Creative workshop "autumn melody". Creative workshop “Breath of Autumn Autumn crafts with mom, crafts for school, crafts for kindergarten

Creative workshop

Subject: "Golden Autumn"

Target: Harmonization of parent-child relationships through joint participation in cognitive, creative and communicative activities.


Guselnikova O.A.


Activities of the teacher

Activities of parents and children


Educator: Good evening, dear children and dear parents. I am pleased to welcome you to our first creative workshop, which will be dedicated to the wonderful time of year, one of the most picturesque and vibrant changes in nature - golden autumn.

And now, I suggest you play one interesting game called “Autumn Gifts” (the second teacher brings in a tray of fruits and vegetables).

Autumn is not only a beautiful time of year, but also very generous. It is in the fall that the time for harvesting comes. In their gardens and gardens, people collect what they lovingly planted in the spring and what they carefully looked after all summer. Let's now turn our attention to the tray. I will show you a vegetable or fruit, and your task is to name it and list as many of its characteristic features as possible. The winner will receive a prize.

Parents and children greet each other and teachers.

Perform actions according to the rules of the game.

Goal: to create an emotionally comfortable environment.

Event plan

1. Conversation with children and parents on the topic “Golden Autumn.”

2. Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”(Annex 1) .

3. Reading I. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”(Appendix 2) .

4. Asking riddles(Appendix 3) .

5. Didactic games “Which tree does the leaf come from?”, “What is eaten raw and what is cooked?”, “What grows where?”

6. Looking at illustrations with fake vegetables and fruits(Appendix 4) .

Parents and children participate together in planned activities.

Goal: creating an atmosphere of friendly participation and support between parents and children.


Educator: Imagine that you are leaves, the wind blew and you swayed(music plays, children dance) .

Autumn leaves began to spin.

A cheerful wind rustled above them,

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The wind came quietly again,

Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

Oh, there are so many leaves on the carpet.

Parents and children perform actions based on the text.

Target : creating a favorable group mood.

Main stage

Educator: Dear parents and children, the goal of our creative workshop is collaboration between you. We talked, played, looked at an illustration of a painting dedicated to autumn changes in nature, solved many riddles, read a fable and saw how many interesting things you can make with your own hands from ordinary vegetables and fruits. Therefore, now I propose, by combining our efforts, to work creatively on creating fakes from the vegetables and fruits you brought.

Parents and children work together to create creative crafts from vegetables and fruits. Organization of an exhibition of fakes.

Goal: harmonization of parent-child relationships through joint creative activities.


Educator: Dear parents and children, come to the easel. Now here we will create a still life. If you found it easy and interesting to work in the creative workshop, put the apple you liked in a yellow dish, and if you had difficulties, something didn’t work out for you, put the apple in a red dish.

Parents and children, consulting with each other, evaluate this event and give their rating.

Creative workshop. Theme "Autumn"

Explanatory note
1. Author (full name, position) Levanskikh Natalia Vitalievna
2. Resource name
The first lesson in the "Autumn" series. Seasons. 3rd grade. Extracurricular activities. Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"
3. Type of resource
Technological map of the lesson, explanatory note, applications, lesson notes.
4. Subject, teaching materials Extracurricular activities. 3rd grade, educational complex “School of Russia”
5. Purpose and objectives of the resource
To familiarize students with the diversity of seasons in nature; establish connections between living and inanimate nature; determine the meaning and value of nature for humans; expand students’ understanding of the need to protect the environment; promote the development of curiosity, observation, figurative coherent speech; develop the ability to work with texts and additional information; analyze the proposed material; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
6. Age of students for whom the resource is intended: Primary school students, 3rd grade
7. The program in which the resource was created Document Microsoft Word 97-2003
8. Methodological recommendations for using the resource The proposed development of the lesson is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and is aimed at teachers working with the educational complex “School of Russia”. The lesson is built on the principle of activity-based learning and includes practical work, work in groups, and independent work. This lesson provides for achieving not only subject results, but also personal and meta-subject results.
Target: through the perception of picturesque, verbal and musical impressions of autumn, prepare students for independent creative work.
Continue working on the ability to compose a small coherent statement.
Continue working on developing skills and abilities to work with text.
Develop skills in working on text research.
To promote the development of associative and creative thinking of students.
Activate and develop students’ ability to work in pairs and groups
Continue work on the aesthetic education of students, teach them the ability to see beauty in the ordinary, and look at the world through the eyes of an artist.
Planned results
students will become familiar with the variety of seasons using the example of autumn;
will learn to classify natural objects, establish connections between living and inanimate nature; will learn the ability to see beauty in the ordinary, look at the world through the eyes of an artist, realize the value of nature for people; development of associative and creative thinking, learn to formulate conclusions and generalizations.
Formed UUD
- Personal
- Regulatory
- Communication
- Educational
individual technological maps, pens, texts about autumn, audio recordings with songs about autumn, poems, proverbs, sayings, signs of autumn, paintings by artists (presented on presentation slides or printed on A4 sheets, hung on a board) (I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” ", V. Polenov "Golden Autumn" I. Levitan "Autumn Day in Sokolniki" I. Levitan "Autumn. Road in the Village" A. M. Gerasimov "Gifts of Autumn" I. I. Brodsky "Summer Garden in Autumn" I. I. Brodsky "Fallen Leaves" I. S. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn").
Motto of the lesson:
We study science
We dream of discoveries.
We will gain knowledge
To use them later

Greetings guys.
Psychological attitude towards creative work.
The bell has rung for us.
Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
We greeted each other politely.
They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.
Sit as comfortably as possible, facing me.
I see that our class is no different.
Let's start the lesson, friends!
1. Inductor
Dear participants, try to guess what our workshop will be about by solving the riddles:
1. The field is empty, it’s raining.
The wind blows away the leaves.
The fog is creeping from the north,
Formidable clouds loomed.
Birds are moving south
Slightly touching the pine trees with my wing.
Guess what, dear friend,
What time of year is it? - ...
2. I am in the kingdom of puddles, in the land of lights and waters.
I am in the principality of the winged people,
Wonderful apples, fragrant pears.
Tell me, what time of year is this?
3. The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer.
The harvest is being harvested.
When does this happen?
4. In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot...
And they fly, fly, fly...
So, the topic of our workshop is AUTUMN.
I suggest you reflect the progress of work in it on individual sheets
(technological maps). Let's make the first entry.
-Now think about what associations arise in you when you hear the word AUTUMN.
Write down 3 nouns, 3 verbs, 3 adjectives (as many as possible) that characterize autumn. (Write down).
- Complete them with another word to make a phrase.
- Now think about who or what autumn is like. What or who would you compare autumn with (write in the table)
- Read your notes in pairs. Share your thoughts and associations. Write down your favorite words and phrases from other participants in your notebook.
- Based on all these entries, compose a cinquain about autumn.
(Teacher's explanation of what SYNCWAIN is and how it is compiled).
Cinquain (from the French cinquains, English cinquain) is a creative work that has the short form of a poem consisting of five unrhymed lines.
Cinquain is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules:
Line 1 – one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.
Line 2 – two adjectives expressing the main idea.
Line 3 – three verbs describing actions within the topic.
Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning.
Line 5 – conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).
3. Socialization of the primary product (first text)
-Present your “work” in a group (4 people).
What seemed very successful to you, what was interesting, unexpected.
Select one text (the best) from the group to present to the entire workshop (12 people).
4.Correction of the primary product
- In my opinion, it turned out original. This is what a fertile topic for creativity means. Indeed, artists painted beautiful moments of autumn, scientists and poets wrote about autumn. I offer you several different texts about autumn. Get to know them and write down the words and phrases you like (enter a table of them).
Texts are distributed to children's desks.
Color photos of paintings are taken from the board and distributed to children at each desk.
- Of course, autumn has been and remains an inexhaustible source of inspiration for musicians. And she herself is full of magical sounds. Now there will be songs about autumn. Listen carefully to this music, answer the questions in the table. (Small excerpts of songs are played)
1. Oh, what autumn
2. Mushrooms
3. Rains
4. Rain
5. Hello autumn
6. Tender autumn
7. Autumn days
8. Autumn paths
9. Autumn blues
10. Autumn landscape
11. Autumn (1)
12. Autumn (2)
13. Dear autumn, rustle
14. Autumn has arrived
15. Autumn has knocked on our door
16. Song about autumn
17. What autumn will bring us
- Now, probably, full of thoughts, emotions, impressions, I hope, ready for a new stage of creativity.
Write a new text on the topic: “Autumn’s letter to me.”
Socialization of secondary product(second text)
-Introduce him first in a group, then in a workshop.
-Dear workshop participants, our joint creativity is coming to an end. Reflect on everything that happened today, continuing the phrases (working with the technological map)
Thank you very much for your work. Today we talked about autumn. I would like to wish you to notice the beautiful and unusual in any time of the year, and in general in the world around you.
So that you develop your creative abilities, strive to write down your observations and thoughts.

Dear friends! We are opening a new competition on the “Native Path” - Autumn-themed children's craft competition! We invite you to our friendly circle of creativity lovers with children to exchange ideas for autumn children's creativity with each other at the competition :)

Autumn-themed children's craft competition "Autumn Workshop"

Prizes for the children's crafts competition "Autumn Workshop"

Prizes for winners

- wonderful children's books publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" - our permanent sponsor! — toys from the magazine "Games and Toys: a magazine for those who care about what children play." The winners will be selected by random computer selection (a video of how this happens will be posted on the “Native Path” website to confirm the fairness of the choice).

Prizes for all competition participants

All participants of the “Autumn Workshop” competition will receive: - A book of New Year's master classes for readers of "Native Path" (in pdf format) - A certificate of participation in the competition.

Who can participate in the competition

Anyone who wishes can take part in the competition. - teachers with their students (educators, leaders of children's clubs), - parents (mothers and fathers, grandparents, great-grandparents) with children, - nannies and their students who made a craft together, - librarians and museum teachers leading creative activities with children or family groups. Let's make autumn creative and interesting! So that even the cold and rain outside the window do not prevent us from enjoying life!

How to submit work for a competition

Send your work by email to Asya Vladimirovna Valasina, the author of the “Native Path” website - valasina@site until November 4, 2015 inclusive.

What works are accepted for our competition?

and how to correctly format the description of your craft

- IN subject of the letter write: for the autumn competition. — Crafts made by in any technique.

The topic of the work should be related to autumn: autumn nature, vegetables and fruits, crafts from leaves, cones, natural materials. autumn rowan, rain mobiles, autumn weather calendar and any others.

- The work must be uncompressed photo of your craft (drawing, autumn souvenir, etc.) in finished form. If you are a teacher and made a craft with a group of children, then you can attach several photographs of the work of different children (indicate the name and age of the child for each craft).

— In the text you need describe how you can make such a craft - the description should be clear , so that other readers of “Native Path” can make a similar autumn craft with their child. The description can be quite brief or more detailed. If you need to explain something, you can take intermediate photographs of the stages of the craft. The main criterion is that your readers can also do this with their children!

If the craft is complex, then a detailed step-by-step description of its production is desirable.

Crafts without a description of how they were made will not be accepted for the competition.

Eif you made a craft based on any book or magazine -indicate the source (author, book title, publisher),

— Don’t forget to indicate: this is important for issuing a competition participant certificate —

a) Your last name, first name, patronymic, b) Place of residence - city, town, village (country), c) Age of your child or children of the group with which you work, d) For teachers - the name of the educational institution in which you work .

Crafts do not have to be original — You can use traditional ideas too. After all, the main thing is to engage in creativity with children, to find time, desire, and inspiration for this! This is the main goal of the competition! And we are always ready to support and encourage those who do this!

All competition works are checked for plagiarism by a special program — You cannot take other people’s photographs and pass them off as your own. Such works are not accepted for our competitions. We always have fair competitions!

Where will your ideas be published?

In a separate article on “Native Path” indicating all your data as the author of the craft. If you wish, it can be published anonymously only with your name indicated. Then just notify us about this in a letter.

Look at the works from last year's winter competition - how they were published:. Thanks to all those who took part in the competition last time!

Prizes from the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber"

Prize No. 1 - a book for creativity “How to arrange a nursery”

A very useful book for everyone who loves to craft, loves the comfort of home and wants to bring a piece of their imagination, love and soul into their home. In the book you will find 30 master classes on organizing space in a children's room and decorating it. All master classes are combined into sections:

— We play in the nursery: rugs, houses, screens, tents,

Storage in the nursery: storage of children's drawings, baskets and bags, pockets, garage for cars,

Decorative elements: curtains, pillows, height meter, limiter, flags, mobiles.

All master classes are step-by-step and very clear, two sheets with patterns are given.

The book is suitable for both beginners in needlework and experienced craftsmen. I am sure that you will really like the book and will be useful, it will give you new ideas and an impetus for creativity!

Prize No. 2 - “The Big Book of Nature”

This is a large book for children with colorful illustrations.

The authors of the book are experts in the field of children's book publishing and nature topics. Nicola Davies is an award-winning zoologist and the author of numerous children's books. Mark Herld is a talented illustrator and artist who specifically studied the art of illustration for natural science publications.

The book is filled with love for nature, plants and animals. It contains many poems for children - short and interesting for kids. It allows us – adults – to look at the world through the eyes of a child.

The book is large format and well printed. And it will be a wonderful gift for a baby! And also an excellent tool for book corners of a kindergarten or children's center, children's libraries.

Prizes No. 3 and No. 4. Coloring pages and posters “Zoo” and “City”

"Fun Zoo" and "City"- These are poster size coloring pages. This coloring book can be painted by one child, or with friends, or in a kindergarten group, or at a children’s party with guests. And the finished coloring book will decorate the children's room! You can play with the finished coloring book, you can turn it into a game - a walker, or use it as a marker of the play space in children's games. You can look at the elements of the coloring book and introduce your child to the world around him - all the different types of equipment that are not on the “City” poster. Interesting for boys! And at the zoo you can get acquainted with a wide variety of animal species. You can color not only with pencils, but also with felt-tip pens and even paints, since the poster paper is durable.

Poster size 76×56 cm

Prizes from the magazine “Games and Toys”

If you don’t know the magazine “Games and Toys,” with which we have been friends for a long time, then get to know it here: . On this page of “Native Path” you can always download for free any issue of the magazine “Games and Toys”, “Games and Toys. Expert". The magazine is allowed to be downloaded and shared with friends and acquaintances! Three prizes - three laces for children different levels of complexity from the editors of the magazine “Games and Toys”: - lacing - handbag, - lacing - house, - lacing - parrot.

See you again on the “Native Path”!

Catalog of already published works of the autumn children's crafts competition "Autumn Workshop -2015"

Autumn crafts with mom, crafts for school, crafts for kindergarten:

Application “Autumn Trees”: Svetlana Nikolaevna Matvienko, primary school teacher, KSU “Comprehensive school No. 6 of the city of Saran”, 2nd “G” grade. Kazakhstan, Karaganda region

Autumn volumetric applique “Hedgehog”: children from the 3rd grade of the KSU "Comprehensive school No. 6 of the akimat" of Saran (Kazakhstan, Karaganda region), teacher - Olga Alekseevna Zykova and Svetlana Nikolaevna Matveenko, primary school teacher, KSU "Comprehensive school No. 6 of the city of Saran", 2 " G" class. Kazakhstan, Karaganda region

Application “Autumn” made of colored paper with a hologram effect: Herzen Ivanna. Ivanna is 4 years old, she is a student of the Municipal Budget Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 6” of Preschool No. 11 “Fairy Tale” (teacher - Antonina Petrovna Ivanchenko). Valeria Herzen, mother of little Ivanna, sent an application to our children's crafts competition “Autumn Workshop”.

Application “Mushroom picker”: Marina Igorevna Larina and her daughter Vika (5 years old). They live in the city of Kungur, Perm Territory.

Application "Mushrooms"— for the little ones: three-year-old Matvey Varfolomeev (3 years old). His application was sent to our competition of children's crafts by his mother Galina Petrovna Varfolomeeva (Moscow).

Autumn ornament using applique technique: teachers Evelina Nikolaevna Sterzhakova and Irina Viktorovna Larecheva together with children 5-6 years old (GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird”, kindergarten No. 215, Moscow). Curator of software and PDO studio "Sunny Bunnies": Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna.

— Vera Khiglod, technology teacher, head of the children's art circle.

— Ilyushina Natalya Vasilievna (Saratov, MDOU kindergarten No. 196 of compensatory type, teacher of the 1st category).

— Anastasia Iosifovna Kalinkova from St. Petersburg, and her son Jaromir (3 years old).

23. Butenina Maria and her daughter Butenina Daria (2B grade MBOU secondary school No. 15) from Yoshkar-Ola (Republic of Mari El).

24. Brusyantseva Irina Vladimirovna and daughter Margarita (3 years old), Orenburg.

25. We make panels together with the children. Ilyushina Natalya Vasilievna (Saratov), ​​teacher of the senior group of MDOU kindergarten No. 196 of compensatory type/

26. Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna from Moscow, additional education teacher from GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird” DP kindergarten No. 215 (PDO and PO Fine Arts studio “Sunny Bunnies”).

27. Tsvetkova Natalia Chavdarovna (Cherepovets, Vologda region) and her pupils 7-9 years old from the association “The World Around Us” MBOU DOD “Palace of Children and Youth Creativity named after A.A. Alekseeva."

28. Ruzaeva Yulia Romanovna (St. Petersburg) together with her daughter (2 years 8 months).

29. Lebedeva Elena Nikolaevna, additional education teacher and teacher-organizer (Moscow GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird” DP kindergarten No. 215 and No. 179).

thirty. . Petushkova Lyubov Anatolyevna - teacher of secondary group No. 11 “Stargazers” from the city of Yugorsk, Tyumen region (MBOU secondary school No. 5).

31. preschool and primary school age from participants in the “Autumn Children's Crafts Workshop” competition.

32. . Vasilyeva Anna Aleksandrovna and Vasilyeva Zhenya (6 years old) from Petrozavodsk.

33. . Parastaeva Daria, 11 years old (Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak district, Bolshoy Kuganak village). Head: additional education teacher Maria Viktorovna Spevak.
Publication of competition master classes continues!

Prize-winners of the competition "Autumn Workshop - 2015"

Prizes from the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber go to: The book “How to arrange a nursery” receives Anna Shikhareva and daughter Sofia (5 years old) The book "The Big Book of Nature"- Educator - Liliya Rustemovna Samigullina and Rodion Aleksandrovich Izmailov (3 years old) MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of a combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan Coloring book - poster "Zoo"- received by Davletberdina Malik (5 years old) and Khabibullina Liliya Rustemovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of a combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan Coloring book - poster "City"— this prize goes to Yulia Terekhina, 5 years old, teacher Elena Anatolyevna Rim, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow “School No. 166” Structural Unit No. 7 Prizes from the magazine “Games and Toys” go to: Lace "Handbag"— Marina Osolikhina and her children Georgy, 5 years and 10 months, and German, 3 years and 11 months Lacing "Parrot"— Furzikova Marina Vladimirovna and son Daniil, 2 years 6 months, Yoshkar-Ola Lacing "House"— Kolokolova Nelly (7 years old0 with mother Kolokolova Olga (Kaluga region, Kaluga)

The winners were selected by random selection of numbers by a computer using the service, so that everyone has an equal chance of winning a prize! Here's how it happened:


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Lesson objectives:

  • develop children's creative imagination and abilities;
  • to introduce schoolchildren to the beauty in art and life.


  • Reproductions from paintings by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, I. Grabar “Rowan”.
  • Audio recording of music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song", "September" "Hunting".
  • Poems about autumn by I.A. Bunin, A. Yashin, E. Mezhelaitis, D. Kedrin, A. Dementiev, N. Zvereva, printed on separate pieces of paper for each student.
  • Auction Tokens

The lesson takes place in a classroom decorated with reproductions of paintings by Russian artists about autumn, bouquets of autumn leaves and rowan branches on the tables. The desks are arranged in a circle or form one large table around which the participants are seated. On the table are bouquets of autumn leaves and rowan branches. The duration of the lesson is 2 hours.

Progress of the lesson

Today our meeting in the poetry workshop is dedicated to autumn.

What does autumn mean to you? How do you imagine her?

When we talk about autumn, many poetic lines about it immediately come to mind. Remember the poems you know about autumn, name their authors.

I. Autumn poetry auction (For each quoted fragment with At the author's direction, the student receives a token. At the end of the token auction, the winner who knows the most poems about autumn is revealed)

II. Analytical conversation

(The conversation is accompanied by expressive reading of poems and filling out the table “Autumn in the poems of different poets.” The texts of the poems are printed in advance on separate pieces of paper for each student. The table is filled out as the lesson progresses and contains the following columns: author, title of the poem, theme, idea, visual means - epithets, comparisons, personifications.)

You see, guys, each of you has your own autumn, and every poet, artist, musician also describes autumn in his own way. Let's see how they do it and learn the skill.

What word seemed unexpected? (Crystal, radiant)

What picture does the phrase “crystal day” paint? What does "crystal" mean?

How do you understand the word “radiant”?

(pinkish, shiny, golden, i.e. the word “radiant” conveys all the reflections of dawn)

From Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin we read:

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.

- How do you understand the word "crimson"? (red, rich, burgundy, crimson)

What about the word "gold"? ( bright yellow)

It is no coincidence that the poet chooses these particular epithets. “Crimson” and “gold” are the colors of the royal festive clothes, they not only accurately convey the color scheme of autumn, but also create an upbeat, solemn, festive mood. The same colors are present in I. Bunin’s poem “Falling Leaves”:

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, that window:
- What mood does the author create?
- How would a musician define it? (major)

- How did Bunin manage to convey the festiveness of the autumn forest? Which lines strike you as particularly successful and why? (Epithets: purple forest, golden, crimson. Comparisons: “a forest, like a painted tower”, “gaps in the sky, like a window”)

Which paintings depict the same golden autumn with forests - painted towers? ( in the paintings of I. Grabar “Rowanka”, I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”)

What feeling do these pictures evoke? (joyful, cheerful, major)

How did the artists manage to convey them? (using colors: warm yellows, invigorating reds)

- Now try to describe I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn” in verse or in a lyrical miniature.

III. Children's work on lyrical miniatures.

After the children's work, a poem by E. Mezhelaitis is read:

The autumn fog itself creeps into verse,
And in this full autumn fog
The yellowed birch is sad
That her life will soon fade away.
And autumn comes to me in verse itself,
The birches stand in heavy gold.
Around them there are streams of swollen border:
And now the letters are splashing with yellow paint.
This world itself asks to be included in my verse.
A world full of sun, air, beautiful
Autumn groves, golden trees,
Poetry, not powerless colors.

How did the author of the poem manage to show the grace of Levitan’s autumn landscapes with the help of figurative language? ( Epithets: stream - swollen, groves - autumn, beautiful; personification: birches are standing, sad, fog is creeping in, life will fade)

But listen to how the poet Alexander Yashin saw autumn:

Autumn beauty came out into the forests,
Do the townspeople see this?
The fox is spinning around his feet,
Orcas are dancing overhead.
An outfit made of gilded leaves,
There are frills and stitches on the sundress,
Red maples - embroidered cloth,
Bunches of rowan berries are earrings in the ears.
A beauty walks in a birch forest
In yellow boots the road is soft!

Only a real poet is capable of not only seeing, but also creating, with the help of seemingly ordinary words, such a bright, memorable artistic image . How did the author achieve this?(The author uses personification: “autumn is out”, “the fox is spinning” (autumn);

  • comparisons: “red maples - embroidered cloth”, “bunches of rowan berries - earrings”;
  • epithets: “autumn beauty”, “in yellow boots”. Alexander Yashin admires autumn.

- And what mood does the music of P.I. convey? Tchaikovsky? (Sounds from "The Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky "September" No. 9 "Hunting")

The music is energetic, elastic, full of movement. P.I. Tchaikovsky prefaced this miniature with an epigraph from Pushkin’s poem “Count Nulin”:

It's time, it's time! The horns are blowing;
Hounds in hunting gear
Than the light is already sitting on horses,
Greyhounds jump in packs.

So, the music is cheerful, major key, joyful, echoes the paintings of Levitan, Grabar, poems by Yashin, Bunin. And at the same time, each artist has his own means of creating an image, unique and original. Thanks to them, we were able to create a “portrait” of autumn in our imagination. But there are other autumns, for example, such as in this music by P.I. Tchaikovsky ( Sounds like "Autumn Song")

What mood does this piece of music convey?

(A mood of hidden but passionate sadness permeates this music. The descending, as if drooping melody conveys a sad state of mind caused by sad pictures of fading nature.)

It is no coincidence that “Autumn Song” is preceded by lines from a poem by A. Tolstoy:

Autumn, our whole poor garden is crumbling,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind.

Dmitry Kedrin’s poem also sounds consonant with the composer’s melody:

Birds fly overseas
The harvest time has passed,
On cold gray marble
The leaves are yellow.
The sun hid behind the chintz
curtain of heaven,
Black and brown fox
The forest lay beneath the mountain.
Along an airy thin ladder
Sank and hung
Above the window - a messenger of bad weather -
Spider parachutist.
That night on the hewn roofs,
The trumpets start up songs,
The spirits of autumn will scratch,
The fingers of rain will patter.

What thoughts does this poem evoke and why? ( Sad thoughts are born after reading this poem, because autumn bad weather is approaching)

What expressive means of language help create the mood and present the images of the poem? (Expressive epithets, comparison, metaphor)

So, today we turned to the poems of A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, I. Bunin, A. Yashin, D. Kedrin, listened to music, saw paintings dedicated to autumn. Poets talk about one subject, about autumn, that is, the theme is one - autumn.

What thoughts does autumn evoke, what is the idea of ​​the poem? Bunin admires the beauty of the festive autumn forest. Yashin admires the beauty in autumn. Kedrin is sad because autumn weather is approaching.

Mezhelaitis admires Levitan's autumn landscapes. And in order to express their thoughts about autumn, each author chooses his own visual means. So, even when depicting the same image, a real poet will use his own paths, and not hackneyed stencils. And you, when writing poetry, proceed from personal observations and impressions, look for your own visual means.

I invite you to a creative workshop, where each of you will try to become a poet and write your own poem about autumn, which will not be like any other.

Work in a creative workshop

1. To begin with, I suggest you write a syncwine on the theme “Autumn”. I remind you that

  • cinquain is a five-line verse where
  • first line - title (one noun)
  • second line - definition (two adjectives)
  • third line - action (three verbs),
  • fourth - a four-word phrase on the theme of syncwine and, finally,
  • fifth line - Conclusion (one noun).

For example:


  • Generous, hospitable (Sad, sad)
  • Treats, gives, dresses up (Sad, frowns, cries)
  • An autumn day feeds the year (In autumn leaves and flowers die)
  • Nurse (Farewell)

Look how different your autumn turned out. She is a hospitable hostess, an elegant dandy, a widow, an artist, and a sorceress. For a poet, like an artist, it is important, first of all, to draw an image that you can not only see, but also hear its sounds and smells. The poet Viktor Goncharov advised:

Autumn has its own sounds
In autumn my heart
Also exposed
Like these trees
It shrinks into a chilly,
Lonely lump.
It listens
And his dreams are inseparable
From memories
And from all this
Sounds are formed.
Your own sounds.
And words and experiences -
Ours too.

2. Work on creating miniatures “Colors of Autumn”, “Sounds of Autumn”, “Smells of Autumn”

We have already seen the colors of autumn, let's now collect the sounds of autumn and its smells. Your own memories, experiences, and associations will help you with this. ( This task can be completed individually, in groups or collectively. As a result of the work, entries appear in the notebooks and on the board in the columns of the table: Colors of autumn. /Sounds of autumn. / Smells of autumn.)

Now let's try to write thumbnails on these

topics using the words and expressions you choose.

3. Reading and discussion of works

Well, guys, you have seen for yourself that the most interesting works are those that come from personal observations and experiences. They are distinguished by originality, unexpectedness of comparisons and metaphors. And behind each miniature you can see the author with his own view of the world, of the surrounding nature. These are lyrics, but they are not poetry yet.

What does it take to write a poem? Well, of course, rhyme and poetic meter!

4. Work on rhyme. Essay by Burime.

And what rhymes can be chosen for “autumn” words?

(autumn - ask, ask, wear, eight:

leaf fall - garden, glad, harmony, discord, looking, flying, buzzing, treasure :)

Now, using the suggested rhymes, try to compose a burime:

In working on a poem, in addition to poetic thought, a very important place belongs to the exact selection of words and rhymes. This work sometimes requires a lot of effort and time. In addition, creativity requires inspiration. Therefore, I suggest that you work on the poem at home and for the next lesson, I hope we will hear your new wonderful poems.