Simple celebrity portraits. Paintings by celebrities not known as artists

  1. “Is a contract for the provision of services signed?” Signing the contract is important for both parties: both you and the photographer will be sure that the terms of work and payment will be met.
  2. “How is payment made?” As a rule, the payment is divided into two parts: when signing the contract, you make an advance payment to book the date, and on the wedding day, the remaining amount.
  3. “Are you working with an assistant?” If you are planning a magnificent celebration, most likely, the help of an assistant during filming will come in handy.
  4. “Do you have a replacement in case of force majeure?” F The photographer may get sick or for some personal reasons not come to your wedding - in this case he must provide you with a replacement. Make sure you are happy with the option he has to offer you.
  5. Author of the photo: |
  6. “What is the minimum number of hours that must be paid? Do I need to pay extra for late shooting? Photographers usually have a minimum number of hours that must be paid for.
  7. "You can look full episodes from your weddings? Very often on their website photographers post only best pictures. But to appreciate the style and level of skill, you need to watch the entire wedding day.
  8. “How many photos will we get?” If you want a certain number of photos (and no less), be sure to clarify this at the meeting.
  9. “How long does it take to process photos?” Be prepared to wait a few months for your wedding photos (especially if your wedding is in the summer).
  10. “In what form will we receive the photographs?” Depending on the photographer’s approach, some photographs may be printed for you (specify how many) or all photographs will be given on a disk (flash drive).
  11. Author of the photo: |
  12. “Is it possible to make a wedding photo book? How much is it?" A wedding photobook is a decorated album with your wedding photos, a wonderful memory of your wedding. As a rule, photographers give a discount on a photo book if you order it immediately upon signing the contract.
  13. “How will you get to the filming location? Do we need to allocate a seat for you on our transport?” This issue must be discussed before booking wedding transport.
  14. “Which places would you recommend for a photo shoot?” The result of his work largely depends on this, so you should decide the issue of choosing a place for shooting together.
  15. “Have you worked at our wedding venue before?” If the photographer already knows the shooting location, this is a big plus, since during the photo shoot he will already know the most successful angles and locations.
  16. “How will you dress?” This important point, because the photographer should not get out of general style weddings, i.e. should look neat and tidy. But keep in mind that the photographer works at a wedding, so his clothes should be comfortable.
  17. “Are our photographs then posted on your website?” If you don't want this, you may have to pay extra for this service.
  18. Author of the photo: |
  19. “Do you have spare equipment?” There shouldn't be any problems on the wedding day, but if they happen, it shouldn't affect the shooting.
  20. “Will there be black and white photographs and how many?” Some couples like classic photographs in black and white; they look very sophisticated and elegant, so check in advance if the photographer can take them.
  21. “Does the price of the job include printing photographs, how many pieces will be printed?”
  22. “Do you have any tips for wedding photography?” An experienced photographer will tell you what you need to take with you to a photo shoot, how to conduct the first meeting of the bride and groom, what time is best to arrange the ceremony in order to get beautiful photos.
  23. “Is it possible to shoot a love story before the wedding?” Discuss with the photographer her script, location, etc. important aspects. By the way, many photographers offer a love-story photo session at a discount to couples who order wedding photography from them.
  24. Author of the photo:

I perfectly understand the newlyweds’ concerns about choosing a photographer who will photograph the celebration; based on this, I have compiled a number of basic questions for wedding photographer, leading you to the right choice and helping to resolve key issues even before this wonderful event.

Your photographer should not only be a professional in his field, but also your “friend”, because you should be on the same wavelength with him. That is, mutual understanding between the newlyweds and the photographer contributes to a successful work process, and the photographs will turn out to be truly sincere and lively.

I have already answered all your questions, but in any work there are nuances and exceptions, so I always engage in dialogue and, taking into account all the comments, I easily adapt to you, because I understand how important this day is for you.

1. Do I need to sign a contract for the provision of services?

The contract is signed. This point is very important for both parties, since the contract acts as a guarantor of compliance with the conditions that were agreed upon at the meeting.

2. How long have I been a professional photographer?

I have been working specifically in wedding photography for over 5 years. During this period, I had the opportunity to photograph more than 250 newlyweds. Before this job, I was involved in project photography and reportage photography.

3. How many photos will I give away after the wedding?

This question is most often asked to wedding photographers, and interestingly, it worries young people more than having experience and a contract.

Don't worry - all the photos are yours! I'll give away ALL the photos. I don’t be greedy with space on the memory card, I don’t save batteries, but I also don’t shoot while holding the shutter button. An hour of shooting is about 50-100 successful shots, it depends on the scenario and location.

4. How do I get to the shooting location?

I give special preference to the car of young people; traveling in their car, I can take excellent shots and give dynamic photographs during the move. The road can also be fun! I also have my own transport and can easily get there. Transport is discussed individually depending on the shooting location and route.

5. A place for a walk for beautiful photos?

Where can you take your wedding walks? We discuss this at the meeting, sit down and start from some “constants”, be it the registry office or registration time. Such popular parks and estates as Arkhangelskoye, Kuskovo, Tsaritsyno, Kolomenskoye - I know inside and out, and there are many others amazing places in Moscow.

6. Is there a charge for late shooting?

There's nothing wrong if you didn't discuss it in the first place. late time shooting. Photography can be “pre-ordered” for the period you need. I am armed with a large supply of memory cards and batteries!

7. How will I dress at the wedding?

I prefer jeans and a shirt because I understand that I am coming to your holiday and want to look appropriate and not like a loader =) I can also adapt to the theme of your wedding and choose the appropriate style.

8. How long will it take me to prepare photos after the wedding?

I have standard terms starting from 6 hours of shooting, processing per month, I also have a processing service for a week - negotiated separately.

9. Will I post your photos on the wedding photographer’s personal website?

I would like to place as many photographs as possible in my portfolio, and I always try to do this, because without seeing my work in a real project, you cannot understand the quality and style of the work. You don't like your photo posted on the site! No problem - I'll delete it. It is important for you that your photos are not in my portfolio! No problem - tell me about it in advance.

10. What style of photo editing do I use?

Each photographer chooses his favorite style, which helps to process photographs. I have one too. But your story must be written according to your script, and therefore I will implement and use your wishes and preferences.

11. Do I give advice on choosing a videographer or presenter for a wedding?

I give advice and I want to give it! A very kind and pleasant atmosphere is created in the team that you already know. Thanks to my experience, I have found a kind of “backbone” of professionals who inspire complete confidence in me, and I am happy to recommend them to you. These are my recommendations, but our tastes may differ and the choice is of course yours.

12. Are the photographs suitable for printing in the future?

Absolutely all the photographs that I will give you after processing will have standard parameters suitable for printing all photo sizes, including A3.

I have provided you with a list of the most asked questions to a wedding photographer, which I have accumulated over my experience. I constantly adjust and supplement it, because fashion changes, and with it the requirements for wedding photographs.

Your portfolio is an endless source of information: correctly compiling or updating, correctly demonstrating and profitably posting on the Internet are a small part of the issues that are not easy for a beginner to understand.

I put together my first portfolio in 2012 and completely threw it away in 2013. I couldn’t, or didn’t want to, understand then that a portfolio is a showcase, not employment history(of course, I didn’t figure this out on my own; mentors and colleagues helped, for which I thank them).

I don’t use my mistakes as an example, I don’t recommend going through the cycle of doubts, therefore, if I have enough strength and memory, I will answer all the frequently asked questions that readers and colleagues write; in letters, in VKontakte messages. If it comes in handy - good. No means no.


The note, like many others, will be updated regularly. Therefore, for convenience, I will make a table of contents:

If a photographer doesn’t have a portfolio, what will the client think about him?

Depends on the situation.

If the photographer is a friend or relative and is needed for everyday photography, a work project or when starting a small business, when the budget is limited and the level of requirements and quality is low, then he will think that he is lucky.

If the photographer is an applicant, then they will politely show him the door and think that the person is in vain, and this is unpleasant, takes up time, is in vain seeking payment for his work; when would it be better to shoot, create a portfolio, gain experience.

Need a portfolio. Where to begin

If you need a "magic button", I don't have one. I prefer to work. Personal experience, thoughts and insight into the portfolio, you will find. The whole process is also described there, and in great detail: you draw up a portrait of the target audience and select photographs, without regrets or personal memories, select a format, electronic or printed. At the beginning of the journey, the main thing is not to get carried away with the design, it’s too early; a classic black printable folder and a laconic set of tiles on the website, if you choose it, are universal options: updating is easy, quick and inexpensive.

How to build a portfolio at no cost

Honestly? No way.

Photography without costs, like a portfolio, does not exist:

  • Have you already bought photographic equipment, a computer, software, colorimeter (although I don’t rule out that they could have borrowed it and that’s true); We paid for the Internet, travel to the shooting (or to a preliminary meeting, location search), food, for the “downtime”.
  • A month later, you will receive an electricity bill, a new receipt for the Internet, etc.

Photography is not passive income or easy money, but investment and work. Wake up!

How to quickly build a portfolio

If you hear, remember: speed is not quality. And so there are 3 ways:

  1. For free. The notorious TFP. Can be excluded monetary relations, with a makeup artist, a modeling agency and a stylist, for example. Cheapest and slowest way.
  2. Shareware. Partnerships and the role of the second photographer; thematic, social and citywide projects. Faster, but the difference in quality is minimal.
  3. Paid. The best option, if you need a quick start. Hire the best specialists in your city, conduct 3-5 shootings, select the best pictures; Before you is a portfolio.

How to select photos for a portfolio

A question of quantity and quality; discussed in detail in the basic note, . I can’t surprise you with anything anymore, but take a look at additional tips, you never know:

  • A portfolio is not a work record. There is no need to show everything that turned out well; It is important to show what you want to specialize in.
  • Quality is not quantity. If there are 10 photos and not 20, then you need to go and shoot the missing ones, and not increase the number to 20 using improvised photographs.
  • Timeless photographs are more valuable, but less popular.

How many photos should be in a portfolio?

Quantity is subordinated to quality and style - the basis of any portfolio. I explained in detail in the basic note, check it out. I can add the following:

  • The optimal quantity is a special case; there are no universal formulas. And the main thing is that you don’t have to worry that you won’t show enough; what’s more important is what you show.
  • If the customer needs a business portrait, then there is no need to show him wedding photographs or children’s photographs; Several concise portfolios are better than one large one.
  • 20 photographs is not a dogma, the customer does not keep count, he just looks and studies. And you.

What photos should be in a photographer's portfolio?

“What do you want?” - from the speech of the waiter. Why are you doing this? Serving demand is a thankless, unprofitable task. Generate demand, promote your offer:

  • Instead of pictures that guarantee likes, take those that will make a name for you and help you find your viewer (customer).
  • Instead of photographs of time, show “timeless” ones, which will allow you to partially update your portfolio if necessary in the future. Taking one away is better than removing them all at once.

You are initially asking yourself the wrong question, the meaning is different - which should not be.

Should a photographer remove old photos from his portfolio?

How do you think photography is becoming obsolete? If:

  • The reason is in trends, maybe? To avoid wasting time and money on selecting, printing, posting and promoting your seasonal portfolio.
  • Is it because of the technical level, which has grown greatly in the market, or in your eyes? Of course it's better to remove it. If this is an important criterion.
  • Is it a matter of style? Can be deleted. Again, what matters is not what you remove from the display window, but what you put on display next.

How to put together a portfolio that you're not embarrassed to show off

Are you afraid to take a step, and the reason is possible laughter? Start by asking yourself: “Do I have anything to show?” From there you will begin to collect your portfolio, because how can you talk about shame, and a possible one, if you haven’t collected anything yet?

Create a draft portfolio, here you go; If you can’t do it yourself, look for a mentor, there is a Union of Artists in many cities, I advise you to take a look. If you can earn their trust - okay, no - look at the school or college, fine arts, perhaps they will hear you there and help you with advice. Artists have an unbiased assessment, unlike photographers.

What should a beginner photographer's portfolio look like?

Indeed, there is a nuance - quality. A beginner is not a master, the skills are not the same, but you can act differently and thus win:

  1. Format. Find a good framer who will competently select mats for your best 10 photos. Internet - showcase, meeting - personal sales. Learn.
  2. Sequence. Show it yourself, in the required sequence; so that the customer sees a harmonious sequence in which the photographs complement each other and do not compete with each other. Show customers stability - they will see quality.

A selling portfolio is a goal or self-deception

Self-deception. Anything sells, another question is what: an emotion or a product? I don’t want to convince you otherwise, but creating a portfolio is not only a skill, but also a philosophy:

  1. Employment history. Look, I'm working.
  2. Author's works. Look, I can.
  3. Showcase. Look.

Not everyone goes through these steps; not everyone abstracts from emotions and preconceived assessments; not everything, and this is the secret: you are not everything. Grow up, work hard, the money will come.

What should a photographer's portfolio be like, electronic or printed?

Electronic and printed:

  • An e-portfolio is part of an online marketing strategy.
  • A printed portfolio is a sample of the final product.

At the beginning, you can save money - refuse to print until the “backbone” appears - from 10-20 photographs, but you must understand that without a sample of your products, it will be difficult for you: to convince the client of the quality of printing, the advantages of prints over digital files. I am silent about meetings with editors - they are only interested in printing.

I urgently need to show my portfolio online, but I don’t have a website. What to do

Photo sites to help:

Alternative - social media. I do not like? Try to build a website in the builder, but I warn you - it will turn out a bit clumsy in a hurry, although... if you use Squarespace and select ready template, then you will do it quickly and very efficiently (yes, the service is good).

Optimal image characteristics for an online portfolio

It depends where you post:

  • Personal site. 900-2000px on the larger side, color profile - sRGB.
  • Photo sites. 900-1200px on the larger side, color profile - sRGB.
  • Social media. The recommendations are different: from 1000 to 1600px on the larger side, but the algorithms are constantly changing, the only stability is sRGB.

It is better to set the Quality value (in LR, when exporting, or in PS, when saving for web) to 80%, and carefully increase the sharpening (smart sharpening: minimum radius, maximum effect).

Where to post your portfolio online

If you need likes and recognition, then wherever you want. If you enter the international market, then pay attention to:

This best projects, although there are others:

Delve into it, choose and post your portfolio. 🙂

How to promote your portfolio online

There are at least some that will be useful to you. Traditionally, you can settle in the vastness of social media. If you earn money, create a personal website and make it the main one for your portfolio. If you have time or free money, context, SEO and partnership will perfectly complement your Internet strategy.

If you are interested in coverage, then your priority is: studying not only social media, but also forums and thematic platforms; you can open new markets, find your audience - attract attention to creativity, promote your portfolio.

How to show your portfolio to a client

Good question, but it's in the wrong place. A good salesperson knows more than me, I think it’s better for you to get trained, or get a temporary job in a fabric, luxury shoe or goods store self made. Eg.

No time or desire - no problem, you can, under the guise of a client, spy on all, or many, of the nuances of working with a client: how to convey a product, how to describe its quality, artistic values.

There will be confidence in this issue, I will publish a separate note on the blog. For now, that's it.

The customer is interested in you, he looks at your photos, but criticizes you. What to do

Classic. A problematic (because he doesn’t value, but demands) client tries to lower, in the author’s eyes, the rating of the product in order to get a discount. What to do is up to you:

  • You can give in. Give a discount, bend over backwards for the client.
  • It can be refuted. Choose arguments so as not to change the price tag.
  • You don’t have to start the holivar and just leave. Your reputation will not suffer, nor will your nerves.

I don’t know what to do.

And should you?


I read emails, VKontakte messages. An interesting and useful question- I’ll add a note.