Shilov is a bad artist. Tell us why Shilov is a bad artist, and Bryullov is a good one? They look alike! The people in the picture are dressed ugly, strangely, incongruously

When I carefully wiped the last rolled up jar of currant jam with the amusingly straightforward name “Five Minutes” and turned it upside down, suddenly I was occupied with the question of universal injustice. Wrapping a blanket around a tasty killer for the waist, I thought: “That’s why, in order to prepare five-minute jam for the winter, you need to squirm under a spreading bush for two hours? And then another hour to separate each fragrant year from the branches? If only it were possible to pick berries just as quickly. Then such currant jam could be called “Five Minutes Squared”. “Yes, it’s unfair,” I summed up, rubbing my stiff lower back. But I made this quick currant jam, I make it, and I will make it. Here. So the recipes from my notebook are at your disposal!

Blackcurrant jam “Pyatiminutka” (simple recipe)

This is the easiest recipe for making five-minute jam from aromatic and healthy black currants. Stock up on berries, sterilize the jars and go! To conquer sweet, healthy preparations!

Required ingredients:

  • currant berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1/2 cup.


Sort the currant berries. Remove branches and rinse. Place in a colander and let them dry. Pour granulated sugar into an enamel bowl (basin or pan). Pour in clean water. Place on the burner and let the syrup boil. Gently add the berries to the syrup without splashing it. Let the future currant jam boil again. Keep the container on the fire for another 5 minutes. Remove from stove. Distribute hot currant jam “Pyatiminutka” into half-liter jars. The container for storing jam must be well sterilized. Roll up the lids washed with baking soda and boiled for 10 minutes.

Advice. To prevent the currants from losing their original appearance while preparing the five-minute jam, dip them in boiling water for a couple of minutes in advance. Drain in a colander. Use the berries when all the water has drained.

Blackcurrant jam-jelly “Pyatiminutka”

Especially for modest fans and ardent fans of delicate currant jelly in jars. You put a rosette with such jam on the table, and you don’t need any more decoration. Yes, and protect your fingers, spoons and tongues from uncontrolled licking and swallowing!

Ingredients for making jam:

  • currants – 12 glasses;
  • sugar – 15 glasses;
  • water – 1 glass.

How we will prepare five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter:

You cannot violate the proportions specified in the recipe. If you increase or decrease the amount of currants, then proportionally change the amount of granulated sugar and water. Sort the berries. Remove twigs and tails. Rinse and drain in a colander. Blend the currants into a homogeneous mass with a blender or food processor.

Transfer the resulting puree into a bowl for making jam. Pour water into the berries. Add half the sugar. Place the future currant jam-jelly on high heat. Wait for it to boil. Dim the fire. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Or just time it. Turn off the burner and add the remaining sand. Mix well until all the sugar grains have dissolved.

Pour hot blackcurrant jam-jelly “Five Minute” into jars. For convenience, use a ladle. Cover the container with the contents with paper (napkin or towel) and leave for an hour at room temperature. Seal the jars with a seaming machine. Five-minute currant jelly is ready to be sent for storage.

“Five Minute” currant jam (recipe for a slow cooker)

While picking currants, I thought it would be nice to “plow” my “multi-horse”. Involve, so to speak, in the preparation of currant jam. And then it stands, you know, idle, its chrome side glistening. No sooner said than done! Written results of making five-minute blackcurrant jam are in front of you.

List of products for quick currant jam:

  • black currants – 8 cups;
  • sugar – 10 glasses;
  • water – 2 glasses.

Detailed recipe for five-minute blackcurrant jam:

Sort the berries, removing all twigs and leaves. Rinse. Place clean berries in a bowl. Add sugar. Leave at room temperature until juice appears. This takes approximately 6 hours. Transfer the berries along with the juice into the multicooker bowl. Select the "Multi-cook" program. Temperature – 110-120 degrees. Time – 10 minutes. It will take approximately 5 minutes for the jam to boil. And 5 minutes directly to prepare the treat. Do not close the lid during cooking. Pour the prepared currant “Five Minute” into clean jars. Roll up and turn upside down until completely cool. And then put the jam in the cold for long-term storage until winter.

Redcurrant jam “Pyatiminutka”

A sweet and sour delicacy of transparent ruby ​​color... This five-minute jam simply has no place in a dusty cellar or dark pantry. But otherwise, the harvest simply will not have a chance to “survive” until winter. So get ready and try to forget about it. At least for a month or two.

Grocery list:

  • red currant berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.


Rinse the berries. Remove all debris. To get rid of water, drain the berries in a colander. Let it sit. At this time, start preparing the syrup. Mix sugar with water. Bring the syrup to a boil. Dip the berries into it. Let it boil again. From the moment of boiling, time it for 5 minutes. Turn off the fire.

Stir. Be careful if you want to preserve beautiful whole berries in syrup. Or intensively, if you plan to prepare five-minute currant jelly for the winter. You can even mash the berries with a potato masher for uniformity. Return the jam to the burner. Bring to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes.

Distribute the finished jam into sterilized glass containers. Roll up with clean boiled lids. Store in a cool place.

Five-minute jam from red currants with honey

The recipe is unusual. You can’t prepare a lot of this delicacy. Well, it is not necessary. Save a small jar of this “delicious” currant jam for special occasion. To put the delicacy on the table with a solemn look and readiness to accept praise. Ready? Write down the recipe.


  • red currant – 800 g;
  • honey (artificial) – 800 g;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Subtleties of preparation:

Dissolve artificial honey in two glasses of water. Place on low heat. When the honey dissolves, increase the heat intensity. Bring honey syrup to a boil. Natural honey You can’t heat it up, so use an artificial one. Wash the berries, sort them, separate them from the stems. Stir red currants into honey syrup. Stir. After boiling again, cook the jam for 5 minutes. There is no need to stir, but do not forget to skim off the foam. Distribute the five-minute jam into dry, sterile jars up to the shoulders. Seal tightly with clean nylon lids or roll up with a key for preservation.

Don't lose the recipes! Sweet preparations to you!

Read 34467 times

In nature, there are several types of garden currants: red, white, black. And the most useful of them is black currant. They say that it is enough to eat 40 berries and you will be provided with a daily dose of vitamin C.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers may not have known all the intricacies of the composition of these berries, but they were sure to prepare them for the winter in the form of jam. The most common and universally respected method was considered to be the so-called “ raw jam" This is when 2 kg of sugar was taken for 1 kg of blackcurrant, then all this was passed through a meat grinder and laid out in sterile jars. The method is expensive and somewhat fiddly, since the berries had to be spread and dried after washing.

Today, modern housewives, simplifying their lives, are increasingly choosing quick recipes blanks So we decided to offer you an ultra-fast and very delicious recipe– jam from black currant“Five Minute” cooks quickly, turns out tasty and can be stored for a long time at home.

If you have access to this healthy berry, then quickly buy it and prepare excellent jelly jam. Yes, you heard right, using our five-minute recipe, you will not only save time, but also get an excellent result in the form of delicious gelled blackcurrant jam.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Black currant – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Drinking water – 200 ml.

How to make “Five Minute” blackcurrant jam for the winter

On the market you can find both small and large black currants, and sometimes they are also crossed with gooseberries (quite large). For our Five Minute jam, it is better to take not small currants, the berries of which usually contain a lot of debris and little pulp, and not too large, but moderately medium. It is also advisable to taste it; it should not be sour, but rather sweet and sour.

This is the kind of blackcurrant you can get delicious jam, which you can treat your friends with a sense of dignity while drinking tea together.

By the way, a jar of such a healthy treat, properly packaged, can serve as an excellent gift. So make blackcurrant jam, and it will definitely serve you well.

First of all, we put the purchased berries in a bowl and pour cold water. We do this in order to get rid of debris that will immediately float to the surface. By carefully draining the water we can easily get rid of it.

The next step is to make syrup from water and granulated sugar. It couldn't be easier to do this. Pour the amount of water specified in the recipe into the pan, let it boil and immediately add about half the sugar.

Cook, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Now add black currants into the finished syrup.

And as promised at the beginning, let the jam boil over medium heat for exactly five minutes. At the same time, the berries retain their integrity and do not wrinkle.

Remove the jam from the heat and add the remaining granulated sugar. Stir gently until the sugar has completely melted.

Now our five-minute blackcurrant jam is completely ready.

All that remains is to pour it into prepared (still hot) sterile jars and seal with clean lids. There is no need to turn it over and wrap it up.

The quantity of berries specified in the recipe yields 2 half-liter jars and a little more for testing.

“5-minute” blackcurrant jam for the winter is extremely simple to prepare. The berries need to be covered with sugar, immediately brought to a boil and cooked for only five minutes. That's all! Fragrant sweet currant jelly can be poured into sterilized jars. The supply of winter vitamins will be perfectly stored even in apartment conditions.

Total cooking time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Yield: 600 ml


  • black currant – 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g

How to cook five-minute blackcurrant

The first step is to prepare the container and berries. The jars should be thoroughly washed with soda and then sterilized in any way convenient for you: steam, microwave or oven. Boil the lids. Sort and sort the currants. For jam, I painstakingly select whole berries, discarding all the suppressed, spoiled and unripe ones. I remove all debris and twigs, remnants of green stalks. I leave the dried stalks (“spouts” on the other end), although some housewives also cut them off with scissors - this process is very lengthy and not the most pleasant. If this is important for you, then remove the “spouts”, but I can assure you that they will not be felt at all in the finished jam, and the jam will stand perfectly with the stalks. I wash the sorted currants and place them in a colander to drain the water.

I take a saucepan for jam - large and spacious, three times larger than the volume of currants. For what? So that the berries do not press on each other, they warm up evenly and do not overcook. And during active cooking, currants like to foam and strive to escape from the pan, so the walls of the vessel should be high. I sprinkle the berries with sugar. The ratio is 1:1, that is, for every kilogram of currants, one kilogram of granulated sugar.

I shake the pan in the air so that the sugar is better distributed and begins to melt.

I immediately set it to cook - first on low heat. Due to slow heating, the berries will gradually warm up and release juice on their own.

After 7-8 minutes, the sugar crystals will dissolve, and the currants will literally “float” in the liquid (no need to add water!).

As soon as it boils, I increase the heat. The jam should boil vigorously so that pectin is actively released. I boil for exactly 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, without a lid. Gently stir with a spatula so that the jam does not stick to the bottom. If you have a non-stick pan, you can gently rotate it in the air without stirring. And don't forget to remove the foam.

After 5 minutes, I remove the pan from the heat and pour the five-minute mixture into jars. Attention! To prevent the glass from cracking, first pour 2-3 tablespoons of jam into the jar, spin the jar in the air to warm up the walls, after which you can fill it to the top. I seal with clean lids. I turn it upside down and leave it like that until it cools completely.

Delicious five-minute blackcurrant jam is ready for the winter! As it cools, it will become thicker, like jelly. Preservation can be transferred to storage in the cellar or hidden in another dark place. Shelf life - 1 year.

Hello, gentlemen!

It's already the middle of summer, which once again gives us gifts. The berries ripen on the bushes, and we make preparations from them. Last time they rolled it into jars and... And today I propose to make delicious blackcurrant jam with a slight sourness.

I, like any housewife, really like this dessert, because it turns out like jam. And most importantly, it has a thick and jelly-like consistency, all because it has a special preparation technology. Moreover, basically all the recipes are designed so that you will spend a great amount, and it won’t take much time.

Memories of my childhood often come flooding back to me, where my grandmother and mother always cooked it according to the recipe for 5 minutes. Now nothing much has changed, this particular option remains one of the favorite and best.

But, before you start, you should stock up on sugar and a large bucket of currants. You also need to take a convenient and deep container in which you will cook the berries. This can be an enamel basin or a stainless pan.

And if you want unusual notes in taste, then add any other fruit to the black berry. For example, these could be bananas, oranges, raspberries, and even gooseberries. You can also make currant jam from different varieties, because as you know, fruits can be red, black and white. The result is an original trio.

Well, everything needs to be prepared for work, now let’s move on to preparation.

You will be pleasantly surprised when you cook using this simple technology and see jam in a jar that will remind you of jelly. Fast and very tasty, in just a couple of minutes you can close a large number of blanks

By the way, I already described this recipe in my other article, when I made it and said that it is universal and has been tested for years.

Don’t forget about the proportions, as everywhere else they are taken 1 to 1. I decipher them in in this case this means that if you took one glass of currants, then you will need the same amount of granulated sugar. If we convert this into kilograms, it will come out something like this: 1.250 g of granulated sugar is needed per 1 kg of berries.

We will need:

  • black or red currants - 3 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 or 1 tbsp.


1. For work you will need clean jars. Wash them first with baking soda, and then boil or hold over steam.

2. Place the currants in an enamel deep bowl. Take berries that are ripe and firm, without visible damage. Wash in cold tap water. Next, drain off all excess moisture and start cooking.

3. Move to the stove, pour in a glass of water, maybe take a little less. Turn on the flame and bring to a boil.

4. Cook for exactly 15 minutes. Remove from heat and immediately add granulated sugar. Which will almost instantly begin to dissolve. It is most convenient to stir with a wooden spatula.

5. When all the grains of sugar have dissolved, let the jam sit for a while and rest. Next, pour it into jars and screw on the lids.

If you pour it very hot, the berries will separate from the syrup and you will get this picture, empty in one place and thick in another.

By the way, it’s very convenient to pour the treat using a funnel.

6. This amount of ingredients yielded 6 jars or 1.5 liters. Cool. It is after complete cooling that the jam will acquire the desired consistency and will look like jelly. Store in a cool place.

Thick blackcurrant jam (jelly) through a meat grinder - recipe without cooking

Honestly, I would give a second name to this dish - seedless and skinless currant jam. Such a preparation can be made either raw or, as they say, still alive. That is, you can grind large and small berries with sugar and place them in jars or freeze them.

Or you can do it in a different way, but you’ll see how it is right now.

We will need:

  • currants – 2 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg


1. Take the required amount of berries and rinse well in a colander. Allow all liquid to drain. Then transfer to a meat grinder or use a blender, or better yet, a juicer. You will get such a fragrant puree.

2. Please pass the resulting mass through a strainer so that it is homogeneous. This will allow you to get rid of the skins and seeds.

3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat until the first bubbles appear. Then add sugar, take it 1 to 1, that is, if you get about 1 kg of jam, then add the same amount of sugar.

4. Stir constantly until the grains are completely dissolved, and the heat should be at its lowest at this time. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, cook for another 5 minutes.

Advice! If you want it to be even thicker, then cook for 10-15 minutes, but remember that there will be much less vitamins in the finished product.

And immediately turn off and move into sterile glass jars and cover with clean lids.

This is such a beautiful confiture that came out, and look at the consistency, it’s worth a spoonful. Happy discoveries!

Five-minute currant recipe - a simple recipe without water

Well, the recipe couldn't be simpler. What is his trick? And the fact is that preparation comes down to one simple step. As you know, the boiling process destroys vitamin C, and currants contain a lot of it, so you can cheat and not bring the mixture to a boil.

This jelly will be more useful and will give you the preserved vitamins that we so need in winter.

I didn’t add a lot of sugar to this recipe, as they say and is mentioned everywhere, but to make this treat sweet and sour.

We will need:

  • currants – 2 kg
  • sugar - 600 kg


1. These are such liquid suns, like black beads. Collect them from your garden or buy them at the market.

2. Grind in a way convenient for you, scroll in a meat grinder, or use a blender or food processor.

3. Then wipe through a strainer, or place in gauze, folded several times to separate the bones and skins. Squeeze out the juice and leave the cake in pies or use for other purposes.

4. Wear gloves and squeeze with your hands.

5. And then place the mass in a saucepan, add sugar. Place on the stove and turn on the minimum setting and heat to 70 degrees, it will take about 5 minutes. Cook while stirring until all the sugar dissolves.

If you still want to boil and make the jam not soggy, then boil for no more than 5 minutes.

6. And then pour into clean jars and close with nylon or self-tightening lids. Store the preparations strictly in the refrigerator. The jam will thicken as it cools completely.

Video on how to cook currant jam in a slow cooker

If you are handy with a slow cooker, then you can easily prepare such a delicacy in it, because if there are very few berries, then this is a great idea. After all, the bowl of such an assistant is quite deep and has high sides.

I suggest you read these instructions in detail and learn some secrets by watching this film. The multicooker brand here is Redmond, but I tried it and made it in Polaris, and it turned out no worse. Take note. Enjoy watching!

Recipe for blackcurrant jam “5 minutes” in glasses

Here is another option, say there were already two above. But this one is special, it has a slightly different structure. This is because the peculiarity of this preparation is that the berries must stand in sugar syrup for about one night. Well, then everything is as usual. I also recommend trying it and cooking it sometime in your spare time.

We will need:

  • currants - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 5.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Put sugar (half the dose) into the washed currants and pour in half a glass of water. Stir and leave to stand overnight.

2. So, in the morning, stir the mass again.

3. Heat the jam over low heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to take a container with high sides, otherwise it will be difficult to track, as you can see in this photo. Turn away a little and the treat will run away from you.

Once 5 minutes have passed, add the rest of the sugar and cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.

Do not forget to remove the foam when boiling with a special spoon.

4. Before putting it in jars, be sure to check it for readiness, drop it on the side or wall of the dish, if the drop spreads, then the jam is not ready yet.

Pour the cooled treat into sterilized jars and cover with clean metal or plastic lids. Put it in the cellar for long-term storage.

Eat with tea and milk, as well as fresh bread. Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jam with whole berries - the most delicious recipe

In fact, this option assumes that the currants will float in sweet syrup. It turns out very tasty, especially if you pour this delicacy and also serve it with and.

We will need:

for a 1.5 liter can:

  • black currant berries – 0.8 kg
  • sugar – 760 g
  • drinking water – 1 l
  • citric acid – 2 tsp


1. Wash the black berries and place them in an enamel bowl. Add sugar and stir. Sprinkle with citric acid to set the color. Then pour in a little water to liquefy the mixture.

2. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes after vigorous and active boiling. Berry to berry. After pouring into jars, first wash them with baking soda. Let them cool upside down under the blanket.

3. Close with metal lids for a special machine. Store in a cool and dark place away from direct sunlight.

Assorted red and black currants

Have you ever thought about taking red, black, or maybe white currants and connect together, that is, together. What do you think will happen? She's still a beauty. The result will be a culinary delight that looks like a rainbow, but this is if you cook the berries whole and do not twist them. Good idea is not it?

You can experiment, take your own varieties of berries and your dessert will turn out even tastier. And in winter it is an excellent helper for colds and viral diseases.

We will need:

  • red and black currants - 500 g each (together 1 kg)
  • granulated sugar - 1.8 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp


1. Sort the berries, remove the branches and tails. Wash and shake in a colander to drain all the moisture.

2. Then put sugar in the pan (take half of total number, that is, 900 g) and pour water into it, turn on the stove over medium heat, the sand will begin to melt before your eyes and turn into sweet syrup. Bring it to a boil and immediately add the berries.

Simmer for five whole minutes, stirring. At this stage, you can already pour into clean jars and roll up under a sterile container. nylon cover. If you prefer this option, then add the sugar all at once.

Well, if not, then cool the mass.

3. And take a special device or use gauze. So that all the syrup and juice come out of the berries.

4. And then boil this aromatic liquid again and add the remaining sugar. Stir and add a couple of drops of lemon juice, and grated zest for piquancy. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes.

5. Don’t forget to control the whole process, stir. And then, when the time is up, pour the boiling currant jam into sterile jars with a clean ladle.

6. Screw on the lids and let cool on the counter.

Currant confiture with cherry leaves - you'll lick your fingers!

This delicacy is not only healthy, but it also does not cause allergies in little sweet tooths. Although we adults won’t refuse such food either. After all, it tastes impeccable, namely cherry leaves They give a new note, shade, and what a fantastic smell.

Do such a miracle as a test and then definitely say “ Thanks a lot" There is nothing difficult, the main thing is to follow this method described below and you will succeed!

We will need:

  • Currants – 1000 g
  • Sugar - 1000 g
  • Water - 0.3 ml
  • Cherry leaf - 9 pcs.


1. Start canning by preparing currants and cherry leaves. Wash thoroughly.

2. Then make syrup from the leaves. Fill them with water and boil, they should simmer for 10 minutes and give off the desired aroma. Then remove them. Add berries to this elixir and cook for about 10 minutes, then add granulated sugar and stir. Cook for another 6-7 minutes.

3. Pour hot into well-washed jars. Cover with lids and store in the cellar.

Let these cute jars fit in your cellar for several months. After all, autumn is coming very soon, and winter is not far away. There will be something to remember during home gatherings on long evenings.

I say goodbye to you until tomorrow and wish everyone a great day and sunny weather. Good bay!