The best attractions of Peru with photos and descriptions. Legendary sights of Peru.

Peru is one of the most mysterious states on the planet, keeping the secrets of ancient civilizations. Vintage stone cities, covered in legends of powerful empires, have surprisingly powerful energy. Plus, Peru is incredible exotic country with fantastically beautiful landscapes. Even the most experienced travelers will be delighted by such attractions of Peru as the landscapes of the Amazonian jungle, hot desert, endless ocean, deep canyons and mountain peaks lost in the clouds.

Amazon is the most big river in a world that crosses the South American continent from west to east and where the rainforest extends for huge surface. Together with its many tributaries, the Amazon drains a land area roughly equal to Australia, and is deep enough to sea ​​ships crossed it to Iquitos. The river crosses 5 countries: Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador. The Nazca Plateau extends between Nazca and Palpa, covering an area of ​​about 500 km² in Jumana.

Arequipa, the second largest city in Peru, also called the White City due to its white coloring, is located in the south of the country, near the El Misti volcano. The Chachani and Pichupichu volcanoes are also nearby. Once inhabited by the Collaguas population, the area presents a real tourist attraction: beautiful landscapes, thermal waters, volcanoes, natural relics, numerous colonial buildings, churches, monasteries, historical remains. Main tourist attractions in Arequipa: Cathedral, Santa Catalina Monastery, Goyeneche Palace, Casa del Moral, Church of Jesus, Yanahuara district famous for its sillar buildings. view holidays in Arequipa.

Our acquaintance with the amazing sights of Peru will begin with one of the most mysterious places on earth - legendary ancient city Machu Picchu. Its history began in the middle of the 15th century, during the heyday of the great Inca civilization. The majestic citadel was built in the mountains at an altitude of more than two kilometers above sea level. The grandiose complex, organically integrated into the mountain landscape, includes about 200 buildings built from well-polished stone slabs tightly fitted to each other. It still remains a mystery how the Incas managed to build this architectural masterpiece in a remote mountainous area without the use of any fastening mixtures or construction devices.

Located in the southern part of the country at an altitude of 300 m, the Peruvian city is the capital of the province of Cusco and the former capital of the Inca Empire. Situated in the highlands of the Andi Cordilleri mountains at an altitude of 810 m, Lake Titicaca is the most... big lake in South America and the lake embankment on the very high altitude. Approximately 27 rivers, rainwater and melting snow on the mountain slopes, Titicaca communicates with Lake Puopo through the Desaguadero River. The lake and its surroundings have been declared National Nature Reserves. Navigation on the lake is carried out using traditional canoes and small motor boats.

Machu Picchu was most likely the residence of the supreme ruler of the Incas, as well as a sanctuary city where ceremonies and ritual ceremonies. The most revered places of the ancient city were the Sacred Square, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Three Windows and the sacred stone of Intihuatan, to which the priests “tied the sun” at the solstice. Relatives of the supreme ruler and nobles lived in palaces, and modest two-story houses were built for ordinary residents. On multi-level terraces, peasants grew cereals, vegetables, fruits and medicinal herbs.

The Uros Islands on Lake Titicaca are home to one of the world's oldest civilizations, preserving countless traditions. 44 floating islands are built from jagged reeds, the life of the island is 30 years. Taquil Island, located on the Peruvian lake of Lake Titicaca, offers wonderful views of the lake if you venture up the 600 steps to the high point islands. see the holidays in Lake Titicaca. The system is directed from north to south and has many branches. The architecture of the Peruvian metropolis is characterized by a combination of styles, beautiful illustration various trends in historical periods cities.

The holy city existed for about a hundred years, until the Spanish conquistadors destroyed the powerful Inca empire. The conquerors never found the way to Machu Picchu, hidden deep in the jungle, but the local residents mysteriously disappeared from the city forever. Mysterious architectural complex Machu Picchu has remained intact and unharmed for more than five centuries and is rightfully included in the list.

The area also has important hydroelectric power, which supplies electricity to the areas of Cusco, Puno and Apurimac. A small town surrounded by mountains, built on the banks of the Vilcanota River, which crosses the Urubamba Valley, is the closest area that serves as the access point to Machu Picchu. The city of Iquitos, the largest river port in the Amazon, is the capital of the Loreto region in the Mayan province of Peru. The area is located at the confluence of the Nanay and Itaya rivers, tributaries of the Amazon River. The town can only be reached by plane or boat, the only road in the area, on the road connecting it to Nauta.

2. Valley of the Pyramids of Tucume

The ancient city of Tucume in northern Peru is famous for its impressive pyramids, built from clay bricks in the 8th - 9th centuries AD. The Pyramids of Tucume were a kind of religious center and place of pilgrimage for the Lambayeque Indians, and today they are one of the best attractions in Peru. Here the dwellings of the rulers were located, ritual ceremonies were held and sacrifices were made. After the discovery of America by Columbus, the burials of noble nobles and military leaders, as well as many jewelry made of ceramics, silver and gold, were discovered here. A rich collection of these works of art is presented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The largest pyramid in the city of Tucume is Huaca Larga - its height can be compared to a modern 10-story building, and its length is as much as 700 meters. A visit to this iconic place in Peru will not leave even the most experienced tourists indifferent.

Iquitos is located approximately 125 km from the confluence of the Ucayali and Maranon tributaries of the Amazon. Puno is located 388 km from Cusco in the southeast of the country, between the shores of Lake Titicaca and the mountain range that guards the city. The city has many churches and buildings dating back to the colonial era and is also known as the people's capital of the country. see the holidays in Puno.

Some of its main attractions are: Sipan Museum, Tucuma Pyramid Valley Museum, Bruning Museum, Huaca Rajada Sites, Royal Tomb. see holidays in Chiclayo. Trujillo, located in the northwest of the country, is the second largest city in Peru and the capital of the province of La Liberdad.

3. Huascaran National Park

The real pride and most beautiful natural attraction of Peru is the huge Huascaran National Park, located on the territory of the Cordillera White mountain range in the Andes. Here you can enjoy the magnificence of Peru's highest mountain peaks, the beauty of glacial lakes and mountain rivers, as well as the diversity of animal and flora. The Huascaran Nature Reserve is home to the condor, the largest bird of prey on the planet, with a wingspan of more than three meters. The giant Puya Raymonda flower, which has the largest inflorescence in the world, also grows here. The inflorescence of this amazing plant, consisting of several thousand small flowers, resembles a huge candle and reaches a height of up to 13 meters.

The Urubamba River Valley is located between Pisac and Ollantaytambo. Throughout the valley you can see several fault sites, as well as terraces used for agricultural purposes by the Incas, but also parts of the Inca Trail. see the holidays in the Urubamba Valley.

Mancora, located in the north-west of Peru, on the Pacific Ocean, is a tourist resort and administrative seat of the area with same name in the province of Talara. During the heyday of civilization, Ollantaytambo was used as the residence of the current leader of Pachacuti.

The picturesque village of Monterrey is home to famous hot springs. You can experience their beneficial effects for yourself by swimming in a pool with warm healing water. Thanks to its unique natural objects and picturesque mountain landscapes, the Huascaran Nature Reserve is one of the most interesting places, which are definitely worth visiting in Peru.

During the Spanish colonization, Manco Inca Yupanqui turned the city into a fortress. El Misti Volcano is located in the south of the country near Arequipa. The 822-meter volcano is located between the Chachani Mountains and the Pichu Pichu volcano and has three concentric craters, in the upper part it is covered with snow.

The provincial capital of Kailoma, Chivay is located in the Colca River valley, which is one of the departure points for Condor Cross or for visiting the thermal baths, close to the city. Chivay is an area with intense tourism and commercial activity, and important obsidian deposits are located in the surrounding area. see holidays in Chivay.

4. Inca Trail

The Inca Trail leading to mystical city Machu Picchu is rightfully one of the most impressive tourist destinations in Peru and around the world. The most popular option for traveling along the sacred trail is a hiking trip lasting 4 days, during which time you need to cover about 40 kilometers. The legendary road runs through dense jungle, wild rivers and deep mountain gorges. On the way to Machu Picchu, you will encounter mysterious settlements of ancient Indians, amazing trees and tropical flowers, as well as unusual animals. Traveling along the Inca Trail provides an opportunity to plunge into the distant past and learn the secrets of a great ancient civilization.

The rock is 800 m above sea level and about 200 m from the river that runs through the Colca Canyon and is an excellent observation point dominating the surrounding area. see the holidays in the Cross of the Condor. Thanks to the rich diversity of the Amazonian flora, wildlife and water resources, the Pacaya Samiria Nature Reserve extends over 1,000 km², twice the size of Yellowstone Park. The reservation was named after Manuel Pacaya Samiria - the leader of the ethnic Kokama. The area has over 85 lakes, four forests, over 130 species of mammals, over 350 species of birds and about 150 species of reptiles.

Having thoroughly enjoyed mountain landscapes, we will continue our journey through the sights of Peru and go to the Paracas Nature Reserve - a huge salt desert washed by the Pacific Ocean. You can admire the beauty of the golden dunes and dunes during a jeep or buggy safari. On the slope of one of the sandy mountains is inscribed giant figure called Andean Candelabrum. This mystical geoglyph was created several centuries ago, and so far not a single natural element has been able to damage it. However, this is far from the only mystery of Paracas. The mysterious underground caves of the ancient Peruvian peoples and the mummies found in them have become a real sensation in the world of archeology.

Full of lakes, swamps and rivers, the reserve turns into a flooded forest during the monsoon season and is one of the most beautiful places you will ever visit. national reserve Paracas, located on the Paracas Peninsula, was created to protect the marine ecosystem, a subtropical desert area, cultural and historical heritage Precatative culture of Paracas and promotion rational use resources in the area. The Paracas culture developed over more than 8 centuries until 100 AD. see holidays in Paracas.

The desert itself is practically uninhabited, but the ocean coast is inhabited by rare animals and birds. Pelicans live here pink flamingos, dolphins and sea lions. An extraordinary combination hot desert and ocean waves, mysterious historical places, as well as the abundance of exotic animals, makes Paracas National Park one of the most interesting places in Peru.

The archaeological site of Chan Chan is living proof of the existence of one of the great pre-Columbian cultures, the Himu culture. Former capital is located approximately 5 km west of Trujillo. In this area there are remnants of a culture that predates the Chimu - the Moche culture. The area of ​​the settlement is estimated to be approximately 20 km², but the capital is estimated to be around 6 km². Research estimates the duration of these settlements to be between the 850s. The discovery of the site was attributed to conquistador Francisco Pizarro.

The former settlement was compiled in accordance with research, defense systems, temples, reservoirs, living quarters, burial chambers. For agricultural purposes, there was a network of canals that brought water from the Moche River, and for the city's water supply there was a system of fountains and reservoirs.

The largest alpine lake on the planet is located in the Andes, on the border of Peru and Bolivia. More than a hundred million years ago, this territory was part of an ancient ocean, then, under the influence of incredible natural forces, one of its sections rose to a height of about 4 kilometers from its previous level, forming the mountain lake Titicaca. This is how scientists explain that unusual fact that the lake is inhabited by sea and ocean fish.

Believed to be over a thousand years old, the archaeological site of Karal-Sup extends over 600 hectares in the Supe River valley. Situated approximately 200 km north of the capital Lima, the site is mainly formed by 18 main settlements. The site, attributed to the Norte Chico civilization, is well preserved and is notable for its architectural and urban complexity, including pyramidal structures, religious and civil buildings, and the remains of buildings intended for the elite of the time.

Research has revealed several successive stages of development. The modalities and structural systems are assessed to have influenced not only the Suceava region, but also much larger areas. Subsequent research also revealed the existence of geoglyphs similar to those found in the Kazma Valley in Sechin, more than 200 km to the north.

The ancient Indians considered Lake Titicaca sacred. They believed that from its waters came the first ruler of the Incas - the son of the Sun and the Moon. Numerous Inca shrines have been preserved on the islands of Lake Titicaca: the ancient city of Tiwanaku, the Fountain of Youth, the Chincan labyrinth, the Gate to the City of the Gods. One of the main mysteries in human history for many decades is the ancient city at the bottom of Lake Titicaca. Not long ago, fragments of ancient buildings, as well as stone sculptures and other interesting artifacts were discovered at the bottom of the sacred lake.

The chandelier is one of the most mysterious petroglyphs visible from the sea at a noticeable distance. Drawing drawn on coastline Bay of Pisco, has the appearance of a chandelier or candlestick, but it can also be compared to a trident. There is speculation that it was used as a landmark for navigators; similar drawing found in national park Cleveland in California, but the similarities between these two views are Science fiction. see holidays in Candelabra. Near Ica there is a desert zone attractive for its oases; The Ica region is the cradle of the pre-Columbian civilizations of Nazca and Paracas.

Fans of extreme sensations and breathtaking landscapes simply need to visit one of the deepest canyons in the world and incredible a nice place in Peru - Colca Canyon. It’s hard to even believe that its depth is 3,400 meters – almost twice as deep as the famous Grand Canyon in the USA. The magnificent mountain panorama that opens from the observation deck above the abyss of the canyon is truly breathtaking. Mountain villages and agricultural terraces nestled among mountain peaks and volcanoes look very picturesque. Here you can watch a truly breathtaking sight - a giant condor soaring above the gorge.

A short distance from Ica there is famous drawings Nazca - the invisible mysteries of humanity. Other attractions to go from Ica: Paracas National Reserve; El Candelabro; beaches: La Mina, Lagunillas and El Raspon; Sanctuary of the Melchorites.

Near Abra Fuyupatamarca Avenue, Vinaiweina is an impressive archaeological site consisting of three distinct areas: an area consisting of agricultural one-time terraces, an area dedicated to religious buildings and an urban area. Also of interest are measures to capture and store water: wells and retention basins. The area also has impressive views of the Urubamba Valley.

The legendary city of Chan Chan is located on the northern coast of Peru. In the 10th – 15th centuries it was the capital of the powerful Chimu Empire. Chan-Chan at one time was a real metropolis and the most big city throughout South America. Behind its impenetrable walls hide luxurious palace complexes, majestic temples, ritual sites, workshops, markets and residential areas. All buildings of the ancient city were built from unusual material– clay with the addition of straw. The walls of the buildings are decorated with numerous geometric patterns, as well as images of revered animals and mythical creatures.

This is exactly how the first trip to Peru with the group took place wonderful people with whom we spent unforgettable moments. It was so great that we thought we'd also do a tour this year that would cover all the "must see" things in Peru. Of course, after last year's experience we have also improved and optimized the scheme. Below you have a schedule of days.

Lima - Paracas - Nazca - Arequipa - Colca Canyon - Lake Titicaca - Cusco - Sacra Valley - Machu Picchu. Corridor Bucharest-Amsterdam - Lima. The flight from Bucharest is to La Lima, we will wait at the airport and transfer to the hotel. We're lucky to get there in the evening so we can rest before we start exploring the Peruvian realms.

Chan Chan was a very developed city, as evidenced by its unique water supply system and proper street layout. The wealth of the ancient capital is evidenced by the many found decorations made of ceramics, gold and silver. Worth your time Special attention magnificent religious buildings, including the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Rainbow, the Temple of Esmeralda and the Temple of the Moon - the main patroness of the Chimu Indians.

Tour of Lima - We'll start with historical center city ​​- Plaza Mayor. We will then visit Plaza San Martín, the site of the statue of the one who liberated Peru from Spanish rule, Argentine General José de San Martín. After lunch we will visit Archaeological Museum Larco Herrera, located in an old hacienda. The museum displays hundreds of pieces of ceramics, metal, precious stones and textures belonging to the Moche culture, and is one of the most interesting museums which we visited. Of course, we will also have a guide telling us the meaning of the items on display.

The amazing city of Ollantaytambo, located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, is a huge unique architectural monument Peru. This city is remarkable because people still live in it to this day. Close to houses local residents majestic stone palaces rise, temple complexes, ceremonial center, military fortifications and agricultural terraces. It's interesting that in modern city The water supply system organized by the Incas several centuries ago is still in operation. The incredibly picturesque and colorful city of Ollantaytambo is definitely worth a visit for every tourist.

The legendary Pisac fortress is a real architectural masterpiece of the Inca tribe. Ancient houses, defensive structures, temple buildings and multi-level terraces traditional for the Incas have been preserved here. Pisak is known for his astronomical observatory, where the high priests watched the movements of the sun and moon and calculated the best time for sowing and harvesting. In caves inside the rocks were discovered mysterious burials– mummies sitting in the fetal position. The ancient Indians believed that by taking this position, the human body was preparing to be born into a new life. This grandiose archaeological site of Peru is still fraught with many secrets, which will be interesting for every traveler to touch.

11. Nazca Desert Lines

One of the most mysterious places in Peru is the Nazca Desert, famous throughout the world for its giant lines and patterns. Made in ancient times, strange geoglyphs went unnoticed for a long time, because they can only be seen when flying over the desert on an airplane. The drawings, located over a huge area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, amaze with their diversity: here you can see perfectly straight parallel lines, schematic drawings, and geometrically accurate drawings. The most famous of them are images of a hummingbird, a monkey, a condor, a lizard, a spider and an astronaut.

Even after for long years Research remains a mystery to scientists who was the author of these works and for what purposes they served. It is also beyond explanation how it was possible to create perfectly accurate drawings without special geodetic instruments, without leaving a single trace next to the lines themselves. Many researchers seriously believe that the Nazca geoglyphs served as a guide for aliens. spaceships. However, most likely, the mystical drawings were created ancient civilization Nazca to communicate with the gods and astronomical observations, because some images are closely related to the location of the sun, moon and stars. One way or another, none of the versions has yet been conclusively proven, so the Nazca desert with its mysterious lines to this day remains one of the main mysteries of humanity.

Sights of Peru. The most important and interesting sights of the cities of Peru: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.


One of three largest countries South America, Peru attracts travelers from all over the world with its unique nature and interesting historical sites. Peru owes its lush, varied vegetation and abundant wildlife to three climatic zones: within one country you can go from endless desert to mountains, and then suddenly find yourself in the twilight of tropical forests.


Along the Pacific coast stretches the Costa Desert - a long and narrow line of sand separating the ocean from the Andes chain. An important attraction of Costa is the Paracas National Marine Reserve. In addition, considerable historical and cultural value represent the Nazca rock geoglyphs, which can only be seen from the air. In addition, monuments of ancient Indian civilizations dating back to the 10th-5th centuries have been preserved here to this day. BC e.:

  • Chan Chan is a city with an area of ​​28 square meters. km (i.e. 10 times larger than Moscow), built by the Chimu Indians long before the arrival of the Incas;
  • temples of the Moon and Sun of the Moche civilization - predecessors of the Chimu;
  • Valley of the Pyramids of Lambayeque, which has about 250 pyramids; Ancient burials are still found here.


Another region of Peru is the Sierra, which marked the beginning of the powerful Inca civilization. The capital of the Inca Empire is the city of Cusco, which lies in the Sacred Valley of the Incas near the Urubamba River. Cusco, whose name translates as “center of the earth,” is one of the oldest cities in the world and is filled with many attractions. At great heights, roads and foundations of buildings are carved into the rocks; even the stone slabs themselves used in the construction of the city are of great interest. The entire city is included in the List cultural heritage UNESCO. The city of Machu Picchu is another one ancient monument The Inca Empire, where even centuries later you can feel the breath everywhere ancient world. Ruins of temples and houses, salt deposits, ancient mechanisms - all these are echoes of a powerful and superbly developed civilization.

The Sierra is also famous for its natural attractions. In the snow-covered mountain peaks of the Andes, the world's second deepest canyon opened up - Colca Canyon. And next to the Bolivian border lies the largest Latin America Lake Titicaca, which is home to ocean inhabitants, including even sharks. The Incas considered the lake and its islands sacred.


Between the Sierra and Selva there is a huge reserve - the Manu National Park, which is home to an incredible number of different birds and animals.

Most of Peru's territory is occupied eastern region tropical jungle - Selvoy. This land is home to numerous Indian tribes with a unique culture and customs that are very attractive to an outside observer. The humid tropics provide habitat for a variety of plants, animals, birds and fish: here you can see a dolphin or an anaconda, experience a breathless river dawn or go on foot to the depths of the forests, which hide traces of the Indian tribes that once lived here.

Archaeological zones

There are two famous archaeological sites in Peru - Huaca Pucllana and Huaca Huallamarca. The first is located in the Miraflores area and occupies 5 hectares. Its main structure is built in the form of a truncated pyramid, 22 m high and as much as 500 m long. Courtyards and galleries huddle around the complex. There is also a unique restaurant serving Creole cuisine - sitting at a table, you can see the ruins of an ancient pyramid.

The Huaca Huallamarca complex occupies a smaller area, but also impresses with its pyramids with impressive ramps. In one of the pyramids there is a museum where various artifacts are collected. Some exhibits are more than 5 thousand years old. Archaeologists believe that Huaca Huallamarca hosted religious ceremonies that only members of the elite could attend.