Kazarnovsky's husband is Robert. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: “My husband wandered the streets with a stroller in the company of local homeless people

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is a famous Russian singer, actress and teacher. Today she is 62 years old and married. Her height is 168 cm. Her zodiac sign is Cancer. Lyubov, despite her advanced age, tries to keep herself in shape: she plays sports and tries to avoid junk food.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. Biography

The singer and actress was born on July 18, 1956 in Moscow (Russia). Her family was educated and intelligent, but despite this, far from creativity. Mother Lidia Alexandrovna was a literature and Russian language teacher at school. Dad is a general and also the author of many books on military history. Lyubov also has an older sister, who today works at the Sorbonne, lecturing to students. She is a philologist by education.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is mistakenly considered not Russian, attributing Hungarian roots to her. The actress herself refutes this and insists: “I am Russian.”

The further fate of Lyuba

From an early age, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya also dreamed of becoming a philologist. The girl’s biography could contain the column: student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. However, as a very young child, she began to show a love of creativity. Lyuba loved singing and dancing.

As a schoolgirl, the girl was always the first contender for leading roles in sketches and performances. She also beautifully performed folk songs, which the audience listened to with bated breath. In her senior year, the girl’s parents began to inquire about the choice of her future profession, to which she answered without a doubt: “I want to become an actress.” Lyuba’s plans were to become a student of the famous Gnesinka.

Student years

The young talented girl’s dream of an acting education was fulfilled. She studied at the faculty of musical theater actors, where she was one of the best. She always received high grades, and also easily coped with the many responsibilities that her teachers assigned to her.

During her student years, the future actress Kazarnovskaya met Nadezhda Malysheva-Vinogradova, who taught her a lot and became a close person to her. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya began her creative biography back in Gnesinka. Then she was a soloist at the Stanislavsky Theater. After that she worked at the Kirov Theater.

In 1982, Lyuba graduated and immediately entered graduate school. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya completed this stage of her studies in her biography in 1985.

First role in the theater

During her student years, Lyuba made her debut as an actress. She played Tatiana in Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin. Kazarnovskaya was able to convey to the viewer all the character traits and images of her heroine. Film critics adequately appreciated this work of the opera singer and predicted a great acting future for her. However, her love for singing won, and she decided to continue working in opera.

Opera in the life of Kazarnovskaya

Lyuba received new interesting offers more and more often. She was awarded many prizes and became a laureate of many competitions at the International and All-Union levels. She also became the chairman of the Russian Musical Society, a Doctor of Music and a professor.

Through the efforts of this woman, a separate fund was created, which she named after herself. His task was to support the work of the opera and opera performers.

Critics treat Lyubov with special reverence, considering her a talent from God. She has a rare voice timbre, it is multifaceted and interesting. She performed many parts in a very original way. None of the opera performers could replicate its sound.

Kazarnovskaya's favorite composers are Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and Puccini.

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya gained enormous popularity after the Glinka vocal competition. The biography and photos of the singer were published in many well-known publications at that time. Her person was very discussed and in demand.

After some time, Kazarnovskaya’s repertoire was replenished with roles in the operas “Pagliacci”, “Iolanta” and “May Night”. Then she received an offer to sing at the Bolshoi Theater under the direction of Evgeniy Svetlanov.

Worldwide popularity

The singer owes her world fame to the UNESCO competition for young performers in Bratislava (Slovakia), where she became the winner. This important event took place in 1984. In her biography, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya has so far placed family planning and children in last place.

In the same year, the singer went to Helsinki, where she took part in Verdi’s opera “Force of Destiny”. There she performed Leonora's aria, for which she received the Miriam Hellin Competition Prize. Two years later, namely in 1986, Lyubov received the Lenin Komsomol Prize. Then she received an offer to work at the Mariinsky Theater, to which she agreed. For three years in a row she had the honor of being his soloist.

For the first time in her career, Lyubov performed outside her country in London. In 1988, she performed the part of Tatiana in Eugene Onegin on tour. At that time, she was so passionate and inspired by her work that she did not have the slightest desire to arrange her personal life and tie herself to family ties. So, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya decided not to mention her husband in her biography and passport soon.

A year later, Kazarnovskaya performed in Salzburg at a vocal festival. She was invited by the conductor Herbert von Karajan himself, known throughout the world for his works. At one of the rehearsals, an unexpected misfortune happened and the maestro passed away. Already during the performance, Kazarnovskaya performed Verdi’s “Requiem” in memory of this great man. After this speech, Kazarnovskaya received a standing ovation for a long time from the entire audience. Music critics appreciated her performance, and now the doors of all the leading stages in the world were open for the opera diva.

Work on TV

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya still did not put her husband and children in first place in her biography and continued to work with all her might, devoting herself entirely to creativity, even while being married. So, in 2013, she became a mentor in the popular television project “One to One.” The following year she was invited to the show “Exactly”, where she also became a member of the jury. While working on Channel One, she met many people with whom she still keeps in touch today. Among them are Gennady Khazanov and Mikhail Boyarsky. Even during disagreements on the TV show, they always knew how to get out of the situation gracefully, while remaining friendly to the other members of the jury.

In the spring of 2015, Kazarnovskaya became one of the jury members at the international Eurovision competition.

Personal life

At one point, the singer realized that everything in this world does not last forever, and her career will end someday. It was then that she began to think about her husband and children. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was reluctant to advertise her biography and photos; she never liked to pose in front of the camera.

In 1989, a fateful acquaintance took place in the singer’s life: she met her future husband, Robert Roscik. At that time, he flew from Vienna to audition young and talented performers, where Lyuba was also present as a participant.

The young people did not start a relationship right away, but today there is no denying that Robert fell in love with Lyuba at first sight. For a long time he courted Kazarnovskaya, and she succumbed to his charms. There was a period when disagreements arose between them due to the work of a famous impresario. Then he decided to change her. Love appreciated Rostsik's act.

After some time they got married. In 1992, the couple began to think about children. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya still does not often advertise photos and biography of her family. She follows the words that happiness loves silence. In 1993, she gave her husband a son, whom they named Andrei.

For the sake of this child, the singer was ready to do a lot, even give up her career. In addition, even before giving birth, she was determined to complete her work in the opera. Doctors warned Lyubov that her voice might change after the birth of a child, and in the case of an opera diva this threatened the loss of her main “working tool.”

Kazarnovskaya does not regret the contracts she gave up for the sake of her family. After all, today she is happy and would never trade her men for anything. A beloved husband and children are the key to true female happiness, as Kazarnovskaya shared in one of her interviews.

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Biography, life story of Robert Roscik

Robert Roscik is an Austrian impresario, husband of a famous Russian opera singer.

Born in the USA, he has two citizenships - American and Austrian.

Robert met his future wife back in 1989. At that time she performed on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, and Roscik worked in one of the agencies in Vienna. His responsibilities included searching for young talents who would agree to delight the ears of theater audiences in Western Europe with their singing.

Due to his duty, Robert found himself in the Russian capital. Among the candidates that the impresario listened to was. The young singer successfully passed the test, and now the doors of the Vienna Opera and other famous European theaters were open to her.

As a matter of fact, from that moment, thanks to Robert Roscik, the ascent to world operatic fame began.

But first, the foreign guest invited her to have lunch with him. Apparently, he saw in the artist from Russia not only the ability to conquer the big stage, but also certain spiritual qualities. In short, she sank into his soul, and from now on the image of the Russian beauty could not leave his head. However, their second meeting, this time in a restaurant, was purely business in nature. The interlocutors talked exclusively about the art of singing, although both felt a spark of deep sympathy that flashed between them.

Soon Rostsik came to Russia again, this time to Leningrad. According to the official version, he needed to listen to him sing at the Mariinsky Theater. But Robert was drawn there by an irresistible desire to see the woman he liked again. And again they met in a restaurant, however, this time they talked more about their personal lives than about theatrical problems.


It all ended with Robert proposing. and she herself understood that they had begun an affair. At the same time, I couldn’t immediately decide to make drastic changes in my life. But you can’t escape fate, and the couple began to prepare for the wedding. Roscik met the singer’s parents, who, on the one hand, were happy for their daughter, but on the other, were very worried about her upcoming departure abroad.

The future spouses wanted to marry in St. Petersburg, but in those years marriages with foreigners were not welcomed in the USSR. I had to go abroad and do it in the Vienna municipality.

The solemn event went well. True, her acquaintances whispered behind her back that she married a foreigner with the sole purpose of getting well in life. But the happy newlyweds did not pay any attention to the envious people. And they did not regret it throughout their rather long family life.

When the question arose about whether to have a child, because pregnancy and subsequent worries about the baby could interfere with their career, Robert clearly knew the answer. Of course, you need to give birth. This is how their son Andrei appeared. His father was actively involved in his upbringing, given his busy touring schedule.

Connoisseurs of opera music are well aware of the popular performer of classical works Kazarnovskaya Lyubov. The singer's biography is full of bright moments and creative victories. Today, this performer is a Doctor of Music, a laureate of many competitions, and a professor. In this article we will look at the most interesting information and events from the life of one of the most popular classical singers, whose name is Lyubov Kazarnovskaya (nationality, biography, creativity, victories in competitions, etc.).


This talented performer was born into an intelligent Moscow family. Her father, a reserve general, is the author of many books on military and historical topics. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya’s mother is a philologist by training. She worked all her life as a teacher of Russian literature and language.

Many readers will probably be interested in the question of how old Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is. Do the math yourself. The famous singer was born in 1956 on July 18. Her love for music manifested itself very early. During her school years, she studied in a pop-jazz studio and performed at evenings.


After graduating from school, young Lyubov submits documents to the acting department of the Gnessin Institute. It was there, performing classical works - arias from operas by Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Rimsky-Korsakov, that she realized that this particular genre was capable of maximally revealing her boundless talent. In 1982, the young singer graduated from the Moscow Conservatory.

How old was Lyubov Kazarnovskaya at that time? At that time she was 26. She was quite an adult and accomplished person. While still a student at the conservatory, Lyubov performs on stage. There she makes her first debut in the role of Tatyana (the opera “Eugene Onegin”).


After graduating from a higher educational institution, the young singer enters graduate school, where she studies in the class of E. I. Shumilova. In 1986, at the All-Union Vocal Competition named after. Glinka, the winner of the second prize was the young performer Kazarnovskaya Lyubov. The biography of the actress is a series of impressive achievements and rapid victories.

After this competition, the little-known singer began to be invited to the main roles in such serious operas as “May Night”, “Iolanta” by Tchaikovsky, “La Boheme” by Puccini, “Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo. At the request of Kazarnovskaya, she performs in performances at the Bolshoi Theater. She performs the roles of Fevronia (The Tale of the Invisible City of Kitezh), Tatiana (Eugene Onegin) and other solo numbers.

World recognition came to Lyubov Kazarnovskaya with her victory in 1984 at the UNESCO performing arts competition in Bratislava. In the same year, in Helsinki, she was awarded 3rd prize at the international vocal competition named after Mirjam Hellin. And two years later, the young performer received the title of laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.


In 1986, opera singer Lyubov Kazarnovskaya received an invitation to become the leading soloist of the Academic Theater. Kirov. Having worked there for three years, she performed almost all the soprano parts from the institution’s concert repertoire. Among them are Margarita (Faust, Gounod), Leonora (Force of Destiny, Verdi), Violetta (La Traviata), Lisa (The Queen of Spades, Tchaikovsky), Donna Elvira and Anna (Don Giovanni, Mozart ) and many others.

In 1988, the first foreign triumph of a Russian performer took place in London's Covent Garden. She sang the part of Tatiana from Eugene Onegin. A year later, the already famous vocalist met Robert Roscik, an impresario from Vienna, and married him. This is how the family of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya was born.

The biography of this world-famous Russian performer is full of triumphal events. Marriage had little impact on her creative life. She continues to successfully tour around the world, covering the most difficult numbers many times. After being married for 4 years, the artist gave birth to a son, who was named Andrei.


The singer's repertoire includes about fifty opera numbers and many works of chamber music. She recorded a number of discs. Throughout her creative career, she had the opportunity to collaborate with many eminent masters of opera, such as D. Barenboim, K. Thielemann, R. Muti, directors M. Wikkom, F. Zeffirelli, D. Dew, M. Wikkom. She performed with P. Domingo, L. Pavarotti, J. Carreras and many other famous famous performers.

In 1997, she created a foundation to support Russian opera. As part of it, Kazarnovskaya also conducts master classes with world celebrities in her home country. She establishes special scholarships to help young singers.

In 2000, the coordinating council of the Cultural Center called “Council of Cities” was headed by Kazarnovskaya Lyubov. The singer’s biography characterizes her as an active creative person. She carries out a lot of educational work in the regions of Russia. Two years later, Kazarnovskaya was elected chairman of the commission on humanitarian and cultural cooperation. In addition, she is a member of the board of the Russian Musical Society.

In the city of Dubna, a famous performer oversees the opera house for Kazarnovskaya, who is the first singer to record all one hundred and three of P. Tchaikovsky’s romances on CDs. In addition, the Russian vocalist was awarded a prestigious diploma from Cambridge, recognizing her as one of the few outstanding performers of the last century.

Work in cinema and theater

Kazarnovskaya Lyubov is known throughout the world not only for her high achievements in vocal art. The performer's biography characterizes her as a talented actress. The first film with her participation, directed by E. Ginzburg, is called “Anna”. At the festival in Gatchina, this film received the Grand Prix. The next film with her participation was the film “Dark Instinct” directed by M. Tumanishvili. In 2011, she starred in the project “The Phantom of the Opera.”

Her next work is the unique performance “Simon Boccanegra” by D. Dew, presented in Cologne. Mirrors are used as decorations for the production, which play the role of either a balcony, or the sea, or the sky. Lyubov Kazarnovskaya also takes part a lot in avant-garde modernist performances. One of them is “Salome” directed by A. Egoyan.

By the age of 33, there was only one serious romance in her life, which she stopped herself: her chosen one was married, and Kazarnovskaya did not want to break up the family. Later she realized that she had done everything right - life was simply preparing her for a real feeling.

Singing actress

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya became a singer at the call of her heart, initially preparing to study as a philologist, like her sister and mother. But her love for singing turned out to be stronger - and Lyuba entered Gnesinka. The masters appreciated the unique timbre of the singer already at the institute - and invited student Kazarnovskaya to perform the role of Tatiana in the opera “Eugene Onegin” on the stage of the musical theater named after. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Kazarnovskaya treated each role as a full-fledged theatrical role, striving not only for perfect performance, but also to externally fit into the character. “If I play 15-year-old Salome in a Strauss musical drama, I have to look 15 years old. If 18-year-old Tosca in Puccini’s opera or 17-year-old Violetta in Verdi’s La Traviata, then I should look the same. How else? Then, excuse me, this is not theater, but a very conventional, concert performance of an opera - that is, it’s not true...” she said. The public appreciated this approach: the name of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya is quickly becoming famous among opera lovers, and she herself is a laureate of all-Union and international competitions, singing on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater and the Bolshoi Theater.

The foreign public learned about Lyubov Kazarnovskaya during perestroika. In 1989, impresario from Austria Robert Roscik came to Moscow to listen to Soviet singers in order to offer them contracts in his country.

Love affair at work

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya became one of twelve performers to whom Robert offered contracts in Vienna. Several times before his departure, he called and talked with her for a long time about her profession, about music. Kazarnovskaya felt that it is customary for foreigners to treat singers so carefully.

But when I came to Austria myself, I realized that Robert’s attention was not a professional necessity.

“Very soon the fact that we are not just pleasant and attractive to each other, but we are starting an affair, neither he nor I have any doubts... At the audition I sing very successfully, and soon they sign the first contract with me. To say that I was happy is to say nothing!” the singer recalls. Robert knows the Russian language very well - he is half Croatian, he graduated from the Faculty of Slavic Studies at the University of Vienna, read Pushkin, listened to Chaliapin. Their views on profession and music coincide, the two of them are interested and it becomes more and more difficult to separate - but it is necessary.

Kazarnovskaya continued to live and work in Moscow, while Robert had a job waiting for him in Europe. In the end, he declared that they should live together - and proposed to Lyuba. From that moment on, their struggle for happiness began. No one believed in the sincerity of their feelings: people believed that Kazarnovskaya was acting in the interests of her career, wanting to make a career in the West - with her impresario husband this seemed an easily achievable goal. They just wanted to get married - but could not do it because of bureaucratic delays.

Having collected a thick stack of papers necessary for a wedding with a foreigner, the lovers came to the registry office, where they were turned away: Robert’s business visa was not suitable, it was necessary to apply for another one. The Vienna municipality also refused, demanding permission to marry a foreigner from the Soviet embassy. “And so Robert goes to the cultural attaché and says: “I’m going to get married. On the Russian singer." - “Oh, how good. And who is she?" — “Lyubov Kazarnovskaya.” And then, as the husband says, this man’s face naturally falls. I’m a young, promising soloist, just starting a vibrant international career, and it’s not profitable for them to let me go,” said Kazarnovskaya. Having received another refusal, Roscik exploded. Knowing full well that the embassy's phones were being tapped, he called and stated that the whole so-called perestroika was a profanation, and he was abandoning all projects with the Bolshoi Theater. A few days later they were given all the necessary certificates and given the go-ahead for the wedding.

But organizing it, given Kazarnovskaya’s constant busyness, was not easy. They were able to allocate no more than half an hour for the entire ceremony - but it was the happiest half hour in the life of the couple. So that no one would dare to doubt the sincerity of their feelings, Roscik left his job as an impresario immediately after the wedding, switching to other projects. To everyone who accused her of self-interest and predicted the imminent collapse of their marriage, Kazarnovskaya answered: “We’ll wait and see.” She has been happy with Robert for more than twenty years; they are raising their son Andrei, who followed in the footsteps of his parents and is studying violin at the Moscow Conservatory. A marriage of convenience could hardly have been so happy.

Kazarnovskaya Lyubov Yuryevna (b. 1956) is a Soviet and Russian opera singer, has a strong soprano, and is engaged in teaching.

Childhood and school years

Lyuba was born on July 18, 1956 in Moscow. The Kazarnovsky family was intelligent and had nothing to do with music.

Lyuba’s dad, Yuri Ignatievich, a general, was engaged in military-diplomatic activities, and is the author of several military and historical books.

Mom, Lidia Alexandrovna, had a philological education and devoted her whole life to teaching the Russian language and literature.

Lyuba has an older sister, Natasha, who followed in her mother’s footsteps, became a philologist, and now lives in France, where she is teaching at the Sorbonne.

As a child, Lyuba grew up not only as a playful and mischievous girl, she was a real boy in a skirt. She was not attracted to dolls and girlish toys; she needed to run around with the boys, play tag or Cossack robbers.

She was known as a ringleader among the kids, and mother sometimes had to listen to neighbors about her daughter’s pranks.

As the singer says to herself, she was always an unconventional child, she twisted and twirled everyone. Once she persuaded a boy she knew to go with her and see the Berlin Wall; the children were taken off the freight train in time.

At school, Lyuba studied well, at the same time she studied figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, and tried herself in ballet. At the same time, the girl began to develop a craving for music, she enrolled in a pop-jazz studio. The group turned out to be quite successful and often performed at festive events and evenings.

Student years

After school, Lyuba was going to connect her life with philology, just like her mother and sister; she was especially attracted to journalistic work.

But when they went with their mother to apply for admission to the university at the Faculty of Journalism, along the way, probably by the will of fate, they came across the Gnessin Institute. There was an announcement on the door that the second round of student recruitment for the musical theater acting department was taking place. Mom literally pushed her daughter into the institute doors. Lyuba sang, danced, read poetry, and was told: “Enrolled.” When the girl later asked her mother why she pushed her onto the exam stage, she answered her daughter: “If you could have seen your eyes at that moment, they were burning madly and happily.”.

Teachers at the institute immediately noticed that the girl had a rare soprano voice and a unique timbre. She studied at Gnesinka for three courses, after which she transferred to the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, from which she graduated in 1982.

Creative path

At the age of 21, Lyuba made her debut at the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater. She got the part of Tatyana Larina. The singer was a soloist in this theater for five years; her repertoire included roles in such operas as:

  • "Iolant" by Tchaikovsky;
  • "La Boheme" by Puccini;
  • “The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh” by Rimsky-Korsakov;
  • "Pagliacci" by Leoncavallo.

Then in her life there was a theater named after S. M. Kirov. The All-Union Glinka Vocal Competition in 1986 brought Lyuba second prize, after which she was invited to the State Academic Bolshoi Theater.

Victory in the international competition for young performers in Bratislava and an honorary diploma from the competition in Helsinki brought Lyubov worldwide recognition.

In 1986, Kazarnovskaya was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize and received an offer to work at the Mariinsky Theater, where for three years she performed all the main soprano roles that were in the repertoire.

In 1988, the opera diva had her first triumph abroad; it happened in London at the Coven Garden Theater; she again performed the role of Tatyana Larina.

The following year, she received an offer from the famous conductor Herbert von Karajan to perform in Salzburg, where a music festival was held. But during the festival the maestro died. The singer performed and performed “Requiem” by Verdi in memory of the outstanding conductor. This was appreciated throughout the music world.

This performance was truly brilliant, and thus began the dizzying career of Lyubov Yuryevna. From now on, she performed on the best and most famous opera stages in the world.

Her repertoire includes about 50 opera roles and many works of chamber music. Her favorites are:

In 2011, Lyubov Yuryevna was invited to Channel One as a jury member in the project “The Phantom of the Opera.” She proved herself to be a strict but fair judge. This was followed by offers to participate in the following projects: “One to One” and “Exactly”, also as a member of the jury.

In 1997, the singer and her husband established the Lyubov Kazarnovskaya Foundation, which supports Russian opera.

It’s not for nothing that she was called the hottest soprano in Russia, and Kazarnovskaya also received the nickname “Miss 1000 V” for her incredible strength and temperament. Now we can rightfully say that she is a world-class star.

Personal life

Lyubov met her beloved only husband, Robert Roscik, when she was already 33 years old. Before this time, she naturally had affairs. But having met Robert, Lyuba realized that this is exactly her soulmate, which is intended for every person and sent by fate.

In the early autumn of 1989, he worked as a Viennese impresario, who, on duty, came to Moscow to audition young performers, among them was Lyuba.

For the sake of family happiness and to avoid gossip, Robert changed jobs. They have been together for more than 20 years, and this union may well serve as a model for imitation. Lyubov Yuryevna and Robert are one whole, they understand each other perfectly, they are never bored together.

In 1993, their son Andrei was born. For the sake of this event, Lyuba was ready to make sacrifices. Childbirth could lead to a change in her voice, and this could be called the end of a career for an opera singer. And many contracts had to be broken. But can this compare with maternal happiness?

Now my son has graduated from the conservatory in violin and is building his musical career as a conductor of a symphony orchestra.

Beauty secrets

Lyubov Yuryevna looks amazing at 60 years old. And this is the result of enormous efforts. Once in her childhood, her mother took her to the opera for the first time to see “Eugene Onegin,” and when the girl saw 100-kilogram Tatyana Larina on stage, she was shocked. She no longer wanted to watch the production, and she was perplexed for a long time, asking her mother why Pushkin’s Tatyana was tender and fragile, but on stage she was huge and fat?

Lyubov Yurievna debunked the myth that opera singers must be of immense size. She pays a lot of attention to physical activity; sport occupies an important place in the singer’s life.

I’ve never followed any special diets when it comes to nutrition, I can afford dumplings and pies, but I just very clearly set a standard for myself and tell myself in time: "Stop. Enough for today". He tries to stick to a separate diet; he can eat meat, fish, spaghetti, but all separately or in combination with a vegetable salad. He will never eat pasta with cutlets, or potatoes with fried fish.

When it comes to skin care, she also prefers to use her grandmother’s recipes. Of course, she can afford the most expensive cosmetics for face care, but nevertheless, Lyubov Yuryevna’s peeling is made from sauerkraut, and the mask is made from soaked oatmeal with cottage cheese, sour cream and egg white.

The opera diva treats colds only with folk methods; for ten years now there has not been a single pill or gram of medicine in her body.