Glass actor and his wife. Vladimir Steklov - biography, information, personal life

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Steklov. Born on January 3, 1948 in Karaganda (Kazakh SSR). Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of Russia (2001).

In 1949, the family moved to Astrakhan.

As a child, I was seriously involved in football and dreamed of becoming famous football player. In Astrakhan there was a team “Volgar” (played in class “B” of the USSR championship), with which there was a FSM (youth football school) called “Smena”. In it he took his first steps in football. Then I ended up at a football school. Some of those with whom Steklov started playing football together later played in major league teams.

Childhood was difficult - Vladimir grew up without a father, he was raised by his mother and grandmother. He admits that he studied poorly.

From the ninth grade, Vladimir Steklov studied in a theater studio.

A love of art was instilled in him by his mother, who worked as an accountant in the theater. She took her son to all the performances, first of the puppet theater, then of the Youth Theater, and later of the drama theater. They never missed the tours of capital troupes. Volodya especially liked opera performances: “Rigoletto”, “Faust”, “Demon”. He knew them by heart.

One day they theater group took part in the regional amateur performance show and took prize place. They showed the play "Two Colors". The jury especially noted the role of Glahar, played by young Steklov, and advised him to enroll in a theater university.

Graduated in 1966 high school No. 66 of the city of Astrakhan.

Despite his disgusting diction, Vladimir easily entered the drama school in Astrakhan. True, he was given a condition: during the first semester he had to correct his deficiency. Steklov took this matter seriously, began studying with teachers and soon became a full-fledged student.

After finishing his second year, the young actor decided to try his luck in Moscow - he went to enroll in GITIS. But it was unsuccessful. Ironically, many years later he became a professor at GITIS, which once did not accept him, and headed the acting course.

After graduating from college in Astrakhan, he went to serve in the army - he was assigned to the Air Force ensemble “Polyot”. After serving for two years, he returned to his profession. In 1972 he joined the troupe of the Kineshma Theater, and in 1977-1982. served in Kamchatsky drama theater in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

At the age of 33, Vladimir Steklov found himself on tour in Moscow - the troupe brought the play “The Idiot” to the capital. Vladimir played the role of Prince Myshkin. His work did not go unnoticed. The image created by the actor amazed Alexander Tovstonogov, artistic director of the theater. Stanislavsky, who invited the actor to his troupe.

From 1981 to 1989 Vladimir Steklov is an actor at the Stanislavsky Moscow Drama Theater. Since 1989 he played at the Lenin Komsomol Theater.

In 1983 he began acting in films. His debut work was the role of Zakhar Dudko in the melodrama "Hurricane". After the first film, Steklov, a versatile and very talented actor, was noticed by filmmakers. His film career, which had been somewhat delayed along the way, burst out in a powerful fountain. Already in 1984, films with Vladimir Steklov began to be released one after another. All of them were very bright and memorable.

In the psychological detective film "Accomplices" he played Tsyplakov, in the film adaptation " Dead souls" - Parsley. In the film “Faith, Hope, Love” - soldier Sorokin.

Its popularity is growing rapidly, actor Vladimir Steklov is earning nationwide fame. He plays Lopatov in the drama "Plumbum, or Dangerous Game" Vadim Abdrashitov.

By the end of the eighties, Vladimir Steklov was already among the top ten popular actors. Considerable importance played in this the main role in melodrama "Bum. Without specific place residence".

Brings him enormous popularity bright role Seeds of Tailor in the action movie "Criminal Quartet". His partners on the set are wonderful Soviet actors: Boris Shcherbakov, Vladimir Eremin, Nikolai Karachentsov. Four friends enter the fight against organized crime and emerge victorious.

In the 2000s he starred in many TV series.

In 1999-2000, he underwent training for a flight to the Mir station, but due to insufficient funding for the project (filming the film “Cassandra’s Brand”) he did not fly into space.

Since 1996 he has been working as an actor at the School of Modern Play theater.

Since 2000, he has also played in the theaters "Russian Entreprise of Mikhail Kozakov", Mossovet Theater, "Satyricon", works artistic director Theater "Art School".

Vladimir Steklov's height: 169 centimeters.

Personal life of Vladimir Steklov:

Steklov's first wife was Lyudmila Moschenskaya, an actress. They studied together at the Astrakhan Theater Institute.

A daughter was born in the marriage (February 15, 1973) - the name was given in honor of her grandmother. Subsequently, she graduated from GITIS, began working at the Satyricon Theater, and played in films (her debut work was the film Tranti-Vanti).

Vladimir Steklov and Lyudmila Moshchenskaya

After living together for almost 20 years, Vladimir and Lyudmila decided to leave.

As Moschenskaya explained, “Over the 20 years that we were together, love has outlived its usefulness, we got tired of each other, everyday life became boring”. “We separated intelligently, without scandals or divisions... We divorced so as not to become enemies, not to hate each other. We must be able to run away in time.”, she said.

They remained friends and maintained warm relations with each other.

Vladimir's second wife was famous actress Alexandra Zakharova. He lived with her for nine years. However, this marriage also ended in divorce.

Vladimir Steklov and Alexandra Zakharova

Steklov’s third wife does not belong to the world of theater and cinema. Olga is a dentist, Doctor of Science, a well-known specialist in Moscow. She has her own clinic. She has a son from her previous husband.

In this marriage, Steklov had a second daughter, Glafira. The girl is interested in design.

At the beginning of 2018, Vladimir Steklov admitted that three years ago. “So it happened... Yes, not everyone manages to walk next to one person all their life. With Lyudmila, my first wife and Agrippina’s mother, we studied together at the Astrakhan Theater Institute. Now we have great relationship, although they fled as a result. I also had to separate from my second wife, Sasha Zakharova, and Olga, my third,” he said.

Vladimir Steklov with his third wife Olga

In addition, Vladimir Steklov became a grandfather - eldest daughter Agrippina gave him two grandchildren.

Filmography of Vladimir Steklov:

1983 - Hurricane Comes Unexpectedly - Zakhar Dudko
1984 - Faith, Hope, Love - Sorokin
1984 - The right to choose - Sorokin
1984 - Accomplices - Tsyplakov
1984 - Dead Souls - Parsley
1985 - Alien Ship - Mangulov
1986 - Award (posthumously) - Ivan Barabanov, bandit “Skula”
1986 - Plumbum, or Dangerous Game - Vasily Lopatov
1986 - Alien white and pockmarked - Kolya “Gypsy”
1987 - Midshipmen, forward! - Gusev, investigator
1987 - Without the Sun - Bubnov
1987 - The slap that never happened - Anatoly Tarasovich
1987 - Broken circle - Semyon Orlov, supply forwarder
1988 - Don’t you like our government?! - Chizhenok
1988 - Earthly Joys - Aduev
1988 - Thieves in law - Volodya Petrov
1988 - Informer - Arthur Vasilievich Uspensky
1988 - Incident in Utinoozersk - Spartak Sergeevich Zaborov
1988 - Prisoner of the Chateau d'If - Bertuccio
1989 - Life according to the limit - Sukhov
1989 - The Perfect Crime - Berman
1989 - Prince Luck Andreevich - Nikolai Ivanovich Kukhtin, Seva’s father
1989 - Criminal Quartet - Semyon Efimovich Portnoy, prosecutor's office investigator
1989 - Trial - investigator Amelin
1990 - When the saints march - Yuri Tanichev, jazz lover, emergency doctor
1990 - The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon - Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council
1990 - Savoy - Sergei Alexandrovich Gusev
1991 - Case - Ivan Sidorov
1991 - Kremlin secrets of the sixteenth century - Jester
1991 - Mine best friend- General Vasily, son of Joseph - Vasily Stalin
1991 - Adventure Company
1992 - Inner Circle - Khrustalev
1992 - Waltz of the Golden Calves
1992 - See Paris and Die - Evgeny Zhutovsky, womanizer, racehorse rider, communal neighbor
1993 - Fall - Yuri Danilevsky
1993 - Verdict
1994 - The Master and Margarita - Azazello
1994 - Hammer and Sickle - Stalin
1994-1995 - St. Petersburg mysteries - Kazimir Bodlevsky / Jan Vladislav Karozic
1996 - Life Line - pilot
1998 - The denouement of the St. Petersburg mysteries - Karozich-Bodlewski
1998 - Mu-mu - Kapiton
1998 - Hot spot- Aziz-ullah / Tooth
1999 - D.D.D. Dossier of detective Dubrovsky - Nikolai Laptev, First Deputy Director of the FSB
2000 - I don’t believe you anymore - Egor Vladimirovich
2000 - True incidents - Vasily Ivanovich Myakishev
2001 - Stop on demand - Chulkov
2001 - You, me, and you and I - Seraphim
2001 - Secret sign - investigator Zhogol
2002 - Law - Evgeny Somov, friend of Ivan Sklyar
2002 - Gossip Chronicles - Vasily Zvonarev
2002 - Wheelies - customer
2002 - Russians in the City of Angels - Malinin
2002 - Oligarch - Belenky
2002 - Antikiller 2: Anti-terror - Gladkov, major, head of the pre-trial detention center
2003 - Tulse Luper's Suitcases: from Sark to the end - Commandant Kotchev
2003 - Everyone will ascend to Golgotha
2004 - Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - flight into space - Zhenya Mikhailov (Juvenaly)
2004 - Sins of the Fathers - Sergei Volkov
2004 - Golden head on the chopping block - Shakeman
2004 - Russian - Zilberman
2004 - Angel's Joke - Angel
2004 - Healing with love - Yuri Marukin, “werewolf in uniform”
2005 - Gorynych and Victoria - Nikolai Petrovich Grekov
2005 - Last Stand Major Pugachev - Kovalenko, camp commander
2006 - She-Wolf - magician-swindler
2006 - Alias ​​“Albanian” - Krasnov
2006 - All inclusive - seaside hotel manager Evgeniy
2006-2007 - Cadets - Ivan Adamovich Kantemirov
2007 - Canned food
2007 - Formula of Elements - Kalinin
2007 - Drilling - Fedorov
2007 - Wedding. Case. Death - Tarelkin
2008 - I’m flying - Oleg Viktorovich Lobov, head physician of the hospital
2008 - Invincible - Lyamin, general
2009 - Bros - Veniamin Konstantinovich, Irina’s father, thief in law nicknamed “Zub”
2009 - Semin - Nikolai Slepnev (Gadfly)
2009 - My affectionate and gentle cop - Fyodor Ilyich, nicknamed “Banzai”
2009 - Second - Mirzoev, State Security Commissioner
2009 - Tender May- Chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company
2009 - Bodyguard - Mikhail
2009 - Fighter's Night - director
2010 - Grass under the snow - Igor’s father
2010 - Ligovka - Grigory Makarovich Shmakov, head of the 5th department of the UGRO in Ligovka
2010 - In the forests and on the mountains - merchant Vladimir Petrovich Okaemov
2010 - Brother for brother - Kravchuk
2010 - Robinson - commander
2010 - House of Exemplary Maintenance - Joker
2010-2012 - Moscow. Three stations - Colonel Nikolai Nikolaevich Slavin
2011 - Witness protection - Vasily Aleksandrovich Zolotov, retired colonel
2011 - People's Commissar's convoy - Major Lychko
2011 - Provincial - Miroshnichenko, investigator
2011 - Shock therapy
2011 - Chiropractor - General Roman Romanov
2011 - Raider - Alexander Ivanovich Batrakov, director of the research institute
2011 - Embezzlers - Nikolai Anisimovich Shchelokov
2011 - Revelations - actor
2011 - Yeltsin. Three days in August - Pavel Sergeevich Grachev, commander of the USSR Airborne Forces
2012 - Brother for brother 2 - Sergei Dmitrievich Kravchuk
2013 - Soldiers - Lieutenant General Samokhin
2013 - Urgently to the room - Timofey Kuryokhin
2013 - Gagarin. First in space - General Nikolai Petrovich Kamanin
2013 - The first autumn of the war - Zotov
2013 - Teacher in law. Return - Prince, thief in law
2014 - Chess Player Syndrome - crime boss Vladimir Kozlov
2015 - Light and shadow of the lighthouse - Tikhon, thief in law
2015 - Youth - Ilya Romanovich Pakhomov
2015 - Support points - Vladimir Mikhailovich Matveev
2016 - Eight
2016 - Cuba - Nikolai Vladimirovich Zakharov
2017 - Fathers - Litvak
2017 - My beloved mother-in-law-2 - admiral
2018 - Not them
2018 - One Hundred Days of Freedom
2018 - Deadly number
2018 - In the port of Cape Town

The first year of the future artist’s life was spent in Karaganda. In 1949, Vladimir Steklov, together with his mother and grandmother, moved to Astrakhan, where he spent his childhood and youth. At school the boy was a C student and had behavior problems.

Unexpected choice of profession for an Astrakhan hooligan

Steklov grew up as an open, sociable guy who could not even think that he would become famous actor. Serene life Vladimir's life ended after he entered the local theater where his mother worked.

He enjoyed watching the actors so much that Steklov himself wanted to come out from behind the scenes onto the stage. In the ninth grade, Steklov enrolled in drama school, where I never skipped classes.

The head of the circle immediately noticed the guy’s poor diction and advised him to practice his speech every day in order to speak out.

Changing theaters, or finding yourself

Having received a matriculation certificate, Vladimir easily entered the Astrakhan Theater School for the course “Dramatic Theater and Film Actor”.

Immediately after graduating from university, Steklov was drafted into the army. The guy served in the music platoon of the Air Force State Research Institute named after. Chkalova. Having been demobilized, Vladimir went to Kineshma, where he got a job at the local drama theater named after. Ostrovsky.

In 1977, Steklov was accepted into the troupe of the Kamchatka Drama Theater, where he served for about five years. IN In 1981, the actor moved to the capital, got a job at the theater. Stanislavsky. After eight years fruitful work Steklov quits and begins collaborating with Lenkom. But seven years later, the red-haired artist changes his place of work to the School of Modern Play.

In 2000, Vladimir became a guest artist at the Russian Enterprise of Mikhail Kozakov, Satyricon, and Mossovet theaters.

During theatrical activities Steklov played in many productions, but the most striking were: “Our people - we will be numbered”, “Idiot”, “Tomorrow is a judgment”, “Romulus the Great”, “Threshold”, “ dog's heart».

Cinematographic works

Steklov’s film debut took place in 1983 in the film-play “Full Moon”. The actor received the main role - the image of Pavel, Vera's husband. The soulful production talks about family values, love and children. Vladimir’s stage partners were: Lyudmila Dolgorukova, Leonid Satanovsky, Anna Varpakhovskaya, Elena Mayorova.

Next year Vladimir played a key character in war drama"Faith Hope Love". His hero, the experienced soldier Sorokin, was ordered to accompany the young poet Vanya to the editorial office of the newspaper “Revolution and Poetry”. On their way, many unforeseen situations will occur that will cheer up TV viewers.

In 1986, Vladimir played cameo roles in films such as:

  • "Opposite Lane";
  • "It will rain";
  • "Reward";
  • "On the threshold";
  • "Plumbum, or a dangerous game";
  • "Alien white and pockmarked."

Two years later, the film “Homeless” was released. Without a fixed place of residence,” in which Steklov played the main character named Viktor Losev. His character lived more than half of his life and suddenly remembered that he had a wife and son somewhere. Full of hope for the restoration of relations, he goes in search of them.

Also in 1988, with Steklov’s participation, films such as:

  • “You don’t like our government?!”;
  • "Thieves in Law";
  • "Threshold";
  • "Incident";
  • "Earthly Joys";
  • "Fugue";
  • "Informer";
  • "Step";
  • "The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If."

In 1989, Vladimir played the role of prosecutor’s office investigator Semyon Portnoy in the film “Criminal Quartet.”

With the advent of the 90s actor career Steklova continued to develop intensively, and the creative piggy bank was replenished with such projects as: “Waltz of the Golden Calves”, “The Fall”, “The Master and Margarita”, “St. Petersburg Mysteries”, “Life Line”, “D. D. D. Dossier of detective Dubrovsky.”

Interesting notes:

In 2000, Vladimir played a major role in complicated story"I don't trust you anymore." His character Yegor Vladimirovich works at an institute, is married, and has a reckless son. Student Anya is in love with a man and, not receiving reciprocity, decides to hang herself, but is prevented from doing so sad girl Sonya.

The film by Ivan Shchegolev and Marina Sakharova also starred: Anton Egorov.

In 2002, the actor played one of the main roles in the 12-episode series crime detective"Russians in the City". The plot of the film takes place in America, where a former policeman has moved. He is dedicated to his work, but he was not hired abroad. So he decides to become a private detective and in a short time wins the title best detective Los Angeles.

In 2006, the premiere of the youth serial film “Kadetstvo” took place, where Vladimir played the role of warrant officer Ivan Adamovich Kantimirov.

A year later two more parts were released fascinating story about the lives of young guys, their problems, experiences. The main roles in the series were played by young but talented artists: Arthur Sopelnik, Pavel Bessonov.

The following year, a continuation of the youth series “Kadetstvo” was released, in which Steklov still skillfully played ensign Kantemirov.

In 2008, the actor received the main role in the comedy sitcom “I'm Flying.” Vladimir reincarnated as the head physician. The series depicts the relationships between interns and doctors, as well as patients and doctors. IN youth project also starred: Vladislav Galkin, Alena Yakovleva, Maria Gorban, Igor Shmakov.

In 2009, a creative piggy bank successful artist added seven cinematic works. No less fruitful and rich in leading roles turned out to be next year when Vladimir played in such films as:

  • "Brother for brother";
  • "In the forests and on the mountains";
  • “House of exemplary maintenance”;
  • "Ligovka";
  • "Last minute";
  • "Raider";
  • "Robinson"
  • "Grass under the snow."

During 2010-2012, Steklov starred in the serial film “Moscow. Three Stations,” appears in the image of police colonel Nikolai Slavin. Then Vladimir reincarnated as the manager psychiatric clinic in the series "Shock Therapy".

The artist demonstrated his ability to harmoniously and naturally try on new images in the film “Chess Player Syndrome.” Steklov believably played the crime boss Vladimir Kozlov.

From the latest cinematic works talented artist It is worth highlighting the following:“Molodezhka”, “Former”, “Cuba”, “In the Cape Town Port”. Now Steklov is involved in the production of several projects: “Godunov”, “Deadly Number”, “One Hundred Days of Freedom”, “Not Them”.

Surrounded by beloved women

Steklov’s first wife was the daughter of his artistic director, Lyudmila Moshchenskaya. The couple dated for a long time, then separated during Vladimir’s military service. But the feelings were so strong that fate brought the young people together again. In the early 70s, Lyudmila and Vladimir legalized their relationship. The marriage produced a daughter, Agrippina.

After twenty years of family life, the Steklov couple separated quietly, without personal complaints. In 1991, Vladimir proposed to his daughter, Alexandra, with whom he lived for nine happy years.

The third wife of the famous artist was dentist Olga Zemlyanova, who gave Vladimir another daughter, Glafira. The girl is now studying at Moscow State University and has no plans to follow in her father’s footsteps.

In 2015, Steklov divorced again, the reason was new love artist - Irina Deryagina. Woman younger than Vladimir for 33 years, but this does not prevent them from building their own happiness. In February 2018, the actor’s third daughter was born, who was named Arina; according to Steklov, the girl gave him a second wind.

Films by Vladimir Steklov

Year Name Role
1983 Hurricane comes unexpectedly Zakhar Dudko
1984 Faith Hope Love Sorokin
1984 Right to choose Sorokin
1984 Accomplices Tsyplakov
1984 Dead Souls Parsley
1985 Alien ship Mangulov
1986 Award (posthumously)

Ivan Barabanov, bandit "Skula"

1986 Plumbum, or Dangerous Game

Vasily Lopatov

1986 Alien white and pockmarked Kolya "Gypsy"
1986 Opposite Lane

Oleg Terekhin, driver of the ZIL-MMZ-4505 dump truck

1987 Midshipmen, forward!

Gusev, investigator

1987 Without sun Bubnov
1987 The slap that never happened

Anatoly Tarasovich

1987 Broken circle

Semyon Orlov, supply forwarder

1988 Don’t you like our government?! Siskin
1988 Earthly joys Aduev
1988 Bum father
1988 Thieves in law Volodya Petrov
1988 Snitch

Arthur Vasilievich Uspensky

1988 Incident in Utinoozersk

Spartak Sergeevich Zaborov

1988 Prisoner of the Château d'If Bertuccio
1989 Life on the limit Sukhov
1989 Ideal crime Berman
1989 Prince Luck Andreevich

Nikolai Ivanovich Kukhtin, Seva's father

1989 Criminal Quartet

Semyon Efimovich Portnoy, investigator of the prosecutor's office

1989 Process

investigator Amelin

1990 When the saints march

Yuri Tanichev, jazz lover, emergency doctor

1990 The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon

Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council

1990 Savoy

Sergey Alexandrovich Gusev

1991 Case Ivan Sidorov
1991 Kremlin secrets of the sixteenth century Jester
1991 My best friend

General Vasily, son of Joseph


Adventure Company

1992 Inner circle Khrustalev

Waltz of the Golden Calves

1992 See Paris and die

Evgeniy Zhutovsky, womanizer, track rider, communal neighbor

1993 A fall

Yuri Danilevsky

1993 Sentence
1994 Master and Margarita Azazello
1994 Hammer and sickle Stalin
1994-1995 Petersburg secrets

Kazimir Bodlewski / Jan Vladislav Karozic


Tribunal (Sweden)

1996 Life line pilot
1998 The denouement of St. Petersburg mysteries


1998 Mu Mu Kapiton
1998 Hot spot Aziz-ullah / Tooth
1999 D.D.D. Detective Dubrovsky's dossier

Nikolay Laptev, First Deputy Director of the FSB

2000 I don't trust you anymore

Egor Vladimirovich

2000 True incidents

Vasily Ivanovich Myakishev

2001 Request stop Chulkov
2001 You, me, you and me Seraphim
2001 Secret sign

investigator Zhogol

2002 Law

Evgeny Somov, friend of Ivan Sklyar

2002 Gossip Chronicles

Vasily Zvonarev, Anton’s ‘father’

2002 Willis customer
2002 Russians in the city of angels Malinin
2002 Oligarch Belenky
2002 Antikiller 2: Antiterror

Gladkov, major, head of the pre-trial detention center

2003 Tulse Luper's Suitcases: From Sark to the End

Commandant Kotchev


Everyone will ascend to Golgotha

2004 Thieves and prostitutes. Prize a space flight
2004 Sins of the fathers Sergey Volkov
2004 Golden head on the block Shakeman
2004 Russian Zilberman
2004 Angel joke Angel
2004 Healing with love

Yuri Marukin, “werewolf in uniform”

2005 Gorynych and Victoria

Nikolai Petrovich Grekov

2005 The last battle of Major Pugachev

Kovalenko, head of the camp

2006 She-wolf


2006 Nickname "Albanian" Krasnov
2006 All inclusive

seaside hotel manager Evgeniy

2006-2007 Kadetstvo

Ivan Adamovich Kantemirov (Philosopher), warrant officer/senior warrant officer, foreman of the 3rd platoon

2007 Canned food
2007 Elemental formula Kalinin
2007 Drilling Fedorov
2007 Wedding. Case. Death Tarelkin
2008 I'm flying

Oleg Viktorovich Lobov, head physician of the hospital

2008 Invincible Lyamin, general
2008 Call

She is very proud of her only daughter Agrippina GLASS - talented actress, who plays in “Satyricon”, acts in films (now we see her in the series “The Personal Life of Doctor Selivanova”). And he maintains the warmest relationship with Grani’s father, People’s Artist of Russia Vladimir Steklov. On the eve of the 60th anniversary ex-husband Lyudmila Mikhailovna agreed to talk about her artistic family. She herself is also an actress by profession, and now works at the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Theater as the chief administrator.

- How did you meet Vladimir Steklov?
- We studied together at the Astrakhan Theater Institute, then worked in Kineshma, Kamchatka. Once we came on tour to Moscow, and Volodya was offered to stay here. I understood perfectly well that if male actors remain in demand for a long time, then for a woman at 32 years old all the niches are already occupied. But walking around and showing off is not in my nature. It was hard at first, but I found a job and got a job as an administrator at the Children's Musical Theatre.

- Where did you live in Moscow?
- We exchanged our large Astrakhan apartment for a 15-meter one-room apartment. The four of us lived in this apartment for ten years: me, Granya, Volodya and his mother.
- How did your parents treat Vladimir?
- Great, dad taught Volodya to play preference. His mother also loved me very much. Maria Gavrilovna idolized her son; I have never seen anyone love their children so much. She died several years ago. Volodya brought me to her a couple of days before her death, she recognized me by my hand, and kept repeating: “Lyudochka, Lyudochka.”
- What is the most memorable gift you and your husband gave each other?
- We received pennies, put aside 10 rubles from our salary for vacation. Once on tour, I saw a crimplene trouser suit in a store. He was so beautiful and fit me perfectly, my soul just broke. Volodya saw all this, went to Kineshma at night, took the money and bought me this suit. It cost 110 rubles, an insane amount at that time. Volodya had long wanted a leather jacket, and somehow, also on tour, my parents bought it for him. Volodya's happiness knew no bounds.
- Your husband became very popular, he acted a lot, he probably had fans. Were you jealous of him?
- I understood what it was acting profession. Volodya’s fans called me and said: “Do you want to tell me who he’s with now?” And at that time my husband was sleeping on the couch at home.

“Volodya did not cheat on me”

- How do you assess the acting talent of Vladimir Steklov?
- He wonderful actor. There were moments when I sat in auditorium and forgot that he was my husband, who would come home and need to be fed dinner. When I watched the performances “Vice” or “Heart of a Dog”, his performance was a shock for me. And how he played Myshkin in “The Idiot”! It was impossible to take my eyes off.
- What is more important for you - to love or to be loved? And how did it develop in your marriage with Vladimir Steklov?
- We were both in love. Volodya - noble man, I got pregnant and we got married. I was in my fifth month. But even if I hadn’t gotten pregnant, we still planned a wedding for the summer. They wanted his and my parents and friends to gather in Astrakhan, but they celebrated the wedding earlier.
- Could you forgive him for betraying him?
- It’s difficult to forget, but you can forgive, everything happens in life. Volodya never cheated on me, he loved me.

- Why did you break up?
- It’s just that in the 20 years that we were together, love has outlived its usefulness, we got tired of each other, everyday life became boring. We parted ways intelligently, without scandals or divisions.
- What feelings remained after the divorce?
- Thanks and best wishes. We divorced so as not to become enemies, not to hate each other. You have to be able to run away in time.
-Where did you live after the divorce?
- We got a large 3-room apartment on Babushkinskaya, then exchanged it for two, I began to live in a one-room apartment, and Granya - in a 2-room apartment.
- Are you communicating with Steklov now?
- Of course, we meet at premieres when he comes to see me at the theater. We have nothing to share, we have a grandson growing up, beautiful daughter, we have something to talk about. We don’t particularly deal with memories.

“I don’t differentiate between my grandchildren”

- Your daughter gave birth to a child while she was still studying at the theater institute. Did she turn to you for help?
“She simply said: “Mom, what should I do? I am pregnant". I answered: “Just give birth, I’ll help as much as I can.” She didn’t even go on academic leave. I took Danya to work, he was sleeping in a chair there. Granya separated from her husband when Dana was six months old. The grandfather was always next to the boy. When Dana was four years old, Volodya Bolshov, Agrippina’s current husband, appeared. Now my grandson is already 14 years old.
- Agrippina always wanted to become an actress?
- She was a “backstage” child. My parents are also actors, they played in the Simferopol Theater, so Granya is already the third generation of actors in our family. She wrote well, we thought she would go into journalism. But she decided to go to theater school. Konstantin Raikin took her to his theater in his fourth year.
- How do you feel about Vladimir Bolshov’s daughter from his first marriage?
- As for a granddaughter, she is a year younger than Dani. Masha calls me Busenka, I go on vacation with them to Yalta, I adore her. I raised Danilka, and got Masha when she was four years old. I don't differentiate between them.
- Will Danya soon choose a profession for herself?
- He already chose, he immediately said that he would go to the theater.

- By the way, at what age did Agrippina discover her talent?
- At the age of 11, she already played one of the main roles in the Stanislavsky Theater play “To Be or Not to Be.” I played so hard my heart would break. Danila has this too. At the age of 10, he played in the play of the Doc Theater “Third-Grade Alyosha.” He played amazingly. They went to Georgia with this performance, and I was with him, I saw how they were received.
- Don't you feel lonely?
- No, I have three houses: Granin, the theater where I work, and this apartment where I live. I really love the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Theater. Here I am surrounded by friends, my favorite actors.
- You are very beautiful woman, why didn’t you arrange your personal life after the divorce?
- There were proposals, but my heart did not flinch. I didn’t want someone to walk in front of me, without feelings, to do laundry or cook for someone else. This doesn't mean that I don't have a man. I have a crush, a man with whom I’m interested, it’s nice to be together. At any age a person can fall in love. Here in our theater, Vladimir Abramovich Etush is married to a young woman, he is blooming, she gives him an incentive to live. Now I'm happy, and that's the main thing. I have wonderful friends. Then I was attacked in the Arbat alleys, and I didn’t even tell Grana about it, so as not to worry. I called a school friend: “I feel so bad, come,” and she came the next day.

“Let me go, aunty!”

- How did it happen that you were attacked?
- After the performance, I was leaving work, there was money in my bag to buy tickets. She didn't give anything away. I fell on my bag, the bandit tried to turn me over, hit me on the head, but then people entered the arch and he ran away. It felt like he was kicking me. But when we went to the Burdenko Institute, it turned out that the blows were inflicted by something very heavy. I have been working in the theater for 15 years, this was the first such case. For a long time I couldn’t walk through this alley, I walked along Arbat.
- You are brave, he could have hit you with a knife.
- Agrippina said the same thing: “Mom, how could you, you had to give everything away.” When we lived together with Granya, we were also once attacked by a robber, so I beat him so much that he was left lying on the ground. I then watched police reports on TV to see if I had killed him. There was another case: a guy tried to snatch my bag from me, I grabbed his leg, and he yelled at the whole street: “Let me go, auntie!”

- Does your daughter help you financially?
- My salary is enough for me, and I also have a pension. I don’t deny myself anything. Usually I still save up for the summer, then Danila and I come to Yalta and party to the fullest.
- How does Vladimir Steklov relate to money?
“He dreamed all his life about land, about farming, about a house, and he realized his dream. I visited his estate several times. It’s very cozy there, he made a lot of things with his own hands, they are gold.
- How do you communicate with Olga, his last wife?
- Fine. He found his soul mate for the second part of his life. They have a little daughter Glasha. They took our name away. When Granya was expecting a child, we thought that if a girl was born, we would definitely name her Glasha. Now, if Granya has a daughter, she will have to look for a different name. Olga said that she had long been in love with Volodya as an actor; they were introduced by friends.

Her love did not pass. And now they have been married for more than ten years, and everything is fine.
- Nowadays, obscene language is often heard from the stage, nudity is allowed. What do you think about it?
- I don’t accept obscene language at all. But once the Germans brought “Romeo and Juliet” to our theater, where Romeo enters the theater completely naked. The first rows recoiled at his appearance, and the back ones, on the contrary, leaned forward. It was truly beautiful, we don't turn away from Michelangelo's statue of David. But everything must be justified, then there will be no rejection.

Name: Vladimir Steklov

Age: 70 years old

Place of Birth: Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: theater and film actor

Family status: married

Vladimir Steklov - biography

People's Artist Russian audiences and fans of theater and cinema know and love Vladimir Aleksandrovich Steklov. This actor’s path consisted of not only ups, but also downs.

Hometown of Vladimir Alexandrovich Karaganda. After Volodya was born, the family lived for a year in the boy’s homeland, and then left for Astrakhan. Here Vladimir went to first grade, here he began youth biography. His childhood years were the most serene, although the boy grew up without a father. Volodya was surrounded with love by women - his mother and grandmother. It was difficult with the child; he studied poorly and spent a lot of time on the street. The boy first thought about the actor’s biography when his mother got a job as an accountant in People's Theater Astrakhan.

Volodya came to his mother’s work and felt a fairy tale. Since then, the theater has become his secret dream. Vladimir had big problems with diction, but he continued to persistently believe in his dream. The guy managed to pass the exams at the theater school of his hometown. Two years were not in vain - the guy corrected all his speech defects and gained experience. I decided to enter GITIS Moscow, but it didn’t work out the first time.

Theater biography Steklova

Steklov received a diploma from his native school. He changed many theaters; he served in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for ten years, and several years in the Kineshma Theater. This city brought him fame; spectators went to all the performances in which Steklov played. The actor was on his way to the capital. A theater from the provinces brought “The Idiot” to Moscow. The role of Myshkin that evening was Vladimir Steklov, who Alexander Tovstonogov really liked. The actor was immediately invited to the Stanislavsky Theater. This turned out to be the beginning of the artist’s Moscow biography. Whoever the actor took on to play, the audience applauded him.

Perestroika turned a lot of things upside down and turned them upside down. Steklov moved to. There were many talents around, but Steklov’s path was illuminated here too. happy Star. The actor knew how to transform, which the directors appreciated. Soon a contract was signed, and invitations from other theaters appeared. He tried different scenes. A career involves professional growth. Steklov was appointed artistic director of the Art School.

Vladimir Steklov - films

The debut took place at the age of 35 years. The first film was the film “Hurricane Comes Unexpectedly.” The contents contain banal life story: A married man loves a girl rejected by society. She did not get the main role in the film; the main significant roles appeared later. The actor was invited to a war film, an adaptation of the classic Gogol's poem"Dead Souls" social drama.

The filmography, which includes almost a hundred films, is replete with such diverse images that it makes one wonder at the actor’s ability to transform so quickly.

He can be a pilot and a simple driver, a chairman of a collective farm and a bandit, an English journalist and a gold miner, and an ordinary hunter. women's skirts. In each of his characters, he seems to be personally present, this is not his hero, it is he who pilots the plane, gives instructions and shoots. The series about midshipmen brought even greater popularity to the artist. He was lucky with those who helped create his biography in cinema.

On one site he met with,. One day, the actor was preparing to shoot a film about space. In the cinema of Yuri Kara, which was conceived based on the work of Ch. Aitmatov with fantastic name"Cassandra's brand" set was supposed to be located on an orbital station.

Steklov’s artists were prepared for the flight to Mir like real cosmonauts. Filming was canceled because the budget did not allow the plan to be realized. The actor’s work is marked by two honorary titles: Honored Artist of the RSFSR and People’s Artist of Russia.

Vladimir Steklov - biography of personal life

Vladimir attended a drama club led by the father of his future wife Lyudmila Moschenskaya. A Kruzhkov member with red hair soulfully read Yesenin’s poems. Lyudmila liked the guy, but Volodya went into the army, and the girl got married, the marriage was unsuccessful. In Kineshma, the young people met each other again. They got married and lived together for twenty years.

The daughter Agrippina, who was born from this union, followed in the footsteps of the actors' parents. She has already gained popularity thanks to the genes of her mother and father. Having lived together for so many years, the couple decided to divorce, since the relationship had ceased to be as hot as before. But the dissolution of the marriage did not make the former spouses enemies.

Vladimir's second wife was. With daughter famous director Mark Zakharov Steklov lived for nine years, the marriage was without children. The actors dispersed. Third marriage with a woman not associated with theater and cinema, although Olga loves art very much. She works as a dentist. Olga and Vladimir had a daughter, Glafira. The actor is divorced again.

Now he has a civil marriage. The difference between the spouses is 33 years. Irina Delyagina works as a financier, she gave birth to a daughter, Arina. Vladimir Steklov's daughter Agrippina gave her grandson Daniel, in addition, Agrippina also has a stepdaughter Mashenka, whom her grandfather loves as his own granddaughter.

Filmography, films of Steklov

Hurricane comes unexpectedly
- Dead Souls
- Plumbum, or Dangerous Game
- Midshipmen, forward!
- Prisoner of the Chateau d'If
- When the saints march
- See Paris and die
- Master and Margarita
- St. Petersburg secrets
- Mu Mu
- Cadets
- Ligovka
- Shock therapy
- Cuba

This actor is famous for a huge number of theatrical and film roles, each of which does not leave his fans indifferent. Personal life of Vladimir Steklov as multifaceted as his creative biography, and the women with whom fate brought him together cannot forget him even after parting.

In the photo - Steklov and Alexandra Zakharova

His first love was Marina Ponomareva, whom Steklov met back in 1968 at one of the Astrakhan tourist centers. Vladimir fell in love with his new acquaintance so much that after she left for her hometown Fryazino, after a while he rushed to her on the wings of love. Their romance developed very rapidly, and soon the lovers had already set a wedding day and even began to draw up lists of invited relatives, but, as it turned out, when Steklov proposed to Lyudmila, he had a summons to the army in his pocket, but he did not say anything about it.

In the photo - Vladimir Steklov with his wife Olga and her son from his first marriage

However, the wedding was upset, and although Vladimir later wrote letters to his would-be bride, after the army they also did not get married. When they met the next time - twelve years later, changes had occurred in Vladimir Steklov's personal life - he had managed to get married, his daughter was growing up. The artist’s wife turned out to be his classmate at Astrakhan theater institute Lyudmila Moshchenskaya. Together they worked first in Kineshma, then in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and when Steklov was offered a job at the Moscow Drama Theater. Stanislavsky, he, of course, agreed.

The popularity that came to Steklov complicated their family life- fans besieged the artist, but Lyudmila is sure that her husband never cheated on her, and they broke up because, according to her, the love between them ended, and they were simply tired of each other.

The second wife of Vladimir Steklov was his colleague, actress of the Lenkom Theater Alexandra Zakharova. According to the actor’s first wife, this marriage was insincere, and very soon it broke up. Later, a new love burst into Vladimir Steklov’s personal life - he met a dentist named Olga, and then married her.

The actor’s third wife gave birth to his daughter Glafira, and now everything in Steklov’s life is going as well as possible. And his eldest daughter Agrippina also became an actress - he has a wonderful relationship with her and her mother, they often meet and spend time together.