Pathetic, insignificant people, panicky. Mikhail Samuelevich Panikovsky - a man without a passport

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Sights of Izborsk

Izborsk is home to one of the most ancient Russian stone fortresses, the walls and towers of which date back to the 14th century. The fortress is quite well preserved; the Lukovka tower has been completely restored. Inside is the 14th-century St. Nicholas Cathedral. Near the fortress are the Slovenian springs, considered holy, and the so-called “Truvorov cross”. Near Gorodishchenskoye Lake there are the remains of an ancient settlement.

Objects: 16, photographs: 52

Fortresses, defensive structures:


Temples, religious buildings:

Address: Zheravya Gora, on the territory of the fortress(Show on the map)

Address: Zakhnovo village, 7 km. from Izborsk(Show on the map)

Address: near the fortress at the intersection. Odesskaya and Valgavskaya streets, near the Talavskaya tower of the fortress(Show on the map)

Address: at the exit towards Pechory, on the right(Show on the map)


Address: at the end of Shkolnaya Street, near Gorodishchenskoye Lake(Show on the map)


Other attractions:

Truvorov cross

The cross in its shape dates back to the 14th-15th centuries and cannot be related to Truvor, who lived in the 9th century. Most likely it was built as a monument to ancient Izborsk, which was located in this place and then moved to the south. "Truvorov" most likely received its name in connection with local legends, greatly distorted history.
Next to the cross there are slabs on which strange geometric shapes are carved.

Izborsk(in colloquial speech the name is also used Old Izborsk- to distinguish it from the village of Novy Izborsk; historical names: Izboresk, Sboresk, Sborsk, Sborts; Est. Irboska - Irboska) - a village in the Pechora district of the Pskov region of Russia, one of the oldest Russian cities, mentioned by the initial chronicler as the center of the Kriv population along with Smolensk and Polotsk.

Administrative center rural settlement"Izborsk volost". Locality located 30 km west of Pskov, on the shores of Lake Gorodishchenskoye.


According to the book legend of the 17th century, Izborsk was founded by Sloven, the son of Gostomysl, who gave it the name in honor of Izbor, the son of Sloven.

At the Izborsk (Truvorov) settlement, as well as in other places in the north-west of Rus' (Pskov, Kamno, Ryuga, Ladoga) in the 8th - 9th centuries, limestone foundry molds became widespread as a result of the revival of the fashion for such decorations, produced in Prague culture early Slavs at the turn of the 6th - 7th centuries.

According to the chronicle, in 862 Izborsk fell to Truvor ( younger brother Rurik), who was its first prince, although not for long. As a monument from the time of Truvor, they still point to the Truvor’s Grave mound. Catherine II composed a medal with the image of a mound, with the inscription “Memorable to this day” and with the signature below: “Truvor died in Izborsk, 864.”

Truvorov cross at the Gorodishchenskoye cemetery

At first, before Truvor, probably adjacent to Polotsk, Izborsk was ruled by governors for some time after it.

The first written mention dates back to 862. The Tale of Bygone Years records:

... the elders Rurik in Novgorod · and others Sinies on Belѣezer · and the third Izborst · Truvor...

Under Princess Olga (945-960), Izborsk became a suburb of Pskov. From the 10th to the 13th centuries there is no news about him. News about the city became frequent from 1233 due to attacks by German knights. Wars with the order continued for about three centuries, until the beginning of the 16th century. Frequent sieges and fires that accompanied the attacks of the knights forced residents to move from one place to another more than once. In 1330, Izboresk was built in a new place by mayor Seloga together with the Pskovites and Izborians on Zheravya Mountain and from that time until the 15th century new fortress withstood eight sieges. Through the fight against the crusaders, Izborsk earned the reputation of being a stronghold of the Pskov and Novgorod Lands; even its enemies called it “ iron city». [ source?]

In 1510, Izborsk, together with Pskov, was annexed to the Moscow Principality. During the siege of Pskov (1581), Izborsk was occupied by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but according to the Treaty of Yam-Zapolsky (1582) it was returned to Moscow.

In 1708, Izborsk was assigned to the Ingermanland province (in 1710 it was renamed the St. Petersburg province). Since 1719 - county town Pskov province of the St. Petersburg province, since 1777 - a provincial town in the Pskov province.

In 1920, according to the Tartu Peace Treaty between the RSFSR and the Estonian Republic, Izborsk passed to Estonia, became part of the Petserimaa district (Estonian Petserimaa) and the administrative center of the Irboska volost (aka Izborsk volost, est. Irboska vald), transformed in 1939 into a volost Linnuse (Estonian: Linnuse vald). After Estonia joined the USSR in 1940, the village remained within the administrative borders of the Estonian SSR.

From August 1941 to August 1944 it was occupied Nazi Germany(administratively subordinate to the Reichskommissariat Ostland).

In January 1945 it was transferred to the Pskov region of the RSFSR.

In 1966, the film Andrei Rublev was filmed in Izborsk.

Currently a tourist center. State Historical, Cultural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve (since 1996).

Architecture and landmarks

Izborsk fortress

The fortress on Zheravya Mountain that has survived to this day dates back to the 14th century. and is in relatively acceptable condition - the walls and towers have been preserved. Only one tower has been reconstructed (with the erection of stairs, floors and roofs, as well as glazing of window openings) - Lukovka, which is used as an observation deck. The remaining towers are bare walls.

The names of other towers: Talavskaya, Ploskushka, Vyshka, Ryabinovka, Temnushka, Kolokolnaya. The area of ​​the territory enclosed by the fortress walls is 2.4 hectares, the total length of the stone walls reaches 850 meters, the thickness of the walls is up to 3 meters.

Since 1962, restoration and conservation work began according to the project and under the leadership of the architect Yu. V. Suslennikov. In 2010 restoration work resumed and continues to this day.

Within the walls of the fortress stands St. Nicholas Cathedral, built in the 14th century.

St. Nicholas Cathedral

Inside the fortress, not far from the entrance, there is St. Nicholas Cathedral - an architectural monument of the first half of the 14th century, to which a bell tower was later added. The "Governor's Court", which was built after the annexation of Izborsk to Moscow, St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Sergius-Radonezh Church form the medieval urban center of Izborsk.

Truvorovo settlement

  • St. Nicholas Church on Gorodishche
  • Ancient crosses in a cemetery

Slovenian keys

Located near the Izborsk fortress on the coastal terrace of Lake Gorodishchenskoye, they were sometimes called the keys of the Twelve Apostles. The first written mention of these sources dates back to the seventeenth century. In the “Book of the Big Drawing” (the first geographical description Russian land) it is said that: “from Pskov, thirty miles to the west, the city of Izborsk stands on the Slovenian Springs.” The springs flow for at least a thousand years. These are karst-fissure type springs. Water is collected over an area of ​​three to four kilometers. Passing through limestone and layers of clay, the water is filtered and purified, but a lot of calcium and mineral salts remain in it. The mineralization of the water is quite high, as is the power of the sources, releasing up to four liters of water every second. However, the origin of the keys is much older. St. Serapion of Izborsk, who lived in the 16th century, is depicted on the icon standing near the twelve springs

In July 2012 and January 2013, the regional Rospotrebnadzor checked the quality of water in Izborsk springs. The samples taken showed bacterial contamination and the water did not meet hygienic requirements for microbiological indicators. Rospotrebnadzor prohibited the use of water from the Slovenian springs without boiling, as well as the ingestion of water from reservoirs during water procedures. Despite this, the administration of the Izborsk Museum-Reserve has still not placed appropriate information posters near the sources, endangering the health of numerous tourists and pilgrims.

Hotel complex Izborsk

Restored in 2010 on the basis of the merchant estates of Belyanin and Garshek (1908), purchased from the state. Saved spatial composition estates, facades, building volumes. It was possible to preserve the walls of the first floors (rubble, thickness 1 m.) The complex is located on the street. Pechora dd.11-13 300 meters from the Izborsk fortress. The only estate in Izborsk, restored by a private investor for the 1150th anniversary of Izborsk. Website of the hotel and restaurant complex "Izborsk".


On January 16, 1996, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Historical-Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve “Izborsk” was created with a territory of 7734 hectares. The first director of the museum-reserve was Leonid Nikolaevich Panov.

Izborsk in art

In 1903-1904, Nicholas Roerich and his wife toured ancient Russian cities, studying architectural monuments, frescoes and icons. Having visited Izborsk, the artist was fascinated by the beauty of these places. In his diary he wrote:

The most beautiful place near Izborsk, on the shore of the lake...

Here he painted several paintings, including “Towers” ​​and “Cross on the Truvorov Settlement.” Izborsk occupied the main place in creativity local artist Pavel Dmitrievich Melnikov. More than 200 works dedicated to hometown, remained after his death.

Izborsk is mentioned in Vladimir Sverzhin’s book “ Crusade go home."

In November 2014, the group SteinRamm from Perm released a single dedicated to the city of Izborsk.

Celebration of the 1150th anniversary

On June 7, 2010, D. A. Medvedev signed a decree “On the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the founding of Izborsk.” Governor of the Pskov Region Andrei Turchak addressed the President of the Russian Federation at a meeting of the State Council for Culture in Veliky Novgorod, which took place on September 18, 2009, with a proposal to give state status to the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the founding of Izborsk.

On October 15, 2010 in Moscow, under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation A. Zhukov, the first meeting of the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the celebration took place (created by the regional governor A. Turchak on July 20 and headed by him). The celebration is scheduled for September 8-10, 2012.

Paragliding in Izborsk

The Izborsk Hills represent a very interesting place for flights and paragliding competitions. Taking into account the extremely small choice of places suitable for flights in the north-west of Russia, Izborsk launches attract long slopes suitable for north-eastern winds, the development of local infrastructure and, of course, very picturesque views.

Izborsk club

Important and interesting event During the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of Izborsk, the expert “Izborsk Club” was opened, which took place on September 8, 2012 in the Order Chambers of the Pskov Kremlin. The Izborsk Club brought together political scientists, philosophers, public figures, journalists, clergy who share the idea of ​​strengthening Russian statehood. Alexander Prokhanov, Alexander Dugin, Leonid Ivashov, Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov, Sergei Chernyakhovsky, Andrey Fursov, Mikhail Delyagin, Natalya Narochnitskaya, Vladimir Medinsky, and Governor of the Pskov Region Andrey Turchak took part in the work of the club.

Did you know? It turns out that this is the city where they filmed famous movies“Andrey Rublev”, “Star of Captivating Happiness”, “Open Book”.

City architecture

Izborsk, although quite small town, but is divided into two main parts - Old Izborsk, where most of the historical attractions are located, and New Izborsk– in fact, it is precisely this residential city.

The main attraction of Old Izborsk is deservedly considered Izborsk fortress. It was around it that the town once spread out.

The outstanding stone fortress, built back in the 14th century, became famous for the fact that it was never captured by enemy troops during its existence, although such attempts were made dozens of times.
This legendary building is located on Zhareva Mountain. She has unusual shape– built in the form of an irregular triangle with rounded corners.

Already due to its location, the fortress became practically impregnable from both sides (the reason for this is the steep slopes). The third side is protected by deep ditches. The walls, built from local limestone, have an average height of about 8 meters and stretch 623 meters in length.

It is believed that The fortress was originally made of wood(around the 11th century), but later it was rebuilt from stone, and for more than 200 years it did not need “modifications” - its design was so perfect.

Important! You can simply walk around the vast territory of the fortress, having a lot of fun, or you can order the services of a guide - then your walk will be more informative.

The following attractions have been preserved and are available for inspection in the Izborsk Fortress:

  • Lukovka Tower and its Arsenal;
  • Talavskaya Tower;
  • Chapel of the Icon of the Kosun Mother of God;
  • Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Nikidar;
  • Temnushka Tower;
  • Ryabinovka Tower;
  • Tower Tower;
  • Flat tower;
  • Southeast wall;
  • North wall;
  • Nikolsky Gate.

Nikolsky Gate

In addition to the fortress in Izborsk and its region, you can also see such historical monuments architecture:

  • Truvorovo settlement;
  • Miller's Manor (ruins);
  • Anisimov Estate;
  • House of M. S. Belyanin;
  • House of merchant Shvedov.

Religious buildings in Izborsk

Izborsk has long been famous for its chapels, of which there are a huge number in the city and its outskirts. All of them are interesting in their own way, and although most of them have a rather ordinary appearance, almost every one has some kind of extraordinary story associated with it.

Chapels of Izborsk:

  • Chapel of Elijah Mokroy;
  • Chapel of the Sovereign Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Chapel of Frol and Lavra;
  • Chapel of the Life-Giving Trinity.

Also in Stary Izborsk there is an ancient St. Nicholas Cathedral, the first mention of which dates back to 1341. It was located at the entrance to the Izborsk fortress, which was supposed to raise the morale of the soldiers guarding it from enemy attacks.
The building in which the cathedral is located has a cubic shape. A large helmet-shaped dome and drum are securely attached to the massive arches. Also next to the cathedral there is a rather rough-looking bell tower, completed in 1849.

Other places of worship in Izborsk and its environs:

  • St. Nicholas Church(Truvorovo settlement);
  • Spaso-Onufriev Skete(Mal Valley);
  • Church of St. George the Victorious(Senno);
  • Church of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God(Zakhnovo).

City monuments

The most famous and mysterious memorial signs of Izborsk are mysterious stone crosses. These ancient ones religious monuments scattered throughout the city and its environs.
Their greatest concentration is observed in 3 places of Old Izborsk.
A large number of stone crosses are located in the Skudelnya tract on the site of an ancient burial ground. Archaeologists suggest that burials were made here from the 11th-12th to the 16th-17th centuries.
Another group of crosses is located on the territory of the modern cemetery in Truvorov settlement and next to it.
Crosses were also found in the villages of Vastsy, Maly, Teshevitsy, Miltsy, Gnevkovo, Petrovskoye, Iverets, Poddubye and others.

Particularly famous Truvorov cross, located at the entrance to the settlement.
Here you can see 2 stone slabs on which “Babylon” is carved - geometrically regular figures, which were used to mark buildings. They are based on the ancient plan of the Babylonian temple.

Did you know? No one knows whose ashes are buried under the slabs; they believe that they belong to the unknown builder of the Izborsk fortress.

On one of the slabs there is a large stone Truvorov cross. It is carved from a single slab of limestone and reaches 2.28 meters in height. There is an ancient inscription on it "Tsar, Glory, Nike, Jesus Christ".
No one knows exactly what these words mean, but legends have long been passed down that the cross marks the grave of Truvor, who came to reign in Rus' with his brothers in 862.

Museums of Izborsk

Popular among tourists is Izborsk Museum-Reserve, founded in the 60s. XX century. Initially, the museum collected and collected archaeological finds, found on the territory of the Izborsk-Mal Valley.
In 1993, the museum expanded and was transformed into a historical, architectural and natural landscape museum-reserve, now occupying an area of ​​about 8,000 hectares.
Here you can not only endlessly admire the almost untouched nature, but also see ancient merchant estates, peasant settlements and religious buildings. The famous Izborsk Fortress, which was described earlier, is also located on its territory.

A very fascinating branch of the museum is Museum-estate of the Seto people, located in the village of Sigovo.
The museum is dedicated to the rather small Seto people, whose homeland these places are considered to be. The ethnographic museum-estate consists of 2 parts: the estate itself and private collection Seto people.

Natural attractions of the city

The most famous natural attractions of Izborsk are the most beautiful Slovenian keys of the 12 apostles. They are believed to have healing power, because many thousands of tourists come here every year.

Did you know? The healing power of water is confirmed by modern scientific research– it has high mineralization due to the fact that it passes through many limestone rocks.

This is a very picturesque and inspiring place. The keys got their name because they consist of 12 jets. Each of them not only has its own name, but also has a distinctive energy.

And Izborsk itself is located in a very picturesque Izborsk-Mal Valley with its characteristic landscapes, landscapes, flora and fauna.
Also near the fortress there is a wonderful Gorodishchenskoye Lake.

What to see in Izborsk in 1 day?

Izborsk is a small city, and many of its attractions are located quite compactly, so you can go to Izborsk for one day with a light heart - most likely, you will have time to see everything you want.

I advise you to build your route around Izborsk as follows:

  1. Visit Izborsk fortress. Here you can walk along the fortress walls and explore beautiful view with observation deck on the Lukovka tower. Also don't forget to visit St. Nicholas Cathedral, located on the territory of the fortress.
  2. Then you can visit Museum of Peasant and Merchant Life.
  3. Then I advise you to take a walk around Malskaya Valley, wash and take healing water from Slovenian keys. Also admire the beautiful snow-white swans on Gorodishchenskoye Lake.
  4. Then go to the Truvorov settlement, where you will see the famous Truvorov cross.
  5. I also recommend visiting Malsky Monastery, located 5 km from the Fortress on the shore of a picturesque lake.

Important! Although the attractions are located quite close to each other, you will still have to walk a lot, so think about comfortable clothes and shoes in advance.

Izborsk from a bird's eye view

This video presents the sights of Izborsk filmed with a quadcopter. Enjoy watching!

Where to go in Izborsk with children?

Tourists traveling with children, I think, will enjoy the following attractions:

  • Izborsk fortress. On its territory you can take a fascinating walk with your children, telling them about rich history these places.
  • Slovenian keys. Take a walk along the picturesque Malskaya Valley and drink miraculous water from the legendary springs.
  • Feed the swans at Gorodishchenskoye Lake.
  • Visit eco-farm “Izborsky Ostrich”, where you can not only watch rare birds, but also feed them. And as a souvenir you can bring home a real ostrich egg. Also here you will see reindeer and Romanov breed sheep, rabbits, geese and cute raccoons. In addition to meeting the animals, children can enjoy playing on the playground.
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    If anyone has already visited cozy Izborsk, I will be happy to read about your impressions of the city in the comments. And for those who are just deciding on this trip, I highly recommend visiting the city. There will be many impressions.

Sights of Izborsk. The most important and interesting sights of Izborsk - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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    Museum-Reserve "Izborsk"

    The Izborsk Museum was created in 1964, and in 1993 it was converted into a historical, architectural and natural museum-reserve. In total, on the territory of the museum-reserve, on more than 7,700 hectares, there are almost 200 historical and cultural monuments, more than 20 of which are of federal significance.

When talking about the sights of Izborsk, we mean, of course, the sights of Old Izborsk. Because Novy Izborsk is more than 10 km away from it, and it is precisely this city that is a residential city. And Old Izborsk is almost a separate settlement, which is centered around the Izborsk fortress. It is, naturally, the central attraction of this border city, which defended the country’s borders throughout long centuries contract.

The Izborsk fortress is interesting to city guests from several points of view. Firstly, here you can see the most well-restored tower - “Lukovka”, in the premises of which there is an open museum exhibition, dedicated medieval weapons and armor. Secondly, at the top of the same “Lukovka” there is an observation deck. Finally, the spiritual center of Izborsk, St. Nicholas Cathedral, is also located within the walls of the fortress.

On main street Old Izborsk, Pechora, the main buildings are located museum complex Izborsk: this is the house and outbuilding of the merchant Anisimov and the house of the merchant Shvedov.

Having explored the fortress, to complete the picture it is worth going to the Truvorovo settlement. The fortress was originally located at this place, one and a half kilometers from the current one. Frankly speaking, today there is virtually nothing left from those times except a hint of the former fortress moats and a view of the lake. But here is the second church of St. Nicholas, and ancient stone crosses have been preserved at the entrance to the site. The most famous of the latter is considered to be the Truvorov cross, which, according to legend, was placed on the grave of that same famous prince.

On the main street of Old Izborsk, Pechorskaya, the main buildings of the Izborsk museum complex are located: this is the house and outbuilding of the merchant Anisimov and the house of the merchant Shvedov. In these three buildings you can get acquainted with exhibitions that tell about the history and culture of Izborsk, about the formation of the city, its medieval life, as well as relationships local residents with another people who inhabited these lands - the Seto. By the way, for those who are interested specifically last topic, it’s worth going to the branch of the museum in the village of Sigovo: there is the Museum-Estate of the Seto people.

And Pecherskaya Street itself is worth a walk along it, even without the desire to visit museums. It's built up merchant houses 19th century, which are in private use and therefore almost all are in excellent condition: cafes and hotels are open in them.

Around Izborsk there are natural springs in abundance, many of which are rumored to have healing status. For example, there is a spring clean water at the chapel of Ilya Mokroy, on the outskirts of the city. But the most popular springs in the city are the Slovenian springs (or the springs of the 12 apostles). There are many legends associated with them, and many believe in the healing power of these springs (Rospotrebnadzor believes otherwise).

Another feature of Izborsk is its small and discreet chapels, each of which nevertheless has some kind of story associated with it. This is the Korsunskaya chapel Mother of God, wherein for a long time a miraculous icon was kept, or a chapel of Frol and Laurus with a 14th century stone cross inside.

The landscapes of Izborsk are worth highlighting as a separate attraction. Firstly, they are simply very picturesque, and the sight of blue domes over Lake Gorodishchenskoye and lush green ravines has inspired more than one artist. Secondly, thanks to the same ravines, fans of paragliding and paragliding will find something to do here.

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The blog “Get to know your native land” is a virtual journey for children around the Pskov region and is the embodiment in the Internet space of the main materials of the Centralized project library system Pskov “Get to know your native land!”

This project was developed and implemented in the libraries of the Centralized Library System of Pskov in 2012-2013. - Library - Center for Communication and Information, Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow", Library "Rodnik" named after. S.A. Zolottsev and in the innovation and methodological department of the Central City Library.

The main goal of the project is to give a basic idea of ​​the historical past of the Pskov region, its present, about the people (personalities) who glorified the Pskov region, about the richness and originality of the nature of the Pskov region.

The project united library workers, participants educational process and parents.

"Cultivating love for native land, To native culture, to your native village or city, to your native speech - a task of paramount importance and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love? It starts small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. Gradually expanding, this love for one’s native land turns into love for one’s country - its history, its past and present” (D. S. Likhachev).

Pskov. Phot. Petra Kosykh.
Our region has made a significant contribution to the formation, development and defense of Russian statehood, to the spiritual life of society. The Pskov region, both in the past and in the present, has more than once set an example of understanding all-Russian interests, generated local experience that became the property of society, and put forward bright heroic personalities, prominent scientists, writers, artists.

Project implementation partners:

City schools:
· Average comprehensive school No. 24 named after. L.I. Malyakova (primary school teacher Valentina Ivanovna Grigorieva)
· Secondary school No. 12 named after. Hero of Russia A. Shiryaeva (primary school teacher Tatyana Pavlovna Ovchinnikova)
· Border - customs - legal lyceum (primary school teacher Ivanova Zinaida Mikhailovna)

Pskov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers:
Pasman Tatyana Borisovna – methodologist in history, social studies and law POIPKRO

Pskov State University
Bredikhina Valentina Nikolaevna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of theory and methodology liberal arts education Pskov State University.

Blog Editor:
Burova N.G. - manager Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Central City Hospital of Pskov

Currently, despite the fact that the project that originally formed the basis for the creation of this resource has been completed, our local history blog continues to successfully exist and develop. Being at its core an information and educational resource and a good help for those who want to get to know Pskov and the amazing Pskov region (especially for children), - be it the opening of a monument in Pskov or on the territory of the Pskov region, impressions of trips to one of the corners of the Pskov region, the creation of a new local history toy library or photo gallery and, of course, we always inform our readers about the publication of new books about Pskov, designed for young local historians.

The materials on this blog can be used in school classes and library events, or can be read just like that - for self-education!

We are waiting on the pages of our blog for all the guys who are not indifferent to the history of Pskov and the Pskov region, and, in turn, we promise to delight our visitors with new materials. By the way, blog updates can be tracked in the section