What's the best way to study at school? Useful tips for students. How to make friends at school: simple tips for all children

Useful tips

There are many important details that help in studying.

Of course, parental support and hard work probably play the main roles, but there are a few secrets that can make the learning process easier.

3. Organizer for convenient work.

You can use a regular basket in which you need to put several jars (glass or empty cans), and store things necessary for work in these containers.

4. Use organizers that attach to the door to store things you need for work in one convenient place.

5. To avoid forgetting which books need to be returned to the library, store all these books in one place, for example, in a basket.

6. At the beginning of the school year, it is always difficult to remember the schedule. You can take a photo of it and put the photo on your phone's lock screen.

7. If you are writing a report or essay, thenit will be very difficult to avoiderrors, and even text editors do not always help. Google translator (translate.google.com) will come to the rescue: just copy this or that text into the translator and click the “listen” button - the robot will start reading your text, and you will be able to hear errors, if any.

8. Here's an easy way to do well on the test:

While preparing for the test, chew gum of a certain flavor, and when you come to the test, take gum with the same flavor with you, and it will be easier for you to remember.

Read also:15 ways to organize small things

9. You can motivate yourself. If you have a lot of text to study, place colorful gummies in certain places on the pages. When you reach the right place, eat one candy, in the next place eat another one, and so on.

10. If all your notebooks are the same color, you can color the ends of the pages (on the side of the notebook) in the desired color. Each item will have its own color.

15. How best to learn a particular topic:

25 minutes of hard work

5 minutes rest

Every 3rd rest should last 20 minutes.

16. To make it easier to remember new material, read it on the same day you study it. The same goes for notes.

17. To better learn the necessary material, imagine that you will teach it to others - this way you will be able to remember more information.

18. Chocolate, mints and grapes while working improve brain activity. It is also better to do homework before 19-30, when the brain is still working well. At night its functionality is about 20%, while during the day it is 50-70%. The brain works best early in the morning.

19. If you want to remember something better, write it down. One entry is like reading it 7 times. It's also more likely that you'll remember your entry better if you wrote it in blue rather than black or any other color.

How to get your child ready for school

20. Make a list of necessary purchases in advance, without leaving everything until the last day.

21. It is advisable to take an inventory at home in order to know exactly what is available and what needs to be purchased.

22. If the student is old enough, you can take them with you to the store or school fair so that he can choose what he likes.

23. You shouldn’t buy everything you need at the first store. If you start preparing in advance, you can go around several places and find something more suitable in price and quality.

24. To find the necessary books and textbooks, ask your relatives and friends if they can lend them to you. You can also buy books inexpensively from used textbook stores. You can also find textbook exchange sites, including social networks.

25. If you didn’t have time to buy some things before the end of summer, you can buy them between September and October, when the rush subsides and prices drop a little.

26. If you find it difficult to get everything ready in the morning and get to class, create your own list of songs that will play while you get ready. When the last song on the list plays, you'll know how much time is left. This way you can manage your time more wisely.

27. Studies have shown that students who eat a nutritious breakfast study better, have greater concentration and more energy. And if you drink enough fluids in the morning, you will feel happier or more energetic throughout the day.

Choosing the right backpack

28. Choose a backpack with soft straps and a hard back. R the backpack must sit so that its lower part is at waist level.

29. Use your backpack so that it was busy as many branches as possible. Place the heaviest items towards the center of the back of the backpack.

Ideally, the weight of a backpack should not exceed 20% of a person’s weight. If the school allows, use a backpack with wheels. This is especially important for those who often have to carry a lot of weight.

30. Check your backpack regularly and remove unnecessary items from it.

It’s good when friendships with classmates form on their own and school becomes practically a second home. But what to do if not everything is so smooth? Show miracles of diplomacy, be wise and patient! How to do it? Now we'll tell you!

Like-minded people: how to find them?

It is much easier to build good relationships with those who are somewhat similar to you. With those who have the same interests and hobbies. Is your classmate Masha, like you, interested in biology? This is a great reason to work together on a report or project, even if you weren't friends before. The main thing is not to be afraid to take the initiative, because most of your peers would be happy to meet new people, but are embarrassed to take the first step, despite their proud appearance.

Do any of the guys listen to music that you like? Great! Ask them about new bands and songs or tell them yourself. Musical preferences are generally a very important topic, it is about feelings, emotions and even fashion, and it always unites, and this is very valuable!

But what to do if no one in the class shares your hobbies, and your feelings and thoughts are not understood? Don't get upset and don't rush to change just to please others.

First of all, you need to understand: are you somehow different from the others, or do you just want to stand out from them?

If you ride a longboard while others paint roses on their nails, or read and re-read books while others discuss TV series, then we have good news for you: being special is a reason to be proud! After all, this means that you think outside the box and do what you like.

Remember that everything in life changes. Your tastes may also change, and you will be able to find like-minded people among your classmates. Or maybe one of them will soon begin to share your interests!

Life is unpredictable: now you have nothing in common with your desk neighbor, and tomorrow he will create a fan chat of your favorite series. Learn to discover new things in people!

Compliments and support: how not to overdo it?

Do you like it when people praise you and say nice words? So, others too! Did you see a beautiful dress on a classmate? Be sure to give her a compliment, she will be pleased! Has a classmate prepared an interesting report on history? Don't envy him, but praise him. Do you see that someone is in a bad mood or has tears in their eyes? Come up, offer help or just listen - sometimes that's enough.

Why can't you overdo it? If you praise everyone and reassure everyone “for show,” your classmates will notice or feel it. Insincerity can be seen from a mile away and always makes the situation worse, and you can also get a reputation as a suck-up. Therefore, show your participation sincerely and only when it is truly appropriate.

Empathy - what is it and why do I need it?

Empathy is understanding the feelings of another person and the ability to put yourself in their shoes. Can you imagine what goes through your friend’s head when she gets a bad grade, or your sister’s when she quarrels with someone? Do you know how not to add fuel to the fire? To better understand people and quickly find a common language with them, often imagine yourself in the shoes of others and try to treat them the way you would like them to treat you.

Gossip: how to rise above it?

It’s one thing to say only good things about a person, but quite another to spread rumors behind his back and start a real epidemic. If someone tells you a piece of gossip, ask yourself: “Would I want people to tell this about me?” And if not, make sure the chain ends with you. And if you yourself have become a victim of unpleasant slander, the advice familiar from childhood will work: do not pay attention.

The gossiper needs your reaction: tears, screams... But, in general, it doesn’t matter what it will be. But if you manage to maintain your composure in an uncomfortable situation, then in the future it will not even occur to anyone to laugh at you. After all, you are above this. This means that your offenders will quickly lose their interest.

But what to do if ignoring it doesn’t help at all? You're not going to transfer to another school because of a couple of gossips! There is no other way out - you will have to talk to your offenders. Try to talk to someone who is spreading gossip about you in private; there is no need for extra ears here. Maintain your composure and never raise your voice. Find out the reason why gossip is being spread about you. It is quite possible that you have somehow offended someone who is saying nasty things about you now. Or maybe it's just envy? In any case, knowing the reason for such conversations will help you deal with them faster.

Bullying: how to avoid it?

Almost everyone is familiar with the situation when a class is divided into several separate groups that do not perceive each other. Or even worse: when everyone starts to bully one of the students. Nowadays this is called the fashionable word “bullying”. And here the empathy exercise will help us again. Put yourself in the place of someone who is teased, offended, and humiliated by everyone. What is it like for him to study in such a class? Does he like going to school? How does he wake up in the morning? Are you sure you want to participate in this mess?

Try to remain neutral and sane. And if it is in your power, then try to help the one who is being offended. Start by getting your friends on your side. And be sure to draw the attention of your class teacher to what is happening. If everyone is bullying one person, it is not at all necessary that he is the problem. Much more often it turns out that other relationships in the class are not as good as you might have thought before.

What to do if you are the target of bullying? Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe. You cannot sort things out one-on-one with your offender; it is completely ineffective. You need to work with the whole company, because bullying always involves more than two participants. After all, your class and teachers are witnesses who are also affected by the unfolding drama. They also take part in the process, albeit as observers.

The main thing you need to do is call bullying bullying, violence, indicate that the actions of the aggressors have been noticed, and you want to stop it. Do not remain silent under any circumstances! If you remain silent and endure because you might be considered a snitch, the situation will only get worse! Report the bullying to your class teacher or school psychologist. Talking to the whole class is not only your concern, but also the direct responsibility of adults and experienced teachers.

What is your relationship with your classmates?

It is not such an easy task to prepare a child for school. And the student himself does not always manage to cope with all the difficulties and problems that arise in the process of educational activities. For this purpose, advice for schoolchildren was developed.

When a child is going to first grade, parents always accompany him and are nearby. They help him with his homework, tell him how to behave in class, with teachers, classmates, accompany him to school and meet him from school. However, there comes a time when the child must become independent, go to school on his own, do his homework, in a word, follow certain rules.

Due to their nature, most schoolchildren do not like to study and are inattentive during classes. Their behavior depends on many factors, among which the most common are the atmosphere in the house, lack of control on the part of parents, and unconsciousness of actions. But during school classes you can not only gain knowledge in the field of certain subjects, but also learn a lot of useful things.

For example, about how to act in a new situation, how to behave with strangers, what the first actions should be in inappropriate and unusual cases. All these things need to be known. In addition, they should be presented to the student not only by parents, but also by teachers. This will help the child avoid unforeseen circumstances and possible troubles.

So, what are some useful tips for schoolchildren? If we are talking about studying, then in this case the emphasis should be on such things as attention during classes, academic performance, communication with classmates, and relationships with teachers.

Attention during classes is one of the factors for successful study. Many schoolchildren do not attach much importance to this and behave quite loyally in class. They talk to their classmates at their desks, turn around, get distracted by jokes, daydream, and do something else.

As a result, they skip the new topic. There is no guarantee that they will try to catch up at home. They won't do their homework. All this leads to the fact that the student begins to lag behind, he becomes more and more confused and, as a result, does not participate in any tasks at all.

To avoid this, you need to be extremely careful during classes. If something was missed from what was said, you need to raise your hand and ask again. If this was not possible during the lesson, you must definitely approach the teacher during recess or after class and ask to explain or present the missed part of the new topic. If a student understands a new topic, then it will be much easier for him to master subsequent educational material.

And in order not to miss anything that was presented by the teacher, you should always use a pen, notebook, or textbook. Sometimes during a lesson a student needs to leave the class. Don’t be shy, endure and sacrifice yourself. To do this, just raise your hand and ask the teacher to leave the class. Otherwise, you can harm yourself without mastering new material.

As for academic performance, in this case it is not a fact that the student was inattentive during lessons. Sometimes factors such as genetic predisposition, poor hearing or poor vision, illness, forced absences can cause a student to fail. To resolve this issue, the student himself must approach the teacher and talk frankly with him about the problems that have arisen or are existing.

The teacher will always understand and meet you halfway. In addition, there are other rules of academic performance that each student must take into account. Firstly, every time you come home, you need to open your diary and see what lessons await him for tomorrow. Do not put off their implementation until the evening, but start them immediately.

Secondly, it is necessary to prioritize subjects, that is, find out which lessons need to be done first and which ones later. Thirdly, while doing lessons, do not be distracted by watching movies and TV shows, listening to music on headphones, or empty conversations with family members. The learning atmosphere at school, and especially in the classroom, is important and can influence the child’s psyche.

It is very important to be able to behave with classmates, friends and teachers. After all, this largely determines whether the child will want to continue studying at this school. Therefore, you need to be able to communicate with children, not withdraw into yourself, be more friendly and open, and treat both classmates and teachers with respect. It is very important to know how to behave outside of lessons and outside the classroom.

Be sure to consider the following rules and tips. You should always keep your phone with you and not turn it off under any conditions or circumstances. This is necessary so that close people (parents, neighbors, friends and classmates) have the opportunity to contact in case of unforeseen factors.

In addition, you need to monitor whether the phone is charged or not. To avoid such a problem, it is better to charge it every evening. In addition, you must remember that you should only go to school and return from it with familiar people. If you can’t do this with your parents or family members, you can use the services of your neighbor’s children and go to school with them.

On the way, never contact or talk to strangers. If for some reason you cannot go with any of the above people, you should always try to be in sight of people, that is, choose a road that is always crowded and light.

If some unpleasant situation happens on the way to school, be sure to call your parents and warn them about it or notify your immediate teacher. If there is some kind of incident between schoolchildren or a fight at school, under no circumstances should you take part in it. This can further heat up the atmosphere and, in addition, there is a possibility of getting damaged during a showdown.

You should always be attentive to your things. Naturally, during the break you cannot sit next to your things, you have to leave for some issues. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments with the loss of some items from personal belongings, you should not take valuables with you to school. If it so happens that a student comes to school early and no one is there yet, then he should stay close to the teacher’s room or classroom.

In any case, soon one of your classmates or teachers will approach, and there is a possibility of not being alone for a long time. You should never cross the road without following the basic rules of behavior on a pedestrian road. You only need to cross the street when it is green, don’t rush, don’t get distracted.

As for the basic rules of behavior, they also need to be observed. When entering the classroom, you should definitely say hello to both the teacher and your classmates. It is rude to neglect this rule, thereby showing attitude and respect for others. If the bell rings, you shouldn’t immediately jump up from your seat, dropping everything and everyone as you go. You should wait for the moment when the teacher finishes his sentence, reaches the logical climax and gives permission to go out for recess.

It is rude to slam the door when entering or leaving a classroom. It’s better to hold it and cover it quietly so as not to disturb others or scare them. If a question arises during a lesson, do not shout from your seat and shout over the others. To do this, just raise your hand and ask the teacher a question. In addition, you need to take care of both your textbooks and household items in the classroom.

Many schoolchildren have the habit of drawing in books, on desks, on a ruler. This is very ugly and speaks volumes about a person’s upbringing. During lessons, you should not distract others, pull girls’ hair, laugh at those who could not answer a question, or call anyone loudly. As for the rules of behavior at home, there are a number of tips here too.

If a student is left at home alone, he should adhere to the following mandatory tips. Never open the door to strangers, even if they claim that they are close friends and acquaintances of your parents. It is worth asking the names of those breaking in and telling family members about it. Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair electrical appliances yourself.

At first glance, it may seem elementary and uncomplicated to do something, but ignorance of the rules of physics can lead to disastrous circumstances. If you suddenly receive calls from strangers on your phone, you should not answer them or not say that there is no one in the house.

If the calls do not stop, it is worth warning family members about this or dialing the number of the rescue team. Thus, all of the above tips and recommendations for schoolchildren will allow them to avoid unpleasant moments both during the learning process at school and outside of it. These tips and rules should be taught by parents at home and teachers at school. Extreme caution on the street and at home, attention in class, academic performance and demeanor will make it possible to turn an ordinary student into a decent and successful person.

So, the article reviewed and highlighted the main tips and points that should be taken into account and kept in mind by every student, regardless of what grade he is in. This applies to everyone, both boys and girls.

There are many details that help children learn. Many schoolchildren value the support of their parents, who may need useful advice for every day that can be easily applied in life.

To make life easier for children, we have prepared several reminders regarding studying at school and at home:

1. Grades are a subjective measure of the level of knowledge. They should not be given primacy in their studies, because it is not they who should become the main ones, but the tasks that they need to set for themselves. The internal bar is what you should focus on.

2. You need to behave well. Excellent behavior during lessons makes life much easier after they are over. By listening carefully to the teacher, you will be able to prevent problems associated with unlearned material.

3. Asking questions when something is unclear is a must. Gaps in knowledge should not be allowed: ask teachers, parents, classmates who may know the answers to questions related to your studies.

4. The right to personal opinion is inalienable. You cannot always do what others think, following their lead. A person who has his own opinion and knows how to defend it deserves respect. For example, cafeteria workers or teachers insist on eating everything on the plate. If for some reason you can’t do this, you can safely refuse.

5. It is important to be open to friendship and communication. A sociable person will never be left alone: ​​in any team there is someone with whom you can talk about topics of interest.

6. You need to share your joys and problems with your parents. Dad or mom will tell you how to get out of the current situation with minimal losses or without them at all.

7. Humiliation should not be tolerated, even if it is done by a teacher. You need to admit your guilt, but you must not forget about self-esteem. Parents should know about the incident - they will tell you what to do. It is important to remember: in order to achieve respect for yourself, you need to treat other people accordingly.

8. School is not a boring place. At the same time as studying, they communicate with peers, find new friends, play pranks during breaks, prepare for holidays, and so on. School can be interesting and fun.

Every student must remember: his parents love him and are ready to support him. You can’t hide problems from mom and dad, otherwise you won’t be able to get the help you need.

Schoolchildren often think about how to learn lessons easily, spending as little time and effort on it as possible? Simple secrets can help with the answer, using which the learning process will become easier. A well-organized workplace is equally necessary for first- and second-graders, as well as middle and high school students. Parents should think about how to choose a chair, table, and other pieces of furniture, while schoolchildren need other knowledge:

  • You need to use paper clips to connect book pages. Some books have to be held with your hand so that they do not close, and paper clips will allow you not to do this, but will not allow the book to close. Spare pencils or pens used as bookmarks are suitable for this purpose;
  • It’s worth making an organizer for pencils, scissors, glue, and other small items from a plastic container or box, basket, divided into several parts by partitions. Empty glass jars are inserted into the compartments. You can buy ready-made organizers that are mounted on a wall or door to store all the necessary little things in them;
  • It is important to store writing utensils in a pencil holder. Cardboard sleeves can replace it. To make the structure look more attractive, it is wrapped with rope, painted, and covered with colored paper. You can connect several cardboard “stands” together or store them in a box;
  • A basket for books taken from the library will be useful for a young reader. It will not allow you to forget or lose a publication that needs to be returned soon;
  • You can color the side corners of the pages of identical notebooks using multi-colored pencils. Each item will have its own color, and notebooks will be found on the shelf faster;
  • It’s better to take a photo of the schedule and replace it with the screensaver on your phone. But it’s even better to download a special application to enter all the necessary information into it.

How to study well?

Useful tips for successful studies:

  • start homework with complex topics and subjects;
  • before starting the test, repeat the material covered, “refreshing” your memory;
  • When writing essays or reports, use Google Translator. It will help you find typos and errors: place the text in the translator window, click the “listen” button. The robot will begin to pronounce what has been written, all the shortcomings will become noticeable;
  • look for motivation when completing difficult tasks: place jelly candies at certain distances on the pages of a book to eat them after studying a topic or certain material;
  • read texts in foreign languages ​​aloud, focusing on correct pronunciation, watch films in the target language without audio translation, associate learning new words with pictures;
  • alternate the load: after solving problems in mathematics, read a book on history, and then start completing a task in chemistry;
  • do homework with classmates who are well versed in a particular subject. Mutual exchange of knowledge will help you better prepare for lessons and will be useful when taking tests, exams, and tests;
  • find time to relax and socialize with friends. The brain gets tired, it needs unloading, otherwise the classes will be ineffective, and the learned material will be forgotten at the most inopportune time.

It can be difficult for parents who have not previously faced such a task to send a primary school student to school. Before going to the store, make a list of the things you need, first conducting a home inventory to understand what is missing. Some textbooks and notebooks are purchased at the beginning of the school year, which is worth considering when drawing up your shopping list. The demand for some school goods decreases in September-October, so before the start of the school year it is better to buy only the essentials.

Nutrition consultants say that children who eat a nutritious breakfast learn faster and are more energetic. Vitamins are included in a schoolchild's diet only if necessary and after consulting a doctor. There must be reasons for this: poor nutrition, health problems, increased mental and physical stress, frequent stress.

Parents should take a child who cannot pronounce some words and letters to see a speech therapist in kindergarten. This will help prevent bullying in the lower grades. Children who do not adapt well to new conditions will need the consultation of a psychologist who can identify the cause and choose a way to solve it. The faster a future student gets rid of uncertainty and constraint, the easier it will be for him to study, communicate, and find new friends among classmates. A specialist will help you cope with frequent stress and increased nervousness.

An examination by an ophthalmologist for elementary school students to identify possible vision problems will be no less useful. Wearing glasses in high school is unpleasant, so you should always worry about your vision. A properly chosen backpack can prevent changes in posture. In elementary grades, you will have to periodically check its contents, removing unnecessary items.

To complete the lessons, you will need your own workplace, where all writing materials, notebooks, and books will be at hand. You need to choose the right table height, lighting, chair with a comfortable back so that the child feels comfortable. It is advisable to equip a place for reading books separately, placing a child chair in a well-lit corner.

Music will help you cheer up in the morning and speed up the collection process. Songs are selected in advance. With their help, the child will learn to use the collection time more rationally, and when he hears the last composition, he will understand: it’s time to go out.

Rules of conduct at school.

Helpful Tips for Students

School is a public place. Here, both adults and children must comply with mandatory rules of behavior and internal regulations. Many of them you know literally from the very first day at school. But there are issues that are still the subject of heated debate and disagreement. This is, for example, the question of school uniforms.

If it is customary at your school to wear a school uniform, you will not have any problems throughout the school year, except for one thing - keeping your clothes neat.

But many schools do not require uniforms, and some teens feel they can dress as they please. Most often it turns out like this: some schoolchildren are dressed casually, almost at home, while others, trying to stand out, look like they came to an evening disco.

Both options are, of course, unacceptable. Business style in clothing must be observed.

For school classes, you can use several matching items of clothing that can easily replace each other: a skirt or sundress, trousers or jeans, and with them various blouses, shirts, vests, sweaters and jumpers.

Boys and young men who prefer to go to school in a suit always look beautiful. True, in such clothes you won’t run around during recess or play ball after school - they’re still more suitable for holidays. Not only your attitude towards taking your studies seriously, but even your successes and the attitude of teachers and classmates towards you will largely depend on how you create your business image.

You should also remember about the mandatory, and quite fair, requirement of the school to come to classes in replaceable shoes.

Surely, you don’t walk around your apartment in street shoes, and everyone who comes to your house leaves them near the front door and puts on house slippers.

Hundreds of people manage to visit school per day, and if they did not wear replacement shoes, the classrooms and corridors could be choked with dirt and dust. Of course, you shouldn’t wear soft slippers around school - they don’t fit with business attire. Clean, low-heeled shoes that have not been worn on the street would be appropriate here.

Now let’s list the basic rules of conduct in various areas of the school.

Rules of behavior in the locker room

Arrive at school 10-15 minutes before classes start.

Wear spare shoes at school.

Each class has its own hanger in the locker room - always leave your things in a certain place. Your outerwear should always have loops sewn on to hang it on hooks in the locker room. There should be a capacious fabric bag for replacement shoes.

Be attentive to all the things in the school wardrobe: pick up a fallen coat, take the things you find to the teacher on duty.

Do not leave your apartment keys, mobile phone, or money in the locker room.

Don't start games in the locker room.

Rules of conduct in the corridor and on stairs

At school you spend about half the day with other students every day. Many people every day make considerable efforts and efforts to make sure that all students here feel light, warm, cozy and comfortable. Of course, this work must be valued and respected.

Try to always maintain cleanliness and order in your home school, even if you have not been appointed to be on duty.

Don't run in the hallway or on the stairs. Excessive games and running around often lead to various troubles and even serious injuries.

When meeting adults at school, be sure to say hello first, even if they are strangers to you.

Always give way to elders and let them pass at the door.

Be attentive to elementary school students. Be sure to help your child if he needs it. Never offend the small and weak and do not allow other children to do this.

Always remember that you are not alone. Try to behave in such a way as not to disturb anyone.

At school, don’t shout, don’t use harsh words, don’t fight.

Treat school property with care.

Rules of behavior in the school canteen

During the school day, each class is assigned its own break, during which students visit the school canteen. This is necessary to maintain order. Attend the cafeteria according to the schedule established by the school.

Don't run to the dining room, pushing everyone around with your elbows. Don't rush to the buffet without waiting in line, pushing kids away.

Do not sit sideways at the table or cross your legs.

Remember the rules of behavior at the table - you must follow them here too.

Don't talk at the table.

Don't speak badly about the dish that was served to you.

When you finish eating, put away your dishes.

Rules of behavior in the library

You can’t make noise or talk loudly here, because there is a reading room nearby where schoolchildren and teachers study.

Books you borrow for reading or studying at home must be returned on time.

Do not write anything on the pages of books, do not fold the corners of the pages.

In the reading room, do not talk to your neighbors, even in a whisper.

Ten Rules for Success

First . Try to thank circumstances for all successes, and blame only yourself for all failures.

Second. Remember: there are no hopeless situations except death. Never give up. As long as we live, we are able to improve our lives.

Third. When you feel bad, find someone who is even worse and help him - you will feel much better.

Fourth. Treat other people the way you would like other people to treat you.

Fifth . It is not circumstances that should control a person, but a person should control circumstances.

Sixth. Believe in His Majesty Chance and know: chance comes only to those who do everything so that this chance comes. Know: if, after living a day, you have not done a single good deed or have not learned anything new during the day, the day has been lived in vain.

Seventh. The most valuable thing in our life is health. He needs to be taken care of. Sleep as much as your body requires. Move more, eat rationally, declare war on smoking.

Eighth . Remember: life loves the lucky ones. There is no use in regretting the past.

Ninth. Analyze every day you live - it’s best to learn from your own mistakes.

Tenth. The best medicine for sadness, stress, failure -optimism.


Rules of communication for students.

Basic rules of ethics.

Be polite and tactful; never emphasize your superiority over other people.
Do not impose your opinion and taste on other people.
Do not allow yourself boorish, rude judgments.
Do not talk about purely personal relationships, especially those of strangers.
Do not sort things out with anyone, especially in the presence of strangers.

Don't put the other person in an awkward position; pretend that you didn’t notice his mistake.
Know how to spare the pride and dignity of other people; be tolerant of human shortcomings and weaknesses.
In a conflict situation, learn to find a compromise, an optimal, mutually acceptable solution to resolve the conflict.
Learn to have your own life position; defend it culturally, competently, reasonably and with dignity.
Be critical of yourself; strictly ask yourself for your behavior, actions and quality, conscientiousness of studies.

Remember the golden rule of ethics: treat other people the way you want to be treated. Good luck! Good luck! Everything in life will work out for you!

Classroom Rules

You come to class to gain knowledge. Under the guidance of a teacher, you master educational material, gain practical skills, learn to think and reason, develop your speech and thinking abilities. The process of studying each new topic is designed for a certain number of hours. During this time, you will have to work hard to master the curriculum. Therefore, it is very important not to miss lessons so that gaps do not appear in your knowledge.

You cannot be late for class without a good reason.

Prepare everything you need for the lesson: notebooks, textbook, pencils, ruler in advance.

Be quiet in class and be diligent. Listen to the teacher's explanations carefully. Don't talk to your neighbors and don't get distracted by extraneous activities.

If you want to answer the teacher’s question or ask your own question, do not shout from your seat, but raise your hand.

If your classmate answers, you cannot interrupt his answer or give him hints. Raise your hand - the teacher will definitely notice your activity.

When called upon to answer, speak loudly and clearly, expressing your thoughts in complete sentences.

In your notebooks, write legibly and neatly. Carelessness and illegibility of handwriting should not be tolerated - this is an expression of elementary disrespect for the one who will check your notebooks.

Cheating is considered an ugly and undignified activity.

When you hear the bell signaling the end of the lesson, don’t rush out of your seat, trying to quickly run out of the classroom. Wait until the teacher finishes the lesson and write down your homework in your diary so that you don’t disturb your classmates with phone calls in the evening.