How to make a beautiful bun hairstyle. How to make a beautiful bun: tips and rules.

Hello, dear readers! A bun is probably the most popular hairstyle! The advantages of this hairstyle are that it is easy, simple and quick to do! And with the help of a huge number of variations of a hair bun, you can make it like in Everyday life, and for a special occasion!

Let's figure out who suits a bun of hair? I hasten to please you, this hairstyle will suit absolutely every girl! You just need to pay attention to the features of your appearance in order to choose the right bun shape.

When we make a hair bun, we collect all the hair on the top of the head, therefore our face remains open. Here's some food for thought for you! If you have an oval face shape and the correct pronounced features, then you should definitely make a bun as often as possible! The shape of the bun and the height for an oval face shape are completely at your discretion; any variations of the hair bun will suit you!

If you have a triangular face shape, then you should think about bangs! Bangs will hide sharp corners and visually correct the oval of the face; with bangs, a bun of hair will look great on your beautiful head!

For girls with square and round face shapes, I would not recommend doing a bun, but if you really want to, do it! But do not forget about elements that will distract the eye from the shape of the face, the same bangs or long earrings that will elongate the face a little!

I also want to note that the height of the hair bun should be chosen based on your height! For short girls, it is preferable to make a high, voluminous bun; such a bun of hair will visually elongate your silhouette! And for tall girls, on the contrary, you should not make buns that are too high and voluminous; it is better to make a bun in the middle of the head or on the side!

Where to make a hair bun?

The question is difficult, because each of us must decide for ourselves, based on our mood and set of clothes, whether a bun will be appropriate in a given situation!

Firstly, a bun of hair will be ideal for every day for work or school. By the way, employers and teachers are very fond of such hairstyles, because such a hairstyle lets them know that in front of them is a collected and organized person. In addition, a bun of hair will not require much effort and time from you every morning!

Secondly, a hair bun is perfect for a special event! For prom, party or even wedding! Just don’t confuse a casual bun with a formal one! A ceremonial bun must be done with braids, flagella; you can decorate such a bun with an elegant headband or hairpin, bow or scarf!

How to make a bun?

There are so many ways to make a bun out of your hair. I offer you two simplest ways:

1) This method is suitable for girls who have voluminous long hair.

Wash and dry your hair, comb and apply a little foam to better hold your hairstyle. Gather the hair at the top of your head (or wherever you decide to place the bun) into a ponytail. Comb the ponytail a little at the base to make the bun voluminous and twist the ponytail into a bun! Secure the bun with pins and spray with hairspray to fix it!

Owners of long hair are incredibly lucky, because they can do any unique hairstyle. The most favorite hairstyles are those in which the hair is pulled up, for example, a bun. It looks elegant, but is very easy to make. But many girls still don’t know how to make a bun on their head, so we will tell you how to create this hairstyle on your head. You can do it for any special event, or for going to work.

If you are interested in how to make a bun on your head, then, first of all, you need to find your own version of this hairstyle, then your image will be complete, and you can shine at any celebration. But there are several important points things to consider when creating this hairstyle:

  • girls with long beautiful neck and the right facial features will suit high bun . It will draw attention to perfect shape shoulders and will emphasize femininity. A woman with such a bun looks aristocratic and feminine;
  • girls with not very long necks should not attract attention to it. Therefore, choose a low beam position, otherwise long hair the bun will draw all attention to the neck;
  • Yes mom tall the bun twisted at the very top of the head does not work. With such a hairstyle, the girl will seem even taller and it looks ridiculous from the outside, but short beauties can afford it. But if you know how to make a hair bun correctly, then unpleasant moments will not affect you;
  • Voluminous hairstyles are not suitable for petite, slender beauties. They weigh down top part body and, in general, the whole image will come out rough. Here you need to choose a neat and tight bun;
  • if you have sharp features faces complemented by wide cheekbones - make the bun slightly below the crown, and not on it itself. It will be very good if you leave the strands to frame the face;
  • When creating your hairstyle, be sure to take your outfit into account. If you are going to a party and wear something nice Evening Dress, then the hairstyle should match it. Neat options for buns in which the hair does not come out are suitable here. Ideal for a youth style outfit messy bun, and some original hairstyle goes well with a cocktail dress.

If you are interested in how to make a bun on your head, then listen to our simple tips that will help you create an original and neat hairstyle on your head:

  • It's easiest to make a bun on clean hair. But don’t rush to wash them right away; the best option is if you washed your hair yesterday, and today you will create something on your head. In this case, the strands will not fall apart and get out, and there will be no problems with combing your hair. Also, the hair will not shine greasy;
  • if you need to be the queen of the evening for the entire holiday, use fixing agents to create a bun. It is not advisable to use mousses with gels, because the hairstyle is done on dry curls, but at the very end of creating the hairstyle, you must apply hairspray in the form of a spray to the entire head. It is advisable to choose an unscented varnish, otherwise it will overwhelm the aroma of the perfume;
  • no need to wet your hair with water. Otherwise, the curls will begin to stick to your hands, and it will be difficult to work with them. Wet hair will also not allow the strands to lie evenly;
  • if you can’t build it on your head the first time beautiful bun from hair - don’t be upset. Of course, it seems that this hairstyle is easy to do, but if there are no skills and experience, the hands may not obey the owner and the problem with creating a hairstyle becomes a nuisance. You don’t need to immediately fall into hysterics, it’s better to practice and know that you can’t do a bun in five minutes, as skill will come with time;
  • no need to make a bun with bad mood . If a girl is angry or worried about something, then everything will fall out of her hands and nothing good will come out of her head. Drink some water, take a deep breath, calm down and start doing your hair again. And then we will tell you how to make a bun on your head.

Bundle options

There are many options for creating such hairstyles on the head, and we suggest familiarizing yourself with some of them. All of them are simple in execution and elegant.

Bun with bagel

A donut is an accessory that is used to add volume to a hairstyle and its shape actually looks like a donut, which is why it was called that. Often used to create buns on the head. To make a hair bun with a donut, prepare the following items:

  • the bagel itself;
  • a small elastic band to match the color of your hair;
  • several pieces of invisible ones;
  • comb in the form of a brush.

Step-by-step creation of a hair bun with a donut:

  1. Comb your hair well. You need to carefully comb them along their entire length with a brush.
  2. Make a tail. Place the strands in a ponytail at the height at which you want the bun.
  3. Let's start making a bun. Thread your hair into the donut and wrap the end of the threaded hair around the donut to secure it. Now you need to turn the donut inside out, as it were, thereby tucking the hair and moving towards the base of the ponytail.
  4. Correct and fix the resulting hairstyle. Spread the strands over the entire donut and secure the bun with bobby pins.

It is worth noting that a professional hair elastic for a donut-shaped bun can be of various sizes and the larger it is, the more magnificent the bun will be. But for a big bun, the hair should be long and thick, as the strands should wrap around the elastic and not allow any gaps.

Bun with sock

If you don’t have a bun, then we’ll tell you how to make a bun for medium hair using a regular sock. This method was used many years ago by our grandmothers, but it has not been forgotten in our time. Find a single knitted sock, it should be in harmony with the color of the curls, also prepare a thick elastic band and a couple of bobby pins. Cut off the tip of the sock and twist it into a bagel, you will get the same donut.

Now let's begin the process of creating a beam:

  1. take a regular elastic band and create a ponytail in the place where your bun will be;
  2. now take a sock and thread the tail through it. Next, tilt your head so that the hair that sticks out of the ponytail lies evenly across the entire diameter of the sock;
  3. don't raise your head. You begin to carefully put the hair elastic for the bun on the sock, which will be covered on all sides with strands from the ponytail. Choose an elastic band that matches the color of your curls;
  4. you should have a voluminous beam. However, everyone spoils the ends of the strands that did not fall under the elastic. Bobby pins will help here - carefully use them to remove stray strands under the bun.

It is worth noting that the more voluminous you want to get your hairstyle, the larger the sock you need to take. But it all depends on the thickness of the hair; it is quite difficult to cover a large sock with sparse strands, but you can wrap it with a small scarf and the hairstyle will be even more voluminous. A bun made with a sock is very suitable for medium hair.

Ballerina bun

Prepare a hairpin and elastic band. Tie your hair into a low, tight ponytail with an elastic band. Make it tighter, it will give the effect of elegance and chic. Now twist the curls into a tight strand, and begin to wrap the resulting strand around the base of the ponytail. As you wrap the hair, you need to secure it with pins, otherwise the hairstyle will fall apart. The end of the strands is tucked in and secured. For thick hair take a voluminous elastic band.

To create this beautiful hair bun, you need to buy a special volumetric roller. Also have a couple of rubber bands ready.

The process of creating a hairstyle on the head is as follows:

  1. first let's make a high ponytail. Now you can put the roller itself on your hair;
  2. distribute your hair over the roller and you will have something like a fountain of curls. Tie them with a thin elastic band, it will be located at the base of the tail;
  3. wrap the remaining hair under the elastic band around the elastic band. This must be done so that the ends of the strands do not stick out.

Using the above method, you can make a bun for long hair, but for strands middle length you need to do everything a little differently: first put a roller on your hair, and then start tucking your hair under it in a circle, distributing it equally.

Vanilla bunch

Why is it called that? And all because it is made by soft fairy girls, who are called “vanillas,” hence the name of the hairstyle. In itself, this is a careless bun of hair; it is loose, soft and adds romance to the beauty’s image.

First of all, prepare your hairpins, elastic bands and comb, and now you can start creating your hairstyle:

  1. comb your hair. If they are unruly and very straight, moisten them slightly with water;
  2. make a high ponytail out of your curls. A vanilla bun is always very high; a knot at the back or side of the head will not be considered one;
  3. Comb your ponytailed strands one more time. Divide the thick tail in half and intertwine these halves together. Twist the thin tail a little around its axis;
  4. wrap your hair around the base of the ponytail, covering the elastic band with it. You don't need to do this too tightly - you want a loose bun. If during the process the strands become slightly disheveled, this is very good, but you are creating a careless bun out of your hair. For a disheveled effect, you can help your hair a little;
  5. hide the tip of the ponytail under your hair and secure the resulting bun with hairpins. Then you spray your head with hairspray.

European bun

To create this hairstyle, you will need a special hair clip for the bun, which is called a heagami. It is made of elastic, but flexible material and has an elongated shape. Such a hairpin can be twisted as you wish, but it will not add volume to the strands, unlike a roller and it is a little heavier than it.

It is worth noting that the peculiarity of this hairstyle lies in the location of the bun - it should be done only on the back of the head, but not on the top of the head.

Comb your curls and bring the heagami to the ends of the strands. It is ideal to use this hairpin for uniform hair length, and the length in centimeters itself is not important here; a bun with such a hairpin can be made even on medium hair. Start twisting the hair clip for the bun along with the curls upward, reaching the middle of the back of the head. Now we will wrap the ends of the heagami inward and at the same time bend it so that a circle comes out. The hairstyle is ready.

Making a bun using backcombing

If you are wondering how to make a bun on your head using backcombing, this information is for you. But the backcomb will be voluminous and will last a long time only on perfectly clean hair; it is difficult to do on greasy strands, and it will fall apart quickly.

Let's start creating the hairstyle:

  1. lean forward after washing and drying your hair. Start blowing the hair dryer on the strands from the back of your head. Then you get up and straighten your curls with your hands, then bend down again and repeat the above procedure at least ten times. Why is this necessary? For more fullness of hair;
  2. Pull your hair into a ponytail where you will create the bun. Spray the combed strands with varnish;
  3. divide the resulting ponytail into several strands. Now each strand needs to be combed. Start combing from the roots to the ends. Use a special comb, it is fine and has rounded teeth; sharp teeth can damage the hair structure. After combing each strand, fix it with varnish;
  4. now take all the combed strands in your hands, twist them into a “snake” and make a bundle in the form of a bun. All that remains is to secure everything with pins and fix it with varnish.

So you have learned how to make a bun on your head using a backcomb and you can safely shine with it at a party or other occasion. But after the celebration, you need to properly comb your tangled hair. There is no need to comb or disassemble them with your hands. First, select the pins from your hair and wash your hair.

Before washing your hair, apply a balm, nourishing cream or mask to your hair. Ryazhenka with sour cream or vegetable oil or other fat-containing mixture will also work. Apply the mixture to your head and leave for about twenty minutes, and then wash your hair.

So you have learned how to make a bun out of hair and now you can create a simple but elegant and voluminous hairstyle, both for a celebration and for an everyday day. A little imagination and your desire will be great helpers in this matter. You can complete your look with various decorations: beautiful hairpins with beads and rhinestones will add individuality and uniqueness to your hairstyle.

A bun is a universal hairstyle that can be used not only in everyday life, but also for various celebrations. A messy bun is easy to do and can be applied to any look. When creating such a styling, you can use various decorations, for example, flower-shaped hairpins, hairpins decorated with stones, as well as wreaths, headbands and combs. Nowadays, many girls prefer a bun when choosing a hairstyle for a wedding or prom.


Hairstyle variations

Unfortunately, a messy bun is only suitable for those with long curls and medium length hair. But if you short haircut If you dream of just such a hairstyle for a celebration, you can use a chignon or false strands.

The most popular hairstyle variations:

  • regular bun;
  • on the back of the head;
  • from curly hair;
  • bun with pigtails;
  • styling at the back of the head with loose curls;
  • roller based;
  • bun with bangs.

As you can see for yourself, styling has many ways to perform and decorate the finished hairstyle.

Let's look at how to make a messy, disheveled bun yourself.

Simple option

Many girls wonder how to make a messy bun, but at the same time look elegant and romantic. First, you need to thoroughly comb your hair and apply mousse or foam to the strands for better styling.

Lift your hair up with your hands and gently twist it into a kind of rope. Then place it on the top of your head in a bun, as shown in the training photo.

You can secure the styling with hairpins or bobby pins. In most cases, girls decorate their hair with flashy hairpins or flowers.

Bun on the back of the head

This hairstyle looks quite interesting and romantic. To make it more impressive, hairdressers advise letting out a few strands near the face.

To begin, comb your hair at the top of your head and carefully gather it at the back of your head as shown in the photo. Then twist them into a small ponytail and secure it with an invisible elastic band. Raise the tip of the ponytail to the back of the head and secure it with the released strands (see photo).

This style is perfect for a date, prom or wedding.

From curly hair

In order to style curly hair in this hairstyle, you need to apply foam to it and gently comb it. Next, twist the curls into a ponytail (pay attention to the photo).

You release a few curls from your ponytail and hide the rest of your hair under an elastic band. Thus, you get an unusual and airy hairstyle.

This option is more difficult to perform and requires you to be careful. To begin, divide your hair into three parts, as shown in the photo below.

Then braid two strands at your temples and gather the remaining half into a ponytail. Using bobby pins, twist the ponytail into a messy bun and secure with hairspray.

To finish, wrap the braids around the bun and secure them with bobby pins at the base. This hairstyle can be decorated with flowers, or you can leave it as it is, it all depends on your preferences.

Bun on the back of the head with loose curls

The hairstyle is great for dreamy and romantic natures, emphasizing their mystery and natural charm.

Curl your hair with a curling iron and divide it into three parts. Then gather one half into a bun at the back of your head, and twist the other half around it as shown in the photo.

Comb the remaining curls back and secure with hairspray. You can decorate your hair with a headband or ribbons.

Roller based option

In order to give volume to their hair, many girls use special rollers. Gather your curls into a ponytail and secure them with a roller. Then pull the elastic over the roller and twist the remaining hair around it (pay attention to the photo).

This option is great for business meetings and everyday life.

The technology for creating a bun with a roller is shown in detail in the video below.

Bun with bangs

The latest, but no less in an interesting way styling is a careless bun with bangs of any shape. Disheveled, but at the same time interesting option hairstyle gives its owner a share of mystery and charm.

Separate the hair from the bangs and comb them at the crown. Then gather them into a high bun and secure with hairpins. The bangs can be combed back or laid to one side.

A messy bun is an original and natural hairstyle for any celebration or event. In addition to traditional styling methods, there are also creative hairstyles, for example, two buns on the top of the head. The main thing is, don’t be afraid to experiment with styling, discovering new facets for yourself.

A bun is one of the simplest and most elegant hairstyles for long and medium length hair. A brilliant combination of simplicity, convenience and elegance! How to make a hair bun for everyday life and special occasions? The bun goes perfectly with both sporty, business and casual style, as well as with evening style. The main thing is to choose the right bun and accessories. Creating a bun does not require special skill or effort, so it can be done in absolutely any conditions, even on the road or on a hike. Using various techniques, a modest and unpretentious bun can easily be transformed into a luxurious hairstyle for a gala reception, wedding or romantic date.

A universal solution for any hair

A bun is a win-win option for absolutely any situation and clothing style. Having collected your hair in a bun, it is convenient to do sports (remember famous athletes and dancers) and household chores, shopping or walking the dog, and even at a business meeting or at dinner party you will be just great! The most important thing is that you will not only look great, but also feel comfortable and confident, thanks to the secure fixation of your hairstyle.

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Who should do a bun?

There are dozens of variations on the bun theme. Thanks to such diversity, this hairstyle can be called universal, since every woman, if desired, can choose her own ideal bun. However, despite all the diversity and versatility, we should not forget that a bun, like any other hairstyle, can emphasize not only a woman’s advantages, but also her shortcomings. An elegant and sophisticated bun is an ideal hairstyle for slender ladies with swan neck and correct facial features. In this combination, even an untidy and sloppy bun looks royal! If your neck can hardly be called a swan, it is better to make the bun lower, without focusing on the neck.

Tall girls should also avoid high buns on the top of their heads. A low soft bun will help brighten up a too long and thin neck. For those with a flattened nape, tall, lush buns are perfect: flat, voluminous, curly and figure-eight. Fragile little women are not suitable for massive voluminous buns of long hair, which look at least ridiculous. It is better to make a tight bun, decorated with curls of curls, or two small buns on the sides. For a bun positioned high on the crown, it is important that the hair growing at the neck is not pulled too tightly.

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How to make a hair bun

Long and medium-length hair is an ideal material for creative hairdressing experiments, from which you can “build” anything. Bunch – great option for creativity, which does not require special skill, effort, expensive funds for styling and sophisticated devices. In addition, it almost never goes out of fashion, and the variety of variations on the theme of the classic bun allows lovers of this hairstyle to always be different and unique.

To make a bun, hair is gathered at the back or crown of the head, where it is twisted and secured with bobby pins to form a knot. If you need to add volume to your hair, you can use various extensions, for example, a foam roller or a chignon. The bun can be made tight or loose, sleek and neat or deliberately careless, high or low.

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7 popular hairstyle options

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Traditional simple bun

Making a regular bun is as easy as shelling pears: comb your hair, gather it at the back into a high or low ponytail, twist it into a braid, twist it into a knot and secure it with hairpins so that it is invisible. Instead of hairpins, you can use a long hairpin in the form of tongs. To diversify and slightly embellish a regular bun, you can leave a couple of thin strands at the bottom of the bun. Twist them into flagella and place them on top of the bundle. We roll the ends of the flagella into rings and attach them to the hair with bobby pins.

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Elegant classic bun

We divide the hair into three parts. We make the occipital part larger than the other two. It is better to separate the two front parts with a side parting. For convenience, we secure the front strands of hair with clips. Carefully comb the main part of the back of the head of the hair, lift it to the top of the head and tie it tightly with an elastic band, making a ponytail. We twist the hair into a loose rope and wrap it around the base of the tail several times. Leave a small loop through which we thread the free tip of the tail. Tighten the knot tightly and hide the ends of the strands in it. We secure the bun with hairpins and spray everything with varnish. Now remove the clips from the two sides of the hair and comb them. We place the left side strand over the bun, placing it beautifully above the ear, and secure it with a bobby pin, leaving the ends of the hair free. We do the same with the right side part. The elegant hair bun is ready! A great option for a business hairstyle for a business woman.

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Festive version with headbands

Apply styling product to damp hair so that it can be pulled out perfectly during drying. After drying and straightening your hair with a hairdryer and brush, we gather it into a loose ponytail, using your fingers in the front to slightly loosen the hair tension. We transform the ponytail into a loose bun, securing it not too tightly with bobby pins and hairpins. Then we take two rims. We put one on the head, placing it at a distance of 4-5 cm from the hairline. We place the second rim five centimeters from the first. Spray the finished hairstyle with hairspray where necessary, smoothing the strands.

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Wavy hair bun

Simple to implement, but very spectacular hairstyle. To make a bun from wavy hair, apply styling foam to damp, washed hair. Using a hair dryer and a round comb, dry and straighten your hair. Take the tongs big size and strand by strand we wrap the hair around them, but do not heal, otherwise we will get rings, and we only need waves. We collect the finished strands into a loose ponytail and tie it with an elastic band. IN last time By passing the hair through the elastic, we leave it to sag freely in the form of a loop. We wrap the resulting loop around the elastic band, pointing it downwards. We fix the hairstyle with hairpins. This version of the bun will look great with varnish hairpins and satin ribbons matched to the shoes and dress.

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Exquisite bun with jewelry and accessories

A familiar everyday bun can easily turn into a luxurious one. evening hairstyle using accessories and hair decorations: beautiful original hairpins, flowers, brooches, clips, combs, decorative hairpins. The main thing is not to overdo it, especially with metal hairpins. It will look tasteless, and the abundance of metal “in the head” can cause headaches.

Long hair is beautiful and feminine. Based on them, you can create a lot of different hairstyles, especially elegant and festive ones.

But each owner long curls strives to pick up everyday hairstyle in such a way as to always look elegant, stylish, neat, but at the same time spend a minimum of time on its creation. A bun on long hair is versatile, practical and fashionable.

Various variations of this styling are suitable for both everyday work and special occasions. They are effective and appropriate in the office, on sports ground, in the theatre.

Is a bun suitable for everyone?

The bun is a very ancient hairstyle; it has not gone out of fashion since Ancient Greece. Any lady can choose a model that suits her perfectly:

  • Ladies with swan necks and classic features You can choose any design for your face. They will look royal with any shape of hairstyle.
  • For ladies who do not have a very long neck, they will suitin the back of the head. They will not focus attention on the neck.
  • If a lady is tall, she also shouldn’t have a high bun on top of her head., lower and voluminous options will look harmonious and feminine.
  • Tight buns suit short ladies, decorated with elegant accessories, braids and curly locks.

Casual and easy buns for long hair

Classic styling. This is a simple design that looks stylish, lasts a long time and is done in just a couple of minutes.

Comb your hair and gather it at the top or back of your head. Twist the bundle, arrange it into a neat bunch, and secure with pins.

First you need to add volume to your hair, making it light at the roots.

Comb the top of your hair to hide the frizz:

  • Gather your hair to the side (right/left – optional).
  • Tie the tail at the level of the earlobe. This must be done carefully so as not to spoil the shape and volume obtained by backcombing.
  • Twist the tail into a rope (rotate away from you) and roll it up.
  • Hide the remaining ends in. Secure with pins.
  • Lightly spray with varnish.

From bundles. Effective styling can be quickly done from several strands. Tie the ponytail higher. Divide into several parts. Twist each strand into a bundle and lay it around the base of the ponytail, securing with hairpins.

Volumetric beam. Very elegant and stylish option, but to build it you will need a soft “donut” (volumetric torus), which you can buy or build yourself from a sock (it is advisable to choose a color to match your hair):

  • Tie a high ponytail and lightly comb the strands.
  • Place the prepared torus on the tail (about 10 cm from the ends of the hair), carefully lay the ends around it.
  • Then carefully twist the remaining tail onto the donut.
  • Secure with pins and varnish.

Low volume bun. This elegant hairstyle will suit any woman. The technology is the same as for the previous hairstyle, only the tail is collected not at the top of the head, but not at the back of the head. It is threaded into a volumetric torus. The soft “bagel” is carefully wrapped in small strands to cover it completely. Secure the finished bundle with hairpins.

French shell (spiral). Surprisingly feminine and very effective styling. Comb the strands, apply a light styling product (gel, mousse, spray) to them to make the shell more elastic and textured.

Hair for this hairstyle should be dry:

  • Collect a ponytail at the back of your head(no need to secure with an elastic band). Twist the tourniquet. It can be twisted tightly, or it can be made more voluminous.
  • Form a neat loop from the rope. Hide the remaining part of the hair inside the formed shell. Secure with several pins.
  • The styling can be made smooth by carefully removing all stray strands. They are smoothed with a fine-toothed comb and treated with a strong hold gel. You can turn the ends that have escaped from the shell into graceful curls.
  • Finally secure the finished hairstyle(pins and bobby pins) and varnish.

Beautiful and more complex DIY styling

Bow. A hairstyle in the shape of a bow looks elegant and elegant:

  • On combed hair apply styling product.
  • Tie a high ponytail. Roll the hair into a loop (the ends should be in front), secure with an elastic band.
  • Divide the loop in half. Throw the ends of the hair back, masking the elastic band.
  • Secure with invisible ones.
  • If the strands that are thrown back are very long, then they can be curled, forming spectacular curls at the back.
  • Commit hairspray.

Evening shells. With a little magic, you can easily turn a classic shell into an original evening hairstyle that will suit your mood and style of outfit.

Here are some interesting ideas:

  • Form a classic shell, but leave a strand on the top of the head (on top of the spiral). Twist it into a graceful curl. It will effectively frame your face. This styling looks very advantageous if decorated with fresh flowers.
  • Make classic styling more voluminous (you can use backcombing), leaving loose strands that need to be slightly twisted. Fix with glitter varnish; to secure, use hairpins, combs, tiaras with rhinestones or precious stones.

Very stylish hairstyles are obtained as a result of a combination of weaving ( different kinds braid) and bun.

Among these options there are many hairstyles that are recommended for brides:

  • tilt your head, throw all the hair forward, comb.
  • Weave from the neck towards the crown, secure it with an elastic band.
  • Gather the remaining strands into a high ponytail, from which to form a simple bun.
  • Fasten the ends at the back invisible, bun - with hairpins.
  • Spray the structure with varnish.
  • For volume, the ponytail can be pre-combed. Styling in a bun gives great opportunities for creativity. And various additional accessories and decorations will allow you to look new every day, but always stylish and neat.