The businessman wants giant naked male figures to return to St. Isaac's Square. "Red Banner" will be sold for the debts of its owner

After the exhibition “Space of Silence”, which took place at the factory in the summer, people started talking about “Red Banner”: they called it a response to “Winzavod”, for example.

In general, we would rather be a worthy answer to the Guggenheim Museum or the Pompidou Center: the Mendelssohn complex is capable of achieving world class standards. But the most important thing is that people learned about us. All summer, hundreds of visitors flocked here: both art lovers and gallery owners, who suddenly began to consider us competitors.

Now there are constant excursions around the factory: students studying Mendelssohn, curators from the Guggenheim Museum and the New York Museum come contemporary art.

The Red Banner complex has always attracted the attention of those who are partial to the history of architecture and culture in general. Some people became interested in the project because of our collaboration with the architect David Chipperfield. He once worked with the notorious Norman Foster, but their paths diverged. You see, David is not a commercial architect, which is why he treats the built environment with such care. I think he will have fonder memories than Foster. Others were interested in the idea of ​​doing something in this iconic place Cultural Center. So, specialists from the Guggenheim Foundation were here with a proposal to develop a development concept. I am pleased that even the Hermitage paid attention to us. Mikhail Borisovich Piotrovsky wrote a short letter that he would support any idea of ​​​​creating a center for contemporary art, I value this letter and keep it.

Piotrovsky is known for his cautious attitude towards all projects related to contemporary art.

Here, I think, everything is very simple. The factory is now in a rather dark and vulnerable state and requires a creative, respectful and serious approach. The concrete from which the building is built is not the most durable material; it gradually deteriorates. Besides, there is nothing that suggests itself here except for the center of contemporary art. It is possible, of course, following the ideas of some developers, to build a residential area, but it is unlikely that this idea would be supported by such a respected person as Mikhail Borisovich, and in general by the entire world community. The idea of ​​the center is dictated by the location: people will come here to see not only contemporary art, but also, not least, the famous “ship” of Mendelssohn, competently restored and adapted for new purposes.

How did it all start?

The territory has been owned for three years, the first year was spent completing all the paperwork, then another year was spent defending the factory in the courts. And on some fronts the confrontation still continues. Therefore, unfortunately, financial and other resources are flowing away; not everything has gone towards creation. But I don't regret anything. My attitude is philosophical: everything passes, and this will pass. One of the journalists wrote: “Burdinsky consciously took possession of this building.” You know, it wasn’t so easy to buy this building, then keep it, and now develop this whole story. We started with what we took from here great amount debris and patched the roof. Although the scope of work seems large-scale, this is precisely where the interest lies.

The government cannot issue some kind of carte blanche, given the overall noble intention?

I believe that the government is doing the right thing by taking a neutral position - we will deal with economic disputes in the courts ourselves.

It’s amazing: no matter what the developer, he has an inexplicable craving for art and his own museum.

This seems logical to me. People dedicated most life making money, it eventually becomes a routine. The brain begins to need something pleasant. Why not contemporary art? In addition, young wives appear and at the same time new hobbies. And contemporary art itself is also big business. When perestroika began in 1986, I got involved in real estate - then only the lazy did not engage in real estate, and I was not lazy. Now I have two adult children, and my granddaughter Amelina was recently born. Although I have great family, I am a wanderer through life, a nomad, probably thanks to the genes of my father, a Uyghur. It's such ancient people, known since the times of the Turkic Kaganate.

Are you planning to start collecting yourself?

I spend all my resources on the development of the territory. Maybe in the future, not because I have nothing to do, but for the sake of art, I will think about it, but now the factory is quite enough for me. Together with Russian specialists We are preparing a concept for the development of the Center for Contemporary Art so that the dialogue with the city can finally begin. We were told: first declare your intentions.

How long does the project need to start?

To begin with, I only need one thing – like-minded partners, it’s so simple and difficult at the same time. With partner investments, it would take a maximum of five years. Such a project cannot be carried out alone, otherwise you need to have access to an oil or gas pipe and constantly pump out a little from there. Moreover we're talking about not about gigantic investments: the estimates are not the most terrible. To create one hundred thousand meters of improvements, one hundred and fifty million dollars is enough, this is not so much.

Not the most Russian story - investing in long-term projects.

It depends on who lives why. Someone who exists for money is not interested.

What do you live for?

Now it turns out, in order to create a CSR. And then go away and do what you love – travel. Maybe someone thinks that I like to work, but Lately I realized that I also like to relax. When the project appeared, I realized that relaxation is communication with interesting people: Mikhail Shemyakin, Cy Twombly and talented young artists. It was as if I had moved into a different orbit.


Entrepreneur Igor Burdinsky wants to return the statues of the Dioscuri to the roof of the former German embassy on St. Isaac's Square, 11, which were thrown from there during the German pogrom in the first days of the 1914 war.

E This is not the first attempt to restore historical and architectural justice, but the previous ones were not crowned with success. And it’s not just about money: after all, the statues were destroyed at one time as a symbol of German militarism. However, one cannot help but admit that without them the building of the former embassy looks like a pedestal without a monument.

Igor Burdinsky, the former owner of the famous constructivist factory “Red Banner,” told City 812 that he was creating a special fund that would restore the most interesting lost city monuments. The fund is called “11”, based on the number of objects that are planned to be restored first. But they will not be limited to them. At the same time, in the first place are the Dioscuri, in the second, according to Burdinsky, is a sculptural group that disappeared during renovations about 10 years ago from the building of the Catherine Collection (corner of the Griboyedov Canal and Srednyaya Podyacheskaya). Now it is stored in unrestored form inside the building itself, which is occupied by various departments.

Dioscuri, twins Castor and Pollux from ancient myths- two giant nudes made in the “Teutonic style” male figures holding horses by the bridle - appeared on St. Isaac's Square simultaneously with the new building of the German embassy a year before the start of the war.

Construction according to the design of Peter Behrens was led by Mies van der Rohe, who later became perhaps the most famous German architect XX century. With its unusual appearance for St. Petersburg, the building embarrassed many contemporaries and was destroyed with great pleasure by the patriotic crowd as soon as the war began between Russia and Germany. The statues were thrown from the roof (according to some reports, the crowd even dragged them to the Moika River and threw them into the river). What happened to them afterwards is unknown.

By own initiative Igor Burdinsky created a 1:10 scale model of the lost statue. This, however, is not the first attempt to restore the twins - in the Office of the Ministry of Justice for St. Petersburg, which now occupies a building on St. Isaac's Square, there is a copy of the sculptural group.

Igor Burdinsky, entrepreneur

- What exactly will be the role of your foundation?
- Very often the idea is expressed to restore this or that monument, but no one knows how to implement it. In some cases, the departments on whose territory they were located even partially have the funds for this. For example, in front of the Obukhov Hospital, which now belongs to the Military Medical Academy, there was a bust of Catherine II, in front of the Academy of the General Staff, where now the Military University of Communications, there was a monument to the dead graduates of the academy. We will promote the implementation of such ideas.

- Why did you decide to start with the Dioscuri?
- The theme of the Dioscuri is the closest to me and my like-minded people, for the sake of it the foundation was created, and besides, it is tied to time. I would like to bring them back to 2018, the centenary of the end of the First World War. It would be good symbol, a gesture of goodwill - when somewhere in the world our monuments are broken, we restore them. We collected materials, created a 1:10 model on our own, now we need to convert it to 1:5, this will be a demonstration material.

- What kind of model is currently in the Department of the Ministry of Justice?
- I don’t know how long that model has existed, it was not created by us, but we learned about it at the stage of manufacturing the Dioscuri model, after we had studied the materials, which included exclusive photographic documents sent by our colleagues from German archives.

- Who do you need to negotiate with to get permission to install the sculpture?
- Needed good will The Ministry of Justice as the user of the building, naturally, KGIOP and the desire of the city government. The main thing now is to form public opinion about the significance of this project for our city. The issue of funding is important, but public opinion is more important.

- How much will it cost to create the Dioscuri?
- In 2008, one of the publications on this topic mentioned the figure of 170 million rubles. I think that now, despite inflation, we can meet the same amount.

Ksenia Cherepanova, press secretary of KGIOP:

The six-meter sculptural group existed on the building of the German Embassy for only a year - after the outbreak of the First World War, the embassy was attacked by a patriotic crowd. The topic of recreating the Dioscuri has already been raised within charity project“Gift Store for St. Petersburg”, which took place in 2005-2007, but no clear decision was made.

When a source of extra-budgetary funding appears, the question of the advisability of restoring the Behrens-Encke work in its original form should certainly be brought up for discussion by the professional community. It is also necessary to understand that such a decision will entail the need to examine the technical condition of the building. It may be necessary to carry out work to strengthen the structures.

What other lost objects does the 11 Foundation want to restore:

Department employees economic security and anti-corruption Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Central District of St. Petersburg are conducting searches in relation to former owner Factory "Red Banner" Igor Burdinsky.

Operational and investigative activities are taking place in three objects - Burdinsky's business partner Oksana Leksachenko, where he lives, the apartment of his other partner and in the office of the company Finance LLC on Belinsky Street, 9. This building is actually half owned by Burdinsky.

The actions of law enforcement officers are related to a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud in special large size), which was initiated by the Investigative Committee last November, reports As part of the case, a deal is being studied between Burdinsky and his acquaintance, a businessman, to guarantee the purchase and sale of one of the attics in apartment building merchants Gulin on Tchaikovsky Street, 61. For the guarantee, Burdinsky received more than 7 million rubles, however, according to the investigation, “... an unknown person, having no intention of fulfilling his obligations, that is, by deception, being at the address Belinsky Street, 9, received cash …".

In September 2016, the St. Petersburg City Court rejected the claim of two more St. Petersburg residents who tried to sue Burdinsky for 8 million rubles paid in 2013 for a similar attic in the same house of the Gulin merchants.

Burdinsky has been involved in a development project in the building on Tchaikovsky, 61, since 2005, when the project was agreed upon by the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture and the Committee on State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. According to the plan, the roof of the house with an area of ​​about 800 square meters. m had to be completely redone. The businessman also planned to convert the former Krasnoye Znamya factory on Krasnogo Kursanta Street into a hotel and art workshops for the 2018 FIFA World Cup

However, in 2014, personal bankruptcy procedures for Igor Burdinsky took place. According to the bailiffs, at the time of the seven-million dollar transaction on the attic on Tchaikovsky, the businessman owed 55 million rubles, and the Management Federal service bailiffs reports that today his debt is 260.6 million rubles.

In addition, the economic police of the Central District of St. Petersburg is checking the legality of Burdinsky's appointment to the post of general director of the restoration company "Corinth", which is currently engaged in large government contracts for the restoration of famous objects in Crimea. According to preliminary information, based on the results of the inspection, a criminal case may be initiated under Part 1 of Art. 170 of the Criminal Code (Falsification of a single state register legal entities, a register of securities holders or a depository accounting system).

The ex-owner of the Krasnoe Znamya factory was searched early in the morning - Saint Petersburg

The entrepreneur owed more than 260 million rubles. Photo: Ivan VISLOV The entrepreneur was woken up at eight in the morning. The former owner of the Krasnoe Znamya factory, Igor Burdinsky, and his partners are suspected of fraud in particular
12:34 21.12.2016 TVNZ

Police are conducting searches at the former owner of the Krasnoe Znamya factory, Igor Burdinsky.- Saint Petersburg

The actions of law enforcement officers are related to a criminal case of fraud on a particularly large scale.
11:35 21.12.2016 St.

Two police cars blocked off a section of the pocket on Partizan Germana Street.
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08.04.2019 Petersburg diary

Photo: Work process of restoration technologists // Photo: Corinth LLC December 7, 2016 10:19 / Society

The St. Petersburg company was robbed by order of a Crimean official

As part of the federal target program for the development of Crimea until 2020, more than a billion rubles have been allocated to restore order to unique architectural monuments. But the Committee for the Protection of the Heritage of the Peninsula does not intend to give this money to companies that honestly won competitions.

December 29, 2015 by the State Committee for Protection cultural heritage of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred to as the committee) contracts were concluded for emergency response, repair and restoration work for 16 architectural monuments by 1 billion 73 million rubles.

The St. Petersburg company Corinth LLC received six contracts, three - ArchStroyCompany LLC, and seven more - ATTA Group Corporation. Over the course of a year, they had to study the monuments, propose and agree on projects for emergency work, and carry them out.

Rock tomography

Employees of Corinth LLC said that the creation of design and estimate documentation for emergency work on six sites, including the fortress in Sudak, the Swallow's Nest palace and a 14th-century mosque, required a significant amount of effort and time from them. They rented a house in Simferopol where the seconded specialists were based. And the head of the Corinth construction department, Nikolai Sivozhelezov, settled there permanently.

With pride, the director of "Corinth" Igor Burdinsky talks about the work carried out at the "Swallow's Nest". Restorers examined the monument and did a tomography of the rock.

“Before us, restorers limited themselves to visual inspection,” explains Igor Burdinsky. “With the help of the subcontractor Geovist, we studied the inside of the rock and established that there is a large weak zone in it. We managed to defend before the scientific and methodological council of the committee the decision on the need for further research in order to develop best way strengthening the rock. Comprehensive work was also carried out on other objects.”

A fragment of the report of the Corinth company submitted to the State Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Crimea on the implementation of seismic studies of the Avrorina Rock rock massif, on which the Swallow's Nest palace is located.

By summer, the design and estimate documentation was ready. The committee agreed on the projects, after which the documents had to undergo an examination of the estimated cost. But it turned out that in Crimea there was no place to conduct a state examination of documents for restoration work, and only after a three-month leapfrog did the State Construction Expertise in Simferopol agree to do it.

While Corinth was waiting three months for the results of the examination to finally begin emergency work, thunder struck.

Step aside

On October 21, 2016, Corinth received from the committee a letter of unilateral refusal to perform and termination of the contract from October 10, dated September 30, 2016.

On the same day, October 21, the head of the Republic of Crimea issued a decree: new procurement will take place for all facilities where Corinth and ArchStroyCompany worked for nine months

A week later, the only supplier (the total amount of contracts for these two companies is 561.4 million rubles) became St. Petersburg LLC Meander. The contract specified the same work and the same amounts as in the contracts of previous contractors.

“We consider the termination of contracts to be unjustified, but the most important thing is that the result of the work of our team is unscrupulously denied,” says Igor Burdinsky. - In the contract with Meander, the deadline for completing the work is December 25, 2016. It is impossible to complete it in two months research work, which we did, create design and estimate documentation, go through the approval procedure required by law, and then carry out the work itself! At first we did not understand why Meander agreed to these impossible conditions, but then we came to the conclusion that their actions were planned with the participation of the committee."

“It’s obvious to the government customer”

The contract termination letter states: “As of September 30, 2016, the work under the contract has not been completed and it is obvious to the State Customer that the work will not be completed.”

Corinth, in turn, is confident that the delay is due to the committee’s failure to fulfill its duties - officials were unable to send documents for examination for three months. And the lack of SRO clearance - another accusation - does not interfere with the conduct project work. This permit is issued in a little more than a week.

Moreover, according to the Law “On the Contract System”, the customer is obliged to formalize a unilateral termination of the contract by decision, and the contractor has ten days to object or eliminate violations. Corinth was notified of the termination of the contract after the fact, without even specifying whether a legally required decision had been made that could be challenged in court.

Thus, “Corinth”, in principle, did not receive the opportunity provided by law to defend its rights

By order of Didenko

Arriving in Crimea, Burdinsky discovered that the house in Simferopol was no longer rented by Corinth - since September the tenant was Meander, and Nikolai Sivozhelezov also went to work for this company. Burdinsky was unable to get into the building to pick up his company's documents.

On November 8, the director of Corinth went to Gosstroyexpertiza to pick up the design and estimate documentation completed by his company. There they told him that no agreements had been concluded with the committee to study these documents, and therefore they could not issue the documentation. Burdinsky made his next attempt to collect the results of his work three days later. And I learned that the day before, November 10, all the documents were issued... to Sivozhelezov.

“How could they give our documents to a person who no longer works for us? - says the director of Corinth. “The Gosstroyekspertiza told me that they did this on the direct orders of the deputy chairman of the committee, Alexander Didenko.”

Object “Mosque and madrasah” (Mihrab). Architects-restorers of Korinth LLC take measurements of the object (to create measurement drawings)

Burdinsky ensured that Gosstroyekspertiza gave him a certificate, which, in his opinion, proves that local officials acted exclusively in the interests of Meander. It says in black and white: “11/10/2016, at the request of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Crimea and the Deputy State Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Crimea Didenko A.E., the design and estimate documentation of Corinth LLC and ArchStroyCompany LLC was transferred to the authorized person Sivozhelezov ON THE.".

That is, the deputy chairman of the committee, Didenko, ordered the release of documents belonging to “Corinth” to an employee of “Meander”. There were no agreements between the companies for the sale of documents. However, now “Meander” (if Sivozhelezov, of course, did not throw the result of many months of work into the ditch) has a package of documents necessary to begin work, for which no one is going to pay “Corinth” a penny.

Burdinsky believes that the papers were issued to Sivozhelezov in the interests of Meander, which, without them, would not be able to meet the deadlines established by the contract. He intends to apply for initiation of this fact criminal case.

Talent's sister

Novaya's request was registered in the committee's office, but no response was received within the period established by law. We were also unable to obtain any clarification on this matter from the committee.

In “Meander” “Novaya” answered extremely laconically. The company confirmed that Sivozhelezov works for them, but stated that they develop all design and estimate documentation for the facilities themselves. When asked what exactly allows Meander to count on meeting the contract deadlines, the answer was even more succinct: “Production capacity.”

Meanwhile, the committee admitted that it would not be possible to complete the work on time: “We will not use the funds allocated as part of the implementation of this program by the end of the year,” Didenko said in mid-November at a meeting of the State Council of Crimea.

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Oleg Kazurin explained that part of the emergency and restoration work at cultural heritage sites was postponed to 2017.

“Corinth” filed a lawsuit in Simferopol court challenging violations during procurement from a single supplier; next in line are lawsuits challenging the termination of contracts and compensation for damages.

Novaya will monitor developments.

Help "Novaya"

Cultural heritage objects, contracts for which were originally concluded with Corinth LLC:
1. Complex of the Surb-Khach monastery (XIV century) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Old Crimea.
2. Complex of buildings of the Sudak fortress (XIV-XV centuries) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Sudak, st. Genoese Fortress, no. 1.
3. Palace "Swallow's Nest" (1912) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Yalta urban district, town. Gaspra, Alupkinskoe highway, no. 9, lit. A.
4. The building of the officers' meeting of the 51st Lithuanian Infantry Regiment, 1910-1913. at the address: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, st. R. Luxemburg - K. Liebknecht (A. Nevsky St. - Dolgorukovskaya St.), 35-36, lit. A.
5. Complex of buildings of the Vorontsov Palace (1830-1846) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Alupka, Palace Highway, 18.
6. Mosque and madrasah (1314) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Old Crimea, lane. Chapaeva, 5.

Objects of cultural heritage, contracts for which were originally concluded with Archstroy Company LLC:
1. Estate of P. S. Pallas ( late XVIII century) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, ave. Vernadskogo, 2, lit. D, I, Z, K.
2. The house in which the writer A.P. Chekhov lived (1899-1904) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Yalta, st. Kirova, 112, lit. A, B.
3. Complex of buildings of the Livadia Palace (1910-1911) at the address: Republic of Crimea, Yalta urban district, town. Livadia, st. Baturina, 44a.

The fate of the property complex on the Petrograd side, which includes famous monument The architecture of "Mendelssohn's ship" is still being decided in court. The Privy Councilor spoke in detail about this story. And now the time has come to return again to the circumstances and persons involved in this case. Scattered plot lines are gradually forming into a picturesque picture, where the past and the present are incredibly intertwined.

Traces in time

Let us remember that the story began with how St. Petersburg businessman Igor Burdinsky acquired the property complex of the Krasnoe Znamya factory with the intention of reconstructing the former building of a thermal power plant (the famous “Mendelssohn ship”) into a center for contemporary art. But he doesn’t have time to work on the factory today. He is busy with lawsuits initiated against him by a former partner - a certain Mikhailichenko, who a couple of years ago participated in a deal where Burdinsky bought and ZAO NPO Ekros sold several real estate properties in Shkipersky Protoka.

The past of this company deserves special attention. It was formed in 1990 with the aim of “solving the problem of determining supertoxic substances of artificial origin in objects environment". The first stage of its formation occurred with the collapse of the St. Petersburg chemical giant - the Krasny Khimik plant. But from the beginning of the 90s, for obvious reasons, a large-scale collapse of the industry began, and Krasny Khimik fell into the sphere of interests of criminal groups. Until about the mid-90s In the 1990s, the chemical companies that emerged on the territory of the plant were under the control of the Malyshevites and Tambovites. It is not surprising that throughout the 90s, until 2003, several contract killings of directors and managers of chemical enterprises took place here.

But Ekros survived (how, one can only guess). In the spring of 2002, it was officially announced that the bankruptcy proceedings at Krasny Khimik ended with the acquisition of its production facilities by Ekros.

"Bars" holds the defense

Remembering the “shadows of the past”, it is impossible not to touch upon another “authoritative name” of the now deceased Konstantin Yakovlev (in the world - simply Kostya-Grave). The head of legal consultation office No. 24 on Millionnaya Street, Eremeev, together with Konstantin Yakovlev, once founded a company.

Information from Ruspres Information Agency: The company mentioned above is Veles LLC. In addition, Eremeev Valery Yuryevich established several commercial structures along with a number of other persons. In particular, his partner in Petor LLC was Begun Artem Aleksandrovich, whom the newspaper "Vokrug Novostey" called personal lawyer of Vladimir Baruskov (Kumarin).

Of course, there is nothing criminal about that. But business connections always oblige you to something... However, legal consultation No. 24, whose employees are involved in lawsuits against Igor Burdinsky, is interesting not only for this.

For the last seven years, the Bars motor transport enterprise has withstood the onslaught, in which the management sees a direct raider trail. "It actually works well against our company organized group", wrote the general director of Transport Company BARS LLC, Alexey Pronichev, in his latest statement to the Prosecutor General of Russia. In short, the essence of the conflict is as follows. The Bars company appeared as a result of the reorganization of ATP-34, which experienced a financial collapse in the 90s. On ATP-34 had significant debts that needed to be repaid somehow. Andrei Marinichev was appointed bankruptcy manager by decision of the arbitration court. His interests in the arbitration courts are represented by lawyer Nikolai Davydov. All these manipulations were carried out for the sake of one thing, the Barça management believes. seizure of real estate for their subsequent commercial sale.

All the same faces

However, the history of the ruin of this enterprise (some of the objects of which belong to the city!) is a separate topic for discussion. Let's stop for now at individual characters who played and continue to play the first games in this long-term conflict. One of them is Nikolai Davydov, already known to us. Over seven years of cooperation with his client, Davydov, apparently, became so imbued with the fate of ATP-34 that he began to perceive it as his personal problem. This conclusion can be drawn based on the track record of Mr. Davydov, who is listed as a bankruptcy creditor of OJSC ATP-34 (the Petrograd company, the founder of which is Davydov, has recently been included in the official register of creditors)! Isn’t it strange for a lawyer who represents the interests of someone who is “paying off the debts” of a bankrupt enterprise?

Over the years, the Bars company has sent more than 200 applications and complaints to various law enforcement agencies in St. Petersburg. In their opinion, this is more than enough for a serious prosecutorial response.

Legal time pressure! - Alexey Pronichev, director of Barca, gives his definition of the current situation. “We have accumulated volumes of information, but for some reason no one is showing interest in them.

Igor Burdinsky can still say the same thing. He has already won two cases against Mikhailichenko. But forged signatures on documents used by opponents in court have also not yet become the subject of a criminal investigation...