John Travolta is divorced. John Travolta and Kelly Preston lost their son

“John Travolta is divorcing Kelly Preston,” Divorce will cost Travolta $200 million,” the media has repeatedly filled such headlines. But they have been together, despite everything, for a quarter of a century. Their acquaintance, which took place almost 30 years ago, gave both hope for better life, and they didn't miss their bird of luck.

John Travolta

In February 1954, John Joseph Travolta, their sixth child, was born in the United States to the family of a football player and singer. WITH early age he was passionate about dancing and dreamed of flying. The boy's favorite fairy tale about Peter Pan haunted him. He was confident that he could float above the ground. True, the very first attempt to fly, pushing off from the roof of a small barn, led to a painful fall and broken knees.

When his mother took him to the nearest airfield, John was disappointed. He liked airplanes, but was not at all attracted to the prospect of wearing a uniform, having a short haircut and obeying the regulations. John resolutely declared that he would become famous and become an actor. But he retained his love of airplanes throughout his life, obtaining a pilot's license and building a small fleet of his own private jets in adulthood.

In 1966, he began attending drama school, learned the intricacies of choreography and studied vocals. In the early 70s, John Travolta was already acting in films.

In 1976, John met Diana Hyland, who was 16 years older than Travolta. The age difference did not interfere with their feelings. The accomplished actress gave young man not just your love. She taught him manners and helped him learn the basics of acting. And a few months after the start of the affair, the woman was diagnosed with breast cancer.

John Travolta remained with his beloved until his last days; she died in his arms. The young actor seemed inconsolable and entered into a new relationship only ten years later, when he met Kelly Preston.

Kelly Preston

Kelly Kamalulehua Smith was born in 1952 in Honolulu and lived with her parents in Iraq and Australia as a child. After her parents' divorce, she stayed with her mother and was adopted by her stepfather Peter Palzis. Theater arts the future actress and model studied at the University of Southern California. Kelly decided to work under a pseudonym, first taking her stepfather's surname for this purpose, and then becoming Kelly Preston.

She was a fan of the charismatic John Travolta and constantly followed his roles in films. Even after marrying Kevin Gage, she did not lose sight of her idol.

Meeting, friendship, two marriages

They met on the set of the film “The Experts” in 1989, but Kelly was a member at the time. romantic relationships with another actor and was in no hurry to fall into the arms of John Travolta, offering him her sincere friendship.

But soon colleagues noted that some kind of spark ran between Kelly and John, and more and more often they appeared in public together. And in September 1991 in Paris they got married according to all the rules of Scientology, of which they are adherents.

This marriage could not be recognized as legal in the United States; they were registered a second time in Florida.

The complexities of life

They were happy, John and Kelly, never tired of pleasing each other with little surprises and gifts, forgiving each other's little weaknesses. It seemed that their life would always be like this: easy, cloudless and bringing nothing but joy.

In 1992, the family's first child, Jett, was born. Travolta felt in seventh heaven. He enjoyed spending time with his son. After the birth of Jett, Kelly began to put forward special requirements for hygiene and cleanliness, forcing her husband to endlessly splash around in the bathroom.

However, John himself was not going to complain. After he attended the birth, his attitude towards women underwent radical changes. He quite sincerely believed that every representative of the fair sex deserves worship just for giving birth to children.

Travolta was ready to forgive his wife absolutely everything just for agreeing to become a mother. When Ella Blue was born to them, Travolta admitted that children are the greatest happiness.

In 2009, John Trevolta and Kelly Preston experienced the death of their first child. The boy died as a result of an epileptic seizure, hitting the edge of the bathtub.

Strength test

They both experienced the loss of their son very hard and in different ways. Kelly threw herself into her work, trying to ease the pain of loss. John isolated himself from the whole world, constantly remembering how many joyful minutes he lived with Jett.

Day after day, the gap between the loving spouses grew, and more and more often they encountered mutual misunderstanding. But in November 2010, they were given consolation from above: their second son, Benjamin Hunter Kaleo Travolta, was born. They both found meaning in life again.

Happiness in spite of

Despite periodically erupting scandals around this couple, John Travolta and Kelly Preston remain a family, without commenting on dirty speculation and rumors. They have the wisdom and patience to steer their family ship forward and remain united at the same time.

John Travolta turned out to be an amazing father. He gets genuine pleasure from communicating with children, devoting every free minute to them. The actor admits in an interview that there can be no greater happiness than seeing how he grows and develops your continuation, your children. He admits that family is the best thing in every man’s life. It is Kelly and his daughter and son who make up the meaning of his life; for them he is ready to give anything.

Kelly and John are both adherents of Scientology. Perhaps the commonality of views also strengthens their relationship. The actor admits that he and his wife were able to maintain love, trust and mutual respect thanks to their ability to talk to each other. They also make endless lists, adding every little thing to them: from the lunch menu to all the physical and emotional needs.

Then each, even the smallest point, is analyzed and discussed. This may be far from the idea of ​​romance, but it works for the benefit of the family, allowing you not to carry around your unsatisfied desires or small discontents. This method helps them stay together for twenty-five years.

John Travolta and Kelly Preston got married 25 years ago, but they are just learning how to build their relationship.

On Friday, January 2, the son of a star American couple, the famous actor John Travolta and famous actress Kelly Preston. Their lawyer Michael Ossie spoke about the tragedy in the Hollywood couple, reports.

16-year-old Jet was vacationing in the Bahamas with his parents.

According to lawyer Michael Ossie, Jet Travolta had an epileptic seizure at approximately 10 a.m. and all attempts to revive him were unsuccessful.

The exact cause of death will be determined later.

An autopsy, according to the lawyer, will be carried out on Monday. The young man will be buried in Florida.

At the time of his death, Jett was completely blue.

John Travolta and Kelia Preston also have a younger daughter, eight-year-old Ella.

According to Michael Ossie, John and Kelii were always happy when their children were happy.

The lawyer also said that the day Jett died was the worst day of John Travolta's life.

Following Jett's death, staff and West End residents expressed sympathy for Jonah Travolta and Kelly Preston, CNN reported former minister tourism of the Bahamas Larry King.

According to people around John Travolta and Kelly Preston, their love and affection for their son was obvious. For residents of the West End, Jett's death also came as a shock.

In 1994, when Jett was very young, John Travolta said that he had fallen in love with fatherhood. According to the famous actor, after the birth of his son, he could not imagine his life without Jet.

American bloggers, who immediately responded to the news of the death of Jett Travolta, are actively discussing the fact that the son of the famous actor has never been in good health.

According to bloggers, rumors persisted that Jet was autistic, but John Travolta himself always denied this. According to the father, his son suffered from Kawasaki syndrome, which resulted in heart problems.

Kawasaki syndrome is an acute febrile illness childhood, characterized by damage to the coronary and other vessels with the possible formation of aneurysms, thrombosis and ruptures of the vascular wall. According to American statistics h The incidence in the United States is 44 cases per 100,000 children of Asian descent and 10 cases per 100,000 children of non-Asian origin.

Many American bloggers who dispute John Travolta's statement about his son Jett's illness with Kawasaki syndrome point out that this is not just a disease of childhood, but of early childhood. And the prevailing age for patients with Kawasaki syndrome is from one to five years. However, none of the bloggers can dispute that Kawasaki syndrome really leads to heart disease.

Five years ago, in 2003, Kelly Preston said that when Jett was two years old, he fell ill, and according to the symptoms it was the flu, but later a fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes appeared, after which the attending physician gave little Travolta a new diagnosis disease - Kawasaki syndrome.

Following her husband, John Travolta, Kelly Preston blames household conditions for her son's illness. chemicals and pesticides, which weaken the child’s immune system.

About the death of Jett Travolta in the Bahamas, there is not only a version voiced by the family’s lawyer, Michael Ossie, but also another voiced by a representative of the local island police, Loretta Mackay.

According to the second version, Jett Travolta died after he fell in the bathroom. The teenager slipped and fell, hitting his head on a faucet. According to a police spokesman, Jett Travolta was found unconscious in the bathroom before his death.

John Travolta will turn fifty-five in just over a month, on February 18th. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a pilot, but once he visited an army barracks, John changed his mind in favor of becoming an actor. Having decided to connect his life with show business, John Travolta left school at the age of 16 to devote himself entirely to mastering the craft of acting. After moving to New York, John began getting roles in popular theatrical productions, and in 1975 he was invited to the television series “Welcome Back, Kotter!” He made his big screen debut that same year, and in 1977 Travolta became a superstar, playing the lead role in the musical film Saturday Night Fever, a 70s disco classic.

However, Travolta's career soon began to decline, but despite the heavy blows of fate, Travolta was able to overcome depression without the help of alcohol and drugs. People remembered the actor only in the late 80s, when he appeared in the film “Who’s Talking?” On the set he met his current wife, actress Kelly Preston.

A decisive role in the resurrection of the star John Travolta was played by Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction” (1994), after which Travolta again became a cult actor.

Kelly Preston, born in Hawaii, starred for the first time on the American continent in the television series “In the Name of Love and Honor” (1983), in subsequent works she created for herself the role of a comedienne and showed melodramatic talent. Great success came to her after participating in the film “Twins” (1988), where she appeared on film set next to Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

One of the main roles in the film “American Hours” (1993), which was filmed for cable television, put her among the most popular young actresses. Her marriage to John Travolta also contributed to her wide popularity.

It is difficult to find more different people: he is a typical embodiment of the screen rake-dancer, an emotional and open person, a restless entertainer, an eater of a huge number of hamburgers; she is an example of a capricious film star, tormenting her husband with constant reproaches with or without cause, a manic clean-liver and a jealous person. But they have been together for more than ten years thanks to general profession, children and... the method of strict control developed by the wife, which turned the screen superman into a henpecked spouse.

In April 2003 Hollywood actor John Travolta, who next year will celebrate his 50th birthday, admitted to reporters that he was embarrassed by his wife Kelly Preston when he found himself naked in front of a large mirror one night. Preston jokingly made a face, put two fingers in her mouth and showed how she felt “sick.” “She was trying to tell me something that I should have noticed myself. I allowed myself to become almost a wreck. My wife loves me and I admire her, so I don't want to change that. But there were noticeable cracks in my self-esteem. I thought I looked like a middle-aged man in bad shape. After all, I didn’t want to see my wife get a sick feeling when she looked at me without clothes.” Travolta immediately began training hard and was able to lose his weight from one hundred to 89 kg, without even resorting to diets.

John Joseph Travolta was born on February 18, 1954 in the provincial town of Inglewood, New Jersey, into a large Italian-Irish family (his surname is translated from Italian language as "high voltage"). His father, Salvatore, was already 41 years old by that time. Former football player was engaged in the auto parts trade to support his family, in which John was the sixth child. Mother, Helen, former soloist vocal group"Solar Sisters", taught drama at school. She enjoyed playing with her offspring on a stage specially built by her husband in the basement for a home theater.

The future disco idol took dance lessons from the age of six. His teacher was none other than the brother of the legendary dancer Gene Kelly - Fred. This comprehensive approach to education allowed three of the six children to become actors: in addition to the youngest, John, Ellen and Joy also took this dangerous path.

Since childhood, Johnny loved the fairy tale about Peter Pan, the flying child. One day, imitating his favorite hero, he climbed onto the roof of the barn, pushed off and tried to fly. The attempt ended in failure; it’s good that the barn was not high, and the boy only hurt his knees. But the desire to fly did not go away. There was an air route above their house, and Johnny could spend hours watching the flights. He also developed a hobby - he began collecting toy airplane models. To help her son make a choice, his mother took him to a flying school in New Jersey, where their relative studied. But John, who initially perked up at the sight of the planes, became gloomy after a short tour of the base. He did not like military discipline, uniforms and short haircut cadets. At that time, the young man was fond of the Beatles and, imitating his idols, grew his hair long. On the way back, the son told his mother: “I have decided what I will do. I’ll become an actor, earn money and buy any plane I like.”

At the age of 16, with the permission of his parents, John dropped out of school and devoted all his time to the stage. Two years later, he made his debut in an off-Broadway production, and later joined the Grease troupe, but far from playing the main role. The young actor took his first steps to popularity on Broadway, playing the cheerful fashionista Danny Zuko in the retro musical Grease in 1975. Three years later, Randall Kleiser made a film based on this production with Travolta (already a popular film actor) in leading role. In the cinema, attention was paid to him after his supporting role in Brian De Palma's bloody horror film Carrie. But for real famous actor“woke up” after the triumphant premiere of the musical “Saturday Night Fever,” which was released in 1977.

The film brought John an Oscar nomination and made him a global sex symbol. Circulation of the popular magazine " Rolling Stone", the cover of which featured an almost naked handsome man, lightly covered by a tiny bikini, was sold out within a matter of hours after going on sale. When Nancy Reagan, during Princess Diana's visit to the United States, asked about herself cherished desire, she replied: “Dance with John Travolta.”

Just yesterday he was a boy, and suddenly he was a star... There was something to lose his head over. John received fabulous fees; venerable, very respected directors could not approach him. Steven Spielberg, for example, was forced to “prefer” Travolta over the “cheaper” Harrison Ford for his epic about the adventures of Indiana Jones. For the same reason, Francis Coppola could not afford to invite John to the Godfather trilogy.

In 1976, on the set of the film “The Guy in the Plastic Bubble,” 23-year-old Travolta fell madly in love with his partner, actress Diana Hyland - she was over forty and in the film she played... his mother. However, the 18-year age difference did not prevent Diana from reciprocating the guy’s feelings. They moved in together. Being an intelligent and experienced woman, Hyland could not be content with just the role of a lover - she taught John manners, correct speech, diplomacy in relations with fellow actors, instructed how to speak correctly with producers and directors, and shared the secrets of acting. But most importantly, she tried to curb the crazy temperament of her young lover.

Their living together was like an endless holiday - they acted out funny scenes, each time imagining themselves in some unusual role. They came up with any excuse to give each other a gift. They especially loved Wind Day, which could be celebrated 5-6 times a month, depending on weather reports: on a windy day, they put on evening dresses and booked a table at a Thai restaurant on the outskirts of Los Angeles. One day, Diana made a terrible confession to John - she had stomach cancer and had only a few weeks to live.

Travolta, naturally, did not believe this. For some reason, he had no doubt - the doctors simply made a mistake in the diagnosis, this often happens. The next morning, he grabbed his girlfriend’s hand and began taking her to doctors and psychics. Everywhere, of course, they promised to “do their best,” but in reality these were only polite forms of refusal. John was soon invited to participate in the soon-to-be-famous “Saturday Night Fever,” and Diana categorically insisted that he fly to New York for filming. Only later did he understand why his beloved insisted so much on his departure - she did not want him to witness her torment and rapid decline.

He called her from New York every day. She lied that she was better, that she was in great shape and was looking forward to his return. In February 1977, in the midst of filming, Travolta unexpectedly learned that Diana had been taken to the hospital by ambulance. He left the set without permission and rushed home. The doctors did not try to hide the truth from him: “he can take Miss Hyland out of the clinic even now - she only has a few days left to live.”

At home, John did not leave his friend’s side - he talked to her, talking about everything, laughed, joked, acted out mise-en-scène and impromptu performances. Travolta stubbornly continued to convince her and himself that this was a common illness that was about to pass. He even tried to prove this to the visiting doctors. But a miracle, alas, did not happen. One morning the doctor took John into another room and asked him to courageously accept what he was about to tell him: Miss Hyland was very bad, anything could happen at any moment. That same night Diana died quietly in his arms...

And two years later, his mother also died of cancer. The death of two close people unsettled John for a decade: he drank a lot, smoked weed and occasionally starred in insignificant films. Without explanation, Travolta refused to appear in several films that made famous Richard Tere, who was cast in his place. The only truly notable role of this period was Jack from De Palma's thriller Puncture. In search of a way out of the crisis, the actor became an active follower of the Scientology sect of Ron Hubbard (officially classified as Russian Orthodox Church to the category of satanic).

In the 1980s Travolta was not exactly “persona non grata” in Hollywood, but yesterday’s news, that’s for sure. Many rumors were spread about him (either he was gay, or bisexual, or he became overly fat, or he became a hopeless drunkard, or he fell under the influence of obscurantists). Incredibly, Travolta endured all the ordeals with equanimity. In the most difficult times, it did not even occur to him to sell the three planes he owned. True, he always repeated that as soon as he could not play, he would remain a pilot, because he did not yet know which activity he liked best. And he kept repeating: “If I do the right thing and my intentions remain pure, I believe that everything in my life will turn out well.”

After Diana's death, Travolta rushed recklessly into meaningless love affairs with women who were much older than him. The first comforter of the unfortunate man was the widow of the great Presley, Priscilla. Then she was replaced by Jane Fonda, Catherine Deneuve, Diana Ross, Meryl Streep, Glen Close. Gradually, the age limit for girlfriends decreased, and in 1987 John started an affair with a very young Brooke Shields. But numerous love affairs did not make him happy.

In 1989 it began new period in Travolta's life. He played a good-natured taxi driver in Amy Heckerling's successful comedy Who's to Tell (about a baby who speaks in a man's voice). A year later, its sequel followed, “Who Would Talk 2,” but cautious producers were still in no hurry to return the star to the Hollywood horizon. But while filming in Canada, John completely unexpectedly met Kelly Preston.

American actress Kelly Palzis, known to viewers under the name Kelly Preston, was born on October 13, 1962 in a rather exotic place - in Honolulu on Hawaiian Islands. The girl's father drowned when she was three years old, and her mother, a medical worker, went to Southern California, where she remarried an employee of an agricultural company. The family moved frequently, and Kelly lived for some time in Iraq and Australia. At the age of 16, the beautiful girl was noticed by a fashion magazine photographer, who helped her make her radio debut and get an audition in Hollywood.

She met Travolta in 1987, on the set of the film “The Experts”, which, however, like all films of the 1980s. with her participation and everything with John's participation, there was nothing special about it. But Kelly was special - a spectacular woman with some amazing soft sensuality. John really liked her, but the romance didn’t work out. It took three years and chance meeting in Vancouver, so that two failed stars - one former, the other unfulfilled - would still unite.

Kelly Preston got into Hollywood solely due to her appearance. There was not and is not a single notable film in her cinematic biography, which, in principle, is unfair - she is quite organic in action films, mediocre melodramas and thrillers. She could even teach acting skills and femininity to some of the newly minted stars who top the box office and sexiness charts. But she was unlucky with roles. But I was always lucky with male attention. In an effort to tie John closer, she told everyone a sentimental story about how she fell in love with him at age 14, when she first watched “Fever.” That's when it dawned on John: this was the woman of his dreams.

By the time they met on the set of The Experts, Preston was married to actor Kevin Gage, so communication with John did not go beyond friendly meetings. “I discovered that she loved to fly, dance and eat delicious food - in a word, she was very similar to me,” Travolta later recalled. “Kelly has demonstrated amazing sensitivity to the ideas of Scientology. It seemed to me that this woman could make anyone happy.”

However, despite all her advantages, Kelly could not make her then-husband happy, and they soon divorced after living together for about three years. Then she met with other stars - George Clooney, Charlie Sheen - and all this time Travolta remained her friend. As already mentioned, in the summer of 1990, John was filming the film "Who's Talking 2" in Vancouver, and by a happy coincidence, Preston was also there filming. It so happened that they settled in the same hotel, began to see each other every day, and on Christmas Eve Travolta proposed to his chosen one. He said he was waiting for her the entire time she was with other men. “She probably had the same unusual relationship with Charlie Sheen as I had with Diana,” Travolta said philosophically about past whirlwind romances to your beloved. “Everything was very romantic with Charlie and George.” I forgive her for them just as she forgives me for Diana.”

The young couple celebrated their wedding twice. For the first time, on September 5, 1991, they were married in Paris by a representative of the Church of Scientologists, but this marriage was declared invalid in the States. Therefore, a week later they had to register their marriage a second time - this time in Daytona Beach in Florida. In April 1992, John and Kelly had a son, Jett, which means “jet plane,” and eight years later, their daughter, Ella Blue, was born. Before the birth of her son, Kelly turned to her grandmother for advice: “John and I just can’t choose a name that we both like.” And she answered: “Dear, it’s very simple. As a rule, in a family, fathers choose names for boys, and wives choose names for girls.” “Then – thanks to my grandmother – Kelly gave in to me,” Travolta rejoiced.

Thanks to his wife, his life became balanced and very exciting for the first time in many years. The newlyweds did their best to fight the monotony family life. John constantly left notes on her pillow like “I’m going to fuck you all night tonight, get ready!”, and in response she always put her perfumed panties in his jacket or briefcase. Even when going out, Kelly and John managed to find time to have sex in the back seat of a limousine, which is why they arrived to almost all receptions disheveled. “I couldn’t even imagine that a woman could give a man such pleasure. Life with her is a fairy tale!” Travolta never tired of repeating.

He loved giving Kelly gifts and already in the first year of marriage he spent more than a million dollars (almost half of the then state). And when there wasn’t enough imagination, he simply sent her a huge bouquet of flowers with some kind of jewel inside.

A meeting with Quentin Tarantino, a master of resurrecting actors who had fallen into creative oblivion, allowed John to become one of the brightest stars of the 1990s. For his role as gangster Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction (1994), he was again nominated for an Oscar. And the twist that a comic book and cocaine lover danced with Uma Thurman became the most popular dance number last decade XX century For a similar (but even more self-ironic) role as a gangster in Barry Sonnenfeld's comedy Get Shorty, John received a Golden Globe.

In 2000, Travolta produced the film Battlefield Earth, based on the novel by Scientology guru Hubbard. John himself played the role of the main alien tyrant - a three-meter psyklos with a conical skull, a large head of unkempt hair and a very bad character, and Kelly - a female alien with a huge tongue. The fantastic thriller actually turned out to be a dystopia filmed in the B-movies style with a happy ending, and the evil that brings destruction to humanity was the main and, perhaps, the only success of the film.

After Pulp Fiction (for which the actor received only $150 thousand), Travolta became one of the highest paid stars. For the film “Get Shorty” he was already offered 5 million, for the filming of “Michael” his price increased to 12 million, and since 1997 he has consistently been included in a fairly short list of actors receiving $20 million per film. This allowed John to acquire a pilot's license and buy three more small planes, as well as a passenger Boeing 707, to add to his collection.

For many years, Hollywood residents and even secular reporters admired the married couple John and Kelly: not a single family quarrel, not a single hint of infidelity. And everyone sincerely envied them until that July day in 1997, when Preston’s former maid, a certain Ann Woodward, brought scandalous details of the stars’ lives to the public’s attention. After these revelations, everyone looked at the “ideal marriage” completely differently. It turned out that Travolta is married to a bitch, who else needs to be looked for.

The problems began when the actor raised the question of adding to the family and heard a categorical response from his beloved wife: “No!” But she demanded that her husband help her become a superstar. However, John gently but decisively refused to fulfill this whim of his wife. Since that day it's been cozy family nest became a place of fighting, and Kelly turned from a sweet woman into a real vixen. More than once or twice she simply engaged in sabotage: she scratched Travolta’s face and chest before filming began...

Preston was obsessed with sterility, was terrified of germs and was ready to throw a tantrum at the slightest suspicious spot on the furniture. She purchased a record amount of products to combat household pests, forced him to change linen and towels every day, and constantly reproached John for his complete lack of basic concepts of personal hygiene. “Change your shirt and socks immediately! – Kelly could shout right during family breakfast. “Don’t spoil my son and I’s dessert!” And good-natured John obediently got up and went to change his clothes.

One day, his close friend, tired of silently observing Preston’s absurd behavior, began to convince Travolta to take her to the doctor - he was sure that Kelly suffered from “microphobia”, since she saw dirt and bacteria everywhere. By the way, he was very interested in how she allowed such a “big bacterium” like John to reach her sterile body.

The couple's bathroom, according to the maid, resembled a mini-pharmacy: on the shelves there were batteries of rubs and lotions, with the help of which, according to Preston, her family members could keep their bodies at least relatively clean. Kelly dictated to John how to dress, what vitamins to take, and categorically forbade him to eat fatty foods and high-calorie sweets. John, in turn, could obediently sit in the bathroom for hours, rubbing himself with a washcloth, but refusing to eat was tantamount to suicide for him.

All the servants knew that as soon as Kelly left the threshold, a real bacchanalia began in the house: John immediately picked up the phone and ordered a portion of hamburgers for himself, and pistachio ice cream for his son. The wrappers from what was eaten were carefully packed and taken out to a street trash container so that not the slightest trace of “ugliness” remained in the house. Of course, such pleasures did not pass without a trace. John was increasingly out of shape and openly admitted to journalists his passion for all “these amazing sandwiches, spinach buns and corn tortillas”: “What is there to hide! I really love to eat. I love everything tasty, everything sweet, everything... in general, everything edible.”

His wife ensured that all the producers with whom Travolta worked organized his filming day so that he would not be separated from his family and would return for dinner every evening. Kelly categorically forbade him to travel far and “leave the house unattended.” In addition, she called John on his mobile a hundred times a day to hear from him a detailed report about the past hour: what he did, who he spoke to...

But the actor, however, was not at all embarrassed that in the eyes of his colleagues he looked simply pathetic - an adult man in a second turned into a frightened, apologetic teenager, as soon as his wife scolded him for some far-fetched offense. One day, one of the servants accidentally overheard a fragment of Travolta’s conversation with a close school friend who came to him for a drink: “Being present at the birth of my son, I experienced so much that I completely changed my attitude towards Kelly, and towards all women in general. I deeply respect them, love them and... forgive them everything. These are heroines. These are the great, sacred creatures whom we men must worship and serve without complaint.”

Today, having finally adapted to each other over 12 years of marriage, having given birth to two children (by the way, Preston is now talking about a third), the couple claim that the best time of their lives has come. “I definitely feel like I’m at the zenith of my life,” says John. – I like literally everything: playing with Jett on the playground with a trampoline, preparing a surprise dessert for the family, going shopping with Kelly, peeling grapefruits for her breakfast, watching Jett and Ella play in the “tree cabin” (a gift for the children for Christmas ), meet friends, play movies. I feel happier than ever. Can you dream of more!”

Kelly Preston born October 13, 1962 in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, USA. The father of the future actress worked at an agricultural company; he drowned when the girl was only three years old. Kelly's mother, Linda, worked as an administrator at a mental health center. She later married a second time, and her husband Peter Palzis adopted Kelly. It was under her stepfather's name that she began her acting career.

As a child, Kelly Preston lived in Iraq and Australia. The future actress received her secondary education at school Pembroke in Adelaide, South Australia. She later returned to the United States and continued her studies at Punahou School in Honolulu and then began studying drama at University of Southern California.

The actress's real name is Kelly Kamalelehua Smith.

Acting career Kelly Preston / Kelly Preston

She made her screen debut in 1983, playing a small role in the TV movie In the name of love and honor" In 1985, Kelly Preston starred in the films “ Rotten" And " Secret admirer", having gained fame as a good comedic actress. In the 1986 film " Nakhodka 52“She was able to show her melodramatic talent.

Her first serious success came in 1988, when she played in the comedy " Twins" Kelly's partners on the set were Arnold Schwarzenegger And Danny DeVito. Later, the actress appeared in the films “ Tiger story», « Servants of the Devil», « Beautiful bride», « Only you», « American watches».

In the director's thriller Jeff Burrows « Run"Kelly Preston played the main female role, and her partner was Patrick Dempsey. In the film “Only You” she worked with Andrew McCarthy And Helen Hunt, in the thriller " Love is a weapon" - With Eric And Eliza Roberts. In 1995, Kelly Preston played a supporting role in the acclaimed cult film « From dusk to dawn", and in 1996 she starred with Tom Cruise And Renee Zellweger in melodrama " Jerry Maguire».

Later, the actress appeared in many successful projects, including the films “ Battlefield: Earth», « The view from above is better», « Jack Frost" and others.

Science fiction picture " Battlefield: Earth", despite good box office receipts, was not very favorably received by critics. The film won nine anti-awards " golden raspberry", including nominations for "worst film of the decade" and "worst drama of the first 25 years of the award." For her role in this film, Kelly Preston received the Golden Raspberry as the worst actress of the year.

IN last years Kelly Preston continues to work in film and television. Mostly she gets supporting roles. One of the last high-profile projects with her participation was the thriller “ Death Sentence", in which the actress starred with Kevin Bacon And Garrett Hedlund.

Personal life of Kelly Preston / Kelly Preston

In her youth, the actress had an affair with George Clooney, who gave her a pet pig named Max. In 1985, Kelly Preston married the actor Kevin Gage, but the marriage did not last long.

In 1989, on the set of the film " Specialists» Kelly met John Travolta, his partner on the set. The actors began an affair, and in September 1991 a wedding ceremony took place in accordance with the rituals Scientology, since both of them are Scientologists. The couple had three children: Jett Travolta (13.04.92), Ella Blue Travolta(03.04.00) and Benjamin Hunter Kaleo Travolta (23.11.10).

Eldest son of Kelly Preston and John Travolta, Jett Travolta, died on January 2, 2009 at the age of 16. The cause of death was an epileptic seizure caused by Kawasaki syndrome.

Filmography Kelly Preston / Kelly Preston

2013 Gotti: In the Shadow of My Father / Gotti: In the Shadow of My Father… Victoria Gotti
2010 Casino Jack... Pam Abramoff
2010 Last Song, The… Kim
2009 So-so vacation / Old Dogs
2008 Struck… Trista
2008 – 2008 Suburban Shootout (TV series)… Camilla Diamond
2007 Death Sentence… Helen Hume
2006 Broken Bridges…Angela Dalton
2005 Aerobatics / Sky High… Josie Stronghold/Jetstream
2005 – 2008 Medium (TV series)… Meghan Doyle
2004 Return to Sender... Susan Kennan
2004 Crazy Funeral / Eulogy… Lucy Collins
2004 – 2006 Joey / Joey (TV series) ... Donna Di Gregorio
2003 What a Girl Wants... Libby Reynolds
2003 Cat in the Hat / Cat in the Hat, The... Mom
2003 View from the Top… Sherry
2001 Daddy and Them... Rose
2000 Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000… Chirk
2000 Bar Hopping... Bebe
1999 For the love of the game / For Love of the Game…Jane Aubrey
1998 Holy Man… Kate Newell
1998 Jack Frost / Jack Frost… Gabby Frost
1997 Nothing to Lose… Ann Beam
1997 Addicted to Love… Linda Green
1996 From Dusk Till Dawn… Newscaster Kelly Houge
1996 Curdled… Kelly Hogue
1996 Jerry Maguire / Jerry Maguire... Avery Bishop
1996 Citizen Ruth / Citizen Ruth… Rachel
1995 Little Surprises… Ginger
1995 Mrs. Munck...Young Rose
1994 Love Is a Gun… Jean Starr
1994 Double Crossing...Vera Blanchard
1994 Cheyenne Warrior... Rebecca Carver
1993 American Watch / American Clock, The... Diana Marley
1992 Only you / Only You…Amanda Hughes
1991 Perfect Bride, The… Laura
1991 Run… Karen Landers
1989 Experts / Experts, The... Bonnie
1989 – 1996 Tales from the Crypt... Linda
1988 A Tiger's Tale… Shirley Butts
1988 Servants of the Devil / Spellbinder... Miranda Reed
1988 Love at Stake… Sara Lee
1988 Twins… Marnie Mason
1987 Amazons on the Moon / Amazon Women on the Moon… Violet
1986 Picnic in Space / SpaceCamp... Tish Ambrosei
1986 Nakhodka 52 / 52 Pick-Up… Cini
1985 Mischief... Marilyn McCauley
1985 Secret Admirer... Deborah Anne Fimple
1984 – 1984 Blue Thunder (TV series)… Amy Braddock
1983 Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn… Dhyana
1983 Christine / Christine… Roseanne
1983 Ten minutes before midnight / 10 to Midnight… Doreen
1983 For Love and Honor... Mary Lee
1983 Lone Star...Redhead
1977 – 1983 California Highway Patrol / CHiPs (TV series)… Anna
1968 – 1980 Department 5-O / Hawaii Five-O (TV series)… Wendy

10 chosen

He is eight years older than her. She spent her childhood in Iraq. He is one of the most highly paid actors Hollywood. She is now known as the wife of the Pulp Fiction star, although at one time she had affairs with the most famous playboys of the “dream factory” and acted in films.

Their meeting took place at a difficult moment in life for both. Perhaps it was precisely because in difficult times they found understanding and support in each other that their marriage has lasted for almost 19 years.

So, meet: John Travolta and Kelly Preston

On February 18, 1954, in Inglewood (New Jersey), a sixth child was born to the family of Italian Salvator and Irish Helen - a son named John Joseph.

Mother future star cinema was directly related to show business: Helen sang in a group and acted in films, and taught in between acting. It must be said that the father of the family encouraged his son’s attempts to express himself to the world: Salvator built a small stage in the house where Helen could teach the children “smartness.”

Thus, Travolta Jr.’s childhood passed through rehearsals and tap dancing lessons that John took from the brother of the legendary dancer Gene Kelly, Fred.

On October 13, 1962, Kelly Kamalelehua Smith-Palzis, later known by Hollywood under the pseudonym Kelly Preston, was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Kelly spent her childhood shuttling between Iraq and Australia (her parents were forced to move frequently due to work), until after the death of her father the family settled in “the land of the bush and kangaroos.”

In 1977, John learned what fame was: a movie musical Saturday Night Fever brought the actor incredible popularity. Flexible, musical, charming, John won the hearts of millions. And he himself found himself in the love captivity of the actress Diana Highland, whom he met a year before his triumph. Hyland was almost 20 years older than him. Their romance was bright, but short-lived - Diana died of breast cancer literally in John’s arms.

The year 1978 for both Kelly and John was marked by another round of fame: 16-year-old Kelly took her first steps as a model for commercials, and John starred in Grease, where everyone still sings and dances incomparably.

Movie Urban cowboy, firstly, gave a new birth to country music; secondly, it gave Travolta the opportunity to try himself in a different role, and thirdly, it can safely be called the beginning of the decline in the actor’s popularity. Although the film Staying Alive(1983) became in in a certain sense"star" in his biography, because it was a dancer's success story, shown not only with front side, but also “from the inside out” – exhausting work, sweat, injuries and disappointments.

1985: Kelly decides to marry an actor Kevin Gage, and John gives dance lessons Princess Diana in the White House.

In 1986, John recorded an album Road to freedom, and in '87 Kelly divorces Kevin and starts an affair with George Clooney(who, after their breakup, gets a mini-pig Max), and then throws himself into the maelstrom of a difficult relationship with the actor Charlie Sheen.

The fateful meeting of the future spouses took place on the set of the film Experts(1989). Rumor has it that John fell in love at first sight, while Kelly at first preferred to “remain friends.” In addition, Charlie was honored to present her with a pink diamond ring and propose. But the wedding was not destined to take place: in 1990, Sheen accidentally wounded Kelly with a pistol (the actor had problems with alcohol and drugs), after which the couple broke up.

1991, September 5, Paris. The wedding ceremony is performed by a French representative of Scientology. Everything is romantic and wonderful. There is only one “but”: in the USA this marriage was declared invalid, so the ceremony is held again - on September 12 in Florida.