Save and save tattoo meaning on your hand. Men's tattoos on the body and their meaning: on the back, on the side and back of the neck, on the stomach, chest, side, ribs, face, groin, intimate places, collarbone, shoulder blade, lower back, spine, entire back. Sketches for men

Tattoo Save and Preserve accompanied the process of developing the art of tattooing. Not long ago she was depicted on the body of representatives criminal world And was considered an attribute exclusively of prison art. IN modern society this prejudice is incorrect: the Save and Preserve tattoo is gaining popularity among the civilian population; the meaning of the design in this case has nothing to do with imprisonment.

A tattoo of this type, like images of cathedrals and faces of saints, is often tattooed on the back and chest of men. The design can be placed on the arms and legs.

The reason for wearing a Save and Preserve tattoo can be not only a person’s religious view of the world. The owner does not have to be devout at all; such an inscription on the body can conceal a special meaning, hidden information about the bearer of the tattoo. Whatever the meaning of the tattoo, sketches this kind will attract not so much teenagers as serious and sensible people.

The Save and Preserve tattoo is different from a number of others. The drawing is associated with magical rituals and spells. Obviously, inscriptions of such content are condemned by the clergy. This attitude towards tattooing has persisted to this day.

As for the Orthodox Church, here rejection applies not only to a specific inscription, but also to all images impaled on the human body. Religion considers it unacceptable to put any drawings on the creation of the Almighty. According to the clergy, to recognize the faith and protect the soul, it is enough to wear the crucifix of Christ on the body, where the treasured inscription is also located.

As we can see, the Save and Preserve tattoo acquires meaning due to the beliefs of its owner. Applying an inscription to the body - responsible step, therefore requires prudence and soundness of mind.

Which ones are there? beautiful tattoos with an inscription on your hand? With translation, as well as without translation from a foreign language, there are many options, including popular phrases from Latin. Although it is now considered dead, it was once a universal instrument of communication spoken throughout Europe long ago.

Latin is alive

In fact, many people still use Latin today without even realizing it. Many words modern languages are derived from it. However, Latin cannot be so easily erased from human history. She has not been forgotten, at least by doctors and lawyers for sure. Popular latin tattoos on the arm (with and without translation), as well as on other parts of the body.

Tattoo with an inscription on the arm (with translation from Latin)

In addition to a wide variety of drawings, phrases in foreign language as a tattoo. Having decided to write a few beautiful foreign words on yourself, it will be useful to know how they are translated. Here is a list of some Latin phrases with interesting meanings.

  • Vestis Virum Reddit (clothes make the man).
  • Alis grave nil (nothing is hard for one who has wings).
  • Audax at fidelis (brave but faithful).
  • Auribus teneo lupum (holding the tiger by the tail, which means I am in danger, but will not give up if I come face to face with it).
  • Dum vita est, spes est (as long as there is life, there is hope).
  • Ex nihilo nihil fit (nothing comes from nothing).
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae (all men are artisans of their own happiness).
  • Felix culpa (a mistake or disaster committed that ultimately leads to a happy ending).
  • Luceat lux vestra (let your light shine).
  • Luctor et emergo (I fight and I win).
  • Nil desperandum (never despair).
  • Non ducor duco (I am not being led, I am leading).
  • Qui audet adipiscitur (he who dares wins).
  • Semper ad meliora (always to better things).
  • Sic itur ad astra (you must go to the stars, this is the path to immortality).
  • Temet nosce (know yourself).
  • Verba volant, scripta manent (what is said flies away, what is written remains).
  • Veritas lux mea (truthfulness is my light).
  • Vincit qui se vincit (he who conquers himself wins).
  • Veni, vidi, vici (came, saw, conquered).

Tattoo in the form of inscriptions

Fortunately, unlike the Hebrew tattoo and Arabic words and phrases latin sayings quite easily translatable. Many of them have beautiful and inspiring meanings. However, it is still worthwhile to carry out some research work, before injecting permanent ink under your skin. Sometimes it may happen that what is written does not reflect what was intended, but quite the opposite. In this case, externally beautiful inscriptions for a tattoo on the arm can mean far from pleasant or meaningless things.

Before getting a tattoo on your arm with or without translation, it is important not only to know the meaning of the words, but also to check that they are all written correctly. Your body is not a school notebook where making a mistake is not so scary.

Latin is a storehouse of wisdom

Quotes in Latin have been used many times in the past by many famous philosophers, kings, scientists. Our time is also no exception. Tattoos with an inscription on the arm (with translation into native language, as well as without it), back, neck and other parts of the body. This is a kind of trend, which, however, has deep meaning and shows the inner world of the owner of the ornate recording.

Popular quotes in Latin

Latin quotes are something like proverbs that become visible to everyone around, becoming tattoos on the body. Just a few words or whole sentences express what is in the heart and thoughts of the bearer. You can, of course, write a phrase in Russian, but Latin gives even the simplest statement a certain mysterious, mystical and ornate meaning. Especially popular place Shoulders and forearms are considered. For example, you can often find them inside an incomprehensible thin and mysterious inscription in Latin.

For a tattoo on your hand, you can choose an expression that fully corresponds to your way of thinking and positioning yourself in this world. As a rule, there are no restrictions regarding sizes. As for the content, you should choose with your heart. Suitable value a tattoo is an inscription that will correspond to your beliefs, and not contradict them. For example, it would be inappropriate for a diligent family man and father of five children to have something like “wine, women and rock and roll” stuffed all over his back.

There are no comrades for taste and color

When choosing a quote, you can, of course, use the preferences of celebrities, but a better option would be to listen to yourself, and not just copy other people's lines. There are universal tattoo options that are equally suitable for both men and women. But there are some expressions that are still more chosen by the stronger half of humanity. An example would be such tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men as:

  • Caesarem decet stantem mori (Caesar must die standing).
  • Cogitations poenam nemo patitur (there is no judge for thoughts).
  • Credo, quia verum (I believed because it was true).
  • Igni et ferro (fire and steel).
  • Alea jacta est (the die is cast).
  • Memento mori (think about death).
  • Natus ut primus sim (born to be first).
  • Ad astra (straight to the stars).
  • Ex oriente lux (the sun rises in the east).

How there are absolutely no two similar people, you don’t often see the same designs on the body. This is a strictly individual matter. Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for men are often more militant in nature than for girls, who choose more feminine and sensual phrases.

What kind of tattoo do girls choose?

What tattoos on the arm for girls (inscriptions on Latin) are the most popular and relevant? IN Lately there is enough high demand specifically on text images in the form of phrases or phrases, which are written mainly in cursive. As for the fair half of humanity, the choice is made in the direction of loving and sensual tattoos on the arm. For girls, the inscriptions can be:

  • Omnia vincit amor (love conquers all).
  • Oculis non manibus (you can look, but you cannot touch).
  • Varium et mutabile semper femina (a woman is always changeable and fickle).
  • Odero si potero si non invitus amabo (if it works out, I will hate, and if I can’t, then I will love against my will).
  • Est quaedam flere voluptas (there is pleasure in tears).
  • Ignoti nulla cupido (what they don’t know, they don’t want).
  • Omnia mutantur nihil interit (everything changes, nothing disappears).
  • Vivit sub pectore vulnus (a wound lives in the chest).
  • Qui sine peccato est (he who is not without sin).

A tattoo in the form of a quote, saying or expression is very popular in our days. People, who want to leave a noticeable ink mark on themselves can be completely different from each other, for example, a teenager trying to prove something to this world, a girl who wants to attract increased attention, an elderly retired rocker for whom another tattoo is just part of a huge collection,Hollywood star who wants to be rememberedfans on the one hand.

The same quotes can represent something different for each person and be perceived differently. Some tattoos can be a reminder of a memorable moment or a reflection life position. As a rule, this is done forever, so the phrase or drawing should be meaningful to you for at least ten years to come. Among the huge variety, you can choose the appropriate option according to your taste and state of mind.

Before you get a tattoo

If the final decision has been made to get a tattoo, then before this decisive step you need to take care of a few things.

Color. This can be a black and white tattoo, as well as a color one.

Font . It can be chosen to your taste, the main thing is that it is picky.

Design . These can be just words or combined with a suitable picture.

Language. One of the most popular options is Latin, but English, French, and Italian are no less popular among foreign languages.

Place. Everyone decides for themselves where to have a tattoo - in a visible place or where only trusted persons can see it. This can be a tattoo with an inscription on the arm (with or without translation), on the neck, stomach, back, legs. The least chosen place is the face, although for some it is not forbidden.

Tattooing is an application technique decorative pattern into the subcutaneous layer of the body with coloring pigments that are harmless to the human body.

A little history

The history of tattoos goes back several thousand years, and no one can reliably say where they first appeared. Some historians come to the conclusion that the first tattoos arose at the dawn of mankind and meant belonging to a clan, determined social status and had magical power. To this day, in some areas of India, the custom of applying a tattoo has remained to determine a person’s belonging to a particular caste.

In ancient times, it was not just a drawing - each image carried various types of information. Only after the first ones did sailors begin to apply tattoos on their bodies that were not associated with rituals and certain types of information. Having seen amulets tattoos on the aborigines, which were supposed to protect their owners from diseases and dangers that lurk during the hunt, the sailors began to tattoo themselves with Christian symbols.

The sailors depicted a crucifix on their backs; The "Save and Preserve" tattoo was supposed to help avoid which they were often subjected to in the navy.

Tattoos in Russia

It is believed that the art of tattooing in Russia appeared during the reign of Peter the Great, but this is not so. In ancient pagan Rus', body designs occupied a place in magical rituals and rituals. Later, Russian warriors and princes began to apply drawings; they carried information about exploits, nobility and status. After the advent of Christianity, the church rejected tattoos, which were a reminder of paganism and magical rituals.

Drawings with the inscription - tattoo "Save and Preserve" - ​​were among the first after the revival of the art of tattooing in the country. But even to this day, Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, have ambivalent attitudes towards the art of tattooing.

It must be said that some people choose the expression “Save and Preserve” for their body art. In this case, the tattoo inscription can be considered a tribute to magical rites and spells, which have always been condemned by the clergy. Orthodox Church explains his aversion not only to such inscriptions, but also to all other images on human body. The body created by our Lord and bought at a dear price should not be mutilated. The symbol of the Christian religion is the crucifix, and as a sign of fidelity to Christ it is enough to wear the inscription on the tattoo “Save and preserve” is inappropriate, since it is already on the cross.

Modern drawings on the body

In our country, only in the nineties of the last century did the tattoo industry begin to develop intensively; they immediately became fashionable among different segments of the population, especially among young people. And in last years Christian symbolism in drawings on the body came into fashion. Inscriptions have become popular of different nature. Tattoo "Save and Preserve" on different languages peoples of the world are replete with various parts the bodies of our youth. Such inscriptions are mainly applied to the forearms and wrists. Often there are images of a cross with the inscription “Save and Preserve” on the tattoo. Photos of all possible variants of this attribute, as a rule, are in an album with examples of the work of a particular master. Images with ornaments and sayings became especially popular. Another hobby of young people is drawing hieroglyphs, although few know what they mean.

It’s still worth thinking, before you become the owner of a tattoo, to weigh again whether you need it or not, to imagine how it will look on your aged skin after many years. And if you are sure, try to choose a tattoo that suits you, so that you don’t have to look for ways to get rid of it later.

Today, it is no longer surprising to see someone embossed on the shoulder, arm, leg, chest, back, etc. tattoo. “Save and save” is one of the most popular options. This inscription appears quite often. Masters have long been accustomed to this phrase.

The "Save and Preserve" tattoo can be located on different parts bodies. The main thing is to decide on the font and color.

Who gets the “Save and Preserve” tattoo?

Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to decorating their bodies with various designs. This art, according to some historians, for more than six thousand years.

Of course, today it is quite difficult to surprise anyone with a tattoo. They are often stuffed for teenagers too. Even parents stopped panicking when looking at these images.

“Save and Preserve” tattoos are most often tattooed by men. This inscription, of course, is not made for beauty or to attract attention. This tattoo speaks of inner world a person, about his feelings, about his attitude towards religion. This inscription is written by serious and reasonable people...

Religious images - what's the point?

“Save and Preserve” tattoos, just like cathedrals, crucifixes, angels, faces of saints and biblical characters, are most often applied to the back and chest. Although these images are found, albeit rarely, on the arms, shoulders, and legs.

The motivation for creating such tattoos can be different. It is not at all necessary for its owner to be a pious person. A tattoo may carry secret meaning, information about the owner of the drawing or hope in God's Judgment.

Think carefully

The only thing you shouldn’t forget is that this is not just an image. This drawing will last a lifetime. Therefore, before you get a “Save and Preserve” tattoo on your arm, back, chest or any other part of the body, think carefully about whether you are ready for this inscription to accompany you until the very end. Carefully weigh the pros and cons. Try to imagine how the tattoo will look on your skin many years from now.

Remember also that any drawings on the body, even such ones, are fiercely condemned by the clergy. The Orthodox Church opposes any images printed on the human body. Accordingly, think carefully before taking such a step.

Contact the professionals

And one more important factor. It is best to get a tattoo in a specialized salon. Professionals will definitely not let you down. That is, you decided to get a “Save and Preserve” tattoo. The photos examined in the catalogs that the master will hand you will clearly let you know whether this is what you want to see on your body.

This drawing is not limited to a certain framework. Each artist can add his own touches to this tattoo, his own style - unconventional, bold, independent, unlike anything else. Thus, this image can acquire various variations, be particularly original, and be a manifestation of the creative “I” of an individual professional.

Of course, a lot also depends on the personal preferences of customers. For example, a certain category of people chooses exclusively traditional tattoos. That is, the drawing can be made on any part of the body, but a minimum of colors is used, and there are no shadows on it.

Some tattoo lovers, on the contrary, love something unusual, non-standard. Perhaps it will be an original font or an ornamental border.

In any case, whichever option you choose, a tattoo will not only decorate your body if you want it. She will also point out your life principles, aspirations, positions, desires. Just remember that this is not just fashion. This is a pretty serious step.

The popularity of the “Save and Preserve” tattoo is growing every day in different segments of the population. But a person with such a pattern on his body still makes you think of him initially as a rather serious person. In short, this tattoo speaks volumes, so be one hundred percent confident in your decision before agreeing to this procedure.

Tattoos depicting cathedrals, crucifixes, angels, saints and biblical figures are most often applied to the chest and back. Less often - on the shoulders and legs.

The motivation for tattoos is different. Choice religious plot does not yet indicate the piety of the prisoner. It can carry a secret meaning, hope in the Judgment of God or information about the owner of the drawing (for example, the church testifies to the Catholic faith, the number of domes on the cathedral indicates the number of walkers or the received term of imprisonment, the numbers on the crosses can mean articles of the Criminal Code, etc. ).

Religious tattoos are often accompanied by anti-communist sayings or obscene expressions. The picture may be supplemented with the abbreviation “GOD” (was condemned by the state).

1. Improvisation on the theme of Raphael’s painting “ Sistine Madonna" "The Most High Intercessor before the Lord." Hope for forgiveness of sins. Another interpretation of the tattoo is “Child of Prison.” Apply to the chest.

2. The crucifix is ​​a symbol of the martyr. “God endured and commanded us.” Symbolizes humility and forgiveness. Place of tattooing: chest, shoulder.

3. Dove - tenderness, humility, love, hope (among all the biblical characters, doves are most often found on tattoos).

Religious tattoos are often accompanied by biblical aphorisms or popular sayings:

God is the judge of everyone.

God loves the one who does not sin, and the one who does not live does not sin.

God is not a fraer - he will forgive everything.

God, don’t forget me and place me in heaven.

God, punish my executioners and take me to your place.

God, save and preserve your servant...

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Virgin Mary, save and preserve...

Oh, God, for what?!

The ways of the Lord are mysterious - they are in darkness, but the world is great.

Save me, a sinner, from the order of this place.

What is not subject to God and the Roman Church must be put to death.

4. A flying lion with a Bible in its paws. Power and strength. Apply to the chest, less often - to the back.

5. Christian soul(dove) and participle (bunch of grapes). Found on the chest.

6. A soaring eagle clutching a Bible in its talons. Place of tattoo: chest. Symbolizes pride, freedom, justice.

Foreign sayings are also popular religious nature. They can be applied without a pattern and exist independently:

CUM DEO (lat.) - with God.

DER MENSCH, VERSUCHE DIE GOTTER NICHT (German) - man, do not tempt the Gods.

DIEU ET LIBERTE (French) - God and freedom.

DIEU ET MY DROIT (French) - God and my right

IN GOD WE TRUST (English) - in God we believe.

MEMENTO MORI (lat.) - remember death!

MEMENTO QUOD ES HOMO (lat.) - remember that you are human.

ME QUOQUE FATA REGUNT (lat.) - I also submit to fate.

MORTEM EFFUGERE NEMO POTEST (lat.) - no one can escape death.

QUI SINE PECCATO EST (lat.) - who is without sin.

SICITUR ASTRA (lat.) - this is how they go to the stars.

SILENTUM (lat.) - silence.

VIA SACRA (lat.) - Holy path.

7. Peacock with a loose tail. belief afterworld. "We will not die!" "For our freedom!" "We will win!". Apply to the shoulder or chest.

8. Mother of the Gnostics, sending grace. Found on the shoulder.

9. Snakes-tempter. Bible story about the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise. The composition can be complemented by an angel. Place of tattoo: chest.

10. Palm of the championship. "End crowns the work". “I came, I saw, I conquered.” Apply to the chest or shoulder. Symbolizes luck and victory.

11. All-seeing eye. “God sees everything!” “God is the judge of everyone.” “May God’s grace come upon the sinner.” The triangle refers to the trinity of God - the Father, the son and the holy spirit. Apply to the chest, shoulder, and less often on the hand.

An interesting fact: religious prisoners do not seek religious tattoos. Vyacheslav Ivankov, who grew up in a religious family, wore a cross around his neck for decades and created a temple in an Irkutsk prison (which, however, did not stop him from robbing his neighbor), did not like “godly” art. Jap himself had only two thief's stars under his collarbones and a barely noticeable pattern on his hand.

Religious tattoos are preferred not so much by religious criminals as by superstitious ones.

12. Hand of the Creator. “The ways of the Lord are mysterious - they are in darkness, but the world is great.” Place of tattoo: chest.

13. Angel reading a book. "Servant of God." It symbolizes submission to the Almighty and is applied to the chest or shoulder.

14. A palm branch is a symbol of victory. Found on the chest, shoulder, forearm.

15. Cathedral. Symbol of the Orthodox faith. "Holy Rus'". The owner of the tattoo sometimes puts an autobiographical meaning into it: the number of domes is the number of walkers in the zone. Apply to the chest or back.

16. Laurel wreath. Symbol of victory. "Reward to the winner." Apply to the chest or shoulder.

17. The Virgin Mary with Jesus. The tattoo can be supplemented with the text: “ Holy Mother of God Virgin Mary, save and preserve the sinful slave...” (the name of the owner of the tattoo is indicated below). Apply to the chest or back.

18. Biblical story about a dove that flew into time global flood to Noah with the “olive leaf.” The tattoo is applied to the chest or shoulder. Symbol of hope and salvation.

19. Church in the palm of your hand. There may be shackles on the hand, which indicates a long term of imprisonment. The number of domes means the number of sentences or the sentence received. The tattoo is applied to the shoulder, thigh, and less often - to the chest.