Banksy works. Biography

Larry Scott a year after his triumphant victory at the first Mr. Olympia, 1966

Nickname: Legend

Mr. Olympia: 1965, 1966

Years of life: 10/12/1938 – 03/8/2014

Height: 170 cm

Competition parameters*: weight - 94 kg / biceps - 50 cm / chest - 128 cm

The very first

A one-year-old child is standing on the floor in shorts. He holds a huge chair at arm's length. This is the picture that began with the first comic book about Superman - a guy with unnaturally huge muscles who can move entire planets. In October 1938, four months after the debut issue of Action Comics with the story about Superman, another baby was born in Blackfoot, America - Larry Scott. For the next ten years, the world around Larry will look like this: McCarthyites blame the communists for all the ills, gaining momentum cold war, two superpowers are working hard on atomic bombs. Well, at the same time - the golden age of comics: Batman, Captain America, Atomic Thunderbolt and other relief heroes roamed the vastness of millions of children's bedrooms. It was on the pages of comics that an advertisement for one of the world's first bodybuilding workouts appeared.

“Why be weak when you can become strong?” - the pumped-up author of the training course, Charles Atlas, asked young readers, smiling from the picture like Superman. Larry read comic books with all his might, and at the age of 16 he first showed up to the gym. Then it would never have occurred to anyone to call him either “Legend” or even “Atomic Thunderbolt” - he was a canonical brute with a biceps 28 cm in diameter. In 1965, when Larry took the first Mr. Olympia in history, a man had already flown into space, and Larry became prettier - his biceps grew to 50 cm. The superhero of this note died in 2014 at the age of 75, when the next one was being prepared for release a story about Superman - the cartoon "Justice League: War".

Arnold Schwarzenegger on the set of Pumping Iron, 1976

Nickname: Arnie

Mr. Olympia: 1970–1975

Years of life: 07/30/1947 – present. vr.

Height: 188 cm

Competition parameters: weight - 107 kg / biceps - 55 cm / chest - 140 cm

Most famous

Oh, how much coal little Arnold had as a child! Imagine: the Austrian village of Tal, near Graz. Another autumn. Arnie, stained with coal, stands on a hillock and mindlessly stares at the ruins. ancient castle, which is located right here, in front of the dusty house of the future bodybuilder. “Let’s go haul coal to the basement, there won’t be anything to heat it with in the winter!” - his father yells at him and knocks on the old car with a heavy police boot. They carry on until lunch, and then, sitting at the table, the father talks about his everyday life - the work of a law enforcement officer. “On a dark, harsh night, this bastard rushes at us with a knife,” the head of the family passionately shouts something like that and, most likely, spills soup on the tablecloth.

What should Arnold do after lunch? There is an idea - to carry coal. What would you, reader, do if you got dirty in something black all week? Shower, bath? Schwarzenegger would like with all his heart to wash himself more often, but this procedure was difficult for him. First, it was necessary to fetch water from a well, which stood two kilometers from the house. When the bathtub was filled (Arnold was pretty sweaty and out of breath by that time), his father washed first, then his mother, and then, in exactly the same muddy water, the future star of the covers of bodybuilding magazines cleaned her body. Well, thanks to coal and water, Schwartz grew up resilient and accustomed to difficulties: he won all sorts of competitions, became a movie star, then a politician (governor of California in 2003–2011), then again a movie star...

But Arnold Gustavovich does not feel any gratitude to the main tormentor of his childhood - fossil fuels formed from the remains of ancient plants. Having become a politician, Schwartz took all his huge hands to support the Kyoto Protocol. Countries that have acceded to this international agreement undertake to reduce harmful environmental emissions into the atmosphere. How would you do this? Well, for example, reducing coal consumption is what is written in this important document.

Nickname: no

Mr. Olympia: 1984–1991

Years of life: 11/11/1959 – present. vr.

Height: 180 cm

Competition parameters: weight - 112 kg / biceps - 52 cm / chest - 137 cm

The most titled

A passenger plane is flying over the Atlantic Ocean, its destination is Spain. The cabin is dimly lit, and a huge passenger, a mobile Mount Elbrus, a grizzly bear in an official suit - American Lee Haney, eight-time Mr. Olympia champion, could barely fit into the chair. Now, as a member of the World Bodybuilding Federation, he routinely flies to the IFBB headquarters in Madrid. Haney is no stranger to bureaucratic work; he was chairman of the Presidential Council for several years under Bill Clinton. physical culture and US sports.

What else do giants do when they no longer step out into the spotlight covered in oil? Lee Haney has written two books (on bodybuilding, of course) and is currently working on another; starred in several documentaries; transmits to Christian radio; owns a chain of fitness clubs; He also built and maintains at his own expense an orphanage-village (with a zoo, by the way).

What do mountain rangers think about in retirement? Haney, 55, looks out the window as cirrus clouds fly by, clearly visible in the deltoids of his competitors at his first Mr. Olympia in 1981. Here, at an altitude of 10,000 kilometers, the silhouettes of the Egyptian Mohammed Makkawi and the German Yusup Wilkosz, who took second and third places, are clearly visible: Haney beat them then with ease, and later another 7 years (the last one in 1991) became the winner of Olympia . This is a record that no athlete has yet broken. Roni Coleman () would only repeat the same result in 2005, 14 years after Haney.

Lee Haney helps boxer Evander Holyfield prepare for another fight, 1997


In the 1980s, Lee Haney created the Haney Row, an exercise that targets the posterior deltoids and is still used by many athletes today.

  1. Stand with your back to the barbell, grab the bar shoulder-width apart.
  2. Pull upward, bending around your buttocks, but without moving the bar more than five centimeters from your body. Keep your head straight. Raise the barbell just above your lower back and lower it down. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

How it's buttered

Professional competition Mr. Olympia has been taking place since 1965 and is organized by International Federation bodybuilding and fitness (IFBB, Now the main venue for Mr. Olympia is Las Vegas (USA). The judges evaluate not only the size of the athlete, but also the development of each muscle and the overall harmony of the competitor’s body. In order for you to become a participant in Mr. Olympia, you need to win several significant amateur competitions (here you will be given a professional ID - IFBB Pro Card), and then win at professional shows (for example, the Arnold Classic or New York Pro). Participants of the previous Mr. Olympia who took places from 1st to 5th are also allowed to participate.

But there is a shorter way. The Amateur Mr. Olympia is an amateur tournament, but a special one. They are distinguished by more lenient requirements for muscle development and the size of athletes. The Amateur takes place several times a year, each time in a new location. The absolute winner receives immediately and money prize, and an IFBB Pro Card, and a ticket to the professional Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas.

Dorian Yates prepares for a competition, 1993

Nickname: Shadow

Mr. Olympia: 1992–1997

Years of life: 04/19/1962 – present. vr.

Height: 178 cm

Competition parameters: weight - 121 kg / biceps - 54 cm / chest - 148 cm

The most addicted

Look, someone is being stabbed narrow street. Who works the hardest? Yes, this is our Dorian, here he is walking the poor fellow with his feet. Hey, passer-by, you narrowed your eyes somehow strangely - you'll get a fist in the nose. Woman, wait, I need to call you a name. 1976, the first skinheads proudly walk along the streets of England, they listen to reggae and ska and carry knives in their pockets. When Dorian moved with his mother to live in Birmingham, he was 14 years old - he immediately fit in local company skinheads. While other children were sweating over their homework, Dorian hung around clubs with friends and started fights. In April 1981, riots occur in England. Oh yes, this is a real holiday for a young and aggressive person.

Black residents loudly protest against the actions of the police: cars burst into flames, shop windows are shattered into multi-colored fragments, and law enforcement officers use tear gas for the first time in the history of the United Kingdom. Somewhere among all this chaos, a satisfied Dorian is running around - he also hits and sets fire. Then the riots will end (about 60 police cars were destroyed in London alone, two hundred buildings were damaged) and about 500 people will go to prison - including 19-year-old Yates. He will spend six months in prison and in a local stuffy gym he will begin lifting weights, which will then lead him to the Olympus for bodybuilders. And now our hero shows off in photographs and smiles kindly from advertisements for nutritional supplements. And that ferocious period of youth is now briefly described on the champion’s website: “Dorian got into trouble and decided not to do bad things anymore.” Well, it seems like yes, he’s not doing it.

Our hero is 23 years old, his studies are completed, and the measuring bar remains frozen at 175 centimeters. And instead of growing in length, Phil decides to grow in breadth. To this he suddenly discovers great talent. He leans on dumbbells and barbells, grows by leaps and bounds (this is where Phil is given the nickname Dar), and begins to win all bodybuilding competitions in a row. And look: today Heath is still not the most brilliant basketball player, but his neck is 47 centimeters in circumference (another question is who needs this and why, but we will take the discussion of this issue beyond the scope of this article). In September 2014, in the huge Las Vegas Convention Center (in Las Vegas), Phil was hung with a Mr. Olympia medal on his chest for the fourth time. Stepping down from the pedestal, he told reporters: “I’m still growing. You haven’t seen my real muscles yet - look closely next year.”

Four facts about bodybuilding

  • 1959
    The first athlete in the world begins to take anabolic steroids. His name is Bill March and he is a member of the American weightlifting team. The drug was given to him by the team's sports doctor, John Ziegler. These substances were banned en masse only in 2005, when representatives of 191 countries signed the World Anti-Doping Convention. Now, for example, in Russia, anabolic steroids are under special state control (their sales fall under Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, “illegal trafficking in potent or toxic substances”).
  • 74 years old
    To the Japanese Tsutomu Tohsaka. At this age, he is still involved in bodybuilding and participates in competitions. In 2009, the Japanese was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • 204 cm
    This is the height of the world's tallest professional bodybuilder, American Noah Steer (his weight is 160 kg).
  • 1948
    One of the first bodybuilding competitions in the USSR. In Moscow Concert hall A physique beauty contest is being held in honor of Tchaikovsky. Circus acrobat Alexander Shirai wins.

Who do you imagine when we're talking about about bodybuilders? A man with a mountain of muscles? This is partly true, but we must not forget that each of them has their own goals, thoughts, plans, and achievements. And for this it was necessary to go through a difficult path. Who are they - the most extreme bodybuilders in the world?

Lee Haney

Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman are eight-time Mr. Olympia title holders.

Lee Haney is a bodybuilder. Throughout his career, from 1979 to 1991, he received more than 20 titles. President Bill Clinton even appointed him chairman of the Council on Physical Culture and Sports.

Haney is a very religious Christian and has always believed that learning should help someone become more developed both physically and spiritually. He hosts his own talk show called TotaLee Fit with Lee Haney to help others realize how important it is to stick to healthy image life. Through such an inspiring career, he influenced many people, giving them the motivation to develop not only physically, but also spiritually.

Greg Plitt

Greg's career was cut short when he tried to outrun a train and lost.

Greg Plitt is a West Point Military Academy graduate who served as a Ranger for five years before becoming a personal trainer. Thanks to a large number of successful clients in Los Angeles and long training to improve his body, Plitt quickly became popular.

He created his own training program MFT28 and became the face of the cover Men magazine"s Health, and also appeared in several commercials. In 2008, he joined the show Work Out.

Unfortunately, the train turned out to be much faster than the man. This was his last race and he lost.

Bertil Fox

Fox's nickname Brutal Bertil stuck to him for his dominance in the world of bodybuilding when he competed with his rivals. In fact, he has won every major bodybuilding competition.

His career began to rise rapidly in 1969. This continued until 1994. He achieved great heights as a professional bodybuilder. Although he grew up in England, he still returned to his hometown St. Kitts in 1995 to open Gym after retirement.

Despite such recognition in sports, on the love front he had serious problems, however, in 1997 he was convicted of murdering his wife and mother-in-law.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment. In his cell he will have a lot of time to think.

Ernestine Shepherd

Who said you have to be young to become a bodybuilder? Most 80-year-old grandmothers spend their days watching TV and knitting sweaters, but Ernestine Shepherd prefers to spend her time at the gym.

She turned 81 last year and is still working as a personal trainer, fitness model and competitive bodybuilder. What to add to add an extra level of madness to her story? She didn't even train until she was 56 years old, and the woman didn't start competing as a bodybuilder until she was 71 years old.

Shepherd wakes up at 4 a.m. to run a 10-mile cross-country run before his main workout.

Sally McNeil

Although the woman became famous for her body, the facts about her husband's murder gave her notoriety.

A former Marine, Sally McNeil was known for her aggressive antics. She was once arrested for kicking a bouncer and had many fights with her husband Ray McNeil, who was also a bodybuilder.

They both won bodybuilding competitions and were able to earn quite a tidy sum. They had something of a tumultuous relationship and fought often.

No one knows what happened on Valentine's Day 1995, but it all ended with Ray McNeil lying dead on the floor and Sally being arrested as the killer. At the time, they were both taking steroids, and this may have influenced their behavior.

Although she tried to prove that it was purely self-defense, alas, the jury found Sally guilty and convicted her in 1996.

Mustafa Ismail

Mustafa has much larger biceps than most men's waist.

Ismail entered the Guinness Book of Records as the man with the largest biceps in the world. Egyptian bodybuilder who also takes enlargement drugs muscle mass, is not popular in the sports community, but he is not shy about showing off his massive arms.

In addition to two workouts a day, Ismail allegedly eats 1 kg of chicken, 500 grams of steak or fish and drinks about three liters of protein shakes per day.

Diet, training and medications have helped Ismail achieve the results he wants, and he doesn't care that he doesn't have a following in the bodybuilding community.

Johnny O. Jackson

Johnny O. Jackson knows how to work his body, he is recognized as the strongest bodybuilder in the world.

This strongman weighs 103 kg, while 10 kg of weight falls only on his arms, while his waist is 82 cm and his chest is 145 cm. Of course, the torso is his most noticeable part of the body.

When he competed in the Mr. Olympia competition in 2009, he managed to bench press 272 kg. In 2012, when he was 40 years old, he managed to lift 378 kg. This became his record.

The most important exercise, in his opinion, that he constantly performs in the gym is the deadlift. He eats about seven or eight times a day to keep his body in good shape to withstand all the stress in the gym.

Jay Cutler

Another bodybuilder who devoted his entire life to the sport.

Jay Cutler started training at the age of 18, his goal was to become the biggest bodybuilder in the world. He won the Mr. Olympia title four times: in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010, and also won many other competitions.

In 2001, at the Mr. Olympia competition, he took second place, but the judges tried to strip him of the title when they learned that he was taking diuretics. He filed a lawsuit and won the case.

Despite the fact that Cutler retired from sports, he has his own business called Cutler Nutrition. These are supplements for the hardcore. sporting achievements. He has also released nine DVDs to help his fans understand how to train and achieve excellence.

Dorian Yates

You can't talk about bodybuilding without mentioning the name Dorian Yates.

This is a six-time winner of the Mr. Olympia competition. This English athlete is a fan of high-intensity interval training, which alternates short intense exercises with less intense ones.

Unfortunately, injuries such as a torn biceps and triceps forced him to retire early, but now he has his own gym in the UK, where he trains everyone exclusively using his methods. He has also released books and videos in which he talks about his thorny path in the world of bodybuilding.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

The former governor remains one of the most famous bodybuilders in the world.

When Schwarzenegger first came to America from Austria in 1968, his plan was to become the strongest bodybuilder in the world.

Even when he first started, he always believed that he needed to get the most out of every training session. Whenever he was in the gym, he tried to focus his thoughts solely on the main goal - to become the biggest bodybuilder in the world.

Despite the fact that Schwarzenegger retired from sports at one time, thanks to his books and articles he took an honorable place in the world of bodybuilders.

Interesting facts from the life of the most famous bodybuilders in the world

All over the world, a new gym opens almost every day, and the number of people wanting to “train” is growing exponentially. Some go to “carry iron” to get rid of their complexes, some as a tribute to fashion, and there are those whose idol is still Arnold Schwarzenegger. There is only a problem, since many newly minted athletes do not always delve into the specifics life path, which the most famous bodybuilders went through from the moment they first entered the gym to the standing ovation at Mr. Olympia.

The history of bodybuilding has thousands of names. Many of them - example painstaking work on every muscle own body, special diet and daily routine. But, as they say, “every family has its black sheep,” so Special attention We will focus specifically on that category of athletes who put beauty and health on the line with steroids, and as a result lost everything.

The most popular jocks in the world also often become hostages of their own popularity. They want more and more: immense volumes of biceps, the back of Hercules, superhuman endurance and the strength of the Hulk. Such an athlete faces temptations at every step in the form of various supplements, injections, and pills. And then from a full of vitality, a promising athlete, it turns out to be an anabolic monster with blistering muscles, a decaying liver and an insane craving for another injection.

Most muscle magazines try to pretend that their audience comes to the gym to find health and longevity, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. 90% of “real boys” come to the “rocking chair” all over the world with a strange goal - to become the biggest, “muscular” monster that a person can become. And while coaches in elite sports clubs argue about the benefits or harmful harms of chemistry in sports, about the aesthetics of lines and proportions, monsteroids are chasing a bunch of pumped-up meat. A striking example for beginners - Dave Palumbo and Ronnie Coleman. Note that the latter, due to an addiction to steroids, almost had his legs amputated, as the swollen veins stopped functioning normally.

Athletes like Mike Mentzer and Bertil Fox managed to inspire generations of athletes personal example, and their posters adorned the tattered walls of every basement “rocking chair” in the Soviet Union. Here you will find out how their story ended stellar career, and how many other iconic bodybuilders fell into the abyss of drug addiction, crime and sank to the very bottom.

We will reveal all the secrets of the biography, social and personal life of world bodybuilding stars, destroy all myths and stereotypes about bodybuilders specific examples. A bunch of interesting information about such contrasting destinies of the legends of world bodybuilding awaits you in our “Walk of Fame” section.

Video: Top 5 most famous bodybuilders in the world

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Steve Reeves is an actor and bodybuilder who was known and respected by such prominent figures like Winston Churchill, Sylvester Stallone, James Dean and many others. It was about him that the eminent sculptor E. Fairbanks said that his body was a dream for Michelangelo, and if Steve had lived in the time of the master, masters would have fought for the right to create canvases from his nature and...

Franco Colombo is a Sardinian strongman who has become a cult figure in the world of bodybuilding. His fate is so amazing that it could be the subject of an adventure novel. Today we will figure out what twists of fate occurred in the athlete’s life, and reveal the scandalous secrets of the athlete’s personal life. The poor childhood of a champion Franco Franco Colombo Franco Columbu appeared to the world on August 7, 1941 in a godforsaken village...

Lee Haney is one of the top echelon bodybuilders who made history as an 8-time Olympia champion. He is one of the five most decorated athletes in the world, and competes with such titans as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronnie Coleman. Today, for the first time, we reveal all the secrets of the champion’s success. All the most interesting things are below. Anthropometric data Lee Haney Lee Haney has the following anthropometric data: ...

Anna Kurkurina is an athlete who can push the boundaries of your consciousness. And it’s not just that she came to the sport after forty years and soon became an absolute champion. This amazing strongwoman holds the public's attention with her striking resemblance to a man and her extraordinary strength indicators. The early years of the athlete Anna Kurkurina was born on August 25, 1966. All children's...

Ronnie Coleman (Coleman) achieved the title of king of bodybuilding thanks to perseverance, work and exceptional natural abilities. Many experts call the athlete the most powerful representative of this sport in history, is that true? Let's figure it out further. Anthropometric data for Ronnie Coleman: height: 1 m 80 cm; weight - 138 kg, in the off-season 149 kg; biceps size - 61 cm; chest volume...

It is a well-known and long-recognized fact that at the Mr. Olympia competitions, bodybuilders who are no more than 180 cm tall usually win. So to speak, the unspoken law is that, despite the participation of tall athletes in competitions (above 180 cm. ), reward “short” bodybuilders. The exception to the rule is the tall one, whose height is 188 cm, who still won the Mr. Olympia competition. Cause this phenomenon unknown and unfounded. Many fans are familiar with real bodybuilding athletes who have unsurpassed height. Here are a few athletes taller than 180cm.

A real bodybuilding giant appears before the viewer with a height of 204 cm and a weight of 160 kilograms. The volume of his biceps is 66 cm. in girth. His unique physical characteristics make him popular among famous bodybuilders. The record he achieved in the competition is fifth place, which is a successful result for him. IN this moment Noeh rarely takes part even in demonstration performances.

2. Ralf Moeller

Being of German origin, Ralph is 197 cm tall and weighs 129 kg. He is known for the fact that after his career as a bodybuilder he followed in the footsteps of the great Arnie and even later starred in the TV series Conan the Barbarian. He has several great action films to his credit - such films as “Universal Soldier”, “The Viking Saga”, “Batman and Robin”, “The Tourist”, “Gladiator”, “The Scorpion King”, etc. The former bodybuilder found his recognition in the participation in the filming of films and does not regret it at all.

3. Lou Ferrigno

The athlete is 197 cm tall and weighs 132 kg. Most amazing fact the fact that usually tall boys are visible even in childhood, and Lou was not at all enviable tall, rather on the contrary, he was a thin and short guy, not at all giving the impression of a future bodybuilder. A boy's extraordinary desire to find something beautiful athletic body Nevertheless, it led him to the fact that soon many began to notice that Lou had tightened up and gotten stronger. Despite the coach’s admonitions that he couldn’t handle it and that nothing would work out for him, the boy continued training at home, in secret from everyone, and soon no one could recognize Lou. Thus, the athlete once took second place in the Mr. Olympia competition, which significantly increased his popularity among bodybuilders.

4. Greg Kovacs

A descendant of the “Viking giant” grandfather and the same tall giant father, famous throughout the area for their power and height, Greg is truly a giant bodybuilder with a height of 191 cm. His weight is 183 kg. The athlete does not even think about stopping at his weight and in the future wants to increase his weight to 200 kg.

The article is dedicated, of course, to the most outstanding tall bodybuilders who are famous for their physical characteristics. We may not have mentioned many of the “big” guys, but the fact remains that there lives on earth a large number of people with approximate characteristics, listed earlier. The 4 athletes described in this article are the most successful and recognized bodybuilders in the world. Thanks to bodybuilding, our athletes broke into the world of cinema and the world of show business.