Coloring for dark hair: photos and features. Hair with colored strands - choose your style

Pink strands are a stylish choice of modern coloring for fashionistas whose main style corresponds to the glamorous, romantic and delicate direction. That is why most often the owners choose a beautiful feminine shade blonde hair. Blonde with pink hair looks very cute and doll-like. Looking at such an appearance, it is difficult to keep a smile and a feeling of tenderness. This choice of hairstyle perfectly matches the youth style, but older fashionistas can safely afford stylish coloring. Thus, pink strands on blond hair are a universal choice for every blonde.

Fashionable coloring of blonde hair with pink streaks

Today, stylists offer quite wide choose ideas for dyeing pink strands on light ones. Both large-scale colored curls and laconic ideas are in fashion. It is also popular to add asymmetry and chaos to your hair using shade. Professionals are increasingly insisting on catchy and poisonous shades of delicate colors. However, restrained and light colors are no less popular. Let's see what fashionable coloring with pink strands on light hair is:

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I suggest you familiarize yourself with the latest beauty trends, namely, consider the most fashionable coloring hair. We will talk about spectacular multi-colors, as well as current shades traditional colors for hair.

Multicolor: colored strands and ombre effect

Bright colors and unusual shades have been shown on fashion catwalks for a long time, but only this season this trend has come to life. Initially, celebrities followed him, and then all the fashionistas of the world.

Today, colored strands are in fashion: red, blue, turquoise, pink, green, yellow, etc. Moreover, it is proposed to combine several bright curls at the same time.

Multicolor coloring is good for hair, but the shade of the curls before coloring should be extremely light.

Multi-colored strands and ombre

Ombre coloring is even more popular - smooth transition from dark to light or, conversely, from light to dark. The last option is the most relevant today.

The color palette for creating an ombre effect can be anything, from natural light brown and chestnut to incredible shades of pink and turquoise. And if the latest variations of ombre will suit young ladies, then the first ones will certainly appeal to lovers of the classics.

If you dare to transform your look with colored strands or ombre dyeing, be sure to seek help from a professional. Or use extensions that add rainbow shades and additional volume to your hairstyle. Another simple option is coloring mousses, mascaras or hair gels, which are good because they do not harm the hair at all and are washed off at the first wash.

Classic coloring

Uniformly dyeing your hair in familiar tones will, of course, never go out of fashion. Only the shades change. Let's take a look at the most current tones of classic colors - white, black and red.

Fashionable blonde

Dazzling blondes were, are and will always be in fashion. This season, stylists recommend relying on platinum and beige shades. The first blonde is the embodiment of Hollywood luxury, the second - freshness and freedom. Platinum paints are suitable for girls with an aristocratic complexion and light sky-blue eyes. The beige shade will look good in contrast with tanned skin and brown-green eyes.

Dark colors

For fans of classic dark colors, world beauty trend setters recommend trying chocolate brown, coffee and natural chestnut shades. Well, lovers of everyone's attention this season should give preference to colors such as blue-black, black with a red tint.

Saturated dark colors especially popular this season due to the fashion for Gothic style. Stylists advise brave girls to try on the image of medieval seductresses - dye their hair black and apply gothic makeup to their faces ( light tone combined with dark lipstick).

Fashionable redhead

In the new season, fiery shades have become more muted, but no less deep. They are more close to chestnut than orange-red.

Noble copper, light honey, extravagant strawberry, pomegranate and cherry colors are still in fashion. However, the choice of such catchy colors must be approached with caution; it is recommended to initially consult with a stylist or, as a last resort, initially use tinting shampoos.

In order to spice up your look, it is not at all necessary to radically change your hair color or get a haircut. You can leave everything as is, changing the shade of just a few strands. Then you will get a “fresh” image that will amaze everyone around you. Coloring will help achieve this effect. This type Coloring will not only add variety, but will also help visually add volume to the curls. Today we will find out how to colorize on dark hair.

General information about coloring dark hair

Features of the procedure

Most often, 3-tone coloring is performed on dark hair. However, if you wish, you can make 20 shades that are close to each other. Only in in this case Please note that the procedure will take much more time. In addition, in order for your hair to look attractive after dyeing, you should entrust the dyeing to a professional. Only a specialist will do everything right and you will get the desired result, and not an unexpected color.

creative option for dark hair

Types of coloring

There are several types of coloring for dark hair.

  1. Cross coloring. In this case, both smooth and sharp transitions are allowed. If we talk about smooth transverse coloring, then it is very difficult to perform. The strand is dyed completely, starting from the roots and ending with the ends. Colors are selected in similar shades. As for sharp transverse coloring, in this case coloring is performed only on the ends. The transition line of their color can be either oblique or straight. The shade can be contrasting with the natural shade.
  2. Longitudinal coloring. In this case, strands are selected from a head of hair and dyed a different color. For best results, it is recommended to perform pre-bleaching.
  3. Full coloring. In this case, you should first bleach all the curls, and then dye them the desired ones, including dark colors. This type of coloring is performed extremely rarely, as it can cause severe damage to the hair and after such coloring it will need restoration.
red-pink streaks on dark hair

longitudinal pink and purple shades

bangs on short hair

in the style of shatush along the entire length of the hair

individual front strands

Color selection

In order for the coloring result to satisfy you, it is important to choose the most suitable color. In this case, you should take into account your style, as well as your age.

So, for women of middle age and older, it is best to pay attention to chocolate shades, golden, cinnamon, honey or wheat. They will look good with dark hair. Also in this case, ash or chestnut shades would be appropriate.

Concerning young girls who are prone to experimenting with hair and want to be in trend, then they should pay attention to bright, flashy colors. It could be emerald color, red, blue, lavender, etc. This hairstyle will look creative and attractive.

A universal shade for coloring that is suitable for ladies of any age and style - white. True, in this case you cannot avoid bleaching, but the harm will be minimal, since this will only need to be done on a few strands.

cherry shades long hair

individual strands are dyed green tint

along the entire length of the hair


dimensional tips

haircut outline light shade

green bangs

Coloring at home

Necessary tools and tools

In order to colorize dark hair at home, you will need the following products.

  1. Rubber gloves - 1 pair.
  2. Fat cream - as needed.
  3. Bleaching composition - 1 pack.
  4. Paints of several shades - 1 pack each.
  5. Foil - several squares (you need to cut them so that you can place a curl on it, and then wrap it).
  6. Equipment for preparing the mixture: bowls and a spoon or spatula (all of them must be non-metallic).
  7. Brush for applying paint.


When everything necessary for coloring is ready, you can begin the procedure. Note that it is carried out on unwashed, dry curls.

  1. Put gloves on your hands.
  2. Prepare all the dyeing compounds. To do this, you will need several bowls and each of them will have its own paint. To avoid getting confused, write the name of the shades on pieces of paper and place them near each container.
  3. Treat the skin with cream along the hairline. This will protect it from accidental ingress of dyes.
  4. Take the strands you want to dye and place them on the foil. Next, treat them with a bleaching compound and wrap them in foil. Leave for 20 minutes. When the time is up, carefully unwrap them and rinse off the composition. Next, leave them to dry.
  5. Separate the bleached strands from the main body of your hair. After that, divide them into small curls. Place one of them on the foil and treat it with the darkest or lightest shade. Wrap the strand and take the next one. Treat it with a shade lighter or, conversely, darker than this one. Do this until all the light curls have been processed.
  6. Leave your hair for a while specified in the instructions for the dyes. Unwrap the foil periodically to evaluate the results.
  7. When you achieve the desired color, remove the foil from one curl and rinse it thoroughly. Do this with all the curls, then apply shampoo to your hair and rinse off the dye.
  8. Leave your hair to dry naturally. The procedure is completed.

several strands purple tint


individual wide strands

all hair

front strands bright shade

on short hair

two-tone shades close in gamut

front strands with a light shade

hair along the entire length

Californian version

tips in bright shades

Coloring dark hair is an excellent coloring option for those girls who do not want to change their color, but want variety. It is better to entrust it to a professional, but if you want to do it yourself, then our instructions will help you do it.

Despite the fact that naturalness is still in fashion, the real hit of this summer season is contrasting colored strands and unusual hair coloring. According to stylists, you can choose the right shade for any look, regardless of the woman’s image and age.

Colored strands of hair on clips

If you like to experiment with hairstyles, but don’t want to first lighten and then dye your hair bright colors, ready-made ones are an excellent solution.

Such devices are easily attached to the base of your own curls, and the hairpin itself is small in size, so it is completely invisible under the bulk of the hair and, most importantly, does not damage the roots. As a result, you get several bright strands in your hair, the shades of which can be changed and combined as desired.

Colored strands for dark and light hair

In principle, there are no restrictions in choosing a shade for blondes or brunettes, but fashion trends dictate the following rules:

  1. Choose warm colors for light hair - pink, red, brick, brown.
  2. For dark curls, use cool shades: blue, light blue, green, purple, lilac.

Of course, it is not necessary to paint in a very contrasting tone. For mature women, the ombre style with more traditional flowers(brown, chestnut, black, ash, copper, dark cherry).

Colored strands at home

Having certain skills and equipment, you can diversify your hairstyle yourself.

To make several colored “feathers”, it is enough to carefully lighten 4-8 strands with clear boundaries, avoiding perhydrol getting into the surrounding hair. After this, you need to dye the bleached curls in the desired shades. It should be remembered that it is necessary to periodically perform correction (as the hair grows at the root).

Even if you have a very strong desire to be the center of attention, you still shouldn’t stun the audience, for example, by dyeing your hair a stunning color that is too bright and unusual. A good alternative in this case could be a hairstyle with colored strands, which will complement your look and highlight your individual taste.

Probably the best reason to change your image are various celebrations, where you can also surprise friends and colleagues, as well as attract the attention of others. Simply put, if you want to impress others, then you need to create an original holiday look. Your stunning outfit will be complemented by a chic evening make-up and, of course, hairstyle. She's the one who plays main role in the image.

But don’t forget that colored strands are just an accent to the main hairstyle. Also try to avoid strong contrast with the main hair color.

Stylists recommend forming colored strands inside the hair, and not on the top of the head, otherwise the hairstyle will look too vulgar. You can also focus attention on your bangs by decorating them with one contrasting strand to emphasize its shape or add visual volume.

Colored hair strands

However, in any case, remember that the shade of the strands should be in harmony with the main color of your hair and outfit, and should also be combined with the image. So, for example, if you have brown hair and you are doing golden strands, then try to avoid flashy details in the image. In this case, natural and pastel shades. Bright clothes or the accessories will not look great.

Blondes are luckier in this regard. They can afford a wider color scheme regarding contrasting strands. Those with blonde hair can choose both warm and cool tones, as well as neutral shades. In this case, you should remember one immutable rule - hair with colored strands will look advantageous only if they have a beautiful, healthy appearance.

Strands contrasting colors will allow you to radically change your image, and you don’t have to change your haircut at all. If you like it, you just need to “revive” it by making colored strands.