The same Munchausen gave it. Wernigerode Castle

In the main
cast Oleg Yankovsky
Inna Churikova
Elena Koreneva
Alexander Abdulov
Operator Vladimir Nakhabtsev Composer Alexey Rybnikov Original TV channel CT USSR Studio Film studio "Mosfilm".
Creative association of television films
Duration 142 min A country USSR USSR Language Russian release date 1979 First show January 1, 1980 Number of episodes 2 IMDb ID 0080037

"The Same Munchausen"- a Soviet feature two-part television film from 1979, filmed at the Mosfilm studio commissioned by the USSR Central Television. The script by Grigory Gorin was created loosely based on the works of Rudolf Erich Raspe, dedicated to the adventures of Baron Munchausen. One of the most important works in the works of Mark Zakharov and Oleg Yankovsky. The film premiered on January 1, 1980 at the USSR Central Television.

Plot [ | ]

Episode 1 [ | ]

The film begins on May 30, 1779 in Hanover and its environs. Baron Karl Munchausen is perceived by others as an inventor living in the world of his fantasies. However, they have a strange property of turning out to be reality. So at a rest stop, the hunters, laughing at the story of Munchausen’s hunt for a deer, when he was shooting with a cherry pit, suddenly see for themselves how a noble animal comes out of the forest with a cherry tree in the place where the antlers should be. The Baron proudly says that he became famous not for his exploits, but for the fact that he never lies. He really doesn’t know how to lie, even when it would be useful for himself or those close to him. He is disgusted by the very idea of ​​lying for profit or “out of decency.”

Munchausen lives in his castle with charming girl Martha. They have been thinking about marriage for a long time, but there is one problem: the baron is married. In his youth, at the behest of his parents, for purely practical reasons, he was married to Jacobina von Dutten, with whom he was never associated tender feelings. She lives separately with their adult son Theophilus. Munchausen seeks a divorce. Only the Duke can give permission, but Jacobina and her lover Heinrich Ramkopf do their best to prevent this.

Relatives are trying to get Munchausen declared insane in order to dispose of his property. He had already tried all the workarounds, but all the priests with whom he talked refused to marry the couple. One happy day, the Duke, irritated by a quarrel with the Duchess, signs Munchausen’s petition for divorce with the words: "To the freedom of all, to freedom". Martha is happy, but she is very afraid that her lover will make another joke during the court hearing, which must approve the divorce.

This is how it happens - when signing the divorce papers, Munchausen writes May 32 in the “date” column - according to his calculations, an error has crept into the calendar and there should be one more extra day this year. But ideas and astronomical observations No one is interested in the baron and everyone perceives his act as another challenge to social order. A scandal ensues. The court, considering itself insulted, refuses to approve the divorce. They demand that the baron renounce: he must admit all his stories are empty fantasies, and in writing, point by point, renounce everything that he wrote and said. Friends, servants, Martha - everyone persuades the baron to obey.

The last straw is Martha's statement. She gives the Baron an ultimatum: his stories about meetings with William Shakespeare and Isaac Newton or her. The Baron surrenders: he signs a renunciation of himself, burns all his manuscripts that evening and retires to the room with a pistol. A shot is heard.

Episode 2 [ | ]

3 years have passed since the officially established death of Baron Munchausen. From a living troublemaker, the baron became a dead celebrity: Jacobina publishes “the adventures of the baron.” At the same time, the baron’s memories are not just edited - they are embellished and supplemented with outright fabrications. They sing songs about Munchausen in restaurants and paint pictures. He is called “a great man not understood by his contemporaries,” and on May 32 (the 3-year anniversary of his death) main square cities unveil a monument to the baron.

Ramkopf leads tourists on tours of the baron's castle and takes scientific basis the ability to lift oneself by the hair. Theophilus unsuccessfully tries to repeat his feats: lifting himself into the air by his hair and hitting ducks through the chimney. Munchausen's former servant Thomas (one of the few who supported the baron in everything), going to Muller's shop to buy flowers, recognizes his former owner in the florist. It turns out that the suicide and subsequent funeral were staged; after her, the baron, leaving everything to the official heirs, turned into Muller's florist, thanks to which he was able to marry Martha and live with her.

But usual life The baron has changed greatly: from a merry fellow and a dreamer, he turned into a gloomy and calculating cynic ( “My funeral alone brought me more money than my entire previous life.”). In the end, it got to the point that Martha left him, unable to bear living with her changed lover. Munchausen decides to return Martha and understands: “to return her, you need to return yourself” and become yourself again. But for the city, the deceased Munchausen has already become a symbol and a legend, and no one except Martha and Thomas needs him alive.

As soon as the baron tells those initiated into his secret about his decision to “resurrect,” the burgomaster, once a close friend of the baron, “for the sake of maintaining public peace,” declares him an impostor and sends him to prison “until his identity is clarified.” The trial, designed to establish the identity of the baron, takes place in the mode of an organized performance: one after another, the baron’s former acquaintances, relatives and friends refuse to recognize him. But in last moment Martha appears as a witness, ready to confirm Munchausen's identity, which is why the court session has to be interrupted. The Baroness and Ramkopf threaten Martha to act as a false witness. Martha agrees to save the Baron from prison or even death.

The final, decisive test awaits: the baron is offered to recognize himself as Müller or, to prove his identity, repeat the cannonball flight to the moon. The “investigative experiment” takes place on May 32, 1783, in a solemn atmosphere, according to the script. The hesitant Martha first reads to the Duke a petition for pardon for her “abnormal husband Müller,” but then she can’t stand it and confesses to her beloved: they put raw gunpowder in the cannon so that the cannonball, having flown a few meters, fell on the grass amidst everyone’s laughter, after which the baron’s imposture would be considered proven.

When the cannon is reloaded with a bag of dry gunpowder brought by Thomas, there is a general commotion: the test participants only wanted to laugh at the baron, and not kill him. The Duke is immediately persuaded by his decision to recognize the Baron’s identity as established, and his new journey to the Moon as successful. The Baron is offered to “return from his journey” in a blaze of glory. The previously planned “general fun” begins practically unchanged, just for a different reason - as a celebration of this return.

Jacobina, as if nothing had happened, says that she traveled to the moon with the baron and is preparing to publish memoirs about it. The Baron is quietly prompted: “Join inconspicuously.” Munchausen rushes from one company to another for some time, seeing glasses raised for his journey, hearing calls: “Join, Baron!”, After which he returns to the fortress wall to the cannon and pronounces the final monologue:

I understand what your problem is: you are too serious! An intelligent face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen! Smile!

The Baron gives orders for the day of his return, after which he begins to climb the rope ladder to the mouth of the cannon. The perspective changes, and it turns out that the staircase has become very long, and there is no longer any cannon - the baron is simply climbing the stairs into the sky. The final theme song plays.

Cast [ | ]

Actor Role
Oleg Yankovsky Hieronymus Carl Friedrich von Munchausen
Elena Koreneva Martha Martha
Inna Churikova Jacobina Munchausen Jacobina Munchausen
Alexander Abdulov Heinrich Ramkopf Heinrich Ramkopf
Igor Kvasha burgomaster burgomaster
Leonid Bronevoy Duke Duke
Leonid Yarmolnik Theophilus Munchausen Baron's son Theophilus Munchausen
Vladimir Dolinsky pastor pastor
Yuri Katin-Yartsev Thomas Thomas
Vsevolod Larionov judge judge
Semyon Farada commander in chief commander in chief
Igor Yasulovich Duke's secretary Duke's secretary
Lyubov Polishchuk Little Bertha singer Little Bertha
Vladimir Firsov Musician in the Baron's castle Little Bertha's accompanist, mime Musician in the Baron's castle
Nina Palladina Duke's advisor Duke's advisor
Anatoly Skoryakin Episode Episode
Evgeniy Markov courtier with clock courtier with clock
Grigory Gorin episode in the Duke's retinue episode in the Duke's retinue
Grigory Malikov guardsman tried to arrest Munchausen guardsman

Film crew[ | ]

  • Scriptwriter: Grigory Gorin
  • Stage director: Mark Zakharov
  • Second director: Leonid Chertok
  • Director of the film: Lazar Milkis
  • Director of photography: Vladimir Nakhabtsev
  • Operator: Sergey Armand
  • Production designer: Georgy Kolganov
  • Sound engineer: Yuri Rabinovich
  • Composer: Alexey Rybnikov
  • Lyrics: Yuri Entin
  • Conductor: Sergei Skripka
  • Costume designer: Natalya Firsova
  • Make-up: N. Minaeva

Background and casting[ | ]

Original literary material The script was based on Grigory Gorin’s play “The Most Truthful,” which was successfully performed at the Soviet Army Theater (Munchausen - Vladimir Zeldin). Mark Zakharov liked the performance and decided to transfer it to the television screen. During the work on the script, the play was seriously reworked and changed greatly compared to theatrical version. Alexey Rybnikov's music was also originally written for the performance.

Oleg Yankovsky, who just starred in the role Wizard in the television film “An Ordinary Miracle”, according to the director, he was quite suitable for the role of Munchausen. However, Mark Zakharov had to convince the artistic council of the film studio for quite some time. Before this, Yankovsky’s role was considered to be more consistent with heroic roles. In addition, the image of the baron that emerged from the book and play corresponded to an elderly man with an adult son. Yankovsky was only 35 years old at the time of filming. As a result, the director managed to defend his point of view.

I am grateful to Mark Zakharov for believing in me and recognizing in me that atypical comedy, the ability to convey sad irony a character that I, frankly speaking, did not suspect in myself. Zakharov chose to take an actor known to the audience and use him in a different role, in a different genre quality. And for me it was truly a gift of fate

The backbone of the acting ensemble was the Lenkom Theater troupe. Leonid Bronevoy was accepted for the role without auditioning. An actor initially auditioned for the role of Theophilus

"The most truthful".

The plot of the film That Munchausen

The main character of the picture " The same Munchausen" Carl Friedrich Hieronymus Baron von Munchausen(Oleg Yankovsky), known to everyone as a dreamer and a liar, of which there are few, after twenty years of marriage he met the daughter of a pharmacist Martu(Elena Koreneva), with whom I fell in love at first sight. And for two years now the baron has not lived with his legal wife Jacobina(Inna Churikova), but with his beloved.

Munchausen And Martha dreamed of getting married, but according to secular and church laws they could not do this while the baron and baroness were married.

Asking him to let him get a divorce Munchausen appealed to various authorities - the pastor (Vladimir Dolinsky), the burgomaster (Igor Kvasha), the duke (Leonid Bronevoy). In the end, he was allowed to file a lawsuit to legally divorce the woman he did not love and did not love him. Jacobina. But not only the Baroness herself, but her son are opposed to this Munchausen Theophilus(Leonid Yarmolnik), both lawyer and lover Jacobins Heinrich Ramkopf(Alexander Abdulov) - they decided to declare the baron crazy in order to take possession of his fortune and property.

When the desired freedom was almost achieved, and all that remained was to sign the papers, Munchausen due to his inability to “be like everyone else,” he ruined everything. Seeing the date “May 32” put by the baron on the documents, the judge (Vsevolod Larionov) considered this an inappropriate joke and, offended, annulled his decision on divorce. In vain Munchausen claimed that as a result of his calculations, he discovered an error in the calendar and “discovered” a new day, which he was going to give to the townspeople.

Upset about what happened Martha with tears in her eyes, she persuaded the baron to apologize to the court and ask for his divorce case to be resolved positively.

The members of the city council, led by the Duke, decided to give Munchausen a second chance, but with the condition that the baron must recognize all the stories he told, which he presented as the pure truth, as lies and empty fabrications.

The history of the film That Munchausen

As a basis for the script Grigory Gorin took his own play" The most truthful", for the creation of which the plots of the works were used German writer Rudolf Erich Raspe(Rudolf Erich Raspe) about the adventures of the legendary baron Munchausen.

Performance based on the play, in which he played the main role Vladimir Zeldin, With great success went to Theater Soviet army . I really liked the production Mark Zakharov, who, having watched it, was inspired by the idea of ​​filming it.

Here is how the director himself talks about how he came up with the idea of ​​making a television version of the play:

""T from Munchausen"began for me with a wonderful play Grigory Gorin when I saw the premiere performance based on it in Theater of the Soviet Army. Munchausen- a wise and skillful jester who instills in people a joyful belief that miracles can become reality. But it is met with misunderstanding by the majority. And people who don’t fit into the majority have always interested me personally.”

In addition to the dramatic basis, when creating the film, music for the play was also used, written by famous composer Alexey Rybnikov.

Mark Zakharov from the very beginning as a baron Munchausen was going to shoot Oleg Yankovsky, who played the main character in his previous film" An ordinary miracle". However, both members of the artistic council and Grigory Gorin there were doubts about the correctness of the director's choice.

Gorin later wrote in his memoirs:

“Before that, he played straightforward, tough, strong-willed people - Volga characters that betray his origin. I didn't believe in his baron. The work began, he got into character, and changed before our eyes. He grew into the role and appeared Munchausen- smart, ironic, subtle. What a mistake it would be if we took another actor!”

Nevertheless, Zakharov managed to defend the candidacy Yankovsky, in whose career there were no previous comedy roles.

"In the invitation to the role of Baron Munchausen Oleg Yankovsky there was an element of risk,” the director recalled. - He still developed as an actor of a completely non-comedy kind. But to my credit Oleg, in his acting palette there were also comedic colors, which found a worthy embodiment in the film, especially in its first part.”

But to choose an actress who will play Martu, turned out to be a difficult task. Among the contenders for the role of the baron's beloved were Irina Mazurkevich ("The tale of how Tsar Peter married a blackamoor ", "Three in the boat, not counting the dog ", "Say a word about the poor hussar") And Galina Zolotareva ("Mother", "Mask and soul"), But Zakharov leaned towards filming Tatyana Dogileva. Make a choice in favor Elena Koreneva, who, in the end, was invited to filming, it helped that Koreneva, Unlike Dogileva, as well as more than half of the performers in the film, was not an actress directed Zakharov "Lenkom". “If everyone is taken to filming, who will act in the theater?” - noticed Mark Anatolyevich.

For the role Theophila actor auditioned Satire Theater Yuri Vasiliev, ("4:0 in favor of Tanya", "And Shepilov, who joined them ", "Special correspondent of the investigation department"), and for the role Ramkopf- Moscow Art Theater member Sergey Kolesnikov, ex-host of the program " Hacienda"who played one of the roles in the action movie" Die Hard: A Good Day to Die" (“A Good Day to Die Hard”). However, by the decision of the artistic council, the roles were given to L Eonid Yarmolnik And Alexander Abdulov respectively.

"The same Munchausen"less than other tapes Zakharova suffered from censorship - for example, when submitting to the artistic council" An ordinary miracle "Every phrase had to be defended with a fight. From " Munchausen“Only one insignificant scene was cut out. The director himself believes that he owes such luck to the fact that the film was released on the eve of the New Year, and the film officials who accepted the film were already in a pre-holiday mood, as a result of which they were not so picky about his new creation.

From the very first showing on television, the film began to enjoy great popularity, and now, more than thirty years after its premiere, it has acquired the status iconic painting, remains loved a huge amount spectators.

In 1980 the film The same Munchausen won the Journalists' Jury Prize and the Directing Prize ( Mark Zakharov) at the International Television Festival " Zlata Prague"in Prague (Czechoslovakia) and in 1981 the prize "For high craftsmanship and original creative search" ( Mark Zakharov) at the All-Union Television Festival in Yerevan.

Filming " The same Munchausen"took place in the GDR, in the city of Wernigerode, whose ancient streets and interiors of houses, as well as the surrounding forests and meadows, became magnificent settings for the television version of the story about truthful person in the world.

Film crew of the film That Munchausen

Director of the film That Munchausen: Mark Zakharov
Screenwriter of the film That Munchausen: Grigory Gorin
Cast: Oleg Yankovsky, Inna Churikova, Elena Koreneva, Igor Kvasha, Alexander Abdulov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Yuri Katin-Yartsev, Vladimir Dolinsky, Leonid Bronevoy, Semyon Farada and others
Operator: Vladimir Nakhabtsev
Composer: Alexey Rybnikov

When they ask me the question: “What is my favorite Russian film?”, I answer without hesitation - “The same Munchausen.” Why? I won't even say for sure. I like everything about it. Great plot by Grigory Gorin, in which there is a lot of subtle, kind, sincere and sharp humor. Almost every phrase is a diamond! Brilliant acting. And what actors! Constellation! And of course, a wonderful production by Mark Zakharov.

The story of this film begins with theatrical production– the play “The Most Truthful”, for the creation of which plots from the works of the German writer Rudolf Erich Raspe about the adventures of the legendary Baron Munchausen were used, Grigory Gorin wrote at the request of actor Vladimir Zeldin, who really wanted to play the role of Baron Munchausen. The performance was performed at the Soviet Army Theater and was enjoyed by the audience incredible success. Mark Zakharov watched this performance and decided to transfer it to the big screen.

Here is how the director himself talks about how he came up with the idea of ​​making a television version of the play: “That Same Munchausen” began for me with a wonderful play by Grigory Gorin, when I saw the premiere performance of it at the Soviet Army Theater. Munchausen is a wise and skillful jester who instills in people a joyful belief that miracles can become reality. But it is met with misunderstanding by the majority. And people who don’t fit into the majority have always interested me personally.”

However, members of the artistic council also had doubts about the correctness of the choice of director. Zakharov was told that Yankovsky was not suitable in age and was fit to be the baron’s son. Screenwriter Grigory Gorin also had doubts about Yankovsky, writing in his memoirs: “Before that, he played straightforward, tough, strong-willed people - Volga characters that betrayed his origin. I didn't believe in his baron. The work began, he got into character, and changed before our eyes. He grew into the role, and Munchausen appeared - smart, ironic, subtle. What a mistake it would be if we took another actor!”

Nevertheless, Zakharov managed to defend Yankovsky’s candidacy. “There was an element of risk in inviting Oleg Yankovsky to the role of Baron Munchausen,” the director recalled. “After all, he developed as an actor of a completely non-comedy kind. But to Oleg’s credit, his acting palette also contained comedic colors, which found worthy embodiment in the film, especially in its first part.”

But choosing an actress to play Martha turned out to be a difficult task. Among the contenders for the role of the baron's beloved were Irina Mazurkevich and Galina Zolotareva, but Zakharov was inclined to cast Tatyana Dogileva in the film. The fact that Koreneva, unlike Dogileva, as well as more than half of the actors in the film, was not an actress at Lenkom, directed by Zakharov, helped make the choice in favor of Elena Koreneva, who, in the end, was invited to filming. “If everyone is taken to filming, who will act in the theater?” – Mark Anatolyevich noted.

Satire Theater actor Yuri Vasiliev played the role of Theophilus, but Leonid Yarmolnik was cast.

An actor from the Moscow Art Theater Kolesnikov auditioned for the role of Ramkopf, but the majority on the artistic council voted for Alexander Abdulov. They said that although there is no irony in him, he has youth, charm, and he has the sympathy of the audience.

But Leonid Bronevoy was approved without tests.

In the initial scene of Munchausen's conversation with the hunters, German actors were filmed together with Oleg Yankovsky and Yuri Katin-Yartsev, who were later voiced by Russians. If you look closely, you will notice that their articulation does not match the text.

It turned out to be difficult to depict a deer with a cherry tree on its head, which comes out of the forest in confirmation of Munchausen’s words. “When we came to the zoo to film the animal, it turned out that the deer were just shedding their antlers, so there was no need to attach the tree,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. – We tried to remove the scarecrow, but he had empty eyes. Then they resorted to combined photography. At the animal base of the Tsentrnauchfilm studio, they found a deer that could be passed off as a deer, decorated the enclosure's lattice to resemble a forest, and laid turf. They released the deer, and instead of walking in front of the camera, he began to roll on the ground. Then we decided to try to lure the deer with a treat. It worked. He followed him along the required route. Then we took a cherry tree trunk from the Moscow State University biological station and attached artificial flowers to it. Our familiar choreographer from the Operetta Theater, having carefully studied the passage of the deer, repeated his movements with a tree on his head. After which the tree was cut out and combined with the deer.”

Combined photography was also used in the scene of Martha and Baroness Jacobina passing in a carriage. “We filmed this episode in the Mosfilm pavilion, and it was necessary to place a city german landscape, says Vsevolod Yakubovich. – It turned out that the footage taken in Germany was not suitable: the camera was placed on a high tripod, and the carriage windows were at the level of the second floor. I had to zoom in a lot and only use the bottom of the frame.”

“There is a scene in the film: Munchausen’s servant looks through a telescope and, when he sees ducks flying up, gives the baron a sign,” says combined filming operator Vsevolod Yakubovich. - He shoots into the chimney, and a roast duck falls out of the fireplace. According to the idea, the servant was supposed to see ducks in the chimney flying towards him. When we started looking in film libraries for such a flight, we found many shots of ducks flying away from the camera, but not a single one of them flying in the other direction. I had to organize a movie hunt for ducks and drive them towards the camera. A bear also took part in the filming of the film - according to the plot, he came out of the forest during the ducal hunt. In order for the animal to go in the right direction, it was lured with a jar of sprat - when they knocked on it, the bear followed the familiar sound.”

A German stuntman, a kind of German macho, took part in the filming. During the break, the dashing Abdulov approached him and offered to measure his strength: to find out who has the stronger fingers. They crossed index fingers and started pushing against each other. “Suddenly I heard a crunching sound and saw that Abdulov’s finger was twisted somehow unnaturally,” says Dolinsky. “I tell him: “It seems he broke it for you.” “It doesn’t seem like it, but for sure,” replies Abdulov. How Zakharov cursed later! Alexander was given an invisible plaster cast, and he continued filming with it. But his adventures did not end there. Right on the set, Abdulov also managed to break his toe.”

Mark Zakharov already spoke about this: “It wasn’t broken, it was dislocated. Abdulov is a very gambling person and persuaded me to allow him to jump from a four-meter fence without an understudy. The second director - a more experienced person - said that it was necessary to make a special hole that would soften the impact on the ground, and something else. I took it lightly. As a result, Alexander Gavrilovich jumped and injured his leg. I really regretted giving in to him. There was another episode involving risk for Yankovsky, when his hero climbs a rope ladder. I tried it myself first, the steps disappeared from under my feet, it was scary. But Yankovsky, without a backup and insurance, rose to a decent height.”

“That Same Munchausen” suffered less from censorship than Zakharov’s other films - for example, when “An Ordinary Miracle” was submitted to the artistic council, each phrase had to be fought for. A single insignificant scene was cut from “Munchausen”: “Director Mark Zakharov set me the task of writing words for a song about Munchausen, which the heroine Lyubov Polishchuk would have to sing,” says poet Yuri Entin. – Zhanna Rozhdestvenskaya recorded it. When the film was released, I sat down by the TV in the hope of hearing my song, I watched the first episode, but there was no song in the second, although my last name was listed in the credits. Then it turned out that the song was banned because of Polishchuk, who at that time for some reason was out of favor on television. I resigned myself to not including “That Munchausen” in my filmography, but a few years later the song was returned to the film.”

The director himself believes that he owes such luck to the fact that the film was released on the eve of the New Year, and the film officials who received the film were already in a pre-holiday mood, as a result of which they were not so picky about his new creation. From the very first showing on television, the film became very popular, and now, more than thirty years after the premiere, it, having acquired the status of a cult film, remains beloved by a huge number of viewers.

Every year, the Baron Munchausen Museum (Latvia) celebrates the coming of May 32, mentioned in the film “That Same Munchausen.” Baron Munchausen, signing the divorce papers, dates them to May 32 - according to his calculations, an error has crept into the calendar over the past millennia due to the more accurately calculated period of the Earth's revolution around its axis, and this year there should be one more extra day. But no one is interested in the baron’s ideas; everyone perceives his action as another challenge to social order.

Film directed by Mark Zakharov with the inimitable Oleg Yankovsky in leading role immediately won the hearts of viewers and after its release in 1979 it was disassembled into quotes. This is a real masterpiece that you want to watch again and again - and find new meanings every time.

- The truth is that in this moment considered true...

So you say - hunting...
- I speak?
- Well, okay, don’t talk, you’re thinking.

Are you saying that a person can lift himself up by his own hair?
- Necessarily! thinking man I just have to do it from time to time.

- Mister Baron has been waiting for you for a long time. He has been working in his office since the morning, locked himself and asks: “Thomas,” he says, “hasn’t Mr. Pastor arrived yet?” I say: “Not yet.” He says: “Well, thank God.” It's waiting for you.

Mister Baron went into the forest to hunt and there he met this bear. The bear rushed at him, and since Mr. Baron was without a gun...
- Why without a gun?
- I’m telling you: he was going hunting...
- And when the bear rushed at him, Mister Baron grabbed him by the front paws and held him until he died.
- Why did he die?
- From hunger. The bear, as you know, feeds by sucking its paw, and since Mister Baron deprived him of this opportunity...
- And what, do you believe in all this?
- Certainly. You saw for yourself how thin he is.
- Who?
- Bear.
- What bear?
- The one you saw.

- Frau Martha, I didn’t hear: what time is it?
- The clock struck 3, the baron struck 2, so it was only 5.

Are you waiting for me, darling? Sorry, I was delayed by Newton.

We'll shoot through the chimney.

Got it. Duck! With apples. It looks like it's cooked well.
“It seems like she doused herself with sauce on the way.”
- Yes? How sweet of her!

She ran away from me two years ago.
- To tell the truth, Baron, I would do the same in her place.
“That’s why I’m not marrying you, but Martha.”
- Unfortunately, if your wife is alive, you cannot marry again.
- When alive? Are you proposing to kill her?
- God forbid you, Baron!

- But you allow kings to get divorced.
- Well, the kings special cases, as an exception, when it is needed, say, for procreation.
- To procreate, something completely different is needed.
- The Church should bless love!
- Legal!
- All love is legal if it is love!
- It's just your opinion!
- What do you recommend?
- There is nothing to advise here: live as you lived. Only according to civil and church laws, your wife will still be considered the wife who is no longer your wife!

- They told me he’s a smart man.
- Well, you never know what they talk about a person!

Well, I can’t change because of every idiot!
- Be like everyone else, Karl! I'm begging!
- As everybody? What are you saying? Like everyone else... Don't fly on cannonballs, don't hunt mammoths, don't correspond with Shakespeare...

-What are you yelling at night?
- Is it night?
- Night.
- And how long?
- Since the evening.

I wanted to say, the duck is ready.
- Let her go. Let it fly.

- Do you want to hang this daub in the house?
- Why does she bother you?
- She makes me angry! Chop her into pieces!
- Don't you dare! He claims that it is the work of Rembrandt.
- Whom?
- Rembrandt.
- Lies.
- Of course it’s a lie, but the auctioneers are offering twenty thousand for it.
- Twenty? So sell it.
- To sell means to admit that it is true.

Challenge your father to a duel.
- Never!
- But why?
- Firstly, he will kill me, and secondly...
- And the first one is enough.

I'm already 19 years old, and I'm just a cornet! And no prospects! They didn’t even allow me to attend the maneuvers!
- Manyo-evry!
- They weren’t allowed to attend the maneuvers! The colonel said that he generally refused to accept reports from Baron Munchausen.

- Baroness, how does this Amazon costume suit you! Ramkopf, you are charming as always! How are you, cornet? I see it's good!
- Judging by the abundance of compliments, you have bad news again.

- The man destroyed the family, kicked his wife and child out of the house!
- What a child! I'm an officer!
- Kicked out his wife and the officer!

If you have a mistress, good luck! Nowadays everyone has mistresses. But we can’t allow them to marry. It is immoral!

- But is this a fact?
- No, this is not a fact.
- This is not a fact?!
- No, this is not a fact. This is much more than a fact. That's how it really was.

Being somewhat nervously overexcited, the Duke suddenly grabbed and signed several petitions for divorce with the words: “Freedom, everyone free!”

- So, we've finished the game. Duel! Mr. Ramkopf, you old friend our family, you do a lot for us. Do one more thing.
- No, no, no, no, no!
- Be my second.
- Never!
- But why?
- Firstly, he will kill the second too...
- Yes.
- Murderer!

Your Highness, maybe it’s all about our left wing? It's unreliable.
- The center worries me too...

- Maybe it’s worth it after all in this case raise the top from the top and lower the bottom from the bottom?
- Let's do it! Two rows of darts on the left, two on the right. The whole solution is in the waist! Where do you think we will make the waist? At chest level!
- Brilliant! Brilliant, like everything true.
- Exactly at chest level. Sixty six. I will not allow the waistline to be lowered onto the hips. One hundred fifty five. In the end, we are the center of Europe, I will not allow any Spaniards there to dictate terms to us. If you want a cut-off sleeve, please. Want to pleated skirt with darts - I accept that too. But I won’t let you lower your waistline!

- Get up at 6 o'clock in the morning!!!
- Not punishable.
- from 8 to 10 - feat.
- what does it mean?
- This means that from 8 to 10 in the morning he has a feat planned. Well, what can you say, Mr. Burgomaster, about a man who every day goes to a heroic deed, as if to serve?
- I serve myself, madam. Every day at nine in the morning I have to go to my magistrate. I won’t say that this is a feat, but in general there is something heroic in it.

Lord, why didn’t England please him?!

War is not poker! You can’t announce it whenever you want! War is... war!

Do we leave the breasts in place?
- No, we’ll take it with us!

Where is my military uniform?
- Please, Your Highness, please!
- What?? Me - in this? Single breasted? What are you talking about? Don’t you know that no one fights in single-breasted clothes anymore? Ugliness! War is at our doorstep, but we are not ready! No, we are not ready for war!

- Gentlemen, officers, let's synchronize our watches! How many now?
- 15:00!
- 15 and a quarter!
- Or more precisely?
- Plus 22!

Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen! You have been ordered to be arrested. In case of resistance, it is ordered to use force.
- To whom?
- What to whom?
- Who should use force in case of resistance, you or me?
- Didn't understand…
- So, maybe we should send a messenger to ask again?
- This is impossible.
- Right. We will both carry out the order. Logical?
- Uh-uh...
- And this is good. One minute. So it's done something like this. Step aside, gentlemen! You will leave altogether. And, of course, dancing! Still a tavern.

It's okay, Your Highness. Baron Munchausen will be arrested any minute. He asked me to tell you not to disperse.

He once went into the forest without a gun.
- In what sense without a gun?
- Well, I mean like a bear.
- Not a bear, but a mammoth. But he fired from a gun.
- From a gun?
- Yes. Cherry pit.
- Cherries!
- Firstly, he shot not with cherries, but with currants. When they flew over his house.
- The Bears?
- Well, not mammoths!
- Why then did all this grow on the deer?

- What is this?
- Arrested.
- Why with an orchestra?
- Your Highness, first there were celebrations planned. Then the arrests. Then they decided to combine.
-Where is our guard? Where is the guard?
- Obviously, he is outflanking.
- Whom?
- Everyone!

Your Highness, don't go against your conscience. I know you noble man and in my heart I am also against England.
- Yes, in my heart I’m against it. Yes, I don't like her. But I sit and keep quiet!
- No, this is not a duke, this is a rag!
- Madam, what do you want from him? England has surrendered!

Why does the war continue? Don’t they read your newspapers?

- I remembered! He actually shot a deer! But through the chimney!

Have you forgotten that the divorce proceedings will begin in half an hour?
- It started a long time ago. Since I saw you.

Divorce is disgusting not only because it separates spouses, but also because it calls the man free and the woman abandoned.
-What is she talking about?

The Baron is covering up.
- And what does he say?
- It’s clear that: “a scoundrel,” he says, “a crazy person, an unfortunate liar”...
- And what does he want?
- It’s clear what: don’t quit.
- Logical.

Karl, why is it so late?
- In my opinion, it’s too early: not all nonsense has been said yet.

- How is it possible: everything was fine for 20 years, and suddenly such a tragedy.
- Sorry, Mr. Judge, the tragedy lasted 20 years, and only now everything should be fine. It was a difficult 20 years, but I don’t regret it!

There are couples created for love, but we were created for divorce.

Jacobina has not loved me since childhood and, to give her credit, she managed to evoke reciprocal feelings in me. In church, when the priest asked if we wanted to become husband and wife, we unanimously answered: “No!” - and we were immediately married. After the wedding, my wife and I left for Honeymoon: I’m going to Turkey, she’s going to Switzerland. And for three years they lived there in love and harmony.

I protest! You insult my client!
- The truth cannot offend, dear lawyer!

It only takes a minute to fall in love. To get a divorce, sometimes you have to live together for 20 years.

At one time, Socrates once told me: “Be sure to get married. Will get caught good wife- you will become happy, bad - you will become a philosopher.” I don't know which is better.

And long live divorce, gentlemen! It eliminates the lies that I hate so much!

Give in, Lord! You have already endured so much... well, endure a little more!

Thomas, are you happy that we have May 32?
- Actually, not very much, Mister Baron. On the first of June my salary is paid.

Are you excited for the new day?
- It depends on what it falls on. If it's on Sunday, then it's a shame. And if it’s on Monday, why do we need two Mondays?

Lord, why didn't you marry Joan of Arc? She agreed.

But I told the truth!
- To hell with the truth! Sometimes you need to lie. You see, lie! Lord, I have to explain such obvious things to Baron Munchausen!

May 32, 33, and so on...
- Well that's just wonderful! And don’t be so tragic, my dear. Look at this with your usual humor... With humor!.. In the end, Galileo also renounced us.
- That’s why I always loved Giordano Bruno more...
- In the end, I always respected your choice: a free shoulder line...
- So what is June like today?
- First.
- Don't complicate things, Baron. Secretly you may believe.
- I don't know how to secretly. I can only openly.
Since no one needs an extra day of spring, let’s forget about it. On such a day it is difficult to live, but easy to die.
I wasn't afraid to seem funny. Not everyone can afford this.
- What if you’re not afraid and...
- Eliminate! Or... bring it closer?
- Connect!

Gentlemen, let's not pour water out of Munchausen! No need. He is dear to us simply like Munchausen... like Carl Friedrich Hieronymus... and whether his horse drinks or doesn’t drink is not of concern to us.
I'm scared to remember. I dreamed of a duel with my father. I wanted to kill him... We all killed him... Murderers!!!
- How much for carnations?
- Two thalers each!
- How is it two thalers? They're sluggish!
- Sluggish. Ha ha ha! Our baron, while he was alive, was also cheaply valued. And withered - he became dear to everyone!

- In Germany, having the surname Müller is the same as not having any.
- You're kidding...
- I quit a long time ago. Doctors forbid it.
- Since when did you start going to doctors?
- Immediately after death.

And they say that humor is useful. The joke is that it prolongs life.
- Not everyone. The one who laughs prolongs it, and the one who jokes shortens it.

Good boy?
- 12 kilograms.
- Running?
- For what? Walking.
- Chatting?
- Silent.
- Smart boy, he will go far.

My funeral alone gave me more money than my entire previous life.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of your death. Do you want to ruin our holiday?
- Today at midnight at the monument.
- At the monument. To whom?
- To me.
- You died!
- Died!

For the fourth time we drive this pig past His Highness, and His Highness, excuse the expression, smears and smears! Will you order us to drive away for the fifth time?
- No! Inconvenient. He already remembered his face.
- Who will win?
- Duke of the Boar!

Do what you want, but in half an hour the forest will be dry, light and bear-free!

By the way, Baron, I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time: where did you actually get the bears?
- I don’t remember anymore. In my opinion, in the forest.
- No, this is impossible. We haven't had them for a long time.

So, gentlemen, I invited you to tell you the most unpleasant news. Damn, that's a great line to start a play. I'll have to suggest it to someone.

These are not my adventures, this is not my life. She is smoothed, combed, powdered and neutered!
- Ordinary editorial edits.
- Dear Jacobina, you know me: when they cut me, I tolerate it, but when they complement me, it becomes unbearable.

And you have changed a lot during this time, Mr. Burgomaster.
- And you didn’t do it in vain.

Frau Martha, we have a problem: the Baron has risen! There will be trouble!
I hate it! All! Duel! Shoot here! Through a scarf!

I'm on duty. If they decide that you are Munchausen, I will fall on your chest. If they decide that you are Mueller, I will put you behind bars. That's all I can do for you.

Lord, do you really have to kill a person to understand that he is alive?!

And my advice to you: don’t rush to become Munchausen’s widow. This place is currently occupied.
- You are facing prison.
- Wonderful place! Here next to me is Ovid, Cervantes... We will knock.

Do you really think that he will make it?
- To the moon, of course!
- You can’t even see her.
- When you can see it, the fool will fly. The Baron likes it to be more difficult.

Well, let's confess.
- I've been doing this all my life. But no one believed me.
- Please, ease your soul.
- It happened naturally, pastor. I had a friend - he betrayed me. I had a loved one - she renounced. I'm flying light.
- Well, say something goodbye!
- What to say?
- Think about it. There is always something important for such a moment.
- I... I will wait for you!
- Not that!
- I... I love you very much!
- Not that!
- I will be faithful to you!
- No need!
- They put raw gunpowder, Karl! They want to stop you!
- Here.

The pharmacist's daughter is the pharmacist's daughter!

Now I’m flying away, and we’re unlikely to see each other. But when I return, next time, you will no longer be there. The fact is that time flies differently in heaven and on earth: there are moments, here there are centuries.
Lord, I'm so tired of dying!

Where is the commander?
- Commands!

Join us, Mr. Baron. Join us.
But understand, Baron Munchausen is famous not for the fact that he flew or did not fly, but for the fact that he does not lie.

- When I return, let it be six o'clock.
- Six in the evening or six in the morning?
- Six days!

I understand what your problem is: you are too serious. An intelligent face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen. Smile!

  1. -Where is our guard?
    - Obviously, he is outflanking.
    - Whom?
    - Everyone!
  2. - And they said - such a smart man!
    - Well, you never know what people say...
  3. - Is it night?
    - Night.
    - And how long?
    - Since the evening.
  4. Baron Munchausen will be arrested any minute! He asked me to tell you not to disperse.
  5. Baron Munchausen is famous not because he flew to the moon. He is famous for never lying.
  6. - Running?
    - For what? Walking.
    - Chatting?
    - Silent.
    - Smart boy, he will go far.
  7. - He left his wife and child!
    - I'm not a child, I'm an officer!
    - He left his wife with an officer!
  8. We'll shoot through the chimney
  9. Being in some nervous excitement, the Duke suddenly grabbed and signed several petitions for divorce with the words: “Freedom, everyone free!”
  10. - At midnight at the monument.
    - To whom?
    - To me.
  11. In Germany, having the surname Müller is the same as not having any.
  12. War is not poker! You can't announce it whenever you want.
  13. At one time, Socrates told me: “Get married. If you get a good wife, you will become happy. If you get a bad wife, you will become a philosopher.” It is still unknown which is better.
  14. Getting up so early for people in our circle is unnatural - but... not punishable...
  15. To the side, please. You will leave altogether.
  16. On such a day it is difficult to live, but easy to die.
  17. - You allow kings to get divorced.
    - Well, for kings, in special cases, as an exception, when it is necessary, say, for procreation.
    - To procreate, something completely different is needed.
  18. -Are you saying that a person can lift himself up by his hair?
    - Necessarily! A thinking person is simply obliged to do this from time to time.
  19. -Where is the commander?
    - Commands!
  20. - They say humor prolongs life...
    - It prolongs the life of those who laugh, and shortens it for those who make jokes.
  21. Lord, do you really have to kill a person to understand that he is alive?!
  22. Lord, why didn’t England please him?!
  23. - Mr. Baron has already asked about you three times: “You haven’t come, he says, Mr. Pastor?” No, I say, he didn’t come... “Well, thank God,” he says. It's waiting for you!
  24. Long live divorce! It eliminates the lies that I hate so much!
  25. Do what you want, but so that in half an hour the forest will be light, dry and there will be a bear!
  26. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your death. Do you want to ruin our holiday?
  27. - As everybody? Not flying on cannonballs? Don't hunt mammoths? Not corresponding with Shakespeare?
  28. - To me? Single breasted uniform? Do you know that no one fights in a single-breasted suit anymore? We are not ready for war!
  29. I'm already 19 years old, and I'm just a cornet. And no prospects!
  30. My best friend I was betrayed, my beloved renounced. I'm flying light.
  31. We were sincere in our misconceptions!
  32. We have forgotten how to do little stupid things. We stopped climbing through the window to see the women we love...
  33. Some couples are made for love, but we were made for divorce.
  34. - But it's a fact!
    - No, this is not a fact.
    - This is not a fact?
    - No, this is not a fact. This is much more than a fact. That's how it really was.
  35. - Don't complicate things, Baron... Secretly you can believe.
    - I can't secretly. I can only openly.
  36. Is it really necessary to kill a person to understand that he is alive?
  37. - Well, that’s nice... And don’t be so tragic, my dear... In the end, Galileo also renounced!
    - That's why I always loved Giordano Bruno more.
  38. Well, I can’t change because of every idiot!
  39. - Well... let's confess
    - I've been doing this all my life.
  40. Well, what do you want - England surrendered...
  41. - Explain to the court why everything was fine for 20 years, and suddenly such a tragedy?
    - Sorry, Mr. Judge, the tragedy lasted for twenty years and only now everything should be fine!
  42. - She ran away from me two years ago.
    - To tell you the truth, I would do it too.
    - That's why I'm not marrying you...
  43. After the wedding, we immediately left for our honeymoon. I went to Turkey, my wife went to Switzerland, and we lived there for three years in love and harmony.
  44. - Aren't you dead?
    - Died.
  45. -What is she talking about?
    - He's hiding the Baron.
    - And what does he say?
    - It’s clear that he’s talking about a scoundrel, a crazy person, an unfortunate liar...
    - And what does he want?
    - It’s clear what: don’t quit.
    - Logical.
  46. First there were celebrations, then arrests. Then they decided to combine.
  47. “He didn’t shoot cherries, but currants when they flew over his house.”
  48. - Prison awaits you.
    - A wonderful place... Here next to me is Ovid, Cervantes - we will knock.
  49. - The duck is ready.
    - Let her go, let her fly.
  50. Frau Martha, we have a problem: the Baron has risen! There will be trouble!
  51. The clock struck 2, the baron fired 3 times, so it was 5 o'clock!
  52. - In half an hour, the divorce process will begin.
    - It started a long time ago. The day I saw you.
  53. It only takes a minute to fall in love. To get a divorce, sometimes you have to live together for twenty years.
  54. These are not my adventures, this is not my life! She is smoothed, combed, powdered and neutered!
  55. Jacobina has not loved me since childhood and, to her credit, she managed to evoke reciprocal feelings in me.
  56. I'm on duty... If the court decides that you are a baron, I will fall on your chest. If the court decides that you are Mueller, I will put you in prison.
  57. I wasn't afraid to seem funny. Not everyone can afford that.
  58. I understand what your problem is. You are too serious. All the stupid things on earth were done with this exact expression... Smile, gentlemen... Smile...
  59. I decided to resurrect.
  60. I serve myself, madam. Every day at nine in the morning I have to go to my magistrate. I won’t say that this is a feat, but in general there is something heroic in it!