Introduction to composers and musical works. Project (senior group) on the topic: Project "Classical music in kindergarten"

Target: expand children's knowledge about forest types; the formation of cognitive interest in understanding the nature of one’s region.

To clarify children’s knowledge on the topic “What is a forest: its number of storeys, the presence of insects, birds, animals”;

Introduce M. Prishvin’s work “Floors of the Forest”;

Deepen children's understanding of forest types: deciduous, coniferous, mixed;

Introduce children to the functions of forests: productive (where wood is harvested) and recreational (where they relax, pick mushrooms and berries);

Deepen and systematize children’s knowledge about the relationship between man and the environment;

To develop the ability to behave correctly in nature, not to harm it.

Preliminary work: reading by Yu. Dmitriev " An extraordinary journey into an ordinary forest"; viewing paintings by Russian artists:

  • Igor Prishchepa “Russian landscape”;
  • Yuri Pantsyrev “Birch Forest”;
  • Ivan Shishkin “Ship Grove”;
  • Ivan Shishkin “Ferns in the forest”;
  • Isaac Levitan “Road in the Forest”;
  • Ivan Shishkin “Spruce Forest”;
  • Mikhail Kugach “Sunny Forest”.

Vocabulary work: deciduous, coniferous, mixed forest; productive and recreational forest; undergrowth.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: From branched, slender horns

A shadow fell on the snow.

Who is running towards us, arguing with the wind?

This is a northern... (deer).

Guys, a reindeer is in a hurry to visit us. (Children greet the guest.)

Deer: Guys, I live in the forest - this is my home. Do you know what a forest is? What's growing there? Who lives there? (Children communicate with the guest.)

Deer: That's right, the forest is a large number of trees that grow over large areas with closed crowns. A forest is a complex living mechanism that combines many parts of different sizes, types and principles of action (trees, bushes, herbs, birds, insects, animals). A forest is a plant community where everything is interconnected.

Educator: guys, you know that there are floors in the forest! Don't believe me?! Let's get acquainted with M. Prishvin's work “Floors of the Forest”. (Reading a story.)

Deer: friends, have you guessed which floor I live on? (downstairs, first floor). And on what floor do ants, squirrels, hares live?... (Children answer.)

Educator: guys, the forest consists of 5 tiers: (the teacher names the tiers and shows them in the artists’ paintings)

  1. tall healthy trees covering all the others;
  2. young trees (undergrowth);
  3. undergrowth: bushes - they prevent rain from eroding the soil;
  4. shrubs and herbs;
  5. mosses, mushrooms, lichens.

Deer: friends, the forest is different; I live in a mixed forest. Maybe some of you know other types of forests? What is the difference?

Children answer: deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

Educator: guys, let's tell our guest what deciduous trees we know (birch, aspen, poplar, willow) and coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar).

Deer: let's play! Girls will be deciduous trees, boys will be coniferous. When I say “deciduous forest,” the girls stand up and form a forest when “ coniferous forest" - the boys stand up, and if there is a "mixed forest" - girls and boys stand up scattered.

Game “Coniferous, deciduous, mixed forest”

Educator: guys, I suggest you consider the leaf and needles (surface area). Then consider the branch deciduous tree and coniferous (thick and thin). The teacher encourages the children to answer the question: “Why do deciduous trees shed their leaves for the winter?” (the branch of a deciduous tree is thin, and the surface of the leaf is large; if snow covers the tree along with the leaves, the branch will not withstand the weight and will break).

Deer: in my forest people relax, pick mushrooms and berries - my forest is called recreational. But not all the guests of my forest know how to behave correctly. I brought photographs (pictures) that captured the actions and behavior of people.

Examination of didactic pictures “Correct and incorrect behavior in the forest”: (list according to the numbering in the pictures)

  1. Don't destroy birds' nests!
  2. Don't destroy anthills!
  3. Do not take animals home from the forest!
  4. Don't hurt forest insects!
  5. Don't pick wildflowers!
  6. Don't pick rare flowers!
  7. Don't catch butterflies and dragonflies!
  8. Don't make noise in the forest!
  9. Don't light a fire in the forest without adults!
  10. Don't leave trash in the forest!
  11. Don't break glass in the forest!
  12. Don't carve signs on trees!
  13. Don't waste inedible mushrooms!
  14. Do not uproot bushes!
  15. Don't hurt the snakes!

Educator: Deer, do you know what the forest brings to us people? great benefit?! Our children will tell you now. The teacher summarizes and says that there are forests where wood is harvested and they are called productive.

Deer: guys, I want to play the outdoor game “Reindeer” with you.

Purpose of the game: Practice running with wide strides, jumping animals, orienting yourself in space; convey the habits of animals in accordance with the music.

We clarify who the enemy of the deer is (children call bears, wolves). The teacher suggests dividing into two teams: one team is deer, the other is bears. Deer will live near the yurts and bushes, and the bears will live on the other side in the ravine, in a den. “Deer” depict antlers, raise their arms up and move in long jumps, run away and hide near the yurts, the bears catch up with them. The conventional signal to start the game is to hit the tambourine.

Educator: guys, it’s time to say goodbye to our friend Reindeer. To find the way home (to the forest) and not get lost, the sounds of the forest will help the deer.

Reflection: the teacher puts on a recording of the natural sounds of the forest: the deer leaves, and the children try to hear and name its inhabitants in the sounds of the forest.

Summary of direct educational activities
on the topic “Nature is our home”

annotation. Children demonstrate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature, knowledge of birds and insects, and the work of the Green Patrol.

Target: Realize intellectual development by including children in a variety of activities.


  1. Educational
    1. Form ideas about the rules of behavior in nature;
    2. Consolidate knowledge about flora and fauna;
    3. Reinforce knowledge of the “Environmental Charter”, relying on previously acquired knowledge.
  2. Developmental
    1. Develop cognitive interest, thinking, attention;
    2. Develop free communication among each other;
    3. Develop responsibility for “our little brothers”;
    4. To develop in children the need to communicate with nature and the world around them.
  3. Educational
    1. Cultivate interest in GCD;
    2. Foster independence;
    3. Develop the ability to work in a team
    4. Cultivate a love for nature
    5. Cultivate a desire to come to the aid of all living things


  1. Cognition
  2. Integrated Areas
  3. Communication
  4. Socialization
  5. Safety
  6. Physical Culture
  7. Health
  8. Music
  9. Reading fiction




Equipment and material:

Preliminary work:

Memorizing “Green Patrol” songs, observing birds and insects, drawing up rules in nature based on signs, reading fiction.

The music hall is divided into 2 parts.

  1. The forest is models of trees, stumps, a clearing with garbage, a lake
  2. Kindergarten, music room.

GCD move

Educator: Children, look out the window. The sky has become clearer, the sun is shining brighter, the birds are chirping more cheerfully, the insects have woken up and are also reaching for the sun. Spring has come to us!

Child: Beautiful spring has come,

Cleans up the forests

And gives blue from the cloud to the heavens,

So that the whole earth takes warmth from the sun,

And the small seed sprouted faster.

Educator: I see green gifts of spring from all of you. To whom does spring give such leaves?

Child: Such leaves are given to those who love nature and protect it.

Educator: What sign is this?

Child: This is a green patrol sign.

Educator: What does the green patrol do?

Child: Helps trees, flowers, birds, animals

Educator: How do you know that someone needs help?

Child: We receive telegrams.

A magpie is flying.

Magpie: Telegram, telegram!! I flew straight, straight, didn’t notice anyone, didn’t crackle, didn’t chatter, it was as if I had arrived, because the telegram was urgent.

Gives the teacher a telegram.

Educator:(reads the telegram) Message from the forest, this is very interesting.

I was beautiful and pretty, but now I don’t look like myself, they trampled the grass on me, threw garbage at me. Help me!

So, the Green Patrol should rush to the rescue?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Look, what will we take with us?

Children: Rakes, buckets, garbage bags, environmental poster.

Child: We are rushing to help nature, whoever suddenly finds himself in trouble, do not be upset, good glade, now we will help you!

Educator: The squad is ready?! Form up! Sing a song!

The squad leaves the hall, the teacher opens the screensaver from the screen,

where a forest with tree models, a lake, and 2 clearings is presented.

The children return and sing the Young People's anthem.

Educator: Children, look, is this clearing asking for help?

Child: No, everything here is tidy and clean.

Educator: Where is the clearing that asked for help?

Children move deeper into the designated forest.

Child: Here she is! See, it's littered!

Educator: Children, come closer... Garbage harms the grass! Do you know why?

Children: Yes!

Child: It does not allow the grass to breathe and blocks the rays of the sun.

Educator: Right! I’ll pick up a brick, and you tell me what color the grass is underneath?

Child: The grass is yellow.

Educator: And next to you, what color is the grass?

Child: And the grass nearby is green.

Educator: So why is the grass yellow under the brick?

Child: She misses the sun and air.

Educator: So let's get to work, Green Patrol!

Children collect garbage: juice boxes, candy wrappers, dry twigs, paper - in bags, take everything to the model - a garbage container, put away equipment, wipe their hands with wet wipes.

Educator: That's all taken away, well done! The clearing is clean and beautiful! Do you hear the birds singing? They tell you, Thank you!

And now I’ll ask you some riddles: do you know birds?

A child wearing a swallow's cap comes out

Martin: I fly quickly everywhere, collect mosquitoes with my beak, build a nest outside the window, but I don’t spend the winter in it.

Children: Martin!

A child wearing a starling cap comes out

Starling: My little mansion has no window, only an entrance, a roof over it. The house is high above you, beyond the reach of the children. This house has no windows, only an entrance and a balcony. It’s not easy to get into the house; it’s high above us. No steps, no porch, what kind of tenant is he for?

Children: Starling!

Educator b: Well done and you completed this task. Children call birds our friends. Do you know why?

Child: Because birds destroy worms and caterpillars that eat leaves.

Educator: What do you know about the swallow?

Child: It eats about a million small insects.

Educator: And the starling?

Child: And the starling feeds the chicks, making more than two hundred flights from the nest. And every time it brings a worm or a caterpillar. Birds also decorate forests and gardens. Birds are our friends, and we should not offend friends.

Educator: How will the birds know that you care about them, that you are waiting for them?

Child: We build feeders, houses, and make bird canteens.

Educator: Well done, children! I'm happy with you!

Music is playing, a girl in a butterfly costume is running,

and behind her is a boy with a juice, catching a butterfly.

Child: Boy, boy, stop! What are you doing?


Educator: Good afternoon, boy! What is your name? And what are you doing?

Boy: I'm catching a butterfly.

Educator: What for?

Boy: She's beautiful!

Butterfly: What kind of elephant came to our clearing? Just the noise and the crackling! I trampled all the flowers and almost crushed my wing!

Child: Yes, it’s clear you’re not well-mannered! You don't know such simple things! The environmental regulations will help you learn.

They open an environmental poster and show signs of proper

behavior in the forest and what not to do.

  • DO NOT offend animals in the forest, we ask you to behave with dignity. Remember in the forest, we are only guests!
  • DO NOT pick flowers or trample the grass, do not tear leaves from bushes, do not crush a green blade of grass, only walk along the path.
  • Help all the birds, and don’t destroy the birds’ nests. The chicks, nature's sonorous singers, are growing to the delight of everyone!
  • An ant's house is in the wilderness, don't disturb it, help the ants, fence off their house!

There are many rules in nature, you need to know them by heart!

Boy: I won’t forget the smart rules, I will respect nature!

Child: All children know that they live on the planet with us: the lion and the crane, the parrot and

fox, wolf and bear, dragonfly and marten. White groves, forest oak groves, rivers, rivulets, trees and grass, the blue sea, a forest stream - people trust you all.

You are the smartest, which means you are responsible for all living things on the planet.

A girl in a butterfly costume is running.

Butterfly: Children, thank you for saving me. I'm always glad to have friendship, so I'll finish all my work. I carry pollen in my paws and fly from flower to flower. I pollinate flowers and help them grow, so that apples in honey ripen in the garden in the fall. If the difficult hour has passed, the pests have been repelled, beautiful butterflies, lemongrass butterflies, we’ll fly in a round dance and make everyone happy!

Girls in butterfly costumes run out.

"Butterfly Dance"

They run away, saying goodbye to the children

Educator: Children, your knowledge about correct behavior in nature and about birds made me happy, you’re great! Love for nature, a desire to take care of plants and animals will help preserve them on our earth. Let forests and rivers, meadows and fields give people joy. Who did we help today?

Child: The “Green Patrol” cleared up trash in a clearing, saved a butterfly, and taught a boy how to behave correctly in nature.

Educator: I think that the boy will never catch butterflies again, but will admire their beauty. And we are returning to kindergarten, our trip has come to an end. We collect inventory. The squad is ready?! Form up! Sing a song!

Music sounds and the children sing the youth anthem as they leave the forest.

Methodological literature

  1. Artemova L.N. " The world in didactic games for preschoolers." – M., 1992
  2. Gorkova L. G., Kochergina A. V. “Ecological education of preschool children”
  3. Grizik T. Exploring the world. - M.: Publishing House"Education of a preschooler", 2004
  4. Kondratyeva N.N. Environmental education program “We”. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”, 2005
  5. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten. – M., 2001.
  6. Nikolaeva S.N. Environmental education of preschool children: A manual for preschool education specialists. – M.: LLC “Firm Publishing House AST”, 1998.
  7. Nikolaeva S. N. Young ecologist. Environmental education program for preschool children. – M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2002.
  8. The planet is our home. The world around us: a textbook on the basics of ecology for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. / Edited by T. A. Sidorchuk. – Ulyanovsk, 2001

Title: Abstract of educational activities on ecology for older preschoolers “Nature is our home”

Position: teacher
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8 "Cheburashka"
Location: Skopin, Ryazan region

Teach children to observe the life of nature, show children the diversity of animals and flora. Bring up ecological culture. Children go for a walk in the forest, look at them and guess in the form of riddles which tree the leaf comes from. They look at mushrooms and birds in the forest.



Subject: "Nature is a miracle worker."

Target: development of a complex of integrative personality qualities of pupils in the process of play and cognitive and communicative activities.


Educational: teach to observe the life of nature.

Educational:Show children the diversity of flora and fauna. Help you feel the beauty and diversity of nature.

Educational: develop creative imagination, fantasy. With the help of game simulations, let them feel involved in all that is alive and beautiful.

Educational:to cultivate an ecological culture, love of nature and kind attitude towards each other.

Working on a dictionary:crimson, young, whistling, crest, flock.

Subject development environment for educational activities:pictures of trees, leaves different trees(homemade); toys depicting animals and plants; imitation of a mushroom clearing (hemp, fungus, moss, etc.); recording of birdsong.

Handout:leaves of different trees (homemade).

Activities of children in NOD:cognitive, cognitive-research, gaming, communicative, productive, motor.

GCD structure:

  1. Introductory part. Positive attitude to class. (2 minutes.).
  2. First part (8 min): introductory conversation, guessing riddles.
  3. Second part (10 min): journey into the forest.
  4. Physical education minute (3 min)
  5. Third part (5 min.): continuation of the journey.
  6. Final part (2 min): summing up, reflection.

GCD move:

Educator: - Children! What a wonderful day today! I am in a great mood today and I want to give you my smile. You, too, will smile at me joyfully, kindly, and then our group will become brighter!

The children are smiling.

Introductory conversation.

Educator: - I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess what our lesson will be devoted to.

Stood up like a wall to the sky

Before us is a miracle.....

Children: - Forest.

Educator: - That's right, forest. Well done! We'll go for a walk in the forest today. Not for mushrooms or berries, but for miracles! And what miracles can there be in the forest?

The children are thinking.

The teacher offers to listen to the poem.

When you walk along a forest path,

Questions overtake you in a crowd.

One “why?” rushes between the trees,

Flies on the heels of an unknown bird.

Another - a bee climbed into a flower,

And the third - jump like a frog into a stream.

But how do we get into the forest, how can we get to it?

Children: by bus, on foot, by car.

Educator: - the easiest way is to turn into something or someone.

The children agree with joy.

We will turn into clouds

Let's rush to the nearby forest.

To see from above

Trees, grass and bushes.

Journey into the forest.

The teacher throws up tree leaves painted in autumn colors.

Leaves are colorful

They spin in the wind,

And they fall to the ground,

And they lie down like a carpet.

Children catch and name which tree the leaf is from.

Which beautiful leaves: yellow, red. Why are they like this?

Children: - Because autumn has come.

Educator: - That's right, what were they like in the summer?

Children: - Green.

Educator: - What were they like in the spring?

Children: - At first there were buds, then they blossomed and became small green ones.

Educator: - Okay, well done. What will happen to them when winter comes?

Children: - They will fall and the trees will be bare.

Educator: - Right. Here's a miracle for you: from green leaves They become yellow, and then purple.

The teacher takes an illustration with a young maple tree.

And here is a small maple. He meets his first leaf fall.

Your very first leaf fall

Meets this maple tree.

In your most festive outfit

He changed his clothes.

Put on his bitches

Five leaves cut out.

They are red and wide, just like the big ones.

(V. Berestov)

Physical education minute

Educator: - You know, it seems to me that Dasha is very similar to a birch tree, Nikita is like an oak tree, and Lenochka is slender, like a young aspen. Let's pretend that we are trees.

Children depict either a tree or a leaf that they hold in their hands.

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is getting quieter, quieter -

The tree is getting higher and higher.

And I will be the wind. The wind blew...

Children depict swaying trees. Quieter or stronger, depending on the strength of the wind. At the end of the game, the leaves fall and the wind collects them in a heap.

Continuation of the journey.

Educator: - Guys, come here quickly! Guess what I found?

Small - remote

Passed through the earth

I found Little Red Riding Hood.

Children: - Mushroom.

Educator: - That's right, mushroom. What a miracle! Fungus!

They find a fungus under an aspen tree.

Educator: - What is the name of this fungus?

Children: - Boletus.

Educator: - That's right, boletus. Why is it called that?

Children: - Because it grows under the aspen tree.

Educator: - That's right, well done. What can we do with it?

Children: - Boil, fry.

Educator: - That's right, cook something from it. Who lives in the forest?

Children: - Birds, animals.

Educator: - Which one do you think? forest dwellers can you see in the forest during leaf fall?

Children: - Squirrel, hedgehog.

Summer came and went

Songful, sultry.

And now it’s light in the forest,

Stricter and calmer.

Only the squirrel is in sight -

I crawled all the corners,

Vitamin food

Stocking up for the winter.

(Ya. Akim)

Educator: - But under the maples a ball of leaves is moving, who is it?

Burned up like a fire

There are brushes on the rowan tree,

The ball is rolling towards

From autumn leaves.

Do not you recognize him?

Take a closer look - it's a hedgehog!

Became a golden ball

The sly hedgehog is prickly.

Stringed maple leaves

On your needles.

He takes them home,

Lays down on the bed

So that during the long winter

It's sweet to sleep under the tree.

Let him have dreams


Let him sleep until spring

In a warm cradle.

(T. Shorygina)

Educator: - Listen... Autumn... rustling leaves are falling from the trees. You can hear the farewell songs of birds flying away to hot countries in the sky, and here at the mountain ash you can hear a quiet whistling, as if on a pipe: “Sviri - sviri - svirisvir!” And what an elegant bird sits on a rowan tree. What kind of bird is this?

Children: - Waxwing.

Educator: - how did you know?

Children: - By color. It has a red-brown coloring, black feathers under its beak, on its wings and tail. Hairstyle: crest on the head.

Educator: - For some reason she was not visible in the forest in the summer... Yes, it's a waxwing. She flies to our forests for the winter from the north in October and is now feasting on rowan berries. There's a whole flock of these birds here. They stuck to the mountain ash and feasted.

The waxwings have arrived

They played the pipes,

They whistled: “Sviri - svir!”

We'll have a feast in the forest!

Let the leaves fall from the branches,

The autumn rain rustles,

We peck rowan trees -

You won't find better berries"

(T. Shorygina)

Educator: - That’s how many wonderful meetings he has prepared for us autumn forest. And let the forest open its doors more than once for all visitors who want to get acquainted with the wonders of nature. Like a welcoming home.

The house is open on all sides,

It is covered with a carved roof.

Feel free to go into that house -

You will find miracles in it.

I turn on birdsong, the children listen.

And it’s time for us to return to the group. Let us turn into children again.

Summary of the lesson.

Well, here we are in the group. Did you enjoy our trip? What new have you learned? What was interesting and unusual about today’s meeting with the forest?

Children express their opinions.

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the field of cognition environmental education in the older group.

Topic: “Take care of nature, it is our common home!”

Educator: E.V. Shipova.

Target: Form ideas about the rules and norms of behavior in nature.Program content:

Cognitive: let children understand that nature is our common home, continue to form an understanding of the role of nature in human life, expand and systematize children’s knowledge about nature, and develop interest in the problem of nature conservation.

Speech: develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to environmental education of the population, develop their horizons, thinking, and connected speech.

Social and communicative:develop the ability to evaluate one’s own actions and the actions of peers.Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Physical: formation correct posture children in class.

Artistic and aesthetic: teach children to read with the expression of a poem, cultivate a joyful, caring attitude towards nature.

Vocabulary work:introduce into children's active vocabulary: globe, planet, nature. Get used to answering with a complete answer.

Preliminary work:looking at a globe, memorizing a poem and physical education lesson, creating a presentation, reading fiction, conversations, selecting audio recordings - forest melodies.

Materials and equipment:globe, projector, audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”, presentation “The Earth is Our Common Home”, candy wrappers, baskets.

Progress of the lesson: Hello guys! The teacher reads a poem:

Our native home, our common home -

The land where you and I live!

We can’t count all the miracles,

They have one name:

Forests and mountains and seas -

Everything is called - earth! Show slide #1

Educator: Shows a model of the globe.What is a globe? (A globe is a model of the earth, reduced many thousands of times, on which plants, animals, and humans live. The earth is their common house). Show slide number 2
What colors do you see on it?
Which color is more?
What does he represent?
That's right, the water shown in blue is oceans, seas, lakes, rivers; green - forests, plains; brown - mountains. All this is our land. Today we will talk about how we should live on earth. If nature is a common home, then each of you has your own home. And everyone tries to maintain cleanliness and order in their home.

Guys, now I suggest you go on a trip to hot-air balloon, Let's take the telescopes and look into the distance. I can see the treetops.
Do you see? Let's land here. Let's come closer and see where we are? Audio recording with forest sounds.The children answer that they are in the forest.

That's right, who lives in the forest? Children's answers. Show slide number 3

Guys, do you know that every animal has its own home, I suggest you play the ball game “Name the animal’s house.”

What birds can we hear in the forest? (woodpecker, magpie, tit). Guess what birds these riddles are about?

Riddles about birds

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest.

Vereshunya, white-sided, and her name is...

That's right, well done, now let's see if you can collect birds from the cut pictures. The game “Collect the bird” is played.

Guys, where do birds live? (On the trees). Yes, look at the trees around. These are spruce and birch trees. Do you know any other trees? They all need the Earth because it is their home.

And now we will relax and play a little.

Physical education minute:The wind blows in our faces, the tree sways,The wind is getting quieter and quieter, and the trees are higher and higher.

Educator: Have you guys rested a little?

Examination of prohibition cards and a story about them. Working with cards.

Everyone, sit down on the chairs and now we will look at some interesting illustrations on the projector, will you look at them and tell me if everything is okay? What happened? (the pictures show various situations bad behavior In the woods)

What not to do in the forest:

Don't make noise in the forest!

Don't light fires in the forest!

Don't leave trash in the forest!

Don't take forest animals home!

Don't destroy birds' nests!

Don't destroy anthills in the forest!

Don't pick or trample flowers in the forest!

Don't break trees in the forest!

Don't catch butterflies in the forest!Slide show No. 4 - No. 9

Now let's carry out breathing exercises"Tree Leaves"

Guys, look here, what happened here? Who do you think could have done this?

Some hooligans came into the forest and created a complete mess here. Is it possible to behave like this in the forest? Let us put it all together, do you agree? Let's take trash baskets and collect all the trash.

Well done boys! So, what signs were we talking about today? Who will remember and tell?Result: Show slide number 10

Guys, tell me who lives on Earth? Do you understand for whom the Earth is a common home? ( Children's answers)

Tree, animal, flower and bird,
They don't always know how to defend themselves
If they are destroyed,
On the planet we will die like them.

Educator: Today I decided to initiate you into"Active conservationists"A friend of nature is a person who protects and protects it. I present you with medals. Do you think you will be true friends of nature? What will you do for this?(children's answers) What do you remember most about today? classes ? (children's answers) . What will you do if you see that your friends or neighbors are picking flowers in a flower bed, throwing garbage, breaking branches?(children's answers) Well done boys. And our motto will be this: Take care of your planet - after all, there is no other in the world! Show slide number 11

This is ours for us interesting trip ends. Did you guys like it? (Children's answers).

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested this work, please download the full version.

Educational area: “Cognition”

Direct educational activities:“Environmental education”

Subject:"Gold autumn"

Target: expand children's knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn and autumn phenomena.


Correctional and educational:

  • Continue to form elementary ecological ideas in children, expand knowledge about autumn changes in nature.

Correctional and developmental:

  • To develop cognitive interest, observation, attention, thinking (the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions), musical creativity.

Correctional and educational:

Didactic tasks to implement the principle of integration of educational areas:

  • Educational area “Communication”: clarify, enrich, activate vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”, develop skills of agreement, inflection, word formation; ability to answer in complete, common sentences.
  • Educational area “Socialization”: consolidate behavioral skills in games and conversations.
  • Educational area “Safety”: to develop cultural skills in nature.
  • Educational area “Health”: develop auditory and visual perception, smooth long speech exhalation.
  • Educational area “Physical education”: to form precise coordinated movements in combination with speech.
  • Educational field “Artistic creativity”: develop visual skills and abilities, form artistic and creative abilities.


  • nouns: autumn, leaves, clearing, forest, mushroom, fly agaric, boletus, boletus, birds.
  • adjectives: white, yellow, red, brown, orange, green, edible, inedible.
  • Verbs: dries up, turns yellow, flies away, blows away, lands, flies,

Equipment: painted autumn leaves, paintings depicting autumn, a flower with multi-colored petals, an audio recording of “The Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, dummies of mushrooms, birds (origami), a scarf, gouache, a poster with a painted tree, wet wipes.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading environmental fiction.

2. Consideration of autumn-themed illustrations.

3. Observation autumn nature on a walk.

4. Learning riddles about autumn phenomena.

Didactic games and exercises:

  • “Blow on a leaf”
  • "Yes or no",
  • “Signs of Autumn”,
  • “Come to the mushroom”
  • “Find the same leaves”
  • “Whose bird will fly farthest”
  • “Call me kindly.”

GCD move

1. Organizing time. (70 sec.)

Didactic task. Activation of auditory-verbal attention and perception

Autumn: Hello, children! You recognized me?

And guess who I am from my riddle.

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the land is far away the birds have flown away,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains
This time of year...(children's answers) is called.

Autumn: That's right, I am autumn. I came to you to tell you about myself and to find out what you know about me. And for this I invite you to visit me in the autumn meadow. Look how beautiful it is in the forest in autumn, and how many leaves there are.

2. Exercise “Blow on a leaf” (50 sec.)

Didactic task. Development of smooth long speech exhalation.

Show me your left palm, I will put an autumn leaf on your palm, and you take in air and blow so that the leaf blows away like a breeze, but not sharply, but smoothly.

Autumn: And to make it interesting for you and me, I have to find out if you know the signs of autumn? Sit down on the stumps.

3. Didactic game: "Yes or no" (2 minutes.) ( give the correct answer)

Didactic task: to consolidate knowledge about the characteristic signs of autumn, to develop auditory-verbal attention and perception.

Do flowers bloom in autumn?
Do mushrooms grow in autumn?
Are the clouds covering the sun?
The prickly wind is coming?
Do the bugs fly?
Do animals close their holes?
Is everyone getting the harvest?
Are flocks of birds flying away?
Does it rain often?
Do we get boots?
Is the sun shining very hot?
Can children sunbathe?
Well, what should we do?
Should we wear jackets and hats?

Autumn: Guys, what other signs of autumn can you tell me?

4. Didactic game “Signs of Autumn” (2 min.)

Didactic task: activation of vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”

Children: the grass turns yellow and dries out, the days become shorter, the nights are longer, it rains, the sky is gray, birds fly away to warmer regions, the leaves fall and turn yellow.

Autumn: Guys, what can grow in a clearing or forest in the fall?

Children: Mushrooms, berries.

Autumn: What types of mushrooms are there? (edible and inedible)

Autumn: What edible mushrooms do you know? (white, boletus.....)

What about the inedible ones? (fly agaric)

Autumn: Guys, you said that fly agaric is an inedible mushroom, but can you kick it or trample it?

Children: No!

Autumn: Of course not, why?

Children: Animals are treated with fly agaric.

Autumn: That's right, because everything in nature is interconnected, everything that grows and lives on earth is beneficial.

Autumn: We've been sitting in the clearing for a while, let's play

5. Didactic game “Come to the mushroom.” (2 minutes.)

Didactic task: to consolidate the ability to recognize mushrooms by given characteristics.

(Dummy mushrooms are laid out on the floor, children approach the named mushroom)

One, two, three go to the porcini mushroom, etc.

Autumn: Please tell me how wild animals prepare for winter? (Bunny, bear, hedgehog)

Children: animals gather supplies, change coats....

Autumn: Why do you think the bunny changes his fur coat? What does the bear do?

(children's answers). Why does a hedgehog collect leaves?

6. Didactic game “Find identical leaves” (2 min.)

Didactic task: to develop observation, memory and attention.

Look how beautiful the leaves are under our feet.

Are they all the same? You need to find identical leaves.

Autumn: Guys, why is there such silence around, and you can’t hear the birds singing in our forest?

Children: The birds flew away to warmer climes.

Autumn: Why do birds fly to warmer regions?

Children: the insects hid, it became cold.

Didactic task: to form precise coordinated movements.

Children line up in one line and, on command, launch their paper bird.

Autumn: Guys, look, there is a strange flower growing in our clearing, each petal is different. Does he remind me of something? Let’s say a tongue twister about autumn together.

Autumn has come to visit us
Autumn brought colors
Now, name the colors of autumn.

Children: Yellow, red, orange, green, brown.

Autumn: Well done, you see how the spell worked, you remembered all the colors of autumn. I realized how much you like this time of year.

8. Drawing leaves on a prepared tree silhouette. (4 min.)

Autumn: Guys, look at this tree, there are no leaves on it, and there are no leaves on the ground either. Help me decorate them autumn foliage. Now you will see how much work autumn has. And now you will draw, and the music will help you!

Didactic task:

Autumn: Oh, guys, but there are no brushes, what are we going to use to paint the leaves? I offer it to you. Squeeze the paper into balls and draw with it.

(Sounds autumn melody, children draw leaves to the music).

Autumn: How beautiful autumn tree We did it, and the leaves are like gold.

Autumn: And now for a moment, I will turn you into autumn leaves, take the leaves in your hands and stand in a circle.

9. Physical education lesson “We are autumn leaves” (1 min.)

Didactic task: to form precise coordinated movements in combination with speech.

We are autumn leaves.
We sat on branches (children form a circle.)
The wind blew and they flew away (they scatter in all directions.)
We flew, we flew (running, waving leaves.)
All the leaves are so tired!
The breeze has stopped blowing -
We all gathered in a circle (squat down, raise leaves above our heads.)
The wind suddenly blew again
And he blew the leaves off the branches (they run around waving the leaves.)
All the leaves have flown
And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Autumn: Did you like being leaves? All the leaves ended up on the floor.

10. Didactic game “Name it affectionately” (children stand in a circle and pass a handkerchief to Autumn) (1 min.)

Didactic task. Formation and use of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Autumn: Autumn is a wonderful time of year. Let's name words that refer affectionately to autumn: leaf-leaf, puddle-puddle, rain-rain, cloud-cloud, birch-birch, aspen-aspen, etc.

10. Summary of GCD (3 min.)

Autumn: Guys, did you like it in my clearing? What was interesting here? (Children's answers)

Do you know how to behave in a forest clearing?

Children: You can’t pick flowers, ruin an anthill, trample mushrooms, make a fire, break tree branches, leave garbage behind in a clearing, and you can’t take animals home.

And now it’s time for us to return from the autumn meadow to the kindergarten, close your eyes, and our beautiful music will take you from the edge of the forest to the kindergarten.