Linkin park who died. Chester Bennington: biography, personal life, cause of death

According to Brian Elias, the musician's butler found him dead at 9:00 local time, after which he called the police. Law enforcement officials adhere to the version of suicide, although there are still several undisclosed details in the death of Chester Bennington. The specialist emphasized that the investigation has not yet been officially completed, USA Today reports.


The head of the forensic department also said that investigators found a half-empty bottle of alcohol next to the musician’s corpse. At the same time, he emphasized that law enforcement officers found no traces of drugs or other illegal substances in Bennington’s room. The singer's post-mortem autopsy is scheduled for Friday.

Note that fans of the group Linkin Park for a long time They didn’t believe that Chester Bennington was actually dead. This is explained, among other things, by the fact that the musician was “buried” two days before his real death. The R.I.P. page then appeared on the social network Facebook. Chester Bennington, in which fans of the rock band “in advance” expressed their condolences in connection with the death of the lead singer.

Shortly after the death of Chester Bennington, it became known that he had died a few hours before the group's planned photo shoot. His Linkin Park bandmate came to pick him up a few minutes after the police arrived at the musician's house.

Meanwhile, TMZ reports that Chester Bennington deliberately repeated the fate of his friend, Audioslave lead singer Chris Cornell. Journalists of the publication compared the picture of the death of two musicians and admitted that almost everything in them coincided - both the murder weapon and the absence of suicide notes in both cases.

Let us remind you that the leader of the group Linkin Park Chester Bennington was found dead at his home near Los Angeles on July 20. Many fans believe that the musician could not cope with the loss of Cornell. The singer himself previously said that he had repeatedly thought about suicide because he was molested by an adult man as a child. From two marriages he left six children, two of whom are adopted.

He was the idol of millions. Even people very far from the world of music imitated him and looked up to him. At one point, his name became known to almost the whole world, however, it cannot be said that Bennington gained such popularity exclusively after his death. He was known and loved during his lifetime. So who was he, the one whose unexpected death became a real shock for an entire army of fans, causing not only bitterness and sorrow, but also indignation, and sometimes contempt?

Chester Bennington was born in Arizona in 1976. His family had nothing to do with music or art in general. Parents future star The rock scene divorced when the boy was only eleven years old.

My work with musicians future group Bennington started Linkin Park back in 1999. Over the entire existence of the group, these guys have released five albums, and have also been repeatedly recognized as the best US group performing alternative music.

By the way, the history of the creation of the group's name is connected with Bennington's hometown. As a child, little Chester often had to walk in Lincoln Park. Actually, this is exactly what Bennington, as an aspiring musician, wanted to call his band - Lincoln Park. The problem arose when the young team decided to create their own website. It turned out that there was already an Internet page with the same name on the World Wide Web. And then the idea came to call Linkin group Park.

As for the musician’s personal life, Bennington was officially married twice. Chester has a son from his first marriage. The rock idol entered into a second marriage with a model of a popular male Playboy magazine. The couple had three children and adopted two more.

Death of Chester Bennington

Twentieth July 2017 year, the entire Internet and all media literally exploded with stunning news: the lead singer of one of the most popular rock bands modern times was found dead in own home in Los Angeles. The 41-year-old musician committed suicide, choosing a very symbolic date for this. Bennington decided to take his own life on the 53rd birthday of his late colleague and comrade, Soundgarden lead singer Criss Cornell. The latter had passed away very shortly before this. at will, it happened on the eighteenth of May.

An event such as the death of one of the most popular rock idols modern world, Chester Bennington, caused a huge resonance among the public. Numerous versions have been put forward as to why the rock musician died. We will try to analyze the most basic of them further.

Causes of Chester Bennington's death

Establishing the actual reason why he died Linkin lead singer Park Chester Bennington was not difficult for forensic investigators. It was suicide by hanging. Much more interest for the press, the public, fans, friends and in general everyone who has at least once heard something about Bennington’s work, were the musician’s internal reasons that pushed him to this act.

There are many opinions and versions here. Here are a few of the most basic ones.

  • Death of a close friend. Indeed, the suicide of musician Criss Cornel was a huge shock for Bennington. They were very close and Bennington’s subtle emotional attachment to his deceased friend can be understood from his letter to the latter, which the musician published on one of the social networks shortly after the death of his colleague and comrade. In addition, the choice of date for committing suicide seems to hint at some kind of connection with Cornel.
  • Dependencies. It's no secret that rock musicians lead a very specific lifestyle. Bennington was no exception in this regard. Alcohol and drugs were an integral part of his life. Many condemn the musician for this, some forgive " bad habits", speaking about Bennington's enormous talent. Likewise, it is difficult to say whether it is true or not that these harmful things caused the death of a rock star. No one knows about this except Bennington himself.
  • Depression. Many believe that the cause of Bennington’s death was his severe psycho-mental state, namely, a prolonged depression in which the singer and musician had been for many years. There may be several reasons for this condition. Firstly, the burden of responsibility to the fans. On stage, Chester and his team always tried to give their best, but it would never be possible to please all the fans, and the dissatisfaction worried Bennington very much.

Plus, as a child, Chester had to endure an act of sexual violence by an adult man, which also left its mark on the psyche of the future idol of millions.

Which of this is true is the cause of the musician’s death, and which is a lie, perhaps no one will ever know, but now these are the versions.

Video on the topic: Death of Chester Bennington

Details of the death of Chester Bennington

As for some of the details of this tragic incident, the press learned that shortly before the incident, Bennington and his family were vacationing in Arizona. However, the musician decided to go home to Los Angeles alone.

His dead body The housekeeper found it along with an empty bottle of alcohol.

It is known that the next day the Linkin Park group was scheduled to premiere a new video.

Linkin Park reacts to the death of lead singer Chester Bennington

Bennington's death came as a real shock to everyone, including fellow musicians, members of the band Linkin Park. In the first days after the incident, the guys refused to comment on anything. The group members refused to do Official statement about the death of their colleague, saying that they would report it to the press as soon as they had it.

It is known that at the time of Bennington’s death, the Linkin Park group was planning another round of development. The guys were preparing for the release of a new video, and the group also had a joint photo shoot. This is one of the reasons why the lead singer’s act came as a real shock to the other members of the group.

Also, many other celebrities took to social media to express their shock and surprise at Bennington's death. Many expressed words of grief and admitted that they were longtime fans of Bennington and Linkin Park.

Fans react to Chester Bennington's death

As for Bennington’s fans, their opinion about the musician’s action was sharply divided. Of course, this act made an indelible impression on all of them. However, they expressed it differently. Some expressed words of regret and sorrow, admitted that they grew up and matured to the songs of Linkin Park, and are connected with the work of the group important stages their lives and they sincerely regret that they talented person left this world.

Others, contrary to the opinion that “it’s either good or nothing about the dead,” condemn and criticize the musician, not understanding how a man who inspired and encouraged millions could turn out to be so weak.

Whether to accept or condemn such an act by Chester Bennington remains a personal matter for everyone.

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The lead singer of Linkin Park, the famous Chester Bennington, passed away on July 20, 2017. The musician's fans, of whom there are an incredible number all over the world, are perplexed - why could a talented, young man, father of six children, take his own life? After all, according to information from official sources, he committed suicide. In this article we’ll talk about the biography and personal life of Chester Bennington, and also try to figure out what caused his early death.

Tragic childhood

The musician was born in Arizona on March 20, 1976. Chester's family had four children. He has an older brother and two sisters. Initially, parents paid quite a lot of attention to their children. Often the whole family went on trips. But not everything was so rosy. Chester's mother and father often quarreled with each other, and this could not but affect the family as a whole.

Chester was versatile developed child- tried himself in sports, played the piano well. It soon became clear that the guy had a great voice. Therefore, he was often invited to become a soloist in musical groups. The boy liked to sing, and he remained faithful to this cause to the end.

Chester Bennington - singer

When Chester was 11 years old, his parents decided to separate. They divided the responsibilities of raising four children among themselves, so the boy remained under the care of his strict father- policeman.

Bennington recalled in an interview that he was bitter that his mother abandoned him. He was youngest child. And so his mother loved and spoiled him. Parting with her was a heavy blow for the boy.

The father devoted a lot of time to his work, but he did not have time to take care of his son. In essence, the child was left to his own devices. At age 11, he became addicted to drugs and alcohol. Smoked marijuana. This could not but affect my studies. Teachers constantly complained about the boy.

Because of difficult relationships with his father, he often left home. Complicating the situation was the fact that early childhood Chester survived sexual assault by an older friend. He spoke about this more than once in interviews. This happened to him from the age of seven to thirteen. For many years he did not dare to tell anyone about the crazy nightmare in which the child was at the center. He was afraid that they would not believe him or would consider him a homosexual.

Chester's father was investigating similar crimes, but even the guy did not dare to open up to him.

Also, Chester Bennington, whose personal life and biography is causing such a stir today, said that he did not try to somehow take revenge on his offender. He learned that he, too, had once been a victim of harassment and sympathized with him.

Charles Bennington and musical career

As a fragile, insecure teenager, he could not resist bullying. And as a result, the tragedies that the musician experienced in childhood significantly damaged his psyche.

At the age of 17, he voluntarily returned to his mother’s house, in a terrible state. The young guy was addicted to alcohol and drugs. Mom tried her best to rid him of destructive habits - for example, she locked him in the house. For a short time Chester even forgot about his passions. But gradually everything returned to normal. It will take him many more years to finally quit using illegal drugs.

Even in mature age the musician could not remember his childhood and youth without tears and inner trembling. Chester Bennington, whose biography and personal life are so interesting to fans, considers it unsurprising that in adolescence he had to forget himself with alcohol and strong drugs. Try to escape from yourself, or maybe find a drop of warmth in numerous novels...

Even an adult man is scared to experience this, let alone the fragile psyche of a teenager. And it’s great that for some time he managed to break out of this vicious circle - to become legendary musician, husband and father.

Having given up drugs, Chester began working in a city coffee shop. I must say, he liked his first job. He spoke about him warmly in interviews. Then, as a result of working in public catering, he met his first wife.

Musician career

Bennington loved music since childhood and never stopped playing it. Success came to the young man in 1992, when he became the lead singer of Sean Dowdell and His Friends. During the day, the young man worked in a coffee shop, and in the evenings he went to rehearsals. Then with the money young musician it was very difficult. He even saved on public transport and got to the rehearsal facility on a skateboard.

Lead singer Sean Dowdell and His Friends

Soon, the group in which Chester Bennington played, whose personal life we ​​are discussing today, was renamed Gray Daze. Together with this group, the young man recorded three albums, but his creativity and career development did not satisfy the guy’s ambitions.

Bennington recalled that often young musicians were not taken seriously and were literally “driven away” from everywhere. The guys literally had to defend their interests and beliefs with their fists. And Chester wanted real glory, success, full realization of oneself as a vocalist. Because of this, he left the team in 1997. Moreover, he had tempting offers.

Linkin Park

In 1997, Bennington became the vocalist of the group Xero, which at that time was looking for an interesting lead singer. The band's producer took a liking to the talented guy, and he invited Chester to audition. Before the meeting, Bennington was worried, but he couldn't miss good chance for development.

To become the vocalist of Xero, Bennington had to participate in the casting. Then it became clear that the guy had no competitors. Many musicians who passed the selection, after listening to Chester, simply went home. Chester had an unusual voice and manner of performance. So he became the lead singer of the group, which brought him incredible popularity. Or maybe it was Chester who made the group famous.

The name of the group changed several times. At first it was renamed Hybrid Theory. After this event, record company Warner Brothers Records invited young and talented musicians to record their first album. They released it already as Linkin Park.

Chester released Linkin Park

The band's debut album was quite successful. It quickly sold out. Therefore, 10 million copies were produced. So, at the age of 23, Chester Bennington became truly popular. Received many awards. And his vocals were loved far beyond the borders of the United States. The group became the pioneer of a new direction in music - alternative.

The musician not only sang well, he sang amazingly. He was incredibly charismatic. Enthusiastic fans were drawn to him and he reciprocated. However, Bennington also took criticism seriously. He harshly criticized himself for every failure and worried about troubles.

The band's latest album was released quite recently, in May 2017. And until recently, Chester worked actively. And on the day of his death, he had to go to a photo shoot before the tour. There seemed to be no signs of trouble.

But despite the group's popularity, some fans last years talked about Bennington being in creative crisis. The musician reacted painfully to criticism. He assured that everything was fine in the group. And with music critics he is even ready to fight.

Chester always gave one hundred percent during performances. He always sang at the top of his lungs. Many tried to imitate his style, but he was the only one.

In 2009, the musician released solo album, although it was not a huge success. More than once the musician was invited to play in films. And, as a rule, yourself. Perhaps Chester would famous actor. But he chose a different path.

It is also known that after problems with alcohol and drugs in his youth, Chester was in rather poor health. Early in his career he was hospitalized several times. He also rode the bus separately from the rest of the group for some time. He was forced to take such measures because of his alcohol addiction so as not to break down.

Personal life of Chester Bennington

At twenty years old, Chester met his first wife, Samantha. Six years later the couple had a son. At that time, Chester was not yet wealthy and popular, so the couple had to overcome many difficulties together. Instead of wedding rings, the lovers made themselves ring fingers tattoos as a sign eternal love. But despite this promising start relations, in 2005 this union broke up.

Chester and Samantha (singer's first wife)

Samantha and Chester remained friends, and the woman did not interfere with the musician’s relationship with their common son.

Immediately after breaking up with Samantha, Chester Benngton, whose personal life we ​​remember today, entered into new official relations, with model Talinda Bentley. He met this girl at a party and realized that with her he could become truly happy. In an interview, the musician admitted that there were many warm moments in his relationship with his first wife, but something was felt wrong... There were many scandals, mutual insults...

Chester and Talinda (second wife)

With Talinda it was different. She gave Chester three more children - a son and two daughters. In addition, the couple had two adopted sons.

The family lived in Los Angeles for a long time, then in California. Chester, contrary to the image " bad guy" actually was an exemplary family man. He tried to spend almost everything with his family free time. Perhaps he wanted to create a “safe haven” that he did not have as a child.

In 2006, Bennington and his family began to be stalked by an Internet maniac. He constantly wrote threats, said that he knew everything about the musician’s family, promised to harm his children... Chester’s life became a nightmare - he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that someone dared to threaten his children, to hurt them. His childhood fears resurfaced in his thoughts.

It turned out that the “maniac” was an ordinary girl, who in this way entertained herself out of boredom at work. After this story, Chester and his wife began to pay more attention to social networks and even came up with complex passwords for their accounts. But this did not save the family from another scandal, which happened a few days after the death of the performer.

An unknown person hacked the Twitter account of the wife of a deceased performer and began writing that her husband was allegedly killed. And then - that Talinda allegedly cheated on Chester with another member of the group and never loved her husband.

Why it was necessary to mock the family of the deceased is unclear. After all, it was already difficult for loved ones. The musician's widow admitted that she thought nothing could break her heart anymore. But it was not so. Chester pulled the rug from under her feet by leaving.

In addition to music, the talented Chester was fond of tattoos. In 1995, he and a friend opened their own tattoo salon. It turned out to be quite profitable business. In addition, he tattooed on his body many drawings and the initials of people close to him - his children and his wife.

Cause of death of Linkin park leader Chester Benington

Despite the crowds of fans and their ardent love, despite big family and the presence of a beautiful wife, the musician admitted more than once in interviews that it was as if something was devouring him from the inside. He could not remain alone with his thoughts - it was as if something terrible was happening in his head. It turned out to be difficult for the man to survive what was happening to him. In addition, he often received cruel blows from fate.

So on May 20, 2017, Chester’s friend, actor and musician Chris Cornell, committed suicide. This was the day before the presentation last album Chester. And months after the death of his friend, the musician could not write a single line.

And on July 20, 2017, on the day of his friend’s 53rd birthday, Chester was also found dead at home. It would seem that nothing foreshadowed trouble. The group is still loved and in demand. Career at its peak - an album was recently released, planned tour in the very near future. And yet, Chester dies.

Fans refuse to believe that the musician could have died voluntarily. They don’t believe that the man who was madly loved by fans is the father large family, could have given up everything and committed suicide.

In addition, information appeared on the Internet that Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, whose personal life is of interest, helped children who were sexually abused. Allegedly, they identified influential people who were involved in such crimes and were preparing to make this information public. Thus, the musicians’ departure from life could have been planned and organized by someone from outside.

One way or another, now the musician, who could have done and played a lot more, is no longer alive. Undoubtedly, he will remain a bright memory in the hearts of his fans. Having grown up listening to Linkin Park songs, they will not forget his voice, his smile, and large-scale concerts.

Chester passed away on the day the group's last video was released online. The day before, he returned home from Arizona, where he was spending time with his family. He promised his loved ones that he would leave them for a while.

On the day of Chester’s death, a photo shoot with his participation was supposed to take place. His friend even came to pick him up. But the plans fell through - the maid found the dead man in his room. She got scared and immediately called the police. Thus it became known that the legendary vocalist was no longer alive.

In a bitter irony, shortly after the musician’s death, this video was posted on the band’s official website. And the fans were discussing it, not yet knowing what happened. Now it’s clear that with this clip Chester seemed to say goodbye to everyone. He left when no one expected it.

The musicians of the group in which Bennington played expressed their gratitude and love to the man. They published a letter in which they regretted that Chester left. The musician’s relatives believe that he was taken by the “demons” that lived in his head. Those about which he wrote, spoke and sang. Those thanks to which his fans fell in love.

Chester himself said that the “demons” that had haunted him since childhood would take him away. No traces of drug use were found at the scene of the man's death. The impetus for Chester's death was something else.

It was like it was a terrible deal. The man ultimately paid for his talent with his life. Despite the fact that outwardly he had recognition, success, a job he loved and a family, inside he was a lonely man, still tormented by self-doubt.

There is another reason why the musician could commit suicide - the band’s last album was harshly criticized by both fans and professionals. And a couple of days before his death, information appeared on the Internet that Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington had passed away. And, of course, there were people who rejoiced in the comments at such a sad ending. Perhaps this pushed the musician to such a decision - it was another blow to his emotionally unstable psyche. Be that as it may, the person is no longer alive, and he cannot be brought back.

Many people wonder Why did Chester Bennington die? (Linkin Park) and we will try to understand it with you.

Today is a day of mourning for all fans and admirers of the group Linkin Park, and for all rock connoisseurs - today, July 20, 2017, the vocalist and leader of the group, Chester Bennington, died. He committed suicide at his home in Los Angeles. This came as unexpected bitter news for everyone, because with his creativity he inspired millions, and maybe billions. Blessed memory of this wonderful person and a great musician.

1 reason why Chester Bennington committed suicide (Linkin Park leader)

Echoes of the past. In his youth and early adulthood, Chester was quite antisocial, abusing alcohol and drugs a lot due to his parents' divorce, which greatly affected him. His first musical projects didn't work out and he decided to end it musical career, but he caught the eye of famous producer Jeff Blue. At the age of 23, Bennington's life took a sharp turn and overnight he became very rich and famous. Apparently, old habits and addictions never let go of him, and he repeatedly stated that he conveys all his pain through songs, for example, in one of his interviews with Noisecreep magazine.

2 reasons why Chester Bennington died

The failure of the last album. If Chester had been coping with his problems for twenty years with the help of music and public recognition, then criticism and very negative reviews of One More Lighte could have brought him down. In addition, he could have been finished off by the death of his friend (suicide) Chris Cornell in May 2017. Chester could not bear all this weight that fell on his shoulders and it pushed him.

3 reasons why committed suicide Chester Bennington

Conspiracy theory. Immediately after the sad news, some began to put forward such ideas. Some associate this with the inevitable commercial success of the new album, despite the criticism. This is how this world works and one of the vivid examples is Nirvana. Now the excellent band Linkin Park will inevitably be rated on par with The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other great rock legends. This reason is indirectly evidenced by the fact that Chester Bennington did not leave suicide note. But who benefited from this?

There may be many reasons, but the main thing here is one thing - the world has lost one of the greatest musicians of our time and this cannot be changed in any way. R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

There will be gatherings across the country to remember Chester over the weekend and if you'd like to join, look for your town or your nearest one in

Many people wonder Why did Chester Bennington die? (Linkin Park) and we will try to understand it with you.

Today is a day of mourning for all fans and admirers of the group Linkin Park, and for all rock connoisseurs - today, July 20, 2017, the vocalist and leader of the group, Chester Bennington, died. He committed suicide at his home in Los Angeles. This came as unexpected bitter news for everyone, because with his creativity he inspired millions, and maybe billions. Happy memory to this wonderful man and great musician.

1 reason why Chester Bennington committed suicide (Linkin Park leader)

Echoes of the past. In his youth and early adulthood, Chester was quite antisocial, abusing alcohol and drugs a lot due to his parents' divorce, which greatly affected him. His first musical projects did not succeed and he decided to end his musical career, but he caught the eye of the famous producer Jeff Blue. At the age of 23, Bennington's life took a sharp turn and overnight he became very rich and famous. Apparently, old habits and addictions never let go of him, and he repeatedly stated that he conveys all his pain through songs, for example, in one of his interviews with Noisecreep magazine.

2 reasons why Chester Bennington died

The failure of the last album. If Chester had been coping with his problems for twenty years with the help of music and public recognition, then criticism and very negative reviews of One More Lighte could have brought him down. In addition, he could have been finished off by the death of his friend (suicide) Chris Cornell in May 2017. Chester could not bear all this weight that fell on his shoulders and it pushed him.

3 reasons why committed suicide Chester Bennington

Conspiracy theory. Immediately after the sad news, some began to put forward such ideas. Some associate this with the inevitable commercial success of the new album, despite the criticism. This is how this world works and one of the most striking examples is Nirvana. Now the excellent band Linkin Park will inevitably be rated on par with The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other great rock legends. This reason is indirectly evidenced by the fact that Chester Bennington did not leave a suicide note. But who benefited from this?

There may be many reasons, but the main thing here is one thing - the world has lost one of the greatest musicians of our time and this cannot be changed in any way. R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

There will be gatherings across the country to remember Chester over the weekend and if you'd like to join, look for your town or your nearest one in