Detailed monthly menu for drying girls. Sports drying of the body: menu for every day and nutrition rules for women

A diet called body drying is a common nutritional complex among girls, following which you can achieve significant weight loss and stabilization. The uniqueness of the system lies in its purpose.

In the past, drying the body was the privilege of men who were preparing for competitions and achieving muscle definition, leaving a minimum of fat. Now this diet is boldly chosen by girls who want to lose weight and create perfect shapes. It is worth noting that local drying is not possible. It is not possible to remove excess fat from the legs separately from the body.

Drying girls' bodies comes down to carbohydrate starvation. In other words, the diet requires reducing the caloric content of the diet by reducing carbohydrates. Insufficient glucose consumption causes fat formation.

Eliminating sugar in the diet is aimed at breaking down sugar to provide the necessary energy. Drying girls' bodies, including their legs, is based on the same principle and does not differ from the dietary system used by men. A month is a safe period for the body to adhere to the nutritional complex.

Grocery list

The basic part of the diet menu, which includes a diet, includes chicken breast and cottage cheese. In the morning, a menu of porridge, beans and rye pasta is suitable.

During the first week, nutritionists and athletes advise consuming a couple of grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight in the daily diet. For the next week, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to one gram.

The diet involves adding cold-pressed sunflower oil or sunflower oil to food. In the beginning, eating whole grain bread is allowed, but later you will have to completely abandon it.

Menu by day

There is a weekly menu designed specifically for the nutritional complex during drying. It is suitable for reducing body volume, including legs.

There are two power options to choose from:

  1. With the first, the norm of carbohydrates is observed daily; fruits and grains are not consumed for afternoon snacks and dinner.
  2. The second option is to alternate carbohydrates. The first day the girl eats the norm of carbohydrates, the next two days she adheres to a menu with a reduced carbohydrate content, and the nutrition of the fourth day implies the consumption of the carbohydrate norm.

Abandonment of habitual carbohydrates should occur gradually. Forget about sugary treats and snacks at fast food chains. Such recommendations should be followed for a month, after which, if necessary, repeat the diet.

If a lack of carbohydrates negatively affects your well-being, the diet allows you to add one or half to the menu in the first week of the diet.

Following such a diet will lead to a loss of thirty kilograms in three months. It should be remembered that it is necessary to take a break so as not to cause harm to the body.


While drying the body and, in particular, the legs, experts allow you to eat soup prepared according to special recipes. This dish would be appropriate for girls on a strict diet. You can use fish or meat broth as the basis for the soup. You can eat the dish for the entire month of dietary nutrition.

Cod, haddock or burbot are used to prepare fish soup. Meat broths should be prepared from rabbit or chicken fillet. The diet allows the addition of whole grain cereals.

The peculiarity of the first courses in the drying menu for girls lies in the process of their preparation. The washed fish or meat fillet is boiled for about thirty minutes. The prepared product is removed and cut into pieces, together with pre-prepared vegetables, placed in the resulting broth. You should not prepare dietary soup with frying.

Chicken in kefir

To prepare a tender dish that is ideal for a girl when shaping her body, you need to take a chicken breast. The meat must be sprinkled with spices and placed in a container with. The drink must first be diluted with water. It is best to marinate the chicken overnight in a cool place. After this, the marinated meat must be fried without adding oil.

Protein salad

A magnificent salad will fit perfectly into the diet of a girl who is drying her feet. To prepare a delicious salad, you just need to mix pre-cooked and chopped chicken fillet, squid carcass and. After eating this dish, the word diet will no longer scare girls.

Chicken in curd sauce

The rules for drying the body allow you to use a recipe for an unusual delicacy that is perfect for the last meal. Boiled chicken fillet should be filled with a mixture of spices, herbs, cottage cheese, garlic and water. After this, you need to let the dish stand for two or three hours.

Chicken julienne with mushrooms

A dish based on boiled fillet is an excellent option for the menu when drying girls’ bodies, including legs. Pieces of steamed meat must be cut and fried in a frying pan. Cooked chicken and mushrooms are placed in layers in special molds. Then the products are filled with low-fat yogurt. To obtain a golden brown crust, grainy cottage cheese is suitable.

Fish balls

For cooking, you need to use minced fish from a variety of fish with a reduced fat content. The fillet should be cooked and all the bones should be removed. The fish needs to be minced in a meat grinder. Place the onion into the minced meat and add a raw egg. After this, you need to form the meatballs and fry them in a frying pan without adding oil. You can also use the oven, in which you place the cue balls for a quarter of an hour.

Chicken Breeze

The basis of the dish is chicken breast. The meat is cut into strips and the mushrooms are fried. Then these ingredients must be mixed and seasoned with soy. The resulting mixture is simmered for fifteen minutes. This dish can be consumed for a whole month without worrying about your figure.

Squid stuffed with cottage cheese

An interesting dinner option while drying your feet is stuffed squid. To prepare the dish, you need to take two squids and put them in boiling water for four to five minutes. It is allowed to stuff carcasses with mushrooms, low-fat cottage cheese and egg whites. Cooked seafood products need to be fried in a frying pan with the addition of soy sauce.


The dish is a seafood-based aspic. To prepare aspic, you need gelatin, which is diluted with water and allowed to stand for about an hour. The broth obtained from seafood delicacies is added to the container with the prepared gelatin. After this, the treats are laid out in containers, filled with the resulting liquid.

Protein omelet

An excellent solution for morning lunch would be an omelet with cottage cheese. To prepare it you will need egg whites, which need to be beaten with herbs, low-fat cottage cheese and spices. The finished dish can be baked in the oven. By eating a protein omelet, a girl can be sure that the diet for drying her legs is completely followed.

Cottage cheese casserole

Preparing a delicious dish for drying the body does not require much time and effort. You need to mix two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese with cocoa, cinnamon and vanilla. The resulting mixture is baked in the oven.

Omelet in a water bath

The essence of dishes consumed while drying the body is their reduced fat content. For this reason, the classic omelette is replaced by a boiled one. Combine eggs with low-fat milk and spices. Whisk the resulting mass, pour into a glass and bring to readiness in a pan of boiling water.

  • During physical activity, give preference to aerobic exercise;
  • When doing leg exercises, focus on your lower body;
  • The diet recommends eating small meals at the same time;
  • Drink plenty of water;
  • Count the calories in your menu every day;
  • Avoid eating after and before exercise;
  • Prefer a light dinner;
  • At the initial stage, the diet does not imply a complete abstinence from carbohydrates;
  • Remember the need for breakfast;
  • It is necessary to achieve a reduction in the daily calorie content in the menu compared to the usual diet.
  • Avoid sudden drops in glucose, which can cause complications.
  • The duration of special nutrition for girls who want to achieve perfect leg shapes is one month.
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In pursuit of a slim figure, women resort to numerous methods of losing weight - diets, fasting days, sports and other methods. But the presented activities may not bring a quick and desired result - a slim figure and elasticity of the body. Therefore, the technique has become popular body drying for girls at home, which includes a certain diet and a set of exercises.

Body cutting includes methods that help burn fat cells and build muscle mass. Fat mass is formed from a large amount of consumed fats and carbohydrates, so the menu for drying the body consists largely of protein foods. It is also important to ensure regular exercise and sports - this is necessary to build muscle mass, since the predominant consumption of proteins contributes to its formation. All the features of the technique, and what it is, will be discussed further - you should make a decision for long-term weight loss, otherwise drying will not bring results.

Drying the body for girls at home makes it possible to lose up to 15 kg of weight within a month without harm to health. It is noted that the woman’s appearance noticeably improves - the breasts are tightened, characteristic body relief appears, the leg muscles are strengthened, and cellulite disappears.

Please note: All this is accompanied by regular and nutritious meals. Those who want to start cutting should know that hunger during such weight loss is strictly prohibited.

At this time, it is allowed to prepare full meals, but with the maximum use of healthy products. The main such products include chicken breast and cottage cheese.

There is a whole list of foods high in protein, these include:

  • eggs (white);
  • kefir and other natural dairy products;
  • fish;
  • rabbit, turkey and veal meat.

Chicken breast contains the minimum amount of fat and maximum protein. Thus, the calorie content of the product is only 113 kcal per 100 grams of product, while it contains more than 23 grams of protein per indicated weight. Thanks to the large amount of protein, chicken breast gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Also, this product is easily absorbed by the body, especially if you prepare it with the addition of permitted and recommended vegetables.

The table below contains a menu for every day of the week for drying the body, which is perfect for both beginners and experienced female athletes:

It is important not only to eat breast meat, but also to prepare it correctly - boil, steam, stew. Eating fried or smoked products is strictly prohibited - such breasts are difficult for the stomach to digest, and therefore slow down metabolism. Cottage cheese - while drying the body, it is forbidden to consume a low-fat product in order to minimize daily calorie content. In this case, products with up to 5% fat content are allowed - such cottage cheese contains 18 g of protein per 100 grams of product. To simplify the process of drying the body, beginners should be offered a list of healthy foods that should be included in the diet.

Product (vegetables) How to cook Use
Parsley The greens are torn into branches and dried by turning them over Recommended for consumption in dried and crushed form - just add for cooking
Spinach Chop and turn while partially drying Use for preparing dishes - fish, baked goods and others
Zucchini Grind depending on the size of the vegetable - cut into rings or cubes Soak before cooking and use as a side dish or soup.
Pumpkin Peel and chop, removing the seeds first Use to make risotto or soup
Potato Peel and grind Soak in water, use for soups or vegetable stews
Savoy cabbage Wash and grind dry It is advisable to soak and use for soup
Chilli Cut the pepper and remove the seeds from the core Can be used to prepare any dish - improves metabolism, has a positive effect on liver function
bell pepper Cut into pieces, remove seeds, store in containers Used for preparing salads and other dishes; the product can be preserved
Mushrooms For long-term storage, do not wash, but simply cut into slices and put in containers Before cooking, you should soak it; you can cook soups, pilaf and other dishes.
Tomatoes You can dry it by first cutting small vegetables in half. Can be used after soaking to make soup or pastes

The presented table will help in preparing food preparations, which are then actively used in dishes that help dry the body. If a girl decides to dry her body, she needs to introduce the above products into her diet. They should be in larger quantities than the others. You should avoid unhealthy drinks and foods altogether. All detailed information is also presented in the video:

Nutritional Features

Super drying of the body for weight loss at home must comply with the following conditions:

  • it is important to calculate the consumed fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • the calculation of the required amount of carbohydrates for drying the body is carried out as 2 g of protein for every 1 kg of a person’s weight;
  • calculation of carbohydrates – 1 g of carbohydrate per 1 kg of human body weight;
  • to lose weight and follow a diet, you should avoid fats altogether - the exception is 1 tablespoon of olive oil per day (fat can be replaced with special tablets);
  • it is important to eat the right carbohydrates - these are fruits, dried fruits, cereals and other products related to complex carbohydrates;
  • be sure to drink water - the norm for an adult is 2 liters, regardless of whether the person is on a diet or not;
  • the specified amount of water is divided into several full doses or drunk a little throughout the day;
  • Mineral water, but without gas, or simply boiled water is allowed.

Drying the body in compliance with the recommendations presented is possible only with the condition of regular exercise - it is important to perform special exercises that allow you to lose excess weight and gain muscle mass. All the features of proper nutrition are offered in the video:

Sample menu

It is necessary to provide an approximate menu for the week, which should include a certain list of products daily - this will give an idea for making your own portions.

So, every day a woman should consume the following to dry her body:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • mushrooms – no more than once a week;
  • fruits - lemons and apples;
  • meat – mainly chicken;
  • milk products;
  • vegetable oil – no more than 10 g per day;
  • fish meat;
  • boiled eggs without yolks.

The daily menu for women who want to lose weight by drying the body is presented as follows:

  • For breakfast, eat complex carbohydrates - porridge, oatmeal, muesli, or whites (can be combined) - eggs without yolks (it is better to make an omelet from them), cheesecakes or just cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits. Half an hour before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of boiled water.
  • Snack – a glass of kefir or allowed fruit. You can eat the whites of 2 chicken eggs.
  • For lunch, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are consumed - the first and second course. The first course is soup, the second course is a side dish of carbohydrates and a piece of boiled meat or fish (another type of cooking is allowed, but without frying). Fats – vegetable salad seasoned with a small amount of oil.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir or a portion of cottage cheese.
  • For dinner, you need to eat only proteins - meat, chicken, omelet, cottage cheese with cinnamon and other options.

More information about the menu for weight loss by drying the body is described in the video:

You should exercise no earlier and no later than 2 hours before the main meal - this way, the food will be better absorbed, and the person will not feel the characteristic heaviness during exercise. Dinner must take place no later than 7 pm.

Body drying exercises

Diet alone will not help you lose weight and get your figure back to normal. Of course, for fat women - those who are obese - doing exercise will immediately prove to be an unattainable task. Therefore, they are recommended to first reduce weight with the diet presented above, and only then get serious about exercise. During weight loss by drying the body, exercises are still performed, but in the possible number of approaches. At this time, it is advisable to devote more time to exercising on pacemakers - exercise bikes or treadmills. As soon as the weight decreases - during the body drying diet you can lose up to 1 kg per day - you can begin more serious exercise. The choice of type of training is not important - exercises designed for weight loss help burn fat cells and build muscle.

Such effective exercises include:

  • deadlift;
  • bench press;
  • pushups;
  • squat;
  • any exercises to pump up the abs.

It is quite difficult for women who have never played sports to begin performing such exercises. Therefore, they are recommended to start with lighter loads - jumping rope, leg swings, fitball exercises and many others. As you build muscle mass, you can try more challenging activities.

Please note: It is noted that only a diet while drying the body and a lack of sports activities does not lead to rapid weight loss. Everything is explained by high protein consumption and its “non-use” for the body for positive purposes. You can lose excess weight, but these are not the declared kilograms.

Drying the body itself for girls at home gives minus 15 kg per month, guaranteed. It is enough to read the positive reviews of girls who preferred this particular type of weight loss.

Is it possible to achieve an ideal body through exercise alone? Training at home or in the gym is useless if the athlete does not eat correctly. This is especially true for drying - a process aimed at burning subcutaneous fat and building body contour.

The expected result is achieved only if two conditions are met - physical activity and a properly composed menu for the weeks ahead.

General principles of nutrition during drying

Try to avoid fast carbohydrates, preferring slow ones.

Before adjusting your daily diet, you need to study the basic principles of the drying diet. These include:

  • exclusion of fast carbohydrates from the diet (flour products, ice cream, soda, chips, cookies, foods high in sugar);
  • eating exclusively unsaturated fats, but in smaller quantities than before the diet (mayonnaise, lard, butter are strictly prohibited);
  • The last meal is taken 3-4 hours before bedtime(an exception may be a glass of kefir before bed or low-fat yogurt);
  • recommended eat not 3 times daily, but 4-5, but in smaller portions;
  • if you have bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), the drying diet will not be beneficial;
  • When following a diet, an athlete drinks at least 2 liters of water daily;
  • with increasing physical activity It is permissible to consume mineral and vitamin complexes- without their participation, the muscles do not have time to recover.

It is known that When cutting, body weight should decrease due to fat burning.

If during training and dieting your weight stops decreasing, you need to analyze your food for sugar content.

The amount of incoming calories is reduced by 300-400 kcal (women) and 400-500 kcal (men).

It is not advisable to eat food later than 2 hours before an intense workout. You need to wait the same amount of time after finishing it so that the food brings maximum benefit.

About 2/3 of the daily diet is taken before 14-15 hours. Breakfast is a key part of the meal; they cannot be neglected. The duration of the diet is from 4 to 6 weeks; a longer period aggravates the functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.

Reduce your intake of fats and carbohydrates so that your body begins to break down its own fats.

The emphasis is on protein and carbohydrate foods, and the amount of the latter gradually decreases. The following are protein foods that can be consumed unlimitedly.

  1. Chicken egg white (boiled or fresh).
  2. Chicken breast, skinned with fat and steamed.
  3. White fish with minimal fat content (pollock, tilapia) without added salt, oil or preservatives.
  4. Cottage cheese (fat content no more than 5%).
  5. Squid fillet.

Excess salt leads to water retention in the body, and oil will again add subcutaneous fat.

  1. Oatmeal.
  2. Brown rice.
  3. Pasta made from premium whole grain flour.
  4. Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, peas; also good sources of protein).
  5. Buckwheat grain.
  6. Fresh green vegetables (cabbage of any kind, cucumber, celery, carrots, boiled beets and turnips).
  7. Fruits (apples, bananas, pears).
  8. Berries (frozen are an excellent alternative to sweet dishes).

The denser and sweeter the fruit, the more calories it contains. For example, an apple contains 50-60 kcal, and a banana contains about 200 kcal.

Saturated fat intake is reduced to zero, and unsaturated ones - to a minimum. Good sources of the latter are recommended for consumption:

  1. Fatty fish (trout, salmon) and fish oil (in moderation).
  2. Nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts).
  3. Flaxseed and olive oil (as an addition to salads and other dishes).

Video about drying the body:


  • having chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • people with a lack of muscle mass;
  • during serious stress on the nervous system (when passing exams, depression, change of environment and similar situations that cause emotional burnout).

Weekly meal plan

The duration of the diet for drying the body is 1-4 weeks.

As a sample, a menu for 7 days is given, consisting of 4 meals. The list of products and the specified time are not the only correct ones - mutual substitution is allowed, subject to the number of calories consumed.


  • breakfast (7:00) - 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal in water, 3 whites (chicken egg) raw, a glass (250-300 ml) of tea with 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • lunch (13:00) - 200 grams of boiled chicken breast, 150 g of fruit salad (apple, banana, pear, grapes, strawberry), a glass of cranberry juice;
  • afternoon snack (16:00) - 100 grams of buckwheat in water, 300 ml of green tea;
  • dinner (19:00) - 150 grams of stewed pollock, 150 g of broccoli with olive oil, a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast - oatmeal with water (250 grams), tea;
  • lunch - salad of peppers, cucumbers and herbs (150 g), stewed squid (200 g) with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, compote;
  • afternoon snack - 150 grams of cauliflower or broccoli soup;
  • dinner - steamed lean white fish (250 g), cabbage salad.


  • morning - 150 grams of buckwheat in water, boiled egg (1 pc), 300 ml of unsweetened tea;
  • day - 250 g fish soup without potatoes, 200 g fresh vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, pepper, arugula, parsley, dill), a glass of compote;
  • afternoon snack - 100 grams of cottage cheese, a handful of raisins;
  • evening - 200 grams of boiled fish, 150 g of fruit salad without banana.


You can’t quit training while drying! Otherwise, instead of a beautiful, lean, muscular figure, you will look painful.
  • breakfast - omelet of 5 egg whites, 350 ml skim milk;
  • lunch - 150 grams of pepper and herb salad, 200 g of boiled beef, compote;
  • afternoon snack - 100 grams of boiled tuna, 100 g of asparagus;
  • dinner - 200 g of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.


  • morning - 200 grams of oatmeal in water, 30 g of raisins, tea;
  • day - 250 g of stewed fish with vegetables, cucumber and tomato salad;
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad (apple, pear, grapes, berries);
  • evening - baked squid (250 grams), 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.


  • breakfast - 5 boiled eggs (with yolk), 2 medium-sized tomatoes, a glass of green tea;
  • lunch - 250 g fish soup without potatoes, 200 g fresh vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, pepper, arugula, parsley, dill), a glass of compote;
  • afternoon snack - 150 grams of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir;
  • dinner - 200 g of buckwheat in water, milk (300 ml).


  • morning - 3 egg white omelette, fresh cucumber, tea;
  • day - 250 grams of mushroom soup, 150 g of boiled chicken, a glass of fruit drink;
  • afternoon snack - cucumber salad (200 g);
  • evening - 200 g of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.

The presented menu is more suitable for men whose height varies from 170 to 185 cm, and whose body weight ranges from 65 to 80 kg. Girls are recommended to reduce the amount of food they eat by 20-25%.

Monthly meal plan

If you have 5-10 kg of excess weight, cutting is simply pointless. First, lose weight as usual.

Previously presented the menu is ideal for the first seven days an athlete with average performance.

Over the next seven days, fruits are excluded from the diet, and the last meal consists of cottage cheese, kefir (5 days a week), boiled fish and chicken (other 2 days).

The third week is accompanied by the elimination of sugar, replacing consumed vegetables with 2-3 extra tablespoons of cereal or 50-100 g of meat.

During the fourth seven-day period, the menu consists of 60% cereals, portions of which increase by 40-50% from the first week.

Such a diet should not be practiced more than 2 times annually, regardless of sports goals.

A full nutrition cycle during drying ends in a month, however, professional bodybuilders or experienced amateurs increase the duration to 1.5 months. In this case, the fifth seven-day period involves abandoning cereals in favor of protein foods (peas, chickpeas, beans), and the sixth involves eliminating dairy products with a gradual return to the menu of the first seven days.

In a month of following the prescribed rules, the athlete loses up to 10 kg of excess weight, acquiring a slender body.

Today, many people want to have a slim and sculpted figure. There are many ways to create it: diets, physical activity, etc. One of them is drying the body. What it is and how it is carried out, you will learn from our article.


The term “body drying” came from bodybuilders. If during muscle building the athletes eat plentifully, then during the drying period they eat almost nothing. It turns out that diet is more effective at removing subcutaneous fat than physical activity. Before you start cutting, you must already have good muscles, constantly maintaining it with strength exercises.

Drying the body is a method of creating a sporty, toned appearance with noticeable, beautiful muscles in the absence of excess subcutaneous fat. The essence of drying the body is to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the athlete’s diet. This number is gradually reduced to zero. In addition, the amount of fats and foods that contain glucose is reduced to a minimum. The basis of the diet remains proteins that maintain muscle tone. Drying is usually used by professional athletes to prepare for competitions and give their bodies the desired shape.

Processes in the body when following a diet for drying the body

To dry your body, you need diet first, followed by exercise. A diet with limited carbohydrates is the strictest and requires a gradual transition to it and the same smooth exit.

To many, drying the body seems like a regular diet for weight loss, with the help of which, unlike other programs, weight comes off faster. After all, in the first week, with the right diet, you can get rid of 2 kg of fat. But not everyone knows about the processes in the body that occur when you give up carbohydrates.

The formation of glucose deficiency forces the body to look for alternative sources of energy. First, it uses glycogen, and when its reserves come to an end, the breakdown of fats begins. But with an acute glucose deficiency, this difficult process stops halfway, leaving ketone bodies unsplit and oxidizing the blood in the body. The result of this may be the development of ketoacidosis. At first, eliminating it is simple: just eat some carbohydrates.

Otherwise, when the process reaches its peak point, it may lead to poisoning by decay products and the rapid development of coma. Therefore, complete exclusion of carbohydrates from the menu when drying the body is not recommended.

The first sign of fat deficiency is the disappearance of hair shine; this should not be allowed to happen.

Nutrition program for drying the body

A diet with proper drying of the body is aimed at maintaining muscle mass and should contain 2/3 of the protein of the diet, 1/3 of slow carbohydrates and no more than 10% of polyunsaturated fats. The calorie content of food should not be more than 2300 kcal/day. However, it is necessary to monitor the minimum calorie limit of the diet - it should not fall below 1500 kcal/day. It is recommended to use a food calorie table.

To speed up metabolism, you need to eat often, but in small volumes - 4-7 times a day. The task is to prevent hunger and breakdown. Take 1.5-2 liters of water per day. To one glass a day? you can add lemon juice. Sugar and its substitutes are excluded. You need to drink kefir 3 times a week before going to bed.

Protein in the diet increases to 2.5 g per kilogram of weight. Seventy percent of the protein should be of animal origin (meat, eggs, fish, etc.). Thirty percent are of plant origin (nuts, mushrooms, etc.). Protein is eaten 4-5 times a day: for example: breakfast - eggs, second breakfast - mushrooms, lunch - chicken, then a protein shake. Cottage cheese - for dinner.

The amount of carbohydrates is determined by how you feel, you should have enough strength for training. When drying the body, two types of carbohydrates are available - in vegetables or fruits and cereals. Of the sweets, only energy products remain - honey, marshmallows, dried fruits. They are eaten before noon or excluded altogether.

The amount of fat coming from seafood and vegetable oils should be 0.5-1 g per kilogram of body weight.

To achieve greater results, nutrition is enriched with additives: glutamine, amino acids, protein and vitamins. Fat burning supplements are taken depending on the condition of the body and the actual need for them.

If you have a high metabolic rate, you can eat a little sweet in the first half of the day.

Allowed and prohibited foods when drying the body

Dietary nutrition involves dramatic changes that are based on small and frequent food consumption, thereby eliminating the burden on digestion and accelerating the absorption of substances and metabolism. With all this, the correct menu includes high-quality and low-calorie food.

In the first week, you are allowed to eat pasta, bread or porridge, but you will have to deprive yourself of all sweets - buns, cakes and chocolate, since these products include fast carbohydrates. During this period, consume no more than 3 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of your weight.

The next period is more difficult. Flour products are removed from the diet, and the only carbohydrates left are porridges - pearl barley, buckwheat and oatmeal. This period lasts longer than the previous one and is almost two weeks; the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 2 grams per kilogram of weight. At the end of the second week, it is recommended to eat only slow carbohydrates in the first half of the day (a bowl of porridge for breakfast, for example).

After three weeks of training, you need to switch to consuming 1 gram of carbohydrates per 1 kilogram of body weight. A small amount of vegetables for eating is allowed. The main diet should be composed entirely of protein foods: fish, cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, meat. Such a diet always implies a calorie deficit, that is, you need to spend more of them than you consume.

During drying, you can eat:

  • Eggs and mushrooms;
  • Lean fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Lean meat;
  • Lentils and zucchini;
  • Beans and radishes;
  • Green tea and mineral water;
  • Cabbage and lemons;
  • Apples and celery;
  • Unrefined vegetable oil.

The sports diet for body change lasts for 6-12 weeks. In this case, the main thing is the rate of body weight loss, which can be 0.7 kg of fat per week. This is relevant for those who want to preserve muscles. Regardless of body type, any athlete should consume 1/3 more protein during the “cutting” period than during strength development. When gaining muscle mass, a calorie surplus is required, and when cutting, a calorie deficit is required.

Menu for drying the body for a month

Before you start drying your body, you need to gain muscle mass with the help of properly selected nutrition and training. The diet is then modified to eliminate fat without sacrificing muscle. To do this, use a menu that excludes foods containing “fast” carbohydrates from the diet. Meals during drying are planned during the period without feasts, since alcohol cannot be consumed.

An approximate five-week menu is quite accessible at home:

  • First week. The intake of carbohydrates into the body should occur at a rate of 2 to 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Each food eaten must be recorded using tables of glycemic indexes of the foods eaten, taking into account their calorie content, which depends on the person’s lifestyle and initial weight. The diet should contain enough fiber from vegetables, cereals and protein from eggs and lean meat. This week is considered a preparatory week, so the established nutritional rules here are quite loyal. An abrupt start to strict drying is strictly prohibited.
  • Second week. This week the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 1 gram, and the protein content in food increases to 80%. The menu includes cottage cheese and low-fat kefir, herbs, vegetables, fish, and boiled poultry. It is advisable to avoid salt and fruit.
  • Third week. The carbohydrate intake needs to be reduced by another half gram. The diet remains the same, but with the addition of quail eggs.
  • Fourth week. It assumes the beginning of a smooth exit from drying the body, therefore it is identical to the menu of the second week.
  • Fifth week. At this stage, the diet softens more and repeats the first week.
After the end of the third week, you can remain on her diet of 0.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight until the desired weight is achieved, or go in the opposite direction to the menu of the second and then the first week sequentially. An abrupt exit from drying can provoke swelling, deterioration of well-being and rapid weight gain.

Menu for drying the body for a week

The menu should be dominated by foods that are high in protein. On average, the drying time will be four to five weeks. Below is the food menu for the week.

First day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge with water, whites from two eggs and unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, vegetable salad and buckwheat porridge.
  • Dinner: fish baked with vegetables (greens, tomatoes, green beans) without oil.
Second day:
  • Breakfast: egg white omelet, cucumber - 1 pc., tea.
  • Lunch: cream soup (cauliflower), boiled chicken breast, vegetables.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, 200 ml of kefir.
The third day:
  • Breakfast: oatmeal, tea and soft-boiled egg.
  • Lunch: fish soup without carrots and potatoes, salad and boiled fish.
  • Dinner: a portion of cottage cheese.
Fourth day:
  • Breakfast: a handful of dried fruits with cottage cheese, tea and one egg.
  • Lunch: lean mushroom soup without carrots and potatoes, vegetable salad and chicken breast.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetables and stewed fish.
Fifth day:
  • Breakfast: tea, egg white omelet with tomatoes.
  • Lunch: buckwheat with vegetables and chicken fillet.
  • Dinner: a portion of cottage cheese.
Sixth day:
  • Breakfast: oatmeal seasoned with raisins, tea.
  • Lunch: stewed cabbage with chicken fillet.
  • Dinner: egg white omelet, cottage cheese.
Seventh day:
  • Breakfast: one egg, buckwheat porridge and tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: green beans with chicken breast.
  • Dinner: apple and cottage cheese.
In addition, between meals you can include two snacks, which should be 100% protein. Ideally, this is a protein shake made from cottage cheese, kefir with the addition of vanilla or cinnamon, but without sugar. Ready-made protein mixtures are sold in sports nutrition establishments.

Menu for drying the body for the day

When following a diet, you need to eat at a strictly allotted time. The daily menu below includes all the necessary products.

First option:

  • Breakfast: banana, oatmeal with water, a glass of tea.
  • Snack: protein drink (consists of milk or kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, cinnamon or vanilla).
  • Lunch: 200 g of cooked beef and pureed vegetable soup without potatoes and carrots.
  • Afternoon snack: chicken fillet, ? grapefruit.
  • Dinner: baked white fish - 200 g, vegetable salad without adding oil.
Second option:
  • Breakfast: orange, 2 egg yolks and 5 whites in the form of an omelet, tea.
  • Snack: low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g.
  • Lunch: lean buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken fillet - 250 g.
  • Afternoon snack: protein drink.
  • Dinner: chicken fillet stewed with vegetables, 200 g of kefir.
The diet is structured similarly during drying and for the following days. The amount of carbohydrates you need can be calculated using calorie tables.

Features of body drying for women and men

When drying the body, there are two options for nutrition. The first option involves eating daily at a carbohydrate level, excluding grains and fruits in the last two meals. The second option involves carbon alternation. On the first day, the norm of carbohydrates is taken, the second day and third - a low-carbohydrate menu with a minimum of fat, on the fourth day - a high-carbohydrate diet. Examples of rotation diets are below.

Body drying for women

Let's consider a nutrition program for women whose weight is 60-70 kg, height - 152-168 cm. Alternating the amount of carbohydrates taken for women is carried out in the mode of four meals a day.

1 day - norm:

  1. Half an orange, boiled rice - 30 g, fish.
  2. 30 g cooked buckwheat, tomato, chicken - 60 g, olives.
  3. Banana, half an orange, cottage cheese - 100 g.
Day 2-3 - reduction of carbohydrates:
  1. Egg omelette and? a glass of milk.
  2. 1/3 sweet pepper, herbs, 60 g veal meat, 2 lettuce leaves.
  3. A circle of lemon, 150 g of broccoli, fish - 80 g.
  4. Kefir - 300 g.
Day 4 - increase in carbohydrates:
  1. A spoonful of raisins, oatmeal - 30 g, dried apricots.
  2. Half an orange, 30 g of rice, three egg whites, greens.
  3. 60 g veal meat, 30 g rice, three olives, lettuce leaves.
  4. Cottage cheese - 120 g or natural yogurt - 125 g.

Body drying for men

Let's talk about nutrition for men whose weight is 80-90 kg, height - 175-187 cm. Due to the growth of muscle mass, men require more energy, so they should alternate carbohydrate intake with seven meals a day:

1 day - norm:

  1. Tomato, 200 g potatoes, Chinese cabbage, chicken - 200 g.
  2. Banana, cottage cheese - 250 g, tangerine - 2 pcs.
  3. White cabbage - 3 leaves, rice - 300 g, fish - 200 g, sweet pepper - 1/3.
  4. Chinese cabbage, 150 g potatoes, 100 g veal meat, egg whites - 5 pcs.
  5. Chicken - 200 g, rice - 60 g, tomato, lettuce, sweet pepper - 1/3, olive oil.
  6. Fish - 200 g, tomato, pasta - 70 g, salad.
  7. Orange juice - 200 ml, chicken - 200 g.
Day 2-3 - reduce carbohydrates:
  1. Fish - 200 g, tomato, cabbage - 100 g.
  2. Egg whites - 8 pcs., orange - 2 pcs.
  3. Lemon slices - 2 pcs., chicken - 200 g, zucchini - 150 g, parsley.
  4. Egg whites - 8 pcs., grapefruit - 2 pcs.
  5. Fish - 200 g, cabbage - 100 g, tomato.
  6. Salad: orange, 10 grapes, walnut kernel, kiwi, 10 almonds, pumpkin seeds - 2 tsp.
  7. Salad: a teaspoon of olive oil, green onions, mashed bread, 2 cans of tuna, 1/2 tomato.
Day 4 - increase carbohydrates:
  1. Salad: boiled potatoes - 100 g, boiled protein, 1/3 sweet pepper, chicken - 100 g, Chinese cabbage - 3 leaves, half a cucumber.
  2. Kefir - 200 ml, cottage cheese - 200 g, tangerine - 4 pcs.
  3. 150 g potatoes, tomato, soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs., sweet pepper, chicken - 100 g, lettuce - 2 leaves.
  4. Salad: orange, 10 grapes, walnut kernel, kiwi, 1/3 grapefruit, 1/2 apple.
Watch a video about drying the body:

If drying occurs after weight gain, then it lasts 2 times longer than drying. For athletes, when preparing for competitions, muscle pumping lasts six months, drying - 3 months.

To achieve an ideal physique with beautiful contours of sculpted muscles, you need not only to choose the right system of regular physical exercises, but also to create a diet that helps reduce the level of subcutaneous fat mass, that is, drying the body.

Drying the body is aimed at burning excess fat through special diets and a set of exercises.

Drying the body allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect. However, when drawing up a nutrition program, girls should not forget about preserving women’s health.

A body drying diet for girls should include in the daily menu the consumption of foods with an optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates.

When drying your body, you need to consume the following products:

  • rich in protein;
  • containing carbohydrates that promote the breakdown of fat cells;
  • Low-calorie foods that simultaneously support the body's metabolic process at a normal level.

How much protein per 1 kg of body for girls

Protein serves as the raw material for the generation of new body cells. During the period of drying the body, the daily protein requirement per 1 kg of weight for a girl is 1.5-2.5 g. In turn, 2/3 of the resulting proteins must be of animal origin, which are absorbed faster and more fully used by the body.

Protein products of animal origin (complete proteins) are well absorbed by the body and make it possible to maintain muscle mass during the period of drying the body.

Such increased protein consumption during a period of decreased energy value of food helps maintain muscle size and also, if necessary, serves as an alternative energy resource.

How many calories can you have per day?

To dry out the subcutaneous fat layer, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit. In order for body drying to proceed without harm to health, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit for the body that will allow it to adapt to changes in physical activity and nutrition, as well as maintain muscle volume.

The critical level of calorie intake for girls who regularly engage in sports is in the range of 1450-1700 kcal.

On a diet when drying the body for girls, a sharp reduction in the calorie content of consumed foods to a critical level is unacceptable on the menu, since instead of the desired result, this will lead to loss of water in the body and a decrease in muscle mass.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day

Despite the fact that carbohydrates are the main generator of energy, the diet during the period of drying the body should include a decrease in the rate of their consumption.

The daily requirement for carbohydrates per 1 kg of a girl’s weight should be within the following limits:

  • on the I and II seven-day diets - 3-4 g;
  • on the third and fourth seven days - 1.5 -2 g;
  • from week V - 0.5-1 g.

The need for daily carbohydrates, gradually decreasing, will reach 40-60 g for girls.

Allowed body drying products for women

In order for drying the subcutaneous fat layer to successfully achieve the desired result, the basis of the diet during this period is food that contains more proteins and carbohydrates.

During the day, you can include the following protein-rich foods without restriction in any meal:

  • egg white - fresh or boiled;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • chicken or turkey meat (preferably breast meat) boiled or steamed;
  • beef, veal, boiled or in the form of steam cutlets;
  • steamed white fish fillet (pollock, cod, tilapia);
  • squid fillet;
  • fermented milk products (kefir and yogurt 1%).

To regulate the metabolic process, girls during a diet when drying their bodies should stick to eating foods containing complex carbohydrates in the menu.

These products include the following:

  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice, boiled in water;
  • pasta made from high-quality wheat flour;
  • legumes (peas, lentils, beans), prepared in the form of soups or main courses;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, cabbage, beets, celery), fresh, stewed, boiled or steamed;
  • fresh greens.

The menu for drying the body for girls should include small amounts of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed) - exclusively as a salad dressing, as well as tonic drinks (tea with ginger or green).

Be sure to drink still or boiled water - in a daily volume of at least 2 liters.

Prohibited products for drying the body

  • sweets (sweets, lollipops, chocolate);
  • baked goods (cakes, cookies, pies, donuts, rolls);
  • sweet drinks.

During the period of drying the body, it is forbidden to eat foods containing fast carbohydrates.

Instead, in order to compensate for glucose deficiency, it is sometimes allowed to consume honey, dried fruits, berries, yellow and green citrus fruits.

Sausages, fatty meat, any canned food and semi-finished products are strictly prohibited.

It is necessary to avoid dressing salads with mayonnaise and sauces., as well as from salt and any types of sugar.

Body drying diet for girls

In a diet for drying the body for girls, the menu and food intake must be organized according to the following 5 principles:

  1. Entering and exiting a diet should be smooth.
  2. The number of meals per day is at least 4 times in small portions.
  3. About 65% of the daily amount of food should be consumed in the first two meals, preferably in the first half of the day.
  4. The evening meal should contain exclusively protein-rich foods.
  5. There should be a 2-hour gap before and after between meals and training.

The daily diet should be varied. In combination with exercise in a sports club or exercise at home You should definitely keep track of the calories you eat every day and monitor your weight..

Menu for the week by day

The daily menu should include a certain number of products, taking into account their energy value.

During a diet when drying the body, the recommended weekly menu for girls is as follows.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable soup; boiled chicken meat.

Third meal: grated apple seasoned with yogurt.

Dinner: stewed cauliflower, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil, vegetable puree soup with beef.

Third meal: omelette, kefir.

Dinner: salad of squid fillet, cucumbers and peppers.


Breakfast: bran bread, dried fruits, tea with lemon.

Second meal: cod soup; mix of green peas, asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Third meal: yogurt with strawberries.

Dinner: rice, steamed pollock.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, ginger tea.

Second meal: vegetable soup with meat broth; boiled turkey fillet.

Third meal: apple slices topped with yogurt.

Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with herbs, dressed with olive oil.


Breakfast: cottage cheese, dried fruits, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: vegetable puree soup with veal; mix of vegetables.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge.

Dinner: boiled beans, steamed pollock fillet.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, 2 chicken egg whites, tea with ginger.

Second meal: vegetable soup; chicken fillet.

Third meal: yogurt with grated apple.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: omelette, dried fruits, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: pasta with beef.

Third meal: kefir, dried fruits.

Dinner: boiled Brussels sprouts, steamed pollock fillet.

Menu for the month

If your health is normal, then, starting from the third week, the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods (vegetables, pasta, cereals) should be reduced by about 2 times, partially replacing them with foods that are rich in protein.

A body drying diet for girls should include a number of food products containing proteins of animal and plant origin in a ratio of 2/3 - complete proteins and 1/3 - incomplete proteins. They help maintain muscle mass while burning subcutaneous fat.

The diet is becoming more strict. The last meal should be lighter and consist of cottage cheese combined with kefir or yogurt. Starting from the fourth week, fruits are excluded from the diet.

A gradual reduction by 2 times in the daily requirement for carbohydrates reaches their minimum in the fifth week. From sources of carbohydrates, it is allowed to consume only porridges prepared in water from oatmeal, buckwheat or lentils.

It is necessary to introduce foods into the diet in the following order:

  • from week VI - fruits and dried fruits;
  • from week VII - vegetables, pasta, cereals.

A sharp return to the usual diet will cause a rapid increase in the kilograms lost during the drying period.

Vegetarian diet for drying the body by day for a week

The peculiarity of body nutrition for vegetarians during drying is that, unlike meat eaters, they do not consume protein of animal origin, but exclusively of plant origin.

To obtain the required amount of protein, vegetarians can eat legumes and other products containing protein of plant origin, but it should be borne in mind that it is less easily absorbed by the body compared to animal protein.


Breakfast: buckwheat boiled in water, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, mushrooms.

Third meal: pumpkin jail, nuts.

Dinner: stewed vegetable stew.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, green tea with jasmine.

Second meal: boiled beans, fresh vegetable salad with herbs and olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.


Breakfast: bran bread, tea with lemon.

Second meal: buckwheat, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: curd mix with honey.


Breakfast: oatmeal boiled in water, ginger tea.

Second meal: brown rice; cucumber salad with olive oil.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: yogurt.


Breakfast: spelled porridge, green tea with chamomile.

Second meal: pea puree, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: pumpkin porridge, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable mix of asparagus, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


Breakfast: corn porridge with water, tea with ginger.

Second meal: brown rice; mushrooms.

Third meal: apple, nuts.

Dinner: boiled beans, vegetable salad.


Breakfast: millet cereal, boiled in water, green tea with lemon.

Second meal: stewed beans, a mix of fresh vegetables and herbs.

Third meal: grapefruit, nuts.

Dinner: boiled lentils.

Sports nutrition for drying the body

In addition to diet and exercise in the gym or at home, special supplements are required, designed directly for burning subcutaneous fat mass.

Such supplements help replenish the amount of vitamins, which the body lacks during the diet, preserve muscle mass and support the functioning of metabolic processes.

Sports nutrition supplements help maintain the health of the body during drying periods.
  1. Whey Protein- serves as a source of protein and amino acids required to increase muscle mass. It has a high absorption rate, which contributes to the rapid burning of calories and fat. Helps quickly restore strength after grueling workouts. According to the advice of nutritionists, the recommended volume per day based on the intake rate per 1 kg of weight is divided into 3-5 doses.
  2. Creatine- helps restore energy reserves and build muscle mass by stimulating the process of producing growth hormone.
  3. Glutamine- is an effective fat burner. Strengthens the immune system of an athlete who experiences stress from a combination of intense training and a strict diet. Helps reduce the feeling of fatigue during training and quickly restore strength after it.
  4. Multivitamins- replenish vital nutrients lost by the body during a cutting diet, maintain good health and physical activity. It is recommended to take them during or after the first meal.
  5. BCAA- a complex of amino acids, reduces the risk of destruction and promotes the restoration of muscle fibers during intense training, increases the body's endurance and accelerates the growth of muscle mass.

Taking such supplements promotes effective burning of subcutaneous fat and is harmless.

However Use specific supplements only strictly in accordance with the instructor's recommendations, taking into account the state of the girl’s body, her physical fitness, sports regimen and diet.

Recipes for drying the body

For girls who strive to achieve the desired effect when drying their body, the set of dishes on the diet menu should be diversified with various cocktails and easily digestible cold appetizers based on vegetables.

Salads when drying the body

Vegetable salads are very useful for regulating digestive processes. In addition, in combination with meat ingredients, they are additional sources of protein.

Recipe No. 1: Chinese cabbage salad with chicken

Tear the Chinese cabbage leaves by hand. Cut the boiled chicken egg into small cubes. Cut the boiled chicken breast fillet into slices. Mix the ingredients and add finely chopped herbs (leeks, dill, parsley, celery). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with olive oil.

Recipe No. 2: white cabbage salad with turkey fillet

Shred white cabbage. Cut the boiled turkey fillet into thin slices. Add crushed walnuts. Add finely chopped greens (spinach, dill, cilantro). Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and season with yogurt.

Recipe No. 3: squid salad with avocado

Cut the squid fillet into thin strips. Peel fresh cucumber and cut into thin slices. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes. Mix the ingredients and season with olive oil.

Cocktails on a diet when drying the body

Diet shakes consumed during drying should contain a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of protein. They should be consumed immediately after production. To prepare a diet shake, you will need a blender or other chopper.

Recipe No. 1: kiwi cocktail with walnuts

Place 250 g of kefir, 2 pre-peeled kiwis, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 100 g of boiled water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped walnuts. Mix the contents thoroughly.

Recipe No. 2: berry smoothie

Place 200 g of kefir, ½ cup of pre-washed black currants, ½ cup of raspberries, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of cottage cheese (not curd mass), 150 g of boiled water into a blender. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Recipe No. 3: honey-oat cocktail

Place 250 g of kefir, 3 tbsp. in a blender container. spoons of honey, 4 tbsp. spoons of cooked oatmeal, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g of boiled water. Mix the contents thoroughly.

In fitness, “drying the body” is not only a process of improving the body, but also adjusting self-discipline, self-control and lifestyle in general.

Strict adherence to the body drying diet menu for girls, combined with physical activity that forces the body to expend as much energy as possible, leads to achieving the desired result in just 6-8 weeks.

Useful videos about exercises and diet when drying the body for girls

What is body drying, how does it differ from a regular diet, recommendations from a professional athlete:

Body drying diet for girls and a set of effective exercises: