This happens because all the boards in the laptop are greatly reduced, and as a result, their characteristics themselves are slightly reduced. Take, for example, the gaming video adapter of a desktop computer and the one in the laptop. The difference in size is simply huge :)

    Laptops always get hotter than desktop computers. Due to the compressed size of the case, air circulation will of course be worse, as a result of which the video adapter and processor heat up more. When working with the simplest tasks (documents, the Internet, movies, etc.), this may not be noticeable, but in games you can immediately feel the heating of the components.

    Laptops are very difficult to disassemble. If something happens to the laptop and you no longer have a warranty on it (or maybe you do, but you know what the problem is and are sure that you will fix it yourself, because it’s faster), then the disassembly process will be really difficult :) Each manufacturer and model has its own characteristics. Some are easier and faster to understand, but some take an awfully long time to tinker with (especially the first time). At the same time, you will never find instructions for disassembling a laptop in the kit and will have to look for it on the Internet. But disassembling a laptop without instructions is a big risk of simply ruining it or not putting it back together :) Disassembling a laptop may, for example, be necessary after it has been in use for a long time (several years) in order to notice thermal paste (heat-conducting substance) on the processor and video adapter. The old one may already dry out within this period of time and as a result the components will overheat. Therefore, after a long service life of the laptop, the thermal paste may need to be replaced, which will require completely disassembling it. And this can actually take 4 hours or more, in the case of the first disassembly!

    There are no problems with disassembling in desktop computers! You unscrew a couple of screws, remove the cover and you already have access to all the hardware.

Accordingly, all these disadvantages can be attributed, on the contrary, to the advantages of desktop computers.

Having already listed all the advantages and disadvantages, it most likely turns out that clear picture that laptops are still much more convenient, more mobile, and in general, today they should be given more attention than bulky desktop PCs.

However, for some tasks it is better to take a desktop computer. Let's consider in what cases what is better to buy.

When is it better to buy a desktop computer and when to buy a laptop?

So, what is better for you to choose, a laptop or a full-fledged desktop computer? It all depends on what goals you are pursuing.

A desktop computer is worth taking:

    If you plan to fully play on your computer the most modern games on maximum graphic settings. In this case, the laptop will perform worse, will be much more expensive, and may overheat. Still, laptops have not yet caught up with desktop computers in terms of performance and, in principle, are more intended for work rather than play.

    If you are going to work in a complex, professional graphic editors or programs that require very high performance, and at the same time mobility is not important to you, then I can recommend taking a desktop computer. With this choice, you will not think about overheating, and will also get better performance, as in the first case.

In both of the above cases, it’s worth buying some cool monitor for a good system unit, on which modern cinematic games will look great and at the same time it will be pleasant and convenient to work with graphics. I talked about how to choose a monitor and other peripherals for a computer in the article:

A laptop is worth taking in all other cases. After all, they have such a number of advantages over bulky stationary PCs that if it weren’t for the two reasons listed above (well, maybe I missed something else), then these stationary computers would not be popular at all.

Because everything can be done on laptops, even if they are more expensive. But what convenience! Where I sat comfortably, I wanted to - in a couple of minutes I moved to another place, nothing interferes and does not make much noise.

In general, I personally like it! And, perhaps, if I don’t become, God forbid, someday a gambling addict, then I no longer have any reasons to buy a desktop computer instead of a laptop :) If only you need to organize some kind of constant uninterrupted task on the computer at home, which takes up a lot of system resources, then I would think about purchasing a powerful desktop computer.

The last desktop computer was not bought with my money (I wasn’t working then), but by my father, and that was about 6 years ago. It still works, but it just stands as an additional computer at the dacha :) You never know, someone comes and needs it, then let him sit down and work with it... Since then I have only bought laptops for myself.

That's probably all. And those who are interested in how to choose a laptop for themselves will soon (most likely in a week) be able to find this information in my latest article!

Have a nice day and the same mood :) See you soon!

As you already understood from the title, there will now be another duel. But a battle between a desktop computer and a laptop cannot be a full-fledged duel, since, in principle, despite their functional similarity, these devices are slightly different different areas applications, each of which has its own specifics.

But, unfortunately, some do not see this rather clear line and have finally “buried” for themselves the option of assembling or purchasing a system unit. It is to such people who blindly surrendered to the “power of the laptop” that this article is dedicated. Separately, one of the “wonders of the world” will be touched upon - gaming laptop, and some paradoxical nuances associated with his choice. At the end there will be results that should prove that desktop is alive and will live.

Performance. We pay more - we get less

Let's start with the internals. Here the desktop and only it will be the clear leader. In terms of price/performance ratio, it confidently stands out from its portable, but more expensive opponent.

If we take into account desktop processors and mobile models, then again, we get greater performance for a lower price from desktop systems. The same i5 – 3570 K, in 3DMark processor tests slightly outperforms the Intel Core i7-3615QM, but as you understand, prices are clearly not in favor of the i7-3615QM.

The same can be said about video cards. In laptops that are positioned as replacements home PC, video cards are installed that can only morally support modern demanding games and applications. Oh comfortable game, out of the question.

Of course, this is all compensated for by the much lower TDP of the components. laptop, but in my opinion this is not a valid excuse when it comes to performance.

Here we are slowly approaching a very interesting and relevant topic.

The eighth “wonder of the world” or gaming laptop. Features of choice

Very often I come across requests to choose a laptop on which any application can fly, and fps is off the charts in all games without exception, but the budget is a rather modest amount. Most people understand perfectly well that this is impossible. But they still try to choose a laptop as a gaming system or for working in applications that require system resources.

But one can also be surprised when it comes to clearly immodest budgets. Let's look at a fairly productive Asus N76VM laptop, the average configuration of which is equipped with an Intel Core i7-3610QM processor similar to the one discussed above. The price of the issue (laptop) is $1300-1400, a lot, don’t you agree?

But I want you to pay attention to the video card. This device has a “mighty” GT630M, even if out of gloating I chose the GT630M package rather than the 650M, but this would not have radically changed the situation. So, the GT630M is equipped with a memory bus width of 128 bits, even with GDDR5 memory. Video memory It operates at 800 MHz, and the performance of this video card is comparable to the desktop model HD 6570. These words should be followed by a solid portion of “snorting” from avid gamers. Now answer the question: would you put an HD 6570 in a desktop system for $1400? Of course not! With that kind of budget, you can install an HD 7950 or 7970 and then jump for joy and gulp down the rainbow of blazing gaming performance.

And here cases for Samsung s7 edge everyone needs.

Want a truly gaming laptop? – Alienware M18x for $3500, with two 7970M video cards, at your service.
And for those who don’t have extra “thousands of dollars” but want to play everything at once, I suggest looking towards desktop systems and not even looking back at laptops.

But not everything is as terrible as it may seem; above we talked about maximum performance in the most demanding games. But games are also different, so for a modest amount you can pick up a good parody of a gaming laptop that can run a lot of games at one time or another. For example, now the “processor” combination looks solid and cheap AMD A10+ HD 7670M video card.” Also, you can choose a slightly more “fun”, but expensive option for Intel i5/i7 + GT650M. But the basic concept remains the same - the laptop is not for gaming.

Simple advantages and disadvantages of desktop and laptop

Despite such aggressive entry in relation to laptops, it is stupid to once again state the fact that this device has a lot of advantages. Everyone understands perfectly well that compact laptops in most cases are much more convenient (in terms of portability) than a separate monitor and a system unit with a bunch of wires that takes up a lot of space. Undoubtedly, portability also adds to the heat, and some users, having realized only these two factors, are ready to rush out to buy a laptop. This may be reasonable for some, but obviously not for many.

One of the advanced advantages of a desktop, which stems from its size, is ease of use. Whatever one may say, it is much more convenient to work with a separate full-size and, for example, ergonomic keyboard, the position of which can be conveniently adjusted to suit you, than with a laptop keyboard with offset buttons and without an additional number pad (often). Also, very often there is a noticeable minimization of the buttons themselves and a decrease in the distance between them, which also clearly reduces convenience.

That is, we can safely include the main advantages that can be clearly “felt” in laptops: portability And compactness, and on desktops this is undoubtedly ease of use.

Despite the fact that for some the factor of convenience will be doubtful, in contrast, for people who, due to their “duty of duty,” do not have to carry a computer with them, this will be very doubtful.

Upgrade, overheating and other distinctive features of a laptop and desktop PC

Now, we'll talk a little about the remaining features of desktops and laptops. Of course, it’s impossible to cover all the nuances, but at least the basics.

Laptop and desktop upgrade

Notebooks also have problems with upgrading. Basically, here it ends with replacing/adding a hard drive and random access memory. Replacing a processor or graphics subsystem is much more problematic, if not impossible. This leads to problems with repairing laptops, which is more difficult to do at home than with a desktop PC.

Laptop overheating

Famous overheating problem in laptops, partially remains to this day, especially in high-end models. Developers are constantly on the brink, because they need to place the same components in a small laptop case as in the system unit, but so that they do not overheat. For performance models, cooling pads are recommended, which clearly do not add convenience.

Desktop and laptop monitor

On a desktop computer, the monitor is a separate substance, which, again, can be easily replaced. But the main advantage here is the diagonal. Often, laptops are limited in this. A 20” diagonal for a laptop is simply “mega”. In the desktop version, you can easily purchase a 27” monitor and enjoy life.

But that’s not all. Only expensive laptops with high-quality displays are suitable for working with graphics. For most laptop models in the cheap and mid-price range, image quality and color reproduction, by professional standards, leave much to be desired. Therefore, only desktop monitors are suitable here, which will be larger, cheaper and of better quality.

Conclusions. What should you choose?

IN in this case everyone should do own choice, however, as in everything in life.

A laptop is a good portable assistant anywhere and anytime. But only for those who really need this portability. A laptop, often, must be either medium or low level performance (in a reasonable concept). A portable device is required to surf the Internet, work in office applications, watch movies and other similar non-resource-intensive activities, in the correct sense. There is no need to try to make a laptop a universal device for all tasks.

If you want a gaming laptop, then the options for the development of events were indicated above. But before you pick up a parody of a gaming laptop, think about a desktop.

Most of the arguments regarding the unreasonableness of laptops relate to gaming and parodies of mobile high-performance systems. If, for you, versatility in tasks lies in the same access to the Internet, office applications and multimedia, but at the same time it is desirable to sometimes take the device with you, then an inexpensive laptop will be an excellent choice for you.

A heavy and bulky desktop is inferior to a laptop only in portability and compactness, but otherwise there are nothing but advantages. Greater productivity, ease of use for less money cannot but be arguments when choosing.

Of course, the performance of laptops will increase, and the price will fall, but desktops will not “sleep”, also increasing productivity and the rate of price decline. Therefore, for those who need everything and even more from the system, in terms of performance, they have used and will use desktop PCs in the future.

So, think carefully and weigh the pros and cons; when choosing, you need to start only from your needs and the tasks set for the system.

Everything that has been said in this article cannot take into account the specifics of each individual case. Therefore, I would be very glad to hear reasons why this or that choice was best for you. I would be grateful for such additions, as well as clarification of nuances and analysis of controversial issues.Thank you for your attention!

Computers are very expensive equipment, so most people, when they come to the store, already have a clear idea that a laptop or desktop computer is more suitable for them. But there are often people who are perplexed by this question. If you belong to this group of people, then this article is for you.

Both laptops and desktop computers have their pros and cons. Let's look at them in order.

Pros and cons of a laptop

Laptop mobility

The first and most important property of laptops is their mobility and compactness. Wherever you are, wherever you go, you can always take your laptop with you. In almost any computer store you can purchase a special laptop bag. In addition, most modern backpacks have a compartment for carrying them. The weight of a laptop, as a rule, does not exceed several kilograms and at the same time they are small in size. If you choose a desktop computer, you will be deprived of these advantages.

Battery availability

Like almost all electronic equipment, laptops operate on mains power, but each of them has a battery. It is unlikely that this factor will be key for anyone when choosing a computer, but nevertheless, you will agree that this is a very pleasant bonus. Thanks to this, you will be able to use your laptop while traveling on the bus, relaxing on a bench in the park, or in any other place without access to electricity. Average duration Battery life is two to three hours. It depends on the power of the battery itself and the performance of the laptop.

Laptop connectors

This advantage, like those listed above, relates to ease of use. The most commonly used connector when working with a computer is the USB port. On desktop computers, all USB ports are located on the system unit itself, and it usually stands under the table. Agree, it’s very inconvenient to crawl under the table every time you need to use a flash drive. The headphone and microphone jacks are located on the speakers, which you often have to reach for. When working with a laptop, such problems do not arise. All the necessary connectors are right in front of your hands.

Pros and cons of a desktop computer

Computer cost

Their main advantage over laptops is the price. As you yourself understand, in our world you have to pay for everything. And laptop mobility is no exception. Small dimensions and ease of transportation inevitably affect the price. This does not mean that all laptops are more expensive than all PCs, but at the same price, a desktop computer will have better performance than a laptop.

Computer cooling system

Desktop computers have better system cooling. Because they fit coolers large sizes. True, because of this they are usually noisier than laptops. But due to the small case, air circulation in laptops is much worse. All this will affect the heating of the computer, especially if you like to play computer games.

Computer repair and upgrade

One of the main advantages of desktop computers is the ability to replace almost any component in the system unit. While in a laptop, the maximum you can do is add a RAM module, and even then only if there is a slot for it.

Repairing a desktop computer is cheaper, and if you are technically savvy, you can probably fix minor problems yourself. Whereas if your laptop breaks down, you will have to take it to the workshop, even if the problem is minor. For example, cleaning from dust.

Should I choose a laptop or a desktop computer?

As mentioned above, both laptops and stationary devices have pros and cons. And the choice should be made based on your needs.

If you are a fan of playing modern computer games on full settings and this is the main purpose of buying a computer, then of course a stationary computer is more suitable for you. Especially if you rarely leave your home and you don’t need to transport it.

Also, a desktop computer should be chosen by people engaged in any activity that requires working in graphic or video editors. For example, for fans of video editing. Such people may not have enough performance of the laptop. Or they will have to pay quite a lot of money for a laptop that meets their requirements.

If you do not need high performance from your computer, then a laptop may be suitable for you. To watch films, visit social media and just listening to music is enough with an ordinary, inexpensive laptop. At the same time, it will take up much less space than a desktop computer and will be noticeably quieter during operation.

If you do not lead a sedentary lifestyle, but often move or travel. Or if you work in a place where you regularly have to take your computer with you to work, then you definitely need a laptop. Because his mobility will play into your hands here.

Needed for office new computer for work. Budget = 14,000 rubles. What is better to choose, system unit + monitor + keyboard + mouse, or laptop + mouse??? This is a pointed question for many managers. Although, most people don’t think much about it, and just stupidly buy the same new computer that’s already standing nearby. My advice is to buy a laptop with this money! Let's look at what you can buy for 14,000 rubles? Computer. An average-level office system unit costs approximately 8-9 thousand rubles. There are system units for 6 thousand, but this is such a price that it’s better not to take it! A 17-inch monitor, which is the most optimal for an office, costs 4-5 thousand. We take the monitor at the minimum, we get: 9000+4000=13000 rubles. That leaves a thousand for the keyboard and mouse. In addition to the new computer in the same remaining thousand, we also take the simplest surge protector for 120 rubles. It turned out to be a full-fledged workplace. Laptop. The laptop has a monitor, keyboard and mouse already built-in. Instead of a mouse, however, there is a touchpad, but still a pointing device. But it’s impossible to work with it, just use it a little, the most simple operation do. We take a mouse to the laptop. We also get a full-fledged workplace! Now about the pros and cons. Let's start with the cons.

Disadvantages of the system unit:

1. Bulk takes up a lot of space.
2. Noisy.
3. It almost always stands on the floor, which is why it needs to be regularly blown off from dust.
4. The monitor and system unit occupy two sockets.
5. The wires from the mouse and keyboard go deep under the table, which is very inconvenient when changing the keyboard, mouse, connecting/disconnecting other devices, especially a flash drive.
6. If a warranty repair occurs, you will have to transport it by car; again, its weight and dimensions are very inconvenient.
7. NOT mobile. If he’s standing in the office, then that’s where he should be.
8. A system unit for 9,000 rubles is equal in performance to a simple laptop. That is, from its size, there is no increase in power, but there should be!
9. Consumes more electricity than a laptop.
10. If the lights go out, then all your unsaved information is also down the drain.
11. To avoid a situation like in point 10, you will have to pay for the UPS for 2000 rubles.

Disadvantages of the laptop:

1. When there is no mouse, it is inconvenient to work. (And on the system unit you can’t really do anything without a mouse!)
2. If a warranty repair occurs, you will definitely have to take it to an Authorized Service Center; self-repair without preparation is unacceptable. Two minuses against eleven!

Advantages of the system unit:

1. The likelihood that it will be more powerful than a laptop.
2. Possibility to repair it yourself if there are no warranty seals on the unit cover.

Pros of the laptop:

1. Compact. Doesn't take up much space on your desktop.
2. Quiet.
3. Since it is on the table, there is little dust in it. There is no need to clean its insides.
4. Occupies one socket.
5. The only wires are the mouse and the printer. Connecting flash drives is easy.
6. During warranty repairs, you can deliver to the ASC on foot.
7. It happens that you need to finish work at home. You can take it home with you and finish your work in peace.
8. Laptops costing 14,000 rubles are often not only not inferior in performance, but even superior to system units costing 9,000 rubles!
9. Consumes electricity economically.
10. If the lights are turned off, the laptop will continue to run on battery power.
11. There is no need to buy a UPS.

It’s up to you to decide what to do! I recommend Japanese laptops, just like cars. I work for myself Toshiba laptop L40. The next generation of this series is Toshiba L300. Wonderful laptops for work and cost from 13 to 15 thousand rubles. 39. Is it inconvenient to wet monsters? What to change if the game slows down due to freezing of the picture??? Yes, there is such an unpleasant situation when games on the computer are slowed down by precisely such frame delays. You're playing a shooter, shooting monsters, and then you're stuck for a couple of seconds or more!!! It's so annoying! But this problem has long been known and can be solved! The fact is that when playing new modern 3D shooters, a lot of RAM is consumed. When a game or any other application does not have enough RAM, it begins to create a paging file on the hard drive. This is a file containing the necessary operational information of the application, which is used in real time, right now. The location of such information in RAM. And if it is not enough, then a swap file is created. And once the read or write speed hard drive thousand times less, then the game frames are delayed by seconds. The hard drive does not have time to transfer information as quickly as RAM does! This problem is solved by simply adding RAM! You just need to buy a memory strip and insert it into the system. For modern needs of programs and games, you need at least 1.5 Gigabytes of memory. Preferably 2 GB or more.

Most people who decide to purchase an electronic assistant immediately before purchasing are faced with the need to decide which is better - a laptop or a computer.

Unfortunately, in this issue It's no use asking experienced computer gurus for advice because the answer will be subjective. In this article we will present objective arguments in favor of one or another decision, drawing intermediate conclusions. But the final decision still remains with the future user of the computing system. Considering which is better - a computer or a laptop, we will point out their advantages and disadvantages.

Personal computer components

Any computer, unlike mobile phones and SOC systems (device on a chip), is a set of replaceable components - components. Each of them is designed to solve a specific range of tasks: the video card processes the image and transmits it to the monitor, the sound adapter generates sound, etc. Accordingly, if necessary, you can easily upgrade almost any unit. For example, if it works slowly computer game, then by replacing the video adapter with a more productive one, you can achieve an increase in the performance of the graphics system, essentially breathing a second life into an outdated system. Although such a replacement is possible for both stationary and mobile systems, components for the latter cost 2-3 times more.

If we consider the question of which is better - a computer or a laptop, from this point of view, then the answer is obvious. The ability to easily change components allows you to increase the obsolescence of the entire system, delaying the need for complete replacement. Thus, desktop computer- the choice of a rational person.

Hot temper

When considering which is better - a computer or a laptop, one cannot help but point out the efficiency. It is known that all high-frequency electronic elements heat up during operation. In computers, this applies primarily to processors with high degree integration of semiconductor controlled switches. To remove heat, cooling systems are used, consisting of a fan, radiator and heat pipes (optional). Obviously, large radiators simply will not fit into a small laptop case. This is why it is possible to use more powerful and efficient components in desktop systems. But (there are some), when performing “heavy” applications, they heat up, which, if the cooling efficiency decreases due to dust, can lead to overheating and malfunctions.

Point of view

One of essential elements any computer is a monitor. The interaction between humans and programs is possible precisely thanks to this device. One of its characteristics is screen size. The larger it is, the less strain on vision (compared with smaller diagonals, all other operating conditions being equal). In laptops, built-in monitors rarely exceed 17 inches, but in the world of personal computers they have long crossed the 22-inch mark. Comments are unnecessary, and in this regard, the answer to the question of which is better - a computer or a laptop is obvious.

Portable systems

Now let’s list the advantages of laptops (they are also the disadvantages of stationary solutions):

Compactness, so that for home use no special workplace is required;

The ability to always take such a computer with you;

Even the cheapest laptop is a ready-made system. Just plug the power cord into the outlet and press the power button. No need to understand the types of video interfaces and standards hard drives etc.;

Cost-effectiveness achieved by special models of components used;

Partial independence from the power grid.