The lead singer of Linkin Park died. “I expressed pain through my music”: Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington passed away


This photograph was taken in 1936 at Raynham Hall, Norfolk, England.
This portrait of the "Stern Lady" is probably the most famous and discussed ghost photograph ever taken.

It is believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Wrayham, who resided at Wrayham Hall in the early 17th century.

According to rumors, Dorothy was the mistress of Lord Wharton before her marriage to Charles. Charles suspected Dorothy of infidelity. According to available records, she was buried in 1726.

It is suspected that the funeral was a hoax, but in fact Charles locked his wife in a remote part of the house and kept her there until her death.


Remember how Archie Bunker loved his rocking chair so much that he wouldn't let anyone sit on it? However, Archie did not know Lord Combermere.

In 1891, after the lord's carriage overturned, he died. The photographer set up his camera in the Lord's library with the shutter open for one hour, while everyone else was almost four miles away at Combermere's funeral.

After development, everyone immediately noticed in the photograph the outline of the head and hands of a man sitting in a chair. It was noted that the ghost was very similar to the late lord.


Freddy Jackson was a mechanic in the Royal Air Force during the First World War. Jackson's squadron was stationed aboard the English warship Daedalus.

Freddie Jackson died in 1919 after being hit by a propeller. Two days later, as the squadron gathered together for a group photo, Freddie Jackson appeared, his face peeking out from behind his head. best friend. It's probably just that no one has told Freddie that he died. Almost everyone who knew him recognized his face.


Former clergyman White Rock ( British Columbia, Canada) made his famous photograph in 1966. He just wanted to take a few pictures of the beautiful spiral staircase from the Royal House, which is National Museum Greenwich (England).

However, after developing the photograph, a blurred figure of a man was seen climbing the stairs, holding the railing with both hands.
Experts, including several from Kodak Corporation, who examined the original negative, have concluded that the image is not a fake.
They say that sometimes other people see human figures and even hear footsteps on the stairs.


In 1959, like every loving daughter, Mable Chinnery went to the cemetery to visit her mother. She took a few photos of the burial site and then turned to take a photo of her husband sitting in the front passenger seat.

The film was developed, after which it turned out that someone wearing glasses was sitting in the back seat. Mrs. Chinnery swore that the passenger was none other than her mother, on whose grave she was standing when she took this photo! Hmm... A living husband with his mother-in-law looking over his shoulder is no joke...


In 1996, Ike Clanton took a photo of his friend who was dressed in a cowboy outfit. And it was right in the middle of Boothill Cemetery near the town of Tombstone (translated as a tombstone - approx. transl.).

They both swear that there was no one in sight near them when this photo was taken. Moreover, after some time they tried to reproduce this photograph by inviting their friend to stand in the place where the image of a person was visible in the photograph. Ike Clenton says it is impossible to take a photograph like this without showing the legs of the person standing behind.

Clanton is not sure that Tombstone is haunted, but otherworldly activity is always observed near old towns. On his website, Clenton devotes an entire page to describing the city and its inhabitants. Maybe someone will find out...


Of all the ghost photos I've seen (except for one that I can't show yet), this one is the most ominous and frightening. I only learned about the existence of this photograph a few months ago.

More than ten years ago, on November 19, 1995, Wem Town Hall burned to the ground in Shropshire, England. While firefighters were trying to control the fire and extinguish the fire, the owner of the house, Tony O'Rahilly, with the help of his mobile phone I took several pictures of the burning house.

After looking through the photographs he received, in one of them he noticed a little girl standing in the doorway, with flames raging around her. No one else noticed the presence of the little girl in the house, especially in such a close proximity to the fire. The photograph and its digital original were handed over to experts, who concluded that the image had not been subjected to any processing.

So what was the girl's ghost doing in that big fire? As it turned out, back in 1677, a fire destroyed most of the wooden buildings of Wem Town Hall. The fire was said to have started when a 14-year-old girl named Jane Churm knocked a candle into a haystack. The girl died in a fire, as did several other people, and her ghost is said to still haunt the area.

Whether it is a ghost or not, it should be noted that even if this is some kind of trick, the illusion of smoke and fire that is visible in the picture could not possibly form the shape of the girl who died in a terrible fire many years ago. However, we have seen other very strange events, haven't we?


This photograph was taken during an investigation by the Society for the Study of Ghosts in the cemetery at Bachelor's Grove. On August 10, 1991, several members of the community were in a cemetery near a small abandoned grave in the Rubio Woods Forest, near Midlothian, Illinois.

This cemetery has a reputation as the largest haunted site in the United States. More than 100 different phenomena have been observed near Bachelor's Grove, including ghosts, random sounds, and even glowing balls of light. After developing the photograph, the outline of a young girl sitting on a tombstone appeared in the photograph. Part of her body was translucent, and her clothing had long gone out of fashion.


This was the first photograph I saw of ghosts. In 1924, James Courtney and Michael Meehan, two crew members of the steamship Watertown, were accidentally killed by a steam escape.

The crew of a ship sailing through the Panama Canal from New York buried two sailors at sea off the coast of Mexico. This happened on December 4th. The next day, December 5, one of the crew members shouted that he could see the faces of Courtney and Meehan in the water. Over the next few days, virtually every member of the crew, including the ship's captain, saw faces appearing and disappearing.

After the captain reported this to the port of New Orleans, he was asked to photograph these faces. Captain Keith Tracy took the camera on board with him, and the ship soon set sail. Sure enough, the faces appeared again, Tracy took six pictures and then put the camera in the safe. The camera was not touched until arriving in New York. In five of the six photographs, no anomalies were noticed, and only in the sixth it was clear that the captain was telling the truth: the faces of the two dead sailors were clearly visible in the picture.

The photographs were not subjected to any processing. The faces stopped appearing after a new crew boarded the ship.


His Reverend K.F. K.F. Lord took a photo of the altar in his church in North Yorkshire, England (why are GOOD ghosts only found in England?). And this is what he saw after development.

The photograph and negative were carefully examined by experts who found no evidence of editing or re-exposure. It was estimated that "it" was about 9 feet tall (~274 cm), and after studying the archives, they did not find a single monk even remotely that tall in this church. So who is it? Or what? A trick of the light or something else?


Mrs Andrews came to the cemetery to visit her daughter Joyce, who died when she was 17 years old. Andrews didn't notice anything unusual when she took this photo of her daughter's grave.

After the film was developed, Mrs. Andrews was amazed to see a small, smiling child sitting on her daughter's grave. The child seemed to be quite aware that he was being filmed, as he looked straight into the camera. Perhaps this is a re-exposure?

Mrs Andrews said there were no children nearby when she took the photo and she did not know who the child was. She has never taken pictures of small children and says she doesn't believe it was the ghost of her daughter when she was little.


In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley took photographs of the interior of St. Botolph's Chruch in London, but he never expected to see what appeared in the picture.

On the top floor of the church, in the upper right corner of the photo the floor is clearly visible transparent figure, shaped like the outline of a girl. According to Brackley, there were only three people in the church at the time, and no one was on the top floor.


According to the book Real Ghosts by Brad Steiger, a book about haunted ghosts and haunted places where this photo was found, there was only one other photographer in the church at the time.

No one present saw the ghost or any other person standing near the altar. Since the figure was all in black, they assumed that it was a clergyman.


“The woman in the photo is my grandmother,” says the author of this photo. "She lived at home alone until she was 94, when her mind began to weaken and she had to be sent to a nursing home. After the first week of her stay, a picnic was held for the residents of the home and their families. My mother and sister came.

My sister only took two photos that day, and this is one of them. The photo was taken on Sunday, August 17, 1997, and we believe that the person standing behind my grandmother is our grandfather, who died on the same Sunday, but on August 14, 1984. We did not notice the man in the photo for 3 years until Christmas 2000, when, after the death of my grandmother, we decided to look through the photographs in the house.

My sister liked this photo of her grandmother so much that she made another copy for our mother, but how could we not notice the man in the photo for three whole years! When we arrived at my parents' house that Christmas day, my sister handed me a photograph and asked, "Who do you think the man in the picture looks like?" It took me a few seconds to understand what she meant.

I simply had no words. We compared the photo with existing black and white photographs of my grandfather. It really was him!"

It doesn't take a photographer or an expert to say that when you love someone with all your heart, nothing can stop you from being there for them. But it's always nice to know that love never dies.


A strange legend exists about this intersection in San Antonio, Texas. As the legend says, the intersection of the highway and railway tracks was the site of a tragic incident in which several schoolchildren were killed, but their ghosts are still here to push stranded cars across the train tracks.

The daughter of Andy and Debi Chesney and several of her friends made a special trip to this intersection to check out the legend and take some photos. Quite unexpectedly, a transparent figure appeared in one of the photographs after development.

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Let's immediately exclude the option of editing (because it's a boring idea), how else can we try to explain these shots?

Laura N: The photo was taken in Gettysburg on April 3, 2005 (the site of bloody battles during Civil War in USA)

ChrisKaan: This photo is from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric website. The photo shows the face of a demon during a major storm in Colorado.

Alien Dad: I almost lost my mind when I saw the ultrasound of my pregnant wife. I WILL BE THE FATHER OF AN ALIEN! I'm so proud of my alien.

T. Dooley: we discovered this creature in an old private park in England in 2005

Vane: The town of Juarez is located in Texas. It was built near old and often abandoned cemeteries. Residents constantly complain about a large number of ghosts. This is the photo I took one night at the cemetery

Greg Gatewood: This photo was taken of me and my son in a Texas cemetery in 2001

Mugsy: This photo was taken near a hotel in Ontario by my friends. When they showed it to the hotel owner, she was horrified and said that it was her aunt, who died 2 years ago.

Patricia Zoeller: Photo taken in 2003 in an abandoned hospital for tuberculosis patients (1926-1961). The hospital is famous for all sorts of paranormal phenomena.
The photograph was taken at such a height that the presence of a living person in the opening is excluded.

Denise: my cat died a few years ago from old age. Recently I took a photo of the place where her food bowl usually stood and this is what happened. The cat itself is on the right.

Lee C.: fire demon

Shayne: I was taking pictures of my son. When I uploaded the photos to HDD, I was just in shock. A girl stood in the doorway. Overlay of frames is excluded, since the digital camera was just purchased

Dave S.: This photo was taken at Bumpass Mountain. Bumpass led tours of this place, which is famous for its geysers and boiling mud. One day he fell with his foot in boiling water and it was amputated. I think the picture is of old Bumpass with a wooden leg.

Tom Hendrix: I photographed this strange creature while photographing my parents’ house in Florida

David N: We were relaxing with friends in nature and felt that we were being watched from the forest. We took a few photos of the darkness and this is what we found when viewing them on the computer

Vane: Parral is a small town with interesting Mexican history. The town is Catholic and very religious. While descending into an abandoned mine, I found an icon of Mary, like many other things here, standing on a miner's wheelbarrow. All cars are numbered. When I saw the license plate number of the car, I was overcome with horror.

Erin: A miracle happened in Fostoria, Florida in 1986. An image of Jesus with a child appeared on the rusty tower. People from all over the area came to see it. The most enterprising then sold photos like this for 3 bucks

Ghost Passenger

This is one of the most unusual photographs of ghosts. The woman in the back seat must have been in her grave when the photo was taken.

The driver's wife took photographs of the car. She says there was no one in the car. Although the photograph clearly shows the mother of the woman who died a week earlier.

The brown woman from Raynham Hall is probably the most famous photograph casts on the network. Photo taken 09/13/1936 at 16:00 during filming for Country Life Magazine at Raynham Hall, England. The photographer saw a woman coming down the stairs and began shouting to his assistant. The assistant saw nothing.

Mike O.: My brother's wife was visiting her friend's mother in the hospital. While waiting, she played with her camera phone and accidentally took a photo of the floor. If you lighten the photo a little, you can clearly see the ghost of the sick boy

Ghost woman in antique dress

Ghost Monk
The photograph of a monk standing at the altar was taken in the 60s of the 20th century in one of the English churches.

At that moment he did not see anything unusual. But after developing the film, the ghost monk became visible. It can be seen that his height is at least three meters.

Burning girl
Photo taken local resident Tony O Rahilly 09/19/1995 when a building burned down in Shropshire, England. At that moment, when Tony was taking photographs, neither he nor the people standing nearby saw the girl standing in the doorway. After checking, experts said that the photo was fake.

This building had already burned down once in 1677. That year, a little girl, Jane Churm, accidentally set the building on fire with a candle. Since then, the ghost of the girl has often been seen in the city.

Missileman: Me, my daughter and son-in-law found an abandoned hunting lodge woods of Georgia. We decided to take a photo of him. While filming, my daughter felt something fly past her. Imagine our surprise when we looked at the photos on the computer.

Ghosts at the Grave

This photo was submitted to Ebay. It shows two ghosts at once.

Dave: I photographed an abandoned house in the woods of West Virginia. A ghost is clearly visible in the background.

Liverpudlian Colin Watershine (pictured below) has been studying ghost photographs for over fifteen years. The specialist has an impressive collection of images that contain various ghosts that are inaccessible to human eyes. (website)

Haze in photographs is not a shooting defect

According to the Briton, ghosts that we are unable to see, but which are sometimes captured in photographs, can be divided into several common categories: shining balls, translucent faces floating in the air, flat and voluminous shadows, and smoky silhouettes. The latter will be discussed.

Watershine is convinced that he is very little known and underrated. Thousands of people every day notice strange steam or fog in their photographs that simply cannot be there, but, as a rule, they do not attach any importance to this detail. Meanwhile, in such cases we are often talking about real supernatural phenomena.

The best photos with smoky ghosts

This photograph was taken in 2003 in one of the London houses preserved from Victorian era. The owner decided to try out the newly purchased camera and took a picture of the empty living room. A mysterious smoke resembling a human figure suddenly appeared in the resulting image. At the same time, the fireplace in the room had not been lit for many decades, and none of the residents smoked in the house.

This photo was taken in 1992 by a Canadian who visited the American city of Lincoln. The tourist went with friends for an evening walk and took several photographs as a souvenir. On one of them, depicting an ordinary street sign, a shining, shapeless ghost appeared, as if thick clouds of steam had been caught in the light of a lantern. However, the author of the photo claims that there was nothing like this on the street.

As for this photograph, Watershine considers it one of the best exhibits in his collection of paranormal images. The photo was taken in July 2006 in the Mexican city of Hispaniola at a wedding dinner under open air. The photo shows a smoky human figure ghost leaning over the table. The real torso, arms, neck, head and even ear of the phantom are clearly marked.

This photograph, taken at an unspecified time by two young Japanese women, shows a different human silhouette. The ghost hanging over the ground seems to be trying to hug the girl posing for the camera.

Scary photos of smoky ghosts

The photo above can be seriously scary. The fact is that this smoky phantom has clearly visible eyes sparkling with an ominous light and a mouth wide open, as if in a silent scream. The photo was taken in 1999 by a Scottish taxi driver whose car broke down near a forest at night. While waiting for the tow truck, the driver whiled away the time by photographing dark trees near the road, and received photographs of a real ghost.

In the fall of 2009, a team of Australian supernatural researchers visited one of Adelaide's cemeteries at night. The group photographer intuitively sensed that there was someone near the graves and took this photo. Users of the Boarding School nicknamed the photographed anomaly the “armless crybaby.”

You might think that this photo, taken in September 2004 by a California resident during an overnight stay in nature, depicts a shapeless wisp of fog. The author of the photo also thought so, until she accidentally turned the resulting image upside down in a photo editor. The American was surprised to discover the ghost's face in profile - it seems that the ghost is wearing some kind of mask.

Unusual photos with smoky ghosts

A fragment of a photograph taken about twenty years ago by a resident of the Russian Vladivostok on his summer cottage. Notice anything unusual?

The appearance of mysterious ghostly smoke in an abandoned Venezuelan house.

This unusual fog, similar to waves, appeared in a photo accidentally taken around 1994 by a Welsh farmer near his home. Only nine years later, the Welshman was sorting through old photographs and was very surprised when he came across this photo. The farmer is convinced that he has never seen such a haze. Where did she come from in the picture then?

Watershine's theory about smoky ghosts being photographed

According to Colin Watershine, there are about ten thousand of these thematic photographs in his collection. He finds some on the Internet, others are sent to him by paper and email. Interestingly, two photographs were taken by the specialist’s wife.

A Liverpool paranormal investigator is unable to explain what they are and why they appear in some photographs. The Briton has not yet been able to determine any sequence.

However, the expert has one theory that does not claim to be true. According to her, smoky ghosts have never been living people, that is, they are not the spirits of the dead, as happens with other ghosts. Watershine suggests that in the form of a mysterious haze in photographs, certain entities from the subtle, parallel world, which can hardly be called evil or good - rather, they are simply neutral.

So, if a photo you take suddenly shows unexplained smoke or steam, don't rush to delete the image. Perhaps you have just managed to come into contact with an otherworldly reality through your camera.