Wood chip sculptures. Sergey Bobkov: Live shavings

While vacationing in Odessa, it is impossible not to visit the markets of this amazing city, which are in every district of the city. It is in Odessa markets that you can fully experience the flavor of this city and hear many “winged” Odessa expressions and at the same time buy almost anything: from food to carpets, clothes and building materials. Market sellers, like true Odessa residents, are very fond of city guests, willingly telling them funny stories and making discounts, which certainly leaves visitors with the most good memories. Let's take a closer look at the largest and most popular markets in Odessa.


Famous market "Bringing"- This business card Odessa and one of the most famous attractions of the city. In addition, it is also the oldest market in Europe, and its unchanged flavor has been preserved to this day. Walking through its old shopping arcades (especially the fish one), you can not only buy fresh and quality products, but also have a good laugh while listening to the speech local residents and sellers. It is customary here to try many products before purchasing, so you can enjoy a variety of Odessa delicacies completely free of charge. “Privoz” is a universal market, here you can buy not only food, but also household chemicals, clothes, shoes and souvenirs. The Privoz market is open every day except Monday.

Rabinovich is easy to recognize in two cases. By the sparkling humor when he sells something, and by the irreparable loss in his eyes when he buys something.

7 kilometer

The largest market in Ukraine is the famous Odessa “flea market”, which over time received the name "7 kilometer". This is a giant wholesale market that consists of different sectors divided into streets called different colors. Today, residents of all Ukraine and Moldova come to the “7 kilometer”, since this is where you can buy any product at wholesale prices. In this market you can find both cheap and low-quality Chinese items, as well as quite expensive and good items, shoes and accessories from Turkey and Europe. In addition, at the “7 kilometer” there are sectors of fabrics, children's accessories and clothing, household chemicals, furniture and decor, building materials, carpets, leather and fur products. The 7 Kilometer wholesale market is open every day except Friday.

In the center of Odessa there is another very colorful market - (or “New Market”). Despite its name, this market has been around for over two hundred years. Here you can buy any food products, including fresh meat and homemade dairy products, but vegetables and fruits are sold here mainly by resellers, due to which the prices for these products are significantly inflated. The New Bazaar has several canteens and cafes, a couple of souvenir shops and a small department of clothes and shoes. Closed on Monday.

ABOUT Starokonny market Odessa is known to those who come here to choose and buy a pet or are looking for antiques, rare things, rare books, stamps, coins, badges, antique jewelry or unusual trinkets that can be purchased at a flea market. Most of the market is occupied by pavilions with construction products, as well as with pets, for the sale of which even residents of neighboring cities come here. Here you can buy a wide variety of kittens, puppies, rabbits, chinchillas, hamsters, parrots, fish, turtles and even squirrels, as well as everything you need to care for them. The old market is open seven days a week, but most of sellers come here only on weekends.

Market "Northern"

Market "Northern" is located in the largest residential area city ​​- in the Kotovsky Village. This is a fairly large market that combines the main pavilion, which sells meat, poultry, spices, groceries and dairy products, as well as a pavilion with vegetables and fruits, a department of industrial goods (clothing, shoes, children's clothes and toys, plumbing and everything necessary for the home). This market attracts local farmers and residents of nearby villages, so here you can buy real homemade products at an affordable price. The Northern Market is open every day except Monday.

"Promrynok Kotovsky"

Not far from the Severny market there is "Promrynok Kotovsky", where they sell clothes, shoes and accessories from China, Turkey, Ukraine and Europe. This is mainly a clothing market, however, there are large pavilions with cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals. At the beginning of the market there is a row with household appliances, where you can buy any new or used home appliances from Europe. Prices for clothes and shoes at Promrynka are low, and the choice is quite wide, so it gets quite crowded, especially on weekends. The market is open every day except Monday.

Market "Cheryomushki"

On Cosmonaut Street there is a cozy market that is quite popular among local residents. "Cheryomushki", where you can buy homemade and imported vegetables and fruits, canned food and pickles, farm meat, eggs and dairy products. In addition, this market hosts a flea market every weekend, where you can sometimes find amazing things from past times for mere pennies.

Market "South"

In another large residential area of ​​Odessa - Tairovo - there is a market "Southern", where you can buy almost any local or imported products, seasonal vegetables and fruits, homemade meat, eggs and dairy products, spices, as well as household chemicals and everything for the home. There are 2 fish rows that are popular here. In the clothing section of the market you can find inexpensive clothes, shoes and accessories.

Another market in Tairovo - "Kyiv", where you can perfectly buy food at the lowest price in the city. Residents of villages and even other regions come here to offer Odessa residents the most natural “household” products literally from the garden, which are cheaper and at the same time much healthier.

Malinovsky market

In Odessa there is a market that specializes in the sale of building materials, decor, furniture and everything necessary for the home - "Malinovsky". It is here that you can find any construction and finishing materials at the most attractive price in the city, and the range of goods will pleasantly surprise you. Also at the Malinovsky market you can buy or order furniture, interior and decorative items, carpets, bed linen, cribs and much more. The Malinovsky market is open every day except Monday.

Book market

Once a popular tourist spot in Odessa - small but with rich history Book market, or as Odessa residents call it – “The Book”. In this market you can find, buy or order popular or rare books, videos and audio products. At the same time, you can purchase quite rare or unusual goods at a relatively low price. In addition, here you can buy old stamps and coins, unusual souvenirs, alcohol, sweets, and also exchange currency.

“Odessa would not exist without Privoz” - this is how the townspeople emphasize the importance of their main market. This place has become not only a world-famous attraction, but also concentrated all the bright and colorful life of the city near the Black Sea.

So, the history of the famous market, where in such cases they say “the material is so fresh that the ink on it has not yet dried.”

Initially, Privoz was a continuation of the large Old or Free Market, built in 1827. It started from Uspenskaya Street, next to which Starobazarny Square is now located, and continued to Privoznaya Square - now this is the area of ​​​​Preobrazhenskaya, Ekaterininskaya and Panteleimonovskaya streets.
It is from Privoznaya Square that the legendary Odessa market takes its name. The square itself was called that because goods for the Old Market were brought here. Later they began to sell the goods directly from the carts. For a long time this place did not have any special arrangement or buildings. But at the same time, it was always possible to buy goods here cheaper than at the Old Market, because merchants did not pay taxes and fees until about the 1860s.

Throughout almost the entire 19th century, Privoz was a large open area. In the second half of the century before last, wooden shops appeared here that sold food. Interestingly, such temporary wooden buildings could only be rented on an auction basis.

One of the issues of the Odessa Bulletin of that time describes Privoz far from being the most the best colors, noting that the square was very dirty and smelly, because people relieved themselves right between the wooden benches, and there was waste and remnants of food that was decomposing all around.

In the construction of permanent stone buildings for a long time there was no need, since very close by the merchants had at their disposal the excellent buildings of the Old Bazaar, built in the 1830s and 40s. With the growth of the urban population, and, accordingly, the scale of trade, the need arose to improve the equipment of Privoznaya Square. Therefore, over time, combined retail premises- so-called “sacristies” - with stone plinths, concrete floors and drain pipes.

For comparison, here are prices from 100 years ago for some products: a pair of chickens 1.80-1.90 rubles, veal 10 kopecks, milk 10-12 kopecks, potatoes 50 kopecks, a bunch of bulls 15-30 kopecks. At the same time, the salary of a qualified worker started from 20 rubles.

In 1902, almost all of Privoz burned down, and, interestingly, on the initiative of the Odessa residents themselves. The fact is that in the summer of that year a plague epidemic broke out in Odessa, and one of the components of the anti-plague fight was precisely the burning of the market. It was then that the original Privoz, which existed in the 19th century, disappeared.

In 1913, a beautiful two-story “Fruit Passage” with four wings was built along Privoznaya Street. This building was the only one beautiful building On the market. On the ground floor there were grocery stores and meat stalls, and on the second floor there was a hotel for non-local sellers. What does it have to do with Soviet time Only collective farmers were allowed to trade.

In the 1950s, on the site of the current new fish building, a round wooden structure housed a circus attraction, which included a motorcycle race along a vertical wall.

Famous Funny case. One day, a baby elephant escaped from a nearby zoo and climbed into the fruit rows, and remained there until it was well nourished by the local food supplies.

In the 1950s and 60s, dairy and meat buildings with spacious and bright trading floors were built on the side of Ekaterininskaya Street.

A large-scale reconstruction of the central part of Privoz, the shopping area, was carried out in the 1960-70s. Before it was held, there were wooden benches and shops along the perimeter of the square, and shopping arcades in the middle.

During the reconstruction, the square was re-asphalted, and a continuous roof, in some places even glass, was built over it. Concrete counters were installed across the square. This place, by the way, was the original Privoz, which grew over time.

They say that at that time the market was even renamed “Oktyabrsky”. But the name did not stick.

Small renovations took place in the 1980s and 2000s.

“On Privoz you can buy everything, even an atomic bomb.”
“I ask for six, I’ll give you for five, I’ll take for four, keep three.”
“Previously, everything was worth a penny, but now the prices are so high that all you can do is eat the skins.”
“Large bobushka, delicious seeds – they’ll sit in the sun like this and be fried until the evening.”
“Woman, smell it! He smells like he’s alive!”
“After visiting Privoz you will feel good or very good, depending on how you bargain.”

July 24th, 2012

It’s done, now you, fish lovers and beer fans, can touch the beauty - this post will be about the Odessa Privoz market, more precisely about its fish part. Many people have heard about the Odessa Privoz - it is one of the largest food markets former USSR. And this market is famous, first of all, for its unique atmosphere.

I really love fish, absolutely any and in any form - dried, cold-smoked, hot-smoked, salted and lightly salted. I will always prefer fish to any piece of meat. I’m even ready to give up meat for fish. And when fresh fish gets into the house, I eat it down to the “horns and hooves.”

We bought a piece of salmon and several carps for dinner, which we baked with vegetables in foil that same evening.

The history of Privoz began almost 200 years ago, back in 1827. A market square was built in the city, where imported goods could be traded from carts - hence the name of the bazaar.

The saleswomen are so persistent that it is impossible to pass by without buying fish.

To my question “how to choose fresh fish,” Odessa residents unanimously advised that the fish should move, other methods are not accurate.

This is the famous Odessa sprat.

Here are a few anecdotes that permeate the entire spirit of Odessa.
On the market:
- How much does this horse cost?
- But it's chicken, madam.
- I'm looking at the price.

Each of these fish screamed - eat me! No, really.

In general, there is a cornucopia of fish all around. Saliva gushes in all directions. My head is spinning, for real.

Is your flounder fresh, still alive?
- No, she's already dead.
- I’m surprised at the price - are you collecting money for her funeral?

Local cats are refined and very self-possessed; they will never be the first to ask for fish. This cat sat for 10 minutes without even moving.

Fifty-year-old saleswoman: “Man, you only take pictures of my fish, look at me, I’m pretty and divorced. Are you married?"

This is a classic, goes with any beer.

Bundles of dried bulls.

This is the middle of the fish fast, you can take a break and open a second bottle of beer.

This is smoked needle fish (garfish).

Here they even call fish in a diminutive form.

Fishy in the eyes...

Absolutely true, very tasty.

For those who are losing weight: shrimp is a very low-calorie seafood, extremely rich in calcium and protein.

On personal experience I found out that salted and dried trout tastes better than salmon. Although freshly cooked salmon tastes better than trout.

Huge stands of shrimp (raw and cooked) and inviting saleswomen.

I haven't seen them buy in small quantities. We bought a lot at once.

After several circles around the fish rows, I had a strategic supply of fish product in my bag for several weeks. And now, while finishing the report, I’m chewing felted trout cuts.

Every tourist and vacationer who comes to Odessa is simply obliged to visit this market.
And if you haven’t done this, then we can safely say that you haven’t seen the real Odessa.

Recently I saw, quite by accident, the work of a talented and, as they say, original artist Sergei Bobkov from Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is interesting not only that he creates magnificent sculptures, but also that Sergei works using a unique technology for creating sculptures from shavings Siberian cedar.

The sculptures look very realistic and it is not so easy to guess, at least from the photograph, that the work is made of wood shavings. Naturally, it takes several months to create such a wooden sculpture. Look at the photographs and understand the serious work that goes into each artist’s creation.

For more information about the work of Sergei Bobkov, see the website www.sikedros.ru.

  • Marten

  • Marten

  • Three beavers

  • Three beavers

Other materials on the topic: Sculpture

Wood sculptures by Bruno Walpot

[June 02, 2014]

I saw on the Internet the website of one of the modern Italian sculptors. His name is Bruno Walpoth. By studying people and taking a closer look at them, Bruno creates wooden sculptures that are incredibly similar to a real person. He creates anatomical images people and to make his works more realistic, he makes them life-size.

[04 April 2016]

Outwardly fragile Englishwoman Sophie Ryder devoted almost her entire life to difficult work with wire and metal mesh. She creates sculptures of impressive size and in an interesting way weaving with mesh over a wire frame. In addition to sculptures, her works include installations in the form of two-dimensional paintings made of woven wire.

[July 03, 2016]

Graham Thrussell born in Braintree, Essex, UK in the mid-1960s. Unfortunately, there is not much information about it on the Internet. Currently he has his own artistic forging workshop, but I noticed that many of his works are made using welding. Often, the techniques of his work are very similar to those used by me (at least the result). Bruno Walpot or Peter Demetz). I continue to expand on this topic.

Modern Italian sculptor Willy Verginer creates original sculptures from wood. An unusual play of color, clear lines, space and mysterious plots transform wooden sculptures into multifaceted fantasy compositions.

I write with joy and pride for our craftsmen, who are capable of not only shoeing a flea, but creating something that no one has ever done before. It’s just that here, unfortunately, such achievements take place quietly, at most they will be shown on the news once... It’s a pity, because many directions, “sculpture from shavings” in particular, are not just interesting, but innovative, here it’s time to patent the technology, open a studio, Organize master classes and exhibitions, eh... I hope all this will happen, I really hope, because it’s beautiful and great!

And the Krasnoyarsk master, an ordinary school teacher ordinary provincial high school(I don’t know for sure, maybe Trudovik))). He is 55 years old, during his life he managed to try to do a lot of things with his own hands - there was wood carving, wickerwork, ceramic art, there was even furniture production. But apparently I wanted something “different”, to repeat the lightness and naturalness of my exhibits – animals and birds. So that if the feathers are fluffy and airy, if the wool is fluffy and with fluff.

This is a sable, white and fluffy, with 30 thousand “hairs”

The material was found unexpectedly - it turned out to be wood shavings, at first simple, then, based on trial and error, specially prepared. Ordinary chips have a fragile structure, and in order to achieve plasticity, Sergey Bobkov I came up with the idea of ​​soaking wooden blocks in water for several days. He mainly uses Siberian cedar shavings, but sometimes adds beech and willow. The chips are removed in a special way rolling, can you imagine how it smells in his workshop? ...

The photo shows how complex his sculptures are - every feather is in its place, of the right size and shape. In addition to what is beautiful and luxurious, it is also anatomically as accurate as possible - the master studies the habits and anatomical features their eagles, eagle owls and sables. Sometimes it takes up to six months to create one particle sculpture; The fur of a sable, for example, consists of 30 thousand fibers, and for an eagle it took about 7 thousand different feathers.

Sergey Bobkov says that his work is the complete opposite of stuffed real, dead animals. The scarecrow is the result of death, and its shaving figurine is birth; a whole philosophy results.

The master exhibits his creations, but only occasionally and so far only on a very local scale. But he has big plans - he hopes that in his home country they will notice and support him, help him open the planned art center (with exhibition hall, a large workshop, a hotel for visitors who want to study, just admire or buy something). I really, really want everything to work out, and oh Sergei Bobkov learned not only here, but also abroad, because there is something to be surprised and admire.