Interesting games for two without a computer. Paper and board games


Recently, board games have become increasingly popular. Previously, such games, in which you had to use chips to move around the playing field and complete some tasks, were very common, but then they ceased to be of interest to young people. Now large companies are again happy to play Monopoly or other business games, various strategies or historical plots. Entertainment like "Activity" can combine board games, pantomimes, and word games. For amateurs, you can even organize a chess or checkers tournament at home. Various themed dominoes or lotto will provide a pleasant pastime for a friendly, cheerful company. Fans of card games can spend time playing poker, preference, bridge or the usual “Fool”.

For restless friends, if you have enough free space, you can organize outdoor games. Although, of course, outdoor games are more intended for the street, some of them can be played at home. A popular game in this category is twister, where guests will have to take the most ridiculous poses to stay in the game. The size of the twister mat can vary, as can the number of participants. You can also arrange a tabletop or football tournament, if such devices are available. Nowadays, various dance and sports simulators are quite common, because they can be installed on a computer.

Another entertainment for a more relaxed group can be the so-called intellectual games. This includes the popular “Mafia” or “Guess Who the Killer”, in which all players need to identify negative characters, and these characters themselves need to avert suspicion from themselves. You can play the game “Broken Phone”, known from childhood - an adult company will find it even more fun than in childhood. Association games or riddle games can also be enjoyed by a large group, because you don’t even have to leave the table for them. The game “Crocodile” or “Pantomime” is a little more active, when the presenter must show the hidden word or phrase without words so that others can guess it. A variation of this game is to draw a hidden word on a marker board or simply on a piece of paper, also without saying a word. There is another interesting game in which participants put stickers on each other’s foreheads with some kind of hidden hero, and each player must guess which character he is by asking questions about himself to the other participants.

If the party is being held on the occasion of a birthday or receiving some kind of award, you can arrange festive games such as “Fanta”, when the birthday person gives tasks to all the guests. Games for knowing the hero of the occasion and his interests are also popular, and you can organize everything as in various television programs, for example, “Field of Miracles”, “Liar”, “Oh Lucky Man”, “Weak Link”, etc. The most difficult thing here will be for the organizer of these entertainments.

For large companies, there are various humorous quizzes or “Question-Answer” games, when a variety of delicate and not so delicate questions and answers that fit everything are composed in advance and printed on paper, and the players just take out a separate card with a question and a card with an answer and read it out aloud. Very funny coincidences can result, for example, “Do you often travel on public transport without a ticket?” - “This case, of course, will go without witnesses” or “Do you want to have a lover (mistress)?” - “I can’t say this without a couple of glasses,” etc.

Has your computer failed? Everything around immediately becomes boring and uninteresting. What about games? After all, by choosing time to play with a loved one (both a child and an adult), you are making a mutually valuable gift: your days will be filled with happiness and the joy of communication, and the memories of the time spent together will become bright and warm.

Important: classics of the genre - all kinds of board games and puzzles (each age category has its own level). A great way to brighten up your time is drawing, coloring anti-stress pictures or doing handicrafts.

Games for two at home without a computer for girls

The choice of activities primarily depends on the child’s temperament.


Homemade puzzles

Postcards or pretty candy box lids are great for making puzzles. Just cut the image you like into several pieces and your puzzle is ready.


All kinds of challenges are becoming increasingly popular among children, even the smallest ones. The simplest challenge you can do for a child is playing with drinks.

To carry out the challenge you will need: juice or any other drink (5-10 small bags/bottles with different flavors), identical craft paper bags for snacks (according to the number of drinks), long cocktail straws (also according to the number of drinks).

Pre-insert straws into all drinks. Pack bags/bottles of drinks carefully in paper bags. Place the packaged drinks on the table and invite your child to sip the drink through a straw and guess what exactly he is drinking.

It's not as easy as it seems, but it's a lot of fun.

Fortune teller using origami technique

Invite your guest to make a fortune teller out of paper. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games on paper

“Tic Tac Toe” is another wonderful and unfairly forgotten answer to the question of what to play with your child.

See the photo for the rules of the game.

To make the tic-tac-toe game more interesting, try using cookies, nuts, and candies together with tic-tac-toe. The winner, of course, takes all the goodies. The playing field can be painted directly on the table using masking tape.

Games for two at home without a computer for boys

Boys are unlikely to want to make chokers out of buttons. But themed puzzles may well be of interest to young supermen. How to make puzzles from scrap materials, see the beginning of the article.

Construction of towers

  • In addition, boys will have fun building towers out of cookies or donuts. Candies, coins, sea or any other pebbles, etc. are also suitable for building a tower. The one whose tower is higher wins.
  • You can build not only towers, but also entire cities from plastic or paper cups. In addition, with the help of cups you can diversify your walks in the fresh air (see photo below).


For older children, invite them to play reversi. Instead of chips, the game uses two-layer cookies (64 pcs.). And the playing field (8x8 squares) is drawn directly on the table using masking tape. In the center of the field, 2 light chips/cookies and 2 dark ones are placed diagonally.

See the photo below for the rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Reversi"

Rock Paper Scissors

Another gambling game that does not require long preparation is “Rock-Paper-Scissors”. Depending on the age of the child, you can use a game of 3 elements (rock, paper, scissors), 5 (rock, scissors, paper, lizard, Spock) and even 25!

Rules of the game "Rock-paper-scissors"

How to show game elements: (clockwise, starting from top): scissors, paper, rock, lizard, Spock.

Origami airplanes

Paper airplanes are a classic children's game. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games for two at home without a computer for adults

Any of the children's games suggested above can be used for adults.

Card games

While many people consider card games unacceptable for children’s leisure, they are quite acceptable for adults. In addition to "Fool" or "Poker", you can play "Shark". Another name for the game is “Witch”, “Sorceress”. The rules of this card game are so simple that you can play with a child (see photo below).

Rules of the card game "Witch"

Games with matches

A box of matches will also help brighten up the evening. No, we are not talking about MK on making fires. In this case, we will talk about the game “11 matches”. See photo below for rules.

If desired, you can increase the number of matches to 27 pcs.

Another game, also called “11 matches”. However, the rules are different from the previous one (see photo below).

The number of matches required for the game is 11 pcs. One of the matches needs to be marked. For example, color with a felt-tip pen.

Rules of the game “11 matches” (II version)

Linguistic games

Word games will also help brighten up the evening. Perhaps their names and rules are too original, but in this part of the article we are talking about adults with a corresponding sense of humor.

The first game offered is "Hangman". The rules of the game are in the photo below.

Rules of the game "Hangman".

Step-by-step example of the game "Hangman"

The second linguistic game "Balda".

The playing field consists of a grid of 5x5 squares. In the middle horizontal row the word “bulda” or any other five-letter word is written.

Example of a playing field for "Baldy"

See detailed rules of the game below.

Rules of the game "Balda".

Games for two at home without a computer, active

Little fidgets require movement. Perhaps one of these games will become your favorite.

Sumo wrestling

A fun outdoor game. It will bring pleasure to both players and spectators (if any).

To play the game you will need pillows (2 for each player) and large T-shirts. Then everything is extremely simple: put on T-shirts, put pillows under them and start fighting. The winner is the one who manages to push the opponent outside the conditional circle.

Game "Sumo Wrestlers"

Hide and seek

Try playing hide and seek. If you don’t really want/conveniently want to hide, hide an object.


If you do yoga, invite your child to repeat a few simple asanas after you. The exercises can be accompanied by words from the famous game “The sea is agitated once...”, slightly changing them (see photo).

The obstacle course will delight not only kids, but also adults.

What can you play at home with a friend? What can you play at home together with your sister?

Any of the games suggested above is suitable for both girls and girls. If none of the options proposed above suits you, try fortune telling for love. You will find options for simple fortune telling by clicking on.

What can you play at home with your girlfriend? What can you play at home with your boyfriend?

Nowadays there is simply a huge selection of board games for lovers. But if you can’t purchase a ready-made game, play the game suggested below. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed for you.

What can you play at home alone with your wife?

Any of the games suggested above can be used for a pleasant pastime with the family. It all depends on what exactly you mean by a pleasant pastime and what ultimate goal you are pursuing.

What can you play at home with your brother?

Any of the proposed games is suitable for both adults and children.

What can you play at home together with a child aged 5–9 years?

It is worth dwelling on this topic in more detail, since children need a constant change of activities.

  • Game "Yes/no". One player thinks of a word (something that he sees in the room, in the apartment, on the street). The other one tries to guess what the first one is up to. The player who thinks of the word can be asked leading questions, but he can only answer “yes” or “no.”
  • "False mirror". One player makes a grimace - the second tries to repeat it.
  • Game "Grandfather's Story". One player says: “I went hunting and saw...”. At the same time, he must name any object starting with the letter “A”. The second player repeats: “I went hunting and saw...” At the same time, he must name the item that the first player chose and add his own. But items should be named in alphabetical order.
  • Invite your child to name all the words that begin with the letter “T” or any other letter.
  • "Nonsense." One of the players says a word. The other must make a sentence in which each word begins with the letter of that word. For example, someone said the word “MISTY” - the second one makes up the sentence “Marina Puts a Scarf on Square Orange.”

Video: Games on paper: TETRIS - season 1 episode 2

All people love entertainment. However, not everyone has enough imagination to create competitions and create entertainment programs. In this case, women and men are accustomed to using the services of specialists - animators and presenters. These are the characters that are invited to many special events. But what if the celebration is quite modest or you just have guests unexpectedly? This article will tell you about what games you can play at home. You will learn the most common options for a fun evening, and also get acquainted with popular children's games.

Home entertainment

Why are such programs needed? They help not to get bored and stir up a modest campaign. If you are planning a special event, it is better to think in advance about what games you can play at home. In the event that guests appear unexpectedly, tabletop entertainment can save you. It’s also worth thinking in advance about what to play for your children at home. Otherwise, kids may get bored while adults are having fun. There are lots of fun things to do. Let's look at the most popular and simple options for what adults and children can play at home.

Board games

Surely everyone is familiar with popular board games. What can you play at home with three people or with even more people?

You can offer guests such entertainment as lotto. Some people may not want to play such games. However, rest assured that after just a few games, all the guests will be involved. For the game you need to prepare small change. In this case, a home piggy bank will be very useful.

Currently, in addition to lotto, there are many more games for home. You can buy them in almost every supermarket or specialty store. Just go to the seller and ask what you can play at home with three people (four, five, etc.).


If you are a gambling fan, then this option will be the most suitable. Most often, this entertainment is preferred by male representatives.

What can you play at home (gambling entertainment)? This type includes the game of Monopoly, cards, and so on. For the first option you will need a special card, chips and toy money. You can make them yourself, but it is quite difficult to do. Monopoly can be purchased at any entertainment or bookstore. For card entertainment there is no need to purchase additional funds. All you need is a deck. There are a lot of card games, but lately poker has become increasingly popular.

Active games

What to play at home with three people or with a large number of participants? In this case, gambling is an excellent option for entertainment. You can choose the most suitable one for your company.

In recent years, a game called “Twister” has become very popular. For this you need to purchase a special card that is placed on the floor. Many circles are drawn on paper in which participants place their feet and hands. So, by throwing a special die, you will receive new tasks, and then take the corresponding positions.

Karaoke is also an interesting option. If you have special equipment, then you can sing with friends, then count your points and choose a winner.

Mind games

What can you play at home in a big group? You can choose educational and intellectual entertainment.

A game called "Guess Who" has been very popular in recent years. For this kind of entertainment you will need small leaves that have an adhesive strip. On each of them the name of a particular item is written, after which a piece of paper is glued to the person’s forehead. The participant must guess what is written on his piece of paper.

There is also a very interesting game, the purpose of which is to create a parody. You are given the name of one of the participants. After this, you need to come up with and show a small scene, to parody this person. Each participant is given a score and finally a winner is selected.

Intellectual entertainment includes the forgotten game of cities. The first participant names any city, the next person must continue - pronounce the locality starting with the last letter of the previous word. This continues until most of the participants leave the game. The person who cannot come up with the next city name is always eliminated.

Also among intellectual games you can highlight crosswords or puzzles. Currently, there are a lot of printed publications with similar tasks on sale. You just need to purchase a similar book and offer this option to your friends, which they can play at home. Surely all guests will enjoy this entertainment.

Entertainment for two

If a friend or girlfriend is going to visit you, then you should think about what to play at home together. It is worth noting that in this case, games such as “Parody”, “Twister” or “Guess Who” are not suitable. However, there are still a lot of ideas on how to spend time between two people.

What to play at home together? You can give preference to chess, checkers or backgammon. These entertainments are quite exciting. Spending your leisure time playing such games, you will not notice how time flies.

To play chess you will need: a special time counter, a board and pieces. Checkers also require these elements. Backgammon will require additional attributes - cubes. By throwing them, you will move the checkers by the resulting number of spaces.

In addition to these games for two, you can choose lotto or Monopoly. It is worth noting that with fewer participants the game may not seem as interesting, but it will be no less exciting.

Pre-prepared entertainment

If you think through the scenario of the entertainment program in advance, then everyone will have much more fun. All the games described above can be chosen spontaneously. Pre-prepared games include a lottery or active competitions for participants.

It will be even more fun if you prepare prizes for all guests in advance. They don't have to be expensive or original. Among the gifts you can place regular soap or a toothbrush, a comb or any other small thing.

Many presenters of special events use this method. They come up with all the competitions in advance and thereby create a fun atmosphere.

Children's games

What should girls (or boys) play at home? If you are preparing a special event for children, then you should think about entertainment in advance. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children. What is interesting to kids may not be to the liking of schoolchildren. Everything needs to be organized in such a way that all the children are involved.

Games for kids

If the children are very small, then you can offer each one an educational musical toy. You can also provide children with a place to draw or sculpt. Be sure to stock up on props: pencils, paints, paper and plasticine.

Among the active games, you can choose downhill skating (if you have a children's sports corner) or catch-up. In this case, you should take care of safety in advance. Remove all breakable objects and cover sharp corners. The more free the room is, the better.

Entertainment for older children

The boys might want to play with cars or have some kind of competition. Girls love doll houses, sewing and dressing up.

School-age children most often find something to do on their own. However, when visiting, some children may be shy and behave modestly. You need to do everything to liberate such children. Play an active game with the children, for example, hide and seek, and then quietly leave.

What can you play together at home (with a child)?

If you are at home with a baby, then you need to come up with games and entertainment every day. If the baby is still very small, then he will probably enjoy the learning game. In the process, you and your child should study all the objects that are at home. Kids are always interested in the things of adults. Show your baby some objects that he caught his eye on. At the same time, tell us why this or that device is needed. Such a game will become not only interesting, but also very educational.

With a two or three year old child you can play catch or hide and seek, you can also organize dances or sing a song. Reading books, drawing or helping mom around the house will be a very exciting activity for your baby.

With older children, you can organize leisure time as follows. If you have a daughter, teach her to knit or sew. Such a game may in the future develop into an exciting and interesting hobby. Boys can be taught to work with some devices in an entertaining way. For example, handling a hammer or a vacuum cleaner. Such assistance will be very useful to you in the future, and at present the child will have an interesting time with you.

Summing up and a short conclusion

So, you now know what you can play at home in a large or small company. When choosing a game, always consider the wishes of your guests. Only in this case will an opinion be formed about you as a hospitable hostess and a cheerful person.

Organize your time correctly and have fun. Good evening to you!

Home games for the entertainment and development of children, schoolchildren, and preschoolers on the children's website Your!


Each of the players receives a pencil and a long strip of paper, on which he writes the name of someone present, folding the paper so as to cover what is written, and passes it to the neighbor sitting on his right hand, who describes someone’s appearance and passes the paper on. Then, in the same order, write the answers to the following questions: what nature?, what did you do?, when?, where?, what were the consequences? Of course, no one should know what was written before. When each of the pieces of paper has gone around the players, one loudly rereads everything written, which excites a lot of laughter, since there are a lot of incongruous things.. To make the compositions come out a little smoother, you can distribute paper in two colors; Leaves of one color will be used to describe boys, and the other color will be used to describe girls.


One of the players writes some short story, leaving a space before each noun: of course, the others should not know what he is writing. Then each of the players says some adjective, which, one after another, is written in order into the left places in the story; in this case, such incongruities result that reading the story usually causes a lot of laughter.


All players sit around the table, on which they place their index fingers. One begins to name different flying birds and insects, with everyone throwing their fingers up, and suddenly mentions the name of a thing that cannot fly. Those players who lift their fingers from the table pay a forfeit.


One of the participants quietly transmits some phrase into the ear of his neighbor sitting on the right; he repeats this phrase to the next, etc. The last phrase is proclaimed out loud and is usually distorted beyond recognition, partly, perhaps, because of this; that someone didn’t hear it properly, or maybe someone deliberately distorted it.


Everyone sits in a circle. One throws a handkerchief to one of the players and pronounces a syllable. The person catching the handkerchief must immediately add one or more syllables so that a word can be formed with the first one. For example, the first says “sa”, the second adds “zha”, etc. Then he, in turn, throws the handkerchief to the other, naming some new syllable, etc. Whoever thinks or says a syllable that is not the same as the first makes up a word, the forfeit pays.


A sheet is fixed on the wall, in front of which one of the players sits. At the other end of the room, a lamp is placed on the table. All players take turns passing between the lamp and the guesser, who must recognize the person passing by the shadow, and he has no right to look back. Those passing by, of course, try to change the shadow as much as possible by raising their shoulders, hunching, changing their hairstyle, etc. The one whom the guesser recognizes from the shadow sits in his place.

The best games for two small children are active ones. If classes for kids are tiring and teachers do not recommend unnecessarily overloading children with lessons and additional activities, then both kids and older children can play, run, jump and pour out energy for almost unlimited time. Especially if there are two children in the family, who are permanent partners for each other for a variety of entertainments.

Dance creativity and games for two children bring a positive attitude, improve physical qualities, and promote psychomotor development. Children who are well “freaked out” during the day have an excellent appetite, good sound sleep, and excellent health. You can play active outdoor games both with and without the participation of parents, in the house or on the street.

Outdoor games are one of the main tools for children's development

Outdoor games for two children are an exciting and very emotional activity, which the elders direct depending on the rules of the upcoming game. Active pastime is equally interesting for children of different ages and genders, and can unite even not very friendly brothers and sisters of different ages, not to mention twins and children close in age.

The benefits of this type of activity are difficult to overestimate, because gaming is one of the leading activities in human development, improving skills and abilities that are useful for everyday life, bringing bright colors and excitement to banal everyday life. Most outdoor games help children develop dexterity, coordination and speed, teach them how to interact with each other, and give them the joy of victory and the ability to survive defeat.

In the process of outdoor games, children quickly learn to act together, obey common rules, and develop positive personal qualities such as fairness, discipline, honesty, the ability to empathize and help each other.

Starting from the third year of life, that is, from the age of two, babies already walk, run, learn to jump, climb and crawl perfectly. But even if your first-born is in high school, and your second baby has barely begun to walk, you can come up with excellent and interesting games that actively involve two children at once.

You can play the same game several times in a row; as a rule, satiety occurs on the fifth round, when about 15 minutes of active action have passed, but older children can play longer, and quite autonomously, without distracting parents to regulate gaming activities and fair judging.

Outdoor games for two children at home

Most outdoor games do not require a large number of participants and large spaces. This means that your children can easily play outdoor games for two children at home. We suggest recalling proven options from childhood that never lose their relevance, as well as paying attention to new games for two children, which were invented by enterprising mothers.

Hide and seek

Everything ingenious is simple. Of course, there is not so much hide and seek in an ordinary apartment, but interest in this game is not lost at all. Of course, this game is not particularly active, but you can’t call it calm either. Develops imagination and attentiveness. For kids, you can suggest hidden corners under the sofa, behind the door, behind the curtain, under the table with a tablecloth, under the blanket in the bed. It is better to unobtrusively control dangerous places by older family members so that little people do not hide in corners and objects they are not supposed to.

The game can be complicated for older children by hiding not yourself, but the object, and then the game turns into “hot - cold,” which is also very exciting for children. And for kids, make it easier - let the older child play peek-a-boo with the younger one, this is also a kind of hide and seek.


This is a fairly simple game, and even children of different ages can play it. If you need to restrain an older child, to even out the chances, you can offer him a bag, or move on all fours. You can also turn the classic catch-up into a run on all fours or even a “crawl,” when both participants, the youngest of whom does not yet know how to move in any other way, must achieve the intended goal.

Ball games

A ball at home is a weapon of mass destruction, but only if it is thrown and caught. But it’s very possible to roll it on the floor - with their legs spread wide, the children sit opposite each other and roll the ball between them.


Bowling sets are available in almost all children's stores, and the price range ranges from several tens of rubles to several thousand. If the idea came instantly, but there is no set with pins and a ball, it doesn’t matter! Bottles filled with water, cubes stacked on top of each other, and an ordinary ball that should be rolled on the floor would be perfect - it would be a fantasy.


One of the children makes a movement, the second repeats it a little faster, the first even faster... And so on until repetition becomes impossible. And the second variation will be a mini competition - children try to perform some action faster in a race. Whoever bends down faster, runs to the front door, sits down ten times - there are many options, and you can come up with them ad infinitum until the children get tired of playing.

Who has the most reliable hat?

An object that is not too heavy, but not too light, is placed on the children’s head. After which they walk with it on their head until it falls. The one who still has the “hat” wins, and the game starts over. This action has an excellent effect on the posture of children.

Day and night

This is the mafia, but without murders - during the day the children wake up, run around, scream and misbehave, at night you need to plop down on the floor and pretend to be asleep. An adult leads the game, changing the time of day; he can also complicate the game by providing only one sleeping place - then the game becomes an analogue of “third wheel” for two players.


Both boys and girls love to dance from birth, first shaking their butts funny, then twirling and jumping. There is no point in losing this love of movement and music - turn on dance music for the children and invite them to dance. After half an hour of active body movements, tired children will enjoy playing calm games.

And in stores there are play dance mats designed just for two children, this gives the dance structure and a competitive element.

Siamese twins

Both children stand next to each other and clasp their hands - now they are Siamese twins and must do everything together without releasing their hands. In this way they can walk, squat, play, cut something out of paper, draw and perform various actions. A charge of fun and active leisure is guaranteed for both children.

A blind seer saves the world

One of the children is a blind seer; he must overcome the path to Mount Kilimanjaro (divan) with the help of his guide. On the way, children must overcome the river, cross a bridge - a rolled-up blanket, crawl through a cave - under a table and other obstacles that their mother's sophisticated mind is enough to overcome. Then the players change places. This game develops children's mutual assistance, teaches them to navigate without the participation of a visual analyzer, and also develops imagination, which in our time of ready-made solutions is more important than ever.

Nimble monkeys

Children are happy to try their abilities, including those that are new to them. Scatter small objects on the floor - for example, Kinder Surprise toys or mosaics. Let the children grab objects with their toes, and put everything they grabbed into piles - whoever has the most wins. Objects grabbed with both feet or with hands are not counted! This game perfectly develops dexterity, coordination and is a preventive measure for the development of flat feet.


This game has survived centuries and distances, accompanying humanity from ancient times to the present day. A thick scarf and at least two participants are required - and you definitely have all this in your home.


Draw targets on the floor or place large bowls and from a distance the children should hit them with a sock filled with sand or peas. It’s interesting, safe, and gives parents a break.

Outdoor games for two children in the summer

Well, even if you can play outdoor games at home, then frolicking, running and moving actively on the street is simply necessary. There are many games that do not require a large number of participants, and your kids can easily play them together. These are both long-forgotten classics and new versions of modern games born of new times.

Cat and mouse

This well-known game will never get boring, especially if you give it a relevant theme - let the zombies catch the last survivor, or the evil Trix catch one of the fairies, or maybe there are some other interesting options from your favorite cartoons.


A wonderful game that requires only a flat surface and a drawing tool. On asphalt it can be chalk, but on the ground it can be a hard stick. Once you have explained the conditions, you can be sure that the game will interest children, especially if you include a competitive note in it.

Ball games

The ball was created for the street, especially since playing this toy in the house is most often prohibited. This could be a variation of basketball, football, or simply throwing or rolling the ball to each other - two children will always find how to use this rubber treasure.


Badminton is a great way to bring together children with different interests. This game is fun and simple enough to be played by children of both sexes and almost any age.

Water war

Arm children with water pistols and catching up will become more meaningful, strategy and tactics will appear in this simple game. Well, the ending is predictable - as soon as one of the children becomes wet enough to no longer risk anything, the water opens to defeat.

Winter outdoor games for two children

It’s sad to see modern children who, going outside in winter, absolutely do not know what to do without a phone, tablet or TV. But you can captivate both offspring with interesting and active games with snow.

Construction of a snow fortress and snow cats

The snowman is no longer so relevant, although this figure remains the leader of the winter sculptural composition. But boys are much more interested in building a fortress, and girls are no less interested in making a snow kitten or a snow turtle - unlike a snowman, such structures are molded faster, and they themselves are more stable than a snow woman, they do not require a carrot and a bucket to be sacrificed. Well, while the children collect snow and make blinds, they move around to their heart's content.


Footprints in the snow are a great chance to play tracker. You can show and tell children the famous works of Fenimore Cooper, and guide the younger generation to find out who, where and why walked along the untouched white sheet of snow.

Snow fight

Snowballs fly in a continuous stream, some of the children make them in advance, supplying themselves with ammunition, and others make them as needed. There are no rules in this game - but they are not needed, fun is guaranteed for children of all genders and ages.

Snowballs for accuracy

Throwing snowballs at a target is a great way to have a fun competition of agility, strength and accuracy. Choose a target and let the children compete in a fair fight for the prize. Moreover, it is better to choose a prize that is perfectly divided in half.

In our time, when physical inactivity has become the scourge of society, outdoor games for two children at home and on the street are simply necessary to give your children the necessary physical activity, release of energy and push them to develop sports qualities. The most important thing for adults is to start and get excited, and once they have mastered a new game, children will be happy to return to it again and again.